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Ethan Powell

Ms. Pittens

May 12, 2021


Artist Statement

My goal for this design was to create a simple, clean design with a bold colour scheme

that draws the eye to the centrally located logo. I achieved this through a repeating pattern of

chevrons in a red colour that has high contrast against the black background of the board. The

Grit company logo was then placed in the centre of the board in a strong colour with a dark

border, causing the eye to be immediately drawn to it.

I selected the feature shape of my design to imply movement and speed, integral parts

of a longboard. Emphasis and contrast were utilised in this project to draw attention to the

centre logo. By increasing the weight of the outline surrounding the logo, the shape stands out

against the other lines that surround the geometric pattern. When given a thicker outline, the

logo is balanced against the black of the background. The symmetrical design of the board adds

to the simplicity and bold design.

With this design, I attempted to create a simple, geometric pattern that implies

movement and other important aspects of skateboarding and skateboard culture. I also wanted

to have a central focal point, where the logo is placed, to create strong brand recognition. I

believe that I achieved this goal to the best of my ability. I am most proud of the technical design

of the logo and the emphasis created by its placement on the board.

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