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Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programme EUROCULTURE

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3, Oec 1.20b, 37073 Göttingen, Germany

Euroculture Göttingen
Tel. +49 (0) 551 / 39-26381

Skype: euroculturegoettingen

Master of Arts in Euroculture

Confirmation letter
Academic period 2021/2023

Last name:

First name:

Date of birth:


Passport number:

Permanent address:

Current address:


Telephone number:

Herewith I declare my binding decision to accept the unconditional offer of admission. I intend to
register at the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programme at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,
Germany for the academic period 2021/2023 and will attempt to fulfil the study requirements of
the Programme to the best of my ability.

Further I herewith declare that the information provided in my application, on the basis of which I
was admitted for the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programme Euroculture, is complete and correct.

Signature of applicant: _____________________________________

Date, Place: _____________________________________


Privacy statement

To coordinate the Euroculture Master of Arts programme, the Euroculture consortium secretariat and the
Euroculture partner universities have to collect, store and process its students’ personal data. For all the
students admitted to the programme, it is required to agree to this privacy statement.

What personal data are collected?

 Full name
 Date of birth
 Nationality
 Gender
 Special needs
 Address
 Place of residence
 E-mail address
 Educational background and language skills
 Professional and volunteer experience (CV)
 Documents submitted during the application process

Subsequently, such information as the choice of further universities, professional placement plans and bank
account details might be requested if necessary.

Who collects and processes these data?

The data, together with the required documents, are available for processing:
- to the Euroculture staff in the first, second and (if applicable) third Euroculture university, inside and
outside Europe, to which the student is admitted to during the course of her or his Euroculture studies;
- to the respective responsible bodies within these universities (e.g.: student exchange coordinator, housing
office, admissions office, and the like);
- to the Euroculture consortium secretariat at the University of Groningen and the Financial Services Shared
Center – FSSC – of the University of Groningen;
- the Euroculture application tool administrator iWink.

The Euroculture consortium universities have signed an agreement on the procedures for collecting and
processing applicants’ data. The University of Groningen, as the coordinating university of the consortium, is
charged with collecting, storing and sharing the applicants' data with its partners. The data is stored relying
on the facilities of our contractor iWink for 5 years after the application is submitted, or longer in case the
student needs more time to finish her or his Master studies.

Additionally, the application data may be used for the purposes of evaluating the Erasmus programmes,
efficiently managing Erasmus projects, and producing statistics. Data could be made available to the
Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), the European Commission, the European External Action
Service staff, as well as to other stakeholders of the Erasmus+ programme, such as Erasmus+ National
Agencies, National Erasmus+ Offices and the Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association.

Why are these data processed?

- Euroculture partner universities and the respective responsible bodies within these universities process
these data in order to enroll students and register them for courses, to assist in their visa, housing,
scholarship (including mobility grants) application (if and when applicable), to provide study advice and
career orientation, to assist in finding supervision for a research paper or the MA thesis (if applicable), to
organize study trips (if applicable), to coordinate the organization and implementation of the Euroculture
Intensive Programme and the writing, presentation and peer-review of the Intensive Programme papers; to
oversee students’ progress.

- The Euroculture consortium secretariat processes these data to monitor the student intake at each partner
university and the consortium as a whole; to coordinate the distribution of students in the second, third and
fourth semesters; to ensure access to the electronic learning environment – the Euroculture BlackBoard and
to check submitted work for plagiarism; to ensure that the Euroculture students in all partner universities
are informed on all the relevant procedures such as second semester distribution, MA thesis writing, and
the like; to arrange health insurance for students (if applicable); to enable networking between the students
within a cohort and among different cohorts; to devise the marketing and PR strategies for the Euroculture
MA programme; to uphold the Euroculture alumni network and collect relevant information from the

- The Financial Services Shared Center – FSSC – of the University of Groningen together with the Euroculture
consortium secretariat processes these data to arrange the payment of tuition fees by the students and the
granting of tuition fee waivers (if applicable), or the payment of the Erasmus Mundus grant to the students;
as well as the payment of possible other related amounts such as contribution to travel costs for the third
semester studies overseas.

Every student admitted to the programme as of 1 July 2018 is requested to read and agree to this privacy

The above-mentioned parties are therefore empowered to collect, store and process the applicants’
personal data through the explicit consent of the student.

I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that I have read and agreed to this privacy statement and agree to the
above-mentioned parties to collect, store and process the personal data and the documents I have made
available at the time of my application or thereafter upon the respective request by either of the
aforementioned parties.


Place and date:


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