Final Assignment of Technical English Rio Gautama (18072071)

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Oleh :
Rio Gautama


Dosen Pembimbing :
Drs. Muhammad. Thaufiq Pinat, MDP






August 27, 2020 is the first week of the fifth semester of study. This
lecture took place very differently from the previous semesters, because
this semester the whole world experienced the Corona virus pandemic or
what we usually call the name Covid-19. Therefore all students and
students must follow learning from home via the internet or what we
know as "online learning". And for seminars it is replaced with the term
"webinar", perhaps because there is writing "web" that is directly related
to the internet. Thursday at 13:20 is my class schedule with the English
Engineering course, and a lecturer named Muhammad Thaufiq Pinat or
who is familiarly called Mr. Thaufiq.

At the beginning of the lecture the lecturer explains the lecture

rules. To enter at 13:20, and for a very disciplined assignment collection
schedule, even though it only passes 1 minute from the schedule set by
Mr. Thaufiq, the assignment will no longer be accepted. Likewise with the
format of the assignment given, if it is not in accordance with the
predetermined format, the consequence is the same as the assignment
schedule, namely the assignment will not be accepted. Pak Thaufiq also
often advises and reminds all of us that he will shape the character of all
of us during the lecture period, namely having a smart and broad minded
brain, high discipline, has a strong mentality, and is good at adapting to
the work environment and the surrounding environment.

In the first week of the lecture, the lecturer explained the first
material he sent on e-learning. This material contains properties and
forms. In this material, the lecturer explains shapes, namely squares,
rectangles, triangles, cubes, cones, cylinders, semicircles, circles,
spheres, and prisms. The explanation of the material is given one by one,
such as points, straight lines, curves, angles, parallel, vertical lines,
horizontal lines, and diagonal lines. At one point in the middle of a

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lecture, all of the students started to get anxious when the lecturer asked
what had been explained previously. Student names are randomly called,
as a result if they cannot answer questions from the lecturer
reprimanding such as "NGACO ANDA" or the worst case is " SAYA CORET
the father's words became motivation and made us all more focused and
revived all of our enthusiasm in lectures. Therefore, we began to
understand the very disciplined character of lecturers.

After the 10-15 minute recovery time will end, then Mr. Thaufiq will
ask all students to ask questions and each student must have questions
related to the lecture given, so all of us are obliged to ask. If at that time
none of the students asked questions, then Mr. Thaufiq would call the
name of the student at random, if the student did not answer or had no
questions, then Mr. Thaufiq said "WHAT YOU WAS FROM Earlier, I
", therefore I have to prepare at least 1 question to ask, so that my name
is safe during lectures with Mr. Thaufiq.

In the second week, Mr. Thaufiq ordered and obliged students to

have an English dictionary published by Gramedia, while I only had the
usual dictionary that I used in school days. Because the dictionary I use
doesn't match what Mr. Thaufiq told us to, so we students who don't fit
the dictionary are called Foolish by Mr. Thaufiq. Because I wanted to go to
college with Pak Thaufiq and wanted to deepen my knowledge of English,
I bought the dictionary

Entering the third week of lecture, like a meeting, usually the

material discussed is about the shape of an object. Shape coins, rulers,
chess boards, etc. The lecturer explains how to order or structure the
correct sentences, if we talk about forms. Immediately when the lecturer
explained his material, suddenly Mr. Thaufiq's voice was not heard and

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left the lecture on the google meet application. Suddenly it confused the
students with this situation, but none of us told Pak Thaufiq. At that time
we all started turning on the mic and discussing unimportant things and
there were students who joked "NGACO ANDA SEMUA ", and many
students laughed at the joke. After a few minutes passed then the
lecturer came back in, and the situation started to be quiet again. "Sorry,
brothers and sisters, I had network problems before," said Pak Thaufiq.
However, there were some students who also complained about this
signal during college, generally students who live outside the city. This
happens when students do not answer when asked by the lecturer. The
lecturer doesn't want to know about this. "You have to know it's college
time, do you hear this?" Asked Pak Pinat to students. "There is no reason
not to attend lectures, or I crossed your name", said Pak Pinat in a high
tone. After that, the lecturer returned to continue the material.

Days passed, after the third week, at 1.10 p.m., the students were
looking forward to a technical English course. Then the lecturer sends
lecture material to be discussed. "Please download new material, read and
understand, see the next notification in this group, you can't be late
joining", ordered Mr. Thaufiq in the WA Group.

In that condition I felt a little confused. If you have to wait, you

don't know how long it will take, if you ignore it, I am afraid that the
lecturer will come in and think that a student who is late is tantamount to
being absent. At first students were asked to understand the material that
had been given, but the material had been read and understood. With
lecturers who don't know when to enter, I watch YOU TUBE more often
about automotiv and related machines, because I really like the world
that deals with engines, motorbikes, cars, especially in terms of modifying
and building a car with engine shape and capabilities. what we want.
Previously I apologized to Mr. Thaufiq. "When I was engrossed in
watching YOU TUBE, suddenly Mr. Thaufiq sent a notification from the WA

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Group." Join the google meet soon ", then the lecture began.
Approximately 45 minutes from the lecture schedule the lecturer entered.
At this meeting the lecturer explained the material as usual, namely part
of speech.

In this material, it explains the types of words that compose one

sentence into a coherent one and provide understanding to the reader /
listener. In fact, theoretically, the meaning of the parts of speech one by
one is not important. The most important thing is to know how to use it
according to grammar rules.

Part of speech means word class. Why is the part of speech material
important? because we can arrange sentences with a good and correct
sentence structure. The part of speech itself consists of eight parts, that
is: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions,
conjunctions, and interjections. For more information, here I will explain
again the task that has been done in this part of speech material. And we
have to know what the meaning of part of speech.

According to Crystal (2001: 280):

Part of speech is the traditional term for a grammatical class of words.
The main part of speech recognized by most school grammars derive from
the work of the ancient Greek and Romans grammarian, primarily the
noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, and
interjection, with article, participle and others often added. So according
to Crystal, part of speech is a provision for classifying words

According to Trask (1999: 224):

"Part of speech is any one of the grammatically characterized classes into
which the words of a language are grouped". Part of speech is a
grammatical grouping of words from a language.

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According to

Part of speech is the types of words that assemble one sentence into a
coherent and provide understanding to the reader / listener.

According to Wikipedia:

part of speech is a category of words that have similar grammatical

properties. Words that are placed in the same part of speech generally
display similar syntactic behavior, they play the same role in the
grammatical structure of the sentence.

Part of speech:
A category to which a word is assigned in accordance with its syntactic
functions. In English the main parts of speech are noun, pronoun,
adjective, determiner, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and
interjection. Categories in which words are assigned according to their
syntactic function. In English, the main parts of words are nouns,
pronouns, adjectives, determinants, verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
conjunctions and interjections. Also called word classes.

Part of speech are very basic parts, composing sentences in English.

In general, the meaning of Parts of speech is the types of words or word
categories in English.

According to Richard Nordquist:

A part of speech is a term used in traditional grammar for one of the nine
main categories into which words are classified according to their
functions in sentences, such as nouns or verbs. Also known as word
classes, these are the building blocks of grammar. Part of speech is a

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term used in traditional grammar for one of the nine main categories in
which words are classified according to their function in the sentence,
such as a noun or verb. Also known as word classes, these are the
building blocks of grammar. Parts of speech or also called kinds of word
are parts used to form a sentence in English.

For an explanation of the part of speech derivatives are as follows: Noun:

name of all objects and all objects.
Example: Fred, New York, table, beauty, execution.

In the Oxford for Advanced Learner Dictionary it is stated that there are
three kinds of nouns, including:
Common nouns are nouns that refer to common objects. Example: book,
dog, house, or knife.

Proper nouns are nouns that refer to certain things like the name of a
person, place, institution, etc. Person names or place names and proper
nouns are written in capital letters at the beginning of the word. For
example: Mince, Padang, Tuan Piter Parker.

Count noun is a noun that can be used both in the singular and in the
plural and with words like many and a little.

Verb : Action Verb

To show what the subject is doing (what the subject does) which can be a
physical or mental action.
Linking Verb
To show what a subject itself is (what the subject is) compared to what.

Pronoun (noun)
Pronouns generally function to prevent repetition of words that can result
in long and unusual sentences

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Sentences without pronoun - Padang again when Beyonce had the The
sentence uses the pronoun - Padang again when she had the.
Adjective (adjective) Is a word used to describe or modify a noun or
pronoun. Usually it comes before a noun or pronoun. However, it can also
occur after linking verbs that are related to the senses (seem, taste). For
one noun or pronoun, there can be more than one adjective. Examples of
this form of speech: old, young, smart, motorbike, young man living in an
old house. Every day, he rides a motorcycle to go to his campus full of
smart people.

Is a part of speech which is usually used to describe or modify a verb,
adjective, or other adverb. However, it never describes a noun (noun).
Usually answers the questions how, when, where, why, under what
conditions, or to what degree. Usually an adjective that ends in –ly
particles, such as deeply, extremely, happily, fairly, etc. However, there
are also adverbs that do not come from adjectives such as very,
somewhat, only, quite, etc.

Is a part of speech that comes before a noun or pronoun to form a phrase
that modifies other words in a sentence. Therefore, a preposition is
part of a prepositional phrase. Almost always functions as an adjective or
The fight broke out during the lunch. The book is on the table.
She went to cinema with her parents.


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This part of speech functions to connect words, phrases, or clauses and
also to show the relationship between the connected sentence elements.

Part of speech in this form is a word that is used to express different
levels of emotion. Grammatically, it is usually seen as an unrelated part of
the main sentence.

The third obstacle is not enough time for practice. This is what the
teacher or lecturer should pay attention to when teaching English. In my
opinion, the opportunity or time they have contact with English is only in
English lessons. After that, they were faced with an environment that did
not support the interaction in English. Meanwhile, class time is often very
short twice a week or once a week. Then, when and where else can we
practice and apply it ?. If this situation occurs continuously, we will fail to
achieve the goals previously set.

What is no less important, in my opinion, as one of the causes of

the failure of learning English is the lack of resources and teaching
materials. Resources and teaching materials here refer to various objects
that can be used for teaching such as models, computers, language
laboratories, and so on. They play an important role in the success of the
teaching and learning process in the classroom, because they represent
elements in the real world, aiming to help students and students
understand and explain reality.

In other words, they help turn something complex into a simple

one. For example, when a teacher or lecturer wants to teach about an
object, it will be rather difficult to ask students or students to understand
if only in words, so that resources and materials are needed to support

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the material. So, if the teacher or lecturer has to provide some resources
and materials, it will make English much more complicated for the student
or students.
The next problem faced by a teacher or lecturer in teaching English
is that there are too many students or students in an English class. The
number of students in a typical class can range from 1-10 or even 15
students. In Indonesia, however, teachers can find more than thirty
students in very small classes.

Of course, it will be difficult for teachers or lecturers to carry out

activities where students can improve their communication skills because
it is impossible to personalize teaching, and as a result, bad results will be
displayed every day. Moreover, it is exacerbated by the corona virus
pandemic (COVID-19), making all of us have to study online, so that
teachers or lecturers will have difficulty teaching or giving lessons to
students or students they are teaching. we all have to find or have some
solution to solve this problem. Students who do not understand English,
in this case it needs to be instilled in themselves that at this time it is
very important to learn English, both for daily life and to face an era that
continues to develop rapidly and is increasingly sophisticated, if we don't
learn English then we will be left behind by other nations because of our
lack of knowledge and we cannot compete with other nations. This will
make it even more difficult for us to work in a company.

Students who think that English is difficult. When a student or

student who experiences this problem, in my opinion, the student or
student must seriously study, understand, and be sure and earnest in
working on the problem or assignment, then automatically we will get
used to the questions given, starting from the easy level first to the
difficult one, and by itself we will understand and understand in English.

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In this case, I advise students to always try to speak English with
our closest environment, for example with classmates, parents or other
family members. Exercises can be started with small things, such as
making words or sentences about objects or activities that are in the
school, campus and home environment. And what I often do is look for
and memorize each verb then write it down and form a sentence, after
that I try to say the sentence, this is the method I used to do when I was
in school.
I always remember that language is a habit that we do every day. If
we are familiar with English, then we will be fluent and understand when
we have to speak English. And another factor may be due to a lack of
knowledge and a lack of reading books about English, so that we had
difficulty understanding what the teacher said and it was difficult to
understand the text. In this case, we must instill in ourselves an
understanding of how important reading is. So, we must encourage
ourselves to be diligent in reading.

The next thing I feel why I or other friends are too slow or don't
understand English lessons is the lack of learning media. Usually the
teacher or lecturer only explains, gives a verbal description of a situation,
form or place. In this case, we can only imagine without seeing directly
the shape or state. As a result, it is difficult for us to understand and
understand the meaning of what the teacher or lecturer said.

We recommend that the teacher or lecturer use the media and show
it. Is it in the form of pictures or real objects, so that students or students
see and know directly, and understand what the teacher or lecturer says.

At the next meeting, namely the eighth week, UTS was held. The
lecturer reminded that the exam schedule is grouped before the lecture
schedule. In the implementation of the midterm exams, the rules of the
lecturers are very disciplined, you cannot be late in collecting the exam

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even if it is only 1 minute. In fact, there were many obstacles in the
implementation of this exam, including those I previously explained.
Friends whose areas of residence are outside the city and are constrained
by an inadequate internet network, making these friends have to find or
go to an area where the internet quality is quite good. After the exam was
carried out the situation became a little calmer, because during the exam
I was worried about the time given by Pak Thaufiq and the quality of the
internet network at the time of submitting the exam. But this is where I
learned how important it is to prepare before doing anything.

As usual, the lecture will be held on Thursday afternoon. fill in the

absence in elearning, then wait for Mr. Thaufiq's notification to join google
meet from the WA group. At the meeting after the midterm exam, the
lecturer explained the material about affixes. Affixes are affixes that
appear before or after words. The affix itself can change the meaning of
one root word into another. In this lecture, the lecturer calls the names of
students randomly to be able to explain and provide examples of words
that use affixes. Students who are asked must be able to answer these
questions, and make the lecturer not emotional as usual. After the
lecture, the lecturer did not forget to give assignments that could be said
to be more than usual, namely making 250 prefixes, 250m suffixes, and a
combination of both as many as 250, and doing the translation. This
certainly makes us as students a little overwhelmed because the courses
we take are not only that, there are several courses and there are also
assignments for each of these courses.

On the day of submitting the assignment, Mr. Thaufiq asked the

students "what do you think about the assignment I gave?" Some of the
students answered "the time given is not enough, sir, we have too many
tasks to do sir", as well as other complaints from students. against the
task. Because the student's answer made Pak Thaufiq angry with the
weak mentality of students who are unable and like challenges. Then Pak

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Thaufiq began to explain that assignments were a means of training to
strengthen what we had learned so far. Indeed, in the beginning there
were a lot of tasks that made us feel annoyed, but from here we can work
on all the complaints and challenges in life. What he said proved to be
true. The more trials and challenges we face, the more insight and
knowledge we have, as our capital for the future.

As time went by, there was one meeting whose material was
interesting to me, namely writing stories. In this lesson we are required to
apply essay material that has been previously given or taught. In this
material, Mr. Thaufiq gives a task that we have to do, which is to make a
story about school or hometown. The rules for making this assignment
are at least 400 words.

In this assignment I tell about the city where I was born and raised,
the city is called Padang City. I live in a city called the city of Padang.
Padang City is the capital of the Province of West Sumatra, I was born
and raised in this city. In this city i live with my parents.

In the city of Padang we can find a beach which is commonly called

Padang beach, and here we can enjoy how beautiful the Padang beach is.
The atmosphere on this beach is very comfortable and the sound of the
waves is soothing. Right at the end of Padang beach there is a hill called
Gunung Padang. Right at the top of the mountain, Padang, we can enjoy
a pleasing sight because there we can see a very, very beautiful sunset.

In this city, there is a bridge called the Siti Nurbaya Bridge. The
name Siti Nurbaya is taken from a very legendary story in the Padang
City. This bridge has many visitors there, while enjoying the beautiful sea
views that can be selected on the bridge.

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Besides the beautiful view on the field. Padang city is also famous
for its delicious and steady culinary. And the most famous dish from
Padang is rendang. Rendang is meat that is cooked at low temperature
and also with typical Indonesian spices then combined with coconut milk
and cooked for about 4 hours. The taste is unique and very specific makes
rendang very famous and also much enjoyed by people from the padang
and abroad.

You can also find some beautiful mosques located in this Padang
city including: there is a West Sumatra Raya Mosque where this mosque
was made on December 21, 2007 untill 4 january 2019 with a
construction capacity of around 325 billion rupiah and this mosque was
designed by rizal Muslim and the West Sumatra raya Mosque can
accommodate around 20,000 worshipers. and also in Padang there is the
Baiturahmah Mosque which is located at Baiturahmah University. and also
many other beautiful and magnificent mosques.

I am very happy to live in this city of Padang, because this city is

very beautiful and has a lot of history in this city, and this city also has
lots of tourist attractions, this city also has lots of mosques that are very
beautiful, and make me feel comfortable praying in it. and make me
always remember ALLAH swt, and make me always grateful for the
blessings and sustenance that he has given us all.

Back to the lecture story, entering the end of the meeting. I

understand why Mr. Pinat is so strict and disciplined. Because what we
do today will greatly affect the future. Discipline is what I consider the
most valuable from him.

At the sixteenth meeting we carried out the UAS, just like before
Pak Thaufiq gave the same rules as the UTS yesterday, after the UAS
ended I thought the lecture was over and just waiting for the results to

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come out, but in fact it was not in accordance with what I thought, even
though the UAS had been implemented , apparently Mr. Thaufiq give a
task to be completed.

As an engineering student, I am very grateful to have a lecturer like

Mr. Thaufiq. In the writing of this story, there was not the slightest
intention to bring him down or be hurt. This story is truly my expression
from the lectures I have been through.
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Word : 4055
Paragraphs : 53
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