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DLN Remote Tuning Setup


-This documentation is meant for the field engineer who has the responsibility of setting up tuning kits with
very little to no experience.
-Reduce overall setup time for DLN remote tuning.

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Purpose: This documentation is meant for the field engineer who has the responsibility of setting up tuning
kits with very little to no experience. And Reduce overall setup time for DLN remote tuning.

Step-By-Step Procedure for DLN Remote Tuning Setup

1. Verify that each tuning kit comes with 2 silver purge boxes and 2 white suitcases. Note, the
smaller suitcase holds the Dell laptop containing the CDM software along with the Netgear switch
and laptop accessories. The larger white suitcase contains power cables, Ethernet cables with
RJ45 connectors, a gas regulator, rubber hoses, swage locks, and a transformer.

2. The silver purge boxes are to be placed on either side of the gas turbine.

3. Get at least one of the site technicians to cut equal 3-4 feet lengths of copper tubing. This will be
used to connect the purge box to the turbine compartment’s junction boxes. See picture below:

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4. It is a good idea to jot down on a notepad a 5 digit Serial Number (SN) located at the PCB
connection. Make sure you record the correlation between the SNs and the chamber numbers
written outside the purge boxes. See picture below:

5. Before you proceed, purge out any condensation within the purge box. Do this using a site
supplied nitrogen bottle. The tuning kit’s regulator and hoses may be used to make all
connections. All valves within the purge box should be closed. You should purge each line one at
a time. Keep purging until no moisture can be felt exiting the purge box channel outlet. Once all
moisture has been purged out, close all channel valves and the inlet purge box valve.

6. Verify and make sure that all purge box valves, chamber valves and the inlet valve, are in the
closed position. See picture below:

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7. Have the site technician hook the cut copper tubing pieces from the purge box chamber outlets to
the turbine compartment’s junction box’s ball valves. Remember that on the left side of the unit,
chamber 1 connects to ball valve 1; and so on. And on the right side of the unit, chamber 8 (for
MS 7F Gas Turbines) connects to chamber 1 of the purge box. If you can, it is a good idea to
visually verify that the tubing actually terminate on its intended combustion can. Or you can hook
up an air hose and blow air from the can connection of the tubing and feel for the junction box
valve releasing pressure.

8. The ‘inlet’ of the purge box is fed with Nitrogen gas via rubber hoses and a regulator provided in
the tuning kit. Get site technicians to bring one full Nitrogen bottle per unit and to make sure all
connections are tight.

9. Since all the purge box valves are closed, it is a good time to test for leaks. Open the Nitrogen
bottle to a pressure of 300 psi. Check all connections around the bottle to ensure there are no
leaks. Also check the connection to the purge boxes.

10. Once they have been tested good, you may open the ‘inlet’ valve within the purge box. All
chamber outlet valves should be closed already. Feel and listen for any possible leaks.

11. Next you can open each chamber outlet valve one by one. Feel and listen for any possible leaks
up to the turbine compartment’s junction boxes.

12. At this point, if there are no leaks, you are ready to purge each combustion can if Atlanta is ready
for remote DLN tuning. If not, close all valves and repeat steps 8-11 later.

13. If the site is ready for testing, purge each can for 15 seconds one at a time. Verify that the pressure
gage within the purge boxes read approximately 300 psi. There should be no two lines being
purged simultaneously. Also, after you purge one can, close its respective chamber valve in the
purge box and ‘leave’ the turbine compartment’s ball valve open. The junction box’s valve is to
remain open so that the PCBs can receive pulsating backpressure and send signals to EDAS within
the purge box via the white wires shown below. EDAS will in turn transfer information to the
Dell laptops via Ethernet cable to the Netgear switch as shown in the first picture above.

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14. Make sure the Nitrogen supply valve is closed and that all valves within the purge box are also
closed. All turbine compartment junction box valves are to be left open throughout the remote
tuning process.

15. If the remote tuning process is longer than 4 hours for a particular unit, re-purge each combustion
chamber as described above.

16. Make sure that all connections have been made according to the Expert Guided Remote DLN
Tuning document in your tuning docs folder in the Remote Tuning folder of your Turbine
Controls CD. Along with all other documents in the tuning docs folder.

17. Verify that the CDM file is receiving corrected pulsating ‘Dynamic’ values. The remote tuning
center in Atlanta may be called for assistance.

Detailed Instructions on Setting IP addresses follow.


Remote tuning is all about communication. On site, the proper networking has to be set-up to insure that
the remote station will be able to receive the data it needs. The line of communication is as follows: Purge
boxes Æ Combustion Dynamics Monitoring (CDM) computer (DELL notebook) Æ On Site Monitor
(OSM) Æ modem connection to Atlanta. This means that 2 channels of communication must be set up
properly on site. The first is between the two Purge Boxes and the CDM. The second is between the CDM
and the OSM. The OSM should be pre configured to communicate with Atlanta and most issues that arise
here are typically addressed on the Remote (Atlanta) end.

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Connect Purge boxes to CDM computer via Netgear
1. The diagram below shows a ‘typical’ setup for the connection from the Netgear to
the OSM. Other sites may have a slightly different hookup to the OSM. Take a
look around to see how your site is hooked up. But the Netgear Ethernet switch
will need to be connected to OSM. Contact the Remote Tuning Center to get the
setup for your specific site. Please note that the EDAS connections to the Netgear
Ethernet Switch is made using the tuning kit’s Ethernet 10BaseT UTP
(Unshielded Twisted Pair) cables having RJ45 connectors on both ends. This
cable is connected from the Ethernet port on EDAS to the Netgear Switch port.

Tuning Kit EDAS-1 EDAS-2

Connect the cable leading

to the OSM to the up-link 10 Base T Twisted
plug of the Ethernet Pair Cable and
switch. Set the up-link RJ45 connectors
button to the up-link Ethernet
setting. Switch

600' 10 Base 2 RG58 Coaxial Cable

BNC connectors



2. Now load a different IP address for each purge box. This is done by clicking on
Start -Æ Programs -ÆEDAS SYSCHECK.

To run the EDAS

SYSCHECK program,
press the Start button and
select Programs folder then
folder then EDAS
SYSCHECK 3.0 program.
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3. A window will pop up showing the Configuration tab. Here you put in the IP,
Subnet, and Gateway Addresses given by Atlanta.

4. Press on the Program Tab and click on the ‘Attach to EDAS’ button and make
sure the COM1 Port is selected as shown in the picture below. Once the ‘Attach
to EDAS’ button is selected you can see the Addresses placed in the
Configuration tab on the top left. Also on the bottom right are the current
Addresses of the EDAS machine. Once you click on the ‘Write Address’ buttons,
the new addresses will be replaced as the current address on the lower right side
of the window under the EDAS picture.

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5. At this point you must re-cycle power to the EDAS machine. You can finally check
that CDM can communicate with EDAS (purge box) by pinging the equipment.

CDM computer to OSM

Contact the Remote Tuning Center in Atlanta for guidance when connecting the CDM
laptop to OSM.

Check the following on the OSM.

1) Go to network properties > protocols > TCP/IP protocol > routing : make sure that enable IP
forwarding is checked.

Now configure the CDM

1) CDM needs to be version 3.1 or greater. Earlier versions do not contain the options need to send
the data to the OSM
2) In the network properties (right click on My Network Places) go to the TCP/IP settings for the
Ethernet card.
a. The specified IP address must be greater than the IP address of the unit 1 OSM, but not
by more than 16. For example, if the IP of the unit 1 OSM is, the only other
devices that can communicate on the subnet are numbered (last number) 66 through 80.
b. This is also true for the purge boxes, a typical setup may be as follows:
i. OSM1 -
ii. CDM -
iii. EDAS1 –
iv. EDAS2 –
c. Go to the Gateway tab. The OSM that you intend to communicate with MUST be the IP
address entered here. This is the “Gateway” that the CDM uses to send its data to the
remote tuning machines.
d. If any of the IP address or Gateways were changed, you need to reboot the computer for
them to take effect; this is as good a time as any.
e. It is a good idea to ping the OSM and purge boxes to ensure all equipment can
3) Now set up the following in the CDM program
a. Go to communication Æ IP Addresses
i. Send data to Client 1 ONLY

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ii. Client IP address is provided to you by the remote tuner and is the address of the
remote tuning station
iii. Remote Port 1 is also provided by the remote tuner
iv. Local port can remain 0
v. Click on Set Address button

b. After above changes exit the CDM program and start it again for changes to take effect.
c. When you enter CDM program, the remote tuner should be able to read your data.

Additional Information

Remote tuning from Atlanta involves a DLN TA who is able to receive live data from the OSM (On
Site Monitor) and also the CDM (Combustion Dynamics Monitor). There is no lag time in the data
being sent. There are a few requirements that the site needs to ensure in order to be a remote
tuning site:
1. Controls TA on site during entire tuning process
2. Direct phone line wherever tuning is being done (typically in the PEECC)

Lessons learned:
It is best if the site have a speakerphone or a hands free set to use while tuning the unit. A
tuning period will last for hours at a time and a hand held phone would be very uncomfortable
and also cumbersome for the Controls TA to use while tuning.

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