Setting Up Custom Content

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Using the Manage Content Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, create a
new free-form content type called Eaton Strengths and Weaknesses. Add HRMS and TM
as the content subscribers.

2. Using the Manage Content Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, create a
new free-form content type called Eaton Ulltimate Potential. Add HRMS and TM as the
content subscribers.
3. Using the Manage Common Lookups task, create a new common lookup called
HRT_STRENGTH_WEAKNESS, and add the values of “Strength” and “Weakness”.
4. Using the Manage Common Lookups task, create a new common lookup called
HRT_ULTIMATE_POTENTIAL, and add the three values of Management, Executive and C
5. Using the Manage Profile Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the
Person profile type and add Eaton Strengths and Weaknesses to it.
6. Using the Manage Profile Types task, select the Eaton Strength and Weaknesses content
section to access the Content Section page.
7. Set up the content section by adding two properties as described in this table.

Property Label Display Value Set Name

ITEM_TEXT240_1 Strength or Weakness Summary

8. In the Content Section Access region on the Content Section page, add the HR Specialist
and Manager roles and select the option for each role to be able to edit the content
section. Do not add the Employee role.

9. Using the Manage Profile Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the
Person profile type and add Eaton Ultimate Potential to it.
10. Using the Manage Profile Types task, select the Eaton Ultimate Potential content section
to access the Content Section page.
11. Set up the content section by adding the property as described in this table.

Property Label Display Value Set Name

12. In the Content Section Access region on the Content Section page, add the HR Specialist
and Manager roles and select the option for each role to be able to edit the content
section. Do not add the Employee role.

13. Search for the employee in the Profile and add the content types to the Profile Details
Attributes that can be used:

Displaying Content Section Properties

 You can change content section properties inherited from the content library and free-form
content types as needed. However, not all properties that are added for a content section
appear on the UI of a profile item. Field names of properties that can be selected and appear on
the profile item UI are:

 ·         COUNTRY_ID: Field for storing the country ID.

 ·         STATE_PROVINCE_ID: Field for the storing state ID. This field is used in conjunction with
the field COUNTRY_ID.

 ·         DATE_FROM: Field for storing the start date information of a content section. This field is
used for maintaining the history of profile items.

 ·         DATE_TO: Field for storing the end date information of a content section. This field is
used for maintaining the history of profile items.

 ·         ITEM_DATE_1 to ITEM_DATE_10: Fields for storing dates.

 ·         ITEM_TEXT30_1 to ITEM_TEXT30_5: Fields for storing data that requires selecting values
from a check box.
 ·         ITEM_TEXT30_6 to ITEM_TEXT30_15: Fields for storing data that requires selecting
values from a list. Ensure that the value of the Value Set Name field is a lookup type. For
example, HRT_RISK_REASON is a lookup type for selecting risk of loss reasons.

 ·         ITEM_TEXT_240_1 to ITEM_TEXT_240_15: Fields for a simple text, such as a name. Each
field can store up to 240 characters of data.

Note: For a free-form content type, the ITEM_TEXT240_1 field is used to display as the title of
the profile item in the Experience and Qualifications card.

Note: For a free-form content type, the ITEM_TEXT_240_1 field cannot be null.

·         ITEM_DECIMAL_1 to ITEM_DECIMAL_5: Fields for storing numeric data that include
decimals. For example, price USD 2.99.

 ·         ITEM_NUMBER_1 to ITEM_NUMBER_10: Fields for storing any numeric data that does
not include decimals. For example, age 29 years.

 ·         ITEM_TEXT2000_1 to ITEM_TEXT2000_5: Fields for storing text data, such as a comment.
Each field can store up to 2000 characters of data.

 ·         RATING_MODEL_ID1 to RATING_MODEL_ID3: Fields for storing rating model

information of a profile content section.

 ·         RATING_LEVEL_ID1 to RATING_LEVEL_ID3: Fields for storing rating level information of a

profile content section.

 ·         QUALIFIER_ID1 to QUALIFIER_ID2: Fields for storing instance qualifier information

assigned to the profile content section.

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