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How to work the chest without gym equipment

You can still complete an effective workout for your chest even at home, without worrying about
equipment. These exercises are grouped into endurance, strength and explosiveness for hypertrophy, and it’s
as simple as adapting the commonly known press up!

It’s vital that you target each portion of your chest appropriately. To learn how to adapt our workouts we
need to understand that the chest is divided into the upper chest and the pec major which divides into the
middle and lower chest.

• The upper chest fibres run upward and are activated with exercises involving shoulder flexion, where the
arms move upward, e.g the incline press.
• The middle chest fibres run horizontally and are activated when the arms move horizontally, e.g. with the
flat bench press.
• The lower chest fibres run downwards and are activated when the arms move downwards, e.g. exercises
that require shoulder extension, such as dips.

Here’s how...
Upper chest
Middle chest
Lower chest


Decline push ups 3-5 8-15 Place the feet on a bench to complete a push
up partially elevated.
Diamond push ups 3-5 8-15 This also works the triceps by placing the
thumbs and forefingers together in front of the
chest, allowing the elbows to flare out in a
diamond shape.
Sliding chest flyes using face towels 3-5 8-15 Lying face down with hands on sliders/towels
arms in a U shape with elbows in line with
shoulders. Use the chest muscles to squeeze
the arms together without changing their
shape, whilst raising the chest. Slowly release
back to the start.
Pike push ups 3-5 3-5 In a push up position drive the hips toward the
ceiling to make an upside-down V shape. Lower
the chest between the hands, then re-
Incline push ups 3-5 8-15 Perform a push up with the hands resting
against a chair or bench.


Wide grip push ups 3-5 8-15 Hands wider than the shoulders, using any bar
or beam. Pull so the chin is above the ledge and
slowly lower back to the start.
Archer or side to side push ups 3-5 8-15 Flex the elbows and lean to one side, lowering
your torso to the ground. Return to the starting
position by extending your elbows, moving
back to centre.
Crucifix push ups 3-5 8-15 In a push up position take the arms wide to the
side of the shoulders, keep them straight and
balance on the fingertips as you perform the
push up.
Flexed Trunk Push ups 3-5 8-15 Lie face down arms shoulder width and
extended overhead.
Men= place thumbs in line with the top of the
Women= place the chin in line with the top of
the head.
Close your legs and Place your feet on the
ground with closed legs before lifting both
knees and elbows off the floor.

This exercise loads the serratus anterior

(muscle on side of the chest), increasing the
activity of the clavicular section of the
pectoralis major.
Chest dips 3-5 8-15 Perform on two chairs if needed, tilting the
body forward slightly throughout.

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