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Materials and Design

journal hornepa ge : wwur. eJse vier. corr, i oc arelinatd€s

A comprehensive microstructural analysis of AI-WC micro- and

nano-composites prepared by spark plasma sintering

Amir Pakdel n'*, Agnieszka Witecka b,

Caulthiel l{.ydzek ", Dayangku Noorfazidah Awang Shri '
t' t*situte ofFuruiarnentd fechtrologtco/ R esearcb, Palish Anr)enry Wanaw, Polaild

' i:artfiry of Nlecltarticfii Ingtneenng, tJniye$iti Malaysit Pnhorrg Pelorl Pahanq, lulttl{ttsia

t-llcHLrcl,r ]'s C iiA P I-I I IA I- A B SI'R A C1

' Alurrinum rnJtrix colriposites contain-

i]lg i-10wt.% WC uricro*, nano- and Press{re
birnodai-particles are consoLidated bV ":.:1.-,-
spark plasnra sirltering (SPS). 7
. lhe higirest and lol.i'e st densifiration
levels are obrained in 1 Ht.7. i i........ ...... I
micr"oc::mposites (99.82J ancl 1{l lvt.?;l it. lFon*det ,i

nanorr:mposites ( 94.4%), r espectively. i .*-t--*-*-]_... i

. tl
Hai.dr.iess irtcleases bV SPS ternperaillre
(400 * 500 "C) in 5 and 10 wt.?i l\
u:ir i-ocomposites, but slightly decreasrs
5 10
in 1 microcomposites. PreSsure .. ,
wt-% of WC
. Nanocornpo-sites achicve largest ha|d- SBark pleeft:a $1*iering of
rless at 5 rvt.'Z WC concentration, but Ai-Wd composites -':.ffi
ic t0structilr*$
Mechanical pr*pe*l*s
rnicro- arrd biriroddi.ror)ipoiitcs ;re
hdrdcst aI l0 wt.'; \vL (onccntl.]tioll.
. Interplay betlveer] WC paiti.les dish-i-
buLiort honrogerreiry ar:d (ornposrtL
cornpressit:i1ity during SirS dictate rhe
irardening level acirievabie i;t the con:-


Artide histotlJ: l'here have been mairy investigations on metal matrix microcourpositcs produced by conventional casting
Receive{l 4 Nlovembfr 201 6 routes; horrever, in the past decade, the focus has shilted more toward uanoconiposites produced via solid
Received in revised forrn I !i January 201 7
siate routrs. 'l'o have a realistic view of perfonnance plediction and optimul)r design of such composites,
Atcepted 21 Jaouar'\i 201?
in this work Ai rnatrix composites (AN,lCs) reinforced with WC micropariir:les, nanoparticies, and bimodal
Available online 25Januir-1/ 20i7
micro-inano-particles were prepared by spark plasn"la si11(ering.]'he effects ofparticle size a1ld {olrce1ltration,
Kewoils: and process v.rriables (i.e. sintering temperature, duratiou, and pressure) on the evolution ofmicrostructure,
Composite der.rsity and hardness of the conrposites were studied con"iprehensiveiy. Full densification olAMCs with lrigh
N.rnoparticle particle concentration was problematir because ofceiamic cluster filrmafions in lhe rnicrostructur-e. "lhis effect
i\,'liciopar tirie was niore cnrphasized in AMCs contain jng nanoparticles. AI\{Cs with mic|oparticles were inore easiiy diflsifieri,
Pswder rnetaliurgl/ but theil hardness benefits were inferior". On the other hand, tlie mixture of rnicro- and nano-particles in AI-WC
bimodal conrposites led to better matrix reinfbrcement iutegr"ity and an overall improvelnent in the
fulicrostftrcture microstructural propertics. L-inaily, incrcasing the sintering temperalure irnproved thc micrcstructur"al features

* Coileslronding authsr.
f-mail cddress: PAKDEL.Alrrir(qrrlins.gojp (A. Pakdel)

h{tp:,/r'dx.doi.oryr1 i). I 01 lj,, i;.t1.064

4284-.1275:O 2A17 Elsevier L{.i. Aii rigilfs reserued.
A. Pakdel et al. i Marerid$ ond Design 1 l9 {2A17) 225-234

and hardness oFthe conrposites (more enhanced in higlr wt.% samplesj, but sinrering dur"ation.lnd pressure did
not have a big iarpact oll rlle composite properties"
o 201? Ersevier Ltd. AIr rights rcse,.r'e.i.

1. Introduction However, these consoliclation techniques may have some adverse

effects on tlre composite properties as well. For exanrpie, the applied
One of the most common means to evaluate an industry's vitality is high temperatures and long sintering time can lead to unfavorable
ttt look at its product demand. For conrposite materials, the picture is interfacial reactions, oxidation, and grain growth that can deteriorate
promisirig as den:and for encl products reached $22.2 billion in 2015, the mechanical properties [49-51J. Recently, spark plasma sinterins
with rhe lop market segments in lransportationlautomotive, construc- (SPS), a no;.t-conventional sintering process, has proved itself as an
tiort. aerospace. ano pipe and iank applicatiorrs [] J. Thc cornmon aim excellent technique fbr the consoiidation of micro-.and nano-
in designing and using contposite materials is to go beyond propelty composite powders. In this method, uniaxial pressure and pulsed DC
boundaries attributed to common classes of materials. In this regard, a current are applied to the powder sin-rultaneously, as schematically
big irrterest has been given to the development of metal ntatrix compos- showrr in Fig. 1(a).The urriaxial pressure can greatly redrice (or i:ven
ites (MMCs) in which rigirl ceramic reinforcements entbedded irr a duc- completely eliminate) porosity and .rlso break up the otherwise intrr,r-
tile metal or alloy matrix can result in high strength and toughness as sive bxide layer on aluminum particles [52.53], while the applied cur-
well as excellent, resilience and hardness. Aiuminum matr ix composites rent heats the powder rapidly viaJoule effect alld pronrotes enhanced
(AMCs) are a good example in this case as they benefit tiom excelient diffusion rate of the elements [54]. Moreover, short processing time in
ductility, corrosion resistance, recyclal-,ility, ancl fornrability of alumi- SPS can minimize microstructural coarserring, and effective boncling
num as well as high stiffness, strength, hardness, and wear resisfance between particles can enable the synthesis of highly ciense materials
of the ceramic component l2 j. t53-571.
Among the ceramic materials implentented to reinforce the AMCs so Civen these beneficial traits, this research aims to conduct a compre-
far, carbides (SiC, TiC. WC, TiC) l3- 14], borides (f iBr, Al82) [ I 5-1 8]. hensive study on the SPS consoiidatior-r of AMCs reinforced with tung-
nitrides (SirN4, AIN) t19 241, arrd oxides (Alr03, SiO_2) 125-31 I have sten carbide (WC) particles, and to analyze the effect of process
been more commonly investigated. However, there are several variables (SPS temperature, pressure, and rirne) as well as ceramic
chalienges associated with the introduction ofthese particles into the particle size (nanc, micro,.rnd mixed) and volune fr,action on the
metallic nratrix. For exanrpie, liquid-state processing techniques (such microstr-ucture and hardness of the conrposites" In tl-ris work, WC parti-
as stir casting, sqlreeze casting, infiltration, and die casting) [32"33j cles were the material of interest for re inforcement due to theii remaik-
sufler fronr poor weltabiliry oF the ceramic reinforcements by the able harclness and stiffness as well as their good wettability by
molten metai, as the rnelt has a very high surface tension (of the order alunrinum and capability to undergo snrall amount of plasticity i3l.
of -1000 mJ m 2) [34]. Also the specific weight of the ceramics ancl Furthermore, there has rarely been a systematic study on the inter-
molten metals are oiten considerably different. As a result, non- relationship belween particle size/quantity and rricrostructural charac-
uniform distributian, agglomeratio!r, and weak irrteriacial bonding of tcristics and nrcch.rnical propeftics olAl-WC cornposites.
the particles in the metallic matrix are often unavoidable 135-351. In
addition, in the case of carbicle and oxide particles in molten aluminum 2. Materials and nrethods
unwanted and brittle phases ofAl4C3, Al(OH):, and Si niay form due to
processirlg at high temperatures !40,411. The pnwders empioyed in this work were aluminum (Wal<c Fure
An effective soh,rtion to overcomirrg the aiorenlentionecl problerns in Chemical Inc[lstries, Ltd., Japan, average size *44 prn) and tungsten
MMC manufacturing is the application of solid-state processing tech* carbide (Clobal Tungsten & Powdels Colp., USA, average size -200 nm
niques. For instance, the use of mechanical milling followed by consoli- and -20 pun). Micro- and nano-composites collsisting of 1,5, and
dation techniques, such as hot pressing, extrusion, forging, rolling, and i0 wt.% of WC were fabricated by blencling and mixing the rnatrix and
cold isosfaric pressing, can lead to more uniform disrribution ol rhe reinforcement powders in an agate mortar for 30 nrin to get a homoge-
hard ceran:ic phase into the relatively soft metal matrix [39,42-48 j. neous nrixing lollowed by sparl< plasma sintering (Dr. Sinter 1080,

' lvrt€r-{ocled *l*ilrsdr

Graphite 5Da.e.5

'> 6rmFh:te pun{h

, 10


> Varu0fi clrmber

.9 --

an Al-UlC mic.oconlposite.
A. Pakdel et nl. I Materials and Design ] 19 (2017) 225-234

Sllmitomo Coal Mining Co. Ltd.,Japan) under argon gas fbr consolida- wt.% WC {rnicro}
tion. The 1, 5; and 10 wt.9J WC san.rples consisted of I g of aluminum
powder ancl l 0 mg, 50 nrg, and 1Otl mg ol WC powder, re spectively.
Al-10 wt.o/o WC (nans)

Each powder sample was placed in a high strength graphite die that a -
containecl graphite foils to line the die wall and punches. They were
tlien heated at d rate of 100 l(/nrin using pulsecl DC current. Peak tt
sintering tenrperafures were 400 "C, 450 'C and 500 "C, and the speci-
mens were held isothermaliy fbr: 5 nrin before furnace cooling to roont 4,
temperature. Higher ten-rperamres were not used to avoid the possible o o r1
tJ U U
oxidatiorr of WC powder that can readily staft at >520 "C [58"59]. Flow- 3 TJ Lr
ever, lhe authors may recommend using higher sintering fenrperafures 3 3
it the SPS pfocess can be performed under very high varuum levels. A
uniaxial pressure of 50 MPa was maintained throughout the complete
SPS cycle. The manufactuied disc-sh.rped specimens hacl a nominal
'10 z0 30 40 50 60 70 80 s0
diameter and thickness of 10 mm ancl 4 mm, respectively (Fig. 1(b)). 2S (degree$)
Characterization of the sintered samples included the chemical anal-
ysis, micrcstructural imaging and measurenrents of density and hard- Fig.2- A compadson lleiweeu ahe XRD patterns ofAl\{C micro- and nauo,composifes
sintered at 500 'C.
ress. The initial chemical analysis of the niicro- and nano-composites
was pefolmed in arr X-ray diffr'actometer (Altima III" Rint 2000, Rigaku
matrix as well as sharp peaks ofWC from (U01 ), (100), and (101) planes
Corporation) using Cul(u radiarion. The microstructure of the speci-
and small peaks of WC from (111), (102), and (201 J planes. However, in
mens was obselyed with a. field-emission ultra-high resolution scan-
the XRD pattem of the nanorjomposite [he majorWC peaks din.iinished
ning electron microscope (5U8200, Hitachi, Japan) equipped with an
antl widened while the minor peaks disappeared.'I'he XRD patterns of
energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and an energv-filtered back-
both micra- and nano-composites confirm that no new phases formed
scattered electron detector. The density olthe specimens'was measured
during the SPS processir.rg at 500 'C. That is, the leiatively low process-
using the Archimedes' principle according to ISO 2738 standarcl. The
ing tempelature successfully avoided the forn'ration of harrrrful phases
nteasured densiry was compared to the value calcuiated lrom a rule-
(such as Al4C:) that could clereriorate the mechanical properties ofthe
of-mixtures approach tcr determine the volume lraction of porosity. ,-'omposites.
I'he hardness values of the specimens were measured by a Rockwell H
hardness tester Llsing a ball inclenter (Wilson Rockr,nrell 2000, Buehler,
a division of Illinois Tool Works hrc., lllinois, USA). In each case, the 3.3, Dcnsitl, n?('usul?mcnfs
average value was calculated from the measurements on 3 specimens.
Each specimen was tested 4 times on 4 different spots. The WC concentration and consolidation temperature had an
imnrense influence on the relative density and porosity level of the
3. Results and discussiorr microcomposites. Fig" 3(a) shows ihe variation of the microcomposites

3.1. DensiJtcatiofl process und sirrfenngph enolnena 100

As SPS is a relatively new cor-rsolidation iechnique, the whole physi-

cal phenomena promoted by the pulsed continuous current is not fuily B<

understood yet. The general idea of plasn'ra formation pioposed by

Tokita [6n] is still an open debate l6:,621. However, it is generally 6s6
believed lhat during SPS a high temperature is attained in the contact {,
area of the powders, which may even exceed their melting point.'Ihis or ^,
can locally melt the powders and lead to excellent interparticle bonding
s(l +Al-1 M.cA WC (micro)
iS3l. lt is worth mentioning that such overheatir"rg is localized on the *sz
surface of the particles, sirice the teniperatllre gradient along the parti-
+-Ats wt.0,6 wfr (rnicrol
+ Ai-'l 0 vrt.{o WC {micro}
cle radi us is very steep. Thus, rhe bulk of the parricle is practically unaf-
fectrri l:y the sr:iface phenomena lG4l. 400 45S 500
SPS Temperature {"C}
Fig. 1 (c) shows a typical SPS pr"rnch displacement of an Al-1 wt"% WC
microcomposite versus tir-r-re. The densification process can be catego-
rized into three indicative stages with the following sequence: ( 1 ) the
initial cold packing stage during which sliding and rearrangement of
particles resulted in small densification; (2) the warm packing stage
dur-ing which tlre powders rearrange further, pores get connected and x""
surround the particles; tlrus, mediocre densification was obtained; and ut
(3) the hot packing stage during the pores berween the particles o
can be sealed offand lead to high densif,cation. After the end ofthe final
stage of densification, no noticeable displacentent of the punches was {s
observed although high pressure and temperature were kept for several (,
adclitional minutes.
u *-..* AI-WC {nano)
- *- AI-WC {micro}
j.2. X-ray tlifrraction 1 $ 10
ry1,7q of WC
The XRD patterns of Al con-rposites reinforced with 10 wt.% WC
Fig.3" ia ofsintedng temperature oil the density of dre microcomposires reirrforced
I EUect
micro- and nano-particies sintered at 500'C are illustrated in Fig.2. with and i 0 wt.ii !,VC nticroprraicles. (b) A contparison berween the dersiry vari.ttion
1. 5,
The XED pattem of the microcomposite showed large peaks of the Ai oi the naDocornposites and ilicrocomposites witb WC (orcltiltratiorl.
228 A. Pakdtl et eL ! lt(aferieh flnd D€sign 1 19 QA17) 225-2i4

density as a function of SPS ternperature. To avoid the possible oxidation content is the clustel formation in the matrix. The consequent interpar-
of the WC particles, the maximunt sintering temperature was set to tjcle friction can hinde{:the honrogeneous distribution ofthe applir:d
500 "C which was sufficimt to achieve full density (i.e. relative load lE6l. Numericai simulations also tonfirm that the local rearrange-
density > 99.8%) only in one ofthe speciniens. The highest level ofden- ments of particles strongly influence the resistance to densification,
sification was obtained tbr Al-i wt.% WC specimens with relarive den- and as a lesult the relative density can drop with increasing the rein-
siiies of 99.8%, 99.0?4, and 97.5?{ at SPS temperarures of 500 'C, 450 "C, lorcement content in MMCs {67J.
and 400 'C, respectively. This temperature dependenry oIAMC densifi-
cation could i:e attiibuted to thernral softening and betrei formabiliW of 3.4. Microstrut turol rrnfl lysis
the niatrix powr.ler at higher ten-tperatures. When the concentration of
WC microparticles increased to 5 wt.z; the densification !evel sliglrtly Low nragnification SEM images conrparing the general microstruc-
clinrinished (as compared to that of Al-1 wt.% WC specimens) wirh rel- tures of the AMCs reinforced with 1, 5, and 10 wt.7,j WC microparticles
ative density values between 98.97i and 95.77.. By further increase of the and sintered at 400 "C ancl 500 'C are shown in Fig^ 4. The microgr.rphs
microparticle concentration to 10 wt.% a stronger emphasis to this trend of the 1 wt.7; WC specinrens showed snrall agglomeranons of the ceram-
r,vas observed. 'l'he highest relative densify for Al- 10 wt.,'{ WC speci- ic particles mainly occurring at Al particle interfaces. Tlrere also existed
mens was 96.6% at the sinrering temperature o1500 'C, and this value microvoids in the uratrix, especially in the specimens sintered at400'C.
fell to 92.173 for the specimens sinterecl at 400 'C. Overall, tlie effect of Faneis (b)*(c) and (e)-(f Fig.4 illustrate that with increasing rhe WC
SPS femperature on tlie clensification levei of the microconrposites concentration, larger ceramic clusters formed in the composites. That
was more pronounced in specimens with higher ceramic particlr is, the rlistribution of the n:icroparticles became less hcmogeneous in
conc*nffation. the specirlens with higher reinforcemenl concentration. An overall
Since the microcomposites consolidated at 500 "C had the highest comparison between the n:icrocor"ltposites sitltered at 400 "C and
density vaiues, the nanocomposite specimens were onlv sintereC at 500 'C reveals that cluslerillg of cer-amic particles was in fact r:ot influ-
500'C (and not iower temperatures). fig.3(b) shows the variation of cnced muth by rlrc sintering rcmpcr.tturc; br.rr. marrix porosiry
der-rsity as a fuuctiotr of WC nanoparricle concenlration. For comparisor, improved with the SPS temperature.
reiative density values of nticrocomposite specirnens are presented as A more detailecl inspection on the effectS ofreinforcement contenf
weil. At low WC concentraiion i wt.%) both micro- and nano- and SPS temperature on the nricrostructure ofthe nlicrocomposites is
composites exhibited full density values. hor,^rever as the WC concentra- provided in Fig. 5. The h igi: magnification backscatterertr electron r.nicro-
tion increased the density ofthe nanocomposites dropped nrore drastical- graphs of Fig. 5(a) and (b) indicate that during the compaction and
ly tlian those of rhe microcontposites. That is, the composite specimens sintering of the i wt.?l WC microcomposites sever cracl<ing and breal(-
with higher reinforcement content smaller WC particles were less ef- age of the WC particle occr:rled. That is, during the initial ccld densifica-
fectively densified. lhis is partly due to the greater strengrhening eflect of lion stage (and n-raybe even the warm dens!fication stage) larger
the nanaparticles as canrpared to that of rhe microparticies, which arises particles tendecl to fragment probably due to stereoiogical factors
from the plastic constrairrts ofthe nratrix caused by the hard elaslic parti, (such as proximity with other particles and reiative shape) ancl stress
cles- In other wor"ds, while the applied pressure was high enough for the concentration. This is a particular feature that has rarely been reported
piastic deiorm.rtion of the metal, the rigid non-plastically-deformed pafti- and discussed in SPS processed MMCs, and needs further investip;alion
cles hinclered the plastic flow of Al powder toward densification. In an to assess possible limitations on SPS processing of large-size
MMC with a specific wt.% of reirrforcement, decreasing the particle size inicroceranrics in MMCS. Panels (b) and (c) in Fig. 5 show that the conr-
(i.e. inrreasing the nun-rber of particles) leads to a gre.lter rrumber of con- posites sintered at 400 "C suf,fered ftom pniosity ancl nticrocavity forma-
straints against the plastic flow ofthe ductile maffix, and consequently tion at sonre interfaces between the ceramic particles aild the matrix.
less effuctive densification. Similar trend has been reported for isostatical- Moreover, the large cluster of WC pafiicles in Fig. 5(c) further contrib-
ly plessed of Al-SiC microcomposites,,uvhere decreasing the particle size utes to higher ievels ofporosity in that specimen. Panels {ej and (f) in
required higher pressure for achieving a given densification level 1651. Fig.5 der::onstrate tharby increasing the SpS temperature to 500 'C bet-
As will be shown in the next section, another reason for the decline ter interfacial features and iess microvoids were obtained (also evi-
oi rhe compnsitcs compressibility wirh increasing rhe hard particle denced by the highcr densification levels shown in Fig. 1). Tl.ris is due

1wt.% 5 wt.% 10 wt.%

400 "c

500 "c

50 gm
Fig.4. Low nt:gnificatioo backscatlered electrsn iiniges 01'the AMCS reinforced with 1,5, and 10 wt.%WCmicroparricies sirtered at400 "C (a-c) and 500 "C ld-q.
t\,.ljokd?l €t al. i Nlaterials nnd Design 1 !9 QA17.j 225"234 I ?C)

1wt.% 5wt.% 10 wt.7+

400 "c

500 "c

lractu{e:s \ycll as lrit:rol,oids are uoticed in the microstmctures.

to the matrix soflening aspects aclive at higher temperatrires which mass. Immediateiy after the sparl(, the current is continued for a few
allow a more facile penetration of the matrix around and betlveen the sr''conds and flows through the conductive Al matrix: Consequently,
ceramic particles. ln other words. by increasing the SPS temperature the powders are heatecl up quickly with different mechanisms; for in-
to 500 "C the flow stress of the A1 matrix was lessened to a level that stance, Joule heating of the powders in conlact, or the electrical dis-
the applied pressure was slfficient to force Al to pr355 through and charge between powders in a close disrance. However, when the
encapsulate WC particles. There{bre. the porosity .rssociated rryith current reaches the non-conductive WC particle cklsters it gets diverted
small ceramic clusters as well as nratrix microvoids were diniinished around lhcse Al*WC*Al junctions. As a resr"ilt, the Iocalized Joule-
clue to the higher sintering ternperature. However, this phenomenon heating and densilication level in those spots decline.
was not completely effective for the elimination of iarge cluster, Fig" 7 shows the microstructurai assessment of the nanoconrposite
associated porosity; since in this case, the nretallic nratrix could mainly specimens. Low- and high-magnification SEM images ol 1, 5, and
surroLlnd the cutel layer" thereby leaving the inner ceramic core wt.?6 WC nanocomposites demonstrate fhe spreading of WC nano-
(Supporting infbrn-ration Fig. S1 ). This ceranric core consists of non- particles in the boundaries and interspaces of Al particles.'lypical EDS
deformable particles, and acts likr: a parous medium because of gas eiemental maps showing the spatial distribution of Al. W, and C irr the
entrapnlent between the particles. Moreover, it can create a localized nano- and nricro-conrposites are prrvided in Figs. 52 and 53 of the
increase in electrical resistivity that can cause a more acute diversion Supporting information. Fig. ? depirls that similar to the case of the
ofcLlrrent dudng SPS and adversely aflect theJoule heating and densifi- microcomposites, by increasing the concentration ofthe ceranric parti-
c.rtion process, as .iepicted in Fig. i:. To be mole precise, when the elec- cles in the nanocomposites more agglomeration and larger-sized clus*
trical potential is applied to graphite punrhes during rhe SPS process, a ters of WC were formed. However, a conrpa|isori between the
high energy electric spark is created. The discharged spark can remove backscattered SEM images in Figs" 5(a)-(f and 7(a)-(c) reveals that
the surface contaminants from powders and form a solid cohesive the distribution olWC nanoparticles was more efficient than the case
of WC microparti{:les, as ihe observed ceranric clusters were less iie-
quent and smaller-sized in the nanoconrposite specirriens. High-
magnification micrographs in Fig. 7(g) and (h) contrast the formation
of particle agglomerations and micrcvoids in the microstructure, as
well as the intragranular dis(ribution of the nanoparticles. That is,
while ther"e was a network of WC nanoparticles within the intergranular
spaces of the Al matrix, some nanoparticles were also spread through-
out the Al grains. Therefore, the nanocomposite specimens yielded a
better particle distribution as compared to the microcomposites.

j.5. Bimoclal micro- ltnno- composite s

l'o benefit fiom both the better densification and less porosify ofthe
microcomposites as well as the nrore homogeneous particle distribution
of the nanocomposites, bimodal (mixed) micro- and nano-WC powder
mixtures were incorporateal into tlie Al rlatrix. Low magnification SEM
images comparing the general mtcrostructures of the bin"rodal AMCs
reinforced with 1,5, and 10 wt.% \{/C particles and sinteled a( 500'C
Jaule heating .::,,.',a S{rtacg higl temperature are shown irr panels (a)-(c) in lig. 8. It is noticed that the bimoclal
Discharge i..: Laeelized max temp€rature micro- and nano-particles in 1 wt.% WC composites were ntainly
clisnibuted throughout the microstructure alnrig the boundaries of the
Fig. 6. A schematic iliustratior ofthe 5PS piocess. Al particles. Similar frend existed in 5 wt.% WC coniposites; however,
230 A. Pakdel et aL i l,4ateriab and Design 1 i9 QA1?) 225 2:4

1wt.% 5 wt.% 10 wt.%

lg) r{ggioneratir:n ofWC nJnoparticles iorergranularlv iDd ilrl rheir intragranular distribution witlrin the A1 grains.

smail agglomerarion of WC partides was noticeable through the rlicro- matrix (no obvious microvoids or microclacks), and encapsulation of
structure. With incleasing the WC concentration ro 10 wt.%, larger WC the nano- and micro,Wc particles bv the metallic niatrix. Panels
clusters formed and the distribution of rhe bimoclal pafiicles in the nra- (e) and (f in Iig. I particr,rlarly show the distribution of smallerWCpar-
trix bec.rme less r-rniform. Higher magnifiration SEM images in i;ig. S(d- ticles not only around the larger particles (i.e., forming ch-rsters) but also
f) indicate a Eiood interfacial bonding berween the particles .lnd rhe spleading through the Al nratrix. In contrast to some prevrous repofis

7wt.% 5 wt.% 1*wt.%

A. Pukdel et al. I Materials and Design I 19 {2017) 225-234

diffusion/flow mechanisnrs during the hot pacl<ing stage (SPS stage lll)
were conrpleted in a short period oi tinre (<5 min); thus, further
irnprovenrent could not be achieved by keeping the conrposite speci-
bE mens at 500 'C for longer periods^
The microstructure of the i-:omposites was neither influenced greatly
o when the SPS pressure was raised from 50 MPa to I00 MPa- WC clusters
o in fig. 10ib) indicate rhat doubling the S[)S prbssure did nor have an
E imnrense effect on the distribLltion of the ceramic particles in tlie metal-
lic n-ratrix. There was only a slight inclease in the relative density of the
.$ *u specimens (^96.3%), which should be relateci to better elimination of
E -.* AI-WC {nano) interlacial microvoids under the higher compressive stress levels. But,
d - r- AI-WC {miffo) the ceramic agglorneration-related porosity could not have been affect*
--*-* AI-WC (bimodal) ed rnuch by increasing the SPS pressure. In short, it can be confirmed
1510 that, unlike the SPS tenrpelature, the SPS duration and pressuie dicl
not have a considerable effect on tlie microsfucture of the AI-WC com-
wt.% of WC posites in the present work.
Fig- 9. A compaliso0 betweeu tlle effect of WC pirticle concentratioit in mirG, nano, and
b inrodal-.coirrposites.
3.7. H ardne ss me asllre men ts

l3 j. no trace of chemical
interafiions between Al and WC, dissoh.rtion, or
The effect of sintering temperature and WC parficle size on the buli<
fomration of an interfacial microlayer was detected in our specimens.
hardness ofthe conrposites is shown in Fig. 1 1. ltwa$ noticed thatthe
Fig- ! compares the relative density of micn:-, nano-, and birnodal-
sintering tenrperature influenced the hardness of the microcomposites
composite specimens. lt indicates the better densification ol bintodal
in dissimilar ways (Fig. 1i(a)). In order to interpret the hardness data,
coriiposites corlpared to nanocontposites, with relative density values
the microstructural differelrces in the specimens need to i:e highlighred;
close to that of the microcomposites. In general, considering tlte better
that is, with increasing the sirrtering temperature: (1) pcrosiiy levels
matrix-reinforcement integrity and the ovelali irnprovement in the
decreased in all microconrposites, but at diflerent rates; (2) distribution
microstructural properties of the AI-WC bimodal composites, they
of the microparricles in the ntatrix was riot influenced significantly; and
could be expected to have superior nrechanical properties than micro-
(3) grain growth rate in the Al matrix could be accelerated.
and nano-composites.
fig. 11(a) indicates that in the most dilute microconrposire i1 wt.%
WC) the hardness did not change considerably with SPS temperature,
3.6. FJfen of SI\ duratiott and prcssure because the hardening effect gained by porosity elin-rination was com-
pensated by the softening effect driven by grain growth. However in
There are plenty ofresearrh works available on optimizing the SPS higher concenli-ation microcomposites (5 and 10 wt.7; WC), hardness
parameters for densification af metals, ailoys, and ceramics. However, values increased with SPS temperature. It is because the relative density
the liteiature is insufficient on how the SPS process variables affect nf those sanrples escalated more shar"ply with SpS temperature
fhe microsil Ltcture, porosity, and rirechanical properties of the MMCs (Fig. 3(a)). Thus, the associated gains in hardness Brere more than the
reinfo[ced wit]r micro- and nano-pafticles. So far the general suggestion simultaneous losses attributed to grain growih. As a net resuit, arr
is that the most inf'luential SPS paran-reter on the nricrostructural fea- ascending trend in hardness versus SPS temperature was observecl.
tures of the MMCs is ihe sintering temperature. However, the effect of Fig^ 1 1 ( b) shows the variation ofhardness with parricle size and con-
other SPS parameters seenls to be particularly case dependant centration. In nanoccmposite specimens, hardness initially increased
[{rB -71 ]. In previous secrions, the effects of SPS temperature (as well with WC concentration r"rp to 5 wt.?{ due to the positive effect of disper-
as reinforcement particle size ancl concentration) an the n-ricrostructure .10
sion strengthening. But afterwarcls, hardness decreased in wt.%
of Al-WC composites were thoroughly discussed. In this section, atten, nanocomposites due tit the negative effect ol an abrupt decrease in rel-
rion will be given on how the SPS pressure and duration could affect the ative density caused by nanoparticle agglomerations (Fig^ 9). fn
AI-WC corlposites" Fig. 10(a) shows the SEM micrcgraph of an Al- microcomposite specimens on the other hand Ihere was a regular
i0 wt.TaWC bintodal romposite held fbr 10 min at500'C (twice longer trend of hardness increase with WC coucentrarion; because, in fhis
rhan the SPS duration of the specin.rens in Fig. B).There was not a big dif- case the densification level was affected less severely with particle con-
ference in agglornelatiorr elin-rination oi porosity level of these samples cenlration (fiS. 9). Thus the iower porosity content of the
as compared to those sintered for 5 min at 500 "C (the relative clensities microcomposites allowecl a continuous ilrcrease of the hardness with
in both cases were -96?{). This suggests that the thermally activated particle concentration. In a similar trend, hardness of the bimodal

500 "c,50 MPa, 10 min 500 oc, 100 MPa, 5 min

ljig" 10. Effefi oflil the SPS dur.rtion artd (b) the 5l'5 pressure on the n]icrostructurc oiAl-l0 wt.%WC hiinodal composites as revealed bySE[,l nricrographs
232 A, Pakdel et al. i Materials flntl Design 1 19 QA17) 225 234

il, --** Ai-1 Yvt.o,ri wC {micro} {b}

+At"5w1.% WC (micro)
, --r-,At-10 wt.% wc ($rioro)

:I75 :E 7q
----/ --"-lil
u d.-
n tu oIU
o |/-
*-----'' -" .- *-
-" ,h
*os €uu
t6o roo --.*- AI-WC {flano}
--**,Alwc (micfoJ
"-*- AI-WC (bimod€l)


Micro-cornposite Nano-romposite Bimodal-composite

with l0 wI.% WC.

composites was also amplified with increasing rhe wt.Z; of the WC the nanocomposites as colupared to the nticrocomposites. BuL the poros-
micro- and nano-parlicles. ity levels in 5 and 10 wt % nanocomposites were higher than those of the
In addition, these measurenlents demonstrated that all the nano- microcomposites. When micro- ancl nanc-powders of WC were mixed to
composites and l:imodal cornposites reinforced r,vith difterent cerarnic fabricate birnodal conrpr:sites, a general imprcventent in particle distribu-
contents were harder than their corresponding microcomposites. tiorr and interfacial features between Al and WC were obtained {no clear'
Fig. 11ic)*(e) depicts a conrparison befween very low magnificatiori microyoids or microcracks) as compared to micro- and nano-composites.
SEM images of these three types of composites. A clear difference in Increasing the sintering temperature slightly improved the WC
the distribution ofthe nanoparlicles along the AI grain boundaries and particle distribution in the miclostlucture and also resultecl in
the agglomeration and cluster fonnation of the micropafiicles in the ma- Iower porosity levels. However, enhancing the compaction pressure
trix can be noticed. Although nanoccmposires had higher porosiry levels, and sintering duration did not have a large effect on the microstruc-
their better distribution in the marrix (i.e. borh intergranularly along the ture of the conrposites.
grain boundaries and intragranularly through the grains) resulted in Rockwell H hardness measurements showed rhar the hardness
higher harclness values. Agglomeration of microparticles and formation of 5 and 10 wt.% microcomposites increasecl witli sintering femper-
of clusters reduces their efficient interaction with dislocation glide; ature, while the hardness of the 1 wt.% specimens did not change
thus, plastic deforrnation ofthe matrix cannot be hindered effectively. considerably. Moreover, the hardness of binrodal and nanocom-
The bettei distributed nanoparticles, on the otlier hand. pin the dis- posites was superior to that of microcomposites in all WC concen-
locations, impecle their movemerrt, and consequently render lesser trations. In bimodal and microcomposites, there was a regular
compressibility and superior harclness. Fig. 1 1 (c)-(e) indicates that in trend of hardness increase with WC concentration, bur the h.rrd-
case ofthe bimodal composite, both clustering and intergranular disrri- ness of the nanocomposite specimens initially increased with WC
bution of the micro- and nano-particles coexisted.'Ihat is why the hard- concentration up to 5 wt.% and then decreased due to the negative
ness values of the 1 and 5 wt.){ WC bimodal composites were between r,ffects of nanopart;cle clusrering.
those of the micro- and nano-composites. However, the 10 wt.% WC
bimodal composite had the highest hardness among all the samples;
probably due to its higher density as compared to the corresponding Acknowledgement
nanocomposite specimen.
'Ihis collahorative research was performed in fhe National Institute
4. Conclusion for Materials Science (NIMS; Tsukuba,Japan), Insriiure of Fundamental
Technological Research of Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw,
Spark plasma sintering has recently gained n"ruch interest for the Poland), and Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Pekan. Malaysia). The authors
fablication of nletal matrix composites. To have a realistic view of the acknowledge the financial support of the lnternational Cer-rter forYoung
assets and liabilities of this rnethod, in this work Al matrix composites Scienrists (ICYS; Tsr"rkuba,Japan) ancl theJapan Society for the Prorno*
reinforced with WC particles of various sizes and conceittrations were tion of Science (JSPS; Tokyo, Japan).
prepared under different sintering conditiotis, and their nticrostructural
features were studied comprehensively. Appendix A. Supplementary data
WC parricle clirstering and inhomogeneity in particle distribution
increased with WC concentration in tiorh nano- and nricro-contposites. Supplementary data to this article can be found online at hfrp:/ldx.
However, the overall number of clusiers and their size were sntaller in doi.orgll 0. 1 * 1 6/j.nratdes.2fi 'l 7.01 .064.
A" Pakdel et {il. i h4aterials and Design 1 19 (201 7i 225,,2.}4 233

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