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Level B.ed: 2.

5 years
Course code:6493
Roll number:Bz 636531
Question number 1:
Describe the” importance to develop traditional instructional materials to
teach English in Pakistan English language teaching classrooms.” Give your
answer with references from the existing literature and data from latest
A teacher should teaching according to the age and capacity of the child.
Classroom instructions is preferable to every student. A pleasant atmosphere
should be in the classroom so that student should study by enjoyment
atmosphere. Students have in fresh mind they get more knowledge and get
more interesting ways to get knowledge
Learning materials also play an important role in creation of the association
among spoken or written words with some objects. Chicken soup when the
instruction material is presented in a manner which enables the learn to
associate it with something a ready in his experience.
Many students service centre which are very effective and plays an important
role in the learning process and ability of the students level. Whiteboards are
the universal teaching materials to all teachers it is so common that it is taken
for granted and most often overlooked as teaching material.
Generally the blackboard and white board is used as means of writing
questions new vocabulary and a few notes with the teacher wants the pupils to
copy. It is only because most of the teachers work on the assertion that the
blackboard is a space for writing.
In the early stages teachers work on the the whiteboards when the lessons
were mainly oral, the black ball is there to be used in many ways as teacher
can imagine writing is only one way drawing is another way to be and is
another way blackboard and whiteboard tests are another way.
These are always have very effect on the mind of the students. Teachers
should do all the face clear to the students. If there is any problem of their
students they should solve these problems with examples and experiments
and many other ways in which their students feel easy.
Blackboards can be very effectively used for such materials for explanation
that cannot be found in the text books.. The Pupil scan copy ok and read and
do the required exercise. My writing of new vocabulary of age or a sentence
for explaining can related teaching of correct spellings meaning and
grammatical forms. Meanings of new words and phrases for man important
part of comprehension lesson. The blackboard is the most effective device for
concentrating attention on the new vocabulary.
Is new word that occurred in the text given for comprehension and intensive
reading should be written down by the teacher or by the peoples on the
blackboard and then explained and illustrated. If there is any problem to the
students they should of and clear these problems of their students by reading
again and again.
Teachers should assign the assignments and tests to their students for their
better preparations of their exams. They ask their students to assignments and
in the next day of the class they should check the previous assignments then
after that they should start the next lesson of the next day. If they do this they
should get good remarks from their students
. Teachers should use black border white board during their lectures because
they used many skillfully ways in which students of gain maximum benefits
important is mainly due to the fact that the sense of vision is stronger than
other sensors and also the highest rate connected with visual teaching in most
The announcements which you want to make to your class, the dates of tests
reports to be presented by certain members of the class etc, diagrams maps
news cuttings pictures not cease photographs species of compositions and
reports written by the pupils and a host of other instructional materials can be
exhibited on the whiteboard.
It is the easiest way to cut their students for their and announcements. if
students want to write they can write to see the whiteboard if students have
written on the blackboard or whiteboard.
The flat pictures are inexpensive and easily available for teaching materials.
This can be obtained from magazines newspapers and many other sources, this
may be either in colour or in black and white, their unique value lies in the
possibility for detailed analysis and discussion. The train the observation ability
of the students.
The good wall picture in the hands of a skillful teacher who knows how to show
their students and how can provide more variety rich experience and interest.
They provide opportunity for the absorption of language which is the only true
means of learning a language native or foreign.
Teacher should you spelling charts for present or practice spelling activity to
the students. This can be displayed by the teacher or by the students. The
charts can be put on the board if it is a daily exercise that can be flashed or put
on the blackboard.
Question number 2:
Give the details of a lesson plan for teaching grammar tenses among
Pakistani English language learners. Elaborate to your answer with
developing at least two lesson plans on the same topic by using two different
teaching methods.
Many classroom students are not ready to engage in learning activities, as
teachers, we often find ourselves trying to figure out which students to teach
to how to get the students. And how to get the class as a whole interested in
what you want them to do or learn.
There are some specific things we can do in classrooms to get them to be more
active to improve their knowledge. It is important to realise that the
ingredients of classroom or content activity and interaction and interesting
The content refers to what you want the students do not be able to do they
include everything that this is the substance of learning, the comparison
contrast essay the answers to the reading comprehension questions etc
If the student is interesting students who are exposed to it will learn it
automatically. One of the reasons that classrooms work better or worse is
because of the third element of classroom behaviour.
The activities which user created for our class from can have a lot to do with
what and how the students learn. Open we tend to think that the best way to
improve our teaching is to find new and interesting activities for the students
to do and often it is true. The students can learn according to their own speed
and immediate reinforcement is provided by mechanical device. It can be uses
pass according to the resources available.
Grammar tenses method:
Direct method:
This method is derived from natural approach is called the natural method. It is
opposite to grammar translation method as it represents the use of learners
mother tongue. This method was established in 1980 response to grammar
translation method. This method is David from natural approach of teaching
for this method follows a natural pattern of language learning as listening
speaking ,reading ,writing.
This method uses the approach that its children are exposed to any language
where they can be sent to the target language, they are in a better position to
learn it. The direct method is a method of language learning through
establishing object Association of experience or objects with the expressions of
target language.
This method shows the interest of students that how much they learn the
grammar rules and tenses rules. This depends on the ability of the students
level and this shows the interest of the students.
Process of direct method:
The direct method follows the following process to teach any language to the
1.Creation of world record linkage of the experience or object and expression
in target language.
2: the method is more focused of on ability of students which they want to
communicate in the target language rather than creating their knowledge
about the techniques and grammatical concerns about their mind level
3. The learner is exposed to use age of target language where they listen to the
user’s and try to establish a link between words and objects 15 rules of
4. Learner create some mental grammar based on his experience of language.
Afterwards the same grammar is used for communication in the target
language among students and teachers.
Lesson planning:
There are some steps in which teacher might follow in the preparation of a
lesson plan. The first step in lesson plan is to provide certain information at the
top of every lesson the teachers name of Institute subject name lesson
number and estimated time of lesson and the teaching point.
The three essential stages of for lesson plan are as follows:
1. Presentation stage
2. Practice stage
3. Production stage

Presentation stage deals with the display of the topic and explaining the
background. This stage explains the gift of lesson introducing the
characters and themes.
Practice stage of lesson plan explain the lesson in detail. It entails the in-
depth reading of the lesson relating to real life situations. This page
describes all the aspects of the lesson.
Production stage of the lesson planning engaged the students. The
students are asked to reproduce the knowledge they have learnt during
the lesson. If they have any confusion they should ask their teachers
without any hesitation teacher should guide their students which they
have face their problems.
Methods of teaching:
Collaborative learning
Spaced learning
Self learning
Cross over learning
Question number 3:
How the subjectivity might be minimized while evaluating a speech
contest? Give your reflections with logical reasoning and evidence.
Speech contest or any public or private events that focus on the
speaking abilities of an individual. Graphically the goal of organising a
speech contest is to give people the opportunity to improve their
speaking abilities or to establish contacts with an a group of peole.

Successful speech contest among

1: verify presence of all contestants
2: verify pronunciation of each contestants name
3: graph for speaking positions
4: review speech contest rules among the students
5: received from each content stands one of each from field out among the
How to win a speech contest:
1: Appearance. First impression Mean only friend knowledge did the student
wants to get.
2: speak with clarity. A judge must be able to hear you and make out what you
are saying to be able to judge.
3. Make a point. Your speech content needs to be fresh and compelling.
4. Story
Logical reasoning and evidences:
Logical of detective diesel involves using a given set of facts order to reduce
other effects by reasoning logically. It involves drawing specific conclusion
based on premises.
It is the thinking in which premises and relations between premises are used in
a vigorous manner that are entitled and the relations of the students and
Different forms of logical reasoning are recognised in Philosophy of Science
and artificial intelligence.
Speech contest among the students with competition
Competition is now closed but you are welcome to read to all the published
writing and posts...
begin with a purpose
Identify your Audience
Be human
Like the way you talk
Consider literacy devices
Consider a repetition
Read aloud
Look towards the class students among their speech
Use bored and during using the board teacher should look their class students
Techniques of evaluation in language teaching:
English language teaching seeks to bring improvement in the skills of reading
writing ,listening and speaking. The students are expected to perform well in
this place in order to get mastery over language learning factors. Students
showing good progress in these skills are considered learner and awarded with
good grades.
There are some process of evaluating various aspects of language learning:
Dictation is a technique used at the initial level where the learners try to
identify the basic vocabulary items. This is a useful technique in testing the
memory of the students of a foreign language.
Translating the language vocabulary and structures from the target language to
the source language has been very prominent in the process of the foreign
language. Even today the institute's use the translation of English to do at
school and college. Translation technique is very prominent grammar
translation method. The Other modern methods like direct method
communicative language teaching and audio lingual method are used for the
Multiple choice items:
In this technique the learners are required to select the most appropriate
answer out of given list of multiple options. This technique is mostly used in
love matters of vocabulary and various grammatical categories. It mostly used
in the matters of vocabulary and various grammatical categories.
Short answer items:
Discount of evaluation process test the understanding memory improvement
of the learners over the subject taught. Hindi Style learner are required to
present brief answer to the question. Both the questions and answers are
highly structured.
The names that revaluation performs during teaching English as a target
language in Pakistan. The purpose is evaluation services might be number less
and have complexity in nature but for the convenience of understanding to the
The purpose of evaluation in forms the teachers and administration about
extent to which the educational objectives have been achieved.
To facilitate student progress
To assess student progress
To understand the individual student
To facilitate self understanding by the student
You evaluate instructional programs
To contribute to knowledge of abilities and instruction
Features of good evaluation:
The features of a good evaluation procedures are multiple which are
mentioned as under:
Good good evaluation process should have validity. Na validity means that it
should serve the purpose it aims to serve. The evaluation process should
answer the question whether the test is appropriate or not.
The test for revaluation process should be practicable. An evaluation
instrument of the quality should have the capacity to students abilities and.
The knowledge gained should signs of relationship to practical life of the
students with the real life situations.
Motivational level:
The evaluation tool and test should be designed for the objective to motivate
the students teachers and other people involved in the process of design EMS.
Any test or evaluation tools that leaves the negative impact upon students is a
good evaluation test.

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