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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : ...........................................
Kelas : 5 (lima) Nomor : ............................................
Hari /Tanggal : ..................... SD : ............................................
Waktu : 120 menit Nilai : ............................................

I. Choose the best answer with crossing ( x ) a . b . c or d

1. This is Tini. She ………. at five o’clock in the morning.

a. goes to school c. has lunch

b. gets up d. goes home

2. Risa and her parents go to the beach on Sunday. They go there by …………

a. train c. car

b. plane d. pedicab

3. A : What time do you have breakfast ?

B : I have breakfast at ………….

a. six o’clock c. eight o’clock

b. seven o’clock d. nine o’clock

4. I can see the sea of sand in Mount Bromo.

Mount Bromo is near ………

a. Surabaya c. Malang

b. Sidoarjo d. Probolinggo

5. This is my activities on Monday. I get up at five in the morning.

After that I …………… then I have breakfast and prepare to go to school.

a. take a bath c. go to bed

b. take a rest d. go home

6. A : What do you do before you go to bed ?

B : I always ………. my teeth.

a. brush c. show

b. eat d. bring

7. Rani always watches TV at in the evening.

a. half past five c. a quarter past six

b. half past six d. six o’clock

8. Dita : What can we do in …………. ?

Pipit : We can swim there.

Dita : Can we go on a boat ?

Pipit : Yes, we can

a. swimming pool c. river

b. fishing pool d. beach

9. Arrange the words into the correct sentence.

in the holiday – the students – the Purwodadi Park – go – to

a. in the holiday go to the students the Purwodadi Park.

b. The students go to the Purwodadi Park in the holiday.

c. The students in the holiday go to the Purwodadi Park.

d. The Purwodadi Park the students go to in the holiday.

10. A : Do you always play football in the stadium every Sunday?

B : No …………..

A : I always play a piano every Sunday afternoon

B : Oh, yeah. It’s great.

a. you do c. I do

b. you don’t d. I don’t

11. A : What is the name of lake in Magetan ?

B : It is ………..

a. Ranu Grati c. Sarangan lake

b. Banyu biru d. Toba lake

12. “ Kakek Bodo “ waterfall is located in Prigen.

waterfall means ……..

a. gunung c. pantai

b. sungai d. air terjun

13. Merapi, Semeru, Bromo are the name of beautiful ……….

a. beaches c. waterfalls

b. mountains d. rivers

14. A : …… to go to the zoo ?

B : yes, I do

A : What can you see in the zoo ?

B : I can see many animals.

a. Do you c. Does she

b. Do I d. Does he

15. X : What time does her mother prepare lunch?

Y : Her mother prepares lunch at 11.20 a.m.

11.20 in English is …………….

a. eleven past twenty c. twenty past eleven

b. half past eleven d. ten past eleven

16. She …… English at six thirty every day.

a. studies c. watches

b. plays d. makes

17. Arrange these sentences into the correct paragraph !

1. I usually do exercise

2. I am Toni

3. I get up at five o’clock in the morning

4. before I take a bath at six o’clock

5. I will tell you about my activities

a. 3-5-1-2-4 c. 1-4-3-5-2

b. 2-5-3-1-4 d. 2-3-5-4-1

18. The long hand is pointing to two and the short hand is pointing to six.
What time is it ? It is …………

a. ten past six c. ten past ten

b. six past ten d. two past six

19. X : What time does she usually have dinner ?

Y : She usually has dinner at a quarter past seven ………….

a. in the morning c. in the night

b. in the afternoon d. in the evening

20. Rido : Do you ever see the hotels ?

Enes : Yes, I ever see the hotels in Prigen.

Rido : What do the people do when they come to hotel ?

Enes : They usually want to …….

a. stay at night c. go around

b. walk around d. swim there

21. My father goes to the railway station because he wants to take a …………..

He will go to Bandung.

a. bus c. plane

b. train d. ship

22. Arrange the words into a good sentence!

children – in – can – play – the – the playground

1 2 3 4 5 6

a. 3-5-2-4-1-6 c. 2-5-3-4-1-6

b. 5-4-3-2-6-1 d. 5-1-3-4-2-6

23. At the top of mount Bromo, the weather is …………….

The visitors must wear the jacket or sweater.

a. cloudy c. cold

b. sunny d. hot

24. Banyubiru, taman safari, mount Bromo, tretes are the name of ………….

Many people like to go there for recreation.

a. tourism places c. meeting places

b. public places d. swimming places

25. We can see the plane take off in the ……….

a. airport c. railway station

b. harbour d. terminal

26. X : What time do you usually go to school ?

Y : I usually go to school at …………… in the morning

a. six past a quarter c. ten past three

b. a quarter past six d. a half past one

27. I always have jogging at 06.10 a.m. It is at …………

a. ten to six c. ten past six

b. six to ten d. six past ten

28. A : ……….. do your friends plan to go on holiday ?

B : They plan to go to Taman Safari and Purwodadi Park.

a. When c. What

b. Who d. Where

29. She goes to the ………….. because she wants to take a ship

a. airport c. terminal

b. railway station d. harbor

30. X : What is the traffic sign ?

P Y : It is ………………

a. stop here c. park here

b. turn left d. turn right

31. Roni : What do you do in Banyubiru swimming pool ?

Duwi : I can …………. with my friend there.

a. go shopping c. swim

b. ride a boat d. go cycling

32. The students like to visit Penataran …………in Blitar

a. mosque c. church

b. temple d. beach

33. Imron : Where is “ Lumpur Lapindo “ tourism located ?

Mika : It is located in ………

a. Sidoarjo c. Pasuruan

b. Surabaya d. Mojokerto

34. A : …….. do you usually pray “ subuh “ ?

B : I usually pray “ subuh “at 4.00 a.m.

a. what c. where

b. What time d. when

35. On Friday, the students have an extracurricular activity. They come in

Computer classroom. They are …………. a computer.

a. breaking c. studying

b. programming d. looking at

II. Fill in the blank

1. What is she doing in the afternoon?

She is ………………..

2. Tea plantation is one of ………………….. places in Malang.

3. Let’s go to the beach. There are many ………….. on the beach.

4. Mr. Handoko is a teacher. He works in …………..

5. Farhan : What time does your class begin ?

Mira : My class begins at ………………in the morning.

6. My parents go to Singapore by ……………

7. What time is it ?
It is at …………………..

8. After I reach home, I take a rest. Then I have ………….. at one o’clock in

the afternoon.


We can see the beautiful ……………in mount Bromo.

10. Mention 3 activities you do on Sunday !

1 ………………………………

2. ……………………………..

3. ……………………………..

III. Read the text !

My activities

Hi. I am Marcella. This is my activities in a week. My first day is Monday.

I always attend the flag ceremony in my school on Monday. On Tuesday, I get

the computer class in the afternoon. On Wednesday, I swim with my classmates

in water park. I usually practice a piano with my brother on Thursday. And on

Friday, I go shopping with my mother. On Saturday, I and my family go picnic to

Malang. Then on Sunday, we must clean our house together.

I always have a beautiful day. I don’t forget to pray the God to say thanks
because the God always accompany my days.

Answer these questions based on the text above

1. Who is the writer of the text? ………………………………………………..

2 What does she do on Monday? ………………………………………..

3. Where does she swim with her classmates? …………………………

4. What does she do with her brother on Thursday? …………………..

5. Does she always pray to the God? ……………………………………


I. 1. b 6. a 11. c 16. a 21. b 26. b 31. c

2. c 7. c 12. d 17. b 22. d 27. c 32. b

3. a 8. d 13. b 18. a 23. c 28. d 33. a

4. d 9. b 14. a 19. c 24. a 29. d 34. b

5. a 10. d 15. c 20. a 25. a 30. c 35. c

II. 1. watering the flowers 6. plane

2. recreation / tourism / picnic 7. a quarter to five / four forty five

3. shells / boats 8. lunch

4. school / elementary school 9. scenery / view

5. seven o’clock ( up to teacher ) 10. 1. swimming

2. go recreation

3. watch TV

( up to teacher )

III. 1. She is Marcella

2. She attends the flag ceremony

3. She swims in water park

4. She practices a piano

5. yes, she does


I . Pedoman Penilaian:

1. Setiap nomor jawaban benar Rom. I diberi skor = 1

Setiap nomor jawaban benar Rom. II diberi skor = 2

Setiap nomor jawaban benar Rom. II diberi skor = 3

2. skor maksimal = 70

3. Nilai siswa = skor perolehan x 100

skor maksimal

No. Uraian Skor

Rom I Setiap jawaban benar 1

Rom. II 1. Setiap jawaban benar, ejaan benar 2

2. Setiap jawaban benar, ejaan kurang tepat 1

3. Setiap jawaban salah 0

4. Tidak ada jawaban 0

Rom. III 1. Setiap jawaban benar, ejaan benar, lengkap 3

2. Setiap jawaban benar, ejaan benar, tidak lengkap 2

3. Setiap jawaban benar, ejaan salah, lengkap 1

4. Setiap jawaban salah 0

5. Tidak ada jawaban 0


Nama : ……………………… Nomer Ujian : …………

Kelas : ...................................
SD : ………………………

I. 1. a b c d 10. a b c d 19. a b c d 28. a b c d

2. a b c d 11. a b c d 20. a b c d 29. a b c d

3. a b c d 12. a b c d 21. a b c d 30. a b c d

4. a b c d 13. a b c d 22. a b c d 31. a b c d

5. a b c d 14. a b c d 23. a b c d 32. a b c d

6. a b c d 15. a b c d 24. a b c d 33. a b c d

7. a b c d 16. a b c d 25. a b c d 34. a b c d

8. a b c d 17. a b c d 26. a b c d 35. a b c d

9. a b c d 18. a b c d 27. a b c d

II. 1. ....................................... 6. .........................................

2. ....................................... 7. ..........................................

3. ....................................... 8. ..........................................

4. ....................................... 9. ..........................................

5. ....................................... 10. ..........................................

III. 1. ................................................................................................................................
2. ..................................................................................................................................

3. .................................................................................................................................

4. ..................................................................................................................................

5. ...................................................................................................................................

Kisi Kisi PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD semester 2 Tahun 2019-2020

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