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Ensuring Cavitation in a
Medical Device Ultrasonic Cleaner
Stephen M. Kovach

Stephen M. Kovach, BS, CFER, Abstract the criteria for passing when in the absence
is the director of education for Background: Ultrasonic cleaners are used for of cavitation.
Healthmark Industries in Fraser, MI. fine cleaning of medical devices, removing Conclusion: Cavitation is an important and
Email: soil from joints, crevices, lumens, and other necessary function of all ultrasonic cleaners.
areas that are difficult to clean using other The results of the study clearly demonstrate
methods. To accomplish this fine cleaning, that even when no cavitation is being pro-
ultrasonic cleaners use a process known as duced, certain tests will still provide results
cavitation. To understand the function of the indicating the presence of cavitation. Those
cavitation process on items that require tests do not distinguish between cavitation
enhanced cleaning, a study was conducted to energy and the other parameters in an
determine whether four commercially ultrasonic cleaner.
available products claiming to test for
cavitation actually detect cavitation activity. According to the Food and Drug Adminis-
Methods: Each of the products selected for tration (FDA), an ultrasonic cleaner (Figure 1)
the study were placed into a Mason jar [Marielyn: Please place Figure 1 on second
containing cleaning solution at temperatures page of article (i.e., general rule: don't place
of 77°F (25°C) and 100°F (38°C), with no figures on first pages of articles).] is a Class 1
cavitation energy generated. The jars were medical device “intended for cleaning
agitated by vigorous manual shaking for five medical instruments by the emission of high
seconds (one time per minute for 15 min- frequency soundwaves.”1 Ultrasonic cleaning
utes) by the same operator. The results of the equipment is not designed for disinfection or
commercial testing products were inter- sterilization; instead, it is used for fine
preted according to manufacturers' cleaning, removing soil from joints, crevices,
instructions for use and recorded following lumens, and other areas that are difficult to
the 15-minute agitation process. Each test clean using other methods.2 To accomplish
was repeated three times. this fine cleaning, ultrasonic cleaners use a
Results: Three of the four commercially process known as cavitation. Cavitation is
available tests claiming to detect cavitation necessary to produce the cleaning action of
were demonstrated to not be specific to an ultrasonic cleaner.3–5
cavitation. Each of the three tests satisfied Most ultrasonic cleaners consist of an
electronic generator and numerous ultra-
sound transducers. An electrical signal from
Key Takeaways the generator causes the transducers to
• Ultrasonic cleaning equipment is used for fine cleaning, removing soil oscillate and produce high-frequency sound
from joints, crevices, lumens, and other areas that are difficult to clean waves. These sound waves compress and
using other methods.To achieve this fine cleaning, ultrasonic cleaners decompress molecules in the solution,
use a process known as cavitation. producing alternating cycles of high and low
• AAMI standards require a specific test for the presence of ultrasonic pressure. Cavitation occurs when the
energy; therefore, cavitation within the cleaning liquid is required. low-pressure cycles create microscopic
• Four products intended for testing cavitation in ultrasonic cleaners bubbles that implode during the high-pres-
were tested to determine whether they could actually detect cavitation sure cycle. The cavitation process results in a
activity. mechanical scrubbing action that dislodges
• Only one product indicated that no cavitation was detected, whereas debris and cleans the surfaces of the items
the other three products passed all tests, indicating that cavitation was placed in the ultrasonic cleaner.2–5
detected despite no cavitation being present. Manufacturers' instructions for use
(IFUs) often recommend ultrasonic clean-

280 Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology July/August 2019

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ing for effective processing of surgical

instruments with otherwise inaccessible
areas. The Association for the Advancement
of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) also rec-
ommends performing ultrasonic cleaning in
accordance with the device manufacturer’s
IFU and (1) on items where ultrasonic
cleaning is not contraindicated in the device
manufacturer’s IFU, (2) after gross soil and
detergents have been removed from the
items, and (3) with fresh cleaning solution
specifically labeled for use in ultrasonic
cleaning equipment.2
Ultrasonic cleaning should be followed by
thorough rinsing with clean water to remove
bath residues and contaminants. Ultrasonic
equipment should be cleaned in accordance
with the manufacturer’s IFUs each day it is
Figure 1. Ultrasonic cleaner
used.2 AAMI further recommends following
performance verification test methods and with a pencil, placed into the ultrasonic
performing daily cavitation testing when bath, and observed for removal of the
using the equipment.2 marks.
AAMI recommends that medical facility The results of these methods may not
personnel ensure their ultrasonic cleaners always be clear because each test requires
are producing cavitation and have the ability subjective interpretation. The glass slide and
to remove a test soil from external and ceramic disc tests demonstrate the removal
internal surfaces of items cleaned ultrasoni- of soil from a surface but do not specifically
cally. It is essential to ensure that the detect cavitation. The foil test detects cavita-
verification products used to test ultrasonic tion; however, the findings of pings and
cleaners are actually testing for the correct dimples in the foil must be subjectively
parameters and that the statements made in interpreted by personnel and compared with
the testing product IFUs are accurate. the original test. (Note: Ultrasonic probes are Sterile processing
Healthcare facility personnel should have a available to test energy level.) departments have only
clear understanding of what these products Following AAMI's recommendation of had nonstandardized
are testing for and the significance of the daily cavitation testing2 and The Joint methods for testing the
ultrasonic cleaner test. Commission's standard for identifying, functionality of ultrasonic
A lack of understanding regarding the maintaining, inspecting, and testing of all cleaners.
purpose of ultrasonic cleaners has resulted in inventoried medical equipment,6 the number
longstanding concerns about their function- of available products claiming to test ultra-
ality. Further, sterile processing departments sonic cleaners for cavitation, soil removal,
(SPDs) have only had nonstandardized temperature, and cleaning solution concen-
methods for testing the functionality of tration has increased. Of note, these products
ultrasonic cleaners. For example: do not distinguish whether the failure is with
•• For the "foil test," a piece of aluminum the cavitation process or with other parame-
foil is placed into the ultrasonic bath and ters of the ultrasonic cleaning process.
observed for perforation or destruction The ability to test for cavitation is important
caused by cavitation. because an ultrasonic cleaner is purchased for
•• For the "glass slide test," the frosted its ability to produce a cavitation energy that
portion of a glass slide is marked with a removes soil from joints, crevices, and other
pencil, placed into the ultrasonic bath, areas that otherwise are difficult to clean.
and observed for removal of the marks. Without knowing whether cavitation is
•• For the "ceramic disc test," an unglazed effective, the ultrasonic unit may be nothing
ceramic disc with a flat finish is marked more than an expensive soaking tank. 281
© Copyright AAMI 2019. Single user license only. Copying, networking, and distribution prohibited.

For the previous 10 years, the SPD at the er’s IFU, the product is designed to monitor
medical facility (located in the Midwestern the cleaning efficiency of the ultrasonic
United States) where this study was con- cleaners by checking time, temperature,
ducted has been using a product that transducers, cavitation, and detergent.9
specifically tests the cavitation process. Using Product B consists of an aluminum strip
this product has helped SPD personnel with blue dye in a square, which is placed in
identify and resolve issues with the ultrasonic a holder that allows exposure of the blue
cleaner related to the cavitation process. square. When cleaning conditions are
Recently, the SPD was approached by other effective, the blue dye on the monitor is
companies promoting less expensive prod- dissolved. The presence of a large amount of
ucts that were claimed to be equivalent to the blue dye remaining on the monitor reflects a
test the SPD had been using. To evaluate serious deficiency in the ultrasonic cleaning
these products, objective data were needed to efficiency.9 No validation paper could be
support switching to an alternative test or to found on the company website or during the
continue using the existing test. A decision literature search to support the ability of this
was made to test the various products to product to produce repeatable results.
determine the efficacy of each test.
The objectives of this study were to identify Product C
a simple method for comparing the various Product C10 has been available commercially
commercially available products and to for one year. According to the manufacturer’s
determine whether cavitation could be IFU, this ultrasonic indicator provides an
detected by one or more of the products. objective test to evaluate the ultrasonic cycle
throughout the tank. “Problems such as
Products Used insufficient energy, water level, improper
Four products (labeled A, B, C, and D) temperature and degassing may have an
intended for testing cavitation in ultrasonic impact on results,” stated the manufacturer.10
cleaners were identified for inclusion in the The indicator consists of a small piece of
study.7–11 To obtain information about each plastic containing synthetic test soil that
product and determine its mode of action, mimics blood and common tissues found on
the author reviewed the manufacturers' IFUs devices commonly cleaned in ultrasonic
and searched published literature for cleaners. Per the IFU, the product is placed
relevant research and nonresearch evidence into a wire basket holder with a lid, the lid is
specific to each product. closed, and the testing unit is placed into the
ultrasonic cleaner. No validation paper could
Product A be found on the company website or during
Product A7 has been available commercially the literature search to support the ability of
for 16 years. It is intended to detect cavitation this product to produce repeatable results.
and consists of a capped vial with a blue-
green solution. The product turns yellow Product D
only when it is exposed to cavitation energy This product11 has been on the market for
produced by an ultrasonic cleaner; it does less than one year. According to the manu-
not detect or measure soil removal.7 This facturer’s website, the product monitors the
product indicates sufficient ultrasonic strength of cavitation in an ultrasonic
activity by exhibiting a color change from cleaner.11 In addition, using dual soil spots to
blue/green to yellow, which is caused by a mimic blood and tissue removal from both
chemical reaction in the vial triggered by difficult-to-clean surfaces and instrument
cavitation. A validation paper12 is available, parts, the product measures temperature, the
and published articles support the use of presence and concentration of detergent, and
product A.4,5 the length of the ultrasonic cleaning cycle.
The test indicator consists of a piece of paper
Product B with two blue ink spots. The indicator is
Product B8,9 has been available commercially placed into a holder that covers one square
for eight years. According to the manufactur- and exposes the other square. When the

282 Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology July/August 2019

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indicators are exposed to an ultrasonic ately before the test products were placed into
cleaning cycle, the blue ink is removed by the jars. The jars were agitated by vigorous
cavitation. No validation paper could be manual shaking for five seconds once each
found on the company website or during the minute for 15 minutes. The 15-minute time
literature search to support the ability of this frame was chosen because it is the standard
product to produce repeatable results. time used at the medical facility for ultrasonic
cleaning of instruments.
Methods The test procedures were repeated three
The researcher developed a test to determine times at each of the two specified tempera-
the capability of each testing product to ture points. The results of the commercial
detect cavitation. When developing the test, testing products were interpreted according
the ability to replicate it easily in any SPD to manufacturers' IFUs and recorded
was considered important. The cleaning following the 15-minute process.
solution selected for the study is the solution
used by the medical facility in its ultrasonic Results
cleaners, and the specifications for dilutions The results of the product testing are shown
and temperature complied with the IFUs of in Table 1. Under testing conditions without
the cleaning solutions. ultrasonic cavitation, only product A indi-
Each of the four commercially available cated that no cavitation was detected.
tests selected for inclusion in the study were Products B, C, and D passed all tests,
placed into a Mason jar containing cleaning indicating that cavitation was detected
solution with no cavitation energy generated despite no cavitation being present.
(Figure 2). The four Mason jars were filled
with 500 mL utility water mixed with a Discussion
hospital-approved cleaning solution13,14 at a Each of the products used in this study are
dilution of 0.5 oz per gallon of AAMI intended to be placed in an empty ultrasonic
TIR34:201415 utility water and a temperature cleaner to test for the presence of cavitation.
of 77°F (25°C). This study was unique because the products
The test was repeated with four Mason jars were tested using manual shaking and
filled with 500 mL utility water mixed with soaking without cavitation; however, several
the cleaning solution at a dilution of 0.5 oz passing test results were observed. The
per gallon and a temperature of 100°F (38°C). results showed that three of the four prod-
The temperature of the solution in each jar ucts failed to accurately assess cavitation
was verified by inserting a temperature because the dye/soil was removed when no
probe16 into the cleaning solution immedi- cavitation was present.

Figure 2. Mason jars containing cleaning solution and the four products selected for inclusion in the study 283
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These products appear to be sensitive to have the ability to test for the components
temperature and the presence of a detergent. essential to effective ultrasonic cleaning (e.g.,
The longer the product remains in the temperature, cleaning solution, cavitation,
solution, the greater the opportunity for the cleaning ability). This is particularly impor-
dye/soil to be removed from the coupon by tant because AAMI standards require a
simple mechanical agitation. Product A, specific test for the presence of ultrasonic
which is enclosed in a sealed, fluid-tight energy, and therefore, cavitation within the
container, is not affected by its surroundings cleaning liquid—not just passive cleaning
unless cavitation is present. Product A was efficacy—is required.
the only product shown to demonstrate the These tests should be part of a facility’s
Any test used to assess absence of cavitation. This was the product quality management program, where the
an ultrasonic cleaning that had been in use at the researchers' testing that is performed by facility personnel
system for the presence facility; therefore, this study verified that an is known as a performance qualification step.
of cavitation in the effective product was being used by the Incorporating a quality management pro-
cleaning fluid must be facility. gram into the facility’s ongoing processes for
able to differentiate Finally, the study confirmed that two verifying effective ultrasonic cleaning will
the difference between separate tests are necessary (cavitation and reduce the risk of patient infection and
passive or moderate soil removal) because the simple Mason jar improve patient outcomes.
mechanical cleaning and test described here demonstrated that
cleaning produced by marketed products may not distinguish Limitations
cavitation generated by between the presence or absence of cavita- The limitations of the current study were
ultrasonic energy. tion. The study also showed that other factors that only two bath temperatures and one
(e.g., temperature, cleaning solution) play a cleaning solution were used.
role in ultrasonic cleaning and also may need
to be tested with some frequency. Demon- Conclusion
strating cavitation is an important aspect of Cavitation produced by ultrasonic energy in
ultrasonic cleaner functionality and instru- an ultrasonic bath is an essential component
mental in the provision of clean medical of the cleaning system and is required to
devices. achieve adequate cleaning efficiency. Any
Ultrasonic cleaning is the combination of test used to assess an ultrasonic cleaning
many factors, including mechanical (cavita- system for the presence of cavitation in the
tion), chemical (cleaning solution) cleaning, cleaning fluid must be able to differentiate
and temperature. The ability to distinguish the difference between passive or moderate
between these processes, demonstrating mechanical cleaning and cleaning produced
which are or are not occurring, is vital to by cavitation generated by ultrasonic energy.
solving cleaning issues and ensuring effective This study demonstrated that only one
ultrasonic cleaning of medical devices. Sterile product was capable of detecting the pres-
processing and biomedical personnel should ence of cavitation produced within an
understand these different parameters and ultrasonic bath. The other products tested

Result at 15 Minutes
Product Temperature Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Comment
A 77°F (25°C) Failure Failure Failure No color change
B 77°F (25°C) Pass Pass Pass All blue coloring removed
C 77°F (25°C) Pass Pass Pass All pink coloring removed
D 77°F (25°C) Pass Pass Pass Slight hint of blue coloring remained
A 100°F (38°C) Failure Failure Failure No color change
B 100°F (38°C) Pass Pass Pass All soil removed
C 100°F (38°C) Pass Pass Pass All soil removed
D 100°F (38°C) Pass Pass Pass All soil removed

Table 1. Results of product testing. "Pass" indicates that cavitation was detected by the test per the instructions for use (IFU), whereas "failure" indicates that
cavitation was not detected by the test per the IFU.

284 Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology July/August 2019

© Copyright AAMI 2019. Single user license only. Copying, networking, and distribution prohibited.

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