Home Based Learning: Subject: Science Year 2

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Name :

Class : Year 2

Subject : Science

Date : 29th April 2021 (Thursday)

Teacher : Norazimah binti Gani

Topic : Animals

Content Standard : 4.1 Reproduction and growth in animals

Learning Standard :
4.1.5 Record the changes in the animals’ growth by observing their life cycles.
Learning outcomes : At the end of this lesson, pupils able to:
1. Identify the changes in the animals’ growth by observing their life
Instruction 1. Read and observe the picture and text in the text book page 45-46.
Baca dan perhatikan gambar serta teks dalam buku teks muka surat 45-46.

2. You can also refer to this video

Kamu juga boleh merujuk kepada video ini untuk pemahaman yang lebih

3. Refer text book page 46. Make a chart of a Butterfly’s Life Cycle. Take the
picture and share it with your friends (Whatsapp group)
Rujuk buku teks muka surat 46. Buat carta tentang Kitaran Hidup Rama-rama
seperti dalam gambar. Ambil gambar hasil tugasan kamu dan kongsikan
dengan rakan dalam Whatsapp.

4. Complete the exercise in activity book page 25-26.

Selesaikan latihan dalam buku aktiviti muka surat 25 - 26.

Page 25: Write the stages of growth in the animals’ life cycle.
Muka surat 25: Tuliskan peringkat pertumbuhan kitaran hidup haiwan.

Page 26: Colour the picture. Cut and paste the pictures of a ladybird’s life
cycle in the space provided. Then, write the growth stages of the animals.
Muka surat 26: Warnakana gambar. Gunting dan lekatkan gambar kitaran
hidup kumbang dalam ruang yang disediakan.

5. Submit your exercise.

Hantar latihan kamu.

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