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Self Progress Test

Date: March 3, 2021 Total Questions: 120 Time Duration: 2 Hours

If you can dream, you can do it!
1. Silicon is abundantly obtained from:
(a) Water (b) Metal (c) Sand (d) Stones
2. The number of base units are:
(a) Three (b) Five (c) Seven (d) Nine
3. An alternate unit to  kgms^-1  is:
(a) Js (b) Ns (c) Nm (d) N
4. The SI units of pressure in terms of base units are :

5. The sum of the three numbers, 2.7543, 4.10 and 1.273, up to correct decimal
places is:
(a) 8.1 (b) 8.13 (c) 8.1273 (d) 8.127
6. Absolute uncertainties are added in following operations:
(a) Multiplication (b) Division (c) Subtraction (d) None
7. The direction of a vector in space is specified by:
(a) One angle (b) Two angle (c) Three angle (d) No angle
8. The resultant of two forces 30 N and 40 N acting at an angle of 90° with each
other is:
(a) 30 N (b) 40 N (c) 50 N (d) 70 N
9. If 6N force act at right angle to 8N force, then the magnitude of resultant will
(a) 6N (b) 8N (c) 10N (d) 14N
10. If the position and force are in same direction, then torque will be:
(a) Maximum (b) Minimum (c) Same (d) Negative
11. Torque is defined as.
(a) Turning effect of force (b) Cross product of force and position vector
(c) Product of force and momentum (d) All a, b and c are correct
12. The resultant of two forces of equal magnitudes is also equal to the magnitude
of the forces. The angle between the two forces is.
( a) 30o (b) 60 o (c) 90 o (d) 120 o
13. The magnitude of cross-product and dot-product of two vectors are equal, the
angle between them is:
(a) Zero (b) 45° (c) 90° (d) 180°
14. If the velocity-time graph is a straight line parallel to time axis then:
(a) Acceleration is constant (b) Acceleration is variable
(c) Acceleration is zero (d) Velocity is zero
15. Which of the following pair has same direction always?
(a) Force, displacement (b) Force, velocity
(c) Force, acceleration (d) Force, momentum
16. Taking off rocket can be explained by:
(a) 1st law of motion (c) Law of conservation of momentum
(b) 2nd law of motion (d) Law of conservation of energy

20. The SI unit of angular momentum is Js. It can also be expressed as:
(a) kgms−1 (b) kgm2 s−1 (c) kgm2 s−2 (d) kgm−2 −1
21. The period of a circular motion is given by:
(a) T = rV (b) T = ωw (c) T = 2 (d) T = 2
22. When a body moves in a circle of radius „r‟ with linear speed „V‟, its centripetal
force is.
(a) mv / r2 (b) mv / r (c) mv2 / r (d) mv2 / r2
23. The dimension of angular acceleration is:
(a) T-1 (b) T-2 (c) T-3 (d)LT-2
24. The apparent weight of a man in an ascending lift moving with acceleration
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remains constant (d) Becomes zero
25. In case planets the necessary acceleration is provided by:
(a) Gravitational force (b) Frictional force (c) Coulomb force (d) Centripetal force
26. The acceleration of a freely falling body is:
(a) Zero (b) 9.8 ms-2 (c) 32 ms-2 (d) -9.8 ms-2
27. If a body of mass 10 kg is allowed to fall freely, its weight becomes.
(a) zero (b) 98N c) 9.8N d) 10N
28. An object is shot from the ground at 125m/s at an angle of 30 o above the
horizontal. How far away does the object land?

(a) 250m (b) 1350m (c) 675m (d) 62.5m

29. A ball is launched at an angle of 30o above the horizontal with an initial velocity
of 8ms.  At what time is its vertical velocity 0ms?
(a) 0.90s (b) 0.5s (c) 0.41s (d) 2.45s

30. A boy starts from a point A, travels to a point B at a distance of 3 km from A and
returns to A. If he takes two hours to do so, his speed is
(a) 3 km/h (b) zero (c) 2 km/h (d) 1.5 km/h

1. The meaning of murmur is:

A: Grumble and whisper B: smile C: laughter

D: cry
2. How many people were drowned in the sea:

A: 432 B: 436 C: 435 D: 460

3. The destination of the ship Birkenhead was:

A: Rome B: Spain C: Cape town D: Berlin

4. The author of Pakistan Zindabad is:

A: Stephen leacock B: John Walton C: King john D: John

5. The meaning of word panic is:

A: anxiety or fear B: complete order C: harmony D: silence

6. The permanent members of the Security Council who excercise the power of
VETO are:

A: 2 B: 3 C: 4 D: 5

7. UNICEF works mainly for:

A: cricket B: hockey C: entertainment D: children

8. WHO advises on

A: children's fund B: grow more food C: public health D: Advancement of

9. How many stations are there______________ London and oxford?
(a) Among (b) between (c ) after (d) Not of them
10. “The greenwood tree” is in the form of:
(a) Song (b) Prose (c) Verse (d) movie
11. William Shakespeare died in:
(b) 1615 (b) 1616 (c) 1617 (d) 1618
12. The poem “The Character of Happy Life” is deeply_________________spirit:
(c) irreligious (b) ending (c) religious (d) hopeful
13. The Abot of Canterbury is famous for:
(a) Wisdom (b) honesty (c) Honesty (d) Hospitably
14. The name of poet’s village in the “The lines form the desert village” is______ :
(a) Canterbury (b) Ohio (c )Washington (d) Auburn

15. Oliver Goldsmith died in _____________:

(a) 1774 (b) 1775 (c ) 1176 (d) 1777
16. He got too tired _____overwork:
A) because of B) because off C) on D) for
17. I saw a woman walking (along) the road.
(A) Adverb (B) Adjective (C) Preposition (D) Conjunction
18.  Still waters run (deep).
(A) Adverb (B) Adjective (C) Preposition (D) Conjunction
19.  She (as well as) her sister is engaged.
(A) Adverb (B) Adjective (C) Preposition (D) Conjunction
20. One of my best friends _____________ an extra on Seinfeld this week.
A) Are b) is c) will be d) not of them
Reading and Comprehension:
A material is what something is made of. There are 5 basic materials. Most things are
made with these materials. Some things are made of metal. Some things are made of
glass. Some things are
made of wood. Some things are made of cloth. And some things are made of plastic.
There are some other materials. But they are not used as much as these 5 materials.
Let’s talk about metal first. Metal is very heavy. And it is very hard and
strong. It usually feels cool if you touch it. We use metal to make lots of things. We
use it for forks and knives. We use it for keys. We use it for cars. We use it for these
things because it is very strong.
Next, let’s talk about glass. Glass is very smooth. It feels cool to touch. It is
not as heavy as metal. It is hard. But it is not strong. It breaks very easily! Then why
do we use it? We use it because it is clear! You can see through glass! That’s why we
use it for windows. That’s also why we use it for glasses. Now, let’s talk about wood.
Wood is lighter than metal and glass. It is not as strong as metal. But it is much
stronger than glass. We use wood to make lots of things. Things made from wood
are usually light and hard and strong. Chairs and tables are made from wood. Pencils
are made from wood. Now let’s talk about cloth. Cloth is very light. It is much lighter
than wood. And it is very soft. We use cloth to make lots of things. For example, it is
used to make clothing. And it is used to make blankets. Last, let’s talk about plastic.
Plastic is also very light. But it is different from cloth. Sometimes it is soft. And
sometimes it is hard. Plastic can be used to make thin plastic bags. These are light,
soft, and strong. But plastic can also be used to make bicycle helmets. These are
light, hard, and strong. A helmet and a bag seem different. But they are both made
from plastic.
21. Which sentence from the passage best describes the main idea?
A. "We use cloth to make lots of things." B. "Metal is very heavy."
C. "There are 5 basic materials." D. "A helmet and a bag seem different."
22. According to the passage, which of these things is a material?
A. chairs B. clothing C. windows D. wood
23. According to the passage, how does glass feel?
A. smooth and cool B. warm and soft C. light and hard D. sharp and heavy
24. In paragraph 4, the passage says, “Wood is lighter than metal and glass.” What
is the main purpose of this sentence?
A. to explain something B. to recommend something
C. to compare something D. to demonstrate something
25. Which material would you use if you wanted to make something that was
strong and very light?
A. plastic B. wood C. metal D. glass
26. In this passage, the author talks about
A. hard things first, then soft things B. heavy things first, then light things
C. strong things first, then weak things D. cool things first, then warm things
27. In this passage, we learn about a 5 different materials. Which of these
materials do you think is best?

28. In this passage, we learn about a 5 different materials. Which of these

materials do you think is
worst? Why?

29. The synonymous of underlined word in “We use wood to make lots of things”
30. Here what is stronger in grammar? “But it is much stronger than glass.”
1. The change on an atom is called:

A: Oxidation state B: Mass no. C: Atomic no. D: Oxidation no.

2. Salts of strong acid and strong base are:

A: Basic B: Neutral C: Acidic D: None of these

3. Which gas diffuses at the slowest rate?

A: NH3 B: CO C: N D: SO

4. A pressure cooker reduses cooking time because.

A: Heat is uniformly distributed B: A large flame is used

C: Boiling point of water rises D: Vapour pressure of liquid reduses
5. Which gas diffuses at the highest rate.

A: Ne B: CO C: O D: NH

6. Which of the following is not equal to one atomspheric pressure.

A: 760cm of Hg B: 101300N/m C: 760 torr D: 760 mm Hg

7. Gases become ideal at.

A: Low pressure and high temperatures B: Low temperature and low pressures
C: High pressures and low temperatures D: High temperatures and high pressure
8. Real gases do not behave as ideal gases as there exist attractive forces between
molecules the nature of force are.

A: Adhasive forces B: Cohesive forces C: Repulsive forces D: Van der Waal's forces
9. Which of the following crystals can conduct electricity in molten state but not in
solid state.

A: Atomic crystals of metal B: Covelent crystals C: Ionic crystals D: Molecular crystals

10. When water freezes at O C its density decrease due to.

A: Cubic structure of ice B: Change of bond lengths

C: Change of bond angles D: Empty space present in the structure of ice

11. The value of gas constant is 0.0821.

A: atm dm / mole k B: dm atm /mol k C: atm dm /k mol D: All of these

12. Which of the following is not a state function?

A: Pressure B: Enthalpy C: Volume D: Temperature

13. Which of the following food product will give maximum caloric value?

A: Butter B: Fruits C: Vegetable D: Meat

14. Heat of reaction is measured by:

A: Thermometer B: pH - meter C: Calorimeter D: None of these

15. One calorie is equal to:

A: 4.184J B: 4.184KJ C: 0.41.84J D: 41.84KJ

16. Internal energy of the substance will be:

A: K.E + P.E B: E + PV C: E + W D: None of these

17. The value of Kc increases when:

A: [Product] is less B: [Reactant] is more C: [Product] is more D: [Reactant] =

18. A gaseous equilibrium having Kc = Kp proceeds with:

A: Increasing volume of product B: Decreasing volume of product

C: Increasing volume of reactant D: No change in volume
19. The reaction of carboxylic acid with alcohol to form ester and water is called:

A: Neutralization B: Hydrolysis C: Esterification D: Equilibrium state

20. If a positive catalyst is added in a reaction, its Kc:

A: Increases B: Decreases C: does not change D: both a and b

21. The rate of forward reaction in an exothermic reaction will increase on:

A: Increasing termperature B: Decreasing pressure

C: Decreasing temperature D: Increasing pressure
22. Solubility divided by molecular mass is equal to:

A: Concentration B: Ksp C: Kc D: Kp

23. The oxidation potential of Cu electrode is:

A: +0.76 V B: -0.34 V C: +0.34 V D: -0.76 V

24. The most common oxidation state of an element is -2. The number of electrons
in its outer most shell is:

A: 2 B: 4 C: 6 D: 8

25. Which of the following is strongest reducing agent:

A: Zn B: Cr C: Ne D: Fe

26. The colour of universal indicator in acidic solution is:

A: Green B: Red C: Purple D: Blue

27. The degree of dissociation of an electrolyte does not depend on:

A: Nature of electrolyte B: Dilution C: Catalytic action D: Temperature

28. The main function of salt bridge is:

A: Maintain the flow of electricity in the cell B: prevents the accumulation of charge
C: A passage for the flow of charges in the internal circuit D: All of above
29. Sodium chloride is a strong electrolyte due to:

A: Attraction between opposite charges B: Molar conductivity decreases

C: Completely dissociated into ions in H2O D: Partially dissociated into ions
30. Which of the following is not a definition of oxidation:

A: Loss of electron B: Gain of electron C: Loss of hydrogen D: Increase in oxidation

1. A and B are disjoint sets if:
(a) AUB= Φ (b) A∩B = Φ (c ) A= Φ (d) B = Φ
2. If the number of elements in set A is number of elements in P(A) = ____:
(a) 3^n (b) 4^n (c ) 2^1/2 (d) 2^n
3. A and B are exhaustive sets if:
(a) A∪B = ∪ (b) A∩B = Φ (c ) A∪B = Φ (d) all of these
4. Write down the formula of additive inverse:

5. Write down the Union of set A and B in symbolic form:

6. The modulus of z = (4, -5):

(a) -5 b) 5 c) 3 d) -3 e) Not of them f) All of them
7. The number in the form z = a + bi where a, b ∈ R and i = √−1 is called a
a) rational number b) complex number c) integer d) prime number
8. A−1 and 1⁄a are called
a) additive identity b) multiplicative identity
b) additive inverse d) multiplicative inverse
9.  In matrices (a + b)  equals to
a) At b) Bt c) At + Bt d) At Bt
10. Skew symmetric matrix is also called
a) Symmetric b) identical matrix c) square matrix d) anti symmetric
11. In matrices (AB)−1 equals to
a) B−1 b) A−1 c) B−1 A−1 d) A−1 B−1
12.  The product of 3 cube roots of unity is/are
A) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1
13. If b² - 4ac < 0, then roots of ax² + bx + c = 0 are
B) Equal b) irrational c) rational d) imaginary
14. Roots of the equation 9x² - 9x + 1 = 0 are
a) real, equal b) real, unequal c) imaginary d) irrational
15. 1⁄α + 1⁄β is equal to
a) 1⁄α b) 1⁄β c) α + β⁄αβ d) α - β⁄αβ
16.  If α and β are the roots of 3x² + 5x - 2 = 0 then α + β should be
A) 5⁄2 b) −5⁄3 c) 2⁄3 d) 3⁄5
17. In quadratic equation, if b = 0 then it is called
a) linear equation c) simple equation complex equation
b) complex equation d) pure quadratic equation
18. The method to derive a quadratic formula is
a) completing square method b) factorization method
c) synthetic method d) using formula method
19. A matrix obtained by changing the rows into columns or vice versa is called
a) additive inverse of A c) transpose of A
b) determinant of A d) order of A
20. If A  = −A then A is said to be
a) square matrix b) skew symmetric c) transpose d) symmetric
21. The value of cos 5π is
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) None of these
22. The value of cos 180° is
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) infinite
23. Angles between 180 ° and 270 ° lies in
a) 1st quadrant b) 2nd quadrant c) 3rd quadrant d) 4th quadrant
24. Area of sector with radius ‘r’ is measured by
a) 1⁄2rb) 1⁄2 × r²θ c) 2r⁄θ d) 2r + θ
25. The value of 240 ° into radians should be
a) 4π⁄3 b) 3π⁄4 c) π⁄4 d) π⁄6
26. f θ is 180 ° and radius is 4.9 cm, the length should be
a) 15.4 cm b) 16 cm c) 10 cm d) 13.6 cm
27. A part of the circle bounded by 2 radii and an arc is known as
a) Segment b) radius c) sector d) arc
28. The angle subtended at the centre of the circle by an arc, whose length and
radius are equal is called
b) initial side b) radian c) vertex d) point of intersection

29. The system in which the angles are measured in radians is called
a) CGS system b) MKS system c) circular system d) sexagesimal system
30. By rotating a ray from one position to another to make an angle, the original
position is called
a) initial side b) terminal side c) point of intersection d) vertex

**The End**
Dreams don’t work unless you do!

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