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12 Vestimenta Romana: Roman Clothing Translation

Type the English translation below each line of Latin. The words “a”, “an”, “the” do not appear in
Latin and may be added freely to the English translation to “make the English sound right”. Use
a different color for the English than the color of the Latin.

Example: Silvia est puella Romana.

Silvia is a Roman girl.

Vestimenta Romana

Tunica erat vestimentum virorum, feminarum, servorum et liberorum.

The tunic was a garment of men, women, and freed slaves.
Omnes1 Romani tunicas gerebant.
All Romans wore tunics.
Cives2 Romani togas gerebant. Togae ab servis et libertis non gerebantur.
Citizens of Rome wore togas. Togas were not worn by slaves and freedmen.
Multae erant togae.
There were many types of toga.
Una toga erat toga praetexta quae3 clavum purpureum habebat.
One toga was the toga praetexta which had a purple stripe.
Togae praetextae a pueris et magistratibus4 gerebantur.
Toga praetextaes were worn by boys and their teachers.
Alia5 toga erat toga virilis. Toga virilis erat toga virorum.
Another toga was the toga virilis. The toga virilis were men’s togas.
Ubi duodecim anni puero erant, puer togam virilem gerebat.
When boys reached the age of 12, the boy would wear a toga virilis.
Feminae togas non gerebant; sed pallas gerebant.
Women didn’t wear togas; but they wore long shawls.
Feminae maritae stolas insuper tunicam gerebant.
Married women wore overdresses over their tunics.
Palla insuper stolam et tunicam gerebatur.
The shawl was worn in addition to the overdress and the tunic.
In pedibus soleae an caligulae gerebantur.
Sandals or boots were worn on the feet.
Hints/Footnotes: Use these to help you with translation of the above Latin.
omnes – all (nom. plural modifying Romani)
Cives – citizens; Romani is an adjective modifying cives.
quae – which; relative pronoun that refers back to toga praetexta
magistrates, abl. with preposition, a pueris et magistratibus
alia - another

Identify the case and number of the nouns listed below:

Case Number

1. virorum (line 1) Gen. pl.

2. tunicas (line 2) Acc. pl.

3. togae (line 4) Nom. s.

4. togam (line 8) Acc. s.

5. stolas (line 10) Acc. pl.

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