Excel In-Class Assignment 1 2 Instructions

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Excel In-Class
Learning Objectives: To demonstrate excel skills.
//A1_Excel In-Class Assignment


1. Create the following spreadsheet and input the information and format as shown (be sure
to note the font, size, colour, and alignment of headings) /2
2. Use a formula to calculate the Games column by adding the Wins, Losses and Ties. /1
3. Use a formula to calculate the points. A team gets two points for a win and one for a tie. /1
4. Use a formula to calculate the total for the For column and Against column. /1
5. Sort the teams by Points (highest to lowest), and then by Wins (highest to lowest) /1
6. Copy the table to Sheet 2 and change the view to show formulas. /1
7. Rename Sheet 1 to OHL and Sheet 2 to OHL Formulas /1
8. Answer the following question anywhere visible on your spreadsheet:
If we were to use this information to give a gold, silver, and bronze medal to the top 3
teams. Who would receive what and why based off of points? What can we use as a
tiebreaker if there is a tie to determine who wins the medals? Consider how you sorted
your information. /2
/8 APPLICATION /2 Thinking = Total 10 MARKS
//A1_Excel In-Class Assignment

Data to Input:
Excel In-Class
Learning Objectives: To demonstrate excel skills.
//A2_Excel In-Class Assignment


1. In the same workbook, create a new spreadsheet and input the information and format as shown (be sure
to note the font, size, and alignment of headings) /2
2. In the Mark column, go to teach assist to access your business marks and input your total mark for each
assessment. (***NOTE: You may calculate your total by entering = Mark1 + Mark 2 + Mark 3 to include your
knowledge, communication, thinking and application marks as needed.) /1
3. Use a formula to calculate the percent of your mark. Format the table to show your value in percent (%)
and with no decimals. /1
4. Create a Line Chart and include the following changes:
- The only series that is shown is the Percent
- The Background colour and border colour is changed to any colour of your choice
- The Chart Title is “My BTT101 Marks”, The X-Axis Title is “Assessment”, the Y-Axis Title is “Mark Percent”
- The Series Line colour and point shape is changed to anything of your choice and Data Labels are
included to show the percent values.
- The Legend is included as shown. /5
6. Name your Sheet BTT Marks. /1
//A2_Excel In-Class Assignment
Data to Input:

ASSIST to input
your actual mark
for each
//A2_Excel In-Class Assignment

Trend line will
vary based on
your individual

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