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Title: Multi-Dimensional Aptitude Battery-II

Practical No.: 04 Date: 25/11.20

Name: Kaashvi Dubey
Semester: 5th
Class: BSc CP Roll No.:PSY/BSC/18028

Teacher’s Sign:



Definition of Aptitude

Aptitude Testing

Intelligence and Aptitude

Other Aptitude Tests

Need for Aptitude Testing

Use of Aptitude Testing in Career Counselling

A Research study using MAB-II



Practical 4

Multidimensional Aptitude Battery II


To measure aptitude and intelligence of the subject.

Definition of Aptitude

“Aptitude is a measure of the probable rate of learning which results in interest and
satisfaction and is relatively specific & narrow” (Dusen , 1984).
According to Bingham, (1937) “Aptitude is a condition or set of characteristics regarded as
symptomatic of an individual‟s ability to acquire with training some usually specified
knowledge, skill or set of responses.

Aptitude Testing

Aptitude testing attempts to measure an individual’s capacity for learning and it also seeks to
“evaluate the influence of unknown and uncontrolled experiences” (Kaplan & Saccuzzo,
2008). Moreover, it is used to estimate the likely of a person excelling in a field provided the
right education is given. There are two kinds of aptitude test and they are:

Special Aptitude

This is a type of aptitude testing which checks whether or not the candidate has the capacity
or the potential to perform well at a particular field or job. According to Cherry (2020),
“the special aptitude test is designed to look at a very narrow range of ability”. For example,
some aptitude test might aim to measure the artistic aptitude of a participant and there are
also some test which aims to measure clerical aptitude in which it evaluates the ability to
gather and classify datas.

Multiple Aptitude

This is a type of aptitude test which aims to measure more than one ability and they are in
the form of test batteries.The best example is the Scholastic Assessment Test which is
conducted every year to apply for universities in the U.S (Cherry, 2020).

Intelligence and Aptitude

IQ basically measures Intelligence taking all the mental abilities into consideration and the
the concept of general intelligence is synonymous with intelligence. According to Cherry
(2020), “ Intelligence encompasses many different abilities including problem solving ,
reasoning, memory , knowledge, and the ability to adapt to a changing environment”. On the

other hand, aptitude is essentially your capacity to excel in a particular field. Here, it sees
whether or not, you have the ability to work in a particular field and shows your strengths and
weaknesses. Aptitude tests are constructed to measure a more narrower set of abilities
(Cherry, 2020).

Other Aptitude Tests

The General Aptitude Test Battery

It was published in the year 1947 by the U.S Employment Service and it aims to measure
nine primary abilities and it consist of intelligence, verbal aptitude, numerical aptitude,
spatial aptitude, form perception, clerical perception, motor coordination, finger dexterity and
manual dexterity. The test was build under the assumption that a number of occupation can
be separated into groups based on the similarities in the abilities. The test is “useful in the
counselling of persons who are new entrants into the labor market or who are about ready to
enter the labor market” (Dvorok, 1996).

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery

It is a multiple aptitude battery test which assesses the developed abilities and helps to
predict the academic and occupational success in the military. It is generally administered to
military candidates and high school students and it measures general science, arithmetic
reasoning, word knowledge paragraph comprehension, mathematic knowledge, electronic
information, automotive and shop information, mechanical comprehension, assembling
objects and verbal expression.

Differential Aptitude Test

The test is a battery of test which aims to measure the variety of aptitudes in students and
adults and it was developed by the Psychological Corporation in and published in the year .
1947 (Salkind, 2007). The test focuses on areas like attention, linguistics , reasoning ,
cognition and so on. The eight scales that DAT measures are verbal reasoning , numerical
ability, abstract reasoning, perceptual speed and accuracy, mechanical reasoning, space
relations, spelling and language usage.

Need for Aptitude Testing

It is possible that a child or a teenager might be uninterested in a subject but he or she might
have the aptitude for it. If the child were to focus on that area, he or she would succeed and
excel in that field. Regardless of someone having an interest in a subject like physics or math
doesn’t necessarily mean that he or she has the aptitude for it. The demands of the subject
will be stressful if the person doesn’t have the aptitude for it. Moreover, it allows students to
choose courses or subjects for the right aptitudes so that students can be allowed to focus on
the field that they have the talent to excel.

Use of Aptitude Testing in Career Counselling

In vocation guiding it affirmed that the appraisal of capacities and aptitudes regularly is
directed to recognise word related conceivable outcomes in which the customer could be
effective.This doesn't mean, nonetheless, that inclination test results should be inspected in
segregation as the sole determinant of a customer's potential in an occupation. Advocates
need to accumulate data about the entire individual while helping customers in their vocation
arranging measure.

When deciphering inclination appraisal in profession advising, it is significant for advocates

to confirm the outcomes with other data. Checking the outcomes involves inquiring as to
whether scores are predictable with other data, for example, grades, work execution, self-
impression of capacities, and different sorts of assessments. This confirmation of the
outcomes achieves two objectives. To begin with, it gives a strategy for distinguishing any
issues that may have happened during the testing. Second, the confirmation cycle brings more
customer data into the interpretative cycle. Accordingly, the check cycle can help with giving
a more comprehensive perspective on the customer's capacities just as giving data on
different aspects of the customer's life.

A Research Study Using MAB-II

Notwithstanding investigating the connection among psychometric and self-assessed

proportions of Crystallised Knowledge (Gc) and Visual Processing (Gv), this examination
explored whether character altogether directed these connections, subsequently impacting the
precision of oneself evaluations. A total of 165 adults were recruited and they finished the

Big Five Inventory and self-assessed their degrees of Gc and Gv. Next, the participants were
asked given the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery II, a gathering trial of intellectual
capacity. Huge and positive connections between psychometric Gc and Gv and their
particular self-gauges were found (Soy & Jacobs, 2013). Moreover, examination of the
directing impacts of character for every sex independently utilising standard numerous
relapses found that females high in Extraversion and guys low in Conscientiousness were
more inclined to overestimating their Gv capacity, while guys high in Openness gave more
exact evaluations of their Gv than those low in Openness. Explaining the character attributes
that mutilate self-view of scholarly working has critical ramifications for the ID of people in
danger of holding erroneous desires, prompting the potential for intercessions pointed toward
improving related harmful result.


Dusen, V., & .Kochchar, S. K. (1984). Guidance and Counseling in Colleges and
Universities. Available from

Bingham, W. V. (1937). Aptitudes and aptitude testing. Available from

Dvorak, B. J. (1956). The General Aptitude Test Battery. The Personnel and Guidance
Journal, 35(3), 145–152. doi:10.1002/j.2164-4918.1956.tb01726.

Salkind, N.J. (2007). Differential Aptitude Test. Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics,

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