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Control over the World, Evil, and Ourselves

I spend my waking moments with God each day. I lay between wake and sleep in a discussion over my
concerns in the world. My answers come in the form of thoughtful images in my mind. These answers
come to rest there. I do not control what comes.

This morning’s conversation dealt with “me”, pride, control, and worldly issues of this time. There are so
many distractions these days. It is easy to get lost in these worldly mazes. In the maze of worldly
distraction, we lose sight of God’s Way. This morning conversation proved insight into the issue I was

First, I was focused on my issues with “me”. “Me” gets in Jesus’ Way. It is important to suppress and
discipline “Me”. I have started to practice this skill. It requires lots of reflection on the little thoughts that
creep up first for people.

God gave me an example from my prior day. I realized that I immediately have negative thoughts on
most situations regarding people. Jesus wanted me to practice my new exercise of quickly noticing my
negative thoughts regarding others and to suppress them in my heart. Instead, I was to look at the
people though His Eyes and discern if He wanted me to do anything about the situation or person I was
observing at the time. If nothing was to be materially done, I was to name the issue and pray for His
Intervention in it for the people in question.

In doing this exercise, I am not putting out curses into the world and not embracing sinful thoughts for
myself. Instead, I am moving my heart to embrace the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the World. I am moving
“Me” aside and working to only bring HIM into the world.

Regarding the distractions of the world, what and who we see of God’s creation everyday is what we
oversee. If we do not have actual, material business in those worldly situations on a daily? It is not our
business for God. We can see the issues and pray for God’s Will in them. We have enough in our very
day to worry about what others have been assigned. Putting energy into situations outside our own
realm of material/spiritual stewardship distracts us from caring for the part of creation we have been
assigned to.

Essentially, if you are not physically seeing the part of creation you are making yourself concerned
about? It is God’s business and not yours. You cannot and will not be able to fruitfully do anything with
the situation other than to pray for God’s Will in it. Doing so places a soul back into embracing our
original sin of being like a “god” and having knowledge of all good and all evil.

It is best to only know what God wants you to know about the part of creation you are to care for in this
world. If those other things merge into your world, He will give you the Grace needed to deal with them
then. Until then, care for what you oversee to the best of your God-given ability.

Involving yourself in these matters beyond the scope of yourself put the “Me” into these situations as a
barrier to what God is trying to birth into the world. Do not worry, if it something everyone should be
worried about, whatever it is will be placed in your lap to deal with soon enough. Until then do Jesus in
your part of the world He placed you in charge of.
Only Jesus is the antidote for the disorder in ourselves, this world, and evil. God’s Way in Jesus is Infinite
Law. We will not escape His Word incarnated in His Material World. The devil cannot escape it. Creation
cannot escape it. We do not control the resolution of God’s Will and Law. Thank God.

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