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Job Analysis

Mizul Das
Shaswat Mishra
Soumya Ranjan

• Concepts
• Job analysis
• Objectives
• Job description
• Characteristics
• Example
• Importance
• Job specification
• Types of manpower planning
• Types of job analysis
• Process
• Job analysis program and its uses
• Example
• Methods of collecting job analysis information
• Factors affecting manpower planning

• Advantages

Manpower planning is the process which includes forecasting, developing and controlling
by which a firm ensures that it has:-

 The right number of people.

 The right kind of people

 At right place

 At right time.

Manpower planning is also known as personnel planning or human resource planning.


Manpower planning involves two stages:

 planning of manpower requirements

 planning of manpower supplies


 To utilize the present employees fully.

 To fill up future manpower requirements.

 To check the development of the employees for organizational growth.

 To achieve organizational goals in an efficient way.

 To manage and utilize resources properly and effectively.


 Future oriented.

 Continuous process

 Optimum utilization of human resources

 Right kinds and numbers

 Determination of demand and supply

 Environmental influence

 The first step towards manpower management.

 Using available assets for the implementation of the

business plans.

 Coordinates and controls various activities in the


 Efficient utilization & skilled labour.

 Higher productivity.
Types of manpower planning

Types of manpower planning can be distinguished:

 On the basis of the level at which it is done.

 On the basis of the period for which it is done.


On the basis of
On period basis

Macro-level Micro-level Short Medium

(industrial unit Long period
(national level) period period
Types of manpower planning (contd.)

Level based manpower planning :

 National level (macro level)
• central government plans for human resources for the entire nation.
• It anticipates the demand for and supply of human requirements at national level.

e.g. Government sectors

 Industrial level (micro level)

• In this level, planning is done to suit manpower needs of a particular industry.
e.g. engineering, heavy industries, paper industries, public utility, textile/chemical industries
Types of manpower planning (Contd.)

Period based manpower planning :

Short term
• Prepared for a period of 1 year
• This types of plans are made as a part of 5 years plans at national level.
• Useful at company level.

Medium term
• Made for 2 to 5 years
• Prepared as a financial planning at national level
• For employment opportunities and training and development of employees.

Long term
• Made for 10 to 15 years.
• Estimates man power needs of a nation
• Rises educational and training

Demand forecasting Supply forecasting

Existing inventory

Analysis of the corporate and unit level strategies

Estimating net
Recruitment Redeployment
& Redundancy/
selection Retrenchment

Manpower planning of

Infosys :

•Strategy planning,

•Employee search,

•Screening through Interviews,

•Evaluation about a person

Manpower planning of McDonalds :

• Outsourcing the demand to local recruitment agencies.

• Each position has a job description outline.

• Career fairs.

• Local job centres.

• Offers online applications for the applicants to manage

the labour supply for its outlets.

Factors affecting manpower planning

Product mix :
• Optimum productive capacity and sales forecast
• Optimum utilization of human and material resources

Performance mix :
• Depends upon the working conditions, bonus schemes, suitable incentive plan, training program,
motivation etc.

• Motivation directly proportional to performance rate and inversely proportional to the labour capacity

Hour lost :
• If productive man hours lost are less, there available productive hours will be more and less manpower
will be needed.

 Manpower planning ensures optimum use of available human resources.

 It is useful both for organization and nation.

 It generates facilities to educate people in the organization.

 It brings about fast economic developments.

 It boosts the geographical mobility of labor.

Job analysis

• It is the first step in job evaluation and

requires investigation of each job skills and
personal attributes required to perform
the job satisfactorily.

• Determination of duties and positions and

characteristics of the people to hire for the
Job description

Job description indicates what all a job involves.

It includes:
 Job title
 Job location
 Job summary
 Working condition
 Reporting to
 Job duties
 Machines to be used
 Hazards
Example for nursing
• She will be responsible and overall In-charge of
Nursing Services in a hospital or specialized centres
irrespective of the number of beds.
• She will carry out regular rounds of the hospital.
• She will ensure safe and efficient care rendered to
patients in various wards etc.
• She will prepare budgets for nursing services.
• She will be a member of various condemnation boards
for linen and other hospital stores.
• She will be responsible for counselling and guidance
of sub-ordinate staff.
Job specification

Refers to what kind of people to hire for the job

Personal characteristics

Physical characteristics

Mental characteristics

Social and Psychological characteristics

Types of Job analysis

Task based :

Task Duty Responsibility

Competency based :
Individual capabilities that can be linked to enhanced performance by individuals or teams.

Technical competencies Behavioral competencies

Job analysis program and its uses

 Recruitment and replacement

 Better utilization of workers

 Job restructuring

 Vocational Counselling

 Training

 Performance evaluation

 Occupational safety
Methods of collecting Job analysis

 Interview

 Questionnaires

 Observation

 Participant Diary/Logs

 Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques

 Using Multiple Sources of Information

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