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On-line Help: Document Sequencing in Payables: Explained

(1) To set up sequencing for invoices and payments, perform the following tasks in the Setup and
Maintenance work area:

Specify Ledger Options

(2) Specifying Ledger Options

Here is the list of sequencing options that you can set for a ledger along with how the options
affect invoices and payments.

Sequencing By: Enables document sequencing for the ledger or for legal entities associated with
that ledger.

Enforce Document Sequencing: Indicates that invoices and payments require voucher numbers
when set to Payables.

Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date: Checks when you save an invoice that the
accounting date on the invoice header is the same as, or later than, the latest accounting date of
an existing invoice having the same legal entity and document sequence.

Note: The Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date option applies only when you
sequence by legal entity.
This table describes how the combination of ledger option settings affects the assignment of
voucher numbers to invoices and payments.
(3) Next Navigate to Manage Payables Document Sequences

(4) Search on Payables Application Payables

(5) Setting up Manage Payables Document Sequences:

Automatic Sequencing
Automatic document sequencing assigns a unique number to each document as it is generated,
and this unique number is stored in the database. The numbering is sequential by date and time
of creation. If you define a sequence to automatically number documents, you can provide an
initial value to begin the sequence. In absence of a custom value, the default value 1 is used.

If you use this the document sequence numbers will start over each day and there will be gaps.

Manual Sequencing
Manual sequencing requires you to assign a unique number to each document before it is
generated. In manual sequencing, the numerical ordering and completeness of a transaction is not
enforced. Users can skip or omit numbers when entering the sequence value. However, each time
that a number is assigned, the application validates its uniqueness.

Gapless Sequencing
Gapless sequencing is similar to automatic sequencing. It automatically generates a unique
number for each document, but does that only for successfully generated documents. As a result,
the sequence is maintained for all the documents that are generated, and no sequence numbers
are lost due to incomplete or failed document generation.
Additionally, you can control the gapless document sequencing by enforcing the Transaction
Date Validation option. When enabled, this option checks for the transaction date of a particular
document and assigns the sequence number accordingly, to maintain the chronological order in
which the documents are created and assigned sequence numbers. The sequence numbers and the
transaction dates are chronologically correlated to prevent any mismatch of a new document
sequence being assigned to an older document or vice-versa.


Use this type of sequencing only if necessary because it may affect the performance of the
system and slow down transaction processing.

Determinant Type:

Only use Ledger or Legal Entity – only ones supported currently

(6) Assign the Document Sequence Name to a Document Category:

Document Categories                                      

You can set up document sequencing for different types of documents or document sequence
categories. For example, you may decide to assign the sequence of numbers to the Payables
document category Credit Memo Invoices. Then, each credit memo you create will have a
unique voucher number.

Following are some of the predefined categories that Payables provides:

 •Standard Invoices

 •Credit Memo Invoices

 •Debit Memo Invoices

 •Interest Invoices

 •Electronic Payments

 •Check Payments

 •Clearing Payments

(7) If you are entering manual payables invoices – you must have the document category
standard invoices and method of manual selected.

You can also define a second document category of standard invoices and select automatic.

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