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She is the little mermaid Ariel, she is not the typical spoiled, cute, tender, capricious and
weak girl that appears in all the movies, and although in reality the King is her father, she is
quite strong and independent for something she is considered the best swimmer at the
bottom of the sea, she is also quite ambitious so she always gets what she wants, but you
may wonder what is she doing in the human world, Why is the daughter of a king alone
here, and why is she without her fin because that is precisely what this story is about, how
she got here and everything she has done, but do not look at her with tenderness and pity,
this world where you live belongs to her.
Well! Let's go to Atlantis where it all began... A beautiful place known as the city-palace at
the bottom of the sea, an ancient kingdom that was once found on the surface, adorned by
various sea lions, fish and dolphins as well as boats dragged by the Bermuda Triangle, a
place full of life where everyone lives in harmony except her, she is always surrounded by
the same and nothing interesting ever happens, and that's where her passion to meet humans
and their world was born.
One day the little mermaid decided to go for a walk, she was swimming peacefully in the
sea, when suddenly she saw that a group of humans came to fish in a coral reef, she realized
that their intentions were not only to get food, as they ended up destroying the entire
ecosystem taking not only the fish, but also the other species, leaving a desolate and
deserted place without life, and as a result, many of her friends who managed to escape
were left homeless.
From that moment on, Ariel was curious to know who was that fantastic species that were
capable of destroying everything without any consequence for their actions and thought she
had to investigate, but she had a serious problem, she did not have the body structure to be
on earth, so she decided to go to a young witch named Ursula which was rumored
throughout the sea that had great powers for being close to the gods, that's when Ariel set
out on his journey to find that witch, Thanks to her great speed and after days of travel she
arrived at that young and beautiful witch to ask her the favor to grant her some legs to be
able to move easily and camouflage herself in the world of that fascinating species called
humans, at that moment the witch told her that it was not so easy to get what she asked for,
since her powers were not enough; as she had to fulfill a condition and that is that the legs
would only have them during the day because at night in the light of the moon her fins
would return and she could no longer walk on the earth.
Ariel scared did not know if she was going to accept such a risky condition but her
curiosity and her explorer soul was stronger, so taking a strong breath she said yes, at that
moment the whole sea became a dark color and the little mermaid fainted, after a few
minutes she woke up and saw down but she still had her fins so she thought that the witch
had deceived her, However the witch explained to her that it was night and she had to wait
for dawn and be near the land so that her legs could leave, that was when Ariel immediately
went out at full speed to look for the human world, she swam all night until dawn, at that
moment she saw how her fin changed shape as the sun rose.
Excited she ran out of the sea, but she still did not know how to use her new legs, so she
had to practice for hours until she learned how to handle them, after a while she saw people
approaching the seashore in a carriage, it was a prince who was passing by, She realized
that it was a prince because he had a crown and people bowed when he passed by, she was
so shocked to see such a spectacle that she did not realize when the carriage was
approaching her and ended up hitting her, immediately everyone came out to help her and
fortunately for her the prince was the one who saw her first and quickly got out of his
carriage. Seeing her unprotected and beaten he decided to take her to his castle to give her
food and clothes, but the night was approaching and she knew she could lose her legs so
she had to escape to return to the sea, during the whole night she thought how her life
would be like being the queen of the humans since she could do whatever she wanted
without restrictions and devised a plan to use the prince and benefit from it.
The next morning Ariel decided to return very early to the castle so that the prince would
not notice her absence, at that moment she realized the importance of that man for the
world of humans since everyone obeyed his orders and asked for his attention and thought
it was perfect if he married her since everyone there would respect her and see her as an
equal, also she would also be respected in the marine world to be the princess, that is where
she began to gain the trust of the prince pretending to be a sweet, complacent and
submissive woman.
While at the bottom of the sea, Ursula was worried because she did not know anything
about Ariel, so she applied the same spell to have legs, and decided to take a trip to the land
to see what was happening, thanks to her powers she arrived very fast. When he arrived he
saw a beautiful castle, which caused him a curiosity and thought that Ariel could be there,
when he approached the castle to his fortune he found her, who was accompanied by a man.
She excitedly shouted and began to call her again and again, until they noticed her
presence. At that moment they both turned around, but the prince was immediately
enchanted by those captivating gray eyes that the young which had, at that moment Ariel
noticed that something was not right in that encounter and that it could affect his plans,
however, he did not give it importance and continued with his plan.
That day the prince had the idea of throwing a party in honor of his two guests, that
morning everyone celebrated and drank happily, except Ariel who saw how the prince did
not look at her with eyes of desire, and that the young which was ruining his plans since
that man only had eyes for her when the party was over, The prince took Ursula to a remote
place, leaving Ariel alone, who upon seeing that they were leaving pursued them, in that
place and after several hours talking, he fell in love and proposed marriage to Ursula, she
was excited and without thinking about it, she accepted since she had also fallen in love
with him from the moment she saw him, unaware of Ariel's intentions.
The next day, the town was preparing for the prince's marriage, while the little mermaid,
enraged, could not believe what was happening to her, and knew she had to do something
to prevent her ambitious plan from being ruined, that is when she decided to invite Ursula
for a walk with the excuse of giving her advice for her wedding, but nothing further from
reality, because at that moment she hit Ursula with a rock telling her I'm sorry but it is
necessary, at that moment the young which fell to the ground and fainted. Ariel takes her by
her legs and takes her to a cave on the outskirts of the kingdom, where she leaves her tied
up and with some water to drink, Ariel, frightened by what she had done, runs to the prince
and tells him that she had kidnapped his beloved and that she will hurt him if he does not
comply with her demands since she was the one who should marry him and not Ursula.
The prince, surprised without knowing what was happening, looked into her eyes and
realized that in her eyes there was fire, so he immediately felt that she was really capable of
doing it. The prince asked her what her requests were, to which she replied that she wanted
to be queen, queen of that fantastic species that are humans, and that only he could give her
that power, so she asked him to give his kingdom in exchange for seeing his beloved again.
The prince, sure of how important Ursula was to him, decided to accept. At that moment
the prince went to the castle and called a meeting to announce that from now on the
kingdom would be Ariel's. Everyone present did not understand the reason for that
decision, but they accepted it anyway.
Ariel quickly goes to the cave in search of Ursula, who was still fainted, Ariel wakes her up
and she is still dazed by the blow and asks her what happened, Ariel tells her the truth and
apologizes and she accepts because of her big heart, then, both go to the castle where
everyone is waiting for the great queen and the future wife of the prince, Both decide to tell
the prince that they do not belong to this world, they are mermaids from the bottom of the
sea and the young which asks him to accept a spell so she can also be part of his world, he
accepts and at night before their fins came out again, they all go for a walk by sea, there
Ariel also realizes that both worlds can coexist without destroying each other and that was
the kind of queen she wanted to be. At dawn, Ariel has a beautiful dress made for Ursula
for her wedding, and that day the big event takes place, Ursula and the prince get married
and decide to go live on the outskirts of the kingdom very close to the sea, while Ariel
remains the queen of the human world and princess of the sea bringing peace, union and
respect to both worlds creating awareness to humans of the care of the marine ecosystem.

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