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App operate guide

1. Scan the QR code

2. Clck the App icon to enter the interface
3. Click « start » to enter the main interface. Picture shown below :

4.1 Click the icon « setting », and the following figure will appear :

Remote setting included : Joystick mode setting, gravity sensor setting, GPS, speed, accelerometer
calibration, and calibrate geomagnetism details as below :

1. Default America hand (left joystick), Japanese hand (right joystick)

2. Gravity sensor mode : Default joystick mode. Turn on the gavity sensor, and the drone will
follow the mobile phone in a slanting direction.
3. Take off only when GPS signal is active : Default is « not ». It’s best to change this option to
« Yes ». Keep « quad copter satellite data » more than 8 starts jor flight.
4. Speed : Default high speed. If you are not familiar with the operation of drone, you may
switch high/low speed for flying/
5. Accelerometer calibration : It’s best to calibrate it before flying every time, be sure the data
of the drone is accurate, please review the detais in the quick start guide.
6. Calibrate geomagnetism : it’s best to calibrate it every time before flying to be sure the data
of the drone is accurate, please review the detais in the quick start guide reference.

4.2 Click the icon « parameter », and the following figure will appear :


Remote contrôle setting includes the big speed of waypoint, the stay time of waypoint, the lowest
speed of waypoint.

4.3 Click the icon « map » and the following figure will appear :


Map setting includes : the map center of the map will appear the quad copter, manually calabrate
map coordinates, automatic coordination correction, guide mode, map type, acquisition point
accuracy for waypoint and route, and so on.

4.4 Click the icon « transfert », and the following figure will appear :


Transfer setting inclued :camera inverse (set for normal camera lens and inverted).
4.5 When the above parameter settings are completed, please click the icon « setting », and i twill
automatically put away setting options. Click the icon « switch map/video », and the following figure
will appear :

Photo (google map)

4.6 Click the icon « switch map/video ». video range will decease automatically, and map will
automatically enlarge to the entire screen. Both of them can exchange positins. To exit the map to
reviw the video, please click the right corner icon « switch map/video » under the icon « setting » it
willreturn to the picture as below :

Photo Video interface

4.7 Click the icon « switch map/video » again, and the following figure will appear :

Photo Map interface.


5.1 Click the first left icon XX pictured below :


From left to right, the function icon are joystick mode XX , Waypoint/route mode XX , follow me
mode XX , and surround mode (pictured above) XX .


Photo maps avec des bulle rouge.

5.2 JOYSTICK MODE : Connect XI-FI , enter the main interface, click icon « unlock/lock », the quad
copter turning, and click the bottom icon « one key take off ». The drone will fly up, and thenyou can
use the joystick to control the drone. If want to hide or display the joystick « please click the icon »

Important ! Please be sure to press the icon « unlock/lock » for the first step, one key take off
for second step, use joystick for up/down/left/right turning for the third step,otherwise, it will not


Please control the drone in the air and turn off the joystick mode. Then switch the video inetrface to
the map interface on the upper right corner. Put the map to the maximum and click the « Flight
mode options » and click the icon « waypoint », click a position anywhere in a 50 meter radius on the
map and then click the icon « transfer ». The drone will fly according to the position you selected. If
you want to cancel « waypoint » during flying, please click the icon « joystick » and « waypoint » will
exit automatically.

IMPORTANT ! For this fonction, please control the drone in a wide, unobstructed
5.3 Figure out way point/route : Click « Flight mode options « XX , and click the icon « waypoint XX » .

5.3.1 How to set « waypoint/route ».

Photo map

1. Select « waypoint » (pictured 1)

2. Click the icon « draw the point » (pictured 2)
3. Select « figure out the starting point » (pictured 3)
4. Location on the map (pictured 4)
5. If it displays an error for the location, please click the icon for cancel. (pictured 6)
6. Upload the data to the drone, and once received, the drone will return to the position
that itw as previously located. (pictured 5)
7. Click the joystick one more time, exit waypoint mode. (pictured 7)

5.3.2 How to set « route »

Photo bas page 6

1. Select « waypoint » (pictured 1)

2. Click the icon « draw the point » (pictured 2)
3. Select « figure out the starting point » (pictured 3)
4. Location by driwing the route on the map (pictured 4)
5. If it displays an error for the location, please click the icon for cancel. (pictured 6)
6. Upload the data to the drone, and once received, the drone will return to the position
that itw as previously located. (pictured 5)
7. Click the joystick one more time, exit waypoint mode. (pictured 7)

5.4 How to set up follow me mode :

Photo 1 page 7

Follow me mode : click the icon « follow me » (pictured 1), when the drone adjusts to flying
by itself for 2-3 seconds, the drone will thenfollow the person who takes the mobile control
(important ! for this fonction, please control the drone in a wide, unobstrcted environment). Click the
« joystick » one more time, exit waypoint mode (pictured 2)

5.5 Surround

Photo bas page 7

Surround mode : (important ! for this fonction, please control the drone in a wide,
unobstrcted environment)

1. Click the icon « surround » (pictured 1), at this time, the quad copter will face the
position of the mobile controller, then move left of the right joystick (pictured 2),
quadcopter will surround by left direction. And continue to move left of the right joystick
(pictured 2), the speed of surround become faster and faster. Moveright of the right
joystick (pictured 3), surround speed become slow, when the speed seems like to stop,
please keep to move right, surround begin to surround from the right direction.
2. During surround, push the right joystick or forward (pictured 4), i twill increase the radius
of surround, push the right joystick of backward (pictured 5), i twill reduce the radius of
3. Click the « joystick » one more time, exit « surround » (pictured 6)


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