Assignment 1: Turbo Machines

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Assignment 1

Turbo Machines

1. A turbojet engine is flying at 300 m/s , the product of combustion achieve an exhaust
velocity of 900m/s . estimate the propulsive efficiency with fuel having value Qr = 42800
kJ/kg and fuel to air ratio, f = 0.03, calculate the thermal efficiency and overall
efficiency. For an inlet mass flow rate of 80 kg/s, assuming a perfectly expanded nozzle,
calculate the following (abp 4 )
a. Ram drag
b. Take off thrust
c. Uninstalled thrust
d. Thermal efficiency
e. Propulsive efficiency
f. Overall efficiency
(24 KN, 74160 N, 50160 N, 0.2898 , 0.5 , 0.14)
2. A ramjet flying at mach 2.0 at an altitude where T0 = -50 C and the engine flow rate is 10
kg/s . if the exhaust mach number of the ramjet is equal to the flight mach number i.e.
M9= M0 with perfectly expanded nozzle and Tt9 = 2599 K. assume fuel flow rate is 4 %
of air flow rate and take Cp= 1.004 Kj.kgK. Calculate
a. Engine ram drag in KN
b. Nozzle gross thrust in KN
c. Engine net thrust in KN
d. Engine propulsive efficiency
(5985 N, 15.5 KN, 9.5 KN, 0.5679 ,)

3. A turbine powered aircraft has V0= 300 m/s while V9 = 600 m/s. the air mass flow rate is
100 kg/s while the fuel rate is 2.5 kg/s . the Qr = 42000 KJ/kg K. Assuming perfectly
expanded nozzle, calculate:
a. Engine ram drag in KN
b. Thermal efficiency
c. Gross thrust
d. Propulsive efficiency
e. Net thrust
f. TSFC in m/s/KN
g. Specific thrust
(30 KN, 13.2 % , 61.5 KN, 0.6613, 31.5 KN, 79.37, 0.315 )
4. A jet plane is moving with a speed of 1080 km/hr. The hot gas jet comes out with a
velocity of 500 m /s. the mass of air used by the jet is 50 kg/s and A:F = 75. Find power
developed by the jet and propulsive efficiency . (3.1 MW, 0.744).

5. An airplane flying at 1350 km/hr. the specific fuel consumption of the engine is 0.2
kg/hr/N of thrust. The thrust developed by the engine is 10 KN. The air flow through
compressor- 40 kg/s. find out the A:F ratio supplied to the engine and overall efficiency
of the system . take Cv of fuel = 42.5 MJ/kg )

(72, 0.1588)

6. An aircraft equipped with turbojet is flying at a speed of 1000 km/hr at 10 km altitude.

The propulsive efficiency = 0.6 and overall efficiency = 0.2 . if he drag on the aircraft is
6.5 KN. Find the jet exit velocity and volume handled by the compressor per sec. take air
density as 0.175 kg/m3 and CV of fuel 40,000 kJ/kg.

( 654 m/s , 96.34 m3/s )

7. A turbojet engine take 5 kg/s of air and propels and aircraft at a pseed of 880 kn/hr.
Isentropic enthalpy change in the nozzle is 180 KJ/kg and its velocity coefficient is 0.96
and compressor efficieny = 0.95 . find the following:
a. Thermal efficiency of the system
b. Fuel consumption and specific fuel consumption
c. Propulsive power, propulsive and overall efficiency of the engine
(0.27 , 0.0625 kg/s, 0.139 kg /Nhr, 395 KW, 0.61 , 0.16 )

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