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Biomedical Transducers a.a.

Inertial Sensors
Daniele Antonioli
Luca Faggianelli
Jian Han
Mekki Mtimet

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 Introduction to Inertial Sensors;

 Static Evaluation of the Noise;

 Sit to Stand Task Evaluation;

 Conclusions.

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Inertia and Inertial Frame
• Inertial Frame of Reference: is a frame in a
state of constant, rectilinear motion with
respect to one another: an accelerometer at
rest in one would detect zero acceleration;
• Newton’s First Law of Inertia: an observer in a
inertial frame of reference observes a body:
inertia is the natural tendency of that body to
remain immobile or in motion with constant
speed along a straight line;

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Inertia and Inertial Frame
• Newton’s Second Law: A force will accelerate
a body, in the direction of the force at a rate
inversely proportional to the mass of the
• Mass is the linear quantification of inertia;
• The laws of Classical Mechanics
(Biomechanics included) are valid and
maintain the same form in all inertial
reference systems.

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What is a sensor?
• Instrument capable to transduce a physical
quantity to a measurable electric signal;

• Accuracy vs Precision;

• Inertial sensor: functioning principle based on

inertial phenomena.

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Inertial Sensors
• Accelerometers: sense linear acceleration
[m/s^2] along a specific axis;

• Gyroscopes: sense angular velocity axis,

measured in [rad/s];

• Magnetometer: sense the strength of a

magnetic field, measured in [mGauss].
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Inertial Sensor Benefits and
• Low cost;
• Small size, Portable;
• Ultra Low-power systems;
• Wireless.

• Ambulatory monitoring;
• Unsupervised monitoring;
• Fall & Gait;
• Activity detection.

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2.1 Brief Hardware Description

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2.2 Static Noise Evaluation

2.2.1 Description

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XSENS SENSOR(with cables) OPAL SENSOR(wireless)

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2.2.2 Evaluate and characterize the
noise in terms of mean and standard
deviation of the ouputs

• Mean() function
• Std() function

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The results for XSENS IMU are as follows:

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The results for OPAL IMU are as follows:

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2.3 Evaluate the drift effect

• Detrend() function
• Polyfit() function, y=mx+b

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The results for XSENS IMU are as follows:

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The results for OPAL IMU are as follows:

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2.4 What are the main difference
between the noises on each sensor?

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Ay vs Ay1

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From these plots we can conclude that:

• The Xsens IMU, has overall better

performance with respect to the Opal
• The Xsens trend of noise drift is almost
parallel to the time axis and the signals
have lower offsets with respect to the
Opal signals.

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2.5 Does the standard deviation of the noise
correspond to that reported in the data sheet?

• Xsens: As we can see in the tables above, the data reported in the
datasheet and our measured ones, differ from a factor of ±.001; So we
obtain very good measurements in terms of accuracy and precision;
• Opal: In this case we have to convert the data from [μg/»Hz] to [m/s2]
for the linear acceleration Noise and from [°/s/»Hz] to [rad/s] for the
angular velocity, using the bandwidth data B = 50[Hz]. Also in this case
we obtain good measurement in terms of accuracy and precision.

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3. Sit to Stand
• Opal IMU1 placed on the Thigh, in lateral
• Opal IMU2 placed on the Trunk, at L5 height;

• 4 trials with 5 repetitions at different speed;

• f_{sample} = 128[Hz];

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Sit to Stand

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Extracted Signals

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Digital Filtering
Because of Noisy signals: Lowpass Filtering needed

f cut
f sample Normalized CutOff Frequency

[b,a] = butter(order,Wn,type): extract the coefficients;

filtfilt(b,a,input): No Phase Shift, forward + backward


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Gyro(z) Detection


Edges Integration

Knee Timings
Validation Angles


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Results: Plots
Thigh Accelerometer x and y
axis Thigh Gyroscope z axis

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Results: Table
4 Trials 5 Repetitions StS = Sit to Stand Task TtS = Time to Sit Task

StS Time mean TtS Time mean StS Angle TtS Angle
[s] [s] mean [°] mean [°]

Trial 1 1.7984 1.4375 94.7484° - 90.1806°

Trial 2 1.391 1.1719 96.3518° - 92.9096°

Trial 3 1.4672 1.3531 75.5568° - 71-7260°

Trial 4 .9906 .09562 71.6656° - 69.1158°

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Sit to Stand Conclusions
+ Results achievable with only 1 IMU (on the
+ Robust algorithm

• Kalman fusion filter to improve the algorithm

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