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Unit 1 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. Listen and write T (true) or F (false). (2 points)

a. Lucy doesn’t like cereal.

b. Joe says there is no milk.

c. There is no bread in the cupboard.

d. Joe doesn’t like toast or butter.

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2. Complete the sentences. (3 points)
jackets wearing clothes fashionable rock and pop love

a. I am a punk. I like leather and music.

b. I love glasses and clothes.

c. I sports. And of course, I love wearing sporty .

3. Answer these questions. (7 points)

a. How many eyes have you got? .

b. How many windows are there in this room? .

c. How many teachers are there in this room? .

d. How many glasses of water do you drink every day? .

e. How many glasses of milk do you drink every day? .

f. How many tables are there in your house? .

g. How many pets have you got? .


All Around 3 - Hi, There!

Unit 1 Assessment

4. Ask questions for these answers. (6 points)

a.  ?
I hate Maths.

b.  ?
Yes, I do. I love English.

c.  ?
Anna likes pets a lot.

d.  ?

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Yes, there is a park in Sarmiento Street.

e.  ?
No, there aren’t any shopping centres in this town.

f.  ?
There are three girls in my family.

5. Complete these sentences about you. (2 points)

a. I really hate

b. I love

All Around 3 - Hi, There!

Unit 2 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. Look and fill in the blanks. (3 points)

a. You must have your plane ticket.

b.  You smoke.
c. You use cell phones.
d. You take your passport.

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2. Label the ingredients and match the
parts of the recipe. (4 points)
How to Make Hotcakes!


some sugar

a lemon

a. First, mix the ingredients… into a frying pan.

b.  Next, pour some of the mixture… together in a bowl.

c. After that, cook the mixture… lemon and sugar.

d. Finally, serve with… on both sides.

All Around 3 - Rule Our World

Unit 2 Assessment

3. Read, complete the rules and answer the questions. (5 points)

They changed the rules at Camp Safari last week. Here are the new rules.

Old Rules New Rules

Do not go more than 50 metres Do not get out of the jeep at the
from the jeep at the water hole. water hole.
Do not feed the lions. Do not feed the animals.
Camp in the jungle only at in the jungle.
weekends. in the river
Do not swim in the river. only in the mornings.

a. Can you camp in the jungle? .

b. Can you feed the lions? .

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c. Can you swim in the river? .
d. Can you get out of the jeep at the water hole? .

4. Listen, complete Jody’s diary and write about her arrangements. (6 points)
8:00 dentist a.  She’s going to go to the
Mon. dentist on Monday at 8:00. (go)
2:00 b. 
lesson (have)

6:00 c. 
with Mum (go)
11:00 tennis d. 
7:00 My e. 

5. What are you going to do this weekend? Write two sentences. (2 points)

All Around 3 - Rule Our World

Unit 3 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. Look, read and write. (4 points)

True = T False = F

a. Bill is taller than Jim.

b.  Sandy is taller than Jim.
c. Sandy is shorter than Jim.
d. Jim is thinner than Bill.

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2. Listen and mark. (3 points)
True = T False = F

a. Bob is the tallest student in the class.

b.  Sarah is the smallest student in the class.
c. Paul is the oldest student in the class.

3. Complete the descriptions. (4 points)

3 heavy 3 fast
3 big 3 spots
3 grey 3 sharp
3 big teeth
trunk 3 meat

It is the land mammal It is the animal on

in the world. It is and Earth. It has got and
. It has got . It likes to eat
. .

All Around 3 - Facts and Opinions

Unit 3 Assessment

4. Read and complete or answer the questions. (6 points)

Fun Planet Facts a.  is a year on Mercury?

Mercury has a year, which only lasts
A year in Mercury is two days long.
two days! – It takes Mercury 59 days
to make a rotation but only 88 days b.  is the brightest planet?
to orbit the Sun.
Venus is the brightest planet in The brightest planet is Venus.
our sky. You can sometimes see it
without a telescope.
c.  is the largest volcano?
Earth is the home of Olympus Mons, The largest volcano is on Earth.
the largest volcano found in the solar
d. How long does a Neptune year last?

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Saturn is the second biggest planet, .
but it’s also the lightest planet.
Uranus’ axis is at a 97 degree angle, e.  Which is the lightest planet?
meaning that it orbits on its side!
One Neptune year lasts 165 Earth
f. What’s strange about Pluto’s orbit?
Pluto’s orbit sometimes brings it
closer to the Sun than Neptune. .

5. Complete these sentences. (3 points)

For me…

a. The most interesting book is

b.  The funniest actor is
c. The most entertaining activity is

All Around 3 - Facts and Opinions

Unit 4 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. Write the countries and draw the weather symbols. (5 points)

Today is Wednesday and it’s warm
and raining in Mexico. Yesterday it a.  Monday
was cold and snowing in England.
b.  Tuesday
Tomorrow it is going to be hot
and sunny in Japan. The day Wednesday
before yesterday it was cool and
raining in France and the day after d.  Thursday

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tomorrow it is going to be warm
e. Friday
and stormy in Spain.

2. Look and write about the recycling programme at school

last month. (4 points)

Class 3A Class 3B Class 3C Class 3D

What did each class do?

a. Class 3A / adopt / piece / land

b. Class 3B / collect / waste paper
c. Class 3C / recycle / glass bottles
d. Class 3D / plant / tree

All Around 3 - Music of All Times

Unit 4 Assessment

3. Listen and answer. (3 points)

a. Who were the Beatles?
b. Where were they from?
c. Who were the song writers?

4. Write sentences about this picture. (4 points)

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was were bear tiger horses soldiers

a.  There was .
b.  .
c.  .
d.  .

5. What do you remember about the Beatles? Write four sentences

in the past about them. (4 points)
The Beatles

All Around 3 - Music of All Times

Unit 5 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. Listen and write T (true) or F (false). (2 points)

a. Peter wanted to be a sailor.
b.  Only some sailors survived.
c. Sailors ate six meals a day.
d. Sailors slept on comfortable beds.

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2. Read and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs. (6 points)
examine photograph clean expose take erode

A student’s grandfather, who used to be an

archeologist, visited the school yesterday and was
interviewed by one of the school’s junior journalists.
Student: How did you find the fossils, Mr Williams?
Archeologist: Well, first, we a) the
fossils because the weather b)
the soil
around it. The experts c) the fossils
and the photographers d) them on
the spot. Finally, we e) them to a
museum where we f)
them very

3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the past. (4 points)

a. Levi Strauss jeans. (invent)
b.  Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper. (paint)
c. The Beatles Yellow Submarine. (compose)
d. Howard Carter the tomb of Tutankhamen. (discover)

All Around 3 - Journey to The Past

Unit 5 Assessment

4. Complete the paragraph. (5 points)

When my brother John and I were

little, he always woke up late. I always
(wake up) early and
(go) downstairs for
breakfast. I c)
cereal and milk and d)

(use) to leave everything on the table for

John. After he had breakfast, he never put

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back the milk on the fridge or the cereal
in the cupboard. My mother always
(complain) about that!

5. Write about what you did yesterday. (3 points)

Yesterday I…
a.  .

b.  .

c.  .

All Around 3 - Journey to The Past

Unit 6 Assessment

Name: Score: / 20

1. Complete. (4 points)

Dear Gilly,
I’m having a really cool time here in Germany with my grandma
and grandpa. Yesterday we went to a great mall.
I (a)
a hat and scarf – it’s so cold here! My
grandma (b)
me to see a castle outside the city.
It was like a fairytale castle! You are not going to believe
this but I (c)
German with the people who work

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in the castle! And they (d)
me! My grandpa
me some skates and we’re going skating on
a lake tomorrow. The only bad thing is the food – it’s really
heavy. Today I (f)
some horrible sausages for
lunch and (g)
sick in the afternoon! I
to you last week. Did you get my letter?

Write soon,

give write speak understand take buy eat feel go

2. Complete these sentences about the past. (3 points)

a. Last week I .

b.  My friends yesterday.

c. When I was five, .

All Around 3 - Adventures and Anecdotes

Unit 6 Assessment

3. Listen and fill in the blanks. (6 points)

Brian: What did you (a)
when you were
younger, Dad?

Dad: I (b) my (c)

in the streets
with my (d)
. We (e)
to the
river at the weekends. We (f)
fish and
them on a (h)
. Your
grandmother says that I (i)
the bedcovers with a (j)
every night.

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I didn’t (k)
very hard at

4. Answer these questions about you. (7 points)

a. Where were you born?

b.  When did you start school?
c. What did you do yesterday?
d. What are you doing now?
e.  What are you going to do next weekend?
f. Where did you go last weekend?
g. When did you have your last holidays?

All Around 3 - Adventures and Anecdotes

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