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Learning Competency: Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each patterns of idea
development: CAUSE and EFFECT.

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Identify cause and effect relationship in a sentence.
2. Create sentences using the cause-and-effect relationship.
3. Appreciate the essence of leaning the cause-and-effect relationship.
II. Subject Matter:

1. Topic: Cause and Effect Relationship

2. Materials: Tv, Laptop, PPT
3. Reference: and

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity


Before we start may I ask everyone to stand up for our In the name of the father….
prayer. Janel can you please lead the prayer?

Greetings and Introductions

Good morning class. Good morning ma’am.

How are you today? We are all good ma’am.
That’s good to know.


Is there anyone absent today? No ma’am.

Very good!

A. Activity


Who among you can recall about our previous lesson? About reader response theory ma’am.

Correct! So, what is reader response theory? Reader response is a theory that recognizes the reader as
an active agent who imparts real existence to the work
and completes its meaning through interpretation.

Very good!

How about the others? It is about what and how the reader interprets the text
base on his or her understanding and experiences.

Alright very good! Now that you have already mastered

our previous lesson, we are now going to tackle another
lesson. But before that, I want you to close your eyes and
picture out in your mind the pollutions mother earth is
experiencing today.

(After one minute) Students: Closed their eyes.

Now, who wants to volunteer to share what kind of

pollution you have seen or imagine in your mind.

Thank you, Oprah, how about the others? So much garbage in the water and sea ma’am.

That is correct, thanks Mark. How about the others? The air especially in urban areas or city is already polluted

That is true Grengo. It is a sad reality.

In Payatas Manila ma’am the garbage is so much, it’s like
a mountain of garbage.
Guys all your answers are correct. Mother earth is
suffering from too much pollution. Now, what do you
think is the reason of these pollution?
The cause of air pollution Ma’am is too much vehicle and
the illegal factories or unregulated factories especially in
industrialize places.

The cause of water pollution ma’am is indiscriminate

throwing of garbage in our river and seas.

The cause of garbage pollution is the undisciplined

throwing of garbage everywhere like in plaza or

Thank you! All of your answers are correct. It us humans

is the main culprit or cause why mother earth is suffering
from pollution. We neglect to care and protect our
environment which in effect when we destroy our nature,
we also harm our health.

Based from your answers class, what do you think is our Our lesson for this morning ma’am is all about cause-and-
lesson for this morning? effect relationship.


Alright, very good students! Our lesson for today is about

Cause-and-Effect Relationship. Wherein at the end of this
lesson you should be able to:
1. Identify cause and effect relationship in a
2. Create sentences using the cause-and-
effect relationship.
3. Appreciate the essence of leaning the
cause-and-effect relationship.
Analysis and Discussion

Now, class that you have already identify our lesson for
this morning I have prepared some sentences here for
you to read and analyze.

Are you ready class? Yes ma’am.

Okay please read the sentences.

1. The boy was grounded because he cheated on Student 1: The boy….

the test.
2. My sister was scared of the mouse so she yelled Student2: My sister…
for help.
3. It got dark because the sun went down. Student3: It got…
4. The dog dug a hole so that he could bury his
bone. Student4: The dog…
5. Mark was tired so he falls asleep in class.
Student5: Mark was…

Alright! Thank you for reading our examples class.

Now, what have you observe from the sentences? The sentences ma’am demonstrates cause and effect
Yes, that is correct.

Now, can you identify the cause and effect in the In sentence 1 the cause the boy is cheated on the test
sentences? and the effect, he became grounded.

Okay thank you that is correct.

In sentence 1, the cause as to why the boy became
grounded, because he cheated on the test and the effect
is he became grounded.
Did you get me class? Yes ma’am.

Okay very good, How about in sentence 2? In sentence 2, the cause, she was scared of mouse and
the effect, she yelled for help.
Thank you that is correct. in sentence 2, the cause is, she
is scared of mouse that’s why she yelled for help, the
effect is she yelled for help.
Did you get me class? Yes ma’am.

Alright very good. How about sentence 3? In sentence 3, the cause is, the sun went down and the
effect it became dark.
That you that is correct. in sentence 3 the cause is the sun
went down, that’s why it became dark. So, the effect here
is it got dark.
Got it class? Yes ma’am.

Very good. Okay sentence 4? Anybody? In sentence 4 the cause is, the dog dug hole and the
effect is, so he could bury his bone.
Alright! That is correct. in sentence 4 the cause here is
the dog dug hole, so he could bury his bone. The effect is
he could bury his bone.
Did you get me class? Yes ma’am.

Very good. Last sentence 5? In sentence 5 the cause is, mark tired, and effect is he fall
asleep in class.
Thank you the is correct. in sentence 5 the cause is he
was tired, and the effect is he fall asleep in class.
Did you get me class?
Yes ma’am.
Will very good class. Thank you, class, for participating.


Again class, what is a cause? what is an effect?

Cause ma’am is the reason why something happened
while an effect ma’am is the result of what happened.
Is there really a relationship between cause and effect?
Yes ma’am.
Okay, why did you say so?
Because ma’am, without the cause we can’t have the
effect or we can’t come up with the effect of something
Yes that is correct. in order for us class to have effect, we done or happening.
should have the cause. They are always together because
if one is missing it is not functional.

Did you get me class?

Yes ma’am.
Now, who can give me examples?
“she works hard and she got promoted”
Okay thank, from your example can you identify the
cause and effect?
The cause ma’am is “she worked hard”. And the effect is
Thank you that is correct. “she got promoted”.

Okay another examples?

“He is very kind to everybody, and all the people in his
Okay thank you for your example. Now, can you tell us town respect him.
the cause and effect of your example.? ‘

Okay thank you that is correct. The cause ma’am is, he is very kind to everybody and the
effect all the people in his town respect him.
Any other examples? People from the back?
“She did not listen to her parent’s advice that’s why she is
Okay, thank you for your example. Now, can you tell us in trouble.”
the cause and effect of your example.?
The cause ma’am, she did not listen to her parent’s
Alright that is correct! advice and the effect is she is in trouble.


I think class that you have already understand the cause-

and-effect relationship.
Now let’s have a short exercise.
Do you have any question or clarifications class?
None ma’am.
Instruction: In a ½ sheet of paper write 5 cause and
effect relationship sentences. Underline the cause and
encircle the effect.

Pass your papers after ten minutes. Is that clear?

Yes ma’am.
(after ten minutes)
Pass your papers finish or unfinish. 1...2...3…

okay class please listen, class why is it important for us to
know the relationship between cause and effect? It very essential for us ma’am to know the relationship
between the cause and effect, so that we can easily
identify the situation that we are experiencing and we
can understand what is the cause of the consequences
Yes, that is correct class. It is very important for us the that we experience today.
know the relationship between the cause and effect, so
that we can easily analyze any situation that is related to
cause and effect.

Did you get me class?

Yes Ma’am.
Okay very good.

IV. Evaluation

Please get a ½ sheet of paper. Make an essay about corruption using a Cause and Effect relationship.

Rubrics: Best Better Good

Cause and effect relationship 4 2 1
Content 4 2 1
Grammar 4 2 1

V. Assignment
Research about “Parts of the Newspaper”.

Prepared by: Juvelyn D. Auditor


Approved by: Jannes E. Barerra, MAEd


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