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Se 70H CUBAN Classification Niruha Basti --Synonyms niruha basti are yapana, yukta ratha, siddhabasti, asthapana basti. --Madhu tailaka is a variety of basti. --This basti is called as niruha basti as it expels doshas from the body. --It is called as asthapana basti as it retards ageing, and maintains lifespan. --It is snehana and lekhana in action. --It removes doshas, increases strength and complexion. --Given to king, great men, women, tender, physique, children, old aged people. --No restriction on riding, copulation, food and drink. --No complication. Se JS CUa Sewell --Possess one fourth of liquid and guna of niruha basti. --It has varieties like anuvasana basti, matrabasti. --Anuvasana basti does not produce any harm even though if it stays for long duration inside the body. --It can be administrated for many days. --Matra basti is reduce by half in quantity and does not produce any complications in the body. --As it is brimhana in action it is applicable to emeciated person, person who have done heavy physical exercise, weight lifting and sexual intercourse. --It has properties like balya , sukha, virecana, brimhana, vata roga samana. Basti Yantra - Method of Preparation ere AS --Basti netra (nozzle) --Basti putak Basti Noth --It is soft, smooth, strong and resembles like cow's tail in shape. --Prepared from gold, silver, copper, iron, brass, tusk of elephant. --Length of netra : 1 to 6 years - 6 angula 7 to 12 years - 8 angula 18 to 20 years and above - 12 angula In case of vrana - 8 angula. |sfotoi diye] Tr) Ge --Basti putak is attached to basti netra. --It is made from bladdes of ox, goat, sheep, buffaloo or any other animals. --Sometimes use of reeds of nala, vamsa or bone and bag prepared from thin leather or strong threads as basti putak is done. --It should be soft, not very thick or strong, neither too big nor small, devoid of holes and tears well cleaned and washed and can hold desired quantity. --Quantity of basti dravya is 2, 4 or 8 prastha. ing ication Niruha basti : --Sukra ksaya --Bahusula --Hrdasula --Pliha dosha --Vatavyadhi --Asmari --Sula --Timira --Jwara --Asmari Contra-indication Niruha basti : --Ajirna --Pandu --Sopha --Amadosha --Kustha --Hikka prasakta --Prameha --Unmada --Arsa --Sthoulya Sneha basti : --Arsa --Urustambha --Gala ganda --Pinasa --Krsa --Pandu --Kamala --Prameha --Apaci --Plihodara

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