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Researching Social Justice Issues in Art

Name: Ethan Powell Name of Chosen Artwork:Girl with Balloon

Artist Name: Banksy


1. Describe what kind of work it is (i.e mixed media, drawing, painting etc.): (1)

This is a graffiti work painted on public facing walls in London, later on canvas and prints

2. Provide a brief biography of the artist and information about the artistic style: (2)
Thumbnail sketch of chosen work (Print off and attached a copy)

Banksy is a pseudonym for an anonymous English street artist. Little is known about his identity.
He is well known for his political and social justice works made with a distinct graffiti stenciling
technique on publicly visible buildings and infrastructure in London and surrounding UK cities.
He has been active since 1990. His main inspiration is Robert Del Naja aka 3D, a graffiti artist
and musician with a similar style to Banksy.

3. List 3 major event(s) in history that occurred at the same time this artwork was created: (3)

This work is a series created several times since 2002, all slightly modified. Each were made in
response to a major world or national event
1. 2005 - In response to the construction of the West Bank Barrier, a 708 km wall along the
green line and west bank. It was built by the Israli government in response to the
increased political terrorism during the Second Infitada, a Palistine uprising aginst Isreal
2. 2014 - In response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis. The painting was adjusted to depict a
young Syrian Refugee
3. 2017 - In response to the UK general election. The heart was changed to the Union
Jack. Banksy offered free prints to anyone who provided proof that they voted for a
certain candidate. This promoted voting in some who otherwise would not. It also caused
some upset among those who thought it was influencing the election in an unfair way.
The initiative did not have an effect on the election, but did spark more conversation and
invoke critical thinking about the election


1. Choose 6 elements and principles of design and analyze how they are used in the work:
(line, shape, colour, form, movement, rhythm, contrast, texture, balance, variety, proportion,
unity, emphasis, space) (6)

1. - Contrast - The pure black image contrasts the light surface on which it is placed. This
allows it to stand out. Contrast is also used to show the border of highlight and shadow,
providing a dramatic lighting effect. The red balloon contrasts the dark grey/black of the subject
and light grey of the background

2. - Implied Line - The shape of the girl is not fully enclosed, with the implied line suggesting the
borders of the face and body.

3. - Balance - The balance of positive and negative shape implies areas of highlight and
shadow. This gives the piece a visual balance and a ‘light’ and alive feeling instead of dark,
lifeless, harsh silhouette

4. - Colour - Colour is used sparingly as emphasis in this piece to draw attention to the balloon
as it floats away from the child

5. - Movement - The angle of the string implies movement of the balloon up and away from the

6. - Texture - The texture of the surface that the work is placed on adds to the ‘gritty’ feel of the
style of artwork, placed in locations not intended by the owner of the building, possibly illegally.
The texture and location feels raw and pure, referring to the emotion that the artist may feel
about the issues

1. Based on what you have learned about this artwork, what do you think the artist was trying to
say? (1)

I believe that Banksy was trying to say “there is always hope”, a slogan that he wrote beside the
canvas. The image depicts the child reaching out, trying to grab the balloon or could also be
seen as the child losing all hope. This message is powerful and then later applied through
variations to major world events that he is passionate about. Banksy uses this work to state his
support of those affected by world events

2. What feeling does the artwork evoke in you? (1)

This artwork, particularly the Syrian Refugee Crisis variation evokes sympathy. It can either be
interpreted as the child reaching out, trying to grab the balloon, holding on to any hope that
things may get better. It could also be seen as the child losing all hope about their tragic
situation. Either scenario is heartbreaking to see experienced by a young child, who was born
into this unforgiving world and suffering because of reasons way above their head which they
may have never fully understood.

3. Do you think there are symbols in this artwork which reinforce its meaning? Describe how
these work. (1)

I think that the heart in this artwork represents hope and the act of either losing or grasping for
it. This is evident in the child as they reach or let go of the only colour and are left grayscale as
an empty silhouette. It could also be interpreted that all joy (represented by colour in the heart)
has been stripped from the child.

4. Do you think the artist effectively organized the elements and principles of design?
Explain why or why not? (2)

I think that the artist used the elements and principles of design effectively when creating this
work. As stated above, the several elements are used in combination to reach a common goal
of providing meaning using few materials. It is an achievement to convey such meaning through
a relatively simple mark on a wall. Without any one of the principles or elements used the piece
would be missing some emphasis on the meaning. An example would be taking away the bold
colour. This would remove emphasis, unbalance the visual weight and contrast, and make the
interpretation of joy and hope being stripped from the child (through colour) impossible.

1. Do you like this artwork? Why or why not? (Base your answers on what you have learned)

I like this artwork because of its demonstration of technical skill and how those skills
complement its perception. The techniques that are used in this piece show a deep
understanding of the principles and elements of art and design. My favourite is the use of colour
and contrast which draws attention to the piece and adds meaning (as described above) to the

2. Do you think this artwork is a significant artwork in the history of art? Why or why not?
Explain. (2)

I think that this artwork is significant in history because of its ability to withstand time. It has
proven its significance by staying relevant in culture for 2 decades, showing support and
providing recognition for those affected by several major world events including the Syrian
Refugee Crisis and the construction of the West Bank Barrier. This work is also composed of
simple shapes, allowing for its easy recognition by people who may not be involved in the art

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