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Index of Articles by Author in sequence of Volume/Issue ‘Author “Article Title Volume {Issue Armistead, Julian Reality Counts XES Arner, David Music & the Language of Time XIV: 2 Arnold, Angela Reinterpreting the Zodise xl The Good, the Bad, and... Whose Fault is it Anyway? XIL:2 Arroyo, Stephen Factors Toning Each Planetary Principle VEL Baker, Ruth ‘Two Horaries xu 4 Will We Get che Deposit Back? XIV:1 Will Anne Come to Dinner? XIV:2 Where are my Glasses? XIV:3 Will | Get Another Student? XIV:4 Where are my Casorti Exercises? XV: 1 Shall I Sell my Ttalian Violin? XV:2 Will I Receive the Bee from my Client? XV:3 Will I Hear About My Job Soon? XVi4 Will Mr. 8. Receive his Check? XVE1 Where ig my Orchestra Music? XVE2 ‘Whea Will My Friend Come Home? XVE3 Will Muriel like Her Present? XVE4 Where is my Comb? XVIEA Will Mrs. S. Pay Her Bill Tonight? XVIE2 Will the Dealer Get Me the Books I Need? XVIE3 ‘What Will be the Outcome of the Complaints? XVI 4 Will Sophie go to France next wee! XVIIE: 1 Will I Visit Robert on Monday? XVII 2 Is this Relationship Likely to Survive? XVIE3 Will I Ger 2 Letter from Sophie? XVIE 4 Will [be able to Join the Society? XIX: 1 Will My Sprained Hand Ever Get XIX: 2 What Time Will the Men Come? XIX:3 Will She Play at the Concer? XIX:4 Will They Clear the Drive Before Christmas? XX: To Judge or Not to Judge XX:2 Where are My Large Scissors? XX:3 When Will I Ger My Pashminas? XX:4 Where is my Pirates of the Caribbean CD> XXE1 Barbault, André ‘The Astrology of Napoleon XX:4 Barclay, Olivia ‘The Need for Traditional Astrology XIE3 Where is Ann Lock? XU: 3 Which House Rules Cars? XVi1 A Guide to Horary & More for Contemporary Astrologers XV:2 A Guide to Horary & More for Contemporary Astrologers, part | XV:3 Evaluating a Planer’s Serength XV:4 A Guide to Horary & More for Contemporary Astrologers, part3. | XVI1 Beériaule, Mare Best, Helen Bilucaglia, Rita Blake, 8 Blakesley Blaschke, Robert P. Blumberg, Leda Bogart, Greg Bordoni, Grazia Borkowski, Don & George Brady, Bernadette Braun, Walter Brose, Dymock Buchwald, Nicki Bufoed, Willa Byrnes, Ronald Laurence Castille, Didier Caton, Gary P. Cauiman, Caroline Chaney, WH. Christino, K: Cilliers, Anne 1. Condon, Joha Coover, Shisley Cortés, Angeles Rocamora Cozzi, Steve Cunningham, Diana A Guide to Horary & More for Contemporary Astrologers, part 4 ‘The Battle: Memoirs of a Horary Astrologer A Guide to Horary & More, part 6 Dark Moon, The ‘The IRA Bombing that Broke the Cease-Fire ‘Transits, Heresy & some Right Royal Predictions ‘The Superlative Jupiter Beyond the Horizon Local Space Charts: Verifying Reagan’s Time of Bisth ‘The Neptune Pinto Sepriles An Immediate Response to the Terrorist Attack Predictive Astrology: Helpful or Harmful? Mircea Bliade: The First 26 Years Neptune & Pluto: Transpersonal Stages Beyond the Horizon Point of Thales, The Old Age Schoolmates Up From Disability: John Callahan, Cartoonist & Quadriplegic Graphic Rectification The Invisible Body Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis “The Schapelle Corby Verdict My First Astrological Cl Chants of Infants Primary Factor Analysis & World Class Baseball ‘The Astrological Symbolism of the Great Pyramid £ Development ‘The Astrology Heredity Research Project Avian Flu Pandemic: Paranoia or Possibility? ‘The Natal Chast: A Diagram of the Brain Childhood Schizophrenia Love Is, Winning at the Casino ‘The Horoscope of W. H. Chaney Evangeline Adams: Closet Determinist? ‘The Secret of the Incas Objections to Astrology Al Morrison's Aphorisms ‘Thee Horaties Evangeline Adams & the Airwaves Positively Horary Evangeline Adams’ Astrological ‘Techniques C..G. Jung Seen in the Mirror of His Bisth Chart Neptune Ronald Reagan is a Sagittarius Patrice Guinard Interview ‘The Local Space of Carlos Castaneda ‘The Moon’s Cycles & Phases VIE 1 Vil XVII XVE 4 XX:3 VIIE3 XVE3 VIEL VIE 1 XIVi4 XVIL3 XVIIL:2 r XX1 IX:4 XX:3 Ut U4 IX:3 XX XVI 3 XXE 1 WV V3 VE V4 13 Xk3 XIL:2 XIE 3 XU 4 XV XVE4 XVIE4 XIX:3 U1 XX Xk XVI 4 VE Dam, Paul Mahler Davis, T. Patric Dearborn, Ed Devine, Carole Dorotheus of Sidon Dyson, Franke Elin, Graham Elwell, Dennis Ely, Larry Epstein, Myra Erlewine, Michael Estadella, Juan Evans, ick Fearrington, Basil Feik, Robert Frank, Dennis Frawley, John Gassmann, Paula Gauquelin, Miche Gill, Gillespie, Frank Gillman, Kennet Saturn & Feats Satusn & Depression Dealing with Clients in Crisis ‘The Enlightened Middle Ages of Astrology Pluto: Refocusing on Life's Values A New Look at an Old Devil ‘The Ramifications of the Quincuns Who's Who in the "96 Presidential Election Buying & Selling Song ‘The Astrology of Gaeden Plants ‘Thoughts on the Dunblane Massacre Minos Ephemesis, 1900-2005 Moon-Mercury Aspects & Human Intel Farewell ro Pluto in Scorpio. Chart Interpretation Charles Jayne: Tribute Charts 6f Business Companies The Mundane Aspects ‘The Origin of the Aspects ‘The Oklahoma Bombing A Horse Dream ‘Two Dreams of Imprisonment Astrology & Statistics ‘The Law of the Whole ‘The Planets & Their Essences ‘The Houses ‘The 2 & 3"! Houses, More on the Houses: 4%, 5° & 6" ‘The Seventh House The Fighth House ‘The Ninth House The Three South-Eastern Houses A Double- Dose Theory of the Outer Planets Planetary Types Zodize Progressed National Charts Astrology versus Science Gandhi & the Septenary Half past Autumn Gandhi & the Septenary, patt 2 Splitting, the Septenary Summer is l-comen In Understanding the Centaur Backing up Bach XVII 2 XE2 XIE 2 Xk3 XE1 IX:3 XIV4 13 Wk 2 XIV:2 XV:3 XIL:3 X3 XVE2 XVII XVIE4 VI: 3 XVI1 XIX:3 XIX:4 XX: 1 XX:2 XX:3 XX4 XXE 1 XXL VE VUE3 XE2 m3 AA, VILL I 1:2,1%1 3 i I I I Rectification of an Unknown Bis 1 Time using the Septenary Some Thoughts on the Rajneesh Horoscope Stirrings Within the Cauldron Is All Contained within the Natal Horoscope? Sir Laurence Olivier’s Septenary & Decennium An Alternative Gorbachev Chact Primary Progressions? Gautama the Buddha Admissions to an Intensive Care Unit Identifying Election Winners Close, but No Cigar Fourteen Ninevy-Two AIDS Margaret Spevick & an Ancient Alphridary Playing with the LSRev Richard Nixon's Life Span Revolution ‘The Lagea Chon System Stations of the Moon ‘Twelve Gods & Seven PI ‘The Empress of Ireland Robert Graves ‘The Death of Diana, Princess of Wales What Happened When? Who Will Survive? Shootings in Eleven Schools The Humiliation of President Clinton We Live in Interesting Times Primary Direction Definitions ‘Why Serbia? Stephen King “The Intersection of Fctiptic & Galactic Fquator “The Batle of Pydna S & K atcend Columbine High Ronald Reagan & Mactin Luther King Rome: The Eternal Ci Charles Harvey Some Thoughts on Jupiter conjunct Saturn Marriage Elections: Comparing Different Rules Comments on Keple’s Time Periods Ypres, Dunblane & the Star of Bethlehem Montezuma & the Venus Transit Hiroshima Nine One One Osama Bin Laden “The Johnstown Flood & the Elusive Crescent Moon, The Prophet Muhammad & Islam Soccer's World Cup Final Adolf Hitler & the Life Span Revolution XVE XVU:2 XVIE3 VII: 4 XVIE 1 Girard, Nicole Godbout, Vincent Goodale, Irene E. Graves, Robert Gray, Shieley Grendahl, Spencer Gross Jr, Joha W. Guinatd, Patrice Galdner, Fritz H. Baghdad Isaac Newton & the Septenary Isaac Newton & the Septenary. Part 2 Time Twins More Time Twins Predicting the Dow An Lffeetive Epoch Jean-Baptiste Morin de Villefranche lngresses & Regicides Tsunami ‘The Trial of Michael Jackson ‘The Qualities: Astrology’s DNA ‘The Qualities & the Temperament Bombs & Floods Modifying the Sun in the Southern Hemisphere Diana & the Black Moon Notes on the WTC Attack Eclipses & Earthquakes, Further Research on the Influence of Solar Eclipses ‘The Iraq War & the August 1999 Eclipse The Arrest of Saddam Hussein Solar Belipses & Major Earthquakes in 2003 Earthquake & Tsunami in Indonesia & the Gulf Earthquakes Usually Accompany Solar Eclipses “Auditory” & “Visual” Types in the Horoscope Mass, Neptune & the Caribou ‘The Celestial Dragon, ‘The Work of Hermes Requiem: My Summit Juno & the Paycock Kyrie Eleison Vesta & Her Sanctuary Attack on America How is Your Trade, Aquarius ‘What's Wrong with my Car? Why Won't it Two Wrongs Make a Riot ‘The Challenge of Twins Neptune & the South Sea Bubble History of Eight Houses Astrology: The Manifesto Astrology: The Manifesto, pact 2 Astrology: The Manifesto, part 3 Astrology: The Manifesto, pact 4 Astrology: The Manifesto, part 5 Astrology: The Manifesto, part 6 Astrology: The Manifesto, pact Avatars of the Zodiac Age Progression & Cosmobiology: The Life Clock Re-examined XVIE 2 XVIIE2 XVIE3 XVIUL 4 XIX: 1 XIX: 2 XIX:2 XIX:4 XIX: 4 XxX: XX: XX: XX: XX: XXE 1 XII: 4 XVE4 XVIL1 XVIE3 XVII: 2 XIX: 1 XIX:2 XX:3 XXk: V3 Vuk XIX: 1 XV:3 XVE1 XVE2 XVE3 XVI 1 XVIE2 XVIT3 XVI 4 XVII: 2 XML 4

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