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Part Eleven

I met Chelagat at waiting for me in the departmental offices. She was finely dressed. Her
clothes fitted her as if she was born with them. When she saw me, she burst into a loud
laughter. I wanted to laugh too but I remembered the African saying that warns us not to laugh
when people laugh, you might be laughing at yourself without your knowledge. "Hi Greg, how is
your drama queen?" She greeted me. I was hurt by the second part of her greetings. Regardless
my wife being troublesome nowadays, I never wanted anybody to make fun of her. She is my
wife and I love her. " My beautiful wife is fine. I thank God for her." I answered taking my seat.
"Huyo bibi yako atakuja kukuua na kaswende." She said leaving for the class. I don't know why
this statement hurt me the most. Although I was suspecting my wife of cheating, I had not
thought of the possibility of being infected. What if I was already infected? I started sweating.
Just then, Fidelis called me. "Greg, you can't believe this, imagine Henry could not make love to
me yesterday. He only lasted less than ten minutes and he was dry." She said even before
greeting me. In my life I had never imagined a man can ran dry. Or maybe it was not what I was
thinking. " Am sorry for you Fidelis, take time to talk to him please..." " Where do I get the time
to talk to him? He is already out of the house. Greg, Henry is sleeping with another woman and
I have to find out who this woman is. I'll make sure she regrets meeting my husband." Fidelis
threatened. I felt sorry for her but at the same time I was worried for my wife. I hoped against
adds that she was not the one sleeping around with Henry. "God save my wife." I prayed.

I called my wife just to confirm where she was at that time. She assured me she was in the
house relaxing. She had nowhere to go since she had been given a dsy off from work. She
explained. " Can we have a family out after work? " I suggested. " It's ok my love." She answered.
I hanged the call and ran to class but not before I had reminded her that I love her so much. She
didn't answer back if she loves me too something that hurt me more. After class, I got four
missed calls from Ken's class teacher. I called her back only to be informed that my son was
sick. He needed urgent medical attention. I went to the principal's office to request for a
permission and went to pick him. I took him to the hospital and after the injection, the doctor
recommended a bed rest for him. Since my wife was at home I decided to take him home. I
was surprised to find my wife's car missing in the parking lot. I went to the house and she was
neither there. I decided to call her to inform her that the boy was in the house but her phone
went unanswered. Five minutes later, I got a text from her. "Am sorry hubby, I was in the
bathroom. Anything the matter?" " Nothing really, just wanted to hear your voice." I replied.
"Let me dress and call you back." She replied. "Ok." Two hours later and she had not called. My
time of being away from school was fast elapsing so I left the boy sleeping and ran back to
school. At lunchtime is when she called me. "Am sorry, I thought you were in class that's why I
didn't call you immediately." She explained herself. "It's ok," I replied "Don't forget our family
out."I added. Her phone went dead.
Part Twelve

I decided to leave school immediately the bell rang. I didn't want to waste time since I wanted
to enjoy my time with my lovely wife. I was on my way out when I saw Chelagat standing in the
Agriculture garden. She looked frustrated with a handkerchief in her hands. I saw her wipe her
eyes a clear indication that she was crying. I parked my car at the roadside and went to her. I
just wanted to know why she was crying. When I reached her,I took out my handkerchief and
helped her wipe her tears. Hers was already soaked. A distance from where we stood was her
vomit. "Am sorry I didn't realize you were sick. Let me take you to the hospital." I offered. "No
Greg, am already from there and there is no need to take me back. Just give me time and I'll be
okay." She said turning away from me. This was not the normal Chelagat I knew. Since I joined
this school three years ago, she has always been free with me telling me anything that affects
her. But today was quite different. What was eating her up? I was still persuading her when my
phone rang, it was my wife. "Am sorry darling, we can't make it for a family out. Am rushing Ken
to the hospital. He looks weak." "It's ok my love, I'll be there in one hours time, I was on my way
out. Take care of yourself my love." I replied before hanging the call. I went back to Chelagat and
found her eating a raw mango. "Chela, don't tell me you are pregnant?" I asked half joking since I
had never seen her with a man. But I remembered my grandma told me that when a woman
vomits and eats bitter stuff, chances are high that they are pregnant. " How did you know it
Greg?" She asked instead of providing an answer. "Am sorry I just guessed. Am I right?" "Yes
you are Greg. It's only that am worried about it so much that I don't know what to do" I hugged
her and assured her that all was well and there was nothing as precious as being a mother.
","Greg I know that being a mother is the best thing that can ever happen to me but am still
worried, this feeling can only be enjoyed when you are with the father of your child but I might
never enjoy this feeling." She said and started sobbing again. "I don't understand you Chela,
what do you mean by that? Have you broken up with him?" I asked her. " Greg you may not be
able to understand me for now, but it's just difficult to say it." She said and sank on her knees.
"I just regret it Greg, I regret everything and I just don't know how I will pull myself from this
mess." She added. Since we were standing in an open place, I pulled her to my vehicle to avoid
the eyes of the students who were now coming to the garden. Moreso, I wanted to keep it
confidential so that we don't send a wrong impression around the school. Once in the vehicle, I
coaxed her to help me understand what she was saying. " Greg, I fell in love with a married man.
He is the one responsible for this. Please don't see me as an evil woman, I would like to be a
wife to someone but how will I be married to someone's husband?" I just looked at her and
shook my head. I knew this was going to be tricky. I wished I could help her. " Does he know
you are pregnant?" I asked to break the silence. "Yes, I told him yesterday." She replied. "He told
me to terminate it." " Ohhh Henry why?" She shouted. ",You mean the man is called Henry?" "
Yes, she answered. Let me hope it's not the Henry I know.
Part Thirteen

Chelagat's confession confused me more. I was sure my wife was cheating on me. I believed she
was having an affair with Henry and here Chelagat is saying that the one responsible for her
pregnancy is call Henry. He is a married man too. I wanted to ask her about his wife's but I
decided to go against it. I didn't want her to guess that maybe I knew the man. All said and done,
I now had two assignments to accomplish. One to find out who my wife was seeing outside our
marital vows and which Henry had impregnated Chelagat.I dropped Chelagat at her home and
promised to check on her once I get home. She requested me to pick her for school the next
day which I agreed. I respected her and cherished her as my friend. After she bade me goodbye,
I drove to the hospital where I picked my wife and Ken back home. I didn't want to get into
trouble with my wife so I decided not to ask her where she was during the day when i brought
the boy home. Instead I went to the kitchen and prepared supper for my family. My wife joined
me there and requested for my phone which I gave her without a second thought. There was
nothing to hide from her but I requested her not to call Chelagat again. As usual she smirked
and went to the sitting room with my phone forgetting hers in the kitchen. " Thank you for
being there for me princess. You are such an amazing woman. I enjoyed it today" That was a text
that popped on her phone. I wanted to see the sender of the text but as usual her phone had a
password that I didn't know. All in all I had read the message. It hurt me but there was nothing I
could do about it. I had no evidence to pin her down. I felt like crying but my tears were
worthless. There are some problems that tears don't solve and this was one of them. My heart
bled. My wife came for her phone and read the message, I saw her smile as she she replied to
it. Her happiness seemed to be in the phone. I wanted to ask her, I wanted to ask her why she
was cheating on me and who was that man that I'd better than me? But no evidence. I
swallowed it again. During dinner, that's when I remembered I hadn't called Chelagat as I had
promised so I requested my wife to give me my phone. To my annoyance, my wife had been
insulting Chela using my phone. The texts she had written made me lose my appetite. Not in
her condition, not after knowing that she was expectant. I left the house to call her; she was
sobbing. I tried to console her but she could not listen to any of that. What I didn't know was
whymy wife hated Chelagat this much. Personally I had not done anything to warrant this kind
of behavior from my wife toward her. This was when an idea struck my mind, does my wife
know the Henry that is responsible for Chelagat's pregnancy? Is he the same man she told her
to stop giving him her pussy? I decided to check on Fidelis. She picked my call. I was surprised
since I expected her hubby to be at home. "Thank you for calling Greg, I was thinking about you
just now." "Oooh, a coincidence beautiful girl, I was thinking of you too." I replied. "Henry is not
at home. I just wish you were here with me to make me happy again." She said and laughed. "I
just didn't know how to answer her. Honestly, I had missed her too. She made me happy for the
time we were together. "That's my wish too girl, at least we need to talk." I replied and hanged
the call after I saw my wife coming. "You were talking to your prostitute again!" She said as she
slapped me across my face.

Part Fourteen

"Real men don't slap back a woman after being slapped, being cool doesn't make one a less
man"My heart ached, I felt bitter and for once in my life I felt like being away from my wife.
My anger was taking control of me and I understand what I can do when angry. My hands
clenched into a fist. I wanted to box her but I remembered she is only a woman. Real men
don't beat up women. I wanted to be a real man so I just left her and entered the house. My
son saw the change in my mood and started crying. This hurt me. I had never wanted to see
my boy cry. "Am sorry son, dad will be fine I said as I hugged him." I then released him and
went to the bedroom, i threw myself on the bed. I just wanted to be alone and being in this
house will just cause chaos. So I changed into a jeans and T shirt and left. I found the boy
playing with his tablet. "Dad usisahau kuniletea chocolate." He said without raising his head.
"Poa big boy." I replied. I found Sharon in the parking lot making a call. She had not seen me
so I had the chance to hear her conversation. Unfortunately, she was summing it up and the
only thing I heard was "I miss you too." When she turned, I had just entered my car ready to
start the engine. I saw her running toward me as I drove off. Two minutes later, I received a
text from her. ",Enda ulale na Malaya wako, mwanaume mgani wewe." I bit my lower lip, to
avoid causing an accident, I parked my vehicles in the flash parking. I was deep in thought.
Did I make a mistake in choosing Sharon as my wife. Not really, this was not the wife I
married. My wife was a humble woman. She has really changed. Her work place held the
answers to my questions. But how do I get to the bottom of everything? Do I employ a spy
to follow her up? No, that's the last thing I can ever do. I was still lost in the world of
thought when I saw a figure of a woman I knew enter a clinic. She was accompanied by a
man. Yes, she was dressed like Chelagat. I know her dressing code and most of her clothes
were familiar to me. For the man, I only saw the coat; A leather jacket. Anyway maybe it
was not her. "Where are you Greg." It was a text from Fidelis. As if we were reading from
the same page because I had wanted to ask her the same. "Am headed to poa place." I
replied. " Ok I'll find you there. I just need to see you now." She texted back. " It's ok, hope
all is well." I replied. But instead of texting back, she called. I could sense bitterness in her
voice and the only way to help her was a face to face conversation. After talking to her, I
decided to leave where I had parked because I felt relieved. Before I left, I checked the door
of the clinic and it was locked. I hadn't seen anybody leave, not even the proprietor since it
was a private clinic. I called Chelagat's number but it went unanswered. " To hell with her." I
cursed as I engaged the drive gear. " I have more problems to solve in my marriage that
needed me. Why should I bother myself with other people's affairs."Five minutes later, I was
seated in a dark corner of the pub. In my life, I had never set my foot in a bar. My wife had
pushed me to this place. At first I felt out of place but as time went by, I started feeling
at peace. The music played was cool but I just didn't like the sight of women inminiskirts. It
reminded me of how my wife had changed from the beautiful woman I married to a person
I don't understand at all. I was busy sipping my Alvaro when one of the women came and
sat to the empty chair next to me. From the look in her eyes, she was one of the prostitutes
I hear of. "Hello Greg." She greeted me. I dropped the glass in my hand which broke into
Part Fifteen

The breaking of the glass attracted the waiter who came fuming. He demanded to be paid for
the damage caused. Without a word, the lady went into her purse and paid for the glass. "Am
sorry for everything Greg, I didn't mean to." She said after the waiter had left. "It's ok" I replied.
"Who are you please?" " I know you dont know me Greg, but I know you. I know your wife
Sharon and your two children; Ken and Shalyn. I work with your wife and am her friend. I have
been desiring to talk to you but I have never had a chance to and from your mood, I don't seem
welcomed for now. Please give me your number so that we can talk sometime later." She said.
"It's ok 0701238279" that's my number. "Thank you Greg. Am sorry once again." She said as she
left. I sighed. I needed to be alone. I needed no one else apart from Fidelis who had promised to
come and see me. Ten minutes later, I saw Fidelis enter the pub. I had texted her where I was
seated so she came straight to where I was. Her dressing code was tempting. Should I tell you
that her thighs we're clearly visible not forgetting to mention that her boobs' cleavage was also
exposed from the too of her sweater. "Am sorry for the delay Greg." She said sitting down. As
she did so, her dress slid up exposing her inner thighs. She was clad in a white pants. Today she
didn't pull her dress down as she did the first day we met. "It's ok Fidelis. What was it that you
wanted us to talk about?" I asked immediately to avoid further temptations. Am a normal man
and what the eyes admire, the heart desires. " Let's have something to eat as we talk Greg, am
damn hungry." She said. A Waiter came and she ordered a heavy meal for both of us. " Why are
you not in your house Greg." She asked. This was one of the topics I didn't want to discuss.
Honestly I had never imagined I'll ever run away from my wife. Not the wife I married but today
here I am. In a bar just to be away from my wife. " I just wanted to refresh and go back to my
house." I replied. " Greg your voice betrays you. Have you not ran away from your troublesome
wife?" She hit the nail on the head. Who told her that my wife is troublesome? Does it mean
Fidelis knows more than what I expected? "It's ok, leave that to me please. Let's discuss what
you came here for please." I said with a slight tremor in my voice. I was getting annoyed. " We
can't discuss anything here Greg. People might see us and tell our spouses that we were
together at night and I guess you know what will happen. We shall ruin our own marriages
rather than finding a solution for them." She said. She was right. Am sure my wife could cause
all kind of drama if she hears that I was with a woman after I left the house. What should I do?
As if Fidelis was reading my mind, she stood up and led me out. "Let's go Greg." "Where are we
going?"I asked. Am not the type if a man to follow any woman without knowing where she was
leading me. "Just come Greg, trust me. It's safer where am taking you than here." She
explainedherself. She led me to the opposite building and to my surprise, she had booked a
room for the night. She opened the door and ushered me in the door from behind. "Finally we
are here. Feel at home Greg." She said as she lay on the bed. This gave me a clear view of her
body. Her dress pulled up to three quarters of her thighs being exposed. "Come and sit here
Part Sixteen

For a moment, I didn't know what to do. I felt lost. I had never imagined being in a situation like
this. Not with Fidelis. I looked at her thighs. Chocolate and very smooth, just like a ripening
tomato. Well rounded. My cock was already doing press ups, threatening to break loose from
it's custody. For men, we are always affected by what we see and am sure Fidelis knew this and
that's why she had decided to use it as a weapon against me. As if she was reading my mind,
she covered her face with her hands. This pulled her dress up. From here I could see her
Honeypot slightly protruding from her white underneath. Oh my goodness, for those of you
who know me, they will tell you that white is my weakness. I was sex starved. Despite the fact
that I played sex with my wife less than thirty two hours ago, it didn't quench the thirst
accumulated for the past three months that she had deprived me of it. "Am waiting for you
Greg." She reminded me. I went and sat by the bedside. I struggled to hide my protruding
bumps at my lower abdomen. "What did you want us to talk about please?" I asked the same
question I had asked before she led me here. "Greg, I'll be honest with you, please understand
me." She started. Am a woman and I have feelings. Imagine as I told you, for over three months
now am untouched. Am married yes but nothing has gone on between the sheets between me
and my husband." She explained herself. "It's ok Fidelis, marriage has challenges and I wish I
could help. It's only that I don't know what's up with Henry. I wish I could talk to him about you."
"Greg Henry was not at home when I came here and it's not the first time he is coming home
late. It's hurts me to know that am married but sex starved. Greg, since I was married, no other
man has ever penetrated me other than Henry my husband. But now he doesn't give me my
conjugal rights, what do I do? She asked. I wanted to explain to her that I have never slept with
another woman apart from Sharon; my wife, I wanted to tell her that my wife has denied me
sex for three months now, I wanted to tell her that my wife was the reason for my leaving the
house but my tongue was tied. I just didn't want to demean my wife. I loved her and regardless
of the challenges in my marriage, I had vowed to love her until death do us part. "Greg, help me
please. You are my friend and there is no other man I can give my body to. Don't deny me." She
said holding my hand. She started caressing my palm as she talked. For once I pitied her, I
almost forgot my tribulations back at home. Slowly I was carried away. The feeling of her touch
was amazing. Up she reached for my chest and unbuttoned my t-shirt and pressed my hairy
chest with her fingers. The feeling was heavenly and I found myself closing my eyes. "Am sorry
Fidelis, I..." My statement was stopped by her lips covering mine. She was kissing me. Things
were moving very first and within no time she was pushing me on bed. Her dress was now high
above her waist giving me the chance to see what her mama blessed her with. " Lest do it
Greg." She said reaching for my belt. Just then, her phone rang. She wanted to ignore it but I
requested her to pick it . It was her husband. "Where are you now? "He asked.

Part Seventeen

Fidelis dressed up in a hurry and left the hotel. I just didn't know what her husband had told her
but I was happy that she had gone. I was not ready to cheat on my wife. She was the woman I
loved and she is the only one who deserves to see my nakedness. I knelt down by the bedside
and gave thanks to God. He had taken away temptations from my table. "Another day Greg, I
have to be at home." She said as she left.

I left the hotel and went back to the pub and resumed my seat. I was lucky since nobody had
occupied it. As normal, I expected my wife yo call and apologize or even ask me where I was but
she didn't. This made me more worried. Personally I cannot withstand my wife leaving the
house after a quarrel. I was ready to do anything within my power to make her stay. But what
of her? She has a rock in her chest. I concluded.

At eleven, I left the pub and drove home. I was surprised to find another car parked in my
compound. I had noticed the lights in my bedroom on. The sitting room lights were also on.
This was not normal in my home. I parked my car and left hurriedly. "Today is today." I said as
my hands clenched into fists. I was ready for anything. When I reached the door, I heard
murmurs from the house. I was sure that the owner of the vehicle was a man. His voice was
heavy. I could not get what they were discussing clearly but at some point I heard my wife say
she was tired. I didn't know what she was tired of but the man in the house seemed to
understand her.
Maybe they have had this talk for a long time. "One, two, three!!" I pushed the door open only
to find my wife in her night gown and a man seated next to her. At first I didn't recognize who
he was. A Bible was on the table opened. The man was sweating as if he had been exercising. I
raised my arm to hit him but he dodged. "What is wrong with you Greg?" He asked. This was
when I discovered he was a pastor from the nearby church. "What are you doing in my house at
this time?" "Am the one who called him here." My wife said. "When you left without telling me
where you were going to. What did you expect me to do? Beg you to stay? You are a big man but
you behave like a kid. At least he is a man of God. Let him teach you how to handle your
marriage." She added. Her words were a double edged sword that cut me from within. I was
hurt. I felt like crying but tears refused to come. Slowly I went to my bedroom without any
utterance. That was when I remembered my sister's warning before I married Sharon. "Bro, are
you serious about marrying Sharon?" She posed the question. "Yes siz, I love her and I believe she
can make a good wife for me." I answered her. "I feel you deserve a better girl Greg. You might
regret this decision. I know that Sharon; a friend of mine told me she was the worst girl in
campus." My sister advised. I just didn't want anything wrong being said about Sharon. Not
after I had taken her to the university. I was determined marry her. Nothing could stop me from
that. "What did she tell you Sharon did?" I enquired. "Bro, Sharon is a materialistic woman. Am
told she had been dating lecturers just to finance her high end life. Get another woman, am
sure you can find the best Greg."Was my sister right? Did I make a mistake marrying Sharon?
And who was this pastor since I had never stepped my foot in his church. How did he come to
know my wife?
Part Eighteen

That night, my wife slept without a word. I didn't know at what time she came and when I woke
up in the morning, she was not there, not just in the bedroom but in the house. The only
evidence thst she slept in thr bedroom was her pillow, it was nit where i left it when I dozed off.
My son was unwell so I didn't have to take him to school. After the Nasambu was relieved of
her duties, my daughter spent most of the time with Joina; my sister. Don't ask me how an
eight months old girl can stay without the mother. My daughter stopped suckling at the age of
four months. Not because she wanted to but my wife said she was tired of being suckled.
"Nitazeeka mapema." That was her exact words. Did I tell you that she was working. I don't
know what devil was at her work place. Anyway am used to her drama.

I ran to the bathroom only to bump into a tampon wrap. So she was on her moon. I sighed.
Maybe it was the reason she behaved weird towards me. "These women can be funny." I said to
myself promising to call her and apologize for what happened the previous night. After
preparation, I left for Chelagat's house. I had promised to pick her on my way to school. When I
arrived, I knocked twice but there was no response. I called her on phone but it went
unanswered. I heard it ringing from the house but she didn't pick it. I tried for five times. I gave
up and decided to leave but my instincts were against my going so I pushed the door open. The
first thing I saw at the door made me freeze; drops of blood. For once I didn't know what to do
for the blood headed to her bedroom. Shouting was not my thing and I didn't know any of her
neighbours. What should I do? Before I could make a move, Fidelis called me. She was crying.
"Greg, imagine just imagine..." She didn't finish her statement and her phone went off. I called
her back immediately but she could not be reached. Things were getting tricky for me. For Chela,
there was no other option but to find out what was wrong with her. I followed the blood trail
and as I had suspected earlier, it entered her bedroom. Luckily her bedroom door was open so I
saw her lying in bed half covered. She looked sound asleep. I pulled off the blanket only to see
her soaked in a pool of blood. Without a second thought, I carried her to my car and drove her
to the nearest health centre. It was the same clinic I had seen someone like her enter the
previous night. The doctor refused to attend to her saying he didn't want to invite trouble to
himself and referred me to the general hospital. He said she had lost alot of blood but not yet
dead. I drove off without wasting a second. I knew her life depended on how fast I acted. I
arrived at the hospital in less than fifteen minutes and Chelagat was rushed to the emergency
ward in which Iwas not allowed to enter. The doctor left with my car keys. I didn't know why but
maybe it was because he wanted me around. I was getting late for school so I decided to call the
principal and tell her what had happened. Luckily she understood me and gave me the day off.
"I'll come once she gets better madam." I replied before hanging the call. After around two
hours of waiting. Finally the doctor came. I ran to him and asked how she was doing. "We are
sorry sir..."

Part Nineteen

"We are sorry sir," the doctor told me. I knew to what to expect. Tears started clouding in my
ears. I didn't expect to lose Chelagat. She was my best friend in school. I respected her and her
death was the the last news I had expected. I took out my handkerchief and wiped my tears not
before blowing my nose. The doctor read my mind and decided to break the silence. "We tried
our best but she lost the pregnancy." My heart skipped. I didn't know whether to jubilate or be
sad. "What about her doctor?" I asked almost immediately. "She is out of danger, only that we
don't know how she accessed the drugs for labour induction." He replied. "Those drugs can only
be sold to a medical practioner." He added. My mind ran back to the dispensary; the private
clinic I had seen someone like her enter yesterday. "I need to do something" I told myself.
"When can she be discharged doctor?" I asked him after a deep thought. "Maybe today in the
evening." "Thank you doctor, I'll be back for her." I said as I headed to my car. "Sir, the charges
stands at ten thousand shillings." He reminded me. I didn't have any money at that time. Not
because i don't earn but because we share a common account with my wife and I didn't leave
with the ATM card. The card is always kept by my wife but am the one who knows the pin. We
agreed on this arrangement sometimes back when she thought I was spending money on
other women outside. What do I do? Do I call her and explain everything to her? Not, this is not
the best idea considering she had been accusing me if having an affair with Chelagat. I was
still in this quandary situation when Fidelis called me. "Greg are you in school?" She asked even
before greeting me. "No, anything the matter?" I asked her after answering. "Not really but I
think I have seen your wife with another man enter a guest house. Could you please hurry
here." She explained. Honestly how did she expect me to know where she was by saying here?
"Where are you Fidelis?" I asked. "Oooh, the same joint where we usually meet." She said and
My car was blood soaked. I could not drive it without taking it to the carwash. What do I do? I
don't have money even to take a taxi. I only had two hundred shillings. Car washing was going to
cost me one hundred and fifty. My hands were tied. "Kindly do you mind paying for my taxi." I
texted Fidelis. Instead of replying, she send me twelve thousands. I didn't know whether to
rejoice or reverse the transaction. Anyway I drove my car to the carwash and took a taxi to
where Fidelis was. I was almost there when she sent me a text. "Greg, they just left." This broke
me. I wanted to know who was this man playing around with my marriage. I wanted to know
which kind of a man who was determined to tear what God had United? I didn't turn back but
went ahead and met Fidelis. I wanted her to tell me what happened the previous night and why
her husband called her at that time of the night and everything that happened. I was curious
and I stillhad her images in bed fresh in my mind. Infact the thought of seeing her naked made
me hard. My manhood responded. For once I regretted why u didn't seize the opportunity and
bleep her. I missed quality sex. I missed being intimate but there was one thing hindering me;
my vows to remain faithful to my wife. When I arrived, Fidelis hugged me and planted a kiss on
my lips. "Greg, I love you." She declared.
Part Twenty

This was mind blowing. How can a married woman be in love with me? Cheating on my wife
was the last thing I expected. In my heart I was suspecting my wife was cheating on me. In the
beginning, I thought she was cheating on me with Henry; Fudelis' husband but today I have
doubts. Fidelis had called me telling me my wife had entered the guest house in a company if a
man. If it could have e been Henry, am sure she could not have called me because she knew my
wife and her hubby were colleagues. My earlier guess had been disapproved.

For once, my heart was at peace with Henry but I didn't want to imagine that he might be the
man behind Chelagat's pregnancy. This was so inhumane. Not imagining he could have had a
hand in the abortion which could have killed Chelagat if I could not have gotten there in time.
Anyway that aside. Fudelis'confession that sh loved me was the least I expected. Not the wife
to a local church leader. ",Let's have a talk Greg." She said after she noticed that I was silent.
"Why do you love me when you are married and am married too Fidelis?" I asked her. "Greg,
am tired of beginning for my husband's attention. I swear I loved this man but his negligence
has pushed me to the wall. Greg, you are the only man who can save my marriage. Just love me
back and I'll stay in the marriage or I'll divorce him." They things here affected me directly. One,
I had never thought of having someone divorce their partners. I always believe in finding
amicable solutions to all problems in a marriage. This means I was not ready to see Fidelis
divorce. Two, I was a married man in a rocky marriage. Despite this, I was not ready to love
another woman. I didn't know what to do but I had to act. Either love Fidelis or protect my
family. "Let's talk about this some other time Fidelis. For now I have an emergency to attend
to." I told her. "Greg, promise me you will keep this topic to yourself." Of course I was to keep it
confidential. I could not imagine the drama my wife could have caused if she discovered I had
such a talk with another woman. What if Henry? His reaction towards his wife was also a factor
to be considered. I put people's happiness first. "It's ok Fidelis, this is between me and you." I
replied. She held my hand and kissed it before we left.After leaving the place, I went to the
carwash to pick my car only to find my wife's car there. She had taken mine and according to
the attendant, she picked it before it was washed. Thiswas chaotic. "Here are the keys sir. Your
wife said we give it to you." I keep what that meant. I was to drive the car. I went to the
hospital and found Chelagat in the office. She had been discharged. I paid the bills and took her
home. On the way, she asked me how she had gotten to the hospital. This confirmed my
worries that she was unconscious when I took her there. I explained everything to her and she
cried bitterly. "Henry, why did you do this to me?" She.
Lamented. Finally I dropped her at her home and left. I didn't want to go to school though it was
still early. I called the principal who gave me permission not to report to school. When I reached
my home, I found my car parked in the parking lot. "Help me God." I said as I pressed the
doorbell and Waited. I heard footsteps coming to he door from inside and I was sure it was my

PART 21-27 Coming soon

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