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From the Pastor's Desk Upon returning to the church I took my wallet out,

opened it and to my surprise there was the winning

Going beyond the rim of Scripture rim. Knowing these things happen for a reason I
reflected on how disturbed I was that my precious
rim was missing. It’s funny how possessive we are
Psalm 19 about winning rims that were a gift to begin with. It
7-The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. made me do some self-examination and ask myself
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making the a few questions, ―What disturbs me in life?‖ ―Does it
wise simple. bother me that the commands of God are missing
8-The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to from the stores of my heart?‖ ―Does it bother me
the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, that the Bible is barely more precious than the
giving light to the eyes. latest book about the Bible?‖ This led me back to
9-The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. Psalm 19 and Psalm 119 which are great Psalms
The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether that remind us to go beyond the rim of scripture and
righteous. allow it sink into our hearts because it is more
10-They are more precious than gold, than much precious than the finest gold-- or lottery ticket--or
pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey winning rim.
from the comb.
Still rolling...through Scripture
If you were to ask anyone on the street if they
would like to be refreshed in the soul, if they would Pastor Luke
like more wisdom, more joy and be enlightened in
how they see things you would hear a resounding P.S. For help in getting beyond the rim of Scripture
yes!! Or if they are more cynical ―what's the catch?‖ turn to the article entitled ―Road Passages‖
Well, there is a catch. If we want those things we
will have to turn to the word of God. Sounds simple
enough but it really is not that easy. God’s word is
not merely an encyclopaedia of information to
inform the mind, it's so much more. If we desire to
have our soul revived by the word of God we will
have to let go of all the other inadequate soul
revivers we cling to. If we desire wisdom from the
word of God we have to let go of the wisdom of this
world we hold so dear. If we desire the word of God
to bring us Joy we will have to surrender the many
joy killers. If we desire to be enlightened by God’s
word then the blinders will have to be taken off. For
all this to happen, the word of God will have to
become like what? Gold. In fact it
needs to become MORE precious than gold. Gold
may not mean as much to us today because we are
a paper currency based society but the equivalent
for us might be the recent $50 million winning ticket
from Lotto MAX. God’s word is more precious than
a $50 million winning ticket. (By use of this analogy
I in no way endorse gambling... despite the
following illustration)

Recently I found myself in Tim Horton’s at the cash

ordering a coffee because I had a winning rim from
another coffee that had been given to me. As I
ordered I was digging through my wallet looking for
the rim. After looking through the wad of receipts
several times and taking precious minutes from the
line of people behind me I gave up in a huff
commenting that it might be time to clean it out.
ready to be an assertive parent, helping your child
Family Page become all he can be?

Why Kids Misbehave If you're ready to take on what Leman calls "the
ankle-biter battalion," read on and learn how to
by Shana Schutte become a super parent!

I'm a product of the 70s, a time when everyone in Here are three ways parents encourage their kids
my third-grade class sat and listened silently while to misbehave.
our teacher, Mrs. Sampe, expounded on a concept.
When she finished talking, we followed directions. No parenting game plan
The greatest problems in our classroom were
chewing gum and passing notes. Imagine a football coach having no plan to lead his
team to victory. What would it be like if he never put
You can imagine my shock when I became an any plays into action? What if he didn't discipline
elementary school teacher twenty-five years later. his team or expect them to perform? What if he let
During my first week of teaching, one of my them run wild everywhere without direction? No
students stood in the middle of my explanation doubt, life with his "team" would be chaotic and
about Vincent Van Gogh, approached me, tugged exhausting.
on my skirt and tattled on his buddy at the back of
the room. I couldn't believe I was being interrupted Parents lead kids much like a coach leads a
in the middle of a lesson! I later discovered that this football team, and to experience victory, parents
behavior — and much worse — was the norm. need a good parenting game plan. Part of having a
What happened to good, old-fashioned respect? plan means defining the attitudes, behaviors and
character traits you want your children to possess.
In his book Have a New Kid by Friday, Dr. Kevin When you can define these, you'll be able to begin
Leman asks similar questions, but in relation to to develop a plan to become a super parent.
parenting. "Why is it that these days that so many
children tend to diss their parents, to act In his book Have a New Kid by Friday, Dr. Leman
disrespectfully? Why are so many parents caught in helps parents put a one-week parenting game plan
the roles of threatening and cajoling and never into action that helps reduce parental frustration,
getting anywhere? What's going on here?" put parents back in the coach's seat and transform
their child's attitude, behavior and character.
Granted, many things have affected kids since
Beaver Cleaver and black and white television. Not only should you develop an "overall" parenting
Technology has made huge advancements but plan, but it's also important to have a scheduled
sends millions of negative messages to kids about minute-by-minute plan, especially with your
authority. Drug use has increased. The family smallest children. As an elementary teacher, I
structure has all but fallen apart. However, the real learned that the best defense against bad behavior
answer to Leman's question (and my teaching is having a good lesson plan that would keep their
problem) is that because kids misbehave because little hands busy. The same applies to parenting.
they can and because adults let them. Keep your kids busy with things to learn, with stuff
to do and with an agenda, and your parenting job
In his book, Dr. Leman says, "It all comes down to will be much easier with fewer discipline problems.
who is really in charge of your family." He points out
that many parents are so concerned about being Inconsistency
their child's friend — not hurting their child's
feelings or making sure that their child is always As an elementary teacher, I learned the hard way
happy — that they fail to parent well. that children have brains like elephants — they will
latch onto even your the smallest promises
Leman's comments lead to several pointed (positive or negative) and remember them a day,
questions: Are you willing to do whatever it takes to week, month or year later. Therefore, I learned that
take charge of your family? Are you willing to look consistency was of utmost importance in discipline.
like the "bad guy" at times in order to parent your If I said I was going to dole out a pink slip and a trip
children so they will stop rolling over you? Are you to the school's front office the next time I saw a
particular student, I needed to deliver rather than
make threats or promises I didn't intend to keep.
Road Passages
And if you don't do what you say you will, they
won't respect you.

Dr. Leman agrees. He says in Have a New Kid by

Friday that a child's misbehavior serves a purpose
in his life: it gives him a reason to control you.
Sadly, if a parent does not show the child that they
are in charge through consistency, a child's
contempt for their parent will grow. As Dr. Leman
says, ". . . if he [your child] can control you, why
respect you?"

Power struggles

Several years ago my grandmother told me that in

marriage you have to pick your battles. The same is
true in parenting. If you want your home to be
peaceful, you need to decide which battles are
worth fighting with your kids, and which aren't. This
will help stop power struggles that increase bad

If your child wants to wear a shirt/skirt combo that

makes her look like she dressed herself in a dark

closet, and she is very strong-willed, you may ask

yourself if it's worth fighting her to get her to change
her duds. On the other hand, if she wants to spend
time with a boy in a dark closet, you might want to
make a big deal out of that. The battles that you
choose to fight will directly affect your child's level
of misbehavior — especially if your child is strong-

Granted, becoming a stellar parent takes energy,

but the payoff will be greater than anything you
could have imagined as your children grow.

Copyright © 2008 Shana Schutte. From
Presbyterian Church of Ile Perrot

Session news Capsule – March 2011

1-Exploring the possibility of having a membership

course starting in April. It would consist of 5 to 6
persons meeting once a week for 6 to 8 weeks.

2-―Households of Faith‖ life group: will pursue

setting this up in the Fall.

3-Ongoing discussion concerning new elders and

the Mentoring committee.

4-Seven persons attended a Gospel music evening

at PCIP March 13th, another is scheduled for April
10th at 7 PM.

5-Next Elder Enrichment training course will be

held March 28th.

6-Pastor Luke will attend General Assembly in

London, ON June 5 -10, 2011.

7-Tithe: Motions approved to donate $200 for

disaster relief in Japan and $100 to Scripture

8-Discussion on our hosting of the Women’s

Missionary Society meeting April 16th. Logistical
arrangements being made for the provision of
meals and refreshments.

9-Christian Education: Motions approved to donate

$95 to Martha Evans-Hanna to attend the Faith
Mission conference in Campbellville, ON, and to
earmark $100 for the purchase of 2 tickets to a
Promise Keepers event to be held in Ottawa on
April 9th.

10-A review of our communion and membership

role was made and follow-up actions initiated.

11-Janet given consent to obtain assistance in the

preparation of soup (lunch) meal for the clean-up
volunteers working on Fridays. If there is leftover
soup it will be used for the needy in our
neighbourhood or those using the church on
Resurrection Cookies covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound
represents the rocky tomb where Jesus body was
To be prepared on the evening before Easter Sunday laid.
morning. Read Matthew 27:65-66

You need: Put cookies sheet in the oven. Close door and turn
oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal
Bible the door. Explain that Jesus tomb was sealed.
1 cup whole pecans
Read Matthew 27:65-66
Mixing bowl
3 egg whites
Wooden spoon Go to bed! Explain that they may feel sad to leave
1 cup sugar the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus' followers
1 tsp. vinegar were in despair when the tomb was sealed.
Zipper baggy Read John 16:20 and 22
1 pinch of salt
Wax paper On Resurrection Morning open the oven and give
Cookie sheet everyone a cookie! Notice the cracked surface and
Tape take a bite. The cookies are hollow! On the first
Resurrection Day Jesus' followers were amazed to
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Place pecans in the
find the tomb open and empty.
baggy and let the children beat them with the
wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain Read Matthew 28:1-9
that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by
the Roman soldiers.
Read John 19:1-3 to them. He is risen! He is risen, indeed!

Let child smell the vinegar. Put 1 tsp. into mixing

bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the
cross, He was given vinegar to drink.
Read John 19:28-30

Add egg whites to the vinegar. Eggs represent life.

Explain that Jesus gave His life for our life.
Read John 10:10-11

Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand let them

taste it then brush the rest into the bowl. Explain
that represents the salty tears shed by Jesus
followers,and the bitterness of our own sin.
Read Luke 23:27

So far the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1

cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of this
story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He
wants us to know and belong to Him.
Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16

Beat with mixer on high speed for 11-15 minutes

until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color
white represents the purity in God's eyes of those
whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus.
Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3

Fold in broken nuts. Drop by tsp. onto waxed paper-

Kids Corner
Word Search
MLIAPMEWQUOOPRRGIFI Unscramble the letters to make words that are
JWFNGUOFBRSXMEOWVUM related to the Easter story.
CEQSOULTREGEUEFAETR 1. rcieficdu __________________
KELLKZASSNYDJOXMRRM 2. bmot _________________
3. rntohs __________________
4. mytpe __________________
alive palms 5. esJsu __________________
believe passover
betrayed prayed 6. yratebde __________________
crucify resurrection 7. olev __________________
disciples sacrifice
8. skis __________________
forgiven tomb
hosanna Jesus 9. rfmeup __________________
10. ivorSa __________________
11. lnine __________________
12. nirsurecetor _________________
13. ldosires __________________
14. ssocr __________________
15. dPaarsie __________________
16. nesri __________________
17. elnga __________________
18. ltaeiP __________________
19. vlCaary __________________
20. idrht yda __________________
this short article in the Nazareth News, last Sunday
in Jerusalem, large Passover crowds hailed him as
king. Shortly thereafter, the crowds turned against
him. This past Friday afternoon, he was sentenced
to death by the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate,
Easter representing the Roman Empire in Jerusalem. He
That Obituary Was Wrong was killed at three o’clock in the afternoon on
Golgotha hill, the hill of the crucifixion, outside the
walls of Jerusalem. His burial was in the tomb of
"I am the resurrection and the life." Joseph of Arimathea. His family requests that no
John 11:25-27 flowers be sent, but rather than memorials be send
to the crippled children’s fund in care of the
Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. Alleluia. synagogue in Bethlehem, the place of his birth.‖
Praise the Lord. Praise God for the might things
that God did on Easter. Praise God with harps and And so would read the hypothetical obituary and
lyres. Praise God with drums and dancing. Praise short article from the Nazareth News on Sunday
God with cornets and trumpets. Praise God with morning, Section E, page seven, along with the
singing choirs and shouting voices. For Jesus other obituaries.
Christ has been raised from the dead by the
powers of God. Christ is here alive, now, in this If that obituary had been printed in the Nazareth
room, at this very moment. Christ rules now,
News, everyone would have thought that the Jesus
whether you believe it or not. And then, at the very movement had ended. Its leader was now dead.
end of history, when the clock strikes twelve and His disciples had disappeared. The stories of
history is ended, then once again the trumpets will miracles would fade away. That little episode would
sound, the choirs will sing their alleluias, the dead become one small slice of Roman history. It would
will be raised, and we too shall be changed, in a
have been like a pebble thrown into a pond: it
moment, in the twinkling of an eye. That is the would have made a momentary splash and the
Gospel. That is the gospel truth of Easter morning. ripples gradually would fade away and disappear.
And so it was with Jesus of Nazareth. His life was a
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and momentary splash. His reputation, his memory, his
from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. teachings would have faded into the smoothness of
the sea…..except…..except for one unique event.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus said, "I am the On the third day, unbelievably, they discovered the
resurrection and the life. Whoever lives and grave empty. Jesus of Nazareth had been raised
believes in me will never die." from the dead by the mighty powers of God. He
was alive again. Recognizable and identifiable. He
If Jesus would have had a funeral, and if there had was alive again, in a new way, in a new kind of
been newspapers in those days, his obituary would body that would never taste death. And so they
have been listed in the Nazareth News, along with shouted, ―He is risen! Alleluia! That obituary was
all the other obituaries, Section E, page seven. It wrong. They said he was dead, over and done with.
would have been listed under the Js e.g. Jacob, Wrong. They were wrong.‖
Jesus, Joseph …, in capital letters of course. The
obituary may have read, ―Jesus of Nazareth was The news spread, from the angel to Mary to Peter
born in the year 6 BC. He was born to Mary and to the disciples to the 500. And they became a new
Joseph, the carpenter from Galilee. He was people. They became a new brand of men and
preceded in death by a father, Joseph. He is women who were filled with a new power, with
survived by his mother, Mary of Capernaum, also Easter power, with resurrection power. They were
by his brothers, James, Joseph, Judas and Simon, no longer afraid of living because they were no
also of Capernaum and several other sisters. longer afraid of dying. They had a new passion for
During his lifetime, it was rumored—according to life because they had an Easter power, a
this newspaper article—during his lifetime, he resurrection power within them. Why? Because that
received some notoriety and publicity because of obituary was wrong. That obituary said he was
unusual occurrences associated with his life such dead, over and done with. Wrong. That obituary
as the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, and the lame was incomplete. It didn’t tell the whole story.
walking. It was also rumored that he radically
changed people’s lives. More recently, according to
Today, we gather in a church twenty centuries later. deep loyalty to Christ. You feel badly but not badly
We gather from every race and every culture and enough to do anything about it. … Or maybe you
every nation. We gather by the hundreds, by the have come here today because you believe. You
thousands, by the millions. We come to celebrate deeply believe that God conquered death in the
God’s Easter message, with Easter hymns and person of Jesus Christ, and so you are here today
Easter hats and Easter litanies and Easter choirs to celebrate. … Why have you come today? …
and Easter trumpets. We come to hear the good Because that obituary was wrong.
news: Christ has been raised from the dead by the
victorious powers of God. Christ is risen. Alleluia. The doctor sank into the chair at 3:00 o’clock in the
morning. His tired eyes were tired; so tired that they
Why? Why? Why do hundreds and thousands and could see with his superb clarity of vision. His mind
millions celebrate today and through two thousand was exhausted, one of the finest minds that had
years of past history? Because that obituary was graduated Summa Cum Laude from his university.
wrong. The story was incomplete. The resurrection His fingers were tired, the finest fingers for surgery
powers of God are stronger than all obituaries. The in his city. His mind turned over the complicated
resurrection powers of God are stronger than all procedures that he had just supervised in vain. As
death notices. the doctor pulled off his plastic gloves, he thought
of the other times that he had operated on this little
But…..why… are you here today? Why did you boy, only five years old. Heart surgery. Arterial
happen to come? Why? Why is it that the repair. Kidney repair. But he lost him. Doctors
sanctuaries of the world are comparatively full never like to lose patients. He signed the death
today and comparatively empty next Sunday? Why certificate at 3:09 AM. The sterile surgical
is it that we jam the pews by the millions today and instruments were now helpless. Those masterful
next week there will be plenty of seating in the hands, the finest in the city, were now helpless. It
pews available next week? Why are you here today was all over. Death had come. Nothing more he
and perhaps not next week? could do. Might as well go home for a rest. …
Three days later, this great surgeon attended the
Perhap you are here today because of tradition. It boy’s funeral. He usually didn’t attend funerals of
is where you are always found on Easter Sunday patients but this one was different and he had to
morning. Easter Sunday? We always go to church go, at least to this funeral of a five year old. There
on Easter. Perhaps your mother expects you to sit was a dullness in his strong spirit as he sat in the
next to her on Easter and so you are here today. … church that day. A numbness. A tiredness. Through
Or, maybe you are here today because Easter and the gaze of his depression, he heard the words
spring go hand in hand. The azaleas are blooming; simply stated: ―Whoever lives and believes in me
the rhododendrons are blossoming; the daffodils shall never die.‖ Those words stuck in his mind.
are bright yellow. It is the beginning of spring. It Those words were like a record struck in its track,
smells like spring. It smells like Easter. It feels like that repeated itself over and over again, ―shall
Easter in the air. And so you are here today to never die. Shall never die. Shall never die. Shall
enjoy the everlasting cycle of new life in the spring. never die. Shall never die.‖The old record wouldn’t
… Or, maybe you are here today because these stop. The words stuck in a grove in his mind, ―shall
are tough times for you and your family, and you never die, shall never die, shall never die, shall
and your family are hurting. Maybe you have never die.
personally discovered that you are not as tough as
you thought you were and you have also The surgeon knew that he had heard of the biggest
discovered that life is tougher than you thought it breakthrough ever. Bigger than the cure for polio.
was. Maybe you want to be reminded that tough Bigger than the cure for cancer. Bigger than the
times don’t last but tough people do. You want that cure for heart disease. Bigger than the cure for
strength, power and resilience that comes from leukemia, multiple sclerosis or AIDS. God had
Christ ... Or maybe you have come today because conquered the worst of all diseases, death. The
you are a Christmas and Easter Christian. You words kept on ringing and repeating in his mind. He
come twice a year on the big holidays. You have couldn’t stop them. ―Shall never die. Shall never
time for Christmas or Easter, but those two times of die. Shall never die. Shall never die.‖
worship are plenty for you. Church is not really your
thing. You may have fallen away from the deeper The grand physician of the universe had done what
faith that you had in childhood. You had it once but no doctor could ever do. The terrible disease of
you don’t have it any more; that deep faith and
death, death that had destroyed every doctor who comatose. You put a spiritual stethoscope on their
ever lived, that disease had finally been conquered. religious heart and it would go,
―boop…..boop…..boop…..boop.‖ You think that
He finally left the funeral that day, hearing the their hearts are almost dead; at least, their spiritual
words that were stuck like a repeating record, ―shall hearts seem dead; they seem to be in a spiritual
never die, shall never die, shall never die, shall coma. Too busy for God. Too preoccupied making
never die.‖ And he murmured to himself, ―That their daily bread, no time for spiritual bread. Too
obituary was wrong. The powers of God are busy running in circles and God is not part of their
stronger than all obituaries and all death notices.‖ circle. ―Boop….boop….boop….boop.‖

Someday, inevitably, you are I will look into that For some of you, your spiritual life is as dehydrated
grave dug into the ground or we will focus our eyes as the dry bones described in the book of Ezekiel.
on a box of ashes of the body of our loved one who Your life is relatively unaffected by spiritual things.
has just died. Inevitably, it will happen to you. You Two days ago on Good Friday, you barely even
cannot escape it. On that day, if my wife precedes thought of Jesus Christ, when Jesus was nailed to
me in death, my heart will break into a thousand the cross. The monitor of your brain, the line of your
pieces. On that day, if my child or grandchildren will brain waves, is almost flat, and you barely
precede me in death, my heart will be truly remembered Christ on Good Friday. The study of
shattered, as nothing else could shatter my heart. Scripture and daily prayer are beyond your world of
In the midst of my sorrow and in the midst of my comprehension. The pangs of hell? The pangs of
brokenness, I will hear that record repeating itself hell don’t frighten you. The joys of heaven? The
endlessly, ―shall never die, shall never die, shall joys of heaven don’t really attract you. This life is so
never die, shall never die,‖ and those words will be all consuming for you and your brain. And deep
stronger than my sorrow. down inside, in all honesty, you may – as people
would say – not give a rip about God or Christ or
Why? Because that obituary was wrong. life lived under and with God daily. Oh, you may
I love the Easter poem that states it this way: pray when in a jam, just like about everybody else.
―The stars shine over the land, Oh, you may believe in the ―Man Upstairs,‖ but that
The stars shine over the sea, daily authentic walk with God is not part of your life.
The stars look up to God, ―Boop…..boop….boop….boop.‖
The stars look down on me.
The stars will shine for a million years, Tell me, can a person who is deaf be afraid of the
For a million years and a day, thunder? ….. No. ….. Can a person who is blind be
But God and I shall live and love, afraid of the piercing flash of lightening? ….. No.
When the stars have passed away.‖ Neither can a person who is spiritually deaf truly
hear the Word of God speaking to them every day,
But there is more. Easter is not only concerned nor can the spiritually blind see the piercing light of
about God’s victory over physical death, but Easter God shining on their lives. The spiritually deaf
is also concerned about God’s victory over spiritual cannot really hear the voice of God and the
death. God raises up both dead bodies and dead spiritually blind will not be overjoyed at seeing the
spirits. Spiritual obituaries and spiritual death beauties of God in Christ. For some of you, you do
notices are also premature and don’t tell the whole not fear of God’s power. Nor is there a joy in God’s
story. God raises spiritually dead people to life all awesome beauty and grace. Because your lives
the time, and I have seen it again and again. I have have become dead, rattling like the dry bones of
seen and heard and experienced real life stories all the skeletons described in the book of Ezekiel. …
the time of people who were spiritually dead, with No thunder of God do you hear! No light of God do
spiritual obituaries, with spiritual death stories, and you see! No delicacies of God do you really taste or
God put new life back into them. That is also what eat!
Easter is all about.
And the Easter message is that the awesome
“Most likely.‖ No, that is not a strong enough power of God, who raised Jesus of Nazareth from
phrase. ―Inevitably,‖ there are people here today the dead, can miraculously take your dead life and
who are spiritually dead or who are so close to mine and make it alive. God can take people who
being spiritually dead, you would never able to tell are spiritually dead and give us resurrection power,
that they were alive. Looking at them and talking Easter power, and vibrant power so that life is lived
with them, you feel that they are spiritually with a passion for the ways of God. And it is time. It
is time for you to wake up, to come out from your story. It won’t tell the Easter story of God’s
spiritual coma, to be raised up from your spiritual resurrection power that takes dead bodies and
lethargy by the powers of God. dead spirits and raises them up to new life. It won’t
tell the story of how God makes new men and
You are here today, not simply because of tradition; women, boys and girls, so strong that they changed
not simply because you are two times a year the course of human history. I am here to tell you
Christians; not simply because you smell that the obituary was wrong. Amen.
springtime and Easter in the air. You are here today
because God wanted you to be here, so that you
can listen to this particular Easter message that
God raises up both dead bodies and dead spirits.
God brought you here today to hear this Easter
message. It is time. It is time for you to get up and
walk spiritually. It is time for you to awaken from
your spiritual coma.

In conclusion, how about my own obituary? Last

Easter, as many of you know, I was in the hospital
and had just escaped the jaws of death. I could
have died a year ago but didn’t. God had another
plan. Instead, a new valve was put into my heart. A
new pacemaker was installed in my heart. But I
knew how close I had been to death. Therefore, it is
somewhat easy to imagine my own obituary in the
paper from a year ago. Maybe in the Seattle Times.
It may have sounded like this: ―Edward F.
Markquart of Des Moines Washington died this past
Thursday at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tacoma of a
rare infection of the heart. He was born in Jackson,
Minnesota on July 19, 1940. He graduated from
Jackson High School, St. Olaf College and Luther
Theological Seminary, all in Minnesota. He was a
resident of Des Moines and the pastor of Grace
Lutheran Church in Des Moines, for the past
twenty-seven years. He was preceded in death by
his mother and father. He is survived by his wife,
Janet, of Des Moines, three children, Anne, Joel
and Nathan, a son in law, a daughter in law, two
grandchildren, all of Des Moines. He is also
survived by one brother, two sisters, and numerous
nieces and nephews. Memorials may be sent to
Lutheran World Relief in care of Grace Lutheran

I am here to tell you this Easter morning that that

obituary would have been wrong!!! That obituary
would have been wrong because it did not tell the
whole story. There would have been nothing in my
obituary that I was not dead, that I shall never die,
but live forever. There would have been nothing in
that obituary that quoted Jesus, ―I am the
resurrection and the life. Whoever lives and
believes in me, shall never die.‖ … You see, Jesus’
obituary in the Nazareth News was wrong; my
obituary would have been wrong; and your obituary
will be wrong. Your obituary won’t tell the whole
Christians we are called to be obedient, follow
Jesus' example, even unto death if need be. We
don't give up or give in. We take His blood donation
In my Opinion very seriously!
Pastor Luke suggested I call this 'IMHP" (In my So let me ask you a question, would Jesus give
humble opinion) and I seriously thought about that,
blood today? or would He say he was too scared?
but then came the obvious thought, anyone who or He doesn't have the time? Food for thought isn't
really knows me, knows I am anything but humble! it??
So...In my opinion it is!! How about that? Truth in
Maybe this Easter you can do something special to
remember the sacrifice Christ made for you. Maybe
This quarter's 'opinion' is about Blood. Giving blood. you will decide to follow Jesus' example, and give
Phil and I went to the local blood drive last your own blood donation, it may not save millions of
Thursday, and as usual we took Alicia-Rose with lives, but it is a great start!!
us. We are raising a blood donor you see. Children
are so impressionable! 'Teach a child in the way
Rose-Marie LeBel
they should go and they will not depart from it"
Prov. 22:6 We believe this. As we read the
pamphlets, we are struck by the unfairness of it. So
many people need blood transfusions to live! Men,
women and children. Every donation can save up
to 4 lives!! How awesome is that?? Where else can
you get such a return for your investment?? Yet,
only 3% of eligible people actually donate blood.
Why? Some of the excuses are because 'I don't
have the time' or 'I really hate needles, or am afraid
of them' . The first time I had to go for a blood test,
my elder sister had to go with me in order for me to
be able to go through the door of the hospital I was
so afraid. So I understand the fear, believe me! As
for time.. find out when the next drive is and
schedule into your agenda. Would you get over
your fear or find the time if it were your child that
needed the blood??

That is the rant part of my opinion, whew, your

survived I hope! Now for the really neat part, have
you ever thought about Jesus being a blood donor?
That is what occurred to me the other night, I save
up to 4 lives every time I give blood, Christ's one
donation has saved millions of lives!! Through His
sacrifice, we live! Hallelujah! Our lives are healed,
transformed, saved through the blood of Christ. He
was afraid, very very afraid. He had seen people
crucified, He KNEW what was to happen to him. He
prayed in earnest for God to remove the ordeal
from Him. He was afraid. BUT He did what was
necessary. He bowed to His father's will, and made
His blood donation.

As parents, we raise our children to follow Jesus,

we try very hard to set the example. We are raising
Christians you see. "This is my commandment:
Love each other in the same way I have loved you."
John 15:12 We teach our children this. As
Surrender the Queen could spend more time talking about marriage,
while others want to hear about money and still
others are asking tough questions about caring for
aging parents.

It’s very difficult to reach and disciple that whole

group in one hour each week. We might be wise to
consider other options.

For way too long now I’ve thought that Sunday

morning could be a comfortable entrance-point into
church life and provide enough to effectively
disciple everybody in attendance. Maybe it can, but
Reconsidering the role of Sunday-morning worship it shouldn’t have to. Sunday morning doesn’t need
to bear all that responsibility. What would happen if
by Dirk VanEyk we surrendered the queen? I’m willing to stake our
church’s late launch date on the claim that a
Jan 1, 2011 — I am an exceptionally bad chess delayed start will teach us how to use small groups
player. I’m told I rush too quickly to bring out the more effectively.
queen. It’s clearly the best piece, so I can’t help
myself. Despite practice, my skills have not We’ll trust small groups to carry the load of
improved. teaching people about the subjects they care most
about. Patience in the short run may also
At a recent church-planting conference the encourage us to find other events to bridge that gap
presenter suggested that all of us wishing to between sleeping in and attending worship. Hosting
improve our chess games should adhere to one a community carnival or 5k fun run may be a better
simple rule: surrender the queen. He proposed that way to meet our neighbors anyway. As we learn to
one of our first moves in any chess match should use these other pieces together, every aspect of
be to rid ourselves of the most valuable piece on our new church will be strengthened.
the board. ―This will force you to learn how to use
every other piece and how to use them together. By the end of the church-planting conference, our
Over time, you’ll become a much stronger player.‖ team decided to delay the start of our worship
Then he asked, ―In your church, what’s the queen? services. We’re still starting our new church early,
What is that piece that you overuse and probably but without the worship service. We’re committing
trust way too much?‖ to learning how to reach and disciple people apart
from a worship service so that when we do
My answer came quickly: Sunday-morning worship. introduce it, we’ll know how all the pieces best work
I’m a church planter in Kentwood, Mich., and as I
write this, I can’t wait to start holding Sunday-
morning services. On that first Sunday there may
be a crowd or there may not be. Regardless, the
reason we’re starting a new church is simple: to
reach and disciple new people.

How? That’s a good question to ask. The diversity

in any congregation can make this difficult. On any
given Sunday morning, there may be some people
in the worship service who’ve never been before.
But there may also be middle-aged couples with a
combined 100 years of Sunday-morning worship
experience. After the service, a first-time guest
might ask the pastor what it means to ―ask Jesus
into her heart.‖ In the meantime, someone else may
be waiting to ask why we can’t learn more Greek
and Hebrew in the sermon. Other people wish we
Yield to the King Speaking of idols, your conference presenter’s
question about your queen—―What do you trust
way too much?‖—is really an idol question. In what
do we place our deepest trust to grow our
churches: a kickin’ worship band or sublime organ,
a compelling preacher, refined liturgy, small groups
that meet our felt needs?

Notice the assumption within the question—that

ministry tools and the right strategy will build your
church. I find techniques, helpful as they are, easy
idols for us church leaders and people of the pew,
who are so desperate to see churches flourish
again. Instead, what we need most is a change in
Reconsidering the role of Sunday-morning worship lifestyle. We need to center our lives on Jesus.

by Rev. Phil Reinders While I’m tempted to chuck the whole worship
show, I’m holding out for the practice of public
Jan 1, 2011 — Dirk, thanks so much for your good Christian worship to reclaim its countercultural edge
thoughts and gutsy gospel endeavor to plant a new again. Where else do people gather together with
church. Church plants and campus ministries are others they usually don’t associate with, to focus on
the R&D department of our denomination, and I Someone other than themselves, and pay attention
need to listen well to the issues and struggles you to news that mostly contradicts their personal
encounter. assumptions and challenges their idolized cares?
Lashing ourselves to the mast of weekly worship
I like your instincts. You recognize something is off might be the most important practice for the church
in how we understand the church. I feel that in my to orient our lives around Jesus and resist the siren
bones too, and I’m convinced we must allow call of consumerism.
mission to organize and shape our church life.
To do that, we’ll need to help people reimagine
I’m equally certain, however, that we have been worship within God’s mission, to understand it as a
discipled by our consumer culture. It has seeped in relationship (covenant) renewal ceremony, where
way deeper than we ever thought, shaping even our unique identity in the gospel is formed and fed,
our expectations of church and worship. Worship where the reality of the resurrection is reinjected
has become a commodity that we take in or into our living, where we’re formed in the way of
casually take a pass on, depending on our lifestyle Jesus and learn to live yielded lives to the King.
preferences and personal tastes: Did I like the That’s hard work, especially when we’re groomed
music? Did the sermon feed me? Was it at a to bow to the authority of our desires. But that
convenient time/place for my busy schedule? Did it makes it all the more vital that we give the best of
deal with the issues I care about? our thought, prayers, and energy to this
Church plants sometimes get accused of selling out
or dumbing down to be relevant to culture, but I find So how can we call people to follow Jesus in a way
many established churches equally, if not more so, that doesn’t force them to make massive cultural
shaped by this individual-focused consumer mind- leaps, but find in Jesus the most hopeful reality for
set; they just have code words that mask it well: living in our world? I hope that we can continue this
Was the worship ―uplifting‖? Did the sermon ―feed‖ conversation, because together we’re better.
me? These may be valid questions, but notice that
the reference point is still me!

We’re all ―drinking the Kool-Aid.‖ Our consumer

culture has formed us all into American Idol judges,
rating our experiences of church and worship. Of
course, the problem is that you can never worship
or meet Jesus from the judge’s seat.
Reverend Fun

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