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Topic: A Study on Customer Prefernce and Decision Making

Towards OYO Home Stays in Kerala.

Objectives of study

i. To identify the factors influencing the customer prefer Oyo homes.

ii. To study the customer satisfaction towards Oyo homes.


1) Name 

2) Gender *
o Male
o Female
o Prefer not to say

3) Age 
o Up to 20 years
o 21 - 30
o 31 - 40
o 41 - 50
o Above 50

4) Occupation 
o Salaried
o Self employed
o Professional
o Student
o Other
5) Income Level ( per month basics ) 
o 0 - 25 k
o 26 - 50 k
o 51 - 75 k
o 76 - 1 Lacs
o Above 1 Lacs

6) Family size 
o 0 - 3 members
o 4 - 6 members
o 7 - 9 members
o 9 - 12 members
o Above 12

7) Reason behind your visit or short stay in OYO Homes? 

o Family vacation lodging
o Business/official trip lodging
o Local event lodging
o Temporary living lodging
o Others

8) Is your reservation process was efficient and recorded accurately? 

o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

9) How quick was the check-in process? 

o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

10) Are receptionist team was courteous and informative? 

o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied
11) OYO Homes amenities (pool, exercise ground, playground) were clean, attractive and
properly equipped? 
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

12) Housekeeping team was friendly and available during your stay at OYO Homes? 
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

13) How do you rate the food and beverage service provided by OYO Homes during your
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

14) How customer support team responded with your queries and support assistance?  
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

15) How easy and flexible in booking OYO Home service during your trip? 
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

16) Do you get OYO Homes at most premium location or easily accessible location during
your trip? 
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

17) How satisfied are you in getting the availability of OYO Homes during your trip?  
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

18) Are you satisfied with the payment options provide by OYO? 
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

19) Are you satisfied with the refund process of OYO Homes? 
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

20) How affordable was your stay at OYO Homes? 

o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

21) Do you think that OYO Homes provide value for the money you spend? 
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied
22) Rate your comfort and ambiance during the stay in OYO Homes? 

Highly satisfied
Highly dissatisfied

23) Rank the following factors which influence your preferences towards OYO Homes?
( Rank 1 - Most influencing factor, Rank 2 - Moderate influencing factor, Rank 3 -
Least influencing factor ) 

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3

Quality Homes
Online services

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