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COURSE NAME: Modern Novel


An assignment submitted in 6th semester, section B

Menahel Nosheen
(NUML - F18 - 22456)

Mam Anum
At the
Institute of English Department
National University of Modern Languages (NUML)
Islamabad, Pakistan
(4th June/2021)
What are the major themes of novel, and how are they developed?
The novel “Loss of the flies” by “William Golding” discusses many themes. Some of them are
civilization and savagery, the nature of evil, darkness, loss of innocence, nature etc. In the world
there is always a clash between human attractions toward savagery and rules of civilization.
Everyone wants power in this world either by doing in civilized or uncivilized manner.

In the novel there is also a clash between Ralph and Jack who represents savagery and
civilization. Ralph is the leader and wants to establish rules to protect the people of his group. He
enforces his group member to gain moral and ethical goal of society. So here rules of civilized
society are explained. While Jack only wants power he wants to rule on other boys who just
follow his commands either it is good or not. He rejects to recognize the validity of society. So in
Jack character savagery is explained.

In the novel beast represent as evil that is present in human being. When lord of flies
communicate with Simon he says that beast is present in you, it is present in every person and is
thus incapable of being truly defeated. This shows that nature of evil is present in every

In the start of the novel boys on the island behave in a very decent manner, enjoying their
freedom but at the end everyone behavior is changed, they attached each other, torture them and
even murder their fellows without any hesitation. This shows the loss of innocence in children.
Just because of gaining power they loss their innocence.

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