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Johana Oliveros Calderon

Ms. Alexia Enriquez


May 21, 2021

Healthcare in the Mars Community

Did you know that 5 million people die each year because of poor quality healthcare?

More and more people are dying and we can change that. We can save more lives by making the

cost lower. Healthcare should have a lower cost because not everyone can afford it, it is

important that everyone has it and it keeps people safe. This also causes people to get poor credit

or even bankruptcy.

Even though there’s lots of people with medical care there are a lot more who need this.

There are some organizations that help with this problem. In the article Why Do We Need the

Affordable Care Act they say “Although the ACA has helped 20 million people get coverage,

about 29 million people still lack health insurance.” The problem is “... nearly 40 percent of the

health care costs of the uninsured are passed on to consumers who do have coverage, in the form

of higher premiums.” says this article. The lack of healthcare also creates the problem of life

expectancy. According to this article “The U.S. spends far more on medical care than any other

industrialized nation, but is ranked 26 out of 43 in terms of life expectancy.” A way to solve this

would be by reducing the cost in some countries.

In the United States medical management costs a lot more than in other countries. These

are some of the reasons why. First, they spend more money than they need to on each individual

person. In the article 6 Reasons Healthcare Is So Expensive in the U.S. they say “... the U.S.

spends an average of $1,443 per person, compared to $749, on average, spent by the other
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prosperous countries studied.” Another reason why healthcare costs more in the U.S. is because

doctors and nurses are getting paid more. According to an article “Hospitals, doctors, and nurses

all charge more in the U.S. than in other countries, with hospital costs increasing much faster

than professional salaries.” Lastly, the drugs also cost more like it says in this article “In other

countries, prices for drugs and healthcare are at least partially controlled by the government. In

the U.S. the prices depend on market forces.” Now I’m going to talk about why it’s crucial for

people to have some kind of medical plan.

Everyone deserves health care no matter what their financial situation is. In the article

Health is a Fundamental Human Right they say “The right to health for all people means that

everyone should have access to the health services they need, when and where they need them,

without suffering financial hardship.” Another thing this article says is “No one should get sick

and die just because they are poor, or because they cannot access the health services they need.”

This is important because it can affect people's physical and mental health. According to this

article “When people are marginalized or face stigma or discrimination, their physical and

mental health suffers. Discrimination in health care is unacceptable and is a major barrier to

development. But when people are given the opportunity to be active participants in their own

care, instead of passive recipients, their human rights are respected, the outcomes are better and

health systems become more efficient.” Lastly, the conclusion.

Some may argue that part of why healthcare is expensive is because doctors and nurses

get paid more. This is better for the doctors because they get more money but not so good for the

community. There are lots of doctors and nurses around the world who make less and there

haven't been any issues and it’s better for the community. Healthcare at a lower cost is one of the

things everyone should have a choice to own because not a large amount of people can afford it,
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it's important everyone that wants it can possess it, and it’s key to keeping people safe. To

conclude, all of these points are the purpose of why we should have affordable healthcare in our

Mars community.
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Works Cited

American Public Health Association. “Why Do We Need the Affordable Care Act?”



Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Health Is a Fundamental Human Right.” World

Health Organization, 10 Apr. 2017,


INVESTOPEDIA STAFF. “6 Reasons Healthcare Is So Expensive in the U.S.”

Investopedia, 12 May 2020,


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