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Unit 1 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. Read and complete the sentences. (2 points)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Arts PE Music Language History

a. They have lessons on Thursdays.

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b. They have PE lessons on .

c. When do they have Music lessons? On .

d. Which lessons do they have on Mondays? .

2. Where are they from? Unscramble. (2 points)

a. Fumiko is from N J A A P :

b. Joao is from L Z R A I B :

c. Antonio is from P N S A I :

d. Lupita is from X M O I E C :

3. Think and name. (4 points)

a. 3 school objects: , ,

b. 3 animals: , ,

c. 2 colours: ,

All Around 2 - Welcome Back!

Unit 1 Assessment

4. Answer these questions about you. (6 points)

a. What’s your name?
b. How old are you?
c. What colour eyes have you got?
d. What’s your favourite school subject?
e. When do you have your favourite subject’s lessons?

f. Where are you from?

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5. Write about Gloria. (6 points)

Name: Gloria Contreras

Age: 10
City / Country: Valparaíso, Chile
Favourite subject: Geography
Family members: one sister and one brother
Pets: a cat, a dog and a parrot

Her name is

All Around 2 - Welcome Back!

Unit 2 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. Look and number. (4 points)

restaurant = 1 hospital = 2 police station = 3 bank = 4

fire station = 5 school = 6 post office = 7 park = 8

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2. Look at exercise 1 and fill in the blanks. (3 points)

between next to between

a. The restaurant is the fire station.

b.  The post office is the hospital and the bank.

c. The school is the police station and the restaurant.

All Around 2 - Around the Town

Unit 2 Assessment

3. Listen and number. (5 points)

4. Complete this interview to Larry. (8 points)

Photocopiable © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2011

Name: Larry Windsor
Age: 39
Job: doctor / hospital next to Acadia park
City / Country: Miami, USA
Abilities: play the guitar and sing

You: Hi! What’s your full name?

Larry: .
You: ?
Larry: L-A-R-R-Y W-I-N-D-S-O-R
You: Where are you from?
Larry: .
You: ?
Larry: I work in a hospital.
You: ?
Larry: It’s next to Acadia park.
You: ?
Larry: I’m 39.
You: Can you play football?
Larry: No, I can’t. But I can .
You: Thanks! Bye!
Larry: !

All Around 2 - Around the Town

Unit 3 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. Listen and number. (2 points)

January May September

February June October

March July November

April August December

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2. Look, read and write. (5 points)

b c

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Wednesday, Thursday

d e
Sunday Monday and Friday

a. I ride my bike .

b.  I have a shower .

c. I .

d.  .

e.  .

All Around 2 - Busy Days

Unit 3 Assessment

3. Listen and colour. (3 points)

I sometimes watch TV in the afternoon.

I never watch football in the morning.

I always help Mum on Sundays.

You usually wash the dishes on Saturdays.

I usually do your homework.

You never play my football.

Photocopiable © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2011

4. Write about you. (10 points)
a. I get up .

b.  I every day.

c. In winter I usually .

d. I never .

e.  In summer I never .

f. I sometimes .

g. I always in the evenings.

h.  I don’t .

i.  I on Sundays.

j.  I go to bed .

All Around 2 - Busy Days

Unit 4 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. Fill in the blanks. (3 points)

a. What time she get up?

She at 6:30.

b. What time they have breakfast?

They at 7:00.

c. What time he go to school?

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He at 8:00.

2. Read and circle the correct option. (5 points)

a. I am lazy / shy. I never clean my bedroom.
b. My friend John is reliable / hard-working. He always keeps secrets.
c. My sister Betty is always tidy / intelligent. She keeps her bedroom
in order.

d. My brother is very generous / friendly. He always helps me with my


e. Henry never does what the teacher says. He is really dishonest /


All Around 2 - Best Friends

Unit 4 Assessment

3. Rewrite these sentences using the right punctuation

and capitalisation. (5 points)

a. i love maths it is my favourite subject

b. she is my sister

c. i have got two brothers john and frank

d. on Saturdays I play football tennis rugby and basketball

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e. has she got any brothers or sisters

4. Complete the following text. (7 points)

David, 15, student

My name is and I am years
old. I am a . I have got ,
hair and eyes.

My best friend is Lucy. She is . She

always keeps secrets. She is and . She
always gets good marks at school and does her homework. She is also
very . She helps me with my homework.

I am . I never do my homework and I am not

. I never clean my bedroom. I am
and . I have got lots of friends.

All Around 2 - Best Friends

Unit 5 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. Fill in the blanks. (5 points)

a. Peter always at 7:00.

b.  He always at 7:20.

c. He always at 7:30.

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d. He always at 7:45.

e. He always at 8:10.

2. Read and make a list of 5 nouns and 5 adjectives from the text. (5 points)
Hi! How are you? Fine. How are you?

Great! I want to see Spiderman 4 Well, I don’t like Spiderman

at the cinema. It’s a fantastic film! very much. It’s violent. I
Do you want to go with me? prefer romantic films.

Well, I want to see the

What do you want to new Bridget Jones film.
see then? I like the protagonist.
She is a talented and
I don’t know… I hate that type of
hard-working actress.
films… but if you see Spiderman
with me, we can then see the Bridget All right. Perhaps your
Jones film. What do you think? film is not so bad…

And perhaps your film is good… I’m sure it is excellent!


All Around 2 - Pop Stars

Unit 5 Assessment

3. Complete these questions. (4 points)

Where How What time

What How often
When Why
What type

a.  does Daniel live? In Perú.

b.  of food does he like? Italian food.

c.  does he take swimming lessons? Once a week.

d.  does he get before competitions? Nervous.

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e.  doesn’t he eat meat? Because he is a vegetarian.

f.  does he get up every day? At 7:30.

g.  does he go on holidays? In summer.

h.  does he like best? Swimming!

4. Write about Daniel. (6 points)

• lives / Lima
• likes / Italian food / vegetables
• not eat meat / vegetarian
• takes / swimming lessons / once a week
• gets up / 7:30
• likes swimming best
• gets nervous before competitions

All Around 2 - Pop Stars

Unit 6 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. What is Mark doing? (6 points)

b d f

c e

a. He .

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b.  .
c.  .
d.  .
e.  .
f.  .

2. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present or the Present

Continuous tense. (6 points)

eat drink have swim play take

John is at the beach with his cousin David. They

a) b)
a great time. They in
the sea and volleyball on the
beach. In the afternoon they
photos. Right now, they hot dogs
and soft drinks.

All Around 2 - Holiday Pictures!

Unit 6 Assessment

3. Look and write (3 points)

Usually Today

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a. Tony usually , but today he .
b. Lizzy , but .
c. They .

4. Read and answer the questions. (5 points)

Ross is teacher. He works at school every morning.

He gets up at 7 am, has a bath and eats toast
and drinks milk for breakfast. In the afternoon,
he prepares his classes and corrects papers. On
Tuesdays and Thursdays, he goes to the gym. In
summer, he loves going camping. At the moment,
he is on holidays and he is fishing.

a.  ? Every morning.
b.  ? He prepares his classes and corrects papers.
c. What does he do on Tuesdays and Thursdays? .
d.  ? He loves going camping.
e. W
 hat is he doing now? .

All Around 2 - Holiday Pictures!

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