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Teammates:________________ Grade 8 Cross-Curricular Project Name:________________

Creating Clean Water Project

“Access to safe water is a fundamental human need and therefore a basic human
right.” – Kofi Annan

Driving Question:
How could we help bring clean drinking water to the community of Garden Hill
First Nation, Manitoba, by designing and proposing a new, small scale water
purification device to address their needs?

Unit Duration: 4 weeks

Your Task
1. In a group of 2-3, research current water purification techniques, common water
contaminants, and the challenges the First Nation of Garden Hills, Manitoba is facing in
terms of water quality and access.
2. Apply what you have learned to brainstorm possible solutions to the problem using a
mind mapping software (e.g. Coggle). With your teammates, come to a consensus about
which idea you plan to develop.
3. Design a 3D prototype of a small-scale water purification system that could be used to
combat the water crisis in Garden Hills. Construct, test, and revise your prototype as
4. When complete, put together a budget in Excel for the predicted cost per unit.
5. Write a letter of proposal to the Canadian government about your prototype and how it
could impact Indigenous communities.
6. Present your learning to the class using a form of communication technology (e.g.
Weebly website, Prezi, YouTube video, etc.)

Important Dates
Date Task Step Check-In Assessment Type
June 21 N/A Start Project N/A
June 24 1 Research Self-Assessment
June 28 2 Planning Self-Assessment
June 30 3.a Prototype 3D Design Peer Assessment
July 5 3.b Final Prototype Lab
July 7 4 Budget Self Assessment
July 12 5 Letter Self Assessment
July 14 6 Final Project Peer Assessment
July 16 6 DUE: Final Project & Presentation Summative Assessment
Teammates:________________ Grade 8 Cross-Curricular Project Name:________________

After this project you will be able to…

 Extract useful and reliable information while researching and engaging in online
 Apply what you have learned about water quality and purification to construct a plan
and create a water purification prototype that addresses a specific problem, while
collaborating with a team.
 Articulate the mechanical systems at work in a water treatment facility and/or in your
prototype and how they contribute to the efficiency of the device.
 Use a 3D modelling software to create a prototype that contains various basic 3D
shapes, including rectangular prisms.
 Calculate the total volume of water than could be held in their prototype at a given
 Devise a materials budget for the cost per water purification device designed, using
material cost rates.
 Write a formal letter with a persuasive tone and effective organization, free from
grammatical error.
 Explain the ramifications poor water quality and limited access to water has on
Indigenous communities in Canada.
 Collaborate with others and problem solve to propose a solution to the water crisis
gripping First Nations communities.
 Identify how technology can aid in the problem solving process, and utilize various
programs to solve practical problems.
Organizational Tips:

 Create a group Google Doc to compile all of the information obtained from your
 Start a Coggle to brainstorm prototype ideas and details.
Pre-Project Questions (answer on a separate sheet of paper):
1. In what ways do we use water in our everyday life?
2. What are the effects contaminated water or a limited access to water may have on
3. What are the common sources of drinking water in Canada?
4. What practices and/or factors may impact these sources of water? Can these be
5. How has colonialism led to the water crisis Indigenous communities are facing?
Teammates:________________ Grade 8 Cross-Curricular Project Name:________________

Step 1: Research
Task: Using the Google, YouTube, textbooks, and online simulations seek out the answers to
the following questions to guide your learning. Record your findings in a separate
collaborative document.
Due Date: June 24th (Self Assessment)

Guiding Questions:

 What are the steps used to purify water in a water treatment facility?
 What factors (dissolved materials, particulates, and biological components) deem water unsafe?
 Other than water treatment facilities, what other types of water purification/filtration systems
are used?
 What are some examples of different natural, synthetic, or chemical purification materials?
 How do these devices/systems impact the environment?
 Where is Garden Hill First Nation? How many people live there?
 What problems are the people of Garden Hill First Nation experiencing in terms of water access
and quality (water treatment facility, cisterns, no piping)?

Below are some helpful resources to use while researching, however this is not an exhaustive list.
Please research and find 4-5 other resources to utilize, pull information from, and cite properly.

Online Simulations
 Water purification – interactive simulations – eduMedia (
 Virtual Lab: Wastewater Treatment Simulation Virtual Lab | Labster
 Water Pollution Gizmo : Lesson Info : ExploreLearning
News Articles
 This First Nation produces clean water. So why are so many residents afraid to drink it? | CBC
 First Nations water problems a crisis of Canada’s own making (

Government Sites:
 Water in First Nations communities (
 Protocols and guidelines for water systems (
 Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act (
 Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines -
 Living without safe and reliable drinking water on Manitoba First Nation - YouTube
 How Do Water Treatment Plants Work? - YouTube
 When is water safe to drink? - Mia Nacamulli - YouTube
 Garden Hill First Nation - Anishininew Okimawin
 5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Drinking Water Advisories in Canada | Save the
Children Canada
 13 Types Of Water Purification And Filtration Systems (
Teammates:________________ Grade 8 Cross-Curricular Project Name:________________

Step 2: Plan
Task: Use the information gathered during Step 1 to devise a plan of action. Brainstorm
different ideas of how you could address the water needs of those living in Garden Hill First
Nation by designing original small-scale (household level) filtration/purification device. Use
Coggle, Mind Meister,, or another concept mapping tool to create a plan.
Due Date: June 28 (self assessment)

How to brainstorm: Brain dump as many ideas you can think of, discuss the different ideas, and then
evaluate the quality of ideas and refine your list.

Some things to consider while planning:

 Where will our device be located?

 What is the purpose of your device?
 How will it work?
 What materials will you need? What do those materials cost?
 What, if any, mechanical devices will be required? What will power them?
 What will the dimensions of your device be?
 Are there any potential downfalls of your device?
 What will each group members task be?

Note: Ensure all the materials for your prototype are safe and accessible. Have your material list
checked by the teacher prior to designing your prototype.

Step 3: Prototype Development

Task: Using a 3D modelling software such as Fusion 360 or TinkerCAD design a small-scale
water filter/purifier prototype. Then construct your prototype or 3D print it. Once complete,
conduct a lab experiment to test the effectiveness of your system. Based on your findings,
make revisions to your prototype if necessary, and test again (time willing).
Prototype 3D Design Due: June 30
First Physical Version Due: July 5 (you may make revisions to your prototype up until final
project due date)

Tutorials for 3D Modelling:

 Fusion 360: Fusion 360 Tutorial for Absolute Beginners— Part 1 - YouTube
 TinkerCAD: Getting Started in Tinkercad: A Tutorial for Complete Beginners - YouTube
Note: Your prototypes do not have to be perfect, but you do have to be able to discuss its
shortcomings and how it could be improved in the future for your final project.

Lab Activity
Teammates:________________ Grade 8 Cross-Curricular Project Name:________________

Test a water sample using your prototype: July 5

(Lab idea and documents retrieved from

1.) Take the dirty water sample of water provided and pour half of it through your
prototype. Label the unfiltered water as “Influent” and the filtered water as “Effluent.”
2.) Test the turbidity of each sample and record the data on the data sheet provided.
i. Instructions:
3.) Test for coliforms in each sample.
i. Instructions:
4.) Let the coliform test sample sit for a 1-2 days
5.) Record the results of the coliform data on the data sheet provided
i. Interpretation guide:
6.) Calculate the percent improvement of running the sample through your prototype and
complete the questions.
7.) Disinfect all coliform tests and surfaces using a disinfectant. Wash hands well with soap
and water.

Lab Debrief
Answer the following questions after each prototype test:
1. Was there anything that surprised you about the results? If so what?

2. What area of your prototype do you think needs improvement?

3. How could you modify your prototype to make it more effective?

4. If you were not limited by access to materials, what would you change about your
prototype? Explain.

Step 4: Budget
Teammates:________________ Grade 8 Cross-Curricular Project Name:________________

Task: Based on your prototype plan, construct an approximate budget for the cost per scale
water treatment/filtration device. Use Google to find material costs, and use a spreadsheet
program such as Excel to configure your calculations and numbers.
Due Date: July 7
Your Budget should include:

Component of Budget Example

Name of each material needed OSB Plywood
Amount of material needed for device 4, 4 ft. x 4 ft. pieces
Cost per material unit $72.98/ sheet
Dimensions of one material unit (if applicable) 4 ft. x 8 ft
Number of material units needed 2
Overall cost per material $145.96
Grand total of all materials before tax $145.96 + cost of material 2 + etc.
Grand total of all materials after 5% tax Grand total x tax percentage

Step 5: Letter
Task: Compose a proposal letter to send to our Member of Parliament your concerns over
the water crisis in Indigenous communities and how your prototype helps address the crisis.
Use a persuasive tone and be sure to use proper grammar and conventions.
Due Date: July 12

How to write a project proposal letter:

(Steps 2-6 were retrieved from )
1. Write the letterhead
2. Define the problem
3. Present your solution
4. State your plan
5. Outline your budget
6. Tie it all together
7. Format, edit, and proofread your proposal letter.
a. How to format your letter: Types of Formal Letters with Samples: Formal Letter Format
with Videos (

List of persuasive vocabulary to add to your letter: 380 High Emotion Words Guaranteed to Make You
more Persuasive - The Persuasion Revolution

Member of Parliament Address: Contact a Member of Parliament or contact us - House of Commons of

Canada (

Step 6: Final Product

Teammates:________________ Grade 8 Cross-Curricular Project Name:________________

Task: Showcase all you have learned and the prototype you have developed using a form of
new media (e.g. PowerPoint, Prezi, Weebly, Wix, YouTube, etc.).

Your final product must address the following topics and questions:

 An overview of the problem.

o What is the problem?
o Who is being affected? Why?
o What is the significance of the problem?
 An overview of your solution.
o What did you create? Include a picture
o How does it work?
o How much water can flow through, or be held by your prototype at a given time
o How much does it cost to make?
o How does it compare to a typical water treatment facility?
o Rationale about why you chose to do what you did.
 Reflection
o Explanation of the designing and development process, and how technology
helped you come up with a solution.
o What are the strengths of your prototype?
o What improvements could be made to your prototype?
o How would you change your prototype if you had access to any materials?
o What was your biggest take away from this project?
 Pictures
o Provide evidence of your learning by providing screenshots of your planning, 3D
design, finished prototype, budget, and letter.

Process: You will be formatively evaluated on how well you work as a team, implement
feedback, reflect upon your learning, and use technology to solve the problem. This will be
done using self-assessments, peer-evaluations, through observations, and discussions with the
Product: Your final product will be summatively evaluated (given a grade) based on how well
you have met the learning objectives ascribed to this project, please see the rubric handed out.
You will have a meeting with the teacher to share your learning and decide upon a mark.

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