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P00535881 GEEN1103

“Where do superstitions come from? - Stuart Vyse”

1. What are superstitions for you?
I do not believe in superstitions, so I have never paid much attention to what it means.
But I know they are things that if you do or see sometimes can give you bad luck or
good luck.

About the video:

2. Where do many superstitions come from?

Many superstitions come from religious traditions, but some are just based on
unfortunate coincidences and associations.

3. Mention a superstition that could really cause you bad luck. why is it bad?
As I mentioned earlier, I don't believe in superstitions. I have seen many black cats,
stepped on cracks, left Friday 13 and nothing really happened to me or maybe I have
not paid attention. If I have heard about the black butterflies that also mean death of
someone close and when I have seen them, I have feared a little, but nothing has

4. Why do people follow superstitions instead of resisting them?

I think there are people who really believe in them because things have happened to
them that relate to some of these superstitions or because they pay close attention or
know true stories.

Think about it:

5. Is there any superstition that believe follow? Does it grant you luck or is it
harmful? Why? -Or If you don’t believe in any superstitions, why is it that you don’t
believe in them?
I don't believe in them because we all tend to have not-so-good days, bad experiences
or bad times, whatever goes on can happen any day, whether or not you have seen
objects or things that give you bad luck.

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