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Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education
City of Cadiz


(The Global Interstate System)

Name: REYNAN OMONGAYON Year & Section: OV1-2 Score ____________

Answer the following questions comprehensively:

1. What remnants of the Westphalian system can still be felt at this day and age? In what
sense has the world gone beyond the Westphalian system?
- I think, the Westphalian system can actually be seen and felt this era wherein there’s a
lot of factors and circumstances happening along the way in the context of politics and
the state. The Westphalian system of sovereign states that was established in 1648 to
end the long term war between the major continental powers of Europe. This system
gave each state a privilege to make its own decision specifically in political, economic,
and social aspect. These actions are commonly seen in today’s government in every

2. What are the differences between liberal and socialist internationalism? What are
their strengths and weaknesses?
- Liberal internationalism is a foreign policy doctrine that argues that liberal states
should intervene in other sovereign states in order to pursue liberal objectives.
Such intervention can include both military invasion and humanitarian aid. Socialist
internationalism on the other hand, aimed to spread the idea of social democracy
around the world. They believe that they can achieve goals through revolution.

3. Do you think internationalization erodes the sovereignty of States?

- No. internationalization doesn’t erodes the sovereignty of the States for each states
has its own law, government and policies that paves the way of other countries to
dictate the other. Although, it is just for now for each states are now becoming more
globally interdependence.

4. Readings (Schattle’s “Government and Citizens in a Globally Interconnected World of

4.1 How is the ‘nation state’ defined in the article?
- The article says that the idea of nation state is arguably pernicious and it is been a recipe for
conflicts both internal and external. (Joppke, 1998) asserts that, nation-states are territorial
organizations characterized by of legitimate violence and are memberships associations with a
collective identity and a democratic pretention to rule- enforcing political communities.

4.2 What made the European more successful than usual multilateral cooperation?
- According to the article provided, there was an argument that the Cultural Anthropologist,
Arjun Appadurai insisted which was “nation-state, as a complex modern political form”
while management consultant Kenichi Ohmae claimed that “nation-state as a nostalgic
fiction”. Also according to Christian Joppke, he has entangled this compound term, “Qua
states, nation-states are territorial organizations characterized by the monopolization of
legitimate violence, qua nations, nation-states are memberships associations with a
collective identity and a democratic pretention to rule – enforcing political communities”.

4.3 How does the UN improve the relationships among nation states?

-The United Nations promotes and strengthens democratic institutions and practices
around the world. They promote and implemented human rights etc.

5. Reflections on Lesson IIC:

5.1 Things I have learned (knowledge):
I learned about effects of globalization on governments.
5.2 Things I have realized and appreciated (attitudes):
I realized and appreciated that the concept of humanity still lies in this globally interconnected
world of states.
5.3 Things I have discovered (skills):
I realized that I have to read a number of articles in order to give an exact answer to in every question in
this subject.

Project-based: Further research/read on Giuseppe Mazzini, Woodrow Wilson, Karl Marx, or

Vladimir Lenin. Conduct an imaginary interview with one of them. In this interview, have your
selected figure answer the following questions:

Giuseppe Mazzini

1. What do you think of nationalism?

- In recognizing and accepting nationalism among oppressed people, Lenin advocated
their national right to self-determination and so opposed Russian chauvinism
because such ethnocentrism was a cultural obstacle to establishing the dictatorship
of the proletariat in every territory of the deposed Russian Empire.

2. What is necessary for the development of an international order?

- International order needs of a unified and interconnected cooperation of each

countries. Through the initiative process and participation of all region, it develops
and improves the international order. That is why unity and global cooperation is a
prerequisite aspect in the global world.

3. What do you think of the League of Nations?

- The League of Nations, according to Vladimir Lenin was a unification “on paper only;
in reality it is a group of beasts of prey, who only fight one another and do not at all
trust one another”

4. What is the role of revolution in internationalism?

- Vladimir Lenin held true to an internationalist line. He tied the very fate of the
Russian Revolution, even in its bourgeois-democratic form, to the European socialist
revolution. An internationalist to his very core, he had no time for petty nationalism
within the revolutionary party.

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