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1) He said he was going to top smoking

2) She said she was going apply to law school.

3) She said she was going to find a husband.
4) He said he was going to marry Sylvia.
1) She was going to go to the movies.
2) Were you going to study economics?
3) My friend was is going to speack to the manager about the bad service in the hotel.
4) Were there going to be a lot of people at the meeting?
5) This was going to be my last car.
6) Was Who going to teach this class?
7) Medicine was going to be my career field.

8) Where was Lee going to study nursing?

1) We thought would become vegetarians.
2) Sally believed she would marry Tom.
3) Our teacher believed going to all pass the test.
4) They said they were going to study medicine.
5) The doctor said the baby would be born in May.
6) No one believed the restaurant would be good.

1) She was she was going to be a chemist.

2) We told them we were going to see the movie on Friday.
3) I said, Mark was going to be sorry he married Jane.
4) She asked, Who was going to make dinner?.
5) My famiIy told me, I was going to love New York.
1) We were
2) it Didn’t
3) She wasn’t

4) It wasn’t

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