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Institute of Foreign Languages

Department of International Studies

IS407 International Human Rights Law

Group Presentations

Group presentations consist of two parts. The first part deals with lessons on substantive rights
in the textbook while the second part has to do with case studies assigned to each group. The
two presentations will be conducted on the same day. The groups have complete freedom to
delegate and share responsibilities among their members.

1. The content of topic 1 bears the same aspects as in the textbook while the content of
topic 2 incorporates the followings:
 facts of the case (what happened)
 law applications (treaties, as well as specific articles that applicants accuse the
 parties’ contentions (arguments)
 court’s decisions (or committee’s decisions)
 significance of the case (how important, what you learn from the case)

2. The respective presentations will take approximately 30mns, depending on the

complexity and the content of the topics and cases.
3. Grading will be based on organization, understanding the case and use of the concepts of
case presentation discussed in class, clarity and conciseness of presentation and overall

Marking criteria

I. Content
Enough information …………………………… /5
Clear explanation …………………………… /5
Smooth flow of information …………………………… /3
Preparedness …………………………… /2
II. Language
Accuracy …………………………… /5
Fluency …………………………… /5
III. Delivery
Voice projection …………………………… /2
Gesture and eye contact …………………………… /2
Time management …………………………… /1

TOTAL ……………………………………………… /30 marks

Remember the presentations must be done with utmost and thorough attention since they account
for 20% of your final results.

N Name Topic Date

Tan Sambathsopheaktra
Uth Sophanith
1 Tek David The right to life 10-Jun
Siv Sreypich
Lim Tony
Kong Chanmonyroth
Rin Manath
2 Pov Tithyaboramey Barrios v. Peru 10-Jun
Chea Kanitha
Chea Oudom
Moul Sopheavattey
Em Lakhena
3 Chhay Meyly Freedom from torture 17-Jun
Chiv Kimhuoy
Kha Mouygech
Sreng Hak
Chouth Channsambath
4 Tyrer v. UK 17-Jun
Chea Daraty
Chheang Nguonhong
Hong Sunchhay/S
Horn Sivhong
5 The right to liberty 24-Jun
Kek Chanrotana
Kheng Chansophearath
Ly Hakseng
Sada Akaravid
6 Solmaz v. Turkey 24-Jun
Khlot Lynette
Tan Sambathmarina
Chea Senghor
Monin Diana
7 Minority rights 1-Jul
Ream Phyrobish
Sor Bunsopheap
Sambath Kunpiteak
Ney Marady
8 SERAC v. Nigeria 1-Jul
Hosann Rojeth
Tann Kanya

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