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Prepare a business/strategic plan report for a new business venture (NBV) scenario, the report should be

suitable for potential investors and relevant stakeholders. (Industry Focus: Solar Energy/Wind in Pakistan)

Project Layout:
a) Provide appropriate context: research the relevant ‘real world’ industry, market and business
environment the company/venture is situated in. You should use a combination of relevant real-
world primary and/or secondary research to provide the basis upon which your strategic choices
are made.
b) Utilise a range of strategic tools (SWOT, PESTLE, Ansoff, Porter, Business Canvas and so on as
appropriate) to help analyse the relevant situated context.
c) Identify, explore and evaluate alternative strategies for developing the business. All strategy
permutations are not required to be submitted in the final report (you have limited space!),
however there should be consideration of alternatives as part of your own ‘process of elimination’
rather than just magically showing a final set of strategies! You may wish to show glimpses of
these alternatives – key figures and/or refer to key aspects that would not be viable etc. – to show
that there were indeed alternatives considered.
d) Arising out of a), b) and c) above, set out a compelling five-year business plan consultancy report
designed to enhance shareholder value. You must define the shareholder value or stakeholder
value (where the organization is not-for-profit) you are addressing and must explain and justify its
selection. The report may identify a range of strategies for consideration but should ultimately put
forward your recommendation with evidenced justification for why the proposed is the best way
e) Identify specific key performances (KPIs) to assist in measuring to what degree shareholder value
(or stakeholder value) is being enhanced. These KPIs should be justified and appropriately
monitored such that it facilitates a good overview of performance.
f) Include extracts of your spreadsheet planning tool results/financial forecasts within your report to
strengthen your justifications and evidence. You are not required to submit the actual planning
tool. However, the connectivity of your financial plans should flow throughout your report and
should be presented in a user-friendly and robust manner.
g) Review your proposed plan and identify and assess the key risks within it.
h) You should include graphs, tables and figures within the main body of the report where
appropriate. Please refer to the Project Presentation Guide document within the Final Project
section on the VLE for word count guidance for tables and graphs.
i) If

Overall contextual research into the relevant industry, market and business environment [15%]. 630
Use of primary and/or secondary research to justify the strategic option(s) being set out for the
organisation [13%]. 546 Words
Definition and justification of shareholder/stakeholder value for chosen organisation [8%]. 336 words
Recommended strategy/strategies and justification of those strategies [10%]. 420 words
Robust linkages with your financial forecasts [11%]. 462
New business venture/workplace scenario-specific KPIs justification [10%]. 420 words
Identification and assessment of key risks within the proposed plan [10%]. words
The quality of the report taking account of cohesion, links with your research, evidence, financials,
justifications and associated considerations [20%] - Note: this will be assessed using the assessor’s
academic judgement of the overall submission presented.
Overall communication [3%] – Note: this will be assessed using the assessor’s academic judgement of the
overall submission presented.

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