Diseases - Body Parts in Vedic Astrology - Shri Krishna

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4/21/2020 Diseases: Body parts in Vedic Astrology | Shri Krishna

24th January 2013 Diseases: Body parts in Vedic Astrology

Diseases: Body parts in Vedic Astrology

Disease and other evils are seen from the Lagna, Trimsamsa and Kaulaka.’
- Jaimini Sutra 3.3.59

The body parts of Kalapurusha are represented by the rasis and bhavas. The right side of the body is represented by
the 2nd to 6th houses. The left side is represented by houses 12th to 8th. According to Jaimini, the affliction to body
parts should be seen from the ascendant or Moon, whichever is stronger.

Rasis/Bhavas Parasara Jaimini/Bhavas*

Aries/First Head Head
Taurus/Second Face Face
Gemini/Third Breast Throat
Cancer/Fourth Heart Arms
Leo/Fifth Belly Stomach
Virgo/Sixth Navel Loins
Libra/Seventh Abdomen Back
Scorpio/Eight Genitals Groin
Sagittarius/Ninth Thighs Feet
Capricorn/Tenth Knees Eyes
Aquarius/Eleventh Ankles Ears
Pisces/Twelfth Feet Nose

The above scheme is given by Jaimini in Sutras 4.1.1 – 4.1.15, where he tells us that the body parts should be
determined from the lagna or the Moon, which ever is stronger.

2.0 Body Systems – Western Model

In western medicine, the body is studied in terms of systems or groups of organs that work together. The organs in a
system are grouped together because they are interconnected and also because they have made up of the same type
of tissues.

System Planet Major Organs and Structures

Skeletal Sun Bones, cartilage, joints and ligaments that hold them together.
Muscular Saturn Muscles: (i) skeletal or voluntary (with bones and tendons is
responsible for all forms of conscious movement ), (ii) smooth
muscles –responsible for involuntary movement of internal
organs, (iii) cardiac muscles, the bulk of the heart.
Nervous Mars Brain and sense organs (eyes, ears, taste buds, smell and
touch receptors), nerves andspinal cord.
Endocrine Venus Control and influence the body’s chemistry and metabolic
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processes. Hormone producingglands: pituitary, thyroid,

parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas, thymus, testes/ovaries.
Respiratory Mercury Lungs, bronchi (tubes to lungs), trachea(windpipe), mouth,
larynx, nose, diaphragm.
Cardio- vascular Sun Heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, blood.
Lymph-vascular Mercury Structures involving the circulation of lymphand the body’s
defense against disease, including lymph nodes, lymph
vessels, spleen, tonsils, adenoids, thymus.
Digestive Jupiter Mouth, teeth, tongue, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach,
small intestines, liver, gall-bladder, pancreas.
Excretory Saturn Organs and glands involved in the removal of waste matter
from the body: sweat glands, large intestines, urinary system
(kidneys,ureters, bladder, urethra).
Reproductive Venus Male: testes, penis, prostate gland, seminal vesicles,
urethra.Female: ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix,
vagina, vulva.Male and female sex hormones relates to sexual
growth and function (menstruation in females).

3.0 Classification of Disease – Jyotish

According to Prasna Marga (XII, 18-20), disease can be classified as foillows: (i) Nija or diseases that are due to
internal conditions or karmas of the individual, and (ii) Agantuk or disease due to external influences.

Nija Roga (two types):

This type of disease should be seen from the 8th house/lord, and are due to one’s karmas, the actions and deeds that
have accrued from past lives that have yet to be redeemed. These are likely to be serious transgressions that have
violated principles of dharma and spiritual law. The location of the diseases due to the 8th lord are to be seen from the
natural significations of the sign it occupies as well as the planets it conjoins as opposed to the house placement and
lordship of those planets.

(i) Sareera (body) or the physical ailments of the body, which are governed by the 8th house and 8th lord. Diseases
of this category are also due to the three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
According to Ayurveda, there are seven different constitutional types that arise from the various combinations of VPK.
The seven types are V, P, K, VP, VK, PK, VPK. Diseases arise when an imbalance arises in the constitution, and the
imbalance will always express itself in terms of an excess or deficiency of one or more of the doshas.

(ii) Chitta (mind/intelligence) or the diseases that impact the mind or chitta, the seat of consciousness. These
diseases are to be seen from the Moon (mana), the 5th house and its lord, and the 8th house and 8th lord.

Agantuk Roga (two types):

The 6th house and its lord indicate drishta/adrishta roga and the bhava placement of the 6th lord will indicate the body
part that is afflicted by disease. In other words, the affliction to the body part caused by the 8th lord is to be seen from
the significations of the rasi placement, whereas the affliction due to the 6th lord is to be seen from the bhava
placement from the lagna.

(i) Drishta roga or those ailments that can be identified in terms of visible, external or known causes (diet, injury,

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enemy). The 6th house and 6th lord indicate those diseases that are due to one’s own reactions indicated by the

(ii) Adrishta roga or those due to inexplicable, invisible or unknown causes (evil spirits and demonic possession).
When the 6th house and its lord have the association of the badhakesh, the diseases can be due to supernatural

3.1 The Chiddra Grahas & D-3

The chidra grahas or cruel planets must always be considered in the judgment of the rasi and the vargas. They indicate
vulnerability to unexpected traumatic events and according to the classics, these planets are:

The lord of the 8th house.

Planets occupying the 8th house.
Planets in conjunction or association with the lord of the 8th house.
The lord of the star in which the 8th house lord is placed.
The lord of the Navamsha in which the lord of the 8th house is placed. The lord of the 64th Navamsa from that
occupied by the Moon.
The Atisatru or great enemy of the lord of the 8th house.
The khara drekkanadhipati, i.e., the lord of the 22nd drekkana.

Although the classics tell us that these planets can indicate death and injury to the native, we are advised to use
Shoola dasa to examine all matters related to death and illness that are likely to cause death.

3.2 Gulika & Maandi

Gukila and Maandi are son’s of Saturn and their malevolence can be even more severe that Saturn himself. The day or
night is divided into eight equal parts and the degree ascending at the start of Saturn’s portion is called Gulika.

Maandi is the middle of Saturn’s portion. Calculate the lagna at those respective positions, and this will give the degree
for Gulika and Maandi.

Gulika is said to be like poison and his association will cause disease and chronicity. He represents the accumulated
poison we gave to others in previous birt hs that will return to us in this life. Maandi is even more destructive. Because
he represents the middle of Saturn’s portion, he is more malefic. He represents the poison we received from others in
the past, that we will tend to give to others in this present life.

3.3 The Khara Drekkana

In addition the Khara drekkana, the 22nd drekkana from the lagna in the rasi, is particularly evil and has the capacity to
cause disease and can even bring death to the native. Saravali tells us that the Kharesha, the lord of the 22nd
drekkana, can indicate the cause of death and even indicate the underlying dosha that promotes the cause.

Planets placed in the Khara drekkana are also vulnerable and can cause disease.

3.4 The Badhaka

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Badhaka means obstruction and in matters related to health, this can mean obstruction to the optimum function of
some internal organ or system of the body. The influence of badhaka grahas can lead incurability because of the
incapacity of the physician or practitioner to diagnose the true cause of the disease. The purpose of the badhaka is to
torment the native and because of the invisibility of its influence, it can also torment the physician.

Every house has its own badhakasthana and the following table can be used to determine the badhaka/badhakesha for
any bhava.

Rasi Badhaka Badhakesha

Aries Aquarius Rahu/Saturn
Taurus Capricorn Saturn
Gemini Sagittarius Jupiter
Cancer Taurus Venus
Leo Aries Mars
Virgo Pisces Jupiter
Libra Leo Sun
Scorpio Cancer Moon
Sagittarius Gemini Mercury
Capricorn Scorpio Ketu/Mars
Aquarius Libra Venus
Pisces Virgo Mercury

Badhaka grahas indicate adristha roga, the unseen influences that were mentioned earlier often due to the wrath of the
deity or the curse of the Guru from past lives. These planets behave like Rahu and they lead to diagnostic confusion
and the incorrect prescription on the part of the doctor.

Jataka Parijata tells us that the dasa of the planet owning a badhakasthana will lead to distress, disease and other such
evils. That classic also tells us that planets having association with the badhaka as well as those in kendras to it, will
lead to distress and disease. Planets in kendras to the badhakesh will promote its cause and support its intention to
obstruct the native.

Sarvarth Chintamani points out that the lord of the 22nd drekkana, also known as the kharesha, as well as Maandi,
behave like badhakas. The association of Maandi, Gulika and the kharesha with badhakas can promote their evil

Extensive coverage of the effect of badhakas was presented at the SJC – USA, West Coast Conference, 2003 and the
reader is advised to review that material for a thorough understanding of this important topic.1

3.5 The Atmakaraka

Afflictions to the AK can indicate very difficult health problems that can plague the native throughout his life and these
may be very difficult to resolve with medical intervention. The position of the AK in the Navamsa and Trimsamsa should
also be examined to determine the severity of the disease. The dhatu or the organ system indicated by the AK may be
weak or defective.

3.0 Parasara Hora, D-2

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The Horas can be used to determine the side of the body where the disease is likely to occur and for this purpose we
use the Parasara Hora method of dividing a sign into two parts.

The Sun’s Hora is the first 150 of an odd sign and the second 150 of an even sign.
The Moon’s Hora is the second 150 of an odd sign and the first 150 of an even sign.
The Hora ruled by the Sun indicates the right side in male charts and left side in female charts.
The Hora ruled by the Moon indicates the left side in male charts and right
side in female charts.

Affliction to the hora will indicate the side of the body where the symptom will manifest.

4.0 Somanath Drekkana, D-3(Sn)

The Parasari Drekkana (Table 3.1) is based on the tripilicity of signs and has much to do with our bhagya or spiritual
merits related to family relationships, especially with co-borns. Family relationships can either support or hinder our
goals and desires and the destiny of a native may be entirely changed due to the good fortune of his co-borns. All of
this is to be seen from the Parasari Drekkana.

The Somanath Drekkana (Table 3.2) is cyclic in nature and ruled by the Moon. It is therefore related to the body and
matters of health and disease. The function of the cosmos is governed by three universal principles, soma, surya, and

Soma is the Moon, surya the Sun, and anila is the universal prana. In the human body, these manifest as Kapha, Pitta
and Vata, respectively. Soma is that which gives protection and in the body, it expresses itself in the form of Kapha
dosha. Kapha is composed of water and earth, and as a cohesive force, it gives structure and form to the entire body in
the form of cells, tisues and organs. Disease due to the derangements of prana, tejas and ojas are to be seen in this

The only reference to this Drekkana is to be found in Maharishi Jaimini’s Upadesa Sutra (Rath edition) and the author
was guided by his Guru to explore the use of the Somanath Drekkana in matters related to health. We shall see that
each Drekkana is divided into two 50 portions, and in this way each 100 degree segment is related to the Kauluka.

Table 4.1 – Parasara Drekkana

Based on Triplicity

Rasi 0–10 Degrees 10–20 Degrees 20–30 Degrees

Aries Aries Leo Sagittarius
Taurus Taurus Virgo Capricorn
Gemini Gemini Libra Aquarius
Cancer Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Leo Leo Sagittarius Aries
Virgo Virgo Capricorn Taurus
Libra Libra Aquarius Gemini
Scorpio Scorpio Pisces Cancer
Sagittarius Sagittarius Aries Leo
Capricorn Capricorn Taurus Virgo
Aquarius Aquarius Gemini Libra
Pisces Pisces Cancer Scorpio

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Table 4.2 – Somanath Drekkana

Zodiacial count/odd signs, anti-zodiacal/even signs

Rasi 0–10 Degrees 10–20 Degrees 20–30 Degrees

Aries Aries Taurus Gemini
Taurus Pisces Aquarius Capricorn
Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Cancer Sagittarius Scorpio Libra
Leo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Virgo Virgo Leo Cancer
Libra Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Scorpio Gemini Taurus Aries
Sagittarius Aries Taurus Gemini
Capricorn Pisces Aquarius Capricorn
Aquarius Cancer Leo Virgo
Pisces Sagittarius Scorpio Libra

4.1 Drekkana & Body Parts

There is disagreement in the classical works regarding the classifications of body parts for some of these drekkanas.
Table 3.3 is based on the material available in Jataka Parijata and Sanketa Nidhi and in the authors experience they
are found to be reliable.

Table 4.3 – Body Parts & Rising Drekkana (Jataka Parijata)

Bhavas First Second Third

1st Head Neck Lower Abdomen/Pelvis

2nd & 12thRight & Left Eye Right & Left Shoulder Genital Organ & Anus

3rd & 11th Right & Left Ear Right & Left Arm/Hand Right & Left Testicle

4th & 10th Right & Left Nostril Right & Left Side Right & Left Thigh

5th & 9th Right & Left Cheek Right & Left side of Heart Right & Left Knee

6th & 8th Right & Left Jaw Right & Left Chest/Breast Right & Left Calves

7th Mouth Navel Two Feet

Varaha Mihira presents some variations to the above in Brihat Jataka. The difference in his assignments are to be seen
in Table 3.3. The reader is advised to carry out his own observations and thereby come to his own conclusions.

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Table 4.4 – Body Parts & Rising Drekkana (Brihat Jataka)

Bhavas First Second Third

1st Head Neck Lower Abdomen/Pelvis
2nd & Right & Left Eye Right & Left Shoulder Genital Organ & Anus
3rd & 11th Right & Left Ear Right & Left Right & Left Testicle
4th & 10thRight & Left Nostril Right & Left Side Right & Left Thigh
5th & 9th Right & Left Temple Right & Left Breast Right & Left Knee
6th & 8th Right & Left Cheek Right & Left Belly Right & Left Ankle
7th Mouth Navel Two Feet

Wounds and diseases will occur in the parts where the signs/houses are occupied by malefic planets. If such signs are
aspected by benefic planets, we are told that moles will appear in those parts. If the malefics or benefics occupy fixed
signs, then the mole will exist from birth, otherwise they will appear after birth.

The nature of the planet will indicate the nature of the wound. Saturn will cause wounds due to a “stone or excess
wind” and we might expect that the part will be dry and emaciated and have some chronic weakness. Mars will cause
injury from “excess fire or weapons or poison” and the part may be inflamed and irritated. Mercury will cause “injury
from earth;” the Sun from “wood or quadrapeds”; Moon by “horned animals or watery animals.” The signs protected by
benefics will be free from wounds and injury.

Jataka Parijata give us the following guidelines in making judgments about the drekkanas with respect to marks,
wounds and weapons. These can easily be expanded up to include the descriptions of modern terminology and

“When a drekkana is occupied by a malefic planet, there will be an ulcer or wound in the part of the body indicated by
the drekkana. But when it is also occupied or aspected by a benefic planet, the astrologer should declare the existence
of a spot there.”

“When the planet happens to be in its own Rashi or in conjunction with Saturn, the ulcer, wound or mark should have
been in the portion of the body indicated from the very birth. If the planet be in positions other than those described
above, the ulcer, etc., will crop up later on.

If Saturn be the planet to cause such ulcer, etc, it will be due to a hurt caused by a stone or some wind disease. If Mars
be the planet destined to inflict an injury, it will arise from fire, a missile, poison or serpent bites. If Mercury be the
malefic planet, the injury will arise by a fall on the ground from a height or by a blow received from a clod or some such
earthy substance. If the Sun be the malefic planet, the injury will be inflicted by some piece of timber or a qua druped.
Lastly, if the Moon be the malign planet, the hurt will come from a horned creature or by liquids, such as acids.

If other planets than these, viz, Jupiter, Venus, the waxing Moon and Mercury not in conjunction with malefic planets
occupy a drekkana, there will be no mark or moles and the result would be all favorable.”

4.2 Rules of Judgement

According to the classical works, the following rules are to be observed in evaluating the affliction to the various body
parts presented in Table 3.3:

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If the lagna occupies the first Drekkana, the twelve rasis signify the upper portion of the body.
If the lagna occupies the second Drekkana, the signs represent the middle
portion of the body.

If the lagna occupies the third Drekkana, the signs represent the lower portion of the body.

In addition, the following must be taken into account:

When planets occupy the same type of Drekkana as the Drekkana occupied by the lagna (chara/sthira/dwiswabhava),
then the portion of the body above the neck is afflicted.
Planets in the second type of Drekkana afflict the trunk (middle portion of the body).
Planets in the third type of Drekkana, afflict the lower portion of the body.

4.3 The Sarpa Drekkanas

According to Parasara, the 2nd and 3rd drekkanas of Cancer, the 1st drekkana of Scorpio, and the last drekkana of the
sign Pisces are designated as Sarpa drekkanas.

The sarpa drekkanas are said to be evil and are not good for matters of health. If they are associated with the lagna
and conjoined or aspected by malefic planets, while at the same time unaspected by the lord of that drekkana, it can
lead to ill health and even death.

5.0 Kaulakamsa/Shastamsa, D-6

The varga charts from D-1 to D-12 indicate problems on physical level, those from D-16 to D-24 indicate issues related
to the mind and intellect or the conscious level of experience, while those from D-30 to D-60, show the unconscious
influences at work that give rise to our physical symptoms.
Disease is related to our existential experience of this world and it is a physical manifestation of the Shad Ripu, the six
weaknesses that all human beings are destined to experience. The Shad Ripu are related to the 6th and it is through
the 6th house that we receive punishment for our weaknesses. D-6 is a harmonics of the 6th house and this
relationship makes it an essential chart in matters relating to medical astrology.

Shad Ripu

Kama Desire Venus

Krodha Anger Mars
Lobha Greed Rahu
Moha Passion Ketu
Mada Intoxication Saturn
Matsarya Jealousy Mercury

The significators of the 6th house are the tamasic grahas, Mars and Saturn. The problems that arise due the influence
of these grahas are not easy to resolve and often lead to a life long challenge, and in some cases to total destruction of
the native.

According to Jaimini, the Kaulakamsa is used to predict the suffering, evils and diseases of the native and his family

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members. It indicates the suffering of the Jeeva (Soul) and Mana (Mind). Since we are examining the Kaulaka for the
impact of the Soul on the suffering of the native, we are looking at the strength of the life force and its capacity to cause
disease or to heal the native.

5.1 The Kaulakas

We are told that each Kaulika is the 1/6 part of a sign, and therefore of 5 degrees segments. Kaulaka is one of the
important Vargas introduced by Jaimini.

Kaulaka 1 2 3 4 5 6
Degrees 0–5 5 – 10 10 – 15 15 – 20 20 – 25 25 – 30
Odd Rasis Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Even Signs Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

The affliction to a Kaulaka by malefic planets indicates the suffering and diseases on a mental, emotional and spiritual

5.2 Kaulakas – Principles of Judgement

In constructing the Kaulaka chart, the following rules should be observed: The order is zodiacal for odd signs.

The order is anti-zodiacal for even signs.

When Rahu/Ketu occupy a Kaulika, the order is reversed. This means that if Rahu/Ketu occupy odd signs, the order is
anti-zodiacal. For even signs, the order is zodiacial. (Jaimini Sutra 3.3.66)

5.2.1 Diseases – Kaulakas & Rasis

If the afflicting planet is in the first Kaulaka, the disease/injury will be in the forehead (3.3.60).
If the afflicting planet is in the second Kaulaka, there will be disease in the hair (3.3.61).
If the afflicting planet is in the third Kaulaka, blood disorder/disease will result (3.3.62).
If the afflicting planet is in the fourth Kaukaka, eye diseases will result (3.3.63).
If the afflicting planet is in the 5th Kaulika, danger from wild cats and lions exists (3.3.64).
If the afflicting planet is in the 6th Kaulika, diseases of the tongue (mouth/throat) could result (3.3.64).

The results for Rahu and Ketu are to be seen in the reverse order. If Rahu is in 280, he will be in the first Kaulaka
instead of the last.

5.2.2 Diseases – Karakas

Each planet has its own significations and the sutras imply that Jaimini is using the karakas of the planets to indicate
the diseases from the Kaulakas. The karakas may also be used to determine affliction to the dhatus and the organs
signified by the planets.

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Kaulaka Odd Signs Even Signs

00 – 50 Sun Mercury
50 – 100 Saturn Jupiter
100 – 150 Mars Venus
150 – 200 Venus Mars
200 – 250 Jupiter Saturn
250 – 300 Mercury Moon

5.2.3 Diseases – Drekkanas & Kaulakas, Internal vs. External Cause

A Drekkana is of 100 arc of a sign and the Kaulaka is 50. Thus, we can clearly see that two Kaulaka occupy the span of
each Drekkana.

The first Kaulaka of each Drekkana is said to represent evils and diseases of internal origin.
Disease of internal origin maybe due to some inner weakness in the dhatus, srotas, or organ systems of the body.

These causes are likely be inherited karmic weaknesses and are to be examined from the influences of the 5th and 8th
lord, the Khara Drekkana and the badhaka grahas.

The second Kaulaka indicates the evils and diseases of external origin. If there is affliction to the second Kaulaka, the
disease is due to external causes.

Diseases due to external causes may be due to accidents, injuries, or problems from enemies, and the 6th and 9th
house in D-6 should be examined.

Diseases from improper diet, lifestyle, psychological attitudes and personality defects may also fit this category.

Iatrogenic diseases from the side effects of medication, consumption of alcohol or use of harmful drugs.

5.2.4 Diseases – Shashtamsa, Standard Analysis

The approach here is to analyze D-6 using standard significations for signs and houses. In addition, Jaimini also tells
us the following:

“If the planet is placed in its own sign, then its results shall predominate.” (3.3.83)
“If the planet is placed anywhere other than its own sign, the results of the sign shall predominate.” (3.3.84)
“If the planet is exalted, then the sign will cause the fall of the native.” (3.3.85)
“If the planet is in its debilitation sign, the results of the planet shall predominate.” (3.3.86)

5.2.5 Disease – Odd Footed/Even Footed Signs

Ar, Ta, Ge and Li, Sc, Sg are odd-footed signs. Cn, Le, Vi and Cp, Aq, Pi are even-footed signs.
In sutras 3.3.104 – 3.3.106, Jaimini tells us that the source of the evil and the body parts afflicted can be determined
using the even-footed and odd- footed signs.

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If the afflicted sign is odd-footed, and occupied by malefics, the source of the trouble will be represented by the even-
footed signs aspecting it. This can be applied in reverse also.

5.3 Summary – Rules of Judgement, D-6

The following is a summary of the rules and these can be applied to any house in the chart:
The lagna represents the body and its health, whereas the 4th house is the soul, the Jeeva. The 9th house represents
the growth of evils and enemies. The 4th house from the 11th, the 2nd from the lagna or the significator bhava,
represents death (3.3.89).

The 6th house is the Karya bhava and afflictions to this house show the source of the evils and suffering as well as the
cause of the ill health. The punishment from the enemies and suffering from diseases is to be seen from this house.

The 11th house, the 6th from the 6th, is also to be examined. According to Jaimini, this house refers to the
emancipation of the soul or death on account of suffering and evils. The 6th and the 11th should always be examined
for adversities and ill-health.

The 8th house from tells us all about longevity. Malefics in the 8th house do not auger well for the longevity of the
native, while malefics in the lagna, the 8th from the 6th, will destroy the enemy.
Death and destruction is also to be seen from the 6th, 8th and 1st from the lagna or the AK. These houses show the
nature of death.

The 11th house is the house of Hara or emancipation – restriction, bondage and disabilities. The death of the native is
to be seen in the 2nd house, the 4th from the 11th.

Planets in trines to the 7th from the concerned bhava, will cause misfortunes, trouble and destruction. For example,
trines to the 7th will also be trines to the 11th (indicating death and destruction). Malefics in the 4th, 8th or 12th from the
lagna, will be in trines to the 7th from the 6th (ruling enemies). They could ruin the enemy

6.0 Trimsamsa, D-30

Trimsamsa means the 1/30 division (D-30) of a sign but, in actuality, each sign is divided into five unequal parts, each
owned by the five planets, from Mars to Saturn. The positions of the planets, as well as other important points such as
the lagna, in the rasi chakra, are used to construct the Trimsamsa according to information in Table 5.1. The vedic deity
corresponding to each Trimsamsa, is also given in this Table.

According to Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, the Trimsamsa represents the ‘evil’ in our nature, and this divisional chart is
used to predict periods of tragedy, misfortune and calamity in the life of a native.

D-30 is a higher harmonic of the Shastamsa, D-6 [30=(2x12)+6], a chart which is used to examine the diseases,
enemies, law suits and mental suffering caused by such life events. The 6th house is the house of punishment (rina -
debt, roga - disease, satru - enemy, agha - sin, bheeti - fear, avagya – humiliation). D-6 and D-30 are harmonics of
these indications. Because D-30 is a higher octave varga chart, the problems indicated in D-30 are said to be
imbedded deeply in the unconscious of the native, and it is unlikely that they can be appeased through self-effort or
simple propitiations. The harmonic relationship to the 6th house and D-6 make it an essential chart in matters relating
to medical astrology and its indications should not be ignored in the analysis of one’s psychological makeup. Mental
pathology can be seen in D-30.

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4/21/2020 Diseases: Body parts in Vedic Astrology | Shri Krishna

Table 6.1

Degree Odd Signs Deity Degree Even Signs Deity

50 Aries Agni 50 Taurus Varuna
100 Aquarius Vayu 120 Virgo Kubera
180 Sagittarius Indra 200 Pisces Indra
250 Gemini Kubera 250 Capricorn Vayu
300 Libra Varuna 300 Scorpio Agni

The concept of ‘Shadow Self’ or ‘Papa Purusha’, the unconscious dark side of one’s own nature, is well known in the
spiritual and psychological literature both East and West. The Trimsamsa is the chart that should be examined to
determine periods in life when those unconscious forces will manifest, to throw the native into some calamity or crises
that may overwhelm the mind and physical constitution.

Posted 24th January 2013 by Anonymous

2 View comments

Sonal 13 July 2016 at 08:25

very well written article. But pls elaborate a few things with the help of examples. like drekkann and seat of disease.

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