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001/001 TRO:2800/Credits Credits


Writing & Development Acknowledgments
John “Takiro” Luther I would like to acknowledge the following BattleTech products and the writers whose
Lee “Irose” Rosenberg material much of this book is based upon.
Joshua “Knightmare” Kessler Jumpships & Dropships (FASA 1619)
Gregory “Kit” Scholfield House Kurita: The Draconis Combine (FASA 1620)
Joseph “Liam” Craven House Steiner: The Lyran Commonwealth (FASA 1621)
Stephen “Master Arminas” Bynum House Marik: The Free Worlds League (FASA 1622)
Kurt “Dark Falcon” Akemann House Davion: The Federated Suns (FASA 1623)
House Liao: The Capellan Confederation (FASA 1624)
Art The Periphery Sourcebook (FASA 1629)
JP “Mighty Amobea” Sphagnum The Star League Sourcebook (FASA 1630)
Christopher “Siden Pryde” Peterson Battlespace (FASA 1680)
Sillybrit AeroTech 2 (FASA 1718)
Technical Readout: 2750 (FASA 8613)
Design Contests Winners Handbook House Steiner (FPR 35001)
notsonoble, the Dione (8th : Fighter Carrier Dropship) Technical Readout: 3057 Revised (FPR 35007)
bsmart, the Hokosaki (11th : Draconis Frigate) Handbook House Marik (FPR 35019)
Kit, the Republic (12th : Terran Frigate) Handbook House Davion (FPR 35024)
Trace Coburn, the Libertad (13th : Marik Corvette) Jihad Hot Spots 3070 (FPR 35026)
Darrian Wolffe, the Aeneas (14th : Marik Cruiser) Technical Readout: 3075 (CAT 35130)
sillybrit, the Daring (15th : Davion Corvette) Heavy Metal Aero (by Rick Raisley)
Kit, the New Syrtis (16th : Davion Fighter Cruiser)
Kit, the Slava II (17th : Capellan Destroyer) Book Layout & Design
Master Arminas, the Wind Dancer (18th : Capellan Frigate) Joshua “Knightmare” Kessler

Special Thanks
Well this book has been a loooooong time coming. It began many servers ago on a forgotten forum whose boards have long since crashed when a young poster named Liam (Nevversan,
at the time) began drawing up his “historical” BattleTech ships. This truly compelling work inspired myself, Irose, and Dark Falcon to begin our own shipbuilding efforts. Luckily Liam allowed
us to hitch our wagon to his, creating the comprehensive ComStar Naval Archive. Then along came Technical Readout 3057 Revised which changed a great many things. While it effectively
ended our shipbuilding it provided the motivation for Irose and myself to launch BattleTech: Shattered Dawn. After our first successful Fanbook we knew that this Technical Readout containing
our revised naval designs would make a perfect fit. I’m very proud of all this work and my fellow writers who bought it to life. You forever have my heart felt thanks and appreciation.
Also I want to thank all of our design contestants whose entries, win or lose, contributed invaluably to this Fanbook. Another major cog in the BTSD family who deserves recognition
for all of his efforts is Knightmare. He’s done a ton of stuff; from writing, art, assembly, to things our fans don’t even know are in development yet, that must be acknowledged. So thank you
sir, and thanks to Ice for getting in touch with you when you went off the reservation. In addition a couple of promising newcomers, Kit and Master Arminas, really helped me finish up the
written sections and I for one hope to see them around for many more future projects. Finally this all wouldn’t be possible without the members of the BTSD forum and our fans at large who
continue to urge us on. So thanks everybody! Now back to work on the next Fanbook. (I’d like to mention that without John, we wouldn’t even be here...he’s too modest that one! - KM)
001/001 TRO: 2800/Table of Contents Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Eclipse 4 Andurien class Battlecruiser 88 Fulbaum class Destroyer 180
Introduction 11 Boxer class Cruiser 90 Vester class Destroyer 182
Liao class Battlecruiser 92 Aristotle class Transport 184
Jumpships 12 Sun Tzu class Battleship 94 Themistocles class Destroyer/Carrier 186
Cargo class Jumpship 14 Dragon class Battleship 96 Stewart class Destroyer 188
Courier class Jumpship 16 Alexander class Destroyer 190
Pioneer class Jumpship 18 Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA) 98 Dido class Frigate 192
Vanguard class Jumpship 20 Himeko class Corvette/Raider 106 Sian class Battlecruiser 194
Trader class Jumpship 22 Inoshishi class Corvette 108 Varyag class Battlecruiser/Carrier 196
Scion class Jumpship 24 Same class Corvette 110 Aeneas class Cruiser 198
Venture class Jumpship 26 Kujira class Armed Transport 112 Nemesis class Carrier 200
Leviathan class Jumpship 28 Kumo class Destroyer 114
Kaze class Destroyer 116 Lyran Commonwealth Navy (LCN) 202
Dropships 30 Nami class Destroyer 118 Dinesen class Destroyer 208
Princess class Liner 34 Mogami class Cruiser 120 Viking class Transport 210
Black Ball class Freighter 36 Hokosaki class Frigate 122 Valkryie class Destroyer 212
Bellerophon class Assault Ship 38 Atago class Heavy Cruiser 124 Icarus class Frigate 214
Cheetah class Troop Carrier 40 Igarashii class Battlecruiser 126 McQuiston class Fleet Replenishment Ship 218
Dione class Fighter Carrier 42 Tone class Carrier 128 Balmung class Frigate 220
Anchorage class Nautical Carrier 44 Byakuren class Battlecruiser 130 Brandenberg class Heavy Cruiser 222
Dauntless class Assault Ship 46 Hiei class Battleship 132 Gauntlet class Heavy Cruiser 224
Victory class Troop Carrier 48 Arcturus class Battlecruiser 226
Purveyor class Civilian Transport 50 Federated Suns Naval Service (FSNS) 134 Tharkad class Battlecruiser 228
Warlord class Assault Ship 52 Audacious class Corvette 142 Banshee class Carrier 230
Goliath class Assault Carrier 54 Daring class Corvette 144 Commonwealth class Battlecruiser 232
Citadel class Troop Carrier 56 Sunburst class Destroyer 146 Tirpitz class Battleship 234
Mastodon class Assault Ship 58 Furious class Destroyer/Carrier 148 Thor class Battleship 236
Yeoman class Troop Carrier 60 Crecy class Destroyer 150
Firebird class Assault Ship 62 St. George class Transport 152 Terran Royal Navy (TRN) 238
Juggernaut class Assault Ship 64 New Syrtis class Fighter Cruiser 154 Vulcan class Tender 246
Kirov class Cruiser 156 Catalyst class Tanker 248
Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN) 66 Rodney class Cruiser 158 Genesis class Corvette 250
Confederation class Transport 72 Musketeer class Battlecruiser 160 Dewey class Destroyer 252
Ji class Corvette 74 Emerald class Battlecruiser 162 Bainbridge class Destroyer 254
Slava II class Destroyer 76 Iron Duke class Battleship 164 Defender class Cruiser 256
Confucius class Armed Transport 78 Ascalon class Battleship 166 Mercy class Hospital Ship 258
Chesterton class Destroyer 80 Republic class Frigate 260
Wind Dancer class Frigate 82 Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN) 168 Newgrange class Yardship 262
Nightstalker class Light Cruiser 84 Guardian class Corvette 176 Sovremenyy class Battlecruiser 264
Sword class Cruiser 86 Libertad class Corvette 178 Royal Sovereign class Battleship 266
001/004 TRO:2800 Eclipse

14 November, 2799
TRS Solace
High Orbit, Bex
Terran Republic

This was such a lovely world once, Captain Abigail Henderson thought as she looked down on the blue globe with strange orange-tinged clouds floating in the center
of the holographic projector. The continent of Dante, on the lower limb of sphere, was just now rotating into view. Even on the reduced scale of the projection, the
continuing eruptions of more than dozen volcanoes spat molten rock clear into the upper stratosphere. The dark grey and black clouds of ash were being lifted by
the air currents, spreading out across the entirety of the southern hemisphere. The sulfurous gasses—lighter and more easily carried than the pulverized rock and
hardening magma—had already spread across the planet. Those same gasses had tinted the clouds a pale orange shade, and would prove the deadliest aspect of
this disaster.

No one lived on Dante—other than a few hundred researchers, and perhaps some hermits who truly wanted to get away from it all. And the reason for that lay right
in front of her: the volcanoes. Dante was tectonically unstable. Earthquakes and magma flows were parts of daily life there. No, the people of Bex made their homes
on the continent of Ruhe, almost four thousand kilometers to the north. In normal times, the people of Ruhe never even seemed to notice when Dante acted up. This
series of eruptions, however, had gone on for weeks, and the biggest was about to arrive according to the researchers. A super-volcano was about to explode. The
biggest show in the universe—at least the biggest she could survive at this distance.

It wasn’t fair, she thought. Bex had been under the heel of Stefan Amaris for nearly seven years before the SLDF liberated the planet in 2775. They had terrorized the
population—and killed off a third of the two hundred and seventy-four million people that made this world their home. All of the planets industries had been wrecked,
fit only for salvage and recycling. The economy had been shattered, and Bex entered a depression where nearly twenty million more had starved to death.

Then, when Amanda Cameron had been found after the liberation of Earth, and help began to arrive, what happened? General Kerensky—may he be forever damned—
abandoned us, taking eighty percent of the SLDF and most of the Fleet with him on his fool’s quest into the unknown. The recovery Bex had begun to make stalled,
and then backslid. It wasn’t until 2587—fifteen years ago—that Amanda Cameron-Sinclair, now married and Regent of the new Terran Republic, had been able to
extend Project Phoenix to this world, helping it to pull itself from the depths of despair.

And now they had to deal with this disaster. Solace had been sent here to assist with the casualties—even four thousand kilometers distant there would be casualties.
And no ship in the Fleet was better for this task, for Solace was the latest generation of SLDF hospital ship. Her five thousand-strong medical staff had the very best
medical equipment available to the now-dissolved Star League. Evacuating the one hundred and sixty-two million people was not an option. Instead cargo ships had
delivered material that would help the population cope with the Ice Age this event would unleash on the world. And Solace—Henderson—was here to pick up the

One of the members of her staff groaned as a portion of the planet bulged outwards, dissolving into a tremendous bubble of red and orange that reached into low
orbit, and the shock wave began racing across the planet.

“There it goes,” Surgeon-Commander Gregg Jakorbati commented.

001/005 TRO:2800 Eclipse

Abigail nodded. “Get your teams, ready, Jak. As soon as the atmospheric disruptions shrink below the minimum conditions for safe transit I want your mobile facilities
deployed on the surface.”

“Aye, aye, Skipper.” As she watched Hell consume a fifth of this side of the sphere, she shook her head. Damn you Kerensky for abandoning us to this. Damn you to

19 November, 2799
CCS Farwell
Jump Point 217, Liao
Capellan Confederation

Colonel Chien-liu Zhang watched the red numbers on the plot slowly counting down. He could see the icons representing his own Farwell and her companions—Cossack
and Marshall Ustinov—sitting in formation at the jump point. In two minutes, the three ships, one Chesterton class and two Slava II class, would hit Genoa. Intelligence
claimed that there were no WarShips present; even so, Zhang was not happy about hitting a world of the Republic. Still, if they carried this off, there should be no
loss of life. And if they got the ship—and her technology—the Republic wouldn’t go to war over her loss. At least, that’s what the Diplomatic Corps claimed. Still, he
mused, it should prove interesting—after all if it worked, then he would go down in history as the man who stole a Republic ship for his Chancellor. The numbers hit
zero. “JUMP!” Zhang snarled, as three K-F drives engaged.

22 November, 2799
TRS Solace
High Orbit, Bex
Terran Republic

“It’s confirmed?”

“Yes, ma’am. One Chesterton class and two Slava II class, all destroyers, all transmitting Capellan IDs.”

“Location?” asked Abigail, even though she could see the ships on the full system plot. Traditions.

“They must have entered the system at the Zenith point, ma’am. We just picked them up on the outer sensor ring fourteen minutes ago.”

“Range, bearing, and speed?”

“Six hours out, ma’am, heading straight for the planet and braking at 2.5-g’s of thrust. Ma’am, they must have been here for several days; their velocity is up to 540
kkh and they are decelerating for a zero-zero intercept.”

Abigail stared at the plot. Her ship was unarmed, for the love of God. And, while the Slava IIs were old, they were heavily armed. The Chesterton, on the other hand,
001/006 TRO:2800 Eclipse

was a modern design, and carried even more ordnance—along with a regiment of aerospace fighters. And if she broke orbit, the seven hundred patients in surgery
would die from the acceleration.

“Ensign, have Communications fire up the HPG. Transmit a distress call to every Fleet base in range and request immediate and urgent reinforcements.”

The young man, just out of the academy on his first ship-board deployment, stared at her.

“NOW, Ensign.”

“Aye, aye, Captain.”


“Captain, the Capellan ships are transmitting, and they want to speak with you.”

Abigail had sat in orbit for almost five and half hours as the Capellans closed. A pirate jump point lay just thirty minutes distant—but if she ran, her own thrust would
kill the civilians in the surgical wards. And all those ships—with three times her own acceleration—had to do to intercept her was stop decelerating. One pass with
their weapons would leave her ship broken and disabled, if not completely destroyed. No one had answered her SOS. She was alone.

“Put it on the main screen, Ensign.”

The projector image changed to show a trim, older man wearing a vacuum suit adorned in Capellan green. A bronze triangle on his right shoulder indicated his rank,
while his helmet was racked behind him—ready for him to pull it on should battle threaten his ship. She grimly chuckled. Like Solace can threaten him. “I am Captain
Abigail Henderson of the Terran Republic Ship Solace. You have intruded within the space of a world of the Republic—space recognized by your own Chancellor.
Withdraw now, Colonel and I will note your cooperation in my report.”

The man, clearly of Asian descent, on her screen grinned at that. “And I greet you Captain Henderson. Colonel Chien-liu Zhang, of the Confederation Naval Ship
Farwell. I regret that I cannot comply with that request, Captain. Rest assured that we have no intention of harming you or any of your crew. Accede to our requests
and we will depart—with no shots fired and no one injured.”

“And what is that request, Colonel?”

“Your ship, Captain. Our Chancellor desires to possess the medical technology no longer available to those of us who are not looting the corpse of Terra. Hand over
that vessel and we will set you down on the surface of Bex—slightly poorer in a material sense, but quite alive, I assure you.”

Abigail’s jaw dropped. “We are a medical ship on a mission of mercy. We aren’t even armed!”
001/007 TRO:2800 Eclipse

“I know, Captain. That’s what makes this so easy.”

“I won’t just hand this vessel over to you, Colonel. I’ll scuttle her first.”

“Pity, Captain, but this was planned for. Our ships are carrying over three hundred marines specifically trained to capture that vessel. I can launch them and their
assault craft with but a word, ma’am. Last chance to resolve this peacefully, Captain.”

“Go to . . . .”

“CONTACT! New contact bearing 012, Mark 243. Jump emergence detected, ship detected!” The crewman manning the sensor station sang out across the bridge.

The image of Zhang turned to snarl in Chinese at his own sensor techs as a new voice that Abigail had never before heard came over the loudspeakers.

“Captain Thomas Sarkozi, of the Terran Republic Ship Republic. I trust that we are not too late for the party.”


“Republic class Frigate, with two Titan class DropShips attached! Wait, they’ve launched. Fighters, we have multiple inbound aerospace fighters, tracking makes it

“Launch our interceptors, and order the Cossack and the Ustinov to do the same! Helm, alter our course to close with the enemy. Weapons, you are free to engage
the frigate. DO NOT fire on the objective!” Zhang shouted orders as he sealed his helmet, feeling the cool flow of air touch his cheek. His suit was plugged into the
ship’s life support—the onboard reserves would engage only if the primary ships systems failed.

Farwell bucked as her launch bays began spitting Transgressors, Transits, and Thrushes into space. On the plot he could see Cossack and Ustinov each launch their
six to join his thirty-nine. Fifty-one to forty-eight; well, he would take those odds. “Signal Ustinov; launch the marine assault craft at the objective.”

For the moment, his three ships were still out of range, but that would change in about thirty seconds.

“Sir, the Republic is turning to present broadsides.”

“Weapons, fire the moment we enter range,” Zhang sat back. For what we are about to receive, he thought . . .


“The Capellans are turning to open their fore-quarters and nose batteries, still closing, thirty seconds to weapons range, Skipper!”
001/008 TRO:2800 Eclipse

“Guns, concentrate fire on the Chesterton, all but the AR-10s. Hold missiles to engage any fighters or small craft that move towards Solace.” Sarkozi gave the order,
and then secured his shock frame. He pressed the button his command chair that placed him on the intra-ship speakers. “All hands, prepare to receive weapons fire.
The Regent expects every person aboard to do his duty. That will be all.”

“Good pep talk, Skipper.”

“Stow it, Chris, and put a few rounds into that ship; maybe she won’t be so eager to play after that.”


Farwell fired coherent energy from eight Heavy Naval PPCs at a range of 900 kilometers. Cossack and Ustinov added four slightly less intense PPC bolts, four lasers,
and eight capital missiles into the fray. Lamellar ferro-carbide plating melted as seven of the energy weapons lashed across Republics hull; the outermost plates
shattered where three missiles exploded, but her armor absorbed the exchange easily. And then Republic returned the favor.

The Terran ship responded with two Heavy Naval PPCs, six lasers, and two Heavy Naval Gauss Cannons of her own. One PPC bolt, three lasers, and one Gauss slug
struck home.


Farwell staggered as the massive Gauss slug—five hundred kilograms of compressed and depleted uranium—slammed into her nose. Thankfully, the PPC bolt and
lasers hit her fore-quarter, but that one hit ruptured armor plates and ablated almost a third of the protective covering of her nose.

“Keep firing, maximum rate on all batteries that bear!” Zhang shouted.

“Colonel, Marines are away!”


The assistant weapons officer of the Republic, already having been given his orders, noted the launch of the twelve small craft. They immediately began thrusting
towards Solace. He confirmed their course and turned a launch key. Republic bucked as five missile launchers spat heavy Killer Whale class missiles at the shuttles.


Ninety-nine aerospace fighters and two Titan class DropShips slammed together in the space between the behemoths, as minnows to their whales. Space erupted
with laser blasts, PPC bolts, missiles trailing flame, and exploding craft.

001/009 TRO:2800 Eclipse

Cossack and Ustinov continued to close, pouring fire into the Republic as they went. Neither of the two ships seemed to notice Farwell reducing her thrust and hanging
slightly back.


“Enemy ships entering range of our autocannon sir, the Chesterton is holding back!” Commander Christine Ryan shouted from the tactical station.

Damn, Sarkozi thought, this is getting too hot. His armor was still holding, but in several places it was now paper-thin. He KNEW the Chesterton was hurting—badly—
but those Slavas had yet to be touched. “Switch all fire to one of the Slavas, Chris. Take the bastard out.”

“Sir.” She targeted the ship on the right, and pressed the firing key as her assistant continued lobbing missiles at the five surviving small craft closing on Solace.


Marshall Ustinov exploded as three shells from the largest and most powerful naval autocannon ever constructed slammed into her hull. Zhang looked at the projector
display as he saw the last of his marine shuttles die.

“Signal the Cossack, break off at maximum acceleration and evade. Surviving fighters to cover our departure.”

“Sir, our orders . . .”

“. . . ARE NO LONGER OPERATIVE, MAJOR! Can we take that ship without any Marines? We can destroy it, yes, but that was not the purpose of this mission. Now
disengage before that damn frigate finishes us off.”

“The Chancellor will not be happy, Sir.”

“I will explain this defeat to the Chancellor personally, Major. Now disengage and go to maximum thrust—on a minimum time course to get us out of that ships


“Captain, Colonel Zhang is on the comm, ma’am.”

“Put him on screen.”

“Captain Henderson, it seems that we have underestimated your resistance here. We are leaving now—if your compatriot pursues he may find us a little too big a
001/010 TRO:2800 Eclipse

bite to finish. Well-played, Captain, and fare well.”

The image in the projector died away, as both the surviving Capellan ships swerved away at maximum thrust. Republic did not pursue; her own wounds were deep.
As her last twelve fighters and one Titan changed course back to their mothership, the seven surviving Capellan fighters turned to follow their own ships back to the
Jump Point. To home.

Abigail wiped a tear from her eyes. Is this what we’ve come to? Fighting over the scraps of the Star League. Damn you, Aleksandyr Kerensky, you should have been
here to stop this. She walked to the viewing port along the side of the bridge, watching with naked eyes as her small craft spread out in search of survivors. The
distant stars glittered, but the light was cold and dim, and in the shadows of the stars themselves she saw Six Great Houses that prepared to fight a war none would
ever win, and all would lose.
002/011 TRO:2800 Introduction

As a new century dawns the Terran Republic stands at a crossroads. We have survived the initial onslaught of the Dragon and the Eagle to see the so-called
Successor Lords fall upon each other. Like an island of tranquility in the center of a stormy sea, our nation has managed to avoid the general cataclysm that engulfed the
InnerSphere. While Liao and Davion have staged occasional probes of our territory the TRAS has managed to rebuff their advances without escalating the conflict.
The last fifteen years have seen dramatic changes sweep almost all of known space and no where is this more pronounced then in the aerotech industry. Heavily
developed during the Star League era the massive shipyards and orbital factories of the Houses were situated along their vulnerable border regions. Ideal during a
Golden Age of Peace this placement boosted production and commerce between the fellow member states. When the Succession War officially began in 2787 the
Houses obliterated these facilities without mercy hoping to destroy each others ability to make interstellar war.
Unfortunately the naval officers of the Great Houses all had the same idea. This isn’t surprising because they all came from the same school of thought. This
strategic doctrine refined by and taught at Star League military academies was the obvious first step in such a general war scenario. Each Navy carried out these
strikes with stunning efficiency insuring that their rivals would be unable to quickly rebuild or augment their fleet strength. Massive naval engagements like Skondia,
Cholame, Calloway VI, and Procyon followed drastically reducing the number of warships in the InnerSphere.
While the Navies of the Successor States were tearing each other to pieces the Terran Republic was rebuilding thanks to Project Phoenix. The Amaris Coup and
Kerensky’s Exodus had left Terra in poor shape in more ways then one. This certainly included its warship fleet which was the smallest in the InnerSphere at the start
of the war. However, as the Star League disintegrated Project Phoenix began to focus on restoring Terra’s shattered defenses including the formidable SDS. These
static security measures would help protect our core naval installations unlike the other Houses.
As the Royal Navy engaged in limited military actions on our own terms Terran industry rebuilt and so too did the fleet. In spite of suffering heavy naval causalities
and some degree of battle damage the manufacturing core of the Republic remains largely intact. While these aerospace facilities cannot operate at the rate they did
under the Star League they have been fully restored. With Project Phoenix now complete and attrition continuing to take its toll on the Navies of the InnerSphere our
fleet has gone from the smallest to the largest.
This Technical Readout details the rise and fall of the Navies of the Great Houses during the Succession War thus far. I feel duty bound to point out that authorizing
further shipbuilding as outlined in the Ascendancy Program will further safeguard Terra. Such a fleet could be a powerful deterrent for those Houses desperate enough
to desire our good fortune for themselves. This could also be a boon for Operation Phoenix which continues to liberate Terran worlds and might lead to the restoration
of the Star League.
Please note that information on the “fleets” of the Periphery and Mercenaries has not been included because we believe that they are or nearly extinct as it
concerns functioning warships.

- Admiral Michael Beserick

Commander of the Terran Royal Navy
January 1, 2800
003/012 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Introduction

Interstellar Travel
Jumpships are the backbone of the interstellar transportation system. Without them, it would be impossible to cross the vast gulfs of space. Early jumpships, like the TAS
Pathfinder, the TAS Ark and their successors set the standard for the next three hundred years. While improvements were made to KF-Cores which made them cheaper and more
reliable, the basic design of the jumpship remained unchanged. It was not until sometime in the 23rd century that the fundamental concept of the jumpship changed. Up until that
point a jumpship would arrive in system and then head towards the planet, where shuttles would be used to unload cargo and passengers. Sometime in the 24th century the first
docking collar was introduced. The origin of the docking collar has been lost to time but it began as an improvised modification that allowed a dropship to be carried on the hull of
a ship, opening extra space in the vessel for cargo. As dropships grew in size this became a more common practice until the early 25th century when the Gargantua cargo ship was
introduced. Too large to fit in the standard docking bays found on jumpships, Krester’s Ship Constructors began offering factory refits of older jumpships with docking collars. The
new Gargantua was so successful that Krester’s began offering the first modern jumpship, the Cargo class, which mounted a docking collar. In less then a century many of the older
jumpships were replaced with a new generation of ships, all of which used docking collars to carry dropships, rather then large docking bays.
This revolution was not limited to just the commercial market. The military saw the advantage of the dropship-jumpship model, which allowed for larger dropships then previously
possible. Following the introduction of the Cargo class, a plethora of new designs were introduced. As with any new technology, manufacturers raced new products to production in an
effort to capture a share of the market. For every successful design, like the Cargo, Trader, Courier or Vanguard, there were a number of designs which only saw limited production.
The designs ranged from cargo ships and military transports like the Cargo, Trader, Vanguard and Leviathan to more specialized ships. Ships like the Courier class served as messengers
in the days before the HPG, while the Pioneer class could support exploration missions. The formation of the Star League and the end of the Reunification War saw the development
of a new generation of Jumpships. The sharing of technology between the member states of the Star League resulted in the development of new Jumpship designs, which were safer,
cheaper and more reliable then previous vessels. As a result many older ships were phased out of service. Even so not all of these vessels disappeared from the Inner Sphere. Some
of the independently owned ships continued in service, as their owners could not or did not want to replace them. Others were sold to the wealthy in the Inner Sphere and used as
their personal transports. For these reasons it can be expected that these vessels will continue to serve for the foreseeable future.

Naval Organization
The standard naval organization seen throughout the InnerSphere today was established long ago in the early days of space travel. It dates back to the year 2120 when the Terran
Alliance authorized the formation of a six-jumpship force called the Terran Space Navy (TSN). These original military jumpships, named the Charger-class after the first vessel of its
kind, were grouped into three vessel squadrons commanded by a senior Captain or in some cases a junior Commodore. This model proved effective over time and continues to serve
as the basic naval organizational technique. However this “base three” system is not as rigid as other formations like the BattleMech lance for example. Many times squadrons will add
a fourth ship depending on their mission objectives or available force strength while another common variant is the dual or six ship squadron often used by the Star League Navy.
This flexibility can be seen throughout the Navies of the InnerSphere as it is well within the norm to divide naval forces in order to accomplish specific tasks. This practice results
in a wide variety of ad hoc naval units often dubbed Taskforces which could be composed of any number of ships. The next well defined naval organization the nine to eighteen vessel
group or Battlegroup came about during the dawn of the twenty third century. Led by a Commodore they were created as more military dropships and combat jumpships became
available to the burgeoning Terran Alliance which struggled to control its vast colonial empire. By the time of the Outer Reaches Rebellion twenty seven to fifty four ship flotillas had
been formed for even larger scale operations. These formations were typical directed by a junior grade Admiral and became more common as the Great Houses coalesced. The proto-
states of the Human Sphere soon adopted the effective organizational techniques of the Alliance Navy.
While each House has put their own spin on these standards their navies generally follow these time-honored practices. Fleets of eight one or more vessels began to appear during
opening phases of the Age of War when the nations of the Sphere first squared off against each other. These truly massive naval units managed by a senior Admiral were originally
mixed formations of all kinds of combat ships, including dropships and warships, at this time. However this changed as the Star League era ushered the “Age of the Warship” as
proliferation made exclusive fleets of these goliath combat jumpships possible. The importance of military dropships fell by the wayside during this Naval Golden Age. They became
003/013 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Introduction


complete subordinates instead of valued auxiliaries and were no longer counted in the numerical makeup of fleets. Ironically the destruction of the Succession War in part bought on by
the massive warship fleets of the InnerSphere has begun to reverse this process. Many now view fleets as the mixed formations of dropships and warships they once were.
003/014 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Cargo Class Jumpship

Cargo Class Jumpship

Despite being a marginal design, the Cargo class remained
a common sight until the introduction of the Trader class in
2480. Even so the Cargo remained in use as short distance
cargo haulers for the next one hundred years. It wasn’t until
after the Reunification War that many of the Cargo class were
retired in favor of newer designs which were more economical
to use. Surprisingly many of the retired Cargos found a new
life in private service. With so many ships available, the Cargo
could be acquired for a mere fraction of what a new jumpship
would cost. Many of the wealthy in the Inner Sphere bought
Cargos as their own personal yachts. Recently many of these
Overview: ships have been impressed into service to replace ships lost
The Cargo class is the first of the modern style jumpships. during the current conflict.
For many years the design of interplanetary transports had
been evolving, from large cargo shuttles to the modern
dropship. As dropships grew larger, they out grew the size of
the internal shuttle bays that were found on jumpships. The
problem came to a head when Krester’s Ship Constructors
developed the Gargantua class cargo ship. Unable to fit in
standard Cargo Shuttle bays, Krester’s began offering to refit
older jumpships with docking collars to carry the Gargantua.
As more Garantua’s entered service there was a demand for
new construction ships that could carry them. To meet the
demand, Krester’s introduced the Cargo class. The ship was
an instant success and over twenty five thousand were built
by Kresters and under license in yards across the Inner Sphere
and Periphery.

The Cargo is an unremarkable vessel, only being notable
as the first ship that was specifically designed to carry a
docking collar. Intended for service in more developed areas
and along major trade routes, the ship has only a limited cargo
space and a small fuel bunker.
003/015 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Cargo Class Jumpship

Cargo Class Jumpship


Tech: Inner Sphere

Introduced: 2420
Mass: 60,000 tons
Length: 220 meters
Sail Diameter: 750 meters
Fuel: 200 tons (2,000)
Tons/Burn Day: 9.77
Station-keeping Thrust: 0.1G (0.2 Thrust)
Sail Integrity: 3
KF Drive Integrity: 2
Heat Sinks: 82
Structural Integrity: 1
Battle Value: 588

Fore: 6
Fore-Sides: 4
Aft-Sides: 4
Aft: 4

Bay 1: Cargo (176 tons) 1 door

Dropship Capacity: 1
Grav Decks: None
Escape Pods: 0
Lifeboats: 2
Crew: 9 minimum (1 Officer, 8 Enlisted)

Notes: Equipped with 32 tons of standard armor. This design features an early
model docking collar that weighs 1,200 tons.

Weapons: None
003/016 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Courier Class Jumpship
Courier Class Jumpship

scout and transport vessel. A number of these small vessels Liberation. However, even today the Courier is still a common
were lost to periphery raiders and scouting missions in vessel found throughout the Inner Sphere.
contested star systems. However, the Courier also proved to an
important ferry, transporting vital materials and information to Capabilities:
embattled Star League forces. It was a Courier class Jumpship At 85,000 tons, the Courier class Jumpship is small even
who brought news to the Star League Court of the Taurian by contemporary standards such as the newer Scout class. A
Concordat’s surrender in 2598. simple vessel, the Courier was designed to transport Terran
However, the Courier would gain its greatest notoriety Mediators to trouble spots around the Inner Sphere. A single
after the Reunification War when Ian Cameron authorized the docking collar allowed the Jumpship to travel with an armed
creation of Star League embassies on hundreds of member- escort if necessary. Originally designed without a small craft
state and territorial worlds. Pressed into service as messengers bay some “free” tonnage was dropped to house a single high
of the Star League, Couriers transported the first wave of Star speed cutter. This would prove especially beneficial when
Overview: League ambassadors to many Inner Sphere and Periphery intervening in situations when time was short. Such was the
Towards the later half of the 25th century, Deborah worlds. Wherever the Courier went, the Star League followed. case in 2505, when thanks to the Courier’s small craft, Terran
Cameron, Director-General of the Terran Hegemony embarked Also, prior to the invention of the Hyperpulse Generator, Mediators made a high speed landing between the embattled
on a policy of “Aggressive Peacemaking” using Terran diplomats Couriers were also an integral part of the early Star League’s forces of Archon-to-be-Robert Steiner and the rebellious
as mediators to help end the senseless violence plaguing the “Pony Express,” which utilized conventional Jumpships to Dukes of Tamar and Skye. The Terran diplomats were able to
Inner Sphere during the so-called Age of War. shuttle messages to and from its countless worlds. A vital stall the final assault just long enough for Duke Nels Reynolds
At first these hurried diplomat missions were outfitted with link in maintaining the cohesion of the League, Courier class of Fatima to deploy against the rebel dukes in a daring combat
whatever equipment and material were available. However, Jumpship helped forge some of the lasting bonds Ian Cameron drop and repay his debt to the Steiner family.
towards the end of her tenure as Director-General, Deborah needed to ensure the League’s viability.
Cameron believed that Terran Mediators on assignment should With the introduction of the HPG, the Courier class began
benefit from visible signs of Terra’s neutrality and commitment to lose its importance and fade from Star League service. Once Deployment:
a major class, Couriers slowly faded from prominence and were The Courier class Jumpship was first built and deployed
to peace and authorized the creation of a special transport
quickly assigned to traditional and mundane transport duties exclusively with the Hegemony Diplomatic Corps prior to the
vessel, the Courier class Jumpship to fulfill these needs.
in the SLDF or sold into private hands, eventually proliferating Star League. First constructed in small numbers throughout
Utilized exclusively by the Terran Hegemony, the Jumpship
the navies of the League’s member-states. the 26th century production ceased during the Reunification
became the center piece to the wildly successful “Couriers of
During the Amaris Coup, a large number of Courier class War to focus solely on the production of war material. Because
Peace” media campaign used by the Hegemony to promote
vessels fell into the hands of Republican troops, or were of losses incurred during the war, it looked like the Courier
the Courier class Jumpship as the most recognized symbol of
destroyed during the Liberation when the SLDF attempted to class Jumpship was headed towards obscurity.
peace in the Inner Sphere prior to the Star League. Wherever
insert SAS special force teams onto Hegemony worlds under However, after the Reunification War the Courier Class
the Courier went, peace was sure to follow.
Rim Worlds control. Despite the vessels small size, insertion would be transformed by the edicts of Ian Cameron. Soon
Therefore there is some irony in that it was a Courier class
proved fruitless as the Jumpship was never upgraded with a after the war Courier class Jumpships were produced
Jumpship that informed the Periphery nations of the Pollux
Lithium-Fusion battery and became an easy target for roving throughout the Inner Sphere at a staggering rate, albeit in
Proclamation, signaling the start of the bloody Reunification
SDS drones. Although the practice ended almost as soon as it more limited numbers after wide spread introduction of the
started, Kerensky and the surviving SLDF were left with only a HPG regulated the Courier to a supportive role in interstellar
During the Reunification War the Courier class Jumpship
small number of Couriers to travel on the Exodus following the communications, and would not cease production until the
was pressed into military service in the SLDF as an advance
Amaris Coup destroyed the factory responsible for building the
003/017 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Courier Class Jumpship
Courier Class Jumpship

small ship’s delicate KF drive.

Despite the loss of its preeminent position after the introduction of the HPG, the
Courier was well received by the SLDF and the Great Houses, spreading throughout
the Inner Sphere and earning service in a variety of important roles. Among the
countless registered transport companies in the Inner Sphere there are literally dozens
of independent merchants plying the space lanes employing the Jumpship. Now more
popular than ever, these mundane cargo vessels can often be found holding station,
solar sail unfurled, next to Courier’s transporting important diplomatic envoys and
House nobles.


Tech: Inner Sphere

Introduced: 2504
Mass: 85,000 tons
Length: 268 meters
Sail Diameter: 866 meters
Fuel: 150 tons (1,500) Cargo
Tons/Burn Day: 9.77 Bay 1: Cargo (932 tons) 2 doors
Station-keeping Thrust: 0.1G (0.2 Thrust) Bay 2: Small Craft (1) 2 doors
Sail Integrity: 3
KF Drive Integrity: 3 Dropship Capacity: 1
Heat Sinks: 90 Grav Decks: None
Structural Integrity: 1 Escape Pods: 2
Battle Value: 612 Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 10 minimum (1 Officer, 9 Enlisted)
Fore: 5 Notes: Equipped with 37 tons of
Fore-Sides: 5 standard armor.
Aft-Sides: 5
Aft: 5 Weapons: None
003/018 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Pioneer Class Jumpship
Pioneer Class Jumpship

class Jumpship. The Pioneer class Jumpship was a specialized

design built to meet the needs of the day: to catalogue the Deployment:
uninhabited worlds of the Terran Hegemony for possible Throughout the late 26th and into the 27th century, the
colonization and industrial development. Pioneer Class dutifully led scouting and exploration missions
for the Terran Hegemony, and then later the Star League.
Capabilities: While operating within the tight confines of the Hegemony
Massing 130,000 tons, the Pioneer was a small Jumpship by the Pioneer was never more than two jumps from a major
Terran Hegemony standards, a fact not lost on the Hegemony world or friendly port and enjoyed a spotless service record.
Science Corps when the first Pioneer entered service in 2549. However, when operating outside the boundaries of the Terran
Despite the ship’s small size, it was tailor built for exploration Hegemony the Pioneer class suffered from its relatively small
within the Hegemony’s borders. The Jumpship featured a fuel bunker in comparison to other Jumpships, and was often
relatively large fuel bunker and food compliment capable more than a few jumps from help. As a result, a number were
Overview: of allowing the ship deployment far from port for extended lost over the decades to forbidding regions of space like the
Towards the middle of the 26th century the technologically periods. While forty-seven tons of armor provided adequate Draconis Rift.
advanced and powerful Terran Hegemony was facing a protection for the vessel’s delicate internals and a detachable By the 2700s the Pioneer class had given way to smaller
domestic crisis of unparalleled proportions not seen since jumpsail in case of an emergency release. The Jumpship could and more advanced designs such as the military-built Scout
the original Terran Alliance collapsed three centuries earlier. also carry an additional cargo, mostly extra fuel and mission class Jumpship and was soon sold off or regulated to simple
Surrounded by the other great nations of the Inner Sphere, tools. The highlight of the Pioneer class, however, was its transport duty. The NETC had intended on releasing an
the “landlocked” Hegemony was incapable of expanding twin docking collars. Pioneer class Jumpships were built to upgraded version of the Pioneer class with an integrated HPG
its borders through peaceful colonization and soon faced a transport two of the Hegemony’s vaunted Clark class, and and expensive Lithium-Fusion Battery in 2749 but with limited
resource shortage that threatened to collapse the nation’s later Columbus class Explorer Dropships for exploration and interest exploration coming from the Star League Court and the
powerful economy. Although military conquest was an option research work. death of Simon Cameron a year later, the idea was scrapped.
to expand the Hegemony, it was one that did not sit well with Standard operating procedures for a Pioneer-led research Still, the Pioneer enjoyed a prolific spread throughout
Hegemony leadership, especially with the Age of War still in mission were to enter a target system and make long range the Inner Sphere. Being a prominent component of the Star
full swing. sensor sweeps of neighboring celestial bodies. Once likely League’s colonization and exploration program, the Pioneer
The only safe alternative to military conquest was candidates for exploration were determined the Pioneer would could be found in every Great House. With the dissolution
to search and utilize the numerous uncolonized worlds in immediately detach its accompanying research vessels that of the Star League these vessels became the property of the
Hegemony space. These dangerous and inhospitable worlds would then spend two weeks surveying the target world. House or Periphery nation they were in, with the Draconis
were originally passed over in favor of colonizing planets more During the survey process it was common for a single Dropship Combine and Lyran Commonwealth retaining the largest
conducive to human settlement. Now, with the Hegemony’s to remain in planetary orbit while the other would land on concentrations after the Fall.
natural resources dangerously low, these worlds of once the world’s surface. Depending on the number of possible
marginal value were proverbial godsends. candidates, a Pioneer research expedition could survey
However, the Terran Hegemony needed to catalogue and catalogue a whole star system in four weeks. For this
and research the best candidates for industrial exploitation. reason alone Pioneer class vessels were not provided with an
Always with an eye towards enriching the Terran economy, the expensive Grav Deck as the majority of the ship’s passengers
Hegemony commissioned the New Earth Trading Company to would be elsewhere during the lengthy recharge of the ship’s
fill this specialized need by designing and building the Pioneer delicate K-F Drive.
003/019 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Pioneer Class Jumpship
Pioneer Class Jumpship


Tech: Inner Sphere

Introduced: 2550
Mass: 130,000 tons
Length: 410 meters
Sail Diameter: 963 meters
Fuel: 130 tons (650)
Tons/Burn Day: 19.75
Station-keeping Thrust: 0.1G (0.2 Thrust)
Sail Integrity: 3
KF Drive Integrity: 3
Heat Sinks: 100
Structural Integrity: 1
Battle Value: 723

Fore: 9
Fore-Sides: 6
Aft-Sides: 6
Aft: 5

Bay 1: Cargo (1,370 tons) 2 doors

Dropship Capacity: 2
Grav Decks: None
Escape Pods: 4
Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 13 minimum (3 Officers, 10 Enlisted)

Notes: Equipped with 47 tons of standard armor.

Weapons: None
003/020 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Vanguard Class Jumpship

Vanguard Class Jumpship

Capabilities: fighter contingent and small Grav deck.)

The 168,000 ton Vanguard was once the epitome of
Davion aerospace technology in the 26th century, loaded with Deployment:
features now common to many Jumpship classes. Even before the Star League the Vanguard Jumpship was a
Central to the Vanguard longevity and success was its common sight in the ranks of the AFFS, the LCAF and strangely,
three docking collars, each capable of transporting the largest in the merchant fleets of realms like the Terran Hegemony and
‘Mech transports in existence. The docking collars allowed the Free Worlds League, even the Capellan Confederation secured
Jumpship to move an entire BattleMech Regiment in one jump, a few from their alliance with the ill-fated Varnay family. After
lending a level of cohesion Rostov found very appealing in the the Reunification War when newer designs began to supplant
contemporary Terran designs the Vanguard was based on. older equipment in the ranks of the military the Vanguard
The Vanguard also included a fairly large fuel bunker, and found continued and ample employment in the civilian fleets
cargo store. The Jumpship was also special in that it included of the member and territorial-states.
Overview: two lances of dedicated aerospace fighters and almost one The Vanguard class would prove to be an extremely
The Vanguard class Jumpship is commonly known hundred tons of armor, making the Jumpship well suited to valuable Federated Suns export throughout the Star League,
throughout the Inner Sphere as the forerunner of the more escort duty. Finally, added as almost an afterthought was an helping to erase some of the scars left by the Civil War. Even
popular and well known Invader class and was once the eighty meter Grav Deck for crew and passenger comfort. the Draconis Combine eased their restriction on the purchase
standard SLDF transport for the early Star League. During the Davion Civil War the Vanguard was forced of the Vanguard during the “Good Years” of the League, only
First built in 2522, the Davion-produced Vanguard into breakneck production to cope with the mounting losses the War of Davion Succession slowed the export of Vanguards
has a long and varied history. Constructed just prior to the suffered by Laura Davion’s forces. Faced with the massed to the Dragon in the later years of the Star League. The quality
Davion Civil War at shipyards over Robinson, its creation can defections after the death of Nikolai Rostov, many Vanguard of post-Davion Civil War Vanguards was one of the many
be accredited to a single individual: Nikolai Rostov, famous transports were pushed into service as quickly as possible. reasons why the Star League invested billions in developing
general and Prince of the Terran March. Many of these “Civil War” Vanguards ultimately suffered from the Federated Suns’s aerospace industry, propelling worlds
According to Nikolai’s private journals, inspiration for the a host of technical and mechanical glitches as benefit from like Galax into the production powerhouses they are today.
ship came after the untimely death of former-Terran March their rushed production, most notably critical failure of the
Prince Charles Leighton and his whole family during a raid vessel’s docking seals and Grav deck rotation.
by Terran forces on Robinson in 2515. Rostov was impressed After the Civil War, there was a call to sell these Civil War
by the HAF’s large troopships and their transport capacity. “orphans” rather than spend the time and monies necessary
Recognizing the advantage such a vessel would provide the to repair the ships. In a surprise move rather than simply sell
Regular Army, Rostov exercised considerable power in getting the problem off to someone else at cost, Alexander Davion
one built. Although the High Council was apprehensive to foot stated his desire to “heal” a very real symbol of the Civil War
the bill to build the expensive Vanguard, Rostov’s victorious by repairing the beleaguered vessels and retaining them in
campaign against the Terran Hegemony and his elevation to AFFS service.
the position of First Marshal secured the Jumpship’s future (Editor’s Note: The Invader would borrow many design
place in history. elements from the successful Vanguard, such as three docking
collars and a small number of standard weapons ostensibly for
“meteor” defense. However, the Invader would avoid some of
the Vanguard’s other notable features, such as the four bay
003/021 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Vanguard Class Jumpship

Vanguard Class Jumpship


Tech: Inner Sphere Bay 1: Fighters (4) 2 doors
Introduced: 2522 Bay 2: Cargo (761 tons) 2 doors
Mass: 168,000 tons
Length: 508 meters Dropship Capacity: 3
Sail Diameter: 1,027 meters Grav Decks: 1 (80-meter diameter)
Fuel: 100 tons (500) Escape Pods: 4
Tons/Burn Day: 19.75 Lifeboats: 0
Station-keeping Thrust: 0.1G (0.2 Thrust) Crew: 16 minimum (2 Officers, 14 Enlisted)
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 4 Notes: Equipped with 93 tons of standard
Heat Sinks: 108 armor.
Structural Integrity: 1
Battle Value: 1,422

Fore: 12
Fore-Sides: 9
Aft-Sides: 9
Aft: 8
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
FL/FR (Heat: 32)
2 Large Laser 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 32)
2 Large Laser 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
003/022 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Trader Class Jumpship
Trader Class Jumpship

as military transports. Typically the Trader would be used in Despite the popularity of the Invader class there was still a
the support role, transporting supplies, rather then as part of need for a Jumpship capable of operating independently in
an invasion fleet. remote areas. The Trader filled that role until the last few
Unlike many later designs, the Trader had a large cargo ships still in service were replaced in the mid 28th Century by
hold and fuel supply. This allowed the ship to operate for long the Tramp class Jumpship. Almost all of the remaining Traders
periods of time without resupplying. [Editor’s Note: While the were scrapped at that time, with only a handful surviving
cargo space and large fuel tanks were valuable in the 26th in the use by the Taurian Concordat and some independent
century, by the mid 27th century the Star League had built traders operating in the Periphery. Currently there are less
numerous recharge stations throughout known space. Most the two dozen Traders still in service. About half of these
inhabited system had one recharge station and many of them operate in the Taurian Concordat, while the rest are scattered
had two, so there was little need for a jumpship to be able to throughout the Periphery.
carry much in the way of supplies.]
Overview: Also unlike many other Jumpships, the Trader mounted a
The Trader was one of the first modern style jumpships weapons array of eight large lasers. These were dual purpose
built. With the development of the modern system of jumpships weapons that could provide a defense against pirate forces as
for interstellar travel and dropships for intra-system travel well as serving as the ship’s meteor defense system.
there was a need for new jumpships specifically designed to
transport dropships. The first such ship was the Cargo class Deployment:
jumpship. Relatively small, the Cargo class had only a single The Trader was a very popular jumpship when it was first
docking collar. While the Cargo was an instant commercial introduced. Large numbers of these vessels were purchased
success on the Jumpship market, there was a strong interest by many of the larger shipping companies. The ships ability to
in a larger ship capable of carrying multiple dropships. The carry three dropships made it far more economical to operate
Trader was introduced by Boeing Interstellar in 2480 and was then the smaller Cargo class. The Trader remained popular
quickly adopted by all the major shipping companies as their with large shipping companies until the introduction of the
standard transport. The design also was licensed to several Merchant class in 2503. The lower price of the Merchant and
other manufacturers in the Hegemony, as well as shipyards in its cheaper operating expenses, made the Merchant more
the Federated Suns, Free Worlds League, Lyran Commonwealth popular then the Trader, despite the fact that it could not
and Taurian Concordat. It is uncertain how many Traders were carry as many dropships. Despite this, the Trader continued
manufactured, but the number exceeded ten thousand. to be popular in less developed areas, where its large cargo
bays and fuel supply were of great value. They continued to
be a common sight on the space ways until the mid 27th
Capabilities: century when the Invader class jumpship was introduced. The
The Trader was designed for the commercial transport
Invader quickly replaced many of Traders which were still in
market. Its ability to transport three dropships made the
service as the high maintenance costs of the Trader made it
design very effective compared to the Cargo class which could
far more economical to replace them with new ships. Many of
only carry a single dropship. Despite being designed for the
the Traders were decommissioned and scrapped at that time,
commercial market a number of them were purchased for use
although a number continued to serve, mainly in the Periphery.
003/023 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Trader Class Jumpship
Trader Class Jumpship


Tech: Inner Sphere Bay 1: Small Craft (2) 2 doors
Introduced: 2480 Bay 2: Cargo (2,064 tons)
Mass: 220,000 tons
Length: 625 meters Dropship Capacity: 3
Sail Diameter: 1,050 meters Grav Decks: 1 (50-meter diameter)
Fuel: 500 tons (2,500) Escape Pods: 0
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Lifeboats: 4
Station-keeping Thrust: 0.1G (0.2 Thrust) Crew: 19 minimum (3 Officer, 16 Enlisted)
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 5 Notes: Equipped with 50 tons of standard
Heat Sinks: 117 armor.
Structural Integrity: 1
Battle Value: 1,327

Fore: 5
Fore-Sides: 5
Aft-Sides: 5
Aft: 5
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
FL/FR (Heat: 32)
2 Large Laser 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 32)
2 Large Laser 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
003/024 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Scion Class Jumpship
Scion Class Jumpship

six docking collars share a connection to the Scion’s cavernous 2590: the Star Lord. While the new class borrowed many of
cargo bay which can hold over 120 tons of military equipment, the Scion’s best design elements, it also added many new
extra food, and spare parts. It was the addition of these two features, such as grappling hooks to its docking collars, which
docking collars that caused the class so much trouble, as the made this design far more successful.
lengthening of the super structure to accommodate the two The new Star Lord would serve the Star League faithfully
collars also necessitated an enlargement of the ship’s K-F core for centuries, slowly phasing out the Scion from LCAF frontline
and supportive systems. The numerous redesigns and rushed service. However, it can still be found in a supportive role
production resulted in many problems with both the electrical throughout the Commonwealth and in the hands of large
systems and the secondary Grav Deck. corporations plying the spacelanes across the Inner Sphere
The Scion’s crew and passengers each had well-designed and Periphery.
and spacious quarters, a holdover of the budding Lyran “social-
general” mindset. The first-class passenger quarters were
Overview: luxurious by 25th century standards and were more spacious
Introduced by the Lyran Commonwealth in 2440 in the than other Jumpships or warships. It was not uncommon to
Age of War, the Scion class was the largest Jumpship type find Scion captains rewarding their hardworking crews with
built by the Great Houses prior to the introduction of the berths in these passenger quarters between assignments.
Leviathan in 2568. The practice became so prevalent amongst Scion crews that
A product of the Age of War, the Scion class was heavily many captains would permanently assign a portion of their
armored and featured a staggering array of newly designed ship’s passenger quarters to the crew under the auspice of
docking collars capable of transporting a large number of needing “maintenance.” The Scion’s two massive grav decks,
conventional troops and later BattleMechs, the Scion was ten meters wide and 95 meters in diameter, contained a
guaranteed to provide the Lyran Commonwealth’s Armed number of lounge and recreation facilities for both crew and
Forces with a significant edge in the expanding conflicts. passenger.
A small hanger bay just aft of the habitat section housed
the vessel’s two small craft, which were used primarily for
Capabilities: transporting important material and personnel. The Scion, like
However, the Jumpship’s rushed production and
the later Star Lord, rarely carried aerospace fighters and was
numerous design flaws turned this once promising transport
content to rely on transported troops for protection.
into the LCAF’s navy’s white elephant. Most of the Jumpship’s
problems can be traced back to a few design changes made
during construction. Originally proposed at 220,000 tons and Deployment:
featuring only four docking collars, the Scion was an entirely Scions served the LCAF throughout the Age of War and
different vessel when it was first proposed. The LCAF was the Reunification War. Throughout the Lyran’s invasion of the
unhappy with the planned blueprint and requested a larger Rim Worlds Republic during the Star League’s Operation Mailed
vessel that bore little resemblance to the original ship designed Fist, a number of Scions were lost to Republican Vulcan heavy
by the Bolson Shipyards. fighters and assault ships. At the apex of the Reunification War,
The production Scion had six docking collars evenly the vessel’s age and weaknesses became readily apparent,
spaced on its large half-kilometer-long K-F drive. Each of the and the Star League commissioned a new Jumpship class in
003/025 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Scion Class Jumpship
Scion Class Jumpship


Tech: Inner Sphere Bay 1: Small Craft (2) 2 doors
Introduced: 2440 Bay 2: Cargo (746 tons) 2 doors
Mass: 280,000 tons
Length: 689 meters Dropship Capacity: 6
Sail Diameter: 1,167 meters Grav Decks: 2 (95-meter diameter)
Fuel: 150 tons (375) Escape Pods: 4
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Lifeboats: 0
Station-keeping Thrust: 0.1G (0.2 Thrust) Crew: 24 minimum (4 Officer, 20 Enlisted)
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 6 Ammunition: 24 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
Heat Sinks: 130 (4 tons), 60 rounds of SRM 6 ammunition (4 tons)
Structural Integrity: 1
Battle Value: 1,623 Notes: Equipped with 129 tons of standard armor
and 20 First Class Passenger Quarters
Fore: 12
Fore-Sides: 8
Aft-Sides: 8
Aft: 8
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
FL/FR (Heat: 32)
2 Large Laser 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 32)
2 Large Laser 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
003/026 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Venture Class Jumpship
Venture Class Jumpship

sizeable number of offensive weapons systems, mostly long armor change allowed the new Star League version to hold
range missiles and a number of large lasers. These powerful slightly more cargo, giving the League variety a slight edge
weapons provided the Jumpship with enough power to deter during long term missions. These changes of course came at
most would-be periphery raiders and to protect the vessel the expense of cost, and the first Star League Ventures were
from occasional space debris. Additionally, the Venture was only bought in small numbers by the BSLA and wealthy Terran
outfitted with a heavy armor shell that allowed the vessel a companies.
robust nature that served the class well in the often unforgiving
and wild periphery. Deployment:
The Venture’s twenty five crew members shared a Unfortunately, by 2725 any dreams of major production
number of well-equipped dual-occupancy cabins on the decks of the Venture ended with the onset of the Second Hidden
below vessel’s only Grav Deck. Each stateroom also contained War and the Marik Civil War. With these two events a huge
automated food preparation equipment and shower and toilet disruption of the Star League’s integrated economy was created
Overview: facilities. The ship’s spacious recreation facilities, found on the and led towards a slight, but noticeable, general economic
As the Periphery nations were opened up to economic Venture’s 95-meter Grav Deck, were outfitted with the latest decline. A similar psychological change occurred across the
exploitation after Council Directive 41, the mammoth entertainment systems manufactured in the Terran Hegemony. Inner Sphere as well as League citizens became increasingly
shipbuilders of the Inner Sphere sought to capitalize on this To help facilitate the Jumpship’s dual role of exploration, disenfranchised and sullen with the Star League. Desperate
influx of new materials and monetary opportunities that had the Venture was built with the capacity to transport twenty to combat this inward conversion, First Lord Simon Cameron
been presented by the High Council. Pulling their resources additional passengers, usually corporate surveyors or research attempted to reinvigorate the lagging League with a number
together to mass produce a suitable vessel for the cause, scientists. These cabins were not as well equipped as those of public projects, including a renewed interest in scientific
Di Tron of New Earth and Boeing Interstellar of Terra first belonging to the crew, but had better access to the ship’s Grav exploration. Contracting the Venture’s producers and infusing
introduced the Venture class Jumpship in 2708 in an effort to Deck. A spacious hangar deck below the vessel’s passenger the underfunded Explorer Corps with a massive infusion of
garner renewed interest in exploration and exploitation of the quarters provided housing for four small craft, usually two capital, the First Lord hoped to restore people’s faith in the
Periphery and unknown space. pairs of long range shuttles or heavy fighters siphoned from League. Over the next few decades the Venture was produced
the owner’s corporate security division. with almost reckless abandon by the Star League.
Unsurprisingly, after the Venture’s introduction the Bureau
Capabilities: of Star League Affairs took quick notice of the well-designed
By the beginning of the Amaris Coup, the Venture was
Designed almost wholly for sale to corporate concerns, a common sight throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery,
and effective Jumpship and ordered a number for the League’s as it was in the hands of corporations, wealthy patrons and
the Venture was a no frills, low cost transport vessel. Weighing
Explorer Corps. However, the vessels that the Star League the Star League. Although a number were lost during the war,
340,000 tons, the Venture fell squarely between the common
purchased differed from the original design in a number of many survived in the hands of the SLDF and were a significant
Star Lord and larger Leviathan and Monolith classes. The
small, but notable, features, especially in armament. The Star contingent of General Kerensky’s Exodus Fleet. Being a very
Venture is more than half a kilometer long and follows the
League Venture removed the standard weapons and swapped visible part of Kerensky’s collection efforts prior to his great
traditional shape of most Jumpships: a large bulbous command
them for extended range versions. To handle the increase send off, the Venture became known as the “Exodus” ship,
and habitat module located at one end and a blocky station-
in heat generated by these advanced weapons, Di Tron and and those Ventures that followed Kerensky into exile proved to
keeping drive at the other. The vessel’s four docking collars
Boeing also exchanged the standard heat sinks for double be invaluable personnel transports, often housing hundreds,
are situated midway along the cylindrical body equidistant
strength varieties. Finally, the Jumpship was sheathed in an if not thousands, of individuals into the great unknown. Of
from one another and attached the ship’s large cargo hold.
improved Ferro-Aluminum composite that reduced the overall the Ventures that remained in the Inner Sphere following the
Unlike most post Age of War Jumpships designed
armor weight. The additional weight savings provided by the SLDF’s Exodus, most are the common version first produced
during the era of the Star League, the Venture mounted a
003/027 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Venture Class Jumpship
Venture Class Jumpship

by Di Tron and Boeing Interstellar in the early 28th century. Only a small percentage
of the Ventures in existence are of the Star League variety, and those that do exist are
unsurprisingly in the hands of the Terran Republic. However, it is well known that the
Taurian Concordat salvaged a few after the Coup, and this stock remains the largest
concentration outside the nascent Republic.
Venture class Jumpship

Tech: Inner Sphere Cargo

Introduced: 2708 Bay 1: Small Craft (4) 2 doors
Mass: 340,000 tons Bay 2: Cargo (3,490 tons) 2 doors
Length: 720 meters
Sail Diameter: 1,225 meters Dropship Capacity: 4
Fuel: 750 tons (1,875) Grav Decks: 1 (95- meter diameter)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Escape Pods: 0
Station-keeping Thrust: 0.1G (0.2 Thrust) Lifeboats: 8
Sail Integrity: 5 Crew: 25 minimum (4 Officer, 21 Enlisted)
KF Drive Integrity: 7
Heat Sinks: 135 Ammunition: 18 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
Structural Integrity: 1 (3 tons)
Battle Value: 2,353
Notes: Equipped with 187 tons of standard armor
Armor and 20 Second Class Passenger Quarters.
Fore: 16
Fore-Sides: 12
Aft-Sides: 12
Aft: 11
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 22)
1 LRM 20 (18 Rounds) 1(12) 1(12) 1(12) - LRM
2 Large Laser 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
FL/FR (Heat: 16)
1 Large Laser 1(8) 1(8) - - Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 16)
1 Large Laser 1(8) 1(8) - - Laser
Aft (Heat: 16)
2 Large Laser 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
003/028 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Leviathan Class Jumpship
Leviathan Class Jumpship

Capabilities: During the creation of the Star League Defense Force
Weighing in at 400,000 tons, the Leviathan outclassed and the outbreak of the Reunification War, the Leviathan class
small warships of the day, eclipsing event a couple Corvette proved its worth by transporting the bulk of the Free Worlds
classes. At over 740 kilometers long and mounting a large League forces, the entire Seven Corps, to the Magistracy of
number of docking collars, the Leviathan certainly lived up Canopus under the command of Captain-General Marion
to its name. Clearly a product of the Age of War, there was Marik. The Leviathan class Jumpship would prove crucial in
no mistake in the Leviathan’s intended role as an interstellar allowing the League’s forces to amass a vast number of troops
transport. With 214 tons of armor, the Leviathan was provided over worlds such as Restitution, making it possible for the Star
with a thick armored shell against aerospace fighter attacks. League to achieve local aerospace superiority and to bring vast
Because the Leviathan’s design was built during the Age of troop formations to play.
Overview: War, the ship was also outfitted with a number of conventional Throughout the course of the Reunification War, numerous
Prior to the Monolith, the Leviathan Class was the largest weapons for defense. Leviathan class Jumpships were loaned to various SLDF
Jumpship in existence. First introduced in 2568 by the Free The Leviathan’s eight docking collars are split evenly combat theaters where they continually proved their worth.
Worlds League, the Leviathan was geared towards transporting above and below its spine, resembling what may look like a Unfortunately, because the Leviathans could carry so many
the League’s large infantry formations. giant arachnid in space. The Leviathan was one of the first troops, the loss of one was a devastating event: either by
A mammoth undertaking by the Free Worlds League, the Jumpships to contain extensive command and control facilities, losing all its transported troops or by stranding them until a
Leviathan was designed towards the end of the Age of War a feature that would be replicated on the later Monolith class. replacement vessel could arrive. This demonstrated a huge flaw
after it become readily apparent that the current Jumpship The Leviathan’s control equipment, although primitive by in the Star League’s deployment of the Leviathan, and a number
classes were incapable of moving whole infantry divisions. modern standards, allowed the coordination of dozens of of these Jumpships were lost in places like Taurian Concordat.
Prior to the introduction of the Leviathan, the Free Worlds Dropships, thereby allowing the Free Worlds League navy to Following the end of the Reunification War, reflection on the
League was forced to transport its military piecemeal to the easily coordinate the landing of its troops. The Leviathan also Jumpship’s performance called for the creation of a larger and
battlefield, running the risk of losing unit integrity and raising housed a large fuel bunker that allowed it to remain in the better protected transport vessel for the SLDF’s divisions that
the difficulty of coordinating planetary assaults. By reducing field for long periods of time. The vessel also contained a large resulted in the unique Potemkin class Troop Cruiser.
the size and number of transports assigned to a task force, the cargo bay capable of carrying nearly seventeen hundred tons With the coming of the Golden Years of the Star League,
Jumpship allowed for a reduced cost in military spending by of consumables during transportation. the expense of operating and constructing new Leviathans
the Free Worlds League. In addition, the Jumpship contained four small craft bays prohibited the need to construct new vessels and the class
The creation of the Leviathan Jumpship was, ironically, which housed a variety of shuttles and aerospace fighters suffered a slow withdrawal from active naval service in both
made possible by the general decline in combat between the to provide the Jumpship and its passengers with additional the Free Worlds League and Star League navies. By the late
Great Houses of the Inner Sphere towards the end of the 26th defense. The Leviathan had a number of features to benefit 28th century the aging class itself was replaced by the newer
century. Though it was touted as a huge waste of resources by its numerous passengers, including two 100 meter diameter and larger Monolith class Jumpship and many of these relics of
opponents of the Captain General in the Free Worlds League Grav Decks. It became standard League naval policy to allow the Age of War were sold into the hands of private concerns or
Parliament, the Leviathan proved, in hindsight, to be a good Dropships carrying infantry rotational use of the Grav Deck regulated to a support role. By the early 2800s, less than fifty
choice. Having the ability to transport large numbers of troops facilities when on extended deployments. This helped to boost of this famous Jumpship remained active in the Inner Sphere,
to the Periphery States as the Reunification War loomed proved morale and relieve some of the tension created by being with more than half still in the hands of the Free Worlds League
extremely beneficial to the nascent Star League Defense cooped by in a cramped transport for long periods of time. navy.
003/029 TRO: 2800/Jumpships Leviathan Class Jumpship
Leviathan Class Jumpship


Tech: Inner Sphere Cargo

Introduced: 2568 Bay 1: Small Craft (4) 2 doors
Mass: 400,000 tons Bay 2: Cargo (1,690 tons) 2 doors
Length: 748 meters
Sail Diameter: 1,276 meters Dropship Capacity: 8
Fuel: 200 tons (500) Grav Decks: 2 (100-meter diameter)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Escape Pods: 12
Station-keeping Thrust: 0.1G (0.2 Thrust) Lifeboats: 0
Sail Integrity: 5 Crew: 28 minimum (4 Officer, 24 Enlisted)
KF Drive Integrity: 8
Heat Sinks: 142 Ammunition: 24 rounds of LRM 10 ammunition
Structural Integrity: 1 (2 tons), 30 rounds of SRM 6 ammunition (2
Battle Value: 2,079 tons)

Armor Notes: Equipped with 214 tons of standard

Fore: 16 armor.
Fore-Sides: 14
Aft-Sides: 14
Aft: 14
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 24)
2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - PPC
1 SRM 6 (30 Rounds) 1(8) - - - SRM
FL/FR (Heat: 22)
1 Large Laser 1(13) 1(8) - - Laser
1 Medium Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 22)
1 Large Laser 1(13) 1(8) - - Laser
1 Medium Laser
Aft (Heat: 4)
1 LRM 10 (24 Rounds) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) - LRM
004/030 TRO: 2800/Dropships Introduction

The history of the dropship begins in the twenty second century when someone first coined the name to describe the large interplanetary craft that transited or “dropped” in
system. Since their main difference from other small craft continued to be size alone at this time any kind of system transports were typically referred to as shuttles. The dropship
designation did not become official for another three hundred years as the first modern vessels appeared. Tied invariably to the advancement of the jumpship these true dropships
were born thanks to the introduction of the docking collar. Before this these vessels were carried internally by ancient jumpships through hyperspace just like other small craft. These
new external devices extended the KF field beyond the jumpship and allowed for the construction of even larger more sophisticated ships that facilitated greater interplanetary travel.
There are two different types of Dropships that are named for their general hull appearance. The exterior of a Spheroid is noticeably curved and relies on its massive bottom mounted
fusion drive to provide lift. On the other hand Aerodynes look like massive aircraft with wings and lift surfaces that directly impact its capabilities. Both of these dropship types have
their own distinct benefits and drawbacks. For example, Spheroids are valued for their lower cost and simplistic but robust design which means they be built much larger then their
aerodyne counterparts. While their maneuverability is limited in atmosphere the Spheroid ability to vertically land, hover, or take off give it versatility that many prefer. However, this
may be its greatest weakness as any damage to its drive while planet side could be catastrophic. Smaller aerodynes have greater maneuverability because they are often designed to
operate in a planetary environment. These nimble ships do cost significantly more and require a long flat runway in order to land on planet. Throughout the years there have been many
different dropship designs which seen service all over the Human Sphere. Some of these ships have become victims of continued innovation and exist today only as distant memories
buried in a forgotten archive. About twenty other models are well known to the people of the InnerSphere who frequently witness their presence. Besides these popular military and
commercial craft there are many other dropships that continue to serve in relative obscurity. These vessels hardly, if ever, receive any notoriety or thanks for their faithful and valuable
service. Information on a few of these seldom seen vessels like the Princess, the Black Ball, and the Purveyor is provided within.

Dropships mounting weapons, be they civilian or military in nature, are nothing new. Such integral defensive arrangements came into being as these vessels first took shape. Since
that time each dropship has been designated one of these six classes; Troop Carrier, ‘Mech Carrier, Fighter Carrier, Assault Ship, Cargo Carrier, or Passenger Liner. Some Terran engineers
have begun to push for the creation of a new dropship class, the Gunboat. These formidable interplanetary craft mount massive capital weapons typically seen on warships. For the
moment controversy engulfs this proposed classification There are a plethora of other proposed names such as Pocket Warship, System Defense Craft, Cutter, or Sloop that some argue
would be more appropriate. Currently “Gunboats” can only mount capital missile systems not “big guns”. Proponents counter that research is already underway that should allow their
arsenal to encompass these weapons. However there are just as many traditionalists that want to stick with the original six classes making these craft very formidable assault ships. After
all dropships that mount capital weapons are hardly a revolutionary innovation. The first such ship may date back to the Age of War when the various states of the InnerSphere were just
starting out. These craft were temporary refits created as ancillary support for new born navies of the Houses. Duty on these early Gunboats was, and still is in some respects, regarded
as suicidal because they lacked the survivability of a true warship. Gradually they resumed their normal roles in the InnerSphere but not the Periphery. These frontier states couldn’t
match the InnerSphere’s industrial base and as a consequence their vast number of warships. When the Reunification War began the nations of the Periphery deployed their Gunboats
along with their other limited assets in a desperate bid to remain free. Despite a spirited defense the Periphery was overwhelmed and the Gunboat once more swept from the battlefield.
Surprisingly the Star League would be the next power to deploy a Gunboat Dropship. During the final Hidden Wars the Star League Navy deployed Mule Q-Ships to safeguard shipping
lanes from increasing “bandit activity”. The first nation to mass produce a dedicated Gunboat was the Rim Worlds Republic. In the middle of the twenty seventh century House Amaris
began looking for a way to strengthen its Navy. Under Star League scrutiny and with limited industrial power this Periphery nation commissioned the Onslaught class. Later the Republic
would build an even larger Gunboat, the Megalodon class. These ships would play a major role during the Amaris Coup and would prove to be very effective. Ironically the remnants of
the Terran Hegemony would turn to these “tools of Amaris” as a way to bolster its own shattered Navy following the Coup and Kerensky’s Exodus. The New Republic would commission
seven such designs (Bellerophon, Dauntless, Warlord, Goliath, Mastodon, Firebird, Juggernaut) as part of the Quicksilver Program. With Terra’s survival and the devastation wrought by
the Succession War these dropships might be here to stay. Today each of the Great Houses are seriously considering their own Gunboat designs to help replace their lost warship fleets.
004/031 TRO: 2800/Dropships Introduction


Restricted Technologies
The Star League, and the Terran Hegemony before it have long had a history of banning the sale of advanced technologies to the Great Houses. This ban ranged from small
components to weapons to BattleMechs, Dropships and even Warships. The Great Houses chaffed under this policy and repeatedly attempted to have it repealed, but to no avail.
One of the most frustrating bans was on the sale of specific Dropship designs. The SLDF developed several innovative new designs but refused to sell them to the Great Houses, in
an effort to maintain an advantage over the Inner Sphere Navies. In some cases the reasons for withholding these designs from the Great Houses is obvious. Some of the designs
were assault ships, such as the Avenger, Pentagon and Titan, which far outclassed the designs used by the Great Houses. These vessels featured better maneuverability and firepower
then existing designs and the SLDF was afraid that providing the InnerSphere Navies with access to the designs would enable the Houses to develop new ships that could out class
those of the SLDF. Other designs, such as the Seeker, Condor, Vengeance and Colossus found themselves on the restricted list because of their transportation capacity. By keeping
transports smaller, it would require more vessels to move troops. This would help ensure the Houses could never launch an effective campaign against the SLDF, as they would require
so many transports that operations would become unwieldy. Only the SLDF had the ability to rapidly move large forces, ensuring they could bring their superior forces to bear during
any conflict. In other cases the SLDF and Terran Hegemony sought to maintain an economic advantage over the Great Houses. The large and efficient Mammoth and Behemoth would
provide Hegemony companies with an advantage over other companies forced to rely on smaller and less efficient vessels. It was this sort of action that would result in a large number
of protests from the House Lords, who rightly accused the First Lord of abusing his position to benefit the Terran Hegemony at the expense of the Great Houses. With the fall of the
Star League, the Great Houses started to get access to the advanced Star League dropship designs. While some companies remained loyal to the Star League and the new Terran
Republic and refused to sell their ships to the Great Houses, other companies have been selling their ships as quickly as they can produce them. Perhaps most disturbing of all is the
outright theft of patented technologies including some dropship designs by foreign corporations. Certain Successor Lords have encouraged this illegal behavior which has sharply
increased since the fall of the League.

Quicksilver Program
As the Great Houses rushed to put newly discovered Star League secrets to use the still recovering Terran state faced a staggering “warship gap”. Outnumbered by the fleets of
the Successor Lords, authorities searched for a solution while struggling to fix an industry damaged by the Amaris Coup. What the Republic found was its manufacturing base was more
than capable of cranking out massive numbers of new dropships even though its warship production would be limited. Amanda Cameron acted quickly authorizing a crash shipbuilding
program named Quicksilver on July 22, 2784 to bolster the Terran Navy. On the surface this plan seemed to focus entirely on new dropship construction using upgraded Rim Worlds
and Star League designs. However, this was only half the story. Terran officials intended to use this shipbuilding program to deceive foreign agents observing its rebuilding defenses.
The Central Intelligence Bureau (CIB) ran a masterful misinformation campaign to hide renewed Terran warship production. While the success and scale of new dropship construction
was widely publicized a number of warship keels were secretly laid down. At the same time stories of widespread industrial damage to key naval installations were leaked suggesting
new warship production was not possible. The performance of early Quicksilver dropships along with the appearance of some craft “desperately” fitted with capital weapons cemented
the misconception. Only after the start of the Succession War did the Houses realize they had been had. Today some overlook the contribution of the dropship designs that came out of
the Quicksilver Program. These vessels proved to be valuable transports for the Terran Army as well as fantastic auxiliaries for the Royal Navy. Some of its dropships armed with capital
weapons might even give birth to a whole new class of interplanetary craft along some innovative technologies. Its dropship designs include the Bellerophon, Cheetah, Dauntless,
Victory, Warlord, Goliath, Citadel, Mastodon, Yeoman, Firebird, and the Juggernaut.
004/032 TRO: 2800/Dropships Introduction

Consequences of the Succession War
The impact of the Succession War on the InnerSphere cannot be overstated especially when it comes to the aerotech field. The widespread devastation caused by this general
war has brought about many sudden changes. While dropships have not been spared they could oddly benefit from all this destruction. Their construction tends to be simpler than
a jumpship or warship and can be carried out on planet. Dropship factories tend to be less fragile, closer to or in some cases on world, and easier to defend. Given these factors the
importance of these interplanetary craft could increase in the future. The tremendous loss of warships has already seen dropships fill some of the void. The Great Houses ironically
now in the Republic’s pre-war position have begun researching new dropship innovations. This includes capital weaponry which is slowly being reconfigured for experimental use on
dropships. If tests prove successful on these craft a whole series of new models could be created. Dropships have also had to pick up the slack for jumpships destroyed in the war
where possible. Increasing cargo carriers making fewer bulk runs could become a more common sight around the Human Sphere.
004/033 TRO:2800/Dropships Introduction


004/036 TRO: 2800/Dropships Black Ball Class Dropship
Black Ball Class Dropship

defense than ships like the Black Ball. Raiding forces actually age, the Black Ball just wasn’t competitive. Though Black Ball
tended to favor the ship, along with the aerodyne Sylvester, class vessels would continue to operate to present day, no
because of their superior ability to operate alone and because new members of the class have been built in close to two
of their anonymity. This led to the development of numerous hundred years. Today Black Balls are growing more and more
special warfare variants of both craft.] uncommon in the Inner Sphere, and are generally disdained
by most trading companies, who prefer the more economical
Capabilities: Buccaneer. Ironically many privateers now use these craft
These dropships look pretty much like an ordinary which were originally designed to fend them off. In the wilds
interplanetary freighter except for its numerous weapon of the Periphery, however, the Black Ball is highly prized, and
mounts. Three Autocannon/10s, four LRM 15s, and ten Large the majority of the class is slowly migrated beyond the Inner
Lasers make this cargo carrier overgunned to say the least. Sphere.
The Black Ball also features an impressive thirty six tons of
armor which gives it impressive protection for a commercial
vessel. Most of this thick armor belt is situated in the forward
section of the freighter. Its time tested engines are capable of
2.5Gs of thrust at maximum which allows the ship to transit
star systems well. However, all this performance comes at a
Overview: price. The vessel’s holds are capable of transporting less then
Named for an early 19th century American shipping seventeen hundred tons of cargo. This sacrifice was no longer
company, the Black Ball was a fairly common and popular considered desirable merchants during the Star League era and
freighter in the years before the founding of the Star League. has taken a toll on the Black Ball in recent years. InnerSphere
The Black Ball presents an interesting contrast to most modern militaries have pressed what is left of their numbers into
freighters like the Mule and Buccaneer in that for a civilian craft service further dwindling what was left of the Black Ball fleet.
it is well armed and armored, the equal or better of more than It is also interesting to note that certain experts think this ship
a few small military dropships. This was almost a necessity was the basis for the Intruder class Assault Ship despite the
during the mayhem of the Age of War. With practically every lack of any evidence.
state at war with practically every other state, and with piracy
and privateers rampant, interstellar trade could be perilous.
In addition, most of the large trading conglomerates that are Deployment:
familiar today were only just getting started, meaning most Black Balls were produced by several companies across
interstellar trade was conducted by independent freighters. the InnerSphere right up through the end of the Reunification
As a consequence of all of this, freighters of the era tended War. After that, however, the new era of relative peace and
to be smaller and well armed and armored, better able to stability that set in, combined with the growth of massive
operate safely alone and at the same time remain economical trading companies, led to a gradual change in freighter
for most independent captains to operate. [Editor’s Note: design. With the spacelanes far safer and with more money
Ironically, military transports, because they could generally to invest in buying ships, freighters began to get bigger and
count on escort, actually tended to carry a lighter integral lightly armed, the better to carry more cargo. In this golden
004/037 TRO: 2800/Dropships Black Ball Class Dropship
Black Ball Class Dropship

Black Ball class Dropship

Type: Civilian Spheroid Cargo

Use: Freighter Bay 1: Cargo (1,000 tons) 6 doors
Technology: Inner Sphere Bay 2: Cargo (674 tons) 2 doors
Introduced: 2450
Mass: 3,000 tons Escape Pods: 0
Battle Value: 3,090 Life Boats: 4
Crew: 26 minimum (4 Officers, 22 Enlisted)
Length: 70 meters Ammunition: 90 rounds Autocannon/10
Width: 70 meters ammunition (9 tons), 64 rounds of LRM
Height: 65 meters ammunition (8 tons)

Fuel: 200 tons (6,000 fuel points) Notes: Equipped with 36 tons of Standard
Tons/Burn-day: 2.82 armor.
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Heat Sinks: 95
Structural Integrity: 10

Fore: 210
Sides: 148
Aft: 110
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 9)
3 AC/10 (90 Rounds) 3(30) 2(20) - - Autocannon
FL/FR (Heat: 52)
2 LRM 15 (32 Rounds) 2(18) 2(18) 2(18) - LRM
2 Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 32)
2 Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
Aft (Heat: 16)
2 Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
004/034 TRO: 2800/Dropships Princess Class Dropship
Princess Class Dropship

thrust of 2.5Gs. However, in order to provide greater comfort to demand production of this vessel lowered its overall numbers.
its passengers the Princess rarely operates above 1G of thrust. Despite the design’s age these ships are kept in top notch shape
Instead this extra engine power is reserved for emergency by their crews who take great care of them. Even though it is
situations where increased maneuverability is called for. approaching two hundred years of service it is still considered
When maintaining standard gravity as it transits system the the finest luxury liner ever to ply the space. The Succession
Princess provides its greatest opulence thanks to its intricate War has seen the Princess answer a new call to service as the
water system. This technical marvel provides its crew and dropship has been pushed into several different support roles
passengers with unrivaled extravagance while in space. Its often supporting military operations. The dropship’s interior
upper luxury deck has a sauna, a pool, and staterooms all flexibility, engineered into each vessel for easy customization,
equipped with individual bathroom facilities. Interior amenities made it ideal an ideal candidate for military use. It has been
abound on this deck with its long promenade which features seen on a thousand different battlefields transporting infantry,
water fountains and large windows for stargazing. The upper serving as a hospital ship, hauling refugees and in some cases
deck also features state of the art facilities like a video theater, serving as a command vessel. Certain Lyran Social Generals
a lounge, a gymnasium, and full dining hall. Rare woods and have in fact delighted in the Princess’ versatility and advanced
exotic materials, which are often customized for its owner’s communications equipment. This use has taken a toll on the
preferences, complete the plush interior of the Princess. The small number of ships already in service. Thanks to continuing
entire lower deck of the dropship is a service area dedicated hostilities it is unlikely that any new Princess class Dropship
Overview: to meeting the needs of the passengers above. It features will be made in the near future.
As the twenty seventh century began the nations of ample quarters for the crew and the servants as well as a
the Star League directed their resources away from military fully stocked wine cellar, kitchen, medical facility, and laundry
pursuits to scientific research and development. This gave room. The cockpit, engine room and cargo bay can only be
birth to a new age of progress that would witness the creation reached from this second deck which is subtle security feature
of many innovative projects including this dropship. In 2602 built into the ship. The crew can if necessary neutralize any
executives at Boeing Interstellar correctly gauged the growing onboard threat with pinpoint control of the ship’s life support
economy of the Inner Sphere and deduced that the services of system. Thirteen tons of armor plating also provides excellent
a new luxury liner would be in demand. They invested heavily protection for a civilian craft. Finally the Princess comes
in the design of this lavish interplanetary craft which would equipped with superior communications gear that ensures its
maximize its passengers comfort. Six years after the venture crew and passengers are never out of touch.
began the first Princess class Dropship was launched ushering
in a new era of space travel. Deployment:
The Princess was built by Boeing Interstellar at facilities
Capabilities: all over the Star League for those who could afford her finer
The Princess is a sleek and ultra luxurious craft both luxury. Obviously these buyers were rich, often very rich. The
inside and out. Designers choose an aerodyne style hull for dropships were made on a demand basis according to their
its atmospheric flight characteristics which ease lift offs and owner’s individual specifications. Eventually the design was
reentries for its passengers. Its twin Rolls Royce interplanetary licensed to numerous other manufacturers all over the Star
drives provide a smooth acceleration and can reach a maximum League. Even with this expanded manufacturing base the on-
004/035 TRO: 2800/Dropships Princess Class Dropship
Princess Class Dropship

Princess class Dropship

Type: Civilian Aerodyne Cargo

Use: Liner Bay 1: Cargo (1,000 tons) 2 doors
Technology: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2608 Escape Pods: 10
Mass: 3,000 tons Life Boats: 10
Battle Value: 613 Crew: 17 (3 Officers, 14 Enlisted), 50 Second
Class Passengers, and 50 First Class Passengers
Length: 80 meters Ammunition: 0
Width: 50 meters
Height: 20 meters Notes: Equipped with 13 tons of standard
Fuel: 150 tons (4,500 fuel points)
Tons/Burn-day: 2.82 Weapons: None
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Heat Sinks: 42
Structural Integrity: 5

Fore: 70
Right/Left Wings: 59
Aft: 40
004/038 TRO: 2800/Dropships Bellerophon Class Dropship
Bellerophon Class Dropship

version of the Achilles Dropships. As the Achilles was already a dozen are being produced every year since its introduction
primarily designed to intercept enemy Dropships the upgraded and further plans to expand the production line are currently
Bellerophon sought to improve on these capabilities without being considered. This makes it an ideal tool to add to the
any major alterations to the base frame. defenses of important at-risk systems and a suitable addition
to nearly every response force.
Capabilities: As a result the Bellerophon has seen more action than any
Viewed at a distance (or even quickly more closely) the of the other new Dropships created by the Quicksilver Program.
Bellerophon Assault Ships do not differ significantly from the It proved instrumental in blunting the Draconis Combine’s raid
Achilles they are based on. The conventional weapon profile on Terra and also played a role in the battles for Deiron and
is only slightly different from the upgraded Achilles, making Procyon. Often it is employed as a heavy Dropship hunter, but
use of most of the same weapon systems only in different is also being successfully used to sweep aside enemy fighter
numbers. Armor protection is significantly improved through formations, though in rare cases they have been used against
the use of more advanced Ferro-aluminum over standard enemy warships (such as the raid on Terra).
armor composite, however this is difficult to detect without a Interestingly many of the other Great Houses have
detailed sensor reading. assumed that the Bellerophon is a direct conversion from
There is one vital difference between the Bellerophon and existing Achilles class Dropships which is an understandable
Achilles, however. Partially hidden in recessed wing mounts misconception given the resemblance between the two.
Overview: that can be covered over, the newer Assault Ship carries a pair While the Terran Republic did look into such a refit it was
The Quicksilver Program was one of the most classified of capitol class Barracuda missile launchers. Although these unfortunately impossible as the wings of the Dropship would
R&D initiatives of the new Terran Republic with the goal weapons are the smallest of the capitol missiles they have the need special reinforcements to handle the stresses involved
of quickly augmenting their fleet with new warships based longest effective range and most advanced guidance system. with firing the capitol missiles. This has, however, had a
largely on existing designs and upon projects that had been In addition their warhead is enough to heavily damage the beneficial consequence for the Terran Republic as many enemy
in development during the closing days of the Star League. armor of most military Dropships or cripple an enemy fighter. commanders now assume that any Achilles class Dropship
Despite the crash nature of the program it still consumed The difficulty in telling the new Assault Ship from the could mount a pair of capitol missile launchers, a fact that has
much of the Republic’s research budget. Achilles it was derived from is actually intentional. Because of caused some invasion forces to be intimidated by the older
Because it was impossible to completely cover up the the close resemblance between the two Dropships it is difficult Assault Ship.
ambitious program, and since it was unlikely that the rest of for intelligence communities to accurately track the spread
the Successor States would willingly allow the construction of the newer Bellerophon. In addition, since the Bellerophon
of a new set of Terran Warships, the decision was made to was intended to serve alongside the older Achilles, the many
instead attach a labyrinth of similar projects that instead similarities make it difficult for enemy commanders to sort the
focused on upgrading existing Dropship designs. It was hoped two apart, increasing the time Bellerophon commanders have
that allowing security leaks around these lesser projects would to discharge their full missile payload before enemy fire forces
draw away the attention of the intelligence communities of them to withdraw.
neighboring nations and allow the main focus of the Quicksilver
Program escape serious scrutiny.
One of the earliest additions to the Quicksilver Program
Because of its small size the Bellerophon remains the
was the Bellerophon class Assault Ship, a lightly modified
most numerous of the new Quicksilver Dropships. More than
004/039 TRO: 2800/Dropships Bellerophon Class Dropship
Bellerophon Class Dropship

Bellerophon class Dropship

Type: Military Aerodyne Armor

Use: Assault Ship Fore: 453
Technology: Inner Sphere Right/Left Wings: 338
Introduced: 2785 Aft: 225
Mass: 4,500 tons
Battle Value: 11,603 Cargo
Bay 1: Cargo (294 tons) 1 door
Length: 125 meters Escape Pods: 1
Width: 37.4 meters Life Boats: 4
Height: 23 meters Crew: 12 minimum (2 Officers, 10 Enlisted)

Fuel: 138 tons (4,140 fuel points) Ammunition: 20 Barracuda Missiles (600 tons),
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 112 rounds of Gauss Rifle ammunition (14
Safe Thrust: 8 tons), 108 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition (18
Maximum Thrust: 12 tons)
Heat Sinks: 150
Structural Integrity: 16 Notes: Equipped with 72 tons of Ferro-Aluminum armor.
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 66)
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
2 ER Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
2 LRM 20+Artemis IV 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) - LRM
(24 Rounds)
LW/RW (Heat: 80)
1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
1 ER PPC 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) - PPC
3 Gauss Rifle (32 Rounds) 5(45) 5(45) 5(45) - Autocannon
2 LRM 20+Artemis IV 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) - LRM
(36 Rounds)
LW/RW Aft (Heat: 80)
1 ER PPC 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) - PPC
1 Gauss Rifle (16 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) 2(15) - Autocannon
2 ER Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
Aft (Heat: 19)
1 LRM 20+ Artemis IV 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - LRM
(24 Rounds)
1 Guass Rifle (16 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) 2(15) - Autocannon
1 ER Large Laser 1(8) 1(8) 1(8) - Laser
004/040 TRO: 2800/Dropships Cheetah Class Dropship
Cheetah Class Dropship

The main purpose of the new ship is to carry an entire

combined arms company into combat. The main holds of the
ship can carry a BattleMech lance, a heavy vehicle lance and
a jump infantry platoon.
The design team took advantage of the larger size of the
Cheetah to create an impressive design. Intended as a raider,
the Cheetah mounts massive engines capable of generating
up to 4.5Gs of thrust. This allows the ship to quickly reach
its target, before the enemy forces can react. One problem
with the drive is its complexity, which requires very regular
maintenance to avoid breakdowns.
The Cheetah is protected by an impressive one hundred
and forty four tons of Ferro-Aluminum armor. Anti-fighter
defenses consist of twenty Large Pulse Lasers and twenty
Extended Range Large Lasers. The ER Large Lasers are used
to deal with targets at longer ranges, while the more accurate
Pulse Lasers are used to deal with any threats that get to close
Overview: to the ship.
The Cheetah was designed to replace the venerable
Leopard in the Terran Royal Navy. With the introduction of Deployment:
combined arms units as the basis of the TRAS ground forces, The Cheetah has been replacing the Leopard class as
there was a need for transports which could carry these units quickly as they can be produced. The design has proven very
into combat. Rather then simply refit the Leopard for this role, successful and is well liked by both the Army and the Navy.
it was decided to create an entirely new ship which could be The only complaint is that the production rate of the Cheetah
optimized for the TRAS’ needs. The new ship would be faster, is insufficient to allow the ship to fully replace the Leopard
better armored and better armed then the Leopard, while still Class in service with the TRAS.
being able to carry a combined arms company. The design of
the ship was handled by Krester’s Ship Constructors, who then
licensed the design to Federated Defense Systems. The first
Cheetah entered service in 2787.

The initial request from the Royal Navy called for a ship
that would be faster then the Leopard, while also being better
armored and better armed. In order to meet these goals, the
new vessel is almost two and half times larger then Leopard.
004/041 TRO: 2800/Dropships Cheetah Class Dropship
Cheetah Class Dropship

Cheetah class Dropship

Type: Military Spheroid Armor

Use: Troop Carrier Fore: 740
Technology: Inner Sphere Sides: 680
Introduced: 2787 Aft: 640
Mass: 4,500 tons
Battle Value: 11,913
Dimensions Bay 1: BattleMechs (4) 4 doors
Length: 90 meters Bay 2: Heavy Vehicles (4) 4 doors
Width: 90 meters Bay 3: Jump Infantry (1 platoon) 2 doors
Height: 85 meters Bay 4: Cargo (500 tons)

Fuel: 200 tons (6,000 fuel points) Escape Pods: 0

Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 Life Boats: 8
Safe Thrust: 6 Crew: 12 minimum (2 Officers, 10 Enlisted)
Maximum Thrust: 9
Heat Sinks: 220 (440) Ammunition: 0
Structural Integrity: 40
Notes: Equipped with 144 tons of Ferro-Aluminum
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 88)
4 Lg Pulse Laser 4(36) 4(36) - - Pulse
4 ER Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) - Laser
FL/FR (Heat: 176)
4 Lg Pulse Lasers 4(36) 4(36) - - Pulse
4 ER Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) - Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 132)
3 Lg Pulse Lasers 3(27) 3(27) - - Pulse
3 ER Large Lasers 2(24) 2(24) 2(24) - Laser
Aft (Heat: 44)
2 Lg Pulse Lasers 2(18) 2(18) - - Pulse
2 ER Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
004/042 TRO: 2800/Dropships Dione Class Dropship
Dione Class Dropship

One of the advantages of this innovative design is its conflict has dramatically slowed production. There are several
use of newer technology which allowed it to save space and different parties looking to resolve production issues with a
money. Double strength heat sinks allowed for the classic simpler model including some within the Terran Republic who
nose-and-side firing pattern without the need for additional maybe considering a switch from their once mighty Titan to a
heat sinks beyond those provided by the massive AeroFord more reasonable Dione Class.
Standard Engine.
The Dione is not built to participate in standup battles
like its sister ship. Many of its weapon bays were adjusted
for range over damage. This allows the Dione to take better
advantage of its speed, which matches the Titan well. The
largest change was the use of the new Extended Range Large
Lasers which were more common.
However, the Dione was engineered to be more versatile
than the Titan which was longer and somewhat unwieldy.
As a consequence the Dione is better suited for atmospheric
operations then its forerunner.

Overview: Deployment:
When the Titan class Dropship was introduced in 2647 it
While the Dione shaved almost one hundred million
quickly became the favorite fighter carrier of the SLDF. While
dollars off the price of the Titan it never really caught on with
few could argue with its performance there were those that
the SLDF. The Star League military was able to convince the
criticized its price tag. These critics, mainly bureaucrats in
First Lord that such a change over would be “penny wise but
the Star League government, considered the Titan overkill
pound foolish”. The new ship simply lacked the formidable
and pushed for a more cost effective alternative. In order to
arsenal of its precursor making it a one dimensional fighter
appease these “bean counters” the military commissioned
carrier. As a result this dropship only appeared in limited
such a miniaturization project by Di Tron Heavy Industries,
numbers throughout the SLDF who successfully retained the
the Titan’s manufacturer. Engineers worked hard to develop a
Titan as their Fighter Carrier of choice. However, Di Tron Heavy
smaller version of the Fighter Carrier despite accusations that
Industries was allowed to shop the design to other interested
it was a futile exercise. They named this sister-vessel of the
members of the Star League as a reward for all its efforts.
Titan Dropship after one of Saturn’s moons, the Dione.
Davion, Marik, and Steiner were quick to add the high tech
Dione to their private militaries where it has become a staple.
Capabilities: Kurita and Liao largely passed over the mini-Titan because
The Dione is five thousand tons lighter than its predecessor of their own unique aerospace organization. The designed
but provides roughly the same fighter compliment. The design performed well in the Hidden Wars, the Amaris Coup, and thus
is built to carry a wing of eighteen aerospace fighters and far in the Succession War but creeping problems have begun
two small craft usually assault ships. These small craft can be to emerge. The destruction of Di Tron during the fall of the Star
replaced by two fighters if the situation calls for it. League and the technological crunch bought on by the latest
004/042 TRO: 2800/Dropships Dione Class Dropship
Dione Class Dropship

Dione class Dropship

Type: Military Aerodyne Armor

Use: Fighter Carrier Fore: 206
Technology: Inner Sphere Right/Left Wings: 180
Introduced: 2740 Aft: 180
Mass: 7,000 tons
Battle Value: 7,186 Cargo
Bay 1: Fighters (8) / Cargo (208 tons) 3 doors
Dimensions Bay 2: Fighters (8) / Cargo (208 tons) 3 doors
Length: 151 meters Bay 3: Fighters (2) / Small Craft (2) 3 doors
Width: 115 meters
Height: 40 meters Escape Pods: 5
Life Boats: 5
Fuel: 300 tons (9,000 fuel points) Crew: 13 minimum (2 Officers, 11 Enlisted)
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
Safe Thrust: 5 Ammunition: 80 rounds Autocannon/10 ammunition
Maximum Thrust: 8 (8 tons), 72 rounds of LRM ammunition (9 tons)
Heat Sinks: 151 (302)
Structural Integrity: 10 Notes: Equipped with 45 tons of Ferro-Aluminum armor.

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 112)
2 AC/10 (20 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
2 LRM 15 (24 Rounds) 2(18) 2(18) 2(18) - LRM
8 ER Large Lasers 6(64) 6(64) 6(64) - Laser
LW/RW (Heat: 166)
2 AC/10 (20 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
1 LRM 15 (16 Rounds) 1(9) 1(9) 1(9) - LRM
5 ER Large Lasers 6(42) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
4 Medium Lasers
Aft (Heat: 23)
2 AC/10 (20 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
1 LRM 15 (16 Rounds) 1(9) 1(9) 1(9) - LRM
4 Medium Lasers 2(2) - - - Laser
004/044 TRO: 2800/Dropships Anchorage Class Dropship
Anchorage Class Dropship

what was dubbed the Anchorage class Dropship for use by the Deployment:
Royal Marines. The Wet Naval Carrier was named in honor of the final
sea battle of the Amaris Coup. During the invasion of North
Capabilities: America the SLDFs opening thrust came across the Bering Strait
This Dropship has many unusual capabilities. For starters into Alaska. Despite a good start elite Amaris forces drove the
the Anchorage can only set down in water not on land. This SLDF back threatening to halt the invasion altogether. Using
wet naval carrier was specifically designed to splash down on a daring flanking maneuver Star League forces came a shore
large bodies of water and stay a float indefinitely. Deploying at the city of Anchorage. Fighting off some stiff resistance
a full battalion of nautical forces quickly the Anchorage is one the SLDF regained the invasion’s initial momentum and never
of a kind. The lowest deck of the ship which is submerged looked back. All the Dropships of this class are named in honor
when floating carries a company of submarines. While the of a famous sea battles from history. The Anchorage, which is
deck above which is at water level when floating carries two built by Federated Defense Systems at its Iona Light Shipyards
companies of heavy nautical surface vessels. To facilitate the facility above Capolla, is still in limited production because of
launching and recovery of these vessels the Anchorage has its high cost. Even with after utilizing some cost savings it is
no landing struts (so it can’t land per say) and its engines are still one of the most expensive Dropships ever before made.
mounted center mass rather than in the Dropship’s aft section. Used by the Royal Marines exclusively it is doubtful that this
These engines are able to achieve 2.5Gs at maximum burn. design will ever become widespread.
Overview: With nearly double the structural integrity of an Overlord class
During the late 21st century the wet navies of Earth began Dropship the Anchorage has excellent armor protection. The
to decline. The birth of the Terran Alliance in 2086 led to a vessel’s armament is also impressive but costly. The single Long
general decline in national militaries all over the planet. Newer Tom Artillery Piece and three Arrow IV Artillery Systems that
technologies like improvements in aerospace engineering keep any enemy nautical vessels far away from the Anchorage
made naval surface craft obsolete. The final blow came with when a float were chief among these expenses. These artillery
the colonization of Tau Ceti or New Earth. Following the first systems were vital for supporting marine advances while
Exodus most planets had a single world government with no grounded (or more accurately anchored planetside) with there
need to control the seas against rival nations. By this time devastating long range firepower. The original mountings for
other military innovations rendered wet navies completely these pieces proved too expensive but engineers soon found
extinct. It wasn’t until the mid 28th century when the Star that they could be replaced by more economical bay mounts.
League authorized many research projects to stay ahead of Rounding out the Dropship’s arsenal are eighteen Extended
ever expanding House militaries that wet navies were even Range Particle Projection Cannons, eighteen Autocannon/10s,
thought of again in a practical way. An idea was floated that and thirty Extended Range Large Lasers. These weapons are
if a large nautical (wet naval) force could be inserted onto a responsible for keeping aerospace fighters away and when on
contested world with large bodies of water it could give the sea destroying any units that are foolish enough to get too
SLDF a strategic advantage. Many criticized this as backward close.
thinking but the project went ahead. Work stopped with the
Amaris Coup but was found in the aftermath by the rebuilding
Terran authorities. Despite the high cost work went ahead on
004/045 TRO: 2800/Dropships Anchorage Class Dropship
Anchorage Class Dropship

Anchorage class Dropship

Type: Military Spheroid Cargo

Use: Nautical (Wet Naval) Carrier Bay 1: Cargo (200 tons) 3 doors
Technology: Inner Sphere Bay 2: Vehicles (24 Heavy) 6 doors
Introduced: 2772 Bay 3: Vehicles (12 Heavy) 3 doors
Mass: 7,200 tons Bay 4: Long Tom III Canon
Battle Value: 13,001 Bay 5: Arrow IV System

Dimensions Escape Pods: 0

Length: 85 meters Life Boats: 20
Width: 85 meters Crew: 18 minimum (3 Officers, 15 Enlisted)
Height: 110 meters
Ammunition: 80 rounds of Long Tom ammunition
Fuel: 150 tons (4,500 fuel points) (16 tons), 225 rounds of Arrow IV ammunition (45 tons), 540
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 rounds of Autocannon/10 ammunition (54 tons)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5 Notes: Equipped with 108 tons of standard armor. Long Tom
Heat Sinks: 389 (778) and Arrow IV Artillery can only be used when grounded.
Structural Integrity: 30

Fore: 465
Sides: 461
Aft: 461
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 114)
3 ER PPC 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - PPC
3 AC/10 (90 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) - - Autocannon
5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
FL/FR (Heat: 228)
3 ER PPC 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - PPC
3 AC/10 (90 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) - - Autocannon
5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 228)
3 ER PPC 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - PPC
3 AC/10 (90 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) - - Autocannon
5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
Aft (Heat: 114)
3 ER PPC 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - PPC
3 AC/10 (90 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) - - Autocannon
004/046 TRO: 2800/Dropships Dauntless Class Dropship
Dauntless Class Dropship

fleet. They hit on the idea of using large assault dropships eight Gauss Rifles replaced the standard autocannons featured
which the Rim could build in numbers despite their cost. An on the Rim Worlds dropship. Fourteen Particle Projection
added benefit of utilizing these interplanetary craft was the Cannons were also upgraded to advanced Extended Range
lower crew requirements they had. The seven thousand ton versions. Both of these weapon swaps added to the ranged
test bed vessel they laid down would become the Onslaught firepower of the Dauntless. Finally the Dropship’s ninety tons
class Dropship which entered service in 2650. The design of armor was upgraded to Improved Ferro-Aluminum from
became an instant hit with the Rim Worlds Navy which the standard plating seen on the Onslaught. This improved
rapidly incorporated it into the fleet. Star League opposition defenses of the Dauntless making it harder to destroy then
halted any further expansion of the Amaris military but the its predecessor.
Onslaught would continue to replace older dropships in the
Rim fleet. The Onslaught together with its larger brother, the Deployment:
Megalodon, helped the Usurper seize Terra. The workhorse of This assault ship was primarily meant to engage and
the Emperor’s Navy this assault ship did what it could to fend destroy other dropships but it soon became apparent these
of SLDF assaults but was simply overwhelmed. The Terran weren’t the only spacecraft that had to fear its mere presence.
Republic recognized that this dropship could help boost its Warships and fighters were also threatened by the appearance
own strength quickly despite its origins and ordered a refit. of this very capable dropship which has consistently proven
itself in battle. While it has been overshadowed by its larger
Overview: Capabilities: brother this dropship lacks the infamous reputation. As a
Work on what would become the Dauntless Class Assault The Onslaught was a tremendously capable assault ship result there is little to no stigma attached to service on board
Ship began one hundred and fifty years ago. In 2649 Tadeo that Blue Nose Clipperships performed a fairly simple upgrade refurbished Onslaughts which are now known as the Dauntless
Amaris began his efforts to build up the Rim Worlds military on producing the Dauntless. The dropship retained its proven Class. This salvage operation, part of the Prometheus Program,
including the Republican Navy. In order to strengthen its interplanetary drives that generate an impressive 4.5Gs of was quickly carried out following the Exodus. New production
fleet the Republic had to overcome several obstacles. Chief thrust at maximum. Also unchanged was the main armament of this class by Blue Nose Clipperships at Lowell Shipyards
among these was their limited industrial base that prevented of the Onslaught, two Killer Whale Missile Launchers and above Mars began soon afterwards as part of the Quicksilver
massive warship production. Thankfully House Amaris faced two White Shark Missile Launchers, which gave it imposing Program. The Dauntless has proven itself a potent weapon in
no legal restrictions governing the size of their armed forces long range firepower. These capital missiles were daunting the Royal Navy’s arsenal helping to stave off attacks by House
unlike other Periphery powers. The people of the Rim almost weapons that continue to give pause to opposing naval forces. Kurita and Marik.
unanimously disagreed with their sovereign’s decision and Twenty two Medium Lasers remained as well to deal with
revolted en masse joining the Reunification War. The pro- incoming fighters and capital missiles. The Onslaught came
League position of the ruling Amaris clan enabled the Republic with two Small Craft crucibles and three platoons of marines
to escape restrictions on their Household military. However which were intended for boarding actions which the Dauntless
many League members remained suspicious of the Rim and retained.
its leaders which made it difficult to get foreign aide. Aside from some minor aesthetic changes both inside and
Renewed production of the Pinto class Corvette proved out Terran engineers were able to incorporate several high tech
feasible but this veteran of the Reunification War would need advances which noticeable improved the ship’s performance.
sufficient back up. Republican naval engineers would have Double Heat Sinks allowed the Dauntless to use all its weapons
come up with an unconventional way of bolstering their its without consequence unlike the Onslaught. Additionally
004/047 TRO: 2800/Dropships Dauntless Class Dropship
Dauntless Class Dropship

Dauntless class Dropship

Type: Military Aerodyne Escape Pods: 8

Use: Assault Ship Life Boats: 8
Technology: Inner Sphere Crew: 17 minimum (3 Officers, 14 Enlisted)
Introduced: 2785
Mass: 7,300 tons Ammunition: 20 Killer Whale Missiles (1000 tons), 20 White
Battle Value: 17,428 Shark Missiles (800 tons), 192 rounds of Gauss Rifle ammuni-
tion (24 tons)
Length: 125 meters Notes: Equipped with 90 tons of Ferro-Aluminum armor.
Width: 115 meters
Height: 40 meters

Fuel: 100 tons (3,000 fuel points)

Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
Safe Thrust: 6
Maximum Thrust: 9
Heat Sinks: 177 (354)
Structural Integrity: 20

Fore: 500
Right/Left Wings: 370
Aft: 251

Bay 1: Cargo (179 tons) 1 door
Bay 2: Small Craft (2) / Jump Infantry (3 platoons) 1 door
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 110)
2 Killer Whale (20 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
4 Gauss Rifle (96 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - Autocannon
4 ER PPC 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - PPC
2 Medium Lasers 1(10) - - - Laser
LW/RW (Heat: 118)
1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
2 Gauss Rifle (48 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - Autocannon
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
4 Medium Lasers 2(20) - - - Laser
LW/RW Aft (Heat: 84)
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
4 Medium Lasers 2(20) - - - Laser
Aft (Heat: 42)
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
4 Medium Lasers 2(20) - - - Laser
004/048 TRO: 2800/Dropships Victory Class Dropship
Victory Class Dropship

massive forward firepower enabled the Victory to clear Overlord still serves as the main transport for the Terran
potential landing zones of enemy troops using strafing Army but its role is shifting. Eventually these ships might
or striking attacks. This did increased cost of the Victory become reserve craft altogether serving in a less glamorous
dramatically but Terran authorities agreed that the but still vital cargo and support carrier role for Terran
improvements were worth it. Designers also improved on Brigade Combat Teams.
the vessel’s internal structure slightly and maximized its
armor belt creating a tougher successor to the Triumph.
However, many of the older systems remained like the
reliable Delano 1070 interplanetary drive. Perhaps the
most impressive improvement was the Victory’s transport
capacity. While the number of vehicles transported by the
new ship was reduced to reflect new Terran organization
many other features like the number of infantry carried
were increased. The number of lifeboats and escape pods
were doubled dramatically improving the soldier’s view of
this carrier and even the ship’s fuel tanks were slightly
enlarged. Finally the cargo bay of the Victory was doubled
Overview: in size providing key logistical support to any operation.
After the Exodus was well underway the embryonic This didn’t please the Royal Navy which wanted to equip
Terran military realized that their new combined arms the new design with two aerospace crucibles in order
doctrine would need appropriate transportation. While to better protect it. Pointing out their supply needs, the
the Overlord was still a relatively new design that enjoyed Terran Army won out.
success it would not be able to carry the necessary armor
and infantry assets now required. The venerable Triumph Deployment:
class Troop Carrier seemed to fit this niche nicely but This Dropship was rushed into service replacing the
Royal Command wanted something more. They turned to Triumph in many cases along side an Overlord in Terran
Krester’s Ship Constructors to improve on the design which service. This pairing worked superbly in deploying a
would become the first in the Quicksilver Program. After a combined arms regiment for the Republic. Helping to place
“quick and dirty redesign” the new Victory class Dropship and evacuate defenders along the border the Victory soon
was launched in 2784 just after Kerensky’s departure from proved itself to the Royal Command who insisted on greater
New Samarkand. production. At its urging Mitchell Vehicles Interstellar
obtained a license to produce the Victory at their Titan
Capabilities: facilities in 2786. Not long thereafter it became the main
Engineers decided to concentrate on improving the transport for the liberation of Terran worlds seized by the
Dropship’s forward firing weapons first. Ten Gauss Rifles Great Houses. In spite of its success the Victory and her
provided this enhanced firepower along with high tech partner are gradually being replaced by the Citadel class
replacements of the Triumph’s existing arsenal. This Dropship in the TRAS. Today the Dropship along with the
004/049 TRO: 2800/Dropships Victory Class Dropship
Victory Class Dropship

Victory class Dropship Escape Pods: 10

Life Boats: 10
Type: Military Aerodyne Crew: 13 minimum (2 Officers, 11 Enlisted)
Use: Troop Carrier
Technology: Inner Sphere Ammunition: 18 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition (3 tons),
Introduced: 2784 48 rounds of LRM 15 ammunition (6 tons), 12 rounds of LRM
Mass: 8,600 tons 10 ammunition (1 ton), 20 rounds of LB 10X Autocannon/10
Fuel: 400 tons (12,000 fuel points) ammunition (2 tons), 120 rounds of Gauss Rifle ammunition
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 (15 tons), 40 rounds of Ultra Autocannon/5 ammunition (2 tons)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5 Notes: Equipped with 54 tons of Standard armor.
Heat Sinks: 190
Structural Integrity: 12
Battle Value: 7,513

Fore: 262
Right/Left Wings: 201
Aft: 140

Bay 1: Vehicles (36 Heavy) 1 Door
Bay 2: Mechanized Infantry (9 platoons) 1 Door
Bay 3: Cargo (1,550 tons) 1 Door

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 35)
1 ER PPC 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) - PPC
1 LRM 20+Artemis IV 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - LRM
(18 Rounds)
2 Medium Pulse Lasers 1(12) - - - Pulse
2 LB 10X (20 Rounds) 1(12) 1(12) - - LB-X AC
2 Gauss Rifle (24 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - Autocannon
LW/RW (Heat: 106)
1 Ultra AC/5 (20 Rounds) 1(7) 1(7) 1(7) - Autocannon
1 LRM 15+Artemis IV 1(12) 1(12) 1(12) - LRM
(24 Rounds)
1 Lg Pulse Laser 2(21) 1(9) - - Pulse
2 Medium Pulse Lasers
2 ER Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
4 Gauss Rifle (48 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - Autocannon
Aft (Heat: 48)
2 Medium Pulse Lasers 1(12) - - - Pulse
1 LRM 10+Artemis IV 1(8) 1(8) 1(8) - LRM
(12 Rounds)
2 ER Large Lasers 4(36) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
4 Medium Lasers
004/050 TRO: 2800/Dropships Purveyor Class Dropship
Purveyor Class Dropship

to refit the ship with newer, more efficient engines, freeing up

additional cargo space.
One of the biggest problems with the Purveyor was the
large crew required to operate the ship. This is due, in large
part, to the maintenance requirements of the ship’s engines.
It was the large crew requirement of the ship, more then
any other issue, that would eventually result in their being
replaced by more modern vessels.

The Purveyor was very popular in the twenty fifth century.
The design was very common in the Terran Hegemony, Lyran
Commonwealth, Taurian Concordat and Free Worlds League.
As newer technologies were developed, the Purveyor became
obsolete. By the mid 27th century many of the ships had
either undergone massive refits to upgrade their engines and
computer systems or were scrapped and replaced with newer
Overview: designs. The introduction of the Mule in 2737, with its much
The Purveyor was one of the earliest modern style larger cargo capacity and reduced crew requirements resulted
Dropships. Developed by Boeing Interstellar in the mid twenty in the scrapping of most of the remaining ships. Currently
fifth century the design was intended to compete against the there exist less then fifty Purveyors left, most are used by
Gargantua Class Dropship from Krester’s Ship Constructors. the Taurian Concordat and the Outworlds Alliance as military
The Purveyor proved a major commercial success, despite supply transports, the remaining ships are in the hands of
the competition from the well established Gargantua. It independent traders operating in the Periphery.
was licensed to several manufacturers outside of the Terran
Hegemony and over thirty thousand would be built before
production ended.

The Purveyor is a fairly standard cargo ship. The craft is
not especially fast or well armored, conserving as much space
as possible for cargo. The ship’s engines were considered very
advanced when the Purveyor was first introduced, however
rapid technological advances made the engines obsolete within
forty years. Surprisingly the engines were never redesigned
and production models continued to use the older design.
Fortunately for the operators of the ship it was relatively easy
004/051 TRO: 2800/Dropships Purveyor Class Dropship
Purveyor Class Dropship

Purveyor class Dropship Escape Pods: 5

Life Boats: 5
Type: Civilian Spheroid Crew: 40 minimum (6 Officers, 34 Enlisted)
Use: Freighter
Technology: Inner Sphere Ammunition: 48 rounds of LRM ammunition (2 tons)
Introduced: 2455
Mass: 9,200 tons Notes: Equipped with 20 tons of Standard armor and an
Fuel: 400 tons (12,000 fuel points) obsolete engine that weighs 1,000.5 tons (for variants with
Tons/Burn-day: 4.22
modern engine refit this weight goes to cargo)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Heat Sinks: 53
Structural Integrity: 8
Battle Value: 1,609

Fore: 88
Sides: 88
Aft: 88

Bay 1: Small Craft (2) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (5,048 tons) 2 Doors

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 10)
2 LRM 5 (48 Rounds) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) - LRM
2 Medium Lasers 1(10) - - - Laser
FL/FR (Heat: 18)
1 Large Laser 1(8) 1(8) - - Laser
1 Small Laser 0(3) - - - Point Defense
AL/AR (Heat: 12)
2 Medium Lasers 1(10) - - - Laser
004/052 TRO: 2800/Dropships Warlord Class Dropship
Warlord Class Dropship

Capabilities: the Warlord is trusted with providing anti-fighter support and

The Warlord Assault Ship’s success rests heavily on the dealing with the smaller assets of an enemy fleet.
modifications to the base Overlord chassis. While this is not Another mission that is becoming popular for Warlord
apparent from the surface the whole internal workings were Assault Ships is the escort of friendly Dropship fleets.
completely gutted to make the necessary changes possible. Although it is not nearly as powerful as a full warship, the
In addition the bulkheads were strengthened to support a full Assault Ship can usually handle most threats with ease. In
seventy two tons of armor without buckling. addition, its maximum thrust puts it right in the average speed
Without the space taken up by the BattleMech bays it bracket for many troop carriers, making it difficult for them
was possible to double the size of the fighter compliment, a to get separated by accident. In this capacity the Warlord
necessary move as the design team decided to not change the often remains in orbit above the planet to help guard against
Warlord’s engine specifications so it could be produced with incoming enemy threats while troops are on planet and keep
the same stockpile of parts that already existed for Overlords in a path of retreat open should the worst happen.
the service of the Republic. This makes the Warlord a sluggish
combat craft, something that the twelve fighter compliment
can make up for.
Most of the remaining space was converted into a massive
magazine to house various capitol missiles for the six AR-10
Overview: tubes mounted along the nose and front sides. No attempt
A second Dropship upgrade conceived as part of the was made to conceal these powerful weapons which give the
project to cover up the Quicksilver Program, the Warlord Warlord amazing flexibility to engage enemy craft from a safe
Assault Dropship was based on a heavily modified Overlord range. In the event that it is forced into short range combat
chassis. To the surprise of many the Overlord proved especially it is no less well equipped, with an assortment of advanced
easy to upgrade despite the designs mission as a dedicated weapons capable of dealing enough damage to cause concern
BattleMech transport. for even small warships.
These alterations proved so simple to make that ultimately
the Warlord class was the first of the Assault Dropships to
enter full production. Perhaps because of this fact there are Deployment:
some in the Terran Navy’s upper echelons that complain the Due to its non-specialized nature the Warlord is becoming
result seems rushed and prone to failures in combat. something of a utility combat craft. In fact this generalization
Still these predictions of doom have yet to play out. While has made it popular with all but the most conservative captains
the Warlord may not excel in any one area like some of the as the Terran Navy remains eager to flesh out their offensive
other Assault Ships produced by the Quicksilver Program, it capabilities using every tool at their disposal.
doesn’t suffer from any noticeable weaknesses either and is Often the Warlord is kept in operation along with true
slowly becoming a general workhorse in the Terran Navy. warships and acts in response to any threats not normally
worth sending a larger craft to deal with. This has helped the
still recovering Terran Republic Navy greatly by keeping their
most powerful assets focused on combating other warships as
004/053 TRO: 2800/Dropships Warlord Class Dropship
Warlord Class Dropship

Warlord class Dropship

Type: Military Spheroid Armor

Use: Assault Ship Fore: 392
Technology: Inner Sphere Sides: 342
Introduced: 2785 Aft: 294
Mass: 9,700 tons
Battle Value: 15,432 Cargo
Bay 1: Cargo (828 tons) 1 Door
Dimensions Bay 2: Fighters (12) 2 Doors
Length: 99 meters
Width: 99 meters Escape Pods: 4
Height: 131 meters Life Boats: 4
Crew: 18 minimum (3 Officers, 15 Enlisted)
Fuel: 400 tons (12,000 fuel points)
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 Ammunition: 15 Killer Whale Missiles (750 tons), 15 White
Safe Thrust: 3 Shark Missiles (600 tons), 30 Barracuda Missiles (900 tons),
Maximum Thrust: 5 20 rounds of LB 10X Autocannon ammunition (2 tons), 64
Heat Sinks: 181 (362) rounds of Gauss Rifle ammunition (8 tons), 78 rounds of LRM
Structural Integrity: 20 20 ammunition (13 tons)

Notes: Equipped with 72 tons of Ferro-Aluminum armor.

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 99)
2 AR-10 (5KW, 5WS, 10B) * * * * Capital Missile
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
2 ER Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
2 LB 10X AC (20 Rounds) 1(12) 1(12) - - LB-X AC
1 Gauss Rifle (16 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) 2(15) - Autocannon
FL/FR (Heat: 160)
2 AR-10 (5KW, 5WS, 10B) * * * * Capital Missile
1 ER PPC 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) - PPC
1 Gauss Rifle (16 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) 2(15) - Autocannon
1 LRM 20+Artemis IV 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - LRM
(24 Rounds)
1 ER Large Laser 2(18) 1(8) 1(8) - Laser
2 Medium Lasers
AL/AR (Heat: 66)
1 ER PPC 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) - PPC
1 ER Large Laser 2(18) 1(8) 1(8) - Laser
2 Medium Lasers
Aft (Heat: 37)
1 Gauss Rifle (16 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) 2(15) - Autocannon
1 LRM 20+Artemis IV 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - LRM
(30 Rounds)
1 ER Large Laser 2(18) 1(8) 1(8) - Laser
2 Medium Lasers
004/054 TRO: 2800/Dropships Goliath Class Dropship
Goliath Class Dropship

developing the Goliath, the engineers decided to focus on

changes that would improve the ship’s firepower and armor Deployment:
protection, without sacrificing its maneuverability or fighter The design process or Titan upgrade, to be more accurate,
carrier capabilities. proved to be relatively simple and straightforward allowing its
The first change made to the ship was to strengthen its introduction in 2785. The first Goliaths were quickly assigned
structural frame work. This allows the ship to carry ninety nine as escorts for the Terran Republic’s Warship Fleet. Their main
tons of Ferro-Aluminum armor. This added armor enables the role of destroying enemy inbounds, Dropships and fighters,
Goliath to survive on the modern battlefield of the Succession was something the ship was well suited for. The Dropship has
Wars. already seen extensive action and has proven to be superior
The designers also improved on the Titan’s weaponry. to the older Titan in almost every possible way. Their heavier
The old Blazefire Large Lasers were replaced with the latest armor and superior firepower have enabled them to survive
Blankenburg ER Large Lasers, while the old Hellion-B Medium in situations where a Titan would have been destroyed.
Lasers were replaced with Blankenburg Medium Pulse This improved performance comes at a steep price. With its
Lasers. The designers removed the Autocannon/20s carried numerous weapons and other high tech systems the Goliath is
on the Titan and replaced them with LB-10X Autocannons, one of the most expensive Dropships ever manufactured.
which offer better range and performance against aerospace
fighters. The design team also provided the dropship’s LRM 20
Overview: missile launchers with Artemis Fire Control Computers. These
As part of the Terran Republic’s Project Quicksilver, upgraded weapon system provide the Goliath with better
the Royal Navy issued a request for a new fighter carrying firepower at all ranges. Last but certainly not least were the
Dropship that could also serve as an escort for the Republic’s addition of a single Killer Whale Missile Launcher and two
warships. Blue Nose Clipperships quickly proposed a design White Shark Missile Launchers which further enhanced the
based on the highly successful Titan class. By incorporating Goliath’s already formidable firepower.
advanced technologies in the new design, they could create In addition to the improvements that were made to the
a ship which would have superior armor and firepower than armor and weapons, the engineers made several other changes
the Titan, while not sacrificing its aerospace complement or to the ship. The original three fighter bays were retained, each
the impressive maneuverability of the Titan. The numerous of which is capable of carrying a squadron of fighters. Added
changes made to the design necessitated a new designation to these three bays was a fourth bay which can carry two
resulting in the birth of the Goliath class Fighter Carrier. fighters and two assault shuttles. The shuttles are used by the
Production of the Dropship began at Blue Nose Clipperships’ Marines in boarding operations against enemy ships.
facility at Mars. It was planned to convert the Mitsui Titan line The one area where the Titan remains superior to the
at Dieron to Goliath production but that facility was destroyed Goliath is extra space. Compared to its predecessor the
before the change could be accomplished. Goliath is cramped with little cargo space. However, the early
feedback from personnel assigned to the ships has been very
positive. They often describe conditions onboard as very
Capabilities: cozy and realize that its impressive capabilities are worth any
While the Titan’s primary role was as a fighter carrier, it
also had a reputation as an excellent assault Dropship. While
004/055 TRO: 2800/Dropships Goliath Class Dropship
Goliath Class Dropship

Goliath class Dropship Armor

Fore: 425
Type: Military Aerodyne Right/Left Wings: 380
Use: Fighter Carrier Aft: 234
Technology: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2785 Cargo
Mass: 12,000 tons Bay 1: Fighters (6) 2 Doors
Battle Value: 13,018 Bay 2: Fighters (6) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Fighters (6) 2 Doors
Dimensions Bay 4: Fighters (2) / Small Craft (2) 2 Doors
Length: 250 meters Bay 5: Foot Infantry (2 platoons) 2 Doors
Width: 162 meters Bay 6: Cargo (362 tons)
Height: 47 meters
Escape Pods: 9
Fuel: 480 tons (14,400 fuel points) Life Boats: 9
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 Crew: 16 minimum (3 Officers, 13 Enlisted)
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8 Ammunition: 10 Killer Whale Missiles (500 tons), 20 White
Heat Sinks: 306 Shark Missiles (800 tons), 160 rounds of LB-X ammunition (16
Structural Integrity: 22 tons), 132 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition (22 tons)

Notes: Equipped with 99 tons of Improved Ferro-Aluminum


Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 104)
1 Killer Whale (10 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
3 LB 10X AC (60 Rounds) 2(18) 2(18) - - LB-X AC
3 LRM 20+Artemis IV 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) - LRM
(60 Rounds)
5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
LW/RW (Heat: 178)
1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
2 LB 10X AC (40 Rounds) 1(12) 1(12) - - LB-X AC
1 LRM 20+Artemis IV 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - LRM
(24 Rounds)
4 ER Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) - Laser
4 Medium Pulse Lasers 2(24) - - - Pulse
Aft (Heat: 24)
1 LB 10X AC (20 Rounds) 1(6) 1(6) - - LB-X AC
1 LRM 20+Artemis IV 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - LRM
(24 Rounds)
4 Medium Pulse Lasers 2(24) - - - Pulse
004/056 TRO: 2800/Dropships Citadel Class Dropship
Citadel Class Dropship

firepower. The Citadel is also equipped with three Long

Capabilities: Tom Artillery Cannons that gives it the most devastating far
At first designers thought the “tripling” of the Fortress reaching fire support while grounded.
would be a relatively simple affair requiring less engineering
then usual. Unfortunately these engineers who were more Deployment:
familiar with warships than dropships failed to realize the Thankfully the initial cost concerns of the Citadel were
complexity of their task. Cost concerns soon raised their ugly recognized in the research and development phase. While
head when their initial entry was projected at double the cost the redesign did cause a slight delay in the initial production
of the massive Colossus to build which even the Star League things seem to have worked out nicely. Using proven materials
found too expensive. Shocked they quickly reworked their not only keep the price down but sped construction of Citadels
design shaving off three thousand tons and relying on older once standard manufacturing began. First deployed during
more cost effective weapon systems to dramatically reduce Operation Phoenix, the general Terran counterattack, it has
the ship’s price tag. The result was a vessel that cost 25 million performed well. However, many bean counters still worry that
less than the Colossus but outperformed it in many ways. this dropship is too expensive and production might have to
Of course the Citadel needs to be one of the largest be slowed or halted altogether.
dropships ever produced in order to deploy an entire Combined
Arms Regiment. The cavernous holds of the Citadel contain
Overview: thirty six BattleMechs bays, thirty six Heavy Vehicle bays, and
As the Terran Republic Armed Services (TRAS) came into nine Mechanized Infantry platoon bays. This also includes a
being the need for a new troop carrier became apparent. three hundred and fifty ton cargo bay which is considered
The combined arms organization style embraced by the New adequate for many operations although engineers would have
Republic was the primary motivator behind this new dropship. liked to double that. Two Rolls Royce Planet Haulers give this
Royal Command wanted these formations to operate as one dropship 2.5 Gs of acceleration at maximum thrust which is
cohesive force and being transported as a whole would ease comparable to many other troop transports. Where the Citadel
of deployment concerns. These positive factors were also clearly surpasses its competition is its armor protection and
amplified by a potential conflict between the Terran Army and weaponry.
Royal Navy. Strictly bureaucratic in nature this inter-service Ninety tons of armor plating spread over the Citadel’s
rivalry between the two arms of the military assured the heavily reinforced structure gives this dropship unmatched
creation of a transport for planet bound units only. As the Terran protection. The thick hide of this vessel can take a direct hit
defense industry geared up after the Exodus the military put from most naval grade weaponry mounted on warships. This
out bids for this brand new craft. Krester’s Ship Construction impressive armor belt insures that the Citadel will deliver its
realized that the Fortress class Dropship fit the bill perfectly troops to their destination. The ship’s arsenal also creates an
but knew it would take nine of these ships to deploy an entire effective deterrent against most would be opponents. Thirty
Brigade Combat Team (BCT). Using that design as a basis Particle Projection Cannons, thirty Large Lasers, and a dozen
Krester engineers went to work on expanding its capabilities Autocannon/10s provide a good punch however their range
threefold. The result was the new Citadel Class that was a is limited. Designers decided that significantly increasing the
slimmer version of the older Colossus. cost was not worth the slight extension of the ships imposing
004/057 TRO: 2800/Dropships Citadel Class Dropship
Citadel Class Dropship

Citadel class Dropship

Type: Military Spheroid Fore: 340
Use: Troop Carrier Sides: 340
Technology: Inner Sphere Aft: 340
Introduced: 2787
Mass: 15,000 tons Cargo
Battle Value: 11,447 Bay 1: BattleMechs (36) 6 Doors
Bay 2: Vehicles (36 Heavy) 6 Doors
Dimensions Bay 3: Infantry/Cargo (350 tons) 3 Doors
Length: 224 meters (9 mechanized platoons)
Width: 224 meters Bay 4: Long Tom III Canon
Height: 188 meters
Escape Pods: 0
Fuel: 400 tons (12,000 fuel points) Life Boats: 10
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 Crew: 19 minimum (3 Officers, 16 Enlisted)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5 Ammunition: 300 rounds Autocannon/10 ammunition (30 tons), 150
Heat Sinks: 576 rounds of Long Tom ammunition (30 tons)
Structural Integrity: 25
Notes: Equipped with 90 tons of standard armor. Long Tom can only
be used when the Dropship is grounded.

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 96)
5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
5 PPC 5(50) 5(50) - - PPC
2 AC/10 (50 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
FL/FR (Heat: 192)
5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
5 PPC 5(50) 5(50) - - PPC
2 AC/10 (50 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
AL/AR (Heat: 192)
5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
5 PPC 5(50) 5(50) - - PPC
2 AC/10 (50 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
Aft (Heat: 96)
5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
5 PPC 5(50) 5(50) - - PPC
2 AC/10 (50 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
004/058 TRO: 2800/Dropships Mastodon Class Dropship
Mastodon Class Dropship

thick armor would allow it to survive (for a time) against even compliment of Small Craft to attempt a boarding action there
a warship’s weapons. Perhaps most importantly the base is rarely a question that it will be a success, however enemy
chassis already included the necessary reinforcements to tow fighter cover can take a heavy toll on the Small Craft and
a recently captured warship safely away from a battle until a the fighting to capture an enemy warship is often disturbingly
crew could be transferred over. brutal especially against Draconis Combine crews.
This has resulted in one of the highest personal casualty
Capabilities: rates in the TRAS. It is not uncommon for a Mastodon to need
The Mastodon Class was designed with crippling and a massive number of replacement marines after it has carried
capturing enemy warships in mind. To this end the primary out its mission. As time has gone on the problem has become
weapon in its arsenal is the compliment of twelve small increasingly worse as the TRAS has been forced to use newer
craft and their marine contingent. Although this gives each and newer recruits to keep the Dropships acceptably crewed.
Mastodon commander what amounts to a personal army such In order to correct this problem, two Mastodon class
a large marine force was considered necessary to overpower Assault Ships have been stationed over Terra where they
the internal defenses of a hostile warship. conduct War Games with other Terran Warships. The goal of
Weapons were secondary to this consideration but are this program is to develop effective boarding techniques that
no less formidable. The bulk of the weapons are similar to can be quickly taught to incoming recruits while also letting
those found on the older Model 96, though in slightly different their warship crews practice the skills needed to repel enemy
Overview: configurations. In fact most of the warship’s punch can be boarding parties.
The Mastodon class Assault Ship was the last addition to attributed to Gauss Rifles, ER Large Lasers, and Artemis
the Quicksilver Program. This was largely because the Model guided LRM racks.
96 “Elephant” it was based off of was already considered one Beyond this the Mastodon Class was also outfitted with
of the more capable Assault Ships in existence despite the three White Shark missile tubes in the nose. Chosen because
many other roles it was intended to fill. Thus the Model 96 of their ability to effectively pierce the thickest armor to deal
was initially passed over in the early stages of the Quicksilver damage to the more delicate internal systems of a target,
Program when a survey existing designs for improvement was the White Shark missiles are used liberally against an enemy
found. warship in the hopes that one of them will strike a critical
It wasn’t until a new fleet graduate suggested the design system, crippling its offensive capabilities without the need to
of a new Dropship dedicated to the capture of enemy warships heavily damage the whole craft.
that anyone reexamined the Model 96 for upgrade. Initially A secondary set of Barracuda tubes were placed in the aft
the idea was dismissed as impossible but it ultimately sparked sides, providing a lighter punch but enabling the Mastodon to
the interest of several admirals who wondered if this would be continue a long range engagement even if it must temporarily
an easy way to bolster the strength of the Terran fleets. maneuver to face away from the foe.
To this end the Model 96 “Elephant” was the ideal
candidate. Already one of the larger designs in existence,
it had the internal space necessary to house the necessary
The Mastodon class Assault Ship is usually found in fleets
accommodations for the Small Craft compliment needed to
expecting to contact enemy warships and has been met with
perform boarding actions. The strong internal structure and
mixed success. When the Mastodon is able to launch its
004/059 TRO: 2800/Dropships Mastodon Class Dropship
Mastodon Class Dropship

Mastodon class Dropship

Type: Military Spheroid Armor

Use: Assault Ship Fore: 433
Technology: Inner Sphere Sides: 377
Introduced: 2787 Aft: 324
Mass: 15,000 tons
Battle Value: 15,353 Cargo
Bay 1: Cargo (1,793 tons) 2 Doors
Dimensions Bay 2: Foot Infantry (24 platoons) 4 Doors
Length: 150 meters Small Craft (12)
Width: 80 meters
Height: 68 meters Escape Pods: 10
Life Boats: 2
Fuel: 332 tons (9,960 fuel points) Crew: 20 minimum (3 Officers, 17 Enlisted)
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
Safe Thrust: 5 Ammunition: 30 White Shark Missiles (1200 tons), 20 Barracuda Mis-
Maximum Thrust: 8 siles (600 tons), 72 rounds of Gauss Rifle ammunition (9 tons), 84
Heat Sinks: 226 (452) rounds of LRM 20 ammunition (14 tons)
Structural Integrity: 25
Notes: Equipped with 90 tons of Ferro-Aluminum armor and Towing

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 95)
3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
2 Gauss Rifle (24 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - Autocannon
2 LRM 20+Artemis IV 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) - LRM
(24 Rounds)
2 ER Large Lasers 4(36) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
4 Medium Lasers
FL/FR (Heat: 96)
2 LRM 20+Artemis IV 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) - LRM
(24 Rounds)
2 ER Large Lasers 4(36) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
4 Medium Lasers
AL/AR (Heat: 24)
1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 - Capital Missile
2 Gauss Rifle (24 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - Autocannon
2 ER Large Lasers 4(36) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
4 Medium Lasers
Aft (Heat: 6)
1 LRM 20+Artemis IV 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - LRM
(12 Rounds)
004/060 TRO: 2800/Dropships Yeomen Class Dropship
Yeomen Class Dropship

Capabilities: in almost every action thus far many remain critical of this
As the Terran military organization began to shake itself massive Dropship. Critics remain concerned that the loss of this
out and the Citadel took form the exact the nature of the troop carrier during an operation could cripple such campaigns.
Yeoman became clear. Four Citadels would carry the majority Many contend that other Dropships like the Victory or even the
of the BCT while the remainder would be left for a single Mule could perform its transport role. They often neglect the
Yeoman. This meant the Dropship would have to transport at fact that several vessels would be required to accomplish what
least a dozen BattleMechs, twenty four Heavy Vehicles, and the Yeoman could do. Another frequent argument against the
more than one hundred Light Vehicles. The exact numbers Troop Carrier is cost but this neglects the fact that many ships
could vary depending on several factors so the bays would have are required to do what one Yeoman can. Since its introduction
to be flexible. Thankfully engineers were able to modularize in 2787 this ship has been manufactured at a slow but steady
these areas making rearrangement fairly simple. In order to rate. Terran industrial strength has concentrated on producing
hold all of this equipment the Yeoman had to be slightly larger other Dropships like the Citadel and the Juggernaut which
then the Citadel. Even though it displaces one thousand tons more valued by the TRAS.
more then the Citadel there remains certain cargo concerns.
Just a little over five hundred tons remain available for cargo
thanks to all the equipment it must transport. Designers
had not accounted for this monopolization of space which
Overview: jeopardized operational logistics including conventional fighters
Combat support forces are frequently overlooked by which were frequently transported as cargo. To compensate
many military organizations throughout the Human Sphere. for this cargo shortfall a sixth dedicated supply ship such as a
Front line troops are generally favored leaving these auxiliaries Mule is often added to Terran taskforces. What the Dropship
with second hand equipment. Rarely do they receive anything does have is impressive support facilities including two MASH
new and even more uncommon is gear built exclusively for Theaters capable of caring for thirty six patients each. The
their use. The exception to this rule seems to be the Terran bays on board and often much of the equipment it transports
Republic’s Yeoman class Dropship which was engineered to provide superb maintenance features. For protection the
carry the supporting elements of their Brigade Combat Teams Troop Carrier mounts over seventy tons of armor plating
or BCTs. This massive troop carrier manufactured by Federated over a robust internal skeleton which provides good defense.
Defense Systems was made possible by Terra’s enormous The Yeoman also features an impressive defensive array of
industrial strength and the need to create new Dropships in sixteen Gauss Rifles and twenty four Extended Range Particle
order to cover renewed warship production. This requirement Projection Cannons. Finally the Yeoman’s engines are capable
for the Quicksilver Program helped outweigh cost concerns of 2.5Gs of thrust at maximum burn which allows this massive
and potential resource scarcity. The still evolving combat Dropship to keep pace with most troop carriers including the
formations of the Republic and redesigns of its chief partner, Citadel.
the Citadel class Dropship, led to some manufacturing delays.
While it was the final Quicksilver Dropship introduced the oft Deployment:
disregarded Yeoman has thus far filled its design niche well. The Yeoman has quickly become the under appreciated
workhorse of the Terran military. While it has performed well
004/061 TRO: 2800/Dropships Yeomen Class Dropship
Yeomen Class Dropship

Yeoman class Dropship

Type: Military Spheriod Armor

Use: Troop Carrier Fore: 280
Technology: InnerSphere Sides: 270
Introduced: 2787 Aft: 268
Mass: 16,000 tons
Battle Value: 10,347 Cargo
Bay 1: BattleMechs (12) 6 Doors
Dimensions Bay 2: Vehicles (24 Heavy) 4 Doors
Length: 110 meters Bay 3: Vehicles (108 Light) 8 Doors
Width: 110 meters Bay 4: Cargo (527 tons) 2 Doors
Height: 125 meters
Escape Pods: 20
Fuel: 400 tons (12,000 fuel points) Life Boats: 20
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 Crew: 12 minimum (2 Officers, 10 Enlisted)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5 Ammunition: 480 rounds Gauss Rifle ammunition (60 tons)
Heat Sinks: 145 (290)
Structural Integrity: 20 Notes: Equipped with 72 tons of standard armor and 72 MASH

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 47)
2 Gauss Rifle (80 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - Autocannon
3 ER PPC 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - PPC
FL/FR (Heat: 94)
2 Gauss Rifle (80 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - Autocannon
3 ER PPC 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - PPC
AL/AR (Heat: 94)
2 Gauss Rifle (80 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - Autocannon
3 ER PPC 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - PPC
Aft (Heat: 47)
2 Gauss Rifle (80 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - Autocannon
3 ER PPC 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - PPC
004/062 TRO: 2800/Dropships Firebird Class Dropship
Firebird Class Dropship

effective warships rather than these big assault dropships. expensive dropship ever before manufactured making it highly
Since the Republic could not produce large warships and had unlikely that Amaris could have successfully deployed anything
no such cost concerns they undertook such projects. larger. Wild tales that a design that supposedly approached
In 2649 Tadeo Amaris became the Regent of the Rim the theoretical maximum in multiple areas of engineering
Republic and began his now infamous military buildup. highly dubious and most likely the creation of someone’s over
This arms increase included a Naval Program that renewed active imagination. As it is the Megalodon was one of the
production of the Pinto class Corvette and commissioned the fastest spacecraft ever made thanks to massive interplanetary
first of these massive new assault dropships, the Onslaught. drives that produced 6Gs of maximum acceleration. Four
The impressive performance of the Onslaught soon convinced Killer Whale Missile Launchers and four White Shark Missile
the Rim Navy to under larger projects. Unfortunately opposition Launchers highlight the assault ship’s impressive arsenal.
from the Star League forced Tadeo from power and stalled Two dozen Medium Lasers round out the vessel’s armament
these following dropships for a time. Work quietly resumed providing some close in protection. In all other respects the
after Stefan Amaris rose to power with Republican designers Terran upgrade of the Megalodon followed the example set
carefully hiding their progress from prying eyes. As the largest by the Dauntless. Eight Particle Projection Cannons were
Periphery realm the Rim provided ample places to conceal upgraded to advanced Extended Range versions and six Gauss
these projects. Finally in 2750 the first Megalodon class Rifles replaced the standard autocannons found on the Rim
Dropship slipped from its clandestine dockyards deep in the World ship. The ninety ton armored belt was upgraded with
Overview: Rim. This grand assault ship named for the giant prehistoric Improved Ferro Aluminum plating giving the Firebird even
The Navy of the Rim Worlds Republic was somewhat shark of Terra silently entered service with Amaris’ Navy and better defenses than its predecessor.
restricted during the Star League era. While it is true that made a terrifying appearance during the Coup. Sixteen years
House Amaris made out better than other Periphery powers worth of covert Megalodon production was unleashed on under Deployment:
that actively opposed the InnerSphere’s Reunification War strength Terran defenders with frightening consequences. The Megalodon is a craft that lives on in infamy especially
they were still viewed with suspicion. This fact combined with These ships cut through any naval opposition and went onto among the spacers of the Terran Republic where it became
the Rim Worlds poor industrial strength limited their fleet scar the Star League Navy. The defeat of the Usurper and the widely reviled. This reputation came from the horrific deeds
to the smallest of warships. During the 2640s a young and virtual annihilation of his “Terrors of the Deep” might have perpetrated by Amaris fanatics who often used this fearsome
ambitious Minister of Military Affairs, Tadeo Amaris, set out to ended this tale if not for the Exodus. With the departure of the assault ship against helpless civilian vessels. The destruction
strengthening the military of the Republic as a whole including SLDF and the desperate need of the Royal Navy to field able of unarmed craft which often carried Terran refugees trying
its Navy. Tadeo and his advisors decided that a new class of spacecraft to defend Terra the design was revisited despite to escape the war zone forever marked the Megalodon.
assault dropships, larger than any previously made, could its origins. Upgraded as part of the Quicksilver Program the This stigma was sealed by the Usurper’s adoration of these
close the gap. These fast ships could clearly threaten warships massive assault ship was renamed the Firebird. “Terrors of the Deep”. Despite its’ universally acknowledged
with their impressive speed and armament. Additionally their superior combat abilities the SLDF refused to use the Sharks
minimum crew requirements were far less than warships. Capabilities: of Amaris. The Exodus left the Terran Republic with a large
Most importantly they were not beyond the capability of Rim Displacing almost eighteen thousand tons this enormous derelict fleet that had to be put to use despite its ill repute.
industry to produce. However in order to be effective such aerodyne is the largest dropship of its kind known to exist. The Last Cameron made the decision to refit and rename the
craft, which were more expensive then standard dropships, While rumors and unconfirmed sightings of a larger assault ships in order to provide a quick boost to the Royal Navy. At
had to be manufactured in numbers. Such a massive expense ship supposedly made by the Rim Worlds persist there is the same time the Regent made it clear that service onboard
kept the Navies of the InnerSphere producing more cost no proof of such myths. The Megalodon was also the most these ships was voluntary. Despite the displeasure of using
004/063 TRO: 2800/Dropships Firebird Class Dropship
Firebird Class Dropship

these infamous ships there were no shortage of volunteers. Firebird class Dropship
New production by Blue Nose Clipperships also commenced in Type: Military Aerodyne Armor
2785 producing Terran Firebirds that the nation can be proud Use: Assault Ship Fore: 300
of. Several House agencies continue to spread propaganda that Technology: InnerSphere Right/Left Wings: 220
the Terran government is producing no new Firebirds. Their Introduced: 2785 Aft: 146
Mass: 17,900 tons
claims aimed at lowering morale claim that these ships are Battle Value: 23,750 Cargo
in fact old Megalodons. These nefarious attempts have been Bay 1: Cargo (328 tons) 1 Door
largely ignored by the Royal Navy who realizes the continued Dimensions Bay 2: Small Craft (4) 2 Door
Length: 375 meters Jump Infantry (6 platoons)
need for these ships. The design has also overcome cost Width: 243 meters
concerns which were magnified after the high tech upgrade Height: 70 meters Escape Pods: 12
which made the Firebird the most expensive dropship ever Life Boats: 12
manufactured. After all Terran industry recovering after the Fuel: 200 tons (6,000 fuel points) Crew: 23 minimum (4 Officers, 19 Enlisted)
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
war could more easily produce a dropship than a warship. Safe Thrust: 8 Ammunition: 40 Killer Whale Missiles (2000 tons), 40 White Shark Missiles
Plus the massive operation helped successfully cover renewed Maximum Thrust: 12 (1600 tons), 144 rounds of Gauss Rifle ammunition (18 tons)
warship production at Lowell Shipyards above Mars. Since then Heat Sinks: 465
Structural Integrity: 20 Notes: Equipped with 90 tons of Ferro-Aluminum armor.
the Firebird has really lived up to its namesake coming from
the ashes to become a powerful symbol of rebirth for Royal
Navy. It has proven instrumental in driving back attacks by the
various Houses since the start of the Succession War. There
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
are also rumors from the Rim that suggest a few Megalodons Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
may have escaped Kerensky’s wrath. Nose (Heat: 95)
4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
2 Gauss Rifle (48 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - Autocannon
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
4 Medium Lasers 2(20) - - - Laser
LW/RW (Heat: 96)
2 White Shark (20 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
2 Gauss Rifle (48 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - Autocannon
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
4 Medium Lasers 2(20) - - - Laser
LW/RW Aft (Heat: 24)
4 Medium Lasers 2(20) - - - Laser
Aft (Heat: 6)
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
4 Medium Lasers 2(20) - - - Laser
004/064 TRO: 2800/Dropships Juggernaut Class Dropship
Juggernaut Class Dropship

this ambitious upgrade quickly entered production at several Deployment:

different sites. This ambitious project, the largest undertaken While production of the Juggernaut is somewhat
in regards to a Dropship design, helped conceal new warship sluggish the decision to authorize multiple builders has sped
construction. construction. This expansion has made the new Assault
Ship a more common sight with the Royal Navy since it was
Capabilities: introduced in 2786.
Based on the Colossus Class Dropship, the Juggernaut has Despite this there are still not enough to go around,
given up the ability to transport a Star League RCT in favor of however the Navy has come up with a temporary solution
the ability to kill warships. This goal was initially considered to the problem. Unlike many naval assets a Juggernaut is
laughable, however when the Juggernaut was finally unveiled temporary attached to a fleet based on need.
many warship captains found themselves concerned that a Commands lucky enough to have a Juggernaut attached
mere Dropship could pose such a potent threat. to their forces are eager to take advantage of its capabilities.
Like the smaller Warlord Assault Ship, the Juggernaut While on the slow side its fighter compliment makes the
makes no attempt to hide its most potent weapons. No fewer Dropship ideal for picket duty while the relatively thick armor
than eight AR10 missile tubes cover the massive Dropship’s belt makes it durable enough to survive all but the most
front sides, with an additional four tubes in the nose dedicated intense fighting. As an added bonus the craft carries enough
to White Shark missiles. These weapons alone allow the large cargo to operate with a fleet on extended missions without
Overview: Assault Ship to effectively engage any target at range, either resupply.
Millennium Industries is a cutting edge design company by shattering lighter targets or by crippling critical systems
that focused primarily on civilian products. This Terran thanks to the armor piercing properties of the special warhead
Corporation has a reputation for pushing the boundaries in carried by White Shark missiles. Indeed some experts have
many different areas including the law. Some of their actions noted that the missile battery of a Juggernaut is akin to what
over the years have been termed at best questionable but one would expect to find on a true ship of the line.
Millennium always seems to emerge unscathed. Their latest Backing up these primary systems are no less potent
venture is a good example of this trend. defenses. Advanced weapons developed during by the Star
When the New Republic began its secretive Quicksilver League, most notably the Extended Range Large Laser
Program several corporate executives were determined to seize and the Gauss Rifle, provide a fierce anti-air battery. These
the opportunity. Chief among them was Millennium Interstellar weapons are in fact so powerful that simulations estimate that
which had previously engineered civilian spacecraft for the a Juggernaut operating at close range could quickly strip the
Terran nation. Somehow their engineers were able to obtain armor from even large warships if left alone.
the specs for Mitchell Vehicles’ Colossus class Dropship. To round out the Juggernaut’s capabilities compliment
Understandably Mitchell was upset when they saw their of thirty six fighters was provided. As with the Warlord this
upgraded design presented to the TRAS without permission. was partly to offset the sluggish handling of the Juggernaut,
As the Republic wanted to avoid a legal battle and see this however it also enables the Dropship to act as a light carrier
excellent assault ship produced as quickly as possible they during a battle, greatly increasing its versatility.
were able to persuade both sides to settle. Profits for the
new Juggernaut were split between both companies and
004/065 TRO: 2800/Dropships Juggernaut Class Dropship
Juggernaut Class Dropship

Juggernaut class Dropship

Type: Military Spheroid Armor

Use: Assault Ship Fore: 300
Technology: InnerSphere Sides: 274
Introduced: 2786 Aft: 200
Mass: 20,000 tons
Battle Value: 21,343 Cargo
Bay 1: Cargo (1,404 tons) 1 Door
Dimensions Bay 2: Fighters (18) 3 Doors
Length: 125 meters Bay 3: Fighters (18) 3 Doors
Width: 135 meters
Height: 165 meters Escape Pods: 25
Life Boats: 4
Fuel: 375 tons (7,500 fuel points) Crew: 28 minimum (5 Officers, 23 Enlisted)
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
Safe Thrust: 3 Ammunition: 20 Killer Whale Missiles (1000 tons), 60 White
Maximum Thrust: 5 Shark Missiles (2400 tons), 40 Barracuda Missiles (1200 tons),
Heat Sinks: 258 (516) 96 rounds of Gauss Rifle ammunition (12 tons), 96 rounds of
Structural Integrity: 20 LRM 20 ammunition (16 tons)

Notes: Equipped with 72 tons of Ferro-Aluminum armor.

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 116)
4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
2 Gauss Rifle (96 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) - Autocannon
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
1 ER Large Lasers 3(28) 1(8) 1(8) - Laser
4 Medium Lasers
FL/FR (Heat: 262)
4 AR-10 (5KW, 5WS, 10B) * * * * Capital Missile
1 ER PPC 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) - PPC
2 LRM 20+Artemis IV 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) - LRM
(24 Rounds)
1 ER Large Laser 3(28) 1(8) 1(8) - Laser
4 Medium Lasers
AL/AR (Heat: 102)
1 ER PPC 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) - PPC
2 LRM 20+Artemis IV 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) - LRM
(24 Rounds)
1 ER Large Lasers 3(28) 1(8) 1(8) - Laser
4 Medium Lasers
Aft (Heat: 36)
2 ER Large Laser 4(36) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
4 Medium Lasers
005/066 TRO: 2800/House Liao/CCN Introduction
Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN)

Capellan Confederation NAvy (CCN)

The Capellan Navy has long been plagued by the same problems that face the rest of the Confederation, namely its limited industrial capability and stunted technological
development. As a result the Capellan Confederation has constantly been playing catch up to the navies of the Federated Suns, Free Worlds League and mighty Terran Hegemony.
The Capellan Navy was originally formed from the navies of the states which comprised the nascent Capellan-state. While each proto-nation maintained a space faring navy, these
navies were composed of little more then armed merchant man and cargo haulers. Even the large navies of the Sarna Supremacy and St Ives Association did not possess any vessels
built specifically for war. Despite this setback the newly formed Capellan Navy managed to score a major victory against the Federated Suns in 2367. Following the capture of Capella
by Davion forces, a Capellan relief force arrived in system. Unfortunately for the Federation Peacekeeping Forces (FPF), their squadron of Audacious Corvettes had been reassigned
to lead an assault against Tsingtao. This rag tag force of Capellan vessels managed to destroy the entire FPF transportation fleet and then proceeded to bombard the capital of the
Capellan state, destroying the city and the occupation forces in a show of unrelenting ferocity against their age old foe.
Even with their success against the Davions, the Capellans realized that they desperately needed proper warships to deal with the fleets of the Federated Suns and the Free
Worlds League. Chancellor Franco Liao quickly commissioned Delhi Shipyards, a major jumpship manufacturer to build the Confederation’s first true warship. Development took five
years, during which time the Confederation attempted to buy or steal the necessary technologies. These early attempts failed miserably and forced Delhi to rely on their own domestic
development programs which resulted in a ship that was inferior to the requirements laid out by the Capellan Navy but functional. Nevertheless, the new Confederation Armed
Transport was the Confederation’s first true warship to serve the Capellan state and proved effective enough against the early ships of the Federated Suns and Free Worlds League.
Having managed to produce the Confederation Class, the Capellan naval industry managed to turn out several more designs over the next decade, culminating in the Du Shi Wang
Battleship. While the Du Shi Wang was a poor design compared to the Hegemony’s Monsoon Class, the Du Shi Wang was an impressive achievement for the fledgling Capellan warship
Seeking to flex its new found naval strength the Capellan Confederation launched an attack against Novaya Zemlya in the Federated Suns. After brushing aside the defending
forces the Confederation began to bombard the planet, wiping out 75% of the world’s population in the process. Combined with the start of the Age War in 2398 and the Rim War
against the Taurian Concordat in 2397, the Capellan Navy found itself fighting an interstellar war on three fronts. These campaigns stretched the Capellan Navy to its limits, but
managed to win battles in each campaign. Fortunately the Navy received a major boost in the 2430s when Chancellor Stephen Liao began providing major funding to the Capellan
Navy, some of which was used to acquire a new generation of warships. For the first time in its history the navy was able to close the numerical gap between itself and its neighbors.
This expansion would prove beneficial as the Age of War dragged on, bringing the Confederation deeper and deeper into armed conflict.
By the end of the Age of War and the formation of the Star League, the Capellan Navy was a battle hardened fighting force. As the new Star League became embroiled in the
Reunification War exploding in the Periphery, the Capellan Confederation was fortunate enough not supply troops and did not suffer the same losses as the other member-states.
During the early 27th century the Confederation took part in the so-called Battleship Race. This naval arms race began with the development of the Free Worlds League’s Atreus class
Battleship and the Federated Suns’ Iron Duke Class, but soon engulfed the entire Inner Sphere. The Capellan Confederation’s addition to the Battleship race was the new Sun Tzu
warship. While an effective design, the resources required almost crippled the Confederation’s naval industry and forced the fleet to miss a crucial design cycle for new cruisers and
destroyers. This problem continued until the passage of the Edict of 2650. With the limits imposed on naval construction, the Capellans no longer felt the need to build new battleships
to keep up with its neighbors. This allowed the navy to undergo a major rebuilding period in the late 27th century. By the time of the Amaris Coup, the Capellan Navy had been
completely revitalized with a new generation of warships.
During the Amaris Coup, the Capellan shipbuilding industry received a huge boost from General Kerensky. During the Periphery Uprisings, Delhi Warships was developing a new
light AA Cruiser for the SLDF at their Capella facility. The design construction continued until the end of the Amaris Coup when the vessel was finally presented to SLDF Admiral Grec,
commander of the SLDF Navy. He quickly accepted the design for service and it was ordered into full production. While the SLDF lacked the funds to build the ships, Chancellor Liao
agreed to fund the production effort. Aided by SLDF engineers, Delhi warships began production of the new cruisers. The program was so successful that the SLDF commissioned Delhi
Warships to develop a new warship, the Crossbow, to deal with the threat posed by the Caspar drones. Aided by Star League engineers, the Confederation designers were provided
with access to some of the SLDF’s most advanced technology. While the Crossbow never entered service, the technical information gleaned from the program was used to develop
005/067 TRO: 2800/House Liao/CCN Introduction
Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN)

Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN)

the Dragon class Battleship. Plans to apply this technology to other ship classes were dashed due to the outbreak of the Succession War and the loss of all the Confederation’s major
shipyards. During the fight the CCAF relied heavily on the navy, and the Capellan Navy conducted a number of deep raids against both the Free Worlds League and the Federated
Suns. Using their vessel’s superior mobility, Capellan naval squadrons hit key targets and enemy convoys before defenders could muster a successful defense. These “Hunter-Killer”
Squadrons were formed around Sun Tzu class Battleships and supported by Sword Cruisers and Chesterton Destroyers. These operations have resulted in the damage and destruction
of the shipyards at Kathil, New Syrtis, Oriente and Harmony. The success of these offensive operations came at a great cost to the Capellan Fleet with eleven of the fourteen Hunter
Killer squadrons having been destroyed in combat.
In addition their successful raiding missions the Capellan fleet has engaged in a more traditional naval campaign along the Free Worlds League front. With the Federated Suns
concentrating its efforts in repelling the Draconis Combine’s massive invasion, the Confederation was able to assign the bulk of its fleet to the League front. Many of these vessels
were spread all across the border to defend against League incursions. The Sword and Defender Classes have proved particularly valuable, using their heavy firepower to devastate
the League’s aerospace regiments. The main Capellan Fleet on the League border was deployed as part of Strikeforce Devlin. In March of 2789 the strike force hit the world of New
Delos, a major League planet. The Capellan assault fleet devastated the planet and wiped out both the defenders and many civilian targets. In early 2790 the same strike force was
deployed to the Calloway VI system. Arriving in system the Capellan ships were ambushed by a waiting Free Worlds League fleet. Outnumbered and outmaneuvered, the Capellan fleet
suffered heavy losses and only a few vessels managed to escape back to the safety of the Confederation. It was of little consolation to the Chancellor that Strikeforce Devlin managed
to inflict equal losses to the League Navy. Since that devastating Battle of Calloway VI, the Capellan Navy has been forced on the defensive. Many of their warships are being assigned
to patrol duties, guarding against the recent incursions by the remaining ships of the Free Worlds League Navy.

The Confederation Navy paints the hulls of their vessels Capellan Green, while the superstructure and mounted hull equipment are painted in a light gray. The House Liao symbol
is prominently displayed on the vessel’s hull.


Liao naval tactics are based around their warship’s superior mobility to outmaneuver slower enemy vessels. Due to the superior thrust capability of their warships, many Capellan
officers prefer to conduct hit and run attacks, darting in towards a target, making an attack and escaping. These tactics lend themselves to raiding operations, which is the preferred
offensive role for the Capellan Navy. When forced into a stand up fight, Capellan officers prefer to remain at longer ranges and snipe at the enemy vessels at range, rather then close
to shorter ranges where they will become easy targets. The use of laser and particle weapons on Capellan warships aids this strategy since energy weapons tend to possess a greater
effective range then the Naval Autocannons found on the vessels of their enemies.


Main Line Vessels (400 warships) 10 Defender class Cruisers
100 Ji class Corvettes 20 Boxer class Cruisers Auxiliaries (161 warships)
110 Chesterton class Destroyers [60 Block Is & 50 Block IIs] 19 Andurien class Battlecruisers 84 Confederation class Armed Transports
40 Wind Dancer class Frigates 11 Du Shi Wang class Battleships 32 Confucius class Armed Transports
100 Sword class Cruisers 20 Vulcan class Tenders
30 Liao class Battlecruisers Hegemony Additionals (48 warships) 25 Catalyst class Tankers
20 Sun Tzu class Battleships 24 Vigilant class Corvettes
4 Vincent class Corvettes [Advanced SL ships]
Supplemental /Reserve Fleet (122 warships) 12 Baron class Destroyers
42 Slava II class Destroyers 6 Aegis class Heavy Cruisers
20 Nightstalker class Light Cruisers 2 Hegemony class Battlecruisers
005/068 TRO: 2800/House Liao/CCN Introduction
Capellan Confederation Navy

Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN)

The Capellan Confederation deployed 731 warships at the beginning of the Succession War. Somewhat
surprisingly the Confederation fielded the third largest navy in the Inner Sphere. These numbers are somewhat
deceptive due to the large number of auxiliaries operated by the navy. The actual combat strength of the
Capellan Navy was therefore weaker than the other Great House, even the nascent Terran Republic.
The bulk of the Capellan Navy was organized for raiding missions. There were fourteen Hunter-Killer
Combat Vessels (94 warships)
Squadrons, typically composed of a single Sun Tzu class Battleships, three Sword class Cruisers and three
4 Vigilant class Corvettes
Chesterton class Destroyers. Border patrols were typically comprised of a Liao class Battlecruiser, a Sword
15 Ji class Corvettes
class Cruiser escort and either three Chesterton class Destroyers or three Ji class Corvettes. Additional Border
1 Vincent class Corvette
patrols were usually built around a Wind Dancer class Frigate escorted by either two Chestertons or Slava II
6 Slava II class Destroyers
class Destroyers. For patrols in the more remote areas along the periphery border, the Capellan Navy relied on
2 Baron class Destroyers
a number of second-line vessels, usually Andurien class Battlecruisers escorted by Slava II class or Baron class
15 Chesterton class Destroyers
Destroyers, and Vigilant class Corvettes.
2 Defender class Cruisers
The Capellan Confederation maintained only one major fleet formation since the end of the Star League.
6 Wind Dancer class Frigates
Built around six Sun Tzu class Battleships, the fleet was escorted by eighteen Sword class Cruisers, ten Defender
2 Nightstalker class Light Cruisers
class Cruisers and over forty different light cruisers, destroyers and corvettes. The Capellan Navy also operated
1 Aegis class Heavy Cruisers
several system defense forces. Composed mainly of second-line ships acquired from the Star League, a few
10 Sword class Cruisers
Sword class Cruisers, old Du Shi Wang class Battleships and a few Boxer class Cruisers, these ships were
12 Andurien class Battlecruisers
organized into squadrons and deployed to protect key star systems. These forces were not intended to halt a
2 Boxer class Cruisers
major invasion but rather to buy time for Capellan reinforcements to arrive insystem.
2 Du Shi Wang class Battleships
For logistical support the Capellan Navy relied on the Confederation class Armed Transport, the Confucius
9 Liao class Battlecruisers
class Armed Transport, the Catalyst class Tanker and Vulcan class Tender. The Catalyst Class handled all of
4 Sun Tzu class Battleships
the fleet’s fuel needs, while the Vulcan Class was primarily responsible for field maintenance and repair. The
1 Dragon class Battleship
Confederation class Armed Transport was the main fleet replenishment vessel for the navy. However, due to
the age of these ships they were usually unable to keep pace with newer, faster Capellan designs. As a result
Auxiliaries (35 warships)
these old warhorses often became liabilities as they slowed the faster naval squadrons or forced commanders to
3 Catalyst class Tankers
detach precious warships to protect their valuable cargoes The Confucius class Armed Transport was introduced
3 Vulcan class Tenders
to help rectify these problems by providing the navy with a transport capable of keeping pace with the main
23 Confederation class Armed Transports
Confederation fleet. However, despite plans to replace all Confederation Class vessels with the new Confucius
6 Confucius class Armed Transports
Class, production of the new ship is not enough to meet the navy’s current needs. Further complicating the issue
is the Confederation’s use of the Confucius Class as a deep raider, which has reduced the number of ships that
can be deployed with the main combat fleet.
The Capellan Fleet suffered major losses during the Succession War. Only 129 warships have survived to-date, with the bulk of the Confederation’s losses happening during
the ambush of Calloway VI. While the Confederation’s Hunter-Killer squadrons have suffered tremendous losses, they have also been wildly successful. Currently the Capellan Navy
operates three under strength Hunter Killer squadrons. One is deployed along the Free Worlds border, the two others along the Federated Suns’. The last surviving Dragon class
Battleship, the CCS Tiger has also been deployed against the Federated Suns. Escorted by a Sword class Cruiser and four Chesterton class Destroyers, the CSS Tiger has been at the
forefront of the Confederation’s invasion of the Federated Suns. The surviving elements of the Capellan’s main fleet continue to operate against the Free Worlds League.
005/069 TRO: 2800/House Liao/CCN Introduction

Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN)

Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN)

Commanded by the Sun Tzu class Battleship, CCS Napoleon, the fleet enjoys two Defender class Cruisers, two Sword class Cruisers, six Chesterton class Destroyers and four Ji
class Corvettes. The surviving Liao class Battlecruisers, Andurien class Battlecruisers and Wind Dancer class Frigates continue to patrol the Confederation’s embattled border. These
warships are escorted by a hodgepodge collection of Vigilant, Ji and Vincent Classes, Confederation Armed Transports, Slava II and Baron class Destroyers and Nightstalker class Light
Cruisers. The Confederation also maintains a special defense squadron at Sian that contains the last surviving Du Shi Wang class Battleships, Boxer class Cruisers, an Aegis Heavy
Cruiser and a single Andurien class Battlecruiser that is also utilized as a training vessel for replacement naval crews. The squadron’s sole purpose is to defend the Confederation capital
of Sian against an assault from either the Federated Suns or the Free Worlds League. The Capellan support fleet has also been badly damaged during the fighting. Most of the Catalyst
class Tankers and Vulcan class Tenders were destroyed and the few remaining vessels are hard pressed to meet the needs of the navy. The Confederation class Armed Transport also
suffered heavy losses, when lost corvettes and destroyers were replaced with Confederations. The fast transport quickly became an easy target for League and Federation warships.
The few surviving Confucius class Armed Transports are currently being used as replenishment ships for the fleet. Many of the Confucius Class was lost conducting raids and the navy
hopes to conserve the remaining vessels by keeping them out of combat.

The Capellan Navy has always been outclassed by the forces of the Free Worlds League and Federated Suns. The League and FedSuns vessels were generally more advanced
then those of the Confederation putting them at a further disadvantage. To compensate for these disadvantages, the Capellan warships were typically faster and more maneuverable
and mounted heavier armor then their enemies. The additional speed and maneuverability would allow the Capellan ships to successfully engage a large number of enemy vessels
and to cover a greater area during patrol missions. To better ensure the survival of their ships, Capellan vessels were designed with heavy internal bulkheads mounting a significant
layer of armor. In many instances Capellan warships were better armored then ships of the Star League Navy. This allowed Capellan vessels to withstand a great deal of damage and
increased their endurance on the battlefield. The preferred weapons of the Capellan Navy are large Naval Lasers and Particle weapons. These weapons do not require ammunition
and are cheaper to operate compared to the Naval Autocannons preferred by the Star League and Federated Suns. Although these advanced weapons are cost significantly more to
construct. Naval missile systems are rarely found on Capellan warships, the main exception being the Sword class Cruisers specifically designed to fill a fighter defense role. Instead
Capellan vessels tend to rely on turreted lasers and their own fighters for defense against enemy aerospace forces. Since the Capellan Navy lacked the resources to develop and deploy
dedicated carriers most vessels carry 1-2 wings of aerospace fighters for self-defense and offensive operations.

The Capellan Confederation has always been the least industrialized nation in the Inner Sphere. Many of its factories rely heavily on manual labor rather then the more advanced
automated systems of its neighbors. This has actually proven to be a blessing in disguise for the Confederation. While other nations have seen their aerospace industry badly crippled
by the loss of automated manufacturing equipment during the Succession War, the Capellans have enjoyed a significant edge in repairing damage to their shipyards. Even so, the Liao
aerospace industry has suffered a grievous blow in the fighting and is operating at a mere fraction of its pre-war capacity.

Aldeberan - Di Tron Industries

Products (2785): Danais and Mule class Dropships, Merchant, Invader and Star Lord class Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Aldebaran was home to a Di Tron Industries shipyard, one of the most advanced shipyards in the Confederation and one of the only shipyards to heavily rely on automated production. For this reason the
factory was an early target for the Free Worlds League and was destroyed in a raid by the 13th Marik Militia in 2785.
005/070 TRO: 2800/House Liao/CCN Introduction
Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN)

Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN)

Asuncion - Asuncion Industries
Products (2785): Merchant and Invader class Jumpships, Confucius class Armed Transport, Wind Dancer class Frigate
Products (2800): None
Asuncion Industries is a company that is constantly on the edge of financial ruin. Asuncion Industries has traditionally focused on military contracts, specifically warships for the Confederation navy. When
contracts were available, the company saw its fortunes rise, but in years between contracts, the company was often forced to survive by performing maintenance and overhaul work for the navy and
construction of civilian jumpships. In the early 28th century the company began regular production of the Merchant and Invader class Jumpships to ensure a steady stream of income when not building
warships. When it appeared that war with the other Great Houses would be inevitable, the company began to develop a new heavy cruiser for the Capellan navy. Asuncion also began an ambitious program
to increase production of the Wind Dancer class Frigate. Unfortunately the Free Worlds League managed to destroy the shipyard before either effort could come to fruition.

Ares – Earthwerks Limited

Products (2785): Seeker, Intruder, Union and Overlord class Dropships
Products (2800): Seeker, Union and Overlord class Dropships
The Earthwerks facility on Ares was an important manufacturer of Dropships for the Capellan Confederation. The company’s factory was partly automated and could produce designs faster then many of
its competitors. The factory was badly damaged by a Federated Suns raid in 2792. The company managed to rebuild three of the production lines, but most of the work is now done manually, slowing

Betelgeuse - Ceres Metals

Products (2785): Buccaneer, Mule and Mammoth class Dropships, Scout and Leviathan class Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Betelgeuse was one of the major commercial manufacturing centers in the Capellan Confederation. The great trading firm of Ceres Metals had numerous commercial operations on the planet and so it was
only natural that they would chose to build a shipyard there. The company produced a variety of commercial Dropships and Jumpships, mainly for their own substantial fleets. The yard was destroyed during
a League raid in 2789.

Capella - Delhi Warships

Products (2785): Avenger, Leopard, Union, Fortress, Triumph, Titan and Excalibur class Dropships Merchant, Invader and Monolith class Jumpships, Vincent class Corvette, Defender class AA Cruiser,
Dragon class Battleship
Products (2800): Avenger, Leopard, Union, Triumph and Excalibur class Dropships, Merchant, Invader and Monolith class Jumpships
Delhi Warships was once one of the most important aerospace companies in the Capellan Confederation and a major supplier to both the Star League and the Confederation. While Capella was the
headquarters of Delhi Warships, the shipyard located in that particular system was fairly primitive. While the company operated a very advanced yard at Carver, the Star League refused to allow them to
export the manufacturing equipment used at Carver to the Capella shipyard. Despite the setback, Delhi managed to manufacture many warship classes for the Capellan Navy. The company received a huge
boost during the Amaris Coup when the Capella shipyards gained access to advanced Star League technology as part of the Defender and Crossbow Programs. Following the fall of the Star League, the
company introduced the Dragon class Battleship. This instantly transformed the company into a prime target for the Confederation’s enemies. The Free Worlds League launched a major raid in 2789 which
destroyed the orbital Warship yards and badly damaged the Jumpship and Dropship yards at the system’s Nadir jump point. Even with the loss of the warship yards, the company is still one of the most
important aerospace firms in the Confederation.

Capella- Ceres Metals

Products (2785): Buccaneer, Princess, Mule, Model 96 Elephant and Behemoth class Dropships
Products (2800): None
Ceres Metals’ Capella Orbital Shipyard produced a variety of Dropships for the civilian market. Located near the orbital shipyards of Delhi Warships, the factory was destroyed during the FWL raid against
the Delhi facility.
005/071 TRO: 2800/House Liao/CCN Introduction
Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN)

Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN)

Necromo - Tengo Aerospace
Products (2785): Leopard, Leopard CV, Fury, Seeker and Condor class Dropships
Products (2800): None- repair work only
Prior to the Succession War, Tengo Aerospace operated a large orbital Dropship facility above Necromo that manufactured a variety of Dropships for the SLDF and the Capellan Navy primarily the successful
Seeker class Dropship. Originally built exclusively for the SLDF, the Seeker was soon exported to the Capellan navy following the dissolution of the Star League. On Necromo’s surface the company maintained
an extensive Dropship test and repair center. While its primary purpose was to serve the needs of the orbital factory, the complex eventually developed into the Confederation’s premier Dropship repair facility
along the Federated Suns border. It was for this reason that the facility was a key target during the AFFS’s raid of 2786. A strike force from the Federated Suns attacked and destroyed the orbital factory but
accidentally overlooked the extensive repair complex. This fortunate stroke of chance has allowed Tengo Aerospace to continue providing repair and maintenance services for Capellan Dropships.

Sarna - Tengo Aerospace

Products (2785): Fury, Gazelle, Intruder, Seeker, Overlord, Vengeance, Mule and Mammoth class Dropships
Products (2800): Fury, Intruder, Seeker, Overlord, Mule and Mammoth class Dropships
Tengo Aerospace is the largest manufacturer of aerospace fighters in the Capellan Confederation. The company once operated two Dropship yards at Necromo and Sarna. With the Necromo yards wrecked,
the Sarna facility has become the company’s sole source of newly manufactured Dropships for both the civilian and military markets. The Sarna yard has been targeted several times by the forces of the
Free Worlds League but the defenders have thus far managed to defend the complex from major damage. Even so the company has been forced to halt production of several designs due to the loss of key
suppliers and the components they produce.

St. Ives - Hildco Interplanetary

Products (2785): Scout, Merchant, Star Lord and Leviathan class Jumpships, Chesterton class Destroyer Refit, Confucius class Armed Transport
Products (2800): None, repair work only
Hildco Interplanetary has long been one of the Capellan Confederation’s major suppliers of interstellar vessels. The company had a near stranglehold on Destroyer production and was also heavy involved
in Jumpship construction prior to the fall of the Star League. The company was an early target of the Federated Suns and suffered heavy damage to the shipyards. While they are no longer able to produce
new vessels for the Capellan navy, the company was able to salvage enough equipment to support a small Jumpship repair operation.

Texlos - Di Tron Heavy Industries

Products (2785): Union and Dione class Dropships
Products (2800): None
Di Tron’s Texlos factory was never a particularly successful operation. Originally built to build the Dione class Dropship for the Capellan Confederation, the Dione Class was never very popular and sales to
the Confederation were light. Unfortunately, only a few Dropships were also sold elsewhere, mainly to the Federated Suns and the Free Worlds League. Following the introduction of the Union class Dropship
Di Tron converted most of the Texlos facility to the construction of the new design. The Union Class proved far more successful and the company turned out large numbers for the Capellan Navy. The Texlos
plant was destroyed by Federated Suns raiders in 2798.

Tikonov - Earthwerks Limited

Products (2785): Union, Danais and Overlord class Dropships Invader and Leviathan class Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Tikonov has long been the home of Earthwerks Limited, the Capellan branch of the great Earthwerks Corporation. Earthwerks Limited invested heavily in the construction of factories on Tikonov, and the
company built a large complex at the system’s Zenith point to produce Dropships and Jumpships. Most of the products from the company were purchased by the Capellan Confederation, but vessels produced
at Tikonov can be found all across the Inner Sphere. The Zenith shipyards were destroyed in one of the opening moves of the Succession War by an unidentified force believed to be from the Federated
Suns. However some rumors claim that the Terran Republic was behind the attack.
005/072 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Confederation Class Armed Transport
Confederation Class Armed Transport

Delhi Ships, the lead contractor, was able to launch the first mounted Whispering Death Naval Autocannons. These provided
Confederation in 2382. [Editor’s Note: When Delhi Ships won the ship with a limited capability against enemy corvettes and
the contract from the Terran Hegemony for the Vincent class assault ships, but in reality they were not a significant threat
Corvette, they based the design of the Vincent on that of the to enemy ships. On the other hand, the ship did mount a
Confederation, including more advanced technology in place decent anti-fighter weapons array. The primary anti-fighter
of the primitive Capellan systems used on the Confederation.] weapons were eight LRM 20 missile launchers, which were
There would be a total of 145 Confederation class ships built backed up by eight large lasers for close in defense. The one
before production ended. weakness with these weapons was that they only offered
limited coverage of the rear of the ship.
While the Confederation Class is considered the first Deployment:
Capellan warship, it is in reality not much more then a heavily The Confederations formed the bulk of the Capellan Navy
armed Jumpship. The ship was relatively slow, especially for for many years. While they provided the Capellan transports
its size, and could be out maneuvered by just about all of with more protection then a converted merchant jumpship,
the Corvettes and Destroyers then in existence. Designed to the Confederation class was never as successful a warship as
provide the Confederation troop transports with additional the Capellan Navy had hoped. Many times the Confederations
protection against the warships of the Federated Suns required a large fighter and assault dropship escort to provide
Overview: Navy, the designers chose to emphasize armor protection protection against enemy warships, defeating the purpose of
In the mid 24th century the newly formed Capellan over firepower and speed. As a result, while the ship was the Confederation.
Confederation saw the need for warships to help defend itself moderately effective against enemy aerospace fighters and There were few notable battles involving the Confederation
against its aggressive neighbors. The first ships the new nation assault ships, it was woefully inadequate against the warships class warships. One of the few bright spots was during the
put into service were little more than transport Jumpships of the Federation Navy. invasion of Terra Firma in 2409 when four Confederation class
refitted with ramshackle weapons. While the Capellan Navy To fill its role as an armed transport the Confederation ships were able to destroy the two defending Bonaventure
did have some victories with its improvised warships, such as Class had a significant cargo capacity. The ships were able class Corvettes and land their troops on the planet. The
the destruction of the Federated Suns transports over Capella to carry over ninety-thousand tons of cargo as well as eight Confederation’s even managed to provide the ground troops
in 2367, the Capellan fleet saw the need for a true warship to dropships. This allowed them to carry a significant number with limited orbital fire support during the fight against the
deal with the newer Federation designs being produced. As a of troops into battle and the supplies necessary to support Hegemony’s famed Black Charger Tank Division. The Capellan
result, Chancellor Franco Liao began a program to develop the them in the field. To help supply the troops on the ground victory was short lived, as three of the four Confederations
components necessary for a warship, including Compact KF the ship could carry up to twelve shuttles, although the typical were destroyed in the Hegemony counter attack against Terra
cores, interplanetary drives and naval weapons. [Editor’s Note: complement was six shuttles and six fighters. Firma.
The Confederation made several attempts to purchase these In order to protect its precious cargo, the ship had a strong The Confederation class continued to serve the Capellan
technologies from the Terran Hegemony but these were all structural frame that allowed it to support three hundred and Navy throughout the Age of War and the Star League era. In
rejected. They also attempted to steal the data from the Free twenty eight tons of armor. This provided heavy protection the later years of the Age of War, the ship’s role was changed
Worlds League, Federated Suns and Terran Hegemony but these against smaller ships but was inadequate against all but the from an assault transport to that of a fleet replenishment role.
attempts also failed.] The development of the Confederation weakest warships. This allowed the ships to avoid direct combat with the enemy,
class Armed Transport was long and difficult due to the new The weapons array was also very weak. The only capital something for which they were completely unsuited. In an
technologies that were incorporated in the design. Eventually class weapons carried by the Confederation were two forward effort to help the ship keep pace with the other vessels in
005/073 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Confederation Class Armed Transport
Confederation Class Armed Transport

the Capellan fleet the surviving vessels were refit with newer Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
engines in the 2720s which allowed them to achieve 2.5G’s of Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 48)
acceleration. 8 LRM 20 (240 Rounds) 10(96) 10(96) 10(96) - LRM
The Confederations have continued to serve as fleet FL/FR (Heat: 92)
replenishment ships during the current conflict. Many have 1 NAC/10 (100 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
2 Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
been lost in the disastrous campaign against the Free Worlds AL/AR (Heat: 32)
League and others were lost supporting the Capellan Navy 2 Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
on the Federated Suns front. As losses have mounted in
the Capellan Fleet, the surviving Confederations have been Ammunition:
200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
reassigned to front line combat roles, replacing corvettes and 240 rounds of LRM 20 ammo
destroyers which have been lost in combat. This has resulted
in the destruction of even more Confederations, less then two Other Equipment
dozen remain in service with the Capellan Navy. Obsolete Equipment (Antiquated KF Drive accounts for 19,475 tons)

Confederation class Armed Transport

Tech: Inner Sphere

Introduced: 2372
In Class: 145 Armor: (328 tons, Standard)
Manufacturer: Various (Capellan Confederation) Fore: 30
Fore-Sides: 25
Mass: 410,000 tons Aft-Sides: 25
Length: 430 meters Aft: 25
Sail Diameter: 900 meters
Fuel: 5,000 tons (12,500) Cargo:
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Bay 1: Small Craft (12) 6 Doors
Safe Thrust: 3 Bay 2: Cargo (92,427 tons) 2 Doors
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 4 Dropship Capacity: 8
KF Drive Integrity: 10 Grav Decks: 0
Heat Sinks: 429 Escape Pods: 20
Structural Integrity: 40 Lifeboats: 20
Battle Value: 16,853 Crew: 132 minimum (22 Officers, 110 Enlisted)
005/074 TRO: 2800/House Liao/CCN Ji Class Corvette
Ji Class Corvette

Capabilities: pole arm, and was capable of dealing with most threats. The
Weighing a hefty 410,000 tons the Ji class Corvette, so inclusion of a few capital naval autocannons, considered a
named for the ancient Chinese three bladed pole arm, shared luxury at the time, gave the Corvette additional flexibility in
many of the design features found on the Du Shi Wang and dealing with inbound hostiles while a well engineered heat
other Capellan vessels of the era. A promising young vessel in an dissipation system kept the warship’s weapons cool.
expanding Confederation navy, the Ji Class proved technically Other notable features included two six-bay Fighter
disappointing. In 2412, the first production version of the hangars and two large cargo bay. The large cargo bays were
future Ji class Corvette was marked by a number of technical often used to store additional munitions, fuel and replacement
malfunctions, most notably in the ship’s water processing parts for the warship’s major systems. Both were separated by
facilities and fusion drive. Of immediate concern were the additional bulkheads and a thick slab of armor that effective
issues afflicting the Corvette’s powerful DS-Hvy Lifters, which cut the ship in two. The inclusion of a small grav deck gave the
suffered from catastrophic failure when pushed past 2.15Gs. Ji’s off-duty crewmen the ability to rest and relax under Terran-
It took Delhi engineers six months to trace the problem back standard gravity. During long patrols the luxury of a Grav
to a malfunctioning pressure valve in the engine’s fuel pumps Deck boosted crew morale and offset the need to accelerate
that would close when pumped to maximum function. to produce gravity, saving the ship valuable fuel during
As detrimental to the ship’s function as a malfunctioning extended deployment. However, in typical Capellan fashion,
fuel system, the problems found within the Corvette’s water the crew quarters of the warship were built in the traditional
Overview: processing facilities were particularly difficult for early crews manner. This left the Ji’s officer quarters at the rear of the
By the twenty fifth century the small successes of the aboard the warship when the vessel’s water supply was Corvette, furthest away from the vessel’s bridge. Separated by
Confederation Class bolstered the confidence of the Capellan colored from slightly brown to pitch black. Far worse however, numerous bulkheads and two massively armored cargo bays
Confederation’s nascent capital shipbuilding industry to launch was the smell. The Ji’s troublesome processing facilities the distance proved difficult to cover in combat and the setup
a number of ambitious design programs aimed at significantly produced a pungent scent that was absolutely nauseating was subsequently changed in future Confederation warships.
enriching their small warship fleet. These efforts resulted in the close confines of the ship’s corridors, even with the
in the launch of the impressive Ji Class Destroyer in 2412. Corvette’s air filtration system working at full capacity. This Deployment:
Despite some initial problems this highly durable warship annoying technical malfunction was painstakingly traced back Despite a disappointing start to its service the ship soon
quickly became a mainstay of the Liao Navy during the Age to two sources, both within the system’s primary filtration unit. became a leading member of the Confederation’s naval power,
of War. Terran authorities were so impressed by the design This embarrassing error required a full month in dock and a with one hundred and fifty built for the CCAF over the years.
that they based their new Vincent Class Corvette on its basic complete overhaul of the water processing unit. A lengthy refit in the 27th century breathed new life into the
engineering principles. In time the Ji Class was eclipsed by Technical malfunctions aside, the Ji Corvette was much maligned Liao Corvette Classes and by the fall of the Star
larger dedicated Capellan Destroyers types like the Slava. a surprisingly well designed warship built for the rigors League was still a potent ship to reckon with its thick armor
During the Star League era rather than scrap this venerable of combat. During the refit Delhi engineers afforded the and heavy weapons suite more than capable of meeting and
warship the decision was made to refit and re-designate the Ji heavy Corvette with over seven hundred tons of armor to defeating other House vessels in combat. One hundred Ji Class
a Corvette. This refit eliminated several smaller Liao Corvettes help protect the ship’s interior and easily complimented the warships served House Liao at the start of the Succession War,
which the Chancellor had been unhappy with. warship’s surprisingly heavy internal structure. Armed with with only fifteen still in active service.
the Confederation’s typical layout of Naval Lasers and Particle
Cannons, the Ji actually took its name from the ship’s fore
mounted heavy laser battery, which resembled the ancient
005/075 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Ji Class Corvette
Ji Class Corvette

Ji class Corvette Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 420)
Tech: Inner Sphere 3 NL/45 14 14 14 14 Capital Laser
Introduced: 2412 2 Light NPPC 14 14 14 - Capital PPC
In Class: 150 FL/FR (Heat: 92)
3 NL/45 14 14 14 14 Capital Laser
Manufacturer: Delhi Warships (Capella / Capellan Confederation) 1 NAC/10 (50 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
LBS/RBS (Heat: 510)
Mass: 410,000 tons 2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Length: 446 meters 1 Medium NPPC 9 9 9 9 Capital PPC
AL/AR (Heat: 340)
Sail Diameter: 990 meters 2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
Fuel: 4,500 tons (11,250) 1 NAC/10 (50 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Aft (Heat: 315)
3 NL/45 14 14 14 14 Capital Laser
Safe Thrust: 3 1 Light NPPC 7 7 7 - Capital PPC
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 9
200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
Heat Sinks: 2,040 200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
Structural Integrity: 86
Battle Value: 63,254

Armor: (704 ton, Standard)

Fore: 62
Fore-Sides: 56
Aft-Sides: 56
Aft: 50

Bay 1: Fighters (12) 4 doors
Bay 2: Cargo (31,940 tons) 2 doors
Bay 3: Cargo (31,940 tons) 2 doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1 (80-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 0
Lifeboats: 21
Crew: 267 (47 Officers, 220 Enlisted, 24 Bay Personnel)
005/076 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Slava II Class Destroyer
Slava II Class Destroyer

into the production of the new Sun Tzu class Battleships the heavily on NAC10 turrets positioned for broadside exchanges,
Capellan state found itself unable to build a new round of the Slava II’s have a wide selection of weapon systems that
cruisers and destroyers that were the traditional mainstay were designed for long range combat but bracketed as the
of their naval forces. This forced the Confederation to rely destroyer closed with the enemy.
on older designs that proved to be poor escorts for the new To this end the upgraded destroyers were given a wide
Capellan battleships. selection of weapon systems to carry out their mission. Three
In a desperate effort to remedy the problem the Capellan of the old NAC10 turrets (one in each front side and a third
Admiralty searched for a suitable stop-gap solution that to cover the destroyer’s aft) were kept but the rest were
ultimately fixated on the newly re-commissioned Slava class removed. The remaining ones were replaced with Medium
Destroyers. A new program to modernize the aging design Naval PPC’s imported from the Terran Hegemony along with a
was drawn up, calling for a complete redesign of all combat number of NL55’s and NL45’s. Although this made for a hotter
systems. In order to accomplish this House Liao took advantage running loadout with less damage potential the trade-off was
of the favored-nation trade agreements that had helped lure considered acceptable because of the enhanced effective
them into the Star League, acquiring advanced Ferro-Carbide range of the energy based weapons and the reduction in
armor composites and weapons of Terran design they might ammunition requirements.
not have otherwise been able to lay their hands on. Rounding out the long range capabilities of the Slava II’s
Although the volume of these imports was hardly enough was a battery of missile tubes focused along the ship’s fore and
Overview: to improve their new battleship they proved more than enough broadsides. The White Shark systems provided a potent threat
The Slava Class of Destroyers is both one of the to revive the Slava class Destroyers. Asuncion Industries, who to enemy craft and were among the many supplies gained from
older and newer designs in use by the Capellan Confederation. first built the Slava differed to Delhi, who won the right to refit the Confederation’s trade with the Hegemony. However it was
Initially serving during the Age of War in impressive numbers the Class. In part this was because the shipyards at Asuncion the Barracuda Missile that ultimately proved most useful due
(Editor’s Note: Initially there was around two hundred of the were already operating at capacity to produce the Sun Tzu class to their improved accuracy and coverage around the warship.
Destroyer produced) it was later phased out in favor of newer Battleships but more importantly because of Delhi’s friendly For close encounters a single NAC40 turret was included in
designs. Several of the Slava’s were put to use to train new relationship with the Terran Hegemony. (Editors Note: The each broadside. Again, this NAC was a Terran design because
warship crews while others were mothballed over planets in Terran Hegemony actually allowed the Liao warships entrance of its improved performance and reliability. This single system
the core of the Capellan Confederation. into their space to receive the refits at Carver in addition to could lob shells the size of a small car and gave the Slava II
It was not until the Reunification War that the the Delhi yard above Capella. This was likely an attempt to the firepower to match most of its contemporaries, although
remaining ninety-seven Slava class Destroyers were brought encourage cooperation among the member states by example admittedly in a narrow arc.
back into active service. Although they were poorly armed and to get a good look at the Slava’s refit). In total forty- Because of the need to close with enemy warships in
and armored compared to more modern ships they were none two destroyers were refitted and dubbed the Slava II before order to make use of this powerful weapon the refit included a
the less sent into the savage fighting at the fringes of known the passage of the Edict of 2650 forced the Confederation to strengthening of the internal bulkheads to support additional
space. This took a heavy toll on the dated design with forty- abandon its Battleship program and return to the production armor. The strengthened internal structure, coupled with the
three lost to enemy actions. of lighter destroyers and cruisers. use of Ferro-Carbide imported from the Terran Hegemony
Once the Periphery nations were brought to heel allowed the Slava II to mount enough protection to survive
the future of the Slava seemed to once more be in doubt. Capabilities: a direct hit from any capital weapon in use and to continue
Ironically it was the Battleship Race which saved the aging Unlike the original Slava class Destroyers, which operation.
destroyer. With almost the entire naval budget being poured were built for medium range engagements and depended A final alteration was the addition of a launch bay for
005/077 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Slava II Class Destroyer
Slava II Class Destroyer

a few small craft and a marine accompaniment. Unable to the remaining Liao Fleet. Although picking over battle Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
free space elsewhere in the cramped warship the Capellan salvage before submitting it to the Navy’s Quartermaster Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 303)
designers were instead forced to sacrifice some of the cargo is strictly against regulations the Slava II’s are often left 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
capacity of the port cargo bay. Luckily the amount of cargo to secure a region independently and are under little 1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
that needed to be sacrificed was minimal and the added ability supervision as they conduct unsanctioned salvage runs. 2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
4 LB 10-X AC (400 Rounds) 2(24) 2(24) - - LB-X AC
to board and capture enemy warships to further augment the FL/FR (Heat: 510)
limited Capellan Navy was too promising to pass up. 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
2 NAC/10 (100 Rounds) 20 20 20 - Capital AC
Deployment: Slava II class Destroyer 2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
The Slava II class Destroyers were often deployed LBS/RBS (Heat: 300)
Tech: Inner Sphere 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
alongside the Sun Tzu class Battleships the moment they Introduced: 2626 1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
entered service. The destroyer proved well suited in this role In Class: 42 AL/AR (Heat: 576)
with longer range weapons than the Battleship, its Naval Manufacturer: Delhi Warships (Carver V/ Capellan Confederation) 2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
PPC’s used to soften up hardened targets for the Sun Tzu 1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
Mass: 470,000 tons 4 LB 10-X AC (400 Rounds) 2(24) 2(24) - - LB-X AC
class Battleships as they closed. A selection of missiles for Length: 585 meters Aft (Heat: 200)
use against softer targets, like Dropships kept smaller assault Sail Diameter: 1,013 meters 2 NAC/10 (100 Rounds) 20 20 20 - Capital AC
ships at bay. In addition, thanks to the broadside power of the Fuel: 5,000 tons (12,500) 2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
NAC40’s and the marine compliment the Slava II’s were fully Safe Thrust: 5
capable of mopping up enemy forces on their own. This has Maximum Thrust: 8 Ammunition:
become especially important during the Succession War as the Sail Integrity: 4 50 White Shark Missiles
KF Drive Integrity: 11 50 Barracuda Missiles
dwindling fleets of the Successor States are under increasing Heat Sinks: 1,800 50 rounds of Naval Autocannon 40 ammunition
pressure to keep their most powerful assets free to respond to Structural Integrity: 45 300 rounds of Naval Autocannon 10 ammunition
enemy actions or to spearhead new attacks. Battle Value: 82,634 1200 rounds of LB-10X Autocannon ammunition
Although additional Slava II’s were not produced when
Armor: (422 tons, Ferro Carbide)
the Battleship Race ended in the mid-27th, they continued Fore: 56
to serve in the Capellan Navy. Often Slava IIs were paired Fore-Sides: 64
with the new Chesterton Destroyers. This grouping proved Aft-Sides: 64
Aft: 56
especially effective as the Chesterton was able to provide
additional fighter cover and concentrated long range punch Cargo
while the Slava II’s heavy hitting short range weapons Bay 1: Cargo (38,354 tons) 2 Doors
discouraged enemies ships from closing. Bay 2: Small Craft (6) 2 Doors
Marines (6 Platoons of Foot Infantry)
Surprisingly the upgraded Slava II’s has fared fairly well Bay 3: Fighters (6) 3 Doors
compared to other modern designs. Although only six remain
operational all of them are in good condition. Because of the Dropship Capacity: 2
Grav Decks: 2 (95-meter diameter)
destroyer’s marine compliment enables Slava II Captains Escape Pods: 25
the ability to capture disabled enemy warships they have Lifeboats: 25
had greater access to spare parts than any other portion of Crew: 171 minimum (29 Officers, 142 Enlisted)
005/078 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Confucius Class Armed Transport
Confucius Class Armed Transport

of the Aristotle, the Confucius outraged Marik Authorities, forerunner and conveniently includes room for an entire
who attempted legal action. However, the decline of the Star Capellan Aerospace Fighter Wing. (Editor’s Note: Opponents
League saw that no settlement was ever reached. How Liao of the design have called the Confucius a Privateer or Raider,
managed to acquire their copy of the Marik transport is still a which Liao engineers have responded by pointing out that
matter of great debate. Some say the Draconis Combine sold the additional forty small craft expedite loading operations,
the Confederation one of their Aristotles to study, while others a marked improvement over the Aristotle.) However, these
believed disreputable Marik arms dealers, or the Usurper modifications have reduced the cargo bay of the Confucius by
himself provided the necessary information. No one knows for two-thirds in comparison to the Aristotle.
certain who was responsible or how Liao managed to replicate
the Aristotle. Deployment:
The Confucius was built at a number of shipyards
Capabilities: throughout the Confederation at a rate of one per year. Since
While the Confucius shares many of the Aristotle’s its introduction the ship has served in dual roles as both a
integral features there are some key differences. The first supply vessel for the Capellan Navy and, unsurprisingly, a deep
and most obvious are the vessel’s four interplanetary engines raider. Capable of imitating the Aristotle, the Capellan Armed
that double its predecessors output. This enables the Capellan Transport was used to conduct a number of devastating raids
“Transport” to reach a speed of three 3Gs at maximum thrust. under disguise. This sneaky tactic has earned the Transport the
Overview: Even more impressive is the eighteen Heavy Naval Particle nickname the “Confusion” class that has become something of
For years the only nation that could not obtain the ubiquitous Projection Cannons hidden in concealed mounts at the front a well known joke in both the Capellan Confederation and
Aristotle Class Transport was the Capellan Confederation of the transport. While this type of heavy firepower qualifies Free Worlds League. The Marik Navy took particular delight
despite its clear desire to do so. Even the Federated Suns the Confucius as a Destroyer, Liao designers and authorities in sniffing out these Confederation doppelgangers, eventually
and the rival Lyran Commonwealth obtained a limited number insist that it is merely a simple transport. (Editor’s Note: The growing proficient at telling the difference between the two
of these Marik ships for their own fleets.(Editor’s Note: The same Liao authorities also claim that the Confucius is a unique after a few embarrassing incidents involving their own ships.
Davion and Steiner Aristotles were “gifted” to the SLDF during Capellan warship design different from others, even in the The Confucius’s larger engines and their accompanying drive
the Amaris Coup in order to assist Kerensky’s efforts. Any face of clear evidence and common sense.) Given the vessel’s plumes often gave the transport away, but Capellan Captains
surviving craft were purchased by the Commanding General concealed but present arsenal, most space mariners consider have found that careful precautions could hide even these
for the Exodus and departed the Inner Sphere, leaving both of the Confucius an Armed Transport. To help disperse the waste obvious tells. Eight transports were lost during the declining
those Great Houses without any to support their efforts in the heat generated by the ship’s forward firing capital array more years of the Star League to a number of accidents that covered
forthcoming Succession War.) Suspicion and antipathy between than two thousand double heat sinks were added to the design up inter-state squabbles between House Liao and her “allies”.
the Free Worlds League and the Capellan Confederation kept despite their additional cost. The Confucius’s naval firepower Thirty two Confucius class warships served in the Capellan
the Aristotle out of Liao hands for two hundred years. Though is supplemented by a thick armor belt that was maximized Fleet at the start of the Succession War and production
the Capellans wanted the ship to augment their navy many in accordance with the Aristotle’s structural integrity. (Editor’s continued until 2790 when manufacturing became impossible
Free Worlders correctly guessed that their transport would be Note: The internal structure and outlay is the primary source after severe damage was inflicted on the Capellan shipbuilding
weaponized and perhaps used against them at some point of contention between the Free Worlds League and the industry by its neighbors. Today only six vessels are believed
in the future. Finally giving up, by the dawn of the Third Capellan Confederation since it bears a striking resemblance to have survived in Liao service but an accurate count has
Hidden War the Confederation announced the launch of a to the early Aristotle.) The Confederation’s newest transport proved difficult to provide with the possibility of Confucius
new warship: the Confucius class Transport. An obvious copy also doubles the small craft complement of the popular Marik Class vessels operating as the ubiquitous Aristotle.
005/079 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Confucius Class Armed Transport
Confucius Class Armed Transport

Confucius class Armed Transport Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Tech: Inner Sphere Nose (Heat: 1,350)
Introduced: 2740 3 Heavy NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
In Class: 50 3 Heavy NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
Manufacturer: Various (Capellan Confederation) FL/FR (Heat: 2,828)
3 Heavy NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
Mass: 500,000 tons 3 Heavy NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
Length: 650 meters 2 Large Laser 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
Sail Diameter: 800 meters 2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - PPC
Fuel: 4,000 tons (10,000) 4 AC/5 (400 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 4 LRM 20 (402 Rounds) 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) - LRM
Safe Thrust: 4 AL/AR (Heat: 128)
Maximum Thrust: 6 2 Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
Sail Integrity: 4 2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - PPC
KF Drive Integrity: 11 4 AC/5 (400 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - AC
Heat Sinks: 2,150 (4,300) 4 LRM 20 (402 Rounds) 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) - LRM
Structural Integrity: 40
Battle Value: 69,013
Armor: (399 tons, Standard) 1600 rounds of Autocannon 5 ammunition
Fore: 37 1608 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
Fore-Sides: 30
Aft-Sides: 30
Aft: 27

Bay 1: Small Craft (40) 6 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (62,214 tons) 4 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1 (65-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 10
Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 171 minimum (29 Officers, 142 Enlisted)
005/080 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Chesterton Class Destroyer
Chesterton Class Destroyer

the Council Edict of 2650, which limited the size of the militaries of most of the weapons are mounted in the nose or fore sides of the
the Star Leagues Member States, the Confederation Navy saw this as ship, allowing the Chesterton to concentrate its fire against one or
an opportunity to catch up to the navies of the other Great Houses. two targets. However, the ship does have eight Naval PPCs and two
With the size of the Free Worlds League and Federated Suns navies Naval Autocannons which are mounted to cover the rear arcs of the
limited as a result of the edict, the Confederation no longer needed to Chesterton and are used to discourage pursuit by enemy ships.
build large numbers of Battleships in an effort to keep up with their The anti-fighter protection is fairly limited, as the Chesterton
neighbors. The production of the Sun Tzu Class was halted after the only carries 40 Lasers for fighter defense. Like the Sun Tzu Battleship,
twentieth ship was completed in 2656 and the resources that were the designers chose to use lasers for fighter defense, rather then the
freed up from the Sun Tzu program were used to develop a new large missile systems preferred by many other states, as the lasers
destroyer. After a short design competition, the contract was awarded eliminate the need for expensive ammunition. Additional fighter
to Hildco Interplanetary of St Ives. Production of the Chesterton Class protection is provided by the 39 fighters that are carried on board the
began in 2660 and over one hundred of these ships were completed Chesterton. The fighters are rarely used in a defensive role as most
before production was halted. [Editor’s Note: It is interesting that of the time they are be deployed in an offensive role against opposing
the Confederation Navy chose to name their new Destroyer after the warships and dropships.
planet Chesterton- a world they had lost to the Federated Suns during During the Amaris Crisis the Capellan Confederation managed to
the Age of War.] gain access to a number of advanced Hegemony technologies when
Chancellor Barbara Liao offered to build warships for General Kerensky
and the Star League Navy. With the disbanding of the Star League,
Capabilities: the Confederation began preparing its military for war. One of the
The Chesterton class destroyers were designed to serve alongside programs conducted by the Confederation Navy was an upgrade the
Overview: the Sun Tzu class battleships. The standard tactics of the Capellan existing Chestertons, in an attempt to improve their performance. This
The Capellan Navy has always been the smallest navy fleet call for the Chestertons to use their superior thrust to out flank project was particularly appealing to the Confederation as upgrading
in the Inner Sphere. One of the major reasons for this was the an enemy fleet and hit their ships from the rear, where many vessels the existing ships would be cheaper and faster then building a new
Confederation’s poor industrial capability which limited the number typically had weaker armor and weaponry. The Chestertons also serve destroyer. In order to speed up the refits, the Confederation chose
and size of the ships that could be built. As a result, the majority of the as a rear guard for the Confederation fleets, delaying the enemy ships to make only a limited number of improvements to the ship. The
Capellan Navy was composed of Destroyers and Cruisers supported by and then using their superior speed to catch up with the rest of the biggest improvement was to the armor, which was replaced with
a small number of battlecruisers. In 2616, the Confederation entered Capellan fleet. the latest Lamellor Ferro-Carbide alloys which had been used on the
into the Great Battleship Race of the 27th Century with their Sun Tzu The Chesterton carries some of the most sophisticated engines Defender class Cruiser produced by Delhi Warships. The designers
class Battleship. While the Sun Tzu was a very effective design, the ever developed by the Confederation. These engines can generate also improved the firepower of the ship by replacing the Medium
cost of the ship forced the Confederation to miss a design cycle for a thrust of 4G’s, which made the Chesterton one of the most Naval PPCs with more powerful Heavy Naval PPCs. While this greatly
its cruisers and destroyers. This forced the Confederation to go into maneuverable destroyers of the Star League era. However the size increased the firepower, it also put an added strain on the heat
the middle of the 27th Century operating a fleet of destroyers and of the engines limited the armor and weaponry that could be carried dissipation system. The designers, however, chose not to improve the
cruisers from the early 26th century. These ships quickly proved to by the ship. As a result the Chesterton is uncharacteristically lightly heat dissipation system as that would have added several months
be inadequate to support the new Sun Tzu Battleships. Unfortunately armored for a Confederation ship, carrying only five hundred thirty to the refit time. As a result the captains of the refitted Chestertons
for the Confederation Navy they were unable to free up the resources tons of standard armor. The design had originally called for using need to choose their firing patterns so as to not overload the ship’s
needed to develop and build a new generation of destroyers and Ferro-Aluminum armor, but this was changed to standard armor in an heat sinks. Approximately half of the Chestertons were refit to this
cruisers, as all of their resources were tied up in the production of effort to reduce the cost of the ship. standard before the outbreak of war in 2786.
the Sun Tzu class Battleships. Despite the desperate need for new The main weapons of the ship are twenty Medium Naval PPCs.
destroyers and cruisers the Confederation could not halt production These weapons provided the ship with a good long range attack
of the Sun Tzu, as the Navy needed every battleship they could build and had the advantage of not being dependent on ammunition. Deployment:
in order to keep up with the large fleets being built by the Federated Backing up the Naval PPCs are ten Biao Naval Autocannons. Since The Chestertons generally operate in squadrons of three ships.
Suns and the Free Worlds League. When Michael Cameron issued the Chesterton was designed to serve in the offensive attack role These squadrons were either assigned to system patrol duties, usually
005/081 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Chesterton Class Destroyer
Chesterton Class Destroyer

with a Frigate or a Liao class Battlecruiser in command, or to a hunter- Chesterton class Destroyer Crew: 151 minimum (32 Officers, 119 Enlisted)
killer squadron lead by a Sun Tzu class Battleship.
At the outbreak of the current conflict, the Chestertons saw Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2660 [Chesterton I], 2781 [Chesterton II] Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
heavy action on both the Free Worlds League and Federated Suns Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
In Class: 110 (60 [Chesterton I], 50 [Chesterton II] as of 2785)
fronts. The Chestertons assigned to the Hunter-Killer Squadrons Manufacturer: Hildco Interplanetary (St. Ives /Capellan Confederation) Nose
raided deep behind enemy lines, using their superior speed to quickly (Heat: 572 [Block I])
hit supply bases, transport jumpships and shipyards and then escape Mass: 530,000 tons (Heat: 932 [Block II])
before they could take serious damage. As a result both the Free Length: 580 meters 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Sail Diameter: 1,150 meters 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Worlds League and the Federated Suns formed special task forces
Fuel: 5000 tons (12,500) 4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
which were assigned to track down and destroy the Confederation’s FL/FR
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
Hunter-Killer Squadrons. While many of the Hunter-Killer squadrons (Heat: 1,448 [Block I])
Safe Thrust: 5
have been destroyed, they have managed to inflict significant damage Maximum Thrust: 8 (Heat: 2,168 [Block II])
on the Free Worlds League and Federated Suns infrastructure. Sail Integrity: 4 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
The Chesterton class also served with the Capellan fleet which KF Drive Integrity: 12 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
raided the Free Worlds League early in the war. The Chestertons used Heat Sinks: 3,400 4 NAC/10 (200 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Structural Integrity: 50 8 Large Lasers 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
their maneuverability hit at the flanks and rear of the Free Worlds
Battle Value: 88,282 [Chesterton I], 88,619 [Chesterton II] AL/AR
fleets, while the larger Confederation ships hit the Marik fleet head (Heat: 1,208 [Block I])
on. These tactics worked well for the Capellans until the Battle of (Heat: 1,928 [Block II])
Block I
Calloway VI, when the Free Worlds League fleet was able to catch the Armor: (530 tons, Standard) 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Capellans by surprise. The League deployed a number of Dido class Fore: 41 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Frigates which were able to catch the flank of Capellan fleet, which Fore-Sides: 40 8 Large Lasers 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
prevented the Capellans from escaping without exposing the rear of Aft-Sides: 40 Aft (Heat: 92)
Aft: 41 2 NAC/10 (100 Rounds) 20 20 20 - Capital AC
their ships to the Marik fleet. This allowed the Free Worlds League’s
4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
Atreus class Battleships and Sian class Battlecruisers to pummel the
Confederation fleet, destroying most of them. While the Chestertons
Bay 1: Fighters (39) 6 Doors Ammunition:
fought bravely in the battle, they were simply over matched by the Bay 2: Small Craft (2) 2 Doors 500 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
large number of ships facing them. During the battle, Chancellor Bay 3: Cargo (30,865 tons) 2 Doors
Barbara Liao made her escape on the Aldebaran, one of several
Chesterton class Destroyers which were able to escape when the CCS Block II
Dragon sacrificed itself to prevent the League ships from pursuing the Armor: (530 tons, Lamellor Ferro-Carbide)
destroyers and the Chancellor. Fore: 94
Fore-Sides: 93
The Succession War has been very rough on the Capellan
Aft-Sides: 93
fleet, with many of the Chestertons having been destroyed in battle. Aft: 94
Currently only about 15 ships remain in service, and most of these
are in poor condition and in need of repair. With the massive losses Cargo
suffered by the Confederation industry, there is little the Capellans can Bay 1: Fighters (39) 6 Doors
do to repair their ships. Bay 2: Small Craft (2) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (6,865 tons) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 20
Lifeboats: 15
005/082 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Wind Dancer Class Frigate
Wind Dancer Class Frigate

Capabilities: necessity for every function ship to remain in the field, it is

Wind Dancer Class vessels were capable of generating unlikely that the Confederation will be able to carry out this
3Gs of thrust, an impressive amount for a 650,000 ton vessel. refit.
Provided with enough fuel to allow a patrol duration of one
hundred and eighty days of constant 1G thrust. This, along Deployment:
with a substantial cargo capacity allowed for missions of up All ships of the Wind Dancer class are given names that
to one year between resupply in order to secure the far-flung conjure images of beauty, grace, and precision of movement.
borders of the Confederation. Wind Dancer class vessels were typically deployed in
Primary armament of the Wind Dancer consisted of conjunction with two Chesteron or Slava II class Destroyers
sixteen heavy naval PPCs spaced evenly across the ship, in for long-duration border patrols during the era of the Star
bays of two. Secondary armament was provided by sixteen League. Following the Exodus, roughly half of these patrol
capital missile launchers (eight Barracuda and eight White groups were formed into dedicated strike groups, comprising
Shark) in sixteen missiles, once again evenly spaced across two Wind Dancers and four Chestertons or Slava IIs, or a mix
the ship. Each missile launcher was given an independent of both. The Confederation Navy kept one or two of these
magazine with space to store thirty missiles. Nineteen hundred strike groups as nodal fast reaction forces, the remainder
double strength heat sinks gave the Wind Dancer the ability to were sent to create havoc among the worlds of the Federated
simultaneously fire all of its weapon systems. Suns and Free Worlds League after those powers attacked
Overview: Two squadrons of heavy fighters, typically the Transgressor Capellan space.
The first Wind Dancer class Frigate was launched in 2684 class, were embarked, along with four small craft. One hundred With the loss of so many ships in recent years, these
by Asuncion Industries of Asuncion as a new breed of Capellan Marines provided troops for shipboard security, boarding groups have now been all but disbanded with only a single
Warship. The Wind Dancer featured a high thrust rating for actions, and fast-reaction forces to set down on a world to fast reaction group remaining, deployed at Sian. The surviving
heavy mass along with an armament optimized for long range keep the peace. Wind Dancer class vessels are now assigned as needed to
combat. Though not as heavily armed as many of the designs The most prized quality of the Wind Dancer was, however, other formations, serving as escorts for Sword class Cruisers
utilized by the Terran Hegemony and the other Great Houses, the massive ferro-carbide armor plating. Nearly twelve hundred and Du Shi Wang class Battleships, as well as undertaking
the Winder Dancer outclassed any other ship in its weight tons of the armor was fixed to a heavily reinforced structure, independent operations.
class in shear armor tonnage. From 2584 to the end of the giving the ships of this class the ability to sustain damage
Amaris Coup, Wind Dancer class vessels served throughout that would cripple or destroy even a Monsoon class Battleship.
the Confederation, but never in the numbers desired. The Despite the heavy armor belt (or perhaps because of it), Wind
advanced Ferro-carbide armor proved difficult to produce in Dancer class ships found themselves prime targets during the
large amounts, and so the number of ships Asuncion was able decades of chaos following Kerensky’s Exodus.
to commission remained low. Still, by the time of the Exodus, Despite having been in service for one hundred and forty-
forty ships had entered service, with two additional vessels six years, there have been no variants of the Wind Dancer. In
under construction at Asuncion. However, the violet conflicts 2782, the Confederation Navy did suggest that the remaining
of the last two decades have crippled the Capellan Navy and Wind Dancers in service be re-equipped with Lamellar Ferro-
by 2800 only six Wind Dancers remain in active service. Carbide armor, which would increase their already formidable
belt by 25%. However, due to the lack of shipyards capable
of working this Star League armor material, as well as the
005/083 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Wind Dancer Class Frigate
Wind Dancer Class Frigate

Wind Dancer class Frigate Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 475)
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
Introduced: 2684 1 Barracuda (30 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
In Class: 40 1 White Shark (30 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
FL/FR (Heat: 950)
Manufacturer: Asuncion Industries (Asuncion/ Capellan 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
Confederation) 1 Barracuda (30 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
1 White Shark (30 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
Mass: 650,000 tons LBS/RBS (Heat: 950)
2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
Length: 701 meters 1 Barracuda (30 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
Sail Diameter: 1,079 meters 1 White Shark (30 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
Fuel: 7,200 tons (18,000) AL/AR (Heat: 950)
2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 1 Barracuda (30 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
Safe Thrust: 4 1 White Shark (30 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
Maximum Thrust: 6 Aft (Heat: 475)
Sail Integrity: 4 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
1 Barracuda (30 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
KF Drive Integrity: 14 1 White Shark (30 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
Heat Sinks: 1,900 (3,800)
Structural Integrity: 90
Battle Value: 86,376 Ammunition:
240 Barracuda Missiles
Armor: (1167 ton, Ferro Carbide) 240 White Shark Missiles
Fore: 165
Fore-Sides: 165
Aft-Sides: 165
Aft: 163

Bay 1: Fighters (6) /Small Craft (2) 3 Doors
Bay 2: Fighters (6) /Small Craft (2) 3 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (55,293 tons) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 2
Grav Decks: 2 (85-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 70
Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 207 minimum (35 Officers, 172 Enlisted)
005/084 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Nightstalker Class Light Cruiser
Nightstalker Class Light Cruiser

commenced construction of their two warship designs including though the military had passed on her Light Cruiser, Wallace
the Nightstalker class Light Cruiser. hoped that one day the High Command would reevaluate
During the talks that led to the Edict of 2650 the Lyran their decision, upgraded the design with the new engines as
and Capellan governments established a cordial relationship. soon as they became available. More efficient than the first
Both nations shared a common adversary, the Free Worlds generation interplanetary drives used on warships these new
League, and growing distrust between House Davion and engines were cutting edge technology when the vessel was
House Steiner fueled a closer rapport. During the negotiations originally produced for the Lyran Commonwealth.
on naval limitations the Federated Suns pushed hard for weight The Nightstalker’s weapons array was also innovative as it
restrictions which would allow Davion to field the largest fleet was one of the first warships to feature an arsenal composed
number wise. This infuriated the Lyran Navy who wanted limits entirely of energy weapons. Four Heavy Naval Particle
placed on the number of warships each House could field giving Projection Cannons in the Cruiser’s nose and sixteen Medium
Steiner the biggest fleet weight wise. The Capellans, who Naval Particle Projection Cannons mounted forward were the
fielded the smallest combat fleet in the Inner Sphere backed craft’s main guns. Forty Eight Naval Laser-55s supported the
the Lyran proposal realizing just how outnumbered they would main guns adding to the warships capital firepower. Forty
be by a massive Davion fleet. Additionally, the Federation’s Particle Projection Cannons and Forty Large Lasers were
theft of the Commonwealth’s Asgard design did not help used mainly to defeat enemy fighters and Dropships. Another
matters. Weighing the options, Steiner and Liao decided to addition to the original design first included on the Sentinel
Overview: formalize a Naval Alliance that would last a half a century and proposal was a number of Small Lasers for point defense.
The Nightstalker class Light Cruiser was originally mark the high point in Lyran-Capellan relations. Following the While the twenty four Small Lasers included on the Light
introduced long ago by a company that no longer exists for proclamation of the Edict, the Commonwealth could no longer Cruiser numbered fewer than those on the Frigate it helped
service in another nation. Following the loss of the fourth legally keep several warships in their fleet. The Confederation increase the ship’s survivability.
Lyran warship contract Wallace Ship Constructors entered dire was allowed to purchase these excess vessels at low prices More than eight hundred tons of armor mounted forward
straits. The company was just barely able to stay solvent as and thus enabled Liao to build their small fleet to match the gave the ship good armor protection. The Nightstalker carried
Sara Wallace, the founder and CEO, was forced to borrow Federated Suns’, hence House Steiner’s ultimate revenge. One no Dropships of its own to minimize jump transit time and
heavily. Her shipyards above Kessel were mainly relegated of these excess vessel Classes, was the Nightstalker class to lower the vessel’s emergence signature. A full wing of
to maintenance duty for the expanding Commonwealth fleet. Light Cruiser, which impressed Capellan naval commanders eighteen aerospace fighters provided additional support for
To make matters worse a new power, the Draconis Combine, with its superior capabilities despite its age. the Light Cruiser’s operations. Because it was designed to be a
began making belligerent moves in the region. The company’s deep space raider the vessel had ample luxuries for the crew,
fortunes sunk even lower when Sara Wallace dejected by the Capabilities: including four large Grav Decks one hundred and twenty five
loss of so many of her dreams died in her early fifties of an Sara Wallace designed the Nightstalker to be the best meters in diameter. With a cargo capacity of more than forty
apparent heart attack. It was not until the Lyran arms buildup heavy raider of its era and in this effort she succeeded. Even eight thousand tons the warship could function effectively for
that preceded the Age of War that Wallace’s warship designs when the Light Cruiser was built more than four decades after long periods of time without resupply.
were dusted off. Needing every possible military innovation it was originally engineered it was still one of the fastest Lyran When the Capellans purchased the remaining
to succeed in the coming conflict Archon Alistair Marsden warships commissioned. This was in part due to the Type II Nightstalkers from the Lyrans the Confederation undertook a
authorized construction of all existing warship designs. Fusion Engines first used on the Victory class Frigate. major effort to modernize the Light Cruiser with the help of
Wallace Ship Constructors using this blanket proclamation The first Nightstalker did not include the new engine as the Commonwealth. The warship’s once high tech engine was
and new funding provided by the Commonwealth immediately it was obtained for use on the Sentinel class Frigate. Even replaced by a modern interplanetary drive that increased the
005/085 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Nightstalker Class Light Cruiser
Nightstalker Class Light Cruiser

ships maximum thrust to 3Gs at maximum burn. The craft’s Nightstalker class Light Cruiser Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
armor was replaced with new Improved Ferro-Aluminum Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 1,503)
plating that further increased the ship’s overall protection. Tech: Inner Sphere 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
The Nightstalker’s aerospace complement was enlarged to Introduced: 2667 6 NL/55 33 33 33 33 Capital Laser
39 fighters to accommodate a full Capellan Aerospace Wing. In Class: 30 5 PPC 5(50) 5(50) - - PPC
5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Nearly 45,000 tons of cargo was still available to help the ship Manufacturer: Wallace Ship Constructors (Kessel/ Capellan 3 Small Lasers 1(9) 1(9) - - Point Defense
operate independently for extended periods. Confederation) FL/FR (Heat: 2,286)
4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Mass: 680,000 tons 6 NL/55 33 33 33 33 Capital Laser
Deployment: 5 PPC 5(50) 5(50) - - PPC
Despite their impressive capabilities many Nightstalkers Length: 680 meters 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
were used incorrectly during the Age of War. Rather than being Sail Diameter: 1,020 meters 3 Small Lasers 1(9) 1(9) - - Point Defense
Fuel: 2,500 tons (6,250) LBS/RBS (Heat: 2,286)
deployed as independent raiders they were posted in fleets 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
to defend static targets. It is a testament to the warship’s Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 6 NL/55 33 33 33 33 Capital Laser
design that under a third of their total number was destroyed Safe Thrust: 4 5 PPC 5(50) 5(50) - - PPC
in the massive conflict. The Light Cruiser’s image was also Maximum Thrust: 6 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Sail Integrity: 4 3 Small Lasers 1(9) 1(9) - - Point Defense
damaged because of its relationship to the Sentinel class AL/AR (Heat: 1,206)
Frigate produced by Wallace Ship Constructors. Though it did KF Drive Integrity: 14 6 NL/55 33 33 33 33 Capital Laser
have small technical problems they were in no way compared Heat Sinks: 8,000 5 PPC 5(50) 5(50) - - PPC
Structural Integrity: 60 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
to those with the Sentinel. Still, the Nightstalker Class shined 3 Small Lasers 1(9) 1(9) - - Point Defense
during the Reunification War. Not a single ship was lost during Battle Value: 110,048 Aft (Heat: 603)
that conflict where they saw significant action. Despite this the 6 NL/55 33 33 33 33 Capital Laser
warship was never popular with the Lyran Navy who relegated Armor: (816 ton, Improved Ferro-Aluminum) 5 PPC 5(50) 5(50) - - PPC
Fore: 96 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
it to reserves. Following the Edict of 2650 the remaining twenty 3 Small Lasers 1(9) 1(9) - - Point Defense
Nightstalkers were sold to the Capellan Confederation who Fore-Sides: 95
truly realized its potential. Refitted, they served the House Liao Aft-Sides: 80
well, helping them match the Davion and Marik warship fleets. Aft: 80
While they have performed admirably during the Succession
War, the vessels of the Nightstalker Class are clearly showing Cargo
their age. The titanic clash of every Great Houses has resulted Bay 1: Fighters (39) 6 Doors
in eighteen of the remaining vessels being lost thus far. Bay 2: Small Craft (3) 1 Door
Bay 3: Cargo (44,999 tons) 1 Door

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 4 (125-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 30
Lifeboats: 30
Crew: 267 minimum (47 Officers, 220 Enlisted)
005/086 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Sword Class Cruiser
Sword Class Cruiser

already very busy building ships for the SLDF, the Confederation Navy also fills the role of a light carrier. Since the Confederation could not
insisted that Delhi license the design to Asuncion. This would have the afford a dedicated carrier for their fleet, the designers were directed
dual benefits of increasing the rate of production of the Sword and to include a large fighter bay. Each Sword is capable of carrying
improve Asuncion financial situation, as the company was in danger of two wings of 39 fighters each. This enables each Sword squadron,
going bankrupt.] With production commencing at the two yards, the which is composed of three ships, to carry two aerospace fighter fleet
CCS Sword entered service in 2674 and a total of one hundred ships regiments. This provides each Capellan fleet with a strong aerospace
were built before production ended. force.
The Sword class also makes use of some of the most advanced
electronics available to the Confederation. Due to the poor performance
Capabilities: of the radar and tracking systems of the Sun Tzu class Battleships,
The Sword is designed to support the larger ships in the there was a need for a ship capable of locating and tracking opposing
Confederation fleet. Unlike the Capellan’s capital ships, the Sword is warships. [Editor’s Note: The poor performance of the Sun Tzu class
meant to deal with smaller warships, dropships and fighters. As a was entirely due to the use of low cost electronics as a cost savings
result, the ship’s design is very different from that of any other ship measure. With the funds that were freed up following the end of
in the Capellan Navy. the Sun Tzu program, the Confederation was able to afford high
One feature the Sword does have in common with other Capellan performance electronic systems for the Sword class cruisers.] With
warships is its thrust capability. Like the larger Sun Tzu Battleship and its advanced electronics suite, the Sword is able to detect and track
Liao Battlecruiser, the Sword is capable of 3 G’s thrust. This allows the enemy warships at longer ranges then any of the other ships in the
Sword to keep pace with the other ships in the fleet and makes it quite Confederation fleet. [Editor’s Note: The Sun Tzus would eventually
maneuverable compared to many of the SLDF’s cruisers. be refit with similar systems in the 2740s.] Due to their excellent
Overview: The Sword’s maneuverability comes at the cost of the ship’s electronic systems, the Swords are typically used as picket ships for
The Sword class Cruiser was developed as part of the Capellan weapons. Unlike many of the SLDF’s Cruisers, the Sword is lightly the fleet, locating the enemy and directing the other ships towards
Navy’s modernization program of the mid-27th century. Cruisers armed with a heavy emphasis on anti-fighter weapons. The Sword them. In addition to the advanced tracking gear, the Swords also carry
had long been the backbone of the Confederation fleet, which had carries a dozen Volisnakov 25 Naval Autocannons which are also an advanced Electronic Countermeasures Suite. The ECM equipment
historically operated only a few Battlecruisers and Battleships. Due to mounted on the Sun Tzu class Battleships. These weapons are on the Sword reduces the EM signature of the ship, allowing it to
this fact, the previous generations of Capellan cruisers were designed intended for use against enemy corvettes and destroyers. Backing approach enemy targets undetected. [Editor’s Note: There were plans
to be general purpose ships that could fill a large number of roles up the naval autocannons are sixteen Medium Naval Lasers. These to refit the other ships in the Capellan Fleet with this equipment in
in the fleet. With the introduction of the Sun Tzu class Battleships, are primarily used to deal with enemy dropships. For dealing with order to make the Confederation’s Hunter Killer squadrons stealthier.
and proposed developed of a new battlecruiser, the Confederation fighters, the Sword carries a layered fighter defense capability. The However, due to a lack of funds for the ECM gear, which was
Navy wanted a new cruiser that could be used to support those ships first line of defense is forty Barracuda Missile launchers which are prohibitively expensive, no other Capellan warships ever received this
during fleet operations. Since the Sun Tzu’s would engage the enemy able to engage enemy fighters at extreme ranges, before they are equipment. ]
capital ships, the new cruiser was designed to deal with the escorting able to attack the Confederation fleet. [Editor’s Note: The Sword is As with many other Capellan ships, the Sword is very well
warships, dropships and fighters. The Sword Class was designed one of the few Capellan ships to deploy large missile systems such armored. The strong structural framework of the Sword allows the
by Delhi Warships and manufactured by both Delhi Warships and as the Barracuda. The Confederation typically avoided the use of ship to carry over twelve hundred tons of armor. The Sword was the
Asuncion Industries. [Editor’s Note: The Asuncion yards had been these weapons, as the ammunition is very expensive.] For medium first Capellan ship to carry Ferro-Aluminum armor, providing the ship
mostly idle since the completion of the last Sun Tzu Battleship in 2656. range defense the ship carries forty LRM 20 missile launchers. While with 50% greater armor protection then would have been provided
Following the launch of the last Sun Tzu, the yards had primarily been these do not have the range of the Barracuda missiles, they are able by standard plate armor. [Editor’s Note: The Capellans chose to
used for performing maintenance work on Capellan warships. The to engage enemy fighters at the maximum range of fighter carried include the advanced armor, despite the added cost, due to the value
company also produced a small number of commercial jumpships to weapons. Finally for close in defense the Sword mounts eighty Large of these ships, their advanced electronic systems and large fighter
help keep the company solvent. After Delhi Warships completed the Lasers. These provide the ship with a last ditch defense, one which is complements.]
design of the Sword, the Confederation requested that the ships be not dependent on ammunition.
constructed as quickly as possible. As Delhi Warship shipyards were In addition to serving as a fighter screen for the fleet, the Sword
005/087 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Sword Class Cruiser
Sword Class Cruiser

Deployment: Claymore, supported by the CCS Dao, launched a missile barrage to

Armor: (1,216 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum)
The majority of the Sword class are deployed as escorts for the cover their remaining fighters while they advanced on the League
fleet. The fighters were able to destroy the last Dido and damage two Fore: 129
Confederation’s Sun Tzu Battleships and Liao Battlecruisers. Each Sun Fore-Sides: 130
Tzu is assigned a squadron of three Swords as part of their escorts. The of the Vesters, but suffered heavy losses in the process, while the Dao
Aft-Sides: 130
Liao’s each have a single Sword assigned as an escort. The remaining was destroyed by one of the Sian class Battlecruisers. What happened Aft: 129
Sword class ships were used assigned to defend the capitals of the next is a textbook example of a single ship fighting against a superior
Confederation’s Commonalities, with squadrons of two ships being number of warships. The Claymore used its superior speed to stay Cargo:
assigned to Capella, Tikonov, Sian, Sarna and St Ives. at extreme range and slowly picked apart the League ships with its Bay 1: Fighters (78) 6 doors
The Sword class have seen heavy action during the current missiles and naval lasers. The League ships were unable to trap the Bay 2: Small Craft (4) 2 doors
Claymore despite their greater numbers and had difficulty hitting the Bay 3: Cargo (74,649 tons) 2 doors
conflict. On the Free Worlds Front, the Swords, along with the
Confederation’s Defender class Cruisers, played a key role in defeating nimble cruiser. The battle lasted for over 12 hours, as the Claymore
Dropship Capacity: 0
the large number of Free Worlds League aerospace regiments. The slowly managed to cripple the League ships. At the end of the battle Grav Decks: 1 (60-meter diameter)
ships heavy anti-fighter defenses proved lethal to Marik fighters in the Claymore was left facing the two Sian Battlecruisers, both of which Escape Pods: 55
the early battles of the war. At the Battle of Calloway VI the Free had suffered moderate damage. The Claymore had taken damage Lifeboats: 25
Worlds League Navy sacrificed many Battlecruisers and Frigates to its laser systems and was out of ammunition for its Barracuda Crew: 285 minimum (50 Officers, 235 Enlisted)
in its efforts to destroy the Capellan’s Sword and Defender class launchers. Captain Cheng of the Claymore then ordered his ship to Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
warships. This allowed the Free Worlds League Aerospace regiments fire its engines and race between the two League Battlecruisers. The Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
to hit the Confederation Battleships and Battlecruisers, devastating Claymore opened fire with its naval autocannons scoring several hits Nose (Heat: 400)
the Confederation fleet. On the Federated Suns front, the Swords against the battlecruisers, destroying both of them. Unfortunately the 4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
were deployed as part of the Liao’s Hunter Killer Squadrons. These Claymore was severely damaged in the exchange and after the battle 15 Large Lasers 12(20) 12(20) - - Laser
squadrons ranged deep into Federation territory, on long duration the Confederation stripped the ship for parts and sent the disabled FL/FR (Heat: 480)
10 Barracuda (100 Missiles) 20 20 20 20 Capital Missile
raiding missions. One of the biggest problems with the Sword class hulk crashing into a gas giant located in the Sarna system.
10 LRM 20 (300 Rounds) 12(20) 12(20) 12(20) - LRM
was their ammunition dependence. More then one Sword found 10 Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) - - Laser
itself running short of ammunition before it had a chance to return Sword class Cruiser LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,660)
to Confederation territory for resupply. As the ships ran low on 2 NAC/25 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 NAC/25 50 50 50 - Capital AC
ammunition, they became easy targets for the Federated Suns Naval Introduced: 2674 2 NAC/25 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Service and suffered heavy losses. In Class: 100 4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
The most famous Sword class Cruiser is the CCS Claymore. The Manufacturer: Various (Capellan Confederation) 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Claymore was assigned to the Sarna Defense Squadron along with its AL/AR (Heat: 480)
sister ship, the CCS Dao and two corvettes. Following the disbanding Mass: 760,000 tons 10 Barracuda (100 Missiles) 20 20 20 20 Capital Missile
of the Star League and the outbreak of hostilities between the Great Length: 775 meters 10 LRM 20 (300 Rounds) 12(20) 12(20) 12(20) - LRM
Sail Diameter: 1,200 meters 10 Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) - - Laser
Houses, Kenyon Marik ordered the Marik Militia to clear a route
Fuel: 4,000 tons (10,000) Aft (Heat: 400)
towards Sarna. While the battles for Corey and Wazan are well known, Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
the battle of Sarna is little known outside of the Confederation. In Safe Thrust: 4 15 Large Lasers 12(20) 12(20) - - Laser
2788 an advanced force from the Marik Militia arrived in the Sarna Maximum Thrust: 6
system. The Marik Militia was escorted by a formidable force of two Sail Integrity: 4
Sian Battlecruisers supported by four Vester class destroyers and three KF Drive Integrity: 16 Ammunition:
Dido frigates. The Sarna Defense Squadron was vastly out matched by Heat Sinks: 3,600 600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
Structural Integrity: 80 400 Barracuda Missiles
the Free Worlds forces but rather then retreat, the Capellans deployed 1200 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
Battle Value: 161,243
their fighters and moved to engage the enemy. The Capellans quickly
lost both of their corvettes to the Free Worlds League force, but
managed to destroy two of the Dido class frigates in return. The
005/088 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Andurien Class Battlecruiser
Andurien Class Battlecruiser

most of the problems facing the earlier ship. The designers Rather then burden the Andurien with the cost of the docking
were able to mount larger engines and additional weapons, collars it was decided to use a two ship solution. When a
turning the ship into a fearsome vessel. The Capellan navy mission would require the ability to carry and deploy ground
agreed and quickly ordered thirty ships for their fleet. While troops, a Confederation armed transport would be assigned
plans had called for up to seventy five of these ships, the to the Andurien. Over time this was found to be less then
Capellans limited resources prevented them for acquiring optimal, as the Confederation was soon outclassed on the
more the thirty of the class. modern battlefield, which forced the Andurien to defend it
during these missions. The Capellan Navy looked into refitting
the Andurien with a single docking collar but the cost was
Capabilities: found to be prohibitive and so none of the ships were ever
Designed for long duration patrols and independent retrofitted.
operations, the Andurien can function equally well as part
of the main battle line or as a deep raider. The key to the
Andurien’s success is the Buran engine. More then twice as Deployment:
powerful as the Romanov’s Sunrise engines, the Buran is also Despite the fact that the Du Shi Wang was larger, the
far more reliable, which allowed the Andurien to operate away Andurien was considered the best ship of the Capellan fleet
from its homeport for longer periods of time. To enable the when it was introduced. Many Capellan Admirals would use
ship to conduct long range patrols, the fuel bunker can carry the ship as the flagship of their fleet and assignment to an
Overview: ten thousand tons of fuel. The large fuel bunker is also used Andurien battlecruiser was considered the highest honor. The
The Andurien class Battlecruiser was one of the most ships fought hard during the Age of War and eleven were
to supply the Andurien’s on board fighter wing, removing the
important Capellan Warships of the Age of War. Designed after destroyed during the conflict. Following the creation of the Star
need for tanker support.
the first generation of Capellan Warships had entered service, League, the Andurien class remained in service with the CCN.
In keeping with the ship’s role as raider, the main weapons
the designers of the Andurien class learned many lessons from Much like the Terran Monsoon, the Capellan Admirals refused
are energy based, removing the need for ammunition. Fore
the Confederation Armed Transport, Du Shi Wang Battleship to retire these ships. The Andurien class was finally relegated
and aft side mounted Naval PPCs provide the main punch of
and other early warships. As a result the Andurien Class was to a second line role when the Liao class Battlecruiser was
the Andurien. These are backed up by twenty Kalashnikov-
better designed and far more capable then those earlier ships, introduced. Even then the remaining ships continued to serve
10 Naval Autocannons and four Angry Panda-20 Naval
quickly making it a favorite with Capellan naval officers. as patrol vessels and training ships for the Capellan Navy.
Autocannons. Each of these guns has one hundred rounds
Developed by Asuncion Industries, the Andurien class In 2785 twelve of the Andurien’s were assigned to
of ready ammunition, which allows the ship to fight multiple
was based on their Romanov class Cruiser. The Romanov was patrol duty, mainly along the Periphery border in the Sian
engagements without reloading. Fighter defense is provided
a poorly received design, it was considered underpowered Commonality, while the other seven were assigned to Capellan
by a number of quintuple turrets mounting either the Kajuka
and under-armed, and as a result only saw production for ten naval academies as training ships. Because of the remote
Mighty Blossom or Small Death lasers. Backing up the laser
years. Despite the problems with the Romanov, the basic hull assignments away from the main fighting, the Andurien class
turrets is an entire wing of Aerospace fighters. The wing is
proved very durable and well armored. When the Capellan has largely managed to survive, while other, newer vessels
typically composed of Lightning Aerospace fighters, although
Navy issued a request for a new battlecruiser, the Asuncion have been destroyed. Currently all twelve Anduriens remain in
in recent years it has become common to see a mix of
design team decided to save time and development costs by service with the CCN. Two ships, the Andurien and the Tikonov
Lightnings and Transits.
using an enlarged version of the Romanov’s hull as the basis remain in service as training ships and system defense vessels
One of the few deficiencies of the Andurien class is it
of the new ship. The new hull was almost 25% larger then the in the Sian and Capellan systems. The remaining ten ships
lack of docking collars. At the time the ship was designed,
Romanov. This extra space allowed the designers to correct have been assigned to front line duty with the CCN where
docking collars were still uncommon and very expensive.
005/089 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Andurien Class Battlecruiser
Andurien Class Battlecruiser

they have replaced Liao class battlecruisers which have been Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
lost in combat. Surprisingly, the Andurien class ships are in Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 175)
the best condition of any ships in the Capellan Navy. This is a 2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 40 Capital AC
testament to the original design of the ship and its reliability. 5 Large Lasers 7(65) 4(40) - - Laser
5 Medium Lasers
FL/FR (Heat: 2,640)
5 Medium NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
6 Light NPPC 43 43 43 - Capital PPC
Andurien class Battlecruiser 5 Medium Lasers 3(25) - - - Laser
LBS/RBS (Heat: 710)
Tech: Inner Sphere 5 NAC/10 50 50 50 50 Capital AC
Introduced: 2412 5 NAC/10 50 50 50 50 Capital AC
In Class: 30 5 Large Lasers 7(65) 4(40) - - Laser
Manufacturer: Asuncion Industries (Asuncion/ Capellan Confederation) 5 Medium Lasers
AL/AR (Heat: 870)
Mass: 840,000 tons 4 Light NPPC 28 28 28 28 Capital PPC
Length: 790 meters 5 Medium Lasers 3(25) - - - Laser
Sail Diameter: 1,400 meters Aft (Heat: 175)
Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000) 2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 5 Large Lasers 7(65) 4(40) - - Laser
Safe Thrust: 3 5 Medium Lasers
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 17 Ammunition:
Heat Sinks: 4,650 200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
Structural Integrity: 90 2000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
Battle Value: 131,939

Armor: (1,500 tons, Standard)

Fore: 109
Fore-Sides: 109
Aft-Sides: 109
Aft: 109

Bay 1: Cargo (109,230 tons)
Bay 2: Fighters (39) 6 Doors
Bay 3: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (50-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 35
Lifeboats: 35
Crew: 277 minimum (48 Officers, 229 Enlisted)
005/090 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Boxer Class Cruiser
Boxer Class Cruiser

interaction by these distant powers in turn led to natural thirteen hundred tons of Improved Ferro-Aluminum was still
friendships in order to keep their traditional rivals in check. a great deal more than some contemporary designs. The
Some of these relationships bloomed into full blown alliances Confederation warship dropped some of the Gauntlet’s original
kept quiet by the politics of the era. weapons suite to accommodate a number of new weapons.
One of the more public of these discreet partnerships was Naval Autocannons and Barracuda Missile Launchers were chief
the Lyran-Capellan Naval Alliance which began shortly after among these cuts, and in return the cruiser’s energy weapons
the Edict of 2650. The contentious debate that ultimately were expanded. These tradeoffs resulted in the cruiser being
led to the historic arms controlling Edict bought the two to hit further but at the expense of the short-ranged “knock
governments closer then ever before. Both nations shared out punch” of the Gauntlet, giving the Lyran vessel a better
a common adversary, the Free Worlds League, and growing broadside armament. However, the larger fuel tanks and
distrust between House Davion and House Steiner fueled a engines of the Boxer, combined with its massive capital energy
closer rapport with House Liao. The Federated Suns had batteries made the Capellan Cruiser an excellent heavy raider
infuriated the Lyrans by engaging in a discreet espionage capable of long-term independent operations. Other features
campaign against their Navy. This “Davion thieving” was the that aided in the warship’s intended mission role was a slightly
final straw for House Steiner who decided to enter into a larger cargo bay. Unfortunately, to adequately disperse all of
Naval Alliance with House Liao. The timing of the arrangement the heat generated from the warship’s weapons the Cruiser
allowed the Commonwealth to pass older warships that it was outfitted with Double Heat Sinks. While this decision
Overview: could not legally maintain thanks to the Edict of 2650 to its did maximize cargo capacity it complicated construction and
An age old adage asserts that “politics makes strange new ally. The Confederation purchased these excess vessels ultimately increased costs.
bed fellows” and this may never have been truer than during at bargain prices, thereby building their small fleet to match
the glory days of the Star League. Cooperation among the Great House Davion’s and house Marik’s. Lyran industry also aided Deployment:
Houses of the Inner Sphere was at an all time high during this Capellan efforts to modernize their navy, but with waning of Thanks to its first appearance the ship was officially named
time of “universal peace”. However, beneath the gleaming facade the Star League, this cooperation was short lived. Ironically it the Boxer, but the name was also meant to honor the ancient
of this widely heralded Golden Age were the dark memories was the Capellan theft of specifications for the Lyran Gauntlet Chinese rebellion on Terra that the Capellans insist helped
of past conflicts not easily forgotten. Neighboring realms had class Heavy Cruiser in 2702 that would end the alliance and throw off foreign influence. The introduction of the Cruiser
often been adversaries during the aptly named Age of War see the birth of a new Capellan Cruiser, the Boxer. came amid the pomp and circumstance of Confederation Day
that proceeded the Star League era and understandably many 2705, on the three hundred and thirty-ninth birthday of the
of the Council Lords and their people still held a grudge. The Capabilities: Capellan nation the CCS Boxer complete with an aesthetic
High Council bought together these ancient enemies together For three years Capellan naval engineers worked to Liao sword paraded through the Capella star system. Posing
but also gathered distant nations who had previously been maximize the Lyran Heavy Cruiser stolen by Maskirovka in front of the Capellan sun and moon for patriotic symbolism
separated by distance and interest. Until that time primitive agents. The interplanetary drive was immediately augmented, the display was absolutely fantastic and quickly became an
interstellar communication between the Great Houses that did increasing the ship’s maximum thrust to 2.5 Gs of acceleration. annual symbol of Capellan pride, establishing a tradition that
not share a border was infrequent and ultimately pointless for The Gauntlet’s small fuel tanks were expanded to extend the continued until the start of the Succession War. Of course this
the purpose of establishing strategic alliances. Of course, the ship’s operational range. To make room for these propulsion infuriated the Lyrans who staged a series of covert strikes to
central position of the Hegemony made it the one nation that upgrades the internal structure of the Cruiser was reduced, vent their frustration that lasted until the untimely death of First
could effectively practice interstellar statecraft resulting in the as was some of the warship’s armor. While the Boxer’s armor Lord Simon Cameron on Star’s End. A total of 25 Boxers were
formation of the Star League under its leadership. Greater sleeve was less than the Commonwealth warship almost produced by House Liao throughout the twenty seventh century.
005/091 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Boxer Class Cruiser
Boxer Class Cruiser

Despite being manufactured at the premier Capellan shipyard

the difficulty of obtaining some advanced technology and the Armor: (1,270 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum)
cost associated with it led the Chancellor’s to discontinue new Fore: 135
production of the cruiser around the turn of the century. The Fore-Sides: 135
Boxer proved its combat prowess during the Hidden War when Aft-Sides: 135
Aft: 135
it executed several deep raids on the Confederation’s enemies.
Unfortunately the conflict also showed the Boxer’s “glass jaw” Cargo
as three badly damaged ships had to be cannibalized for parts. Bay 1: Fighters (24) 6 doors / Small Craft (6) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Marines (3 Platoons of Jump Infantry) 1 Door
Since several of their vital components could not be replaced Bay 3: Cargo (35,534 tons) 1 Door
instead of losing two ships which were destroyed in battle,
Liao lost five. The Capellan Navy did its best to redress the Dropship Capacity: 5
supply issues to help insure that the remaining twenty Boxers Grav Decks: 3 (120-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 40
survived to see the Succession War. However, the war has Lifeboats: 40
once again exposed these maintenance problems, which have Crew: 343 minimum (61 Officers, 282 Enlisted)
become dire for House Liao’s naval industry over the years.
Currently only two of these Cruisers remain in service with the
Capellan Confederation Navy.
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 1,660)
4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
8 NL/55 44 44 44 44 Capital Laser
Boxer class Cruiser 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
FL/FR (Heat: 3,320)
Tech: Inner Sphere 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Introduced: 2705 8 NL/55 44 44 44 44 Capital Laser
In Class: 25 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Manufacturer: Dehli Warships (Capella/ Capellan Confederation) LBS/RBS (Heat: 3,320)
4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Mass: 850,000 tons 8 NL/55 44 44 44 44 Capital Laser
Length: 850 meters 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Sail Diameter: 1420 meters AL/AR (Heat: 3,320)
Fuel: 3,000 tons (7,500) 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 8 NL/55 44 44 44 44 Capital Laser
Safe Thrust: 3 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Maximum Thrust: 5 Aft (Heat: 1,660)
Sail Integrity: 5 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
KF Drive Integrity: 17 8 NL/55 44 44 44 44 Capital Laser
Heat Sinks: 6,700 (13,400) 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Structural Integrity: 75
Battle Value: 175,051 Ammunition:
320 Killer Whale Missiles
005/092 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Liao Class Battlecruiser
Liao Class Battlecruiser

A total of thirty ships would be built between 2682 and 2706 Supporting the Naval Autocannons are thirty Medium Naval
when production was halted due to limitations imposed by PPCs, mounted in ten triple turrets covering every side of the
the Council Edicts of 2650. [Editor’s Note: The Capellans ship. These weapons are capable of providing extremely long
had considered resuming production of the ships after the range firepower. [Editor’s Note: Many times the Liao Class
military limitations were expanded in the mid-28th century, would use their superior maneuverability to stay at extreme
but decided to instead focus their limited resources on other ranges and slowly pick apart enemy warships with their Naval
branches of their armed forces.] PPCs.] The ship also carried a limited anti-fighter defense in
the form of thirty six Large Lasers. As the ship lacked docking
Capabilities: collars and could not transport any Dropship carriers, the
The Liao Battlecruiser is in many aspects a scaled version designers retained the Sun Tzu’s large fighter bay. This allowed
of the Sun Tzu Battleship. [Editor’s Note: This notion is not the ship to carry an entire wing of aerospace fighters.
conjecture but rather fact, Hildco licensed the design of the The Liao is also well protected with an impressive
Sun Tzu from Asuncion Industries. With all of Asuncion’s 1920 tons of ferro-aluminum armor. This provided the ship
shipyards committed to building the Sword class Cruiser, the with protection far superior to that carried by many other
company could not enter the competition for the construction Battlecruisers of its era.
of the Liao class Battlecruiser. Hildco realized the best solution
to the CCN’s requirement was a smaller version of the Sun Tzu Deployment:
Overview: and acquired the rights to the design, providing Asuncion with The Liao class Battlecruisers are generally deployed
The Liao class Battlecruiser was designed as part of some much need capital in exchange.] The largest difference as patrol ships along the Capellan border. The Liaos, along
the Capellan’s fleet modernization of the mid-27th Century. between the two designs is the lack of docking collars on with their escort of a Sword class Cruiser and either three
After developing the Chesterton Destroyer and the Sword the Liao class. By removing the docking collars, Hildco was Chesterton class Destroyers or three corvettes, are usually
class Cruiser, the Capellan Navy issued a request for a new able to greatly reduce the complexity of the KF drive and assigned to an area of five to ten systems that they are
battlecruiser to replace the aging Andurien. The requirements dramatically reduce the cost of the ship. This fit well with the responsible for protecting.
for the new battlecruiser called for a design less expensive Liao’s intended defensive role, as the ship did not require the After the fall of the Star League the Liao Class continued
then the Sun Tzu class Battleship, but capable of filling many ability to Transport Dropships for planetary conquest. to serve in a defensive role. At the beginning of the conflict,
of the same roles. While the Sun Tzu’s were considered a The Liao’s engines are capable of generating up to 3G’s the Capellan Confederation launched a massive strike into
very successful design, the ships were expensive and time of thrust. This allowed the Battlecruiser to keep pace with the Free Worlds League. This strike hit several worlds before
consuming to produce, leaving the Capellans only able to the Confederation’s Sword class Cruisers and Sun Tzu class being ambushed at Calloway VI and severely damaged. Only
build twenty prior to the Succession War. While the Sun Tzus Battleships when serving along side them. These engines also two Liao class Battlecruisers were involved in the battle and
significantly upgraded the capabilities of the Capellan fleet, provided the ship with maneuvering capabilities far superior to both were destroyed in the fighting. The Capellans did receive
there were never enough of them to meet the Confederation’s those of other Battlecruisers of the Star League era. a measure of revenge when the League warships following
operational requirements. The Capellan Navy hoped to make up The weapons on the Liao class were designed to provide the retreating Capellan fleet back into Confederation space
for this deficiency with a large number of cheap battlecruisers. a strong punch against enemy warships. The warship’s main were counter ambushed Warned of the approaching League
These battlecruisers could be used in a defensive role, freeing guns are twenty Volisnakov 25 Naval Autocannons mounted warships, ten Liao class Battlecruisers and their escorts arrived
up the Sun Tzus to conduct offensive operations against on the broadsides of the ship. These weapons are the in the Jasmine system. Taking advantage of the element of
enemy fleets and facilities. Production of the Liao Class began same ones used on the Sword and Sun Tzu classes, which surprise they managed to catch the Free Worlds League fleet.
in 2682 at the Hildco Interplanetary shipyards over St Ives. greatly simplified logistical operations for the Capellan Navy. The Capellan fleet was able to inflict heavy damage on many
005/093 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Liao Class Battlecruiser
Liao Class Battlecruiser

of the Marik warships. However, the Free Worlds League fleet

was able to regroup and destroy several of the Liao class Dropship Capacity: 0
Battlecruisers before they retreated from the system. Grav Decks: 2 (65 and 85 meters diameter)
Escape Pods: 30
On the Federated Suns front, the Confederation Navy
Lifeboats: 40
deployed five Liaos and their escorts to patrol the border.
Crew: 293 minimum (50 Officers, 243 Enlisted)
These ships have seen little action to date, as the Federated
Suns fleet has been heavily engaged with the forces of the
Draconis Combine. Currently only nine Liao class Battlecruisers
remain in service with the Confederation Navy.
Liao class Battlecruiser Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Tech: Inner Sphere Nose (Heat: 453)
Introduced: 2682 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
6 Large Lasers 5(48) 5(48) - - Laser
In Class: 30 FL/FR (Heat: 1,716)
Manufacturer: Hildco Interplanetary (St. Ives/ Capellan 6 Medium NPPC 54 54 54 54 Capital PPC
Confederation) 6 Large Lasers 5(48) 5(48) - - Laser
LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,700)
Mass: 960,000 tons 2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Length: 995 meters 2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Sail Diameter: 1250 meters 2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Fuel: 5,000 tons (12,500) 2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 AL/AR (Heat: 3,320)
Safe Thrust: 4 6 Medium NPPC 54 54 54 54 Capital PPC
Maximum Thrust: 6 6 Large Lasers 5(48) 5(48) - - Laser
Sail Integrity: 6 Aft (Heat: 1,660)
KF Drive Integrity: 19 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
Heat Sinks: 6,100 6 Large Lasers 5(48) 5(48) - - Laser
Structural Integrity: 100
Battle Value: 205,745 Ammunition:
2000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
Armor: (1,920 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum)
Fore: 202
Fore-Sides: 202
Aft-Sides: 202
Aft: 202

Bay 1: Fighters (39) 6 Doors
Bay 2: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (59,504 tons) 2 Doors
005/094 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Sun Tzu Class Battleship
Sun Tzu Class Battleship

good design that met the requirements of the Capellan Navy. fire to the fore and aft areas. Fighter protection is provided by
Even so the Capellan Navy had a difficult time selling the several batteries of large lasers, rather then the large missile
design to Chancellor and it almost did not enter production. systems used by many other navies. This was another cost
The Chancellor was reluctant to construct the new ship as saving measure as the lasers due not require ammunition.
the Confederation Treasury did not have the funds needed The Sun Tzu also carries 39 fighters to provide addition
to support the program. It was only after the Free Worlds defensive and offensive capabilities. Typically the ships carried
League began a massive buildup of Atreus class Battleships, either light or medium fighters, capable of hit and run attacks
to replace losses suffered during the Reunification War, that against enemy warships.
the Chancellor was persuaded to fund the construction of the One of the Sun Tzu’s biggest weaknesses was the
Sun Tzu Battleships. As the Capellan’s resources were limited, original radar and computer systems. In order to reduce
only twenty ships were constructed and some of the more the cost of the ships, the radars, fire control computers
advanced (and expensive) technologies were omitted from and navigation systems were very basic systems and had
the design, reducing the ship’s effectiveness. Construction very poor performance. There were reports of the weapons
was carried out at Asuncion’s facilities orbiting Asuncion, with systems being unable to track fast moving targets, reduced
one ship being completed every two years. detection ranges on radars and even false targets appearing
on the targeting systems screens. It was not until the 2742,
Capabilities: during the reign of Chancellor Warex Liao, that these systems
Overview: The Sun Tzu was one of the fastest battleships of its would be replaced with more advanced, reliable and powerful
The Sun Tzu Class Battleship was the Capellan era, with only the SLDF’s Texas able to match its speed. This systems. The refitted systems were a major improvement
Confederation’s response to the so-called Battleship Race of allowed the Confederation commanders to use the battleship and all of the above problems disappeared once the new
the early 27th Century. The Capellan Navy has always had one as a raider against enemy targets. In fact there were some equipment was installed. This refit was done at the same time
of the smallest Navies due to the limited resources available naval experts who claim that the Sun Tzu is really a very large as the replacement of the original armor.
to the Confederation. As a result the Confederation fleet has battlecruiser, based on its speed and usage, rather then a
traditionally focused on fast, well armored cruisers that could battleship. Even so the Confederation has continued to refer Deployment:
serve in a variety of roles. When the other Great Houses to the design as a Battleship. The Sun Tzu Class is typically deployed in heavy Hunter
began building up their battleship fleets in the late 26th and The Sun Tzu class is designed with a very durable Killer Squadrons, consisting of several fast destroyers and
early 27th centuries, the senior officers of the Capellan Navy structural framework. This allowed the engineers to fit two cruisers. Capellan Navy strategy calls for these squadrons to
became concerned that they would fall even further behind thousand six hundred tons of armor to the ship. The original raid enemy supply facilities and shipping, thereby disrupting
the navies of the other Great Houses. To try and improve the specifications called for the use of Improved Ferro-Aluminum the enemy’s supply base and hopefully preventing the enemy
state of their fleet, the Capellan Navy commissioned Asuncion armor, but this was replaced with standard armor to reduce from conducting offensive operations.
Industries to develop a new battleship. The specifications the cost of the ships. Eventually the Ferro-Aluminum armor The Confederation deployed fourteen heavy Hunter
called for a fast battleship with heavy armor and a powerful was refitted to the ships starting in 2742. Killer Squadrons at the start of the Succession War. Of these
broadside attack. After four years of design and evaluation, The weapons load of the Sun Tzu is designed to provide eight were deployed against the Federated Suns and six were
Asuncion presented the Sun Tzu class Battleship to the senior heavy fire power to the ships broadsides. The main punch deployed against the Free Worlds League. These squadrons
commanders of the Capellan Navy. While it was not the most comes from 20 Volisnakov 25 Naval Autocannons supported by were very successful at first, destroying a number of enemy
powerful ship of the era (in part because Asuncion was limited an array of Naval Lasers. The Koralev 35 Naval Autocannons shipyards, transport jumpships and supply facilities. As
to designs massing no more then 1,150,000 tons) it was a are used to back up the main guns as well as to provide limited a result both the Free Worlds League and Federated Suns
001/095 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Sun Tzu Class Battleship
Sun Tzu Class Battleship

navies began deploying squadrons of warships to track down the battle by the Free Worlds League’s Atreus Battleships and
and destroy these squadrons, with the result being that only Sian Battlecruisers. The Napoleon has since continued to serve
three squadrons, one on the League border and two on the along the League border, where it serves as the flagship of the
Suns are still operational. remnants of the Capellan Fleet.
The most successful of these squadrons was the one
Sun Tzu class Battleship Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
led by the CCS Von Clausewitz. This squadron eluded several Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Federated Suns cruiser groups and broke through the Nose (Heat: 740)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Federated Suns front lines in 2792. The squadron headed for Introduced: 2616
10 NL/45 45 45 45 45 Capital Laser
Kathil, where they attacked the James McKenna Shipyards. 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
In Class: 20 FL/FR (Heat: 1,260)
The facility was defended by a dozen cruisers which engaged Manufacturer: Asuncion Industries (Asuncion/ Capellan 5 NL/45 23 23 23 23 Capital Laser
the Confederation squadron consisting of the CCS Von Confederation) 2 NAC/35 (100 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
Clausewitz, two Sword class Cruisers and four Chesterton class 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Mass: 1,100,000 tons LBS/RBS (Heat: 3,100)
Destroyers. The Federated Suns cruisers eventually succeeded 2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
in driving off the Capellan raiders destroying a cruiser and Length: 1,130 meters
2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Sail Diameter: 1,460 meters
three destroyers, while losing seven cruisers (including the 2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Fuel: 3,000 tons (7,500) 2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
FCS Kestrel which was badly damaged and rammed the CCS Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Epee a Sword Class Cruiser, destroying both ships). Even Safe Thrust: 4 10 NL/45 45 45 45 45 Capital Laser
so the Capellans managed to inflict heavy damage on the Maximum Thrust: 6 AL/AR (Heat: 1,260)
facility, the Warship Yards were so badly damaged that they Sail Integrity: 5 5 NL/45 23 23 23 23 Capital Laser
KF Drive Integrity: 22 2 NAC/35 70 70 - - Capital AC
could no longer build new ships, while the jumpship yards 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
saw their production capabilities reduced by half. The CCS Heat Sinks: 7,200
Aft (Heat: 740)
Von Clausewitz successfully escaped from the system and has Structural Integrity: 120 10 NL/45 45 45 45 45 Capital Laser
Battle Value: 250,871 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
continued to raid the Federated Suns. The ship is in relatively
poor condition, and has recently returned to the Confederation Armor: (2,600 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum) Ammunition:
for an overhaul. Fore: 262 400 rounds of Naval Autocannon/35 ammunition
The Sun Tzu class ships which were not assigned to Fore-Sides: 277 1000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
the hunter killer squadrons were deployed as part of the Aft-Sides: 277
Confederation’s main fleet. These ships formed the backbone Aft: 262
of the Capellan Fleet which fought the Free Worlds League in
the early years of the Succession War. The ships played a key Cargo
Bay 1: Fighters (39) 6 Doors
role in the fleet that attacked New Delos in 2789. During the
Bay 2: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors
attack the ships used their heavy laser armament to bombard Bay 3: Cargo (30,139 tons) 2 Doors
some of the largest cities on the planet.
The Free Worlds League got a measure of revenge against Dropship Capacity: 4
the Confederation Fleet at the Battle of Calloway VI. Of the six Grav Decks: 2 (50 and 75 meters diameter)
Sun Tzu class ships in the battle only one, the CCS Napoleon, Escape Pods: 55
managed to escape. The remaining five were destroyed during Lifeboats: 30
Crew: 358 minimum (62 Officers, 296 Enlisted)
005/096 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Dragon Class Battleship
Dragon Class Battleship

Delhi’s Capellan shipyards relied on manual labor for assembly ship capable of engaging the SDS Casper Drones at extreme
rather then the automated manufacturing equipment used long ranges, so that the drones could be destroyed before
in many other nations, it took over two years to produce a the they reached the fleet. Chancellor Liao offered to help
single warship. Only two Dragons were completed before the fund the design (Code named Crossbow), if the work was
shipyard was destroyed, a third ship which was still under given to Delhi. The Crossbow never reached production,
construction was a total loss due to the attack. since the first ships would not have been available until after
the invasion of Terra. From comparisons of the Dragon and
Capabilities: the Crossbow it appears that the weapons configuration of
The Dragon class Battleship was intended to provide the Crossbow heavily influenced the design of the Dragon.]
the Confederation fleet with a new, more capable battleship, The secondary weaponry consists of a battery of Naval PPCs
putting its fleet on par with those of the Free Worlds League and Naval Lasers. These weapons have the longest range of
and the Federated Suns. As the Confederation had only limited any warship weapons ever designed. It is intended that the
resources and could only build a small number of ships, the Dragon will engage the enemy at extreme long ranges and
Dragons were exceptionally well armored in an effort to protect use it’s maneuverability to prevent the enemy from closing. In
the Confederation’s investment. The structural framework of case enemy ships did close with the Dragon, the ship mounts
the ship rivals that of the McKenna class Battleship. Based on twelve Peng Naval Autocannons for close in defense. The bulk
similarities between the two designs, it appears the designers of the Dragon’s weapons are located on the broadside firing
Overview: may have had access to the McKenna’s plans and used them as arcs, with the Naval Autocannons concentrated mostly on the
The Dragon Class Battleship was the last warship built the basis for the design of the Dragon. The strong framework forward arcs. The rear of the ship is only lightly protected by
by Delhi Warships. In 2780 after the dissolution of the Star allowed the mounting an incredible three thousand tons of two Naval Autocannons.
League, Chancellor Barbara Liao Lamellor Ferro-Carbide Armor. As a result the Dragons are The Dragon also carries an entire fighter regiment.
requested that Delhi begin designing a new class of incredibly resilient in battle and shrug off damage that would Unlike many contemporary designs, the regiment is intended
battleship to replace the older Sun Tzu class of battleships destroy many lesser ships. for offensive rather then defensive use. Borrowing from the
built during the so called Battleship race of the early 27th The heavy armor mounted on the ship severely limits Defender class AA Cruiser, the Dragon mounts an impressive
Century. The design team for the Dragon was the same team the weaponry that can be carried. As a result, the Dragon anti-fighter array of ER Large Lasers, LRMs and LB-10X
responsible for the design of the Star League’s Defender class is lightly armed when compared to many contemporary Autocannons. While not as heavy of the batteries on the
AA Cruiser, which was also produced by Delhi Warships. Using designs. In addition, the designers chose to concentrate on Defender, the weapons have proven effective against all but
the technology and information learned from that project, they mounting predominately long range weapons, so that the ship the heaviest fighter attacks.
sought to build a battleship that would be both powerful and is able to stay out of the range of enemy warships. The main
easy to produce. Chancellor Liao added a third requirement, weapons are four Heavy Naval Gauss Cannons. It is not know Deployment:
that the ship be a marvel of modern technology to demonstrate exactly how the Confederation acquired the designs for these Only two Dragons were built by the Confederation,
the Confederation’s technological and industrial strength to weapons as they were they were thought to be available only the CCS Dragon and CCS Tiger. A third ship, the CCS Rat,
the other Great Houses. The design took almost four years to to Terran Hegemony and the SLDF. The most likely source was destroyed while still under construction when the Delhi
complete, as the design under went numerous modifications for these weapons was from the Crossbow class Cruiser, Shipyards were destroyed in a Marik attack. The CCS Dragon
and revisions. Once the design was finalized, production which was being designed by Delhi Warships for the SLDF was the flagship of the Confederation fleet which attacked the
commenced at the Delhi Shipyards orbiting Capella. Due to the during the Amaris Crisis. [Editor’s Note: After the Defender Free Worlds League at the start of the Succession Wars. The
technological complexity of the design, and the fact that the Class AA Cruiser was completed, the SLDF requested a new Dragon served admirably, winning many victories, until debacle
005/097 TRO:2800/House Liao/CCN Dragon Class Battleship
Dragon Class Battleship

of the battle of Calloway VI. During the battle the Free Worlds Dragon class Battleship Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
League Navy destroyed the cream of the Confederation Navy, Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Tech: Inner Sphere Nose (Heat: 460)
including the Dragon. The Dragon was sacrificed fighting a 1 NAC/30 (50 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Introduced: 2786
delaying action which allowed Chancellor Liao to escape 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
In Class: 2 5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
from the battlefield. While the Chancellor escaped on the Manufacturer: Dehli Warships (Capella/ Capellan Confederation) 10 LRM 20+Artemis IV 16(160) 16(160) 16(160) - LRM
Aldebaran, a fast destroyer, the Dragon engaged three League (240 Rounds)
battleships and numerous smaller ships in order to prevent Mass: 1,200,000 tons 20 LB 10-X (400 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) - - LB-X AC
them from chasing the Aldebaran. The Dragon was destroyed Length: 1,180 meters FL/FR (Heat: 1,120)
during the action, but the ship managed to destroy several Sail Diameter: 1,470 meters 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Marik warships and inflict heavy damage on numerous other Fuel: 3,000 tons (7,500)
5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
ships. The second Dragon, the CCS Tiger, was one of the few Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 10 LRM 20+Artemis IV 16(160) 16(160) 16(160) - LRM
Safe Thrust: 4 (240 Rounds)
Confederation ships to see service along the Federated Suns
Maximum Thrust: 6 20 LB 10-X (400 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) - - LB-X AC
front. After the first years of the war, most of the Federated Sail Integrity: 6 LBS/RBS (Heat: 4,872)
Suns warships were diverted to the Draconis front in a futile KF Drive Integrity: 24 2 HvyNGauss (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 60 Capital Gauss
effort to delay the Combine’s advance. As a result there Heat Sinks: 7,200 5 Medium NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
were only a few cruisers and destroyers deployed along the 5 Medium NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
Structural Integrity: 140
15 NL/45 68 68 68 68 Capital Laser
Confederation border. The Tiger along with two Sword class Battle Value: 256,350 AL/AR (Heat: 320)
Cruisers and six Chesterton class Destroyers were used to 5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
cover the advance of the Confederation forces into Federated Armor: (3,000 tons, Lamellor Ferro-Carbide) 10 LRM 20+Artemis IV 16(160) 16(160) 16(160) - LRM
Fore: 464 (240 Rounds)
Suns territory in 2790. The Tiger has been at the forefront 20 LB 10-X (400 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) - - LB-X AC
Fore-Sides: 539
of the operation, leading the Capellan assaults against the Aft-Sides: 539 Aft (Heat: 360)
Federation. So far the ship has managed to survive the battles Aft: 464 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
with only minimal damage. 5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
10 LRM 20+Artemis IV 16(160) 16(160) 16(160) - LRM
Cargo (240 Rounds)
Bay 1: Fighters (54) 6 Doors 20 LB 10-X (400 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) - - LB-X AC
Bay 2: Small Craft (6) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (13,023 tons) 2 Doors
200 rounds of Heavy Naval Gauss ammunition
Dropship Capacity: 6
600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
Grav Decks: 0
1440 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
Escape Pods: 45
2400 rounds of LB-10X Autocannon ammunition
Lifeboats: 45
Crew: 387 minimum (67 Officers, 320 Enlisted)
006/098 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Introduction
Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

The origins of the Draconis Combine Admiralty date back to the birth of the Alliance of Galedon in 2302. The expanding Alliance threatened the well established commercial dominance
of the Ozawa Mercantile Association. In order to stop the growth of Kurita’s new alliance, the Association raised transport fees against any member world. Outraged by this heavy handed
action armed Galedonian ships boarded Ozawa merchants and seized their cargo. Using captured Ozawan vessels and cargo the Alliance built its own well protected trading fleet. Of course,
the Association retaliated leading to the first interstellar conflict where battles between opposing spacecraft were fought. Running battles between Galedon and Ozawa naval forces lasted
throughout 2303. Eventually Kurita emerged victorious leading to the formation of the Draconis Combine in 2319.
The Admiralty was established by Coordinator Shiro Kurita as he continued to add individual worlds to his growing nation. While the Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA) would be
overshadowed by the ground forces of the Dragon it continued to maintain one of the most effective Navies in the Inner Sphere. The Kurita fleet would go onto participate in the conquest
of the Principality of Rasalhague which began in 2330. Despite the loss of several new jumpships at New Bergen to rebels the naval supremacy established by the DCA helped pave the
way to victory. While the campaign to completely subjugate the Principality would continue for some time no one doubted Kurita naval power. By 2348 the Draconis Combine possessed
one of the most powerful interstellar navies in the Inner Sphere, second only to Terra.
In 2370 the first true Draconis warship, the Sultan class Heavy Cruiser, was deployed. Other Kurita warships like the Kyoto class Destroyer launched in 2389 began to replace the
primitive armed jumpships that previously made up the Combine fleet. These new forces of the Admiralty would soon be called on for service in the Age of War. For the next century and
half the Kurita Navy would see action against the Lyran Commonwealth, the Terran Hegemony, the Federated Suns and a wide assortment of lesser powers such as Rasalhague rebels. The
first of these conflicts began in November 2407 when Draconis forces targeted the Federation of Skye for conquest. For two years a pair of Kurita pincers drove into what would become
Commonwealth space before being defeated on Meachem and Vega. The fighting was intense and eventually spilled over into the Terran Hegemony. While the Dragon’s wrath was turned
aside by some innovative tactics it was clear that the collateral damage caused by this continuing warfare was rapidly spinning out of control. In June 2412 even the House Kurita recognized
the wisdom of the Ares Conventions that set rules for warfare including naval combat.
Unfortunately the Combine would soon fall under the sway of the treacherous Von Rohrs dynasty. This illegitimate offshoot of the Kurita family would brutally seize power in 2421 and
initiate a savage series of purges that included the DCA. This act devastated the Draconis fleet and played havoc with many of its operations to come. While the paranoid Coordinators of
the Von Rohrs era continued to lash out at the Lyran Commonwealth and to a lesser extent the Federated Suns the DCA would see some of its worst causalities ever. The inability of the
still forming Lyran nation to defend itself kept the Combine’s border moving outward but at terrific cost. Additionally the introduction of the BattleMech saw the Admiralty’s budget sliced
dramatically. By the end of the twenty fifth century the Draconis Navy was ready to see a change in leadership. The rise of Martin McAllister was enthusiastically embraced by the fleet
whose morale and capabilities increased dramatically. As the transitional McAllister line gave birth to a renewed Kurita dynasty the Age of War slowly ground to a halt.
As hostilities came to an end around the Inner Sphere the Draconis Combine Admiralty was fielding new warship designs like the Kumo class Destroyer launched in 2540. A little more
than ten years later Director-General Ian Cameron began diplomatic talks that would eventually result in the birth of the Star League. This process was completed when the Draconis
Combine signed of the Treaty of Vega in 2569 making House Kurita the final instrumental player establishing a new age of peace and prosperity. Not everyone was universally pleased with
the creation of a single government that purportedly spanned the Human Sphere. The distant Periphery powers decried the League as a dangerous threat to freedom and no incentive
would convince them to join. Warnings and border incidents would lead to the Reunification War between the Periphery and the Star League. The Draconis fleet would participate in many
actions in the Outworlds and Rim Worlds theaters throughout the twenty year conflict. Armed with new warships like the refitted Lola I class Destroyer (which was eventually renamed the
Nami or Wind class) and the Samarkand class Carrier the DCA simply outclassed their frontier opposition in many cases.
The Star League provided an immediate boost to the Combine’s shipbuilding industry as well as furnishing its warships with various technological improvements over the long term that
would boost its already exceptional performance. Unfortunately there was little opportunity for glory as the fleet’s most dangerous opponents were common bandits who could hardly match
the ability of any InnerSphere Navy. As such the Dragon focused much of its efforts on modernizing its military, including the Admiralty, during the Golden Age of Mankind. Coordinator
Urizen Kurita masterfully used the arms control measures in the Edict of 2650 to promote the “Japanification” of the DCA. Older vessels considered foreign or “gaikoku” were scrapped in
favor of true Draconis warships like the Atago class Heavy Cruiser. This massive industrial effort saw much of the Dragon’s original warship fleet swapped for innovative new designs. The
Admiralty became the Combine’s clearest example of compliance with Star League laws even though it constantly drilled against SLDF threat models which were a concern for some.
006/099 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Introduction
Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

The new warships of the DCA would see action in the so-called Hidden Wars that plagued the last days of the Star League. The Admiralty’s single largest deployment since the
Reunification War was in support of a Kurita claimant to the throne of the Federated Suns in 2725. The Davion War of Succession would last for four years and demonstrate the capabilities
of the Draconis fleet. Combine naval forces were able to push the Davion Fleet back before being halted by Star League intervention. Just over ten years later the final Hidden Wars between
the members of the Star League would begin in earnest. DCA assets engaged in covert operations in support of raiders who struck Lyran and Davion border worlds. These forces often
had to contend with SLDF peace keepers as well as angry native defenders that made their execution extremely challenging. Even in the face of these staggering obstacles the Admiralty
complied an impressive record of success. While these operations tailed off dramatically after the death of First Lord Simon Cameron on Star’s End they continued throughout the Amaris
Coup right up till the end of the Star League.
The dawn of the Succession War bought the Draconis Combine into conflict with the fledgling Terran Republic almost immediately as the two nations sparred over border worlds
occupied by the Dragon during the Amaris Coup and the underlying question of just who would be the next First Lord. These skirmishes quickly gave way to a two pronged competition
aimed at established a fifth Draconis District out of Terran and Lyran territory. Operations Katana and Khopesh were supported by much of the Admiralty’s hidden fleet assets who would
go on to participate in the major battles of Moore, Dieron, Vega, Terra, and Skondia. Draconis warships along the Periphery frontier were forced to deal with Kerensky’s Wrath which they
successfully hunted down. These operations however would pale in comparison to the Dragon’s invasion of the Federated Suns, which was poised to take out its greatest rival. With two
great fleets in support the Draconis Combine struck in 2787 with such a massive fury that it nearly toppled House Davion by 2795. The titanic battle of Cholame followed by the Siege of
New Avalon bought the Federated Suns to its knees.
In retrospect not even the mighty Dragon could sustain such a massive three front war, however five years ago House Kurita seemed invincible. Gradually the tide was turning against
the Combine as Terran, Lyran, and Davion forces began to push back. Then all at once the events of Kentares seemed to break the back of the Draconis military including its fleet arm.
Overextended and demoralized the DCA has suffered many reversals despite their best efforts. Now, almost four years later the Kurita retreat continues. These defeats along every front
have seen the bulk of the Draconis officer corps commit seppuku for their battlefield failures. The elimination of these experienced leaders has also begun to impact Kurita operations. While
it has been reduced to the smallest Navy in the Inner Sphere the DCA continues to be a formidable opponent. Even though it has been badly wounded by the Succession War the Dragon
may now be more dangerous then ever especially if it is forced to defend its homeland.
Draconis warships adorn their dorsal surfaces a distinctive red while their flanks and ventral surfaces are painted solid slate gray. These imposing vessels always display the Kurita
Dragon prominently on their hulls.


Since its inception the Admiralty has focused its energies on developing superior first strike capabilities. Kurita naval doctrine stresses this aggressive philosophy which calls
for the swift destruction of any threat vessels before they can respond effectively. This thinking pervades the organization at all levels. For example, Draconis crews are well trained and
exceptionally loyal but they have a reputation for fearlessness based on this all or nothing doctrine. Suicidal attacks most recently exemplified by Kamikaze Jumps used to overcome
mammoth Lyran warships have done much to reinforce this perception. This couldn’t be further from the truth in most cases. Draconian crewmen grimly realize that their very survival
hinges upon destroying their enemy before they themselves or their love ones are killed.
In modern times these practices were refined during the Star League era when the Arm of the Dragon regularly ran simulations on defeating the SLDF. Apparently the Draconis
Combine never completely trusted the Camerons despite being a charter member of the Star League and genuinely thought the organization could be a real threat to its national
sovereignty. Thankfully with exception of a few minor incidents the two powers never came to blows. This suspicious mindset had the added benefit of keeping the Admiralty at its peak
fighting condition. To safeguard themselves further from any aggression or betrayal the DCA maintained secret assets like the Mogami class Cruiser as well as some hidden facilities
scattered throughout Draconis space.
006/100 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Introduction
Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

Current circumstances have caught up with DCA as they are now poorly suited to stop the onslaught of their enemies. Better suited for offensive operations the warships of the
Dragon have not faired well when fighting a defensive campaign. Forced on its heels the Combine’s Navy has ironically resorted to desperate tactics mirroring Terran naval philosophies
seen earlier in the war which Draconis officers originally viewed with contempt. While Kurita ships employed nuclear strikes prior to this turn of events the use of these Weapons of
Mass Destruction has been dramatically expanded. While Draconis resistance has stiffened in recent days the lack of experienced officers has created gaps in this defense which can
be exploited.


Main Line Vessels (423 warships) Supplemental /Reserve Fleet (141 warships) Hegemony Additionals (48 warships)
90 Inoshishi class Corvettes 40 Himeko class Corvette/Raiders 24 Vigilant class Corvettes
111 Kumo class Destroyers 9 Samarkand class Carriers 12 Baron class Destroyers
60 Hokosaki class Frigates 20 Same class Corvettes 4 Nami class Destroyers [modified Lola I]
60 Atago class Heavy Cruisers 40 Kaze class Destroyers 6 Aegis class Heavy Cruisers
60 Igarashii class Battlecruisers 24 Mogami class Cruisers 2 Hegemony class Battlecruisers
42 Hiei class Battleships 4 Tone class Carriers Auxiliaries (95 warships)
4 Byakuren class Battlecruisers 50 Kujira class Armed Transports

The single minded focus on building up the combat arm of its Navy actually led the Draconis Combine to field the Inner Sphere’s smallest warship fleet at the start of the Succession
War. However, this number along with many other “facts” about the Admiralty was intentionally misleading. Keeping a small but very noticeable auxiliary was deliberately done to
deceive opponents about the true size of the Draconis combat fleet which was maintained at secret facilities spread throughout the nation. So while the DCA conformed to standard
Inner Sphere organizational practices it actively hid much of its strength. This standard practice was carried out to confuse any possible aggressor, including the Star League, and
maximize it first strike capability which benefited from any amount surprise. No other Navy in the Inner Sphere went to the lengths that the Admiralty did to disguise their warship
fleets prior to the Succession War. Only four of its fleets, each attached to a Military District, were public per say and even these formations had additional attachments. The First or
Galedon Fleet has always had the proudest traditions since it was the original naval organization of the Draconis Combine. The distinction of being the most active combat fleet of the
DCA went to the Second or Benjamin whose district shared a border with all three of the Combine’s Inner Sphere neighbors. The Third or Pesht Fleet had the distinction of serving
the Draconis capital of Luthien. Even while this was a high honor there was little chance for glory in the Third because it bordered no Inner Sphere state. Tracking down bandits and
ceremonial duties were not held in high regard by the spacemen of the Dragon. The Fourth or Rasalhague Fleet was always on guard as it patrolled the most rebellious region of the
Combine. Each of these fleets had a concealed combat element, an under strength flotilla, in addition to its three overt combat flotilla and its small fifteen ship auxiliary. Two additional
fleets were kept completely covert in nature. The Fifth Fleet, called the Hidden Fleet, is the more noted of the two while the Sixth shadows that secret formation. These formations
are believed to have been nearly as large as the acknowledged Draconis fleets.
006/101 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Introduction
Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

Fighting a three front war has taken its toll on the DCA, only one hundred warships remain under its
banner. In order to stem the near constant defeats of the last four years these ships were recently reorganized
into three ad hoc formations. Three so-called Border Fleets named for their respective assignments now serve
the Dragon. The Davion Border Fleet consists of the remains of the First (Galedon) and Second (Benjamin) CURRENT DEPLOYMENT (as of 2800)
fleets. This fleet faces perhaps the most difficult assignment as it struggles to hold on to the massive gains
made in the initial Federated Suns invasion. Meanwhile the Lyran Border Fleet which combined the Third Combat Vessels (86 warships)
(Pesht) and the Fourth (Rasalhague) is still lashing out at an improving Steiner opponent. The Fifth (Hidden 6 Himeko class Corvette/Raiders
Fleet) and Sixth (Shadow Fleet) were actually the first naval organizations to be reformed following Operation 14 Inoshishi class Corvettes
Katana and Khopesh. No longer clandestine the Terran Border or Vegan Fleet is fighting hard to retain gains 4 Vigilant class Corvettes
made against the Republic. 2 Samarkand class Carriers
2 Same class Corvettes
2 Baron class Destroyers
CONSTRUCTION PHILOSOPHY 19 Kumo class Destroyers
The typical design mentality of the Draconis Combine embodies the way of the ‘samurai’. The code of
6 Kaze class Destroyers
Bushido espoused by House Kurita denotes a fighting style which involves direct, frontal assaults that requires
2 Nami class Destroyers
a superior arsenal and speed to carry the day. Paramount to all engineering concerns is the maximization of
7 Mogami class Cruisers
firepower. Quite simply kill or be killed. While the speed of the Admiralty’s warships varies by role it can best
9 Hokosaki class Frigates
be described as optimal. Their fleet has a wide range of thrust capabilities from fast Corvettes to slow Heavy
5 Atago class Heavy Cruisers
Cruisers in order to best fulfill its service function. To increase these offensive capabilities to their highest
4 Igarashii class Battlecruisers
level protection and comfort have often been neglected. Historically opponents, often inexperienced Lyran
1 Tone class Carrier
commanders, under estimate the Dragon’s armor which is slightly less than the norm. Much to their horror
1 Byakuren class Battlecruiser
these foolish officers find that Draconis warships have enough armor plating to bring their big guns to bear
2 Hiei class Battleships
with devastating results. While the interior of most Kurita vessels can accurately be described as Spartan,
the designs themselves are remarkable simple. Almost the exact opposite of high tech Terran or Star League
Auxiliaries (14 warships)
these ships utilize methods and technology proven over time on the field of battle. Needless to say these
4 Catalyst class Tankers
designs are very effective instruments of war that continue to be highly reliable and easy to use.
4 Vulcan class Tenders
6 Kujira class Armed Transports
The heavy regulation of the Draconis Combine has resulted in an economy dominated by a few larger
companies. New companies are viewed as upstarts and face a strong challenge to survive. The result is that
the Combine’s aerospace industry is composed of several mega-corporations which dominate the field an a
few smaller companies that attempt to survive on the left over scraps. The current War of Succession has
seen the destruction of many of the major aerospace companies in the Combine. This has forced many of
the smaller companies to the forefront, where they are now treated as valuable contributors to the Combine’s
war effort.
006/102 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Introduction
Draconis Combine Admiralty DCA

Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

Avon - Matabushi Incorporated
Products (2785): Union, Seeker, Fortress and Overlord Dropships
Products (2800): Union and Overlord Dropships
Matabushi is one of the largest aerospace firms in the Combine. Their Avon factory specializes in the production of the dropships for the DCMS. While the company only builds 4 models of dropships, the
large sprawling complex allowed them to turn out large numbers each year. The Avon factory was targeted by the Tamar Tigers on their return from their famed raid against Luthien. Catching the defenders
unaware, the Tigers managed to raze large parts of the Matabushi complex. Following the raid, Matabushi managed to salvage enough equipment to restore two production lines.

Benjamin- Ceres Metals

Products (2785): Buccaneer, Danais, Mule and Monarch Dropships
Products (2800): Buccaneer, Danais, Mule and Monarch Dropships
Ceres Metals is one of the few “foreign” corporations allowed to operate in the Combine. The company had so much financial and mercantile power that they were able to convince the Combine to allow
them to open several industrial facilities. The Benjamin dropship yard produces a variety of cargo and civilian passenger ships. With so many of the Combine’s native manufacturers focusing on military
production, the ships produced here are vital to the health of the Combine’s economy. So far this yard has not been targeted by any raiders and continues to operate at full capacity.

Chatham - Stellar Trek

Products (2785): Explorer, Merchant, Invader, Star Lord and Monolith Jumpships
Products (2800): Merchant, Invader Star Lord and Monolith Jumpships
Stellar Trek’s Chatham Shipyards produce a variety of conventional jumpships for the Combine. Despite claims that the Chatham Yard produced the Mogami class Cruisers, there is no evidence that the yard
has the ability to manufacture the compact core KF drive that would be needed to build a warship. So far the Chatham facility has managed to avoid being attacked as it is located deep inside the Combine’s
borders. Recently the company halted production of the Explorer class jumpship in favor of increased production of the Invader class.

Chatham - Tomori Trans Industrial

Products (2785): Leopard CV, Dione and Vengeance Dropships
Products (2800): Leopard CV, Vengeance Dropships
Tomori Trans Industrials is one of the also-rans in the Combine’s Aerospace industry. Much smaller then Matabushi or DeHuego & Freshet, the company has managed to survive by specializing in the
manufacture of fighter carriers. The company has been so successful in this niche market that neither Matabushi nor DeHuego & Freshet have tried to compete for carrier contracts with the DCMS. Recently,
due to the loss of several key suppliers, the company has been forced to halt production of the Dione.

Dover - Hinsdale Elec

Products (2785): Condor and Triumph Dropships
Products (2800): Condor Dropship
Up until recently, Hinsdale Elec was a small and mostly ignored dropship manufacturer. Not favored by the DCMS, the company turned out a small number of Triumph dropships, mainly for the export market.
Hinsdale’s fortunes changed in 2785. The Combine managed to acquire the plans to the Condor from Nimakachi Fusion Products in exchange for not nationalizing the company’s operations at Lapida II. The
plans were turned over to Hinsdale as they were the only company that would be able to put the design into production without too much disruption. The Hinsdale plant was attacked by the Terran Republic
in 2795. While this halted production of the Triumph, Hinsdale’s engineers managed to restore the Condor line to operation.

Dover - Wakazashi Enterprises

Products (2785): Scout, Merchant and Invader Jumpships, Inoshishi Corvette, Himeko Class Corvette/Raider, Same Corvette, Mogami Cruiser
Products (2800): None
Wakazashi Enterprises is best known for the manufacture of Aerospace fighters. The company also operated a major shipyard in the Dover System. The Wakazashi yard was one of the most efficient and
productive in the Draconis Combine, but due to the size of itss drydocks was limited to the production of Corvettes and small Jumpships. Rumors claim that the shipyard built 2 Mogami Cruisers, the Natori
006/103 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Introduction
Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

model, but this has not been fully substantiated. The Wakazashi shipyard was targeted by a Terran Republic strike force in 2795. The Terrans managed to completely destroy the complex.

Fukuroi - Black Dog Shipbuilding

Products (2785): Scout and Merchant Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Black Dog Shipbuilding has always been seen as something of a rebel in the Combine. The company designed the Same Corvette but lost the production contract as their shipyard was unable to meet the
Combine’s production demands. The company managed to survive by building Scout and Merchant jumpships for the Combine’s civilian market. The company’s shipyard was destroyed by a Federated Suns
raiding force in 2799.

Luthien - BBP Industries

Products (2785): Leopard, Leopard CV, Gazelle, Intruder, Overlord, Triumph and Excalibur Dropships
Products (2800): Intruder, Triumph and Excalibur Dropships
BBP Industries is a major dropship manufacturer for the Combine. While it’s facilities are smaller then those of Matabushi or Dehuego & Freshet, the company’s location on the capital world of Luthien has
placed it in a position to influence many senior officers of the Combine’s Admiralty. As a result the company has received as steady flow of contracts for it’s products. The BBP complex was badly damaged
during the Tamar Tigers raid in March of 2787. The DCMS has provided the company funding and technical aid which has allowed them restore several production lines.

Luthien - Matabushi Incorporated - Kure Naval Yards

Products (2785): Invader, Tramp, Star Lord and Monolith Jumpships, Inoshishi Corvette, Mogami Cruiser, Igarashii Battlecruiser, Kujira Armed Transport
Products (2800): None
Matabushi’s Kure Naval Yards were the largest shipyards in the Combine. In addition to manufacturing a variety of warships and jumpships, the yard also served as a major maintenance and overhaul
facility. Because of the yards value to the Combine, the Lyran Commonwealth made it an early target during the war. The Tamar Tigers launched a daring raid against Luthien in 2787 during which their
naval escort managed to destroy the shipyard.

Midway - Matabushi Incorporated - Draconis Fleet Yards

Products (2785): Mogami Cruiser, Byakuren Battlecruiser, Kujira Armed Transport
Products (2800): Maintenance only
The Draconis Fleet Yards above Midway are primarily used for warship maintenance and overhauls. The yard was the lead facility for the conversion of the Aristotle CCT into the Kujira Armed Transport,
performing almost half of the conversions. The yard is also believed to have built the three Kuma variants of the Mogami Cruiser before the fall of the Star League. It is suspected that most of the components
for the Mogami’s were shipped in from other facilities and Midway simply performed the assembly of the ships from large sub assemblies. On the other hand it is known that the shipyard handled the
construction and assembly of the Byakuren Battlecruisers from the keel up. Only four of the ships were completed before a lack of resources halted production. The Midway yards were targeted by a
Federated Suns raid in 2790. The raid only inflicted minor damage and the yard has continued to provide maintenance and dry dock capability to the Combine’s fleet.

New Oslo - Dharma Hyperspace

Products (2785): Merchant, Invader and Monolith Jumpships, Inoshishi Corvette, Mogami Cruiser, Kujira Armed Transport
Products (2800): None
Dharma Hyperspace has a history going back to the days of the Principality of Rasalhague. Following the absorption of the Principality, the Draconis Combine officials viewed the company with great suspicion
and distrust. Over the years the company was able to prove its loyalty to the Dragon and began to receive government contracts. By the start of the Succession War, Dharma’s New Oslo shipyard was building
warships for the Combine fleet. The shipyard was destroyed in 2788 under mysterious circumstances. While official reports claim a Lyran strike force destroyed the factory, rumors claim that the Rasalhague
underground was involved in the destruction of the shipyards.
006/104 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Introduction
Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

New Samarkand - Matabushi Incorporated
Products (2785): Maintenance and overhaul work
Products (2800): None
These massive drydocks at New Samarkand were originally operated by Di Tron Heavy Industries. Following the founding of the Star League and with the beginning of the Reunification War, the
Star League Defense Forces saw the need for a fleet base for operations against the Outworlds Alliance. Despite several conflicts between the Toshimoto Family, owners of Di Tron, and the Kurita
family, the SLDF chose Di Tron to build and run the shipyard at New Samarkand. For the next one hundred and fifty years the New Samarkand yard was the major fleet anchorage and drydock
in the spinward region of the Inner Sphere. Following the fall of the League and Kerensky’s Exodus the Draconis Combine nationalized the shipyard and turned it over to Matabushi. Much to their
dismay the shipyard had been stripped bare by the departing SLDF. Despite this Matabushi managed to restore the yard to limited functionality, enabling it to support some warship maintenance
and repair work. The yard was destroyed by a Federated Suns assault force in 2795.

Togura - Stellar Trek

Products (2785): Inoshishi Corvette, Mogami Cruiser, Tone Carrier
Products (2800): Inoshishi Corvette
Stellar Trek’s large Togura yard has produced a number of warships for the Combine Navy. Unlike the massive shipyards at Luthien and Dover, the Togura facility was not self-sufficient and heavily
depended on imported components. With the out break of war, many of these component suppliers have been destroyed and interstellar trade has been greatly disrupted. This component
shortage has forced the company to halt production of both the Mogami Cruiser and Tone Carrier. Amazingly the company still manages to build the Inoshishi Corvette, relying on a large stockpile
of components located in the Togura system and high priority shipments from the Combine’s surviving naval equipment manufacturers. So far the Togura Yard has managed to avoid suffering
and significant damage, a raid by the Terran Republic and two raids by the Federated Suns have both been destroyed before they damage the yard.

Proserpina - DeHuego & Freshet Dropship Design

Products (2785): Avenger, Leopard, Fury, Gazelle, Intruder, Achilles, Union, Danais, Seeker, Triumph, Fortress, Overlord, Excaliber, Buccaneer, Mule and Mammoth Dropships
Products (2800): None
DeHuego & Freshet was the largest dropship manufacturer in the Draconis Combine. The city sized complex produced a variety of dropships and jumpships for the Combine military and civilian
markets. The importance of these products and the yards close proximity to the border made the complex a very tempting target. In March of 2787 the Federated Suns sent a task force to the
Proserperina system. After destroying the defending warships, the Federation task force launched several nuclear missiles at the complex, completely destroying the entire facility.

Proserpina - Ceres Metals

Products (2785): Scout, Merchant and Invader Jumpships
Products (2800): None
The Ceres Metals jumpship yard manufactured small jumpships for the commercial market. The yard was destroyed during the Federated Suns March of 2787 raid against the Proserpina

Schuyler - Galileo Instruments

Products (2785): Avenger, Achilles, Vengeance, Monarch, Princess and Behemoth Dropships.
Products (2800): Achilles, Vengeance, Monarch and Behemoth Dropships
Despite only meeting moderate success for their products, Galileo Instruments chose to open a second shipyard at Schuyler. This factory originally focused on manufacturing commercial vessels.
006/105 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Introduction
Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA)

Seeking to increase business, the director of the Schuyler yard diversified into the production of assault dropships for the DCMS. This proved very profitable for the company and orders increased
dramatically. The company was rewarded in 2786 when they were provided complete plans for the Vengeance dropship. So far Schuyler has not been attacked, but even so Galileo has been
forced to halt production of the Avenger and Princess dropships due to component shortages.

Schuyler - Dharma Hyperspace

Products (2785): Scout, Merchant and Tramp Jumpships
Products (2800): Scout, Merchant and Tramp Jumpships
Dharma Hyperspace’s Schuyler jumpship yard builds ships for the commercial market in the Combine. Originally a minor shipyard, the facility has taken on increasing importance with the loss
of so many major shipyards. Fortunately for the Combine, so far there have been no attacks against the complex. Even so production levels at Schuyler yard are much slower due to component
006/106 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Himeko Class Corvette
Himeko Class Corvette

11th century novel Tales of Genji. The name of the third ship, constantly engaged in espionage and harassment against the
Takahashi Rumiko, is commonly believed to be in reference to Combine’s neighbors. They were so successful in this role that
a graphic novelist whose work enjoyed considerable popularity when the Edict of 2650 was repealed in 2755, the Combine
in both Japan and North America during the late 20th and commenced construction of thirty seven additional ships.
early 21st century, however, this is not the case. In fact it is During the Succession War, these new ships have seen
named for an administrator of the world of Shimonseki, who extensive action transporting raiding forces deep into enemy
governed in the early 25th Century. Though a fair, judicious territory. Though often able to either slip past or outmaneuver
leader and even a hero for her role in averting a massive local defense forces, these raids have often been costly for the
uprising in 2430, she is a largely unknown figure in history.) attacking forces. As with all of the Combine’s warships, the
number of Himeko class ships in service has steadily declined
Capabilities: since the start of hostilities.
The Himeko is not a particularly impressive anti-ship Himeko class Corvette/Raider
platform, and neither was it intended to be. Yuriko Ono’s design
was intended to deal with general patrol and security duty, Tech: Inner Sphere
where its primary opponents would be pirates and smugglers. Introduced: 2673
In this respect the light main armament of four naval lasers In Class: 40
and six naval missile tubes is more than adequate. A collection Manufacturer: Wakazashi Enterprises (Dover /Draconis
Overview: of PPCs and small missile racks provide secondary anti-fighter Combine)
A near failure when it was first designed; the Himeko was defense.
the brainchild of Yuriko Ono, a talented naval engineer who Three docking collars and fourteen small craft bays allow Mass: 150,000 tons
had emigrated to the Draconis Combine from her home in the Himeko to transport a wide variety of supporting craft, Length: 300 meters
Nagasaki, Japan in 2660. In the 2670s, the Combine military which was originally intended to allow the ship to cover a Sail Diameter: 500 meters
had come to the decision to modernize its antiquated corvette wider patrol area. Unfortunately the docking collars made the Fuel: 3,000 tons (15,000)
fleet, soliciting designs from a number of its most prominent ship too costly compared to others, which was the primary Tons/Burn Day: 19.75
shipyards. Several prototypes were evaluated extensively, and reason behind its rejection. Later, when adapted to serve as Safe Thrust: 4
despite their good performance the Combine choose to go a raider, this allowed for a considerable raiding force to be Maximum Thrust: 6
in another direction. Not interested in wasting anything, the transported to the battlefield. Sail Integrity: 3
DCA acquired all three of the Himeko prototypes. The Himeko, A tough hulled, well armored ship, the Himeko could take KF Drive Integrity: 5
Murasaki Shikibu, and Takahashi Rumiko all entered service a lot of punishment for a ship of its size. Heavily modified, Heat Sinks: 458
in 2673. her hull would become the basis for the later Inoshishi class Structural Integrity: 80
(Editor’s Note: Because she was the primary designer corvette. Both designs have gone onto operate together Battle Value: 19,902
behind the corvette, Yuriko Ono was given the honor of frequently during the Succession War.
christening these ships. Somewhat irritated with the male Armor: (240 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum)
oriented society she had grown up with and was still surrounded
Deployment: Fore: 40
by, she chose the names of women she considered her Fore-Sides: 40
As early as 2690, Combine naval officers had begun
personal heroes. Himeko was a Japanese ruler from the end Aft-Sides: 40
to realize the Himeko’s suitability for covert operations and
of the 3rd century CE, while Murasaki Shikibu wrote the early Aft: 40
raiding, and reportedly all three ships of the class were
006/107 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Himeko Class Corvette
Himeko Class Corvette

Bay 1: Cargo (14,490 tons) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Small Craft (14) 8 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 3
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 20
Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 87 minimum (14 Officers, 73 Enlisted)

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 164)
2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
2 LRM 5 (24 Rounds) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) - LRM
2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - PPC
FL/FR (Heat: 60)
2 White Shark (40 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
AL/AR (Heat: 90)
1 White Shark (20 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
3 PPC 3(30) 3(30) - - PPC
Aft (Heat: 144)
2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
2 LRM 5 (24 Rounds) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) - LRM

120 White Shark Missiles
48 rounds of LRM ammunition
006/108 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Inoshishi Class Corvette
Inoshishi Class Corvette

structure along with its impressive Improved Ferro-Aluminum process. However, construction has been slowed due to a lack
armor endows it with unmatched durability for its size. Packing of available components and foreign sabotage conducted on
all of this protection into such a small vessel comes at a steep all known facilities. It seems only a matter of time before the
price however. Conditions aboard an Inoshishi are tight to Inoshishi becomes as endangered as other warship designs
say the least with narrow corridors pervading the entire ship. no longer produced because of this horrific conflict.
One of the few luxuries afforded to the crew are the twin 50 Inoshishis are frequently grouped into squadrons and
meters Grav Decks which give some relief from the otherwise attached to every major Draconis naval force. Viewed as
snug insides of this highly durable warship. cannon fodder by their own commanders these corvettes are
Not intended to operate independently the Inoshishi has generally manned by green conscripts. Thanks to their hard
a relatively small cargo space and only average mobility. Its charging nature very few Inoshishi crews have time to become
standard thrust of 2Gs, and maximum thrust of 3Gs, allows it battle hardened veterans. Large numbers of these ships have
to keep up with most ships so it can use its excellent firepower participated in practically every major battle of the Succession
to swarm opponents as it was intended. Its armament War and will likely continue to do so. While some of their
includes eight Naval Autocannon 20s, two Heavy Naval Particle losses were replenished from the numerous yards attrition has
Projection Cannons, two Barracuda Missile Launchers, and taken its toll on these ships and their crews.
twelve Autocannon 5s. This arsenal allows a single Inoshishi,
or more typically a squadron, to challenge much larger craft Inoshishi class Corvette
Overview: and effectively overwhelm them.
After the Edict of 2650 was repealed, every Great House Tech: Inner Sphere
rapidly expanded their military forces, however the expense Deployment: Introduced: 2758
associated with naval construction left most of the states At the start of this new Age of War the Draconis Combine In Class: 120
concentrating on their ground arms. Every nation built new fielded ninety of these valuable warships. Unlike larger Manufacturer: Various (Draconis Combine)
warships, of course, but in most respects, nobody was going warships, which require their own dedicated shipyards, the
to the same lengths to expand their fleets the way they Inoshishi were small enough to be built at most civilian Mass: 150,000 tons
were expanding the ground arm. The Draconis Combine was jumpship yards. Though this practice was limited early Length: 350 meters
perhaps the one exception, and in their zeal to expand the on, when the Star League began to crumble, the Combine Sail Diameter: 500 meters
fleet as quickly as possible they turned to the corvette, first government quickly moved to shift numerous civilian yards Fuel: 2,000 tons (10,000)
producing the sophisticated and powerful Same, and following over to military construction, and Inoshishi class ships began Tons/Burn Day: 19.75
soon after with the Inoshishi. The Inoshishi (Wild Boar) was pouring into service. In only twenty eight years numerous Safe Thrust: 4
designed as a cheaper more easily mass produced alternative yards, some of which still have yet to be identified, cranked Maximum Thrust: 6
to the Same. out more than three vessels a year on average. Sail Integrity: 3
After the start of the war production of these ships was KF Drive Integrity: 5
Heat Sinks: 1,000
Capabilities: stunted by widespread damage to Kurita industry but not
Structural Integrity: 80
The Inoshishi was the lightest front line corvette deployed completely halted. Approximately thirty more vessels have
entered service with the Draconis Combine Admiralty. In fact Battle Value: 65,927
in the Human Sphere at the start of the Succession War. Lighter
than even the Rim Worlds Republic’s Pinto class Corvette it is an the Inoshishi is one of the few warships still manufactured in
extremely tough and spartan design. The ship’s thick internal the InnerSphere today thanks to its relatively simple design
006/109 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Inoshishi Class Corvette
Inoshishi Class Corvette

Armor: (240 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum)

Fore: 52
Fore-Sides: 52
Aft-Sides: 28
Aft: 28

Bay 1: Cargo (2,655 tons) 1 Door
Bay 2: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (50-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 10
Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 89 minimum (15 Officers, 74 Enlisted)

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 240)
2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
FL/FR (Heat: 146)
2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
3 AC/5 (80 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) - - Autocannon
AL/AR (Heat: 576)
1 NAC/20 (50 Rounds) 20 20 20 - Capital AC
1 Heavy NPPC 15 15 15 15 Capital PPC
3 AC/5 (80 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) - - Autocannon

400 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
20 Barracuda Missiles
280 rounds of Autocannon/5 ammunition
006/110 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Same Class Corvette
Same Class Corvette

The Same was conceived as a high speed attack ship meant to The Same’s first role was rather unusual to say the least. In
engage ships several times her size. Intended to rely on pack tactics early June of 2758, the second ship of the class, the Kasasagi, was
the Same did not depend on her considerable maneuverability to keep “loaned” to the noble Takeda clan, and took part in the festivities
out of harms way. Quite the contrary in fact. The Same was designed surrounding the marriage of the clan’s eldest daughter Midori,
to close with her opponent as quickly as possible and quite simply transporting her on a symbolic journey from Vega to Altair to
break it in half. meet her future husband.
To do this, the Same depended on a main arsenal of five of the The very nature of the journey (requiring that Lady Midori
largest naval autocannons available. The Shitsuren (Broken Heart)
arrive by July 7th) actually proved just a little dangerous, as the
model 40 naval cannons were built specifically for the Same, and
Kasasagi twice had to endure a quick charge of its KF-drive, and
they give her the firepower needed to rip through even the thickest
armor. jump to a pirate point in the Altair system in order to deliver
Long range firepower on the ship was provided by two dozen its passenger on time. Nevertheless, the untested ship made it
Killer Whale missile tubes. Though unusual, this did provide the ship through in fine style.
with considerable bite at any range for as long as the missiles lasted. [Editor’s note: Ridiculously extravagant really, especially
A dozen aerospace fighters further added to the ship’s offensive when you consider that neither Vega nor Altair were Combine
firepower. territory at the time. The amount of influence that had to be
Designers added sixteen small naval lasers and several PPC peddled to allow a heavily armed corvette, especially one that
turrets to the design almost as an afterthought. Though wishing to had yet to complete its shakedown cruise, to take this little jaunt
pack even more naval missile tubes into the design, they conceded through two states was considerable. Still, this gesture, full of
the possibility that the Same might just run out of ammunition and
Overview: therefore might need something to fall back on.
romantic symbolism and inspired by classical Japanese legend,
The Same (or Shark) class Corvette was originally engineered was considered incredibly romantic by some. Even today some
Close to five hundred tons of Ferro-carbide armor provided maidens travel what is called the “lover’s crossing” between Vega
by Black Dog Shipbuilding of Fukuroi. A rather eccentric Draconis protection for the Same. This gave her armor protection that many of
enterprise run like a pack of competing nerd fraternities rather and Altair as a way of showing their devotion to their lovers].
the destroyers of her era would be quite happy with. Unfortunately, the rest of the ship’s history has not been so
than a proper business, one could never really be certain what Small fuel tanks and limited cargo space made the Same
was going to happen next. peaceful or clear for that matter. The Combine’s twenty Same
ill suited for independent operations. This was not considered a
And nowhere else was this truer than their Genken division, class warships were on the front lines when the Succession
problem, however, as she was designed to operate as part of the
the division of the company dedicated to warship design. Though main battlefleet, offering a rapid strike force to support the main line War broke out, and though they scored some very impressive
the division had turned out some successful designs in its time successes early on, many were quickly destroyed. Only a limited
of battleships and cruisers.
nobody could really be sure how they were doing it. The Genken number of these warships are still believed to exist but there
division, though packed to the brim with brilliant minds, had no is a strange discrepancy that continues to puzzle some naval
organization, no sense of order at all. Their ideas just seemed to Deployment: experts. Many sources, including the DCA, insist that only two
flow spontaneously from out of nowhere or, as some scandalous The Draconis Combine approved construction of the Same in such vessels continue to serve the Dragon as of today. However,
rumors would have you believe from hallucinations induced by 2757 as part of the public buildup of their House Military in the there are some indications that at least one unknown Same still
mushrooms. later days of the Star League (as opposed to the secret buildup lurks somewhere in Combine space. A vessel spotted by foreign
Still, they did quality work, and their final product, the Same that had been going on for decades). Black Dog facilities proved intelligence assets in the Benjamin District at the exact time as the
is certainly an excellent example of that, even if the Combine too small to handle production of this complex heavy corvette known Same’s appeared elsewhere has raised some interesting
would prefer to forget that she and the Genken division ever which was entrusted to Wakazashi Enterprises. Despite her questions. Combine authorities however dismiss these reports as
considerable capabilities the ship was neither cheap nor easy to attempts to mislead their own war efforts by creating ghosts in
build which resulted in only twenty vessels being built by the start their own realm.
of the Succession War. New construction was halted soon after
Capabilities: hostilities broke out because of these same complexities.
006/111 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Same Class Corvette
Same Class Corvette

Same class Corvette Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard) Ammunition:

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class 300 rounds of Naval Autocannon/40 ammunition
Nose (Heat: 675)
Tech: Inner Sphere 240 Killer Whale Missiles
1 NAC/40 (57 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Introduced: 2757 1 NAC/40 (56 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
In Class: 20 1 NAC/40 (56 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Manufacturer: Wakazashi Enterprises (Dover /Draconis Combine) 1 NAC/40 (56 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
1 NAC/40 (75 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
FL/FR (Heat: 1,312)
Mass: 350,000 tons 8 NL/35 28 28 28 - Capital Laser
Length: 385 meters 12 Killer Whale 48 48 48 48 Capital Missile
Sail Diameter: 800 meters (120 Missiles)
Fuel: 2,000 tons (5,000) LBS/RBS (Heat: 120)
6 PPC 6(60) 6(60) - - PPC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
AL/AR (Heat: 60)
Safe Thrust: 5 6 PPC 6(60) 6(60) - - PPC
Maximum Thrust: 8
Sail Integrity: 3
KF Drive Integrity: 8
Heat Sinks: 1144 (2288)
Structural Integrity: 60
Battle Value: 109,150

Armor: (420 tons, Ferro-Carbide)

Fore: 102
Fore-Sides: 56
Aft-Sides: 56
Aft: 46

Bay 1: Cargo (8,146 tons) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Small Craft (2) 1 Door
Bay 3: Fighters (12) 3 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 10
Lifeboats: 10
Crew: 165 minimum (29 Officers, 136 Enlisted)
006/112 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Kujira Class Transport
Kujira Class Transport

second armed version of the Aristotle. These armed transports were warships much larger than it and proved to be a deadly surprise when
more capable then their predecessors who first fought the League Kurita’s enemies first faced the Kujira in battle.
no doubt thanks to Kurita advice. It is important to note, however, However, despite the heavy armament, the Kujira was still
that the Combine provided this help to improve their capabilities not handicapped by its peaceful facade. Though the refit included the
to bring down the Star League.] Even the Star League militarized addition of armor to the design, the hull was still very lightly armored,
some of their Aristotle fleet during their long march to Terra and the making the ship easy prey for anything it couldn’t kill in the first or
Dragon was watching. Kurita observers carefully noted all of these second barrage. Although this fit the Draconis naval mentality fine, kill
armed variants fielded over the years. Many converted Aristotles or be killed. The ship also lacked maneuverability compared to a real
carried Medium Naval PPCs which were considered less than ideal as warship, and its anti-fighter defenses, though fairly extensive for the
they were relatively expensive and sacrificed some hitting power in era, had gaps that fighters could easily exploit. Despite these flaws,
exchange for a dubious advantage in range. Naval lasers and missiles the Kujira still made for a nasty surprise that Kurita was more than
were also tried, but ultimately the best versions were equipped with willing to spring on their enemies.
naval autocannons. With this knowledge in hand the DCA would go
onto create the terrifying Kujira (Whale) class Armed Transport after
the dissolution of the Star League. Deployment:
The first use of the Kujira in a combat role came during the
six week battle of Cholame during the first succession war. Two
Capabilities: weeks into the battle, a Kurita “resupply convoy” composed of eight
Though the Combine denies it many believe that the transports Kujiras guarded by the infamous destroyer Ayanami arrived insystem.
they bought were built to be converted to a warship. The Aristotles However, a “disastrous intelligence blunder” resulted in the convoy
Overview: they purchased had their cargo bay broken down into seventy jumping insystem at a pirate point behind Davion lines. Eager to take
It was during the Reunification War that the ever-present Aristotle separate compartments (allegedly to prevent loss of cargo due to advantage of this apparent blunder, the Davion rear-guard forces
class Transport was first converted into a fully armed warship by the catastrophic depressurization), sixty smaller ones against the hull and moved in to sieze the ships, brushing aside the Ayanami, who made
nations of the Periphery. Most of these armed Transports were little ten larger ones deeper in. Though the Combine made no effort to only a half hearted attempt to stop them, apparently anxious to get
more than fodder, armed with less than a dozen odd naval weapons advertise this, all sixty small compartments had ports to connect naval back to their own lines.
and lacking the armor or speed to stand up in combat against real weapons to the ship’s main power system, and from the beginning the [Editor’s Note: At first glance, falling for the Kurita trap like this
warships. While these vessels could not stand up to true combat main reactors were designed to take a MUCH greater load than the seemed to be a downright idiotic blunder for the Davions. However,
jumpships they performed well in limited roles and showed some ship would need as a simple transport (sufficient power to run sixty the more one looks at it, the more it appears to be simply a failure of
untapped potential. House Kurita in particular took notice of these Medium Naval PPCs and still operate everything else to be specific). the Davion military to properly interpet the facts in evidence. Davion
inexpensive Compact Core Transports (CCTs) which could hold untold Even before the Succession War began, all pretenses of fleet commanders of course knew of the Ayanami and its legendary
offensive power. Throughout the Star League the Draconis Combine innocence were cast aside. As the Star League fell into pieces, Kujiras talent for survival, however it appears that, with the normal samurai
would gradually purchase fifty Aristotles from various manufacturers were quietly brought into shipyards by the dozen and all sixty outer mindset of the Combine acting as a contrast, they attributed this not
in the Free Worlds League. While the DCA publicly stated that these cargo compartments were cut open. Self contained modular weapons to skill, but to cowardice. They thought of it as simply a natural talent
transports would help supply the military, their real role was to rapidly bays, containing their own integral fire control and cooling system, for running away. So when the Ayanami ran from the Davion rear
augment the fleet when the time was right. Of course, they were along with a self contained magazine for ammo, and even quarters for guard force, they took it at face value. Had they known the Ayanami
not the only ones interested in the CCTs. House Amaris bought at the gunnery crew, were loaded into each bay and welded into place. had just come from destroying a Davion frigate nearly twice its size
least forty Aristotles from these same sources in Marik space. Their After that, an additional layer of armor was added to the hull. At a well in another system, and had Davion intelligence been paying better
nefarious intentions became obvious during the Amaris Coup when staffed yard, it took no more than three days to equip a Kujira with its attention to what the Combine had been up to with its CCTs in the first
the Rim Worlds Republic deployed this considerable force of armed complement of naval weapons and additional armor. place, what happened next might not have happened]
transports in an attempt to halt Kerensky’s wrath. [Editor’s Note: And the Kujira was well armed indeed. Each weapon bay on a Once the Davion squadron had closed in to near point blank
Even though the Republic used armed transports in the Reunification standard Kujira mounted a single small naval autocannon, totaling range, the Kujiras opened fire with everything they had. The Davion
War, Kurita advisors might have sold the Rim Worlds Navy on their sixty guns, which gave the ship firepower comparable to dedicated rear guard force was caught completely by surprise and smashed
006/113 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Kujira Class Transport
Kujira Class Transport

within minutes. The Kurita force then ran amok in the Davion rear Cargo
area for nearly a week before they were dealt with. Seven of the eight Bay 1: Small Craft (20) 6 Doors
Kujiras were destroyed in that engagement, with the last one making Bay 2: Cargo (59,110 tons) 4 Doors
it to Kurita lines along with the Ayanami. They destroyed nearly twice
their mass in dropships and warships in return. Dropship Capacity: 0
Kujiras have fought in almost every major naval engagement of Grav Decks: 1 (65-meter diameter)
the Succession War from that point on, and though they generally Escape Pods: 10
gave a good account of themselves, much like at Cholame they have
Lifeboats: 0
taken heavy losses due to their inferior armor protection and handling.
Crew: 213 minimum (37 Officers, 176 Enlisted)
Today only a half dozen of these vessels continue to operate.

Kujira class Armed Transport Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 180)
Tech: Inner Sphere 6 NAC/10 (300 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Introduced: 2781 FL/FR (Heat: 128)
In Class: 50 2 Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
Manufacturer: Various (Draconis Combine) 2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - PPC
4 AC/5 (400 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
Mass: 500,000 tons
4 LRM 20 (402 Rounds) 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) - LRM
Length: 650 meters LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,200)
Sail Diameter: 800 meters 6 NAC/10 (333 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Fuel: 4,000 tons (10,000) 7 NAC/10 (334 Rounds) 70 70 70 - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 7 NAC/10 (334 Rounds) 70 70 70 - Capital AC
AL/AR (Heat: 548)
Safe Thrust: 2 7 NAC/10 (350 Rounds) 70 70 70 - Capital AC
Maximum Thrust: 3 2 Large Laser 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
Sail Integrity: 4 2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - PPC
KF Drive Integrity: 11 4 AC/5 (400 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
Heat Sinks: 2191 4 LRM 20 (402 rounds) 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) - LRM
Structural Integrity: 40
Battle Value: 140,213

Armor: (399 tons, Standard) Ammunition:

Fore: 30 3000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
Fore-Sides: 31 1600 rounds of Autocannon 5 ammunition
Aft-Sides: 31 1608 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
Aft: 30
006/114 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Kumo Class Destroyer
Kumo Class Destroyer

throughout its long service life. When it was first constructed as many as one hundred and fifty of these ships were constructed
this vessel was comparable to any foreign rival fielded by the by the Combine since 2540. The secret nature of the Draconis
other Great Houses. Today subsequent classes now consistently naval operations and the four separate types of this single class
outperform this venerable Kurita warship. This is hardly unusual make an exact count difficult at best. Typically the Kumo “type”
behavior for the Combine which historically neglects their itself was built and served in the Benjamin Military District, while
destroyer fleet in favor of their ground forces or heavier naval Moons were native to Galedon, Kotlins to Pesht, and Thunders
assets. Rather than commission a new class of ship the Admiralty to Rasaulhague. Estimates for each “type” of this class, which
has saved resources by upgrading the Kumo which has so far held look slightly different but in reality are identical, range from thirty
off complete obsolescence. five to forty. Some of these vessels were destroyed in combat,
Best described as well balanced and cost effective the Kumo scrapped, or cannibalized for spare parts before the start of the
continues to serve the Dragon well. A truly no nonsense vessel Succession War. Long since out of production a little more than
designed to be simple to both build and operate. Using basic 110 vessels of this class are believed to have begun this war in the
and straightforward control systems without any exotic sensors DCA. While these ships have failed to capture a great amount of
or equipment this ship has proved suitable for nearly any crew. prestige many opponents still fail to realize their full potential and
Even the rawest cadets can operate this vessel with little prior often underestimate them in battle. For the most part the class
instruction. This aspect made the Kumo an excellent training ship isn’t much more than a workhorse and few ships gained anything
in addition to being an exceptional escort. Often Kurita would resembling notoriety in the Draconis Combine.
combine the two roles, and it wasn’t uncommon for these warships One dubious exception to this is the Moon class DCS Akizuki,
Overview: on patrol to be manned by cadets who had yet to graduate from which served as Leonard Kurita’s personal ship when he ascended
The Kumo, or Cloud, class Destroyer was authorized by the academy. to the Throne in 2591. During the first two months of his reign,
Siriwan McAllister-Kurita during her regency, in order to provide With interplanetary engines that maneuver the ship at 2Gs the ship ferried him from world to world in what could rightly
a needed update to the Draconis Combine’s often neglected standard thrust; 3Gs max, the Kumo has good to average speed be described as an interstellar orgy of the highest magnitude.
destroyer force during the mid 26th century. This new ship was for a destroyer. Thirty six Medium Naval Lasers and twelve Light It didn’t take long for Lord Kurita’s excesses to infect the crew
meant to replace the obsolete Skory and Bird class vessels which Naval Autocannons give the Kumo an impressive array of long either, and before too long spacers and station managers alike
had formed the bulk of the Dragon’s “tin can” fleet up until range capital weaponry. When it was originally made the destroyer feared the appearance of the Akizuki in their area for the fear
this point. The Kumo class would actually be composed of four had typical armor protection for a ship of its size. Over time as the that some drunken or stoned helmsman would plow the ship
destroyer “types” each constructed in separate military districts naval sciences have evolved this defense has proven to be more into them (which happened at least once, though it was only a
incorporating refinements to the basic design to better allow each and more inadequate. If there is any real flaw in the design, it is in glancing blow off of a recharge station, and the helmsman wasn’t
region to support construction. In this way the Combine expected its lack of anti fighter weapons. Eight autocannons in four turrets drunk or stoned, he was engaged in... umm... deep consultation
to be able to rapidly update their destroyer fleet to meet any provide the bulk of the defenses, however these can often prove with the assistant helmswoman). Though order on the ship was
potential threat. Though each class would use locally produced insufficient against fighters wielding long range missiles. A pair of restored as soon as Leonard Kurita had a “mysterious accident”
components, in practice the four “types” were functionally identical naval missile launchers is mounted in the nose of the craft, but and Sanethia Kurita replaced him, the stigma of being Leonard
in performance, and were generally referred to as the Kumo class. these have a limited arc of fire. In the end the ship will usually Kurita’s personal “pimp-mobile” still hung over the ship for many
These ships became the standard destroyer of the Combine fleet have to depend on its six fighters for defense. years after. Even today after amassing an impressive battlefield
throughout the Star League era. record this dark past still hangs over the ship and any who serve
Deployment: aboard it.

Capabilities: The Kumo class Destroyer served the Dragon well since the
Never described as the best destroyer of its age the Kumo end of the Age of War and has widely been deployed throughout
would nonetheless go onto prove itself a highly reliable warship Kurita space since its inception some 260 years ago. It is believed
006/115 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Kumo Class Destroyer
Kumo Class Destroyer

Kumo class Destroyer Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard) Ammunition:

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class 1200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
Nose (Heat: 730)
Tech: Inner Sphere 20 White Shark Missiles
10 NL/45 45 45 45 45 Capital Laser
Introduced: 2540 2 White Shark (20 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile 800 rounds of Autocannon/10 ammunition
In Class: 150 FL/FR (Heat: 1,412)
10 NL/45 45 45 45 45 Capital Laser
Manufacturer: Various (Draconis Combine) 2 AC/10 (200 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
LBS/RBS (Heat: 180)
Mass: 500,000 tons 3 NAC/10 (300 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Length: 570 meters AL/AR (Heat: 192)
3 NAC/10 (300 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Sail Diameter: 1,200 meters 2 AC/10 (200 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
Fuel: 2,000 tons (5,000) Aft (Heat: 420)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 11
Heat Sinks: 2,935
Structural Integrity: 60
Battle Value: 79,692

Armor: (599 tons, Standard Armor)

Fore: 51
Fore-Sides: 46
Aft-Sides: 46
Aft: 41

Bay 1: Small Craft (4) 1 Door
Bay 2: Fighters (6) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (56,213 tons) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1 (65-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 15
Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 197 minimum (34 Officers, 163 Enlisted)
006/116 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Kaze Class Destroyer
Kaze Class Destroyer

a DCA flag officer. With the permission of the Coordinator, Mishima Deployment:
arranged for Taylor to travel to the Combine with the expressed A total of forty Kaze class warships were produced at Togura by
purpose of designing a new attack destroyer for the Combine navy. Stellar Trek until the Edict of 2650 halted further manufacturing. These
[Editor’s Note: Taylor’s initial price for this service included swift destroyers were assigned as fast attack ships and screening
Combine citizenship and a very comfortable life for both himself and vessels for the fleet’s cruisers and battleships, as well as command
his sister at an estate on Ijima. In addition over the next twenty years ships for large formations of corvettes.
he was able to arrange for the emigration of thousands of Taurian At the start of the Succession War, the four Kaze class Destroyers
citizens deemed by the occupying territorial government as dangerous were assigned to the Draconis’ Task Force Biwa. This fast raiding
subversives. A couple hundred joined him on Ijima, officially as his force composed primarily of corvettes was based at Cylene. Their
design staff, however the vast majority settled in a Combine colony in first taste of combat came when a Lyran task force assembled around
the near periphery] the Tharkad class Battlecruiser Stalwart raided the world, intent on
After his design work was completed, the Combine constructed destroying the BattleMech plant located in the mountains outside the
four prototypes which became known as the Kagero (or Resolute) capital city.
class. These four ships (Resolute, Revenge, Ranger, and Rattlesnake) Unfortunately, Task Force Biwa was unable to prevent the
served for the next eighteen years as test vessels, and as the years destruction of the facility or the devastation of the nearby capital
passed Taylor continued to modify and improve on his basic design, by an errant Lyran thermonuclear warhead. They were, however,
never quite satisfied with it. Finally in 2618, enough people got tired successful in destroying both of the Stalwart’s screening ships.
of his ceaseless tinkering to approve the latest modifications for full Hungry for revenge (most of Task Force Biwa’s mostly conscript crews
production as Kaze class Destroyers. The first Wind class vessel, the were drawn from Cylene), the fleet crossed into Lyran space in pursuit
Kamikaze, was launched in January of 2619.
Overview: of the retreating Stalwart, finally running her down at Alrakis. While
The Draconis Combine’s Kaze (or Wind) class Destroyers were a the bulk of the task force engaged the Lyran corvettes assigned to
product of deals brokered between the Combine noble Ryu Mishima Capabilities: defend the system, Cho-Sho Louis Evans, commander of the fleet,
and the Taurian naval engineer Gregory Taylor. Though not directly Though possessing a formidable battery of naval autocannons committed his destroyers and his two Same class ships against
involved in the Taurian campaigns of the Reunification War, the in the nose, the Kaze class Destroyer was in overall firepower only the Stalwart. Engaging at near maximum range, the four Combine
Draconis Combine watched the fighting with keen interest, and the marginally better armed than the Combine’s standard Kumo class destroyers succeeded in drawing the Lyran Battlecruiser’s attention
successes the Taurian navy achieved against their enemies left a Destroyers. Likewise her armor was only a marginal improvement. Her long enough for the two Sames (which the Lyran commander seemed
number the DCA’s senior officers desiring to learn their secrets. anti-fighter defenses, on the other hand, were exceptional, including to have disregarded as a minor threat. They were, after all, “just
This was where Gregory Taylor came in. More or less orphaned numerous naval missiles, PPCs, and an even dozen aerofighters. corvettes”) to close in and deliver a devastating barrage of fire from
by the Reunification War (his father, a naval officer, was captured Where the Kaze really shined was in her propulsion system. their forward guns. This attack in itself nearly destroyed the Stalwart,
during a deep raiding mission early on in the war and imprisoned for The sophisticated and powerful propulsion system made it one of and the Combine forces were able to handily dispatch the crippled
the duration. His mother died of heart failure soon after) this driven, the fastest ships of her day, able to easily sustain 2.5 gravities of Battlecruiser.
obsessive man had dedicated his life to designing new warships and thrust for as long as needed, and reputedly able to achieve as many Task Force Biwa moved to the Federated Suns front following
technologies that would enable the Concordat to eventually triumph. as 4.3 Gs at maximum thrust (though this might be an exaggeration). the battle at Alrakis. There they were all but wiped out at Cholame,
Unfortunately none of his work could prevent the inevitable, as the However, this particular capability was generally kept under wraps in counting among its losses all four Kaze class Destroyers. Today only a
war had turned against the Concordat even before he had entered order to hide the sophistication of the Combine’s engine technology. half dozen of these formidable craft remain in Draconis service.
college. Nevertheless, he continued working obsessively. By war’s end, In fact, it is believed that even some captains didn’t know how much
he was arguably the Concordat’s leading expert in naval technology, thrust their destroyers could produce until long after the ships had Kaze class Destroyer
especially in the area of high thrust propulsion systems. been first introduced.
How he came to the attention of a Combine noble is anybody’s Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2619
guess. For whatever reason, shortly after the end of the war he was
In Class: 40
contacted by Ryu Mishima, Duke of the Combine world of Ijima and Manufacturer: Stellar Trek (Togura /Draconis Combine)
006/117 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Kaze Class Destroyer
Kaze Class Destroyer

Mass: 540,000 tons 600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
Length: 600 meters 200 White Shark Missiles
Sail Diameter: 1,200 meters
Fuel: 2,000 tons (5,000)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 12
Heat Sinks: 3760
Structural Integrity: 60
Battle Value: 113,321

Armor: (647 tons, Standard)

Fore: 50
Fore-Sides: 49
Aft-Sides: 49
Aft: 49

Bay 1: Small Craft (2) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Fighters (12) 6 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (28,200 tons) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 10
Lifeboats: 10
Crew: 206 minimum (36 Officers, 170 Enlisted)

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 400)
3 NAC/20 (300 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
3 NAC/20 (300 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
4 PPC 4(40) 4(40) - - PPC
FL/FR (Heat: 1,960)
6 Medium NPPC 54 54 54 54 Capital PPC
6 White Shark (60 Missiles) 18 18 18 18 Capital Missile
8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
AL/AR (Heat: 1,360)
4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
Aft (Heat: 40)
4 PPC 4(40) 4(40) - - PPC
006/118 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Nami Class Destroyer
Nami Class Destroyer

Capabilities: combat as the infamous Pitcairn Legion (Davion troops operating

On the surface there is very little different about the Nami class incognito against the Star League and Kurita in the Outworlds Alliance)
except for the upgraded and enlarged arsenal. Aside from this added seemed to single them out for special attention early on, striking at
weaponry and modernized external equipment it looks identical to the each mercilessly. Both the Isonami and the Shikinami would become
Lola I Cumbersome old components like the vessel’s fuel tank were victims of the Pitcairn Legion’s fighter ambushes, while the Ayanami
replaced by newer more compact models throughout the ship. While survived, though she had to withdraw from the theater for extensive
living conditions onboard were slightly improved from their “sardine repairs.
can” like environment by this renovation they can not be described as The hard fighting Nami operated as rather mundane escort ships
roomy. However, Draconis crews used to tight quarters fondly referred after the Reunification War came to an end. Their performance while
to this class as cozy homes. mixed at best still earned the class some degree of notoriety. The Nami
Four Rolls Le Fay interplanetary drives continue to provide the might have even inspired the ill conceived Lola II. They continued to
Nami with superior performance. These engines usually intended for patrol the frontier rim of Draconis space until 2650, when they were
larger vessels allow the Destroyer to achieve a maximum thrust of officially retired from combat duty and declared training vessels. Both
three Gs. Efforts by Draconis engineers to overhaul these superior the Ayanami and Uranami were briefly reactivated for the Davion War
Terran drives have also paid dividends making them much more of Succession (which led to the loss of the Uranami), most of the class
reliable. Intense in system burns no longer result in overheating, sat out the next century or so in relative peace.
stress fractures, and breakdowns that occurred at times with the Lola Some have also linked the Nami to the appearance of the
I. Periphery Lola IIs during the Taurian Uprising. Allegedly the Dragon
[Editor’s Note: There is a persistent legend that the THS Renesco provided specifications for the Destroyers to the rebels. Supposedly
insulted by Blue Nose Clippership’s attempt to rip-off the Draconis
Overview: (later the DCS Ayanami) was able to sustain five Gs of thrust for
design without giving proper credit to Wakazashi Enterprises. While
What would one day become the Nami, or Wave class Destroyer, several minutes during the battle of Terra Firma in 2409, which allowed
it to escape from Liao pursuers. However, given that the propulsion this has never been proven it does make sense to many around the
was originally introduced in 2345 as the Lola I by Boeing Interstellar
system isn’t even theoretically capable of that much thrust, we have InnerSphere. The Amaris Coup and the subsequent fall of the Star
for the Terran Navy. These warships served the Hegemony admirably
to assume that this story is at least partially a myth. Just another League saw the return of the Nami class to active duty. Two of the
as escort and picket ships for the main fleet for the next two hundred
piece of the legend of the Ayanami. However, it was a common tactic surviving four warships, the Makinami and the Onami, have already
years, participating in numerous actions.
for more aggressive Lola captains to tax their engines, risking damage been destroyed in the Succession War. The renowned Ayanami and
[Editor’s Note: of course it would be more accurate to refer to
for the sake of gaining a tactical edge.] the Takanami continue to serve the DCA well to this day.
the Lola I as simply the Lola, since that is actually the proper name
The greatest change to the Nami was its weaponry which might The Ayanami, originally the THS Renesco, was launched in the
for it. However, to avoid confusion with the Lola III, we shall stick with
have inspired the Lola II design. Only the thirty two Large Lasers from year 2351 and served the Terran Hegemony as an escort ship for the
our mildly inaccurate designation]
the Lola I remained unchanged. Eight Naval Laser-55s were added to next two hundred and thirty seven years. Even during this time the
In the year 2577, with the Reunification War getting into full
the Kurita design while the dual Naval Laser-45s were removed. Also Renesco proved to have an excellent talent for survival, earning battle
swing, the Terran Hegemony struck a deal with the Draconis Combine
added were sixteen additional Naval Autocannon 10s which served honors for its excellent performance during the disastrous battle of
for the sale of seven obsolete Lola I Class Destroyers. House Kurita
to augment the Nami’s impressive firepower. Completely new to this Terra Firma in the year 2409, where despite the eventual Hegemony
immediately renovated these old ships at the Wakazashi Dockyards
design were eighteen White Shark Missile Launchers. To account for defeat, the Renesco managed to destroy or cripple three Capellan
above Dover.
the extra heat generated by this staggering upgrade to the ship’s destroyers before being forced to withdraw. During the fighting the
Renamed at an official ceremony a year later these venerable
weaponry sufficient heat sinks were also fitted. ship suffered a severe pounding, but returned to full commission
Heavy Destroyers went onto serve the Dragon with distinction. So
in time for the Hegemony’s eventual reconquest of Terra Firma,
renowned was their service that the class managed to survive the
where she served as a command ship for a flotilla of Vigilant class
“Japanification” of the DCA begun by Urizen II. Even though they
were built by the Terrans these ships were not considered gaikoku.
Deployment: Corvettes.
When the fighting in the Outworlds Alliance formally began The Renesco was sold to the Draconis Combine along with half
in 2581, three Nami class Destroyers accompanied the DCMS a dozen other Lola class destroyers in the year 2587, having been
expeditionary force into the Alliance. These warships saw heavy declared obsolete in the Hegemony fleet. Once in Combine hands the
006/119 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Nami Class Destroyer
Nami Class Destroyer

ships underwent numerous minor modifications and were rechristened Crew: 261 minimum (45 Officers, 214 Enlisted) Ammunition:
as “Wave” class destroyers. The Renesco was renamed the Ayanami 3000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
and assigned to the Galedon Military District. The newly christened 180 White Shark Missiles
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
ship soon kept up its reputation for survival during the Reunification Nose (Heat: 492)
War, especially when compared to her sisters. Of the three Wave class 4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
ships that participated in the campaign in the Outworlds Alliance, only 2 NAC/10 (200 Rounds) 20 20 20 - Capital AC
4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
the Ayanami survived, despite the same massed fighter attacks that
4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
destroyed her sisters. By the end of the war, many crews liked to hint FL/FR (Heat: 704)
that the Ayanami was blessed. The blessing has seemed to continue 2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
right up till today. Despite always being in the thick of the fighting, the 3 NAC/10 (300 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Ayanami has thus far survived the Succession War. 4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Nami class Destroyer LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,284)
4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
Tech: Inner Sphere 4 NAC/10 (400 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Introduced: 2577 4 NAC/10 (400 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
In Class: 7 4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
Manufacturer: Wakazashi Enterprises (Dover /Draconis Combine) 2 White Shark (20 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
AL/AR (Heat: 584)
Mass: 680,000 tons 2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
Length: 600 meters 3 NAC/30 (300 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Sail Diameter: 1,000 meters 4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
Fuel: 5000 tons (12,500) Aft (Heat: 402)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
Safe Thrust: 4 4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
Maximum Thrust: 6 2 White Shark (20 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 14
Heat Sinks: 3,466
Structural Integrity: 50
Battle Value: 139,100

Armor: (644 tons, Standard)

Fore: 48
Fore-Sides: 48
Aft-Sides: 48
Aft: 48

Bay 1: Fighters (6) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Small Craft (2) 1 Door
Bay 3: Cargo (64,694 tons) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 20
Lifeboats: 20
006/120 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Mogami Class Cruiser
Mogami Class Cruiser

before their official appearance. However the destruction of the Succession War has effectively ended
further construction of this large vessel despite its simplicity.
There are persistent rumors that a sixth Mogami shipyard exists
Capabilities: somewhere still in Combine space. These stories may have begun
The Mogami was in essence an illegal warship, built secretly in on the vague assumption that there might just be a hidden shipyard
violation of Star League Edicts regarding the size of private House somewhere to build this secret warship. Some place Kurama Shipyard
militaries. This fact in itself is no big deal. Every Great House did at (or Hie or Marat or another name used by one of the other hundred
least some stretching or outright breaking of the rules when it came legends surrounding this most likely none existent place) along the
to the strength of their private armies, especially when it became coreward edge of Combine space. Fantastic tales of how the Combine
apparent that the League was crumbling. What makes the Mogami was researching a new power system called the phase transition
unique is the excessive lengths to which this secret was kept (to this engine, or how it was where an incredibly powerful energy weapon
day the Combine only admits to building eighteen Mogamis, and they was being developed capable of destroying entire planets, or where
maintain that none of them were built before 2755), and the fact that dealings with a transdimensional alien race broke down, resulting in
this ship was built specifically to fight in a post Star League era. the Succession War.
This conclusion becomes inescapable when one examines the Sadly this irrational list seems endless but a few still believe
Mogami closely. In the first case, the ship is dirt cheap. No lithium that there is a shipyard out there that used to build these mysterious
fusion battery, no docking collars, no fancy armor, not even a grav Cruisers. The evidence for all these theories is of course non existent,
deck. The weaponry, a massed battery of nearly a hundred naval lasers and ninety nine percent of them are utterly ridiculous. Nevertheless, a
and forty large lasers, provides reasonable firepower at the lowest significant number of people have begun to scour the coreward edge
possible price. In the second case, the ship requires very little in the of the Combine looking for something, even if it is just a purpose to
Overview: way of logistical support. It carries ten thousand tons of fuel, along their own pathetic lives.
Though not particularly prevalent in the Draconis Fleet the with enough supplies to keep operating for a year, and most important That being said, there is of course the possibility that there are
Mogami class Cruiser has nevertheless earned its own niche, simply of all, does not require ammunition resupply. In the third case, the additional Mogamis floating around somewhere. It may never be
because of its clouded origins. Despite intense Kurita secrecy we ship can be operated by practically anyone. The control systems are known how many of these warships were built, but the shear amount
can today gather from known evidence that there were at least five extremely simple and reliable, meaning that an undertrained crew will of time between 2725 (when the first one was believed to have been
separate Mogami “classes”. Officially, the Draconis Combine deployed be able to control their ship fairly well. built) and the start of the Succession Wars suggests that there was
only five Mogami class ships, the Mogami, Kuma, Asashio, Nadashio, If we take these three things into account, we end up with a plentiful time to produce a large number of these ships, especially at
and Natori. However, records indicate that these five ships (each relatively cheap ship that can be fueled once, staffed with green five different shipyards. It is possible that a few of these ships were
of which had significant structural differences from one another, recruits, and sent off to battle. Thanks to its weaponry and armor mothballed, waiting to be utilized, and just forgotten. Of course it is
suggesting they were built at different yards) were actually the lead protection, a Mogami might even be expected to last long enough for also possible that a sixth shipyard actually does exist. In both cases,
warships for a whole series of shadow cruiser. its replacement to be completed and a new crew trained. The ship is
The official date of the Mogami’s launching was in mid 2755, there is no evidence to support either assumption.
therefore ideal for the bloody ship killing fights that all out war in the
barely two months after the Star League Council passed a resolution InnerSphere would entail.
allowing the Great Houses to double the size of their private armies.
However, careful study does not support this assumption, and despite Mogami class Cruiser
the official story being that all five ships were built at Chatham, there Deployment:
From confirmed sightings thus far we know that there were Tech: Inner Sphere
is no indication whatsoever that the Combine has ever built Mogami Introduced: 2725
class ships there. Careful analysis of freighter traffic (specifically at least four Mogamis, three Nadashios, three Kumas, half a dozen
In Class: 24
freighters carrying parts needed for warships) seems to indicate that Asashios, and two Natoris (the two Natoris in particular are confirmed Manufacturer: Various (Draconis Combine)
construction of the Mogami and her sisters took place at least five because they both appeared at the battle of Cholame at the same
separate shipyards as early as 2725. It is believed that two dozen time), despite claims by Takiro and later Minoru Kurita that they Mass: 700,000 tons
warships of this type were constructed beginning at least thirty years had only ever built five ships. We believe at least seven of these Length: 700 meters
formidable warships are still in service with the Draconis Fleet. Sail Diameter: 1,150 meters
006/121 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Mogami Class Cruiser
Mogami Class Cruiser

Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000)

Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 15
Heat Sinks: 7,180
Structural Integrity: 90
Battle Value: 107,223

Armor: (1259 tons, Standard)

Fore: 93
Fore-Sides: 93
Aft-Sides: 93
Aft: 93

Bay 1: Fighters (36) 6 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (35,932 tons) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Small Craft (2) 1 Door

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 0
Lifeboats: 15
Crew: 290 minimum (51 Officers, 239 Enlisted)
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 600)
8 NL/45 36 36 36 36 Capital Laser
5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
FL/FR (Heat: 2,180)
15 NL/45 68 68 68 68 Capital Laser
5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
LBS/RBS (Heat: 2,180)
15 NL/45 68 68 68 68 Capital Laser
5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 2,180)
15 NL/45 68 68 68 68 Capital Laser
5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Aft (Heat: 40)
5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
006/122 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Hokosaki Class Frigate
Hokosaki Class Frigate

in line with the larger ships but the reception of the frigate anticipated when running at maximum power.
was not good in a portion of the fleet where bigger was Due to the co-location of a pair of their factories Dharma
often considered better. The Hokosakis’ future looked bleak Hyperspace was able to work closely with Galileo Instruments
and the line was in danger of being shut down after only to produce a sensor suite for the Hokosaki class. Due to this
five vessels were completed until the active Hokosakis were close working relationship the Hokosaki’s BSY-5T sensor
assigned to convoy and fleet protection. Almost immediately suite was provided with mounting locations, including a
the Hokosakis became desired assets. Their large cargo bays, dorsal tower and fin mast that allowed it to make the most
numerous dropship collars, and ample fuel supplies allowed of its various systems. The BSY-5T combined state of the art
them to support masses of dropships and smaller, shorter passive sensors along with one of the most powerful active
ranged ships on long deployments as well as providing secure systems ever installed on a spacecraft. At peak capacity the
supply bases and fire support for ground forces. With glowing BSY-5T’s active systems are capable of putting out almost one
recommendations from the ground forces and transport and a half percent of the ship’s total power capacity. Equally
sections of the DCMS the Hokosaki’s production run was impressive was the AN/ALQ-184 electronic countermeasures
extended. system Galileo Instruments designed for the Hokosaki class.
The Hokosaki’s days as a ship of the line were short and A combination broad spectrum and targeted electronic
unimpressive, but once it found its place Hokosaki stood out countermeasures, this system was capable of causing
as one of the DCMS’ finest ships. Today it is rare to find a significant disruption of most active tracking systems. Drawing
Overview: DCMS invasion that doesn’t contain at least one of these fine on over four percent of the Hokosaki’s power capacity this
The Hokosaki, or Spear Point, class Frigate was not ships. system was able to provide jamming cover for large flotillas at
designed to any existing requested DCA specification; rather range or overpower aerospace fighter or even small dropship’s
Dharma Hyperspace of New Oslo designed the Hokosaki and Capabilities: sensor systems at short range. So powerful was the AN/ALQ-
went looking for a specification. The Hokosaki is often referred to as the “Maki” due to 184 that unshielded small craft and civilian ships of all sizes
Taking the lessons of the Reunification War to heart, its longer, more rotund shape when compared to the thinner, have to maintain a minimum of one hundred kilometers
the design group of Dharma Hyperspace set about creating sleeker destroyers and cruisers in Kurita service. The larger separation from the ship while the system is running or risk
a frigate for the Draconis Combine. Following typical frigate hull was necessitated by the large cargo and small craft bays the complete destruction of all onboard computers.
conventions the Hokosaki’s acceleration capabilities were that the ship carries. While originally intended as an escort ship the Hokosaki is
kept modest in order to maximize its cargo bay. However, A trio of Mitsubishi Heavy A-140F6 interplanetary drives well armed for an escort, carrying the typically heavy load of
its armament was not degraded in the least, being more was selected to provide thrust for the Hokosaki. These engines weaponry associated with Combine naval vessels. Twenty two
in line with what most powers would consider light cruiser have proven to be quite reliable and allow the vessel to type 17A “Raikou” Medium Naval PPCs are the backbone of the
levels. Combined with excellent, for the DCA naval armor, the achieve a maximum thrust of two and a half Gs. The engines Hokosakis’ firepower, allowing it to engage targets at extreme
Hokosaki was quickly approved for construction. were also selected in order to allow the ship to maintain a full range. These NPPCs have proven themselves on numerous
Initially the Hokosaki was deployed with forward fleets one G transit acceleration even with one of them down for other Draconis warships. Dependable and low maintenance
as destroyer flotilla leaders, fighting alongside the swift maintenance. This capability has served the Hokosakis’ well, these weapons fit in well with the “reliable” design ethic of
and capable Kaze and Kumo class destroyers. It became allowing them to stay in the field longer due to the superior the Hokosaki. The eight Type 88 “Hekireki” class twenty five
immediately evident that the Hokosaki’s lower accelerations maintainability of these engines. It has been noted however Naval Autocannons that bolster the ship’s firepower in the
were a poor fit for this work, a change to cruiser escort status that these engines are not terribly efficient at high combat fore and broadside quarters were not as dependable. Further
improved somewhat as the Hokosaki’s acceleration was more thrusts; consuming as much as twenty percent more fuel than refinements of the troubled Type 87 series, the “Hekireki”’s
006/123 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Hokosaki Class Frigate
Hokosaki Class Frigate

proved to be a constant headache. While the guns fired armor protection which was vital for it since it might often be of Light and 34th Galedon Regulars along with assorted
whenever they were called on, component wear was in the sole warship supporting a convoy. Ultimately the decision armored and infantry regiments. The Saizensen, along with
excess of three hundred percent higher than other naval was authorized, but the ship was authorized to carry only her two carrier and three assault dropships and just over forty
autocannons in the Dragon’s service. Even the barrels of the seven hundred and ninety five tons rather than the over eight assorted jumpships arrived at the nadir jump point of the
cannons wore at an exceptional rate, with eighty shots being hundred and fifty her designers originally wanted. Delacruz system and were almost immediately engaged by a
their recommended life span. As such most Hokosaki’s put to The Hokosakis’ greatest asset was not in their firepower Federated Suns Davion class destroyer and a corvette. Within
space with at least a half dozen spare cannon barrels in their or armor however, it was their support systems. With five twenty minutes the Davion was destroyed and the corvette a
holds, and often more if they expect a long deployment. dropship collars, twelve thousand tons of fuel, and over a crippled wreck, but at the cost of one the Saizensen’s assault
Eight mid-sized Type 104 “Sanshain” naval lasers hundred kilotons of cargo space the Hokosakis’ could serve as dropships and a significant portion of her port side armor. The
are arranged aft for ground support and to discourage tail supply bases for entire task forces, both on the ground and in taskforce continued in system and began their invasion. During
chasers. Another long stand by of the DCMS’ warship fleet space. A full Wing of aerospace fighters can provide defense the invasion the Saizensen was regularly called on to provide
the newest “Sanshain” is the latest in a long line of naval from all but the most determined aerospace fighter attack and supporting fire, her fighters kept the skies free of FedSuns
lasers stretching back to the Type 100. The Type 104’s design provide air support for a combined arms task force. aircraft, and her supplies were able to make up for significant
is little changed from the basics of the Type 103 and 102 malfunctions in the supply train of jumpships that should
before it, but the components were designed with more Deployment: have kept the invaders in check. Ultimately the Saizensen was
modularity in mind. Entire subassemblies of the lasers could A total of sixty five Hokosaki class Frigates were produced responsible for keeping the withdrawing Combine forces from
be removed and replaced in minutes or at most an hour or two by Dharma Hyperspace for the Draconis Combine Admiralty. being over run, the frigate kept up a continual bombardments
for the largest components. The defective or worn parts could Initially these warships were deployed as destroyer squadron of Federated Suns forces around the DCMS LZ and her fighters
then be repaired in the ship’s spacious machine shops. This leaders however their low comparative accelerations either spent almost 36 hours continually in the air attacking ground
dramatically reduced down time on the weapons, a critical dragged the entire squadron down or left them isolated in forces with anything and everything they had until the last
feature for a laser primarily intended for ground support fire. combat. Their redeployment to cruiser groups was cut short Combine dropship lifted. During the run back to the nadir
Ten Type 95 White Shark missile tubes are spaced around the for more political reasons. Since that time it has become jump point and their jumpships a Federated Suns task force of
ships forward sides to compliment the NPPCs. A moderate standard practice for Hokosakis’ to operate singly or as the a light cruiser and two destroyers jumped into a pirate point
anti-fighter defense of sixteen extended range large lasers lead ship of a small task force of typically smaller ships. ahead of the departing DCMS ships and were on an intercept
and twenty four PPCs were added to the quarter arcs of the Acting as the command ship for planetary attacks they most course with the defenseless withdrawing dropships until the
ship. commonly serve as primary escort and support of the ground Saizensen placed herself between the oncoming FedSuns and
In order to support the power demands of such an arsenal forces. The frigate’s first true test came during the War of the task force. In a battle decided primarily at long range the
the Hokosakis’ designers gave them a power distribution, and Davion Succession where they performed admirably. This frigate was able to destroy another Davion class destroyer
heat dissipation system capable of supporting the simultaneous was followed up by their “limited” participation in the Third and crippled the cruiser with several lucky long range missile
firing over two thirds of the ship’s total weapons. A Hokosaki is Hidden War which solidified their reputation. Five Horosakis hits. The remaining destroyer was unwilling to press its luck
capable of engaging capital targets in one of its broadsides and were destroyed in these conflicts the proceeded the horrors of and broke off pursuit. When she jumped out of the system
the opposite side’s fore side simultaneously while engaging the Succession War. Today only nine of these vessels remain the Saizensen was down to only one carrier and one assault
fighter sized targets at any point around it. operational including two of their most notable ships. dropship and only had a half dozen operable fighters, but in
One of the greatest sticking points of the Hokosaki’s The ill fated attack on Bryceland during the War of Davion exchange destroyed almost double her tonnage in Federated
design was the decision to use ferro-aluminum rather than Succession highlighted the role of the Hokosaki class Frigates. Suns warships and crippled a cruiser that would require over
standard armor plate. The designers of the ship insisted that The Hokosaki class Saizensen [Spearhead] was providing six months to return to fighting trim. While the operation
this improved armor composite would allow the ship superior escort for a ground force consisting primarily of the 6th Sword as a whole was considered a failure the performance of the
006/124 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Atago Class Heavy Cruiser
Atago Class Heavy Cruiser

that it really took hold. This inevitably spread to the fleet as well, extinction. Only a handful of these Heavy Cruisers now remain.
including to wide scale renaming or replacement of so called gaikoku One of these surviving vessels, the DCS Haguro, has a storied
(foreign) ships. Though the Combine already had several classes of past that includes a female naval commander. Ryoko Igarashii, who
ships with japanese names (such as the Hiei class battleships and commanded the Haguro from 2658 to 2669, was a rarity in the
several destroyer classes), under Urizen II this became policy. Sure Combine. A woman commanding a major warship was completely
the Sultan and other classes were old and would need replacement unheard of in the Draconis Combine. Descended from a noble linage,
eventually, but they were also another thing as well. They were that was somewhat unsung, Igarashii was a gifted naval tactician
gaikoku.] who led with a unique style. Apparently deferring her authority to
male underlings, who always under performed without her guidance,
she overcame a lingering cultural bias and shot to renown within the
Capabilities: Combine. She stepped down in 2669 to settle in as housewife to a
The Atago class exemplified the design principles of the heavy rising staff officer Tai-Sa Franklin Nobunaga. The Nobunaga family has
cruiser. The ship is slow, and its armor is somewhat subpar for its size. continued to serve with distinction in the DCA. Later on the Combine
On the other hand it is armed to the teeth. Fifty naval autocannons honored the entire Igarashii clan for their service by naming their
of varying calibers make up the main firepower, backed up by twenty newest class of battlecruiser after them.
naval lasers. While eight killer whale capital missile systems and
twenty four fighters provide defense against enemy fighter attacks. Atago class Heavy Cruiser
Combine naval planners envisioned the Atago as sort of a roving
Tech: Inner Sphere
utility man, able to respond to trouble as it arose. With this in mind, Introduced: 2652
the designers included four docking collars in the design, along with
Overview: barracks space for a full regiment of jump capable marines. This
In Class: 62
Manufacturer: Matabushi Incorporated (Luthien /Draconis Combine)
Named in honor of Admiral Takeo Kurita’s ancient flagship the allows the ship to deliver military forces to any trouble spot.
Atago was commissioned by Urizen the Second to replace the older A noticeable difference from smaller Kurita warships is the Mass: 810,000 tons
Sultan class Heavy Cruisers that until this time had been a bulwark of spacious interior offered by the Atago. They aren’t luxurious by any Length: 780 meters
the DCA. At first, the announcement of Kurita’s deployment of a new Sail Diameter: 1,450 meters
standard but exceed the meager inside of lesser Draconis vessels. In
class of heavy cruiser, coming barely two years after Michael Cameron Fuel: 3,000 tons (7,500)
part the ships’s wider corridors were done to facilitate naval operations Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
edict restricting the military strength of house militaries, caused a but also as a reward to the more valued crews of these vessels. Safe Thrust: 2
great deal of a stir. Many accused Kurita of disregarding Cameron’s Maximum Thrust: 3
edict, and for a while there was talk that the naval arms race that had Sail Integrity: 4
tainted the first half of the century would begin again. KF Drive Integrity: 17
However, these fears were quickly put to rest. Built with great
fanfare at the Kure Naval Yards by Matabushi Incorporated there was
Deployment: Heat Sinks: 5,360
Structural Integrity: 80
The Combine constructed sixty two Atago class Heavy Cruisers Battle Value: 217,153
little about this warship that was kept from the public. True to his from 2652 to 2700 and spread them throughout their fleet. They
word, Urizen II ordered the gradual phasing out of older vessels, served in a variety of roles which included forming the bulk of the Armor: (1199 tons, Standard Armor)
replacing them with the new Atago class as they became available, Dragon’s Naval Assault Squadrons as well as commanding smaller Fore: 88
and therefore, at least on the surface, staying below the naval limits frigate and destroyer squadrons. Their service during the Davion Fore-Sides: 88
imposed by the Star League. War of Succession was limited, but in general they performed well. Aft-Sides: 88
[Editor’s Note: Actually, the Atago is one of the few times where The sixty surviving Atagos were at the fore front of Kurita advances Aft: 88
the Combine didn’t try to duck around its obligations to the star during the start of the Succession War. They played a major role in the
league. This is believed to be partially due to the “Japanification” of Cargo
Draconis naval victories at Skondia and Cholame against Steiner and Bay 1: Small Craft (10) 2 Doors
the Combine first begun by Urizen II. Though Japanese culture had Davion forces respectively. While their impact has clearly been felt the Bay 2: Cargo (76,075 tons) 2 Doors
always had an influence over the Combine, it wasn’t until his reign entire class has taken massive damage and could be on the edge of Bay 3: Fighters (24) 4 Doors
006/125 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Atago Class Heavy Cruiser
Atago Class Heavy Cruiser

Bay 4: Marines (756 / 36 jump infantry platoons) 1 Door

Dropship Capacity: 4
Grav Decks: 2 (120-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 20
Lifeboats: 10
Crew: 285 minimum (50 Officers, 235 Enlisted)
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 340)
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
FL/FR (Heat: 1,230)
5 NAC/10 (500 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
5 NL/55 28 28 28 28 Capital Laser
2 Killer Whale (80 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,870)
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
5 NAC/10 (500 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
5 NL/55 28 28 28 28 Capital Laser
1 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
AL/AR (Heat: 1,680)
2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
1 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Aft (Heat: 240)
2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC

1000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/35 ammunition
2000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
2000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
320 Killer Whale Missiles
006/126 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Igarashii Class Battlecruiser
Igarashii Class Battlecruiser

the Igarashii. Named in honor of a noted Draconis military thanks in part to a heavily reinforced hull. The design also
family the first ship of its kind launched from the Kure Naval makes use of advanced Ferro Carbide plating which was
Yards in 2708 becoming one of the finest in the Draconis probably obtained by Draconis agents for the express purpose
Combine Admiralty (DCA). of duplicating the Black Lion’s capabilities. The arsenal of the
Igarashii departs from the Black Lion in some important ways.
Capabilities: The vessel’s main armament, fourteen Naval Autocannon 30s,
Even though the Igarashii’s basic design seems to be is clearly based on Star League ship. However the Igarashii
copied directly from the Black Lion it was apparently intended utilizes sixteen Naval Autocannon 25s found on the Atago,
to defeat its predecessor in a stand-up fight. The debate rather than 20s found on the Black Lion, to augment the main
over how successful the Kurita effort was at overcoming guns. While this weapons array possessed only two-thirds as
the initial Star League design continues to rage to this day. much firepower as the Black Lion it requires a smaller crew
Both ships look nearly identical as they mass just over eight complement to operate. Also it has superior heat dissipation
hundred thousand tons and have almost the same overall thanks to double heat sinks and its altered weaponry. Eight
length. The Combine model incorporates some aesthetic hull Killer Whale Missile Launchers and six Barracuda Missile
differences and is slightly longer because of its interplanetary Launchers appear to be holdovers from the Black Lion. Despite
engines. The Igarashii uses three Hyperion Starfire engines, these differences both vessels were clearly able warships that
originally used on the Atago, to match the Black Lion’s 2.5 would go onto battlefield success throughout their service in
Overview: Gs of acceleration without the complexity issues that hamper space.
In 2691the Star League deployed its fearsome Black maintenance efforts. These drives actually showcase how
Lion class Battlecruiser and the rest of the Human Sphere much the Igarashii has in common with the Atago which first Deployment:
took notice. This was especially true of the Draconis Combine utilized two Hyperion Starfires for in system transit. Perhaps The Igarashii class Battlecruiser first began appearing
who allegedly desired this formidable warship design for more interesting might be the fact that both Kurita designs seventeen years after the launch of the Black Lion.
its own navy. For fifteen years their Internal Security Force use the same Compact KF Cores and jump sails. While these Construction, which was slower than the Star League
(ISF) played a dangerous cat and mouse game with the SLDF key features make a compelling case for Draconis advocates Battlecruiser, continued until the destruction of the Luthien
eventually acquiring most of the original plans. (Editor’s Note: who claim the Atago, and not the Black Lion, was the basis shipyards in 2787 by the Tamar Tigers. All sixty vessels were
The House Kurita continues to deny these covert operations for this battlecruiser. However, additional features and their battle tested in the early years of the Succession War where
and instead plays up the role of its own ship, the Atago, in the very placement throughout the Igarashii appear to come they saw extensive combat. During the battle of Dieron the
design of this ship) While espionage seems to have played completely from the Black Lion and almost prove that the Igarashii finally squared off against the Black Lion but the
a major role in the development of this new Battlecruiser design was plagiarized. From the corridors that line the ship massive clash failed to resolve the issue of which was the
it was not solely responsible for the unique end product. to the four docking collars, the fighter bay (with the exception better ship. However, both vessels fought well and proved
(Editor’s Note: No conclusive proof has ever been uncovered of a single missing door), the small craft bay, the escape pods, themselves beyond the shadow of a doubt during this epic
to show that House Kurita stole the Black Lion design despite and even the grav decks it is almost identically to the Star struggle. Their fearsome capabilities made them prime targets
some pretty convincing accusations) As construction of the League Battlecruiser. for nuclear and massed fighter attacks which have taken their
impressive Atago class Heavy Cruiser came to an end its Admittedly there are key differences between the Black toll on this class. They have been nearly wiped out by this
proven equipment and capable engineers were dedicated to Lion and its Kurita imitator. First off the Igarashii holds about conflict and may soon become extinct.
this growing project. Much of their knowledge and expertise four times as much fuel as its evident forerunner. The Igarashii
went into the Combine’s Black Lion which became known as has superior armor protection to the Star League Battlecruiser
006/127 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Igarashii Class Battlecruiser
Igarashii Class Battlecruiser

Igarashii class Battlecruiser Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard) Ammunition:

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class 1400 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
Nose (Heat: 400) 1600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC 80 Killer Whale Missiles
Introduced: 2708 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC 60 Barracuda Missiles
In Class: 60 FL/FR (Heat: 940)
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Manufacturer: Matabushi Incorporated (Luthien /Draconis 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Combine) 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
Mass: 810,000 tons LBS/RBS (Heat: 700)
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Length: 775 meters 2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Sail Diameter: 1,450 meters 1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
Fuel: 4000 tons (10,000) AL/AR (Heat: 700)
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Safe Thrust: 3 1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
Maximum Thrust: 5 Aft (Heat: 200)
Sail Integrity: 4 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC

KF Drive Integrity: 17
Heat Sinks: 1,500 (3,000)
Structural Integrity: 120
Battle Value: 219,723

Armor: (1400 tons, Ferro-Carbide)

Fore: 198
Fore-Sides: 199
Aft-Sides: 199
Aft: 198

Bay 1: Fighters (18) 3 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (75,579 tons) 1 Door
Bay 3: Small Craft (10) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 4
Grav Decks: 2 (65 and 85-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 20
Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 251 minimum (43 Officers, 208 Enlisted)
006/128 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Tone Class Carrier
Tone Class Carrier

of Cholame. Admiral Nishimura himself commanded the task group

containing the two carriers during this battle. Leading from Tone, he
Capabilities: took her and Ashigara on a screaming max thrust firing run through
In some ways, it is surprising that the Tone class was authorized,
the AFFS’ battleship line. Both ships opened fire with their main
since these ships are very different from the formation attack geared
batteries as they passed through the Davion fleet, each one raking
cruisers the DCA had been using. The Tone was intended to use
several ships in turn. Ashigara was blown apart by return fire but
its escorts and fighter screen to clean the way while it powered
Tone briefly fought her way clear. As he watched the FSS Churchill
through the enemy to reach broadside range. Twenty-four NAC-30s
(an Iron Duke class Battleship) pull out of the line, Admiral Nishimura
give it enough hitting power to rapidly destroy any cruiser and most
saw a chance for another kill and ordered his ship to close what he
battleships. Forty Naval Lasers give the vessel a powerful anti-Dropship
thought was a cripple. Unfortunately for him, his assessment was
armament. Admiral Nishimura recognized the need for Warships to
wrong: Churchill had pulled out to make a run for a transient pirate
carry organic anti-fighter defenses and so had the design equipped
point her nav officer had found. She had taken little damage up to
with seventy extended range large lasers. The ships 3G maximum
this point and now turned to pour no fewer than five broadsides into
acceleration ensured that it could easily reach firing range.
the hapless Tone. A direct hit on the bridge by the second salvo killed
Nishimura and destroyed the ship’s helm, leaving her helpless against
Deployment: the battleship’s shattering fire. The fifth broadside finished off Tone,
By March of 2787, the Star League was no more, the SLDF with only 15 of her crew surviving her loss. The respite proved long
had left the Inner Sphere, and war was brewing. The DCA fielded enough for Churchill to exit the system.
four Tone class cruisers: the Tone herself, Chikuma, Ashigara, and With the loss of Tone, the only remaining ship of this class is the
Chikuma which continues to be supplied by an unfinished sister ship
Overview: Ibuki. The Ibuki, the newest ship, had been assigned along with an
now marooned in the Togura star system. No further construction of
The Tone class Carrier was the brainchild of Rear Admiral Yugi understrength destroyer flotilla to protect the DeHuego & Freshet
Dropship yards at Proserpina from Davion attack. On March 29th, these vessels is possible because of their intricate inner workings.
Nishimura. The Admiral was part of the Draconis Combine Naval
that attack arrived in the form of the Iron Duke-class battleships With so many high tech systems the Tone may become just another
Reporting Committee during the Amaris Coup. This Committee was
Duke of Marlborough, and Benbow supported by four cruisers and class of ships lost to the Succession War.
tasked with following the SLDF’s naval operations and using said data
to develop improved doctrine for the Combine. Nishimura was thought five destroyers. Though Ibuki put up a gallant fight and succeeded in
damaging the Marlborough and destroying one the cruisers, she was Tone class Carrier
by many in the DCA to be its best mind even though not he was not
its the highest-ranking member. destroyed and the shipyards were crippled.
Tech: Inner Sphere
In 2774 Nishimura used a major committee report to advance his Revenge would not be long in coming, for her sister Chikuma,
Introduced: 2777
idea for a new warship. He outlined a design that he believed would along with the Nami class destroyer Onami, picked up the trail of the In Class: 4
be able to counter a thick fighter screen. Carrying 72 fighters (2 full damaged Marlborough. Chikuma and her destroyer escort caught up Manufacturer: Stellar Trek (Togura /Draconis Combine)
wings) and a massive battery of NACs, these ships were designed to to the battleship (along with the Rodney class cruiser Cunningham
power through enemy fighter and dropship screens and tear an enemy and the Furious class carrier Courageous) in the Emporia system on Mass: 850,000 tons
May 15th. The fierce engagement that followed nearly destroyed all Length: 950 meters
capital ship to shreds at close range. Nishimura’s stated plans for the
ships involved except for the Chikuma. The ship and its crew together Sail Diameter: 1,000 meters
design had it teamed with two destroyers and four assault dropships Fuel: 2,500 tons (6,250)
to give it the added punch to power through any resistance. Despite with survivors from the Onami managed to limp back to Combine
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
concern within the DCA over the cost of the design, its outstanding space reporting glorious victory for the Dragon. Eventually making Safe Thrust: 4
performance in simulations convinced the DCA to order it into its way back to the Togura shipyards where she was constructed the Maximum Thrust: 6
production at Togura as the Tone-class, with the first ship completed Chikuma was painstakingly repaired. Shorthanded Draconis engineers Sail Integrity: 5
in 2777. Four Tones were completed by Stellar Trek prior to the start had to cannibalize a fifth unnamed Tone under construction in order KF Drive Integrity: 17
to completely restore the Chikuma. Heat Sinks: 3,170 (6,340)
of the Succession War. Their heavy fighter complement prompted the
This was not before the remaining two Tones would see their Structural Integrity: 80
DCA to give them the designation of Carriers. Battle Value: 242,198
great hurrah in 2790 at the great bloodbath known as the battle
006/129 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Tone Class Carrier
Tone Class Carrier

Armor: (1360 tons, Ferro Carbide)

Fore: 188
Fore-Sides: 190
Aft-Sides: 190
Aft: 188

Bay 1: Fighters (72) 6 Doors
Bay 2: Small Craft (6) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Marines (12 platoons) 2 Doors
Bay 4: Cargo (39,249 tons) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 4
Grav Decks: 3 (150-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 50
Lifeboats: 50
Crew: 291 minimum (51 Officers, 240 Enlisted)
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 430)
2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
10 ER Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser
FL/FR (Heat: 2,160)
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
LBS/RBS (Heat: 2,060)
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
10 ER Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 1,260)
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
10 ER Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser
Aft (Heat: 430)
2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
10 ER Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser

2400 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
006/130 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Byakuren Class Battlecruiser
Byakuren Class Battlecruiser

would be regarded as a typical battlecruiser. The twenty four killer laid down and eventually completed at the Draconis Fleet Yards above
whale tubes, six fighter squadrons, and the truly massive battery of Midway by Matabushi Incorporated. The general scarcity of resources
anti-fighter PPCs (which is an almost unheard of design feature) helps prevented any further construction on a fifth Byaruken which was only
brighten the picture a little, but most look no further. partially completed.
Proponents of the design usually take this moment to slap Today only one Byakuren class Battlecruiser, the Kakitsubata
those who turn away with a copy of Janes Fighting Ships and point (Iris), still serves the Dragon. Sadly her sister ships; the Byakuren,
out the ship’s massive armor belt, thirty four hundred tons of the best the Shakuyaku (Peony), and the Sanshikisumire (Pansy), have all
armor money could buy and espionage could steal, over twice as thick succumbed to the increasing devastation of the Succession War. Even
as that used on the vaunted Texas, and the heaviest confirmable level this warship’s impressive armored hull was not enough to stave off
of armor protection in use on any warship currently in service. the unprecedented destruction of this cataclysm conflict. The DCA
With this in mind, the point of the Byakuren becomes apparent. has managed to keep the Kakitsubata operational by cannibalizing her
It is true that most warships her size (or even significantly smaller) unfinished sister ship and judicious use of salvage.
outgunned the battlecruiser, often by a significant margin, but all this
extra firepower actually doesn’t give them a particularly significant
advantage over the Byakuren, there is simply too much armor for Byakuren class Battlecruiser
them to get through, while the Byakuren’s more humble broadside
is still able to deliver serious damage to a more conventional ship’s Tech: Inner Sphere
lighter armor. The ship’s designers actually went so far as to claim Introduced: 2781
that the Byakuren’s survivability made it at the very least an even In Class: 4
match for any ship in the fleets of the Inner Sphere; even the Terran
Overview: Manufacturer: Matabushi Incorporated (Midway /Draconis Com-
An experimental design dating as far back as the repeal of the Hegemony’s vaunted Mckenna. bine)
Edict of 2650, the Byakuren (White Lotus) class Battlecruiser was
largely regarded as an oddball design that stood accepted naval Deployment: Mass: 950,000 tons
traditions and protocols on their head, sacrificing almost all of the Old habits die hard, however, and concerns about the Byakuren’s Length: 1,070 meters
firepower wielded by her contemporaries such as the Black Lion lack of firepower led to its rejection by the DCA. It would take the Sail Diameter: 1,200 meters
and Igarashii in favor of speed and armor protection. A lot of armor destruction and chaos of the Periphery Uprising and the Amaris Coup Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000)
protection. for the design to be revisited. With so much of the SLDF battlefleet Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
In this regard, she wasn’t the first ship to follow this design being wiped out right and left war planners began to re-evaluate not Safe Thrust: 4
principle, but it had never had much of a following with any only their battle tactics, but the design principles of their warships. Maximum Thrust: 6
naval power, all of which favored offensive armament over armor In far too many battles goliath warships were vaporized rapidly by Sail Integrity: 5
protection. Even the success of similar designs like the Taurian Navy’s a variety of innovative tactics. It had become painfully obvious that KF Drive Integrity: 19
Reunification War era Basho wasn’t enough to sway most people, and the light armor protection that had been considered acceptable for Heat Sinks: 2,240 (4,480)
the DCA wasn’t an exception, rejecting the radical design out of hand centuries simply didn’t cut it in true, full scale open warfare, and many Structural Integrity: 180
when it was first presented for their approval in 2757. Recent events, warships were actually, as odd as it might sound, a little bit too heavily Battle Value: 238,665
however, show that the Byakuren would get the last laugh. armed.
Of course the Combine was in no position to begin a massive
effort to completely replace and redesign their battlefleet, however,
Armor: (3420 tons, Lamellor Ferro Carbide)
Capabilities: they were in the unique position of having a design already available Fore: 700
When a person looks over the Byakuren, the first thing that no with the kind of armor protection that some Admirals were clamoring Fore-Sides: 614
doubt sticks out in their mind is that it carries only sixteen heavy for. The decision was made to begin construction of the Byakuren Aft-Sides: 600
guns, an armament barely the equal of a destroyer much less what class as Kerensky was closing in on Amaris. A total of four keels were Aft: 400
006/131 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Byakuren Class Battlecruiser
Byakuren Class Battlecruiser

Bay 1: Cargo (15,578 tons) 8 Doors
Bay 2: Small Craft (2) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Fighters (36) 6 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 4
Grav Decks: 3 (150-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 60
Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 315 minimum (55 Officers, 260 Enlisted)
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 600)
60 PPC 60(600) 60(600) - - PPC
FL/FR (Heat: 1,600)
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,200)
60 PPC 60(600) 60(600) - - PPC
AL/AR (Heat: 480)
12 Killer Whale 48 48 48 48 Capital Missile
(120 Missiles)
Aft (Heat: 600)
60 PPC 60(600) 60(600) - - PPC

800 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
120 Killer Whale Missiles
006/132 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Hiei Class Battleship
Hiei Class Battleship

to commission their own design, the Sun Tzu in 2616, and shook the two vessels existed by 2650; however, given the restrictions placed
SLDF to restore its dominance by fielding the Texas in 2618. on house military forces by that time required a rather intricate tap
dance by Kurita in order to keep the entire fleet. The battleships
were continuously rotated in and out of service, with as much as
Capabilities: half of the class officially in mothballs or “decommissioned to serve
For its day, the Hiei was one of the largest ships in existence, as museums”. The constant rotation of ships (all of these ships were
massing 1.3 million tons. She was from the beginning built to outmatch listed as decommissioned and/or mothballed at one point because
the Hegemony’s vaunted Monsoon class battleship as well as the of this plan) served to confuse the issue so much that some SLDF
Davion Iron Duke, and she succeeded admirably in both regards. Both admirals were freely and openly admitting that they just plain weren’t
ships were simply outclassed in firepower by the Hiei, and the Iron sure how many ships the DCA had active.
Duke was further menaced by the Hiei’s integral fighter complement, [Editor’s Note: The correct answer, of course, is all of them.
as fighters had always been the bane of the Iron Duke’s existence. Though the Combine did the bare minimum necessary to look like it
The ship’s superior armor protection is something of a minor was complying with the military restrictions, the fact is that they could,
mystery. Though it is known that the Combine was able to acquire and when the time came, did reactivate all of the ships mothballed
the secrets to Ferro Carbide armor through espionage some time in and decommissioned by this program with frightening speed. Some
the 27th century, nobody is entirely certain when or how it happened. naval historians claim that this sort of dirty dealing by the Member
The battles of the Succession War have proved without a doubt that States is one of the things that inspired the Mckenna class battleship.
the Hiei was fitted with this advanced armor. Although nobody can be Two years after the house military restrictions were put into place,
certain, except for the House Kurita, it is believed that this feature was the Terran Hegemony embarked on one of the most incredible naval
a refit done sometime after the War of Davion Succession and not part production programs in history, turning out nearly three hundred
Overview: of the ship’s original equipment. of the most powerful warships the Star League had ever seen in a
The end of the twenty sixth century was supposed to be the Whatever the case, this advanced armor was an important edge remarkably short time. This was the final act of the battleship race of
dawn of a new golden age. The Star League stood dominant, the for the Hiei. This gave the ship armor protection comparable to her the 27th century, leaving the SLDF the clear winner and ensuring that
last resistors to its authority defeated. Peace reigned and what would Davion rival despite the Iron Duke’s heavier but less advanced armor, they would be able to counter any threat the house fleets posed.]
be later known as the good years began. However, in a dramatic and was a great surprise to the Davion fleet when barrages that should When the Succession War began, most of these Kurita Battleships
counterpoint, one of the first major events of the twenty seventh have left a Hiei burning only cratered armor. This is reportedly how were deployed along the Lyran border in order to counter the massively
Century was a new arms race to achieve superiority in battleships. the Edward Davion, flagship of the Davion fleet, was lost during the over gunned Lyran fleet. Battles along the Lyran front quickly became
Historians still debate who started this battleship race. Some battle of Cholame. Expecting rather light armor protection, the Davion brutal ship killing affairs, and though the more mobile Kurita forces
place the blame squarely on the Hegemony who introduced new vessel closed in on the Hiei class Tendo and engaged her in a close were frequently able to gain the advantage, the price was high.
technology to the navies of the InnerSphere during the Reunification range slugging match, ultimately falling to the superior firepower and Some of the Hiei class was deployed to the Federated Suns
War. Terran Admirals also failed to realize the consequences of clinging fighter complement of the Tendo. front where they were used as flagships for groups of Igarashii class
to the outdated Monsoon class which encouraged proliferation among [Editor’s Note: It also helped that the Edward Davion’s two battlecruisers. These craft proved to be a dangerous team against the
the Great Houses. The success of Marik’s Atreus class against the escorting Furious class warships were smashed by a trio of Combine Davions. However, like the Lyran front, the fighting was brutal. Much
Monsoon eventually led the Lyrans to build their monstrously huge battlecruisers. The Davions to this day maintain that the Edward like her Davion rival, the Hiei has become a victim of the Succession
Thor class battleships. Davion on the other hand went with a quantity Davion was destroyed not by the Tendo alone, but with the help
over quality approach, building more of their venerable Iron Duke War, with only two ships surviving till this day.
of those three warships, while the Combine claims that the three
class Battleships to outnumber any would be competitor. battlecruisers stayed out of the fight between the Edward Davion and
However, it was House Kurita that has caught the majority of the Tendo.]
the blame by building their new Hiei class Battleship after the end of
the Reunification War. While this act was a clear escalation, especially
during peace time, the other Houses all were clearly participating. Deployment:
This formidable warship forced even the cash strapped House Liao Kurita managed an impressive feat with the Hiei, constructing
the ship in large numbers fairly quickly at the Kure Naval Yards. Forty-
006/133 TRO:2800/House Kurita/DCA Hiei Class Battleship
Hiei Class Battleship

Hiei class Battleship Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard) Ammunition:

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class 2400 rounds of Naval Autocannon/35 ammunition
Nose (Heat: 480) 80 Killer Whale Missiles
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
Introduced: 2608 2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
In Class: 42 FL/FR (Heat: 1,520)
2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
Manufacturer: Matabushi Incorporated (Luthien /Draconis 2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
Combine) 2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
2 Killer Whale (20 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
Mass: 1,300,000 tons LBS/RBS (Heat: 2,930)
2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
Length: 1,200 meters 2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
Sail Diameter: 1,500 meters 7 Medium NPPC 63 63 63 63 Capital PPC
Fuel: 4000 tons (10,000) 2 Killer Whale (20 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
AL/AR (Heat: 3,780)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 7 Medium NPPC 63 63 63 63 Capital PPC
Safe Thrust: 3 7 Medium NPPC 63 63 63 63 Capital PPC
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 6
KF Drive Integrity: 26
Heat Sinks: 8,710
Structural Integrity: 80
Battle Value: 226,527

Armor: (1500 tons, Ferro-Carbide)

Fore: 208
Fore-Sides: 208
Aft-Sides: 208
Aft: 208

Bay 1: Small Craft (12) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (160,406 tons) 5 Doors
Bay 3: Fighters (36) 6 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 6
Grav Decks: 2 (90-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 40
Lifeboats: 30
Crew: 379 minimum (65 Officers, 314 Enlisted)
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Federated Suns Naval Service (FSNS)

Federated Suns Naval Service (FSNS)

The history of the AFFS Navy traces its roots back to the early days of the Federated Suns and the Federation Peacekeeping Forces. The official founding date of the navy is
considered to be March 27, 2343 when the first of the Audacious class corvettes was commissioned. Prior to that date, the FPF operated a small naval detachment composed of
jumpship transports, assault ships and few zero-g trained marines. The most notable accomplishment of this early force was the capture of the THS Dragonfly, a Vigilant class corvette.
It was the Dragonfly that provided the Federated Suns with its first look at warship technology and formed the basis of the Audacious class corvette. For the next several decades,
the FPF Navy learned the basics of space warfare. The first lesson they learned was that despite their early success against the Terran Hegemony, Federation warships were generally
outclassed. Conversely against the states which would one day form the Capellan Confederation, the FPF Navy had near total dominance due to the lack of any warships in their fleets.
As a result the Navy found itself relegated to a second class status in the Federated Suns military hierarchy. Since the opposing navies were either outclassed the Federated Suns navy
or were easy dealt with, there was little need for a Navy, other then as an escort for the ground forces. Unfortunately as times changed the perception of the Navy did not and it has
forever since been used mainly to transport and protect the ground forces.
The FPF Navy was a relatively small force, the Federated Suns preferring to invest its limited resources into the ground forces. That changed in 2399, when the Capellan
Confederation orbitally bombarded the world of Novaya Zemlya. Realizing the threat posed by Capellan warships, the Federation began a crash shipbuilding program, more then tripling
the size of the Navy. Despite this Navy still served mainly as a transportation force for the Army and did little to distinguish itself during the Age of War. Some of the most notable
campaigns involving the navy were fought during the Davion Civil War. All sides acquired control of warships and used them against each other. A number of the Federation’s warships
were destroyed, but ultimately the naval campaign had little impact on the end result of the war.
During the Reunification War, the AFFS Navy found itself outmatched by the navy of the Taurian Concordat. During the opening rounds of the campaign, the AFFS lost a large
portion of its cruiser forces during the Concordat’s Case Amber. Lured deep into Concordat territory, the AFFS strike force was cut off when a Concordat fleet attacked Panpour and
destroyed over a dozen AFFS warships. The Federation’s strike force attempted to retreat but lost over two dozen ships in the Tentativa system. Badly beaten, the AFFS Navy played
only a minor role in the war. The Taurian Concordat continued to harass the AFFS warships. Many Taurian raiders targeted convoys operating deep in the Federation and destroyed
them. This forced the AFFS Navy to deploy many of its ships to deal with this threat. When they proved incapable of neutralizing the Taurian threat, the AFFS Navy was forced to call
upon the SLDF for aid.
Following the end of the Reunification War, the AFFS navy found itself a broken and battered force. Humiliated during the campaign against the Taurian Concordat and with the
promise of peace spreading across the Inner Sphere, the navy found itself with only limited funds. The economic depression facing the Federated Suns only worsened the problem.
By the 2660s, the AFFS navy was composed mainly of older vessels that were nearly obsolete. Only a few shipbuilding programs, including the Daring corvette and New Syrtis Fighter
Cruiser, had been undertaken. Fortunately, several new construction programs were begun and many older vessels were refitted with new technology. This program was completed
just in time for the War of Davion Succession. The new fleet performed very well during the campaign, surprising many in the AFFS. As a result the navy received additional funding
and continued to grow and expand.
By 2765, the AFFS Navy was developing into a more modern and effective navy. While the Navy had not totally outgrown its role as transports for the Army, it was starting to
be seen as a force almost on par with the Army. Following the Coup and the fall of the Star League, the Navy began a period of unprecedented growth. Existing production lines
were expanded and production output was increased. At the same time, new designs were developed, these new ships were designed as ship killers and intended to counter enemy
warships. It appeared that a new age was dawning for the AFFS Navy.
However the Succession War has proven to be a cruel joke for the Navy. By 2785 the AFFS Navy had grown to be the largest navy in the Inner Sphere and was introducing new,
cutting edge warships. By 2800, the navy would be a mere shell of itself, shattered in the fighting. As with the rest of the AFFS, the Navy was caught off guard by the Combine’s assault.
In 2787, the majority of the AFFS fleet was stationed along the Capellan border in preparation for the planned invasion of the Confederation. When the Combine attacked, their fleet
quickly overwhelmed the few warships patrolling along the Combine-Suns border and destroyed many of them.
Prince Davion realized that his nation was in severe danger and launched a major counteroffensive in 2788. Using the ships that were originally intended for the Capellan invasion,
he attacked the flank of the Combine. The DCMS had anticipated this and met the Davion fleet with its own navy. The Federation’s attack failed when the Combine managed to destroy
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Federated Suns Naval Service (FSNS)

Federated Suns Naval Service (FSNS)

a number of the heavy transports assigned to support the campaign.
With the destruction of so many transports, the AFFS found itself unable to launch a massive campaign in the face of the large Combine fleet. Needing a victory against the
Combine, Prince John Davion planned a second offensive in 2790. Primarily a naval operation, the taskforce, under the command of Admiral Kenneth Jones, was intended to attack
and destroy the Combine’s fleet. The Federation fleet contains the majority of the nation’s surviving warships. The operation proved surprisingly successful, destroying a number of
Combine vessels. Just as the fleet was attempting to leave Combine controlled space, they were ambushed by a DCMS fleet. Having guessed at the course of the AFFS strikeforce, the
DCMS commanders stationed several taskgroups at the systems that the Davion fleet was likely to use.
It was in the small and insignificant Cholame that the two forces met up. Once the Combine fleet had engaged the Davion Strikeforce, they called for reinforcements. Over the
next six weeks, the Battle of Cholame developed into the largest naval battle of the Suns-Combine border and one of the largest naval battles of the Succession War. By the time the
battle had ended both sides had lost over 100 warships and numerous dropships and aerospace fighters. That the AFFS navy had managed to cripple the Combine Navy and restore
parity between the two sides was little consolation given the losses that the AFFS suffered.
Forced back on the defensive, the AFFS Navy continued to battle the Combine. In 2796, the Navy found itself pushed back towards New Avalon. With the DCMS regiments on
Saginaw, Delevan and Odell, the Navy began developing plans to defend New Avalon. In early 2796, the Combine launched a massive naval raid against New Avalon. Intended to scout
the system and destroy as many defenders as possible before the main assault, the Combine forces encountered the remnants of the AFFS fleet. The AFFS Navy managed to inflict
heavy losses against the Combine Navy, and forcing them to turn back before they could inflict heavy damage against the planet.
Since the Battle of New Avalon, the AFFS has been forced to carefully deploy its few surviving warships along the Combine border. In a major blow to the Navy’s morale, they
have once again been relegated to the transport role. Since 2795, the Navy’s primary mission has been to escort the Army forces which have been fighting to reclaim the worlds lost
to the Dragon.
While the majority of the AFFS Navy has been deployed against the Combine border, a few units have been deployed to counter the Capellan threat. Fortunately for the Federation,
the Capellans have deployed the bulk of their fleet against the Free Worlds League, resulting in a raiding campaign by both Capellans and Federation. During these raiding campaigns
the two sides managed to inflict heavy damage, destroying numerous shipyards and orbital factories.
As of 2800, the AFFS Navy is a mere shell of it self. While the AFFS still has the largest navy in the Inner Sphere, it has lost hundreds of ships and thousands of dropships, Coupled
with the loss of every warship yard and major damage to its jumpship and dropship yards, the AFFS has been unable to replace it’s losses. Even maintaining its fleet has become
problematic. Even so the AFFS Navy continues to deploy its fleet at the vanguard of the campaign against the Combine.

The AFFS warships use a solid red paint scheme on the major structural members of their warships. Following the Reunification War, a number of black stripes were added
to commemorate all of the ships that were lost in the conflict.


The strategies and tactics of the Federated Suns Navy has changed dramatically over the years. During the first centuries of the Navy’s existence, the strategy and tactics were
largely influenced by the army, which dominated the FPF and later AFFS High Command. The Navy was seen as a little more then a transport service for the army and their operations
were geared towards the convoy and planetary invasion roles. This resulted in the navy conducting mainly defensive operations or major planetary assaults. As a result when the navy
was operating independently, as during Case Amber in the Reunification War, the navy found itself outclassed by enemy forces.
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Federated Suns Naval Service (FSNS)

Federated Suns Naval Service (FSNS)

It was not until the mid 27th century that the AFFS Navy began to gain greater freedom and independence from the Army. One of the major turning points in the Navy’s
strategically thinking was the Summer Lightning exercises of 2693. During the joint training exercise with the SLDF, the AFFS navy managed to fight the SLDF forces to a draw despite
being badly outnumbered. The success of the navy opened many eyes in the AFFS. Allowed greater independence, the Navy developed new tactics and strategies that would allow it
to operate independently and play important roles in future campaigns. While the navy was unable to acquire new ships which could fulfill these roles, the designs and ideas that were
developed eventually lead to the Emerald Battlecruiser and Ascalon Battleship of the mid to late 28th Century.
By the start of the Succession War, the AFFS navy was seen as two distinct forces. The older ships which formed the bulk of the navy, tended to operate in the traditional roles of
convoy escorts and assault transports. The new fleet on the other hand was deployed in an offensive role, raiding enemy targets and engaging enemy fleets. The culmination of the
new importance of the Navy was the counteroffensive of 2790. Organized as an entirely naval operation, the AFFS launched the largest fleet it had ever deployed. This force operated
behind Combine lines, hit a number of strategic targets and Combine convoys. During the Battle of Cholame the navy managed to inflict major losses on the Combine fleet, proving
the value of the navy. However the losses suffered during the battle devastated the AFFS fleet, with so few ships left, the navy has been forced back into mainly defensive operations.
Even so, the Navy has continued to conducted a limited number of offensive operations, the most notable being the raid against the shipyards at New Samarkand in 2795.

PRE-WAR DEPLOYMENT (as of 2785) Supplementals /Reserve Fleet (139 warships) 12 Baron class Destroyers
42 Audacious class Corvettes [30 Audacious I & 12 Audacious 2 Congress class Frigates [Advanced Star League salvage]
Main Line Vessels (483 warships) II] 6 Aegis class Heavy Cruisers
125 Daring class Corvettes 25 Sunburst class Destroyers 2 Hegemony class Battlecruisers
123 Davion class Destroyers [3 Block Is & 120 Block IIs] 18 Furious class Destroyer/Carriers
75 Congress class Frigates 8 Crecy class Destroyers Auxiliaries (115 warships)
70 Rodney class Cruisers [51 Block Is & 19 Block IIs] 30 New Syrtis class Fighter Cruisers 40 St. George class Transports
40 Emerald class Battlecruisers 3 Kirov class Cruisers 30 Robinson class Transports
50 Iron Duke class Battleships 13 Musketeer class Battlecruisers 25 Catalyst class Tankers
20 Vulcan class Tenders
Hegemony Additionals (46 warships)
24 Vigilant class Corvettes

Before the start of the war, the AFFS possessed 783 warships. The vast majority of these vessels were part of the main battle fleets. These were supported by a number of
supplementary vessels and second line ships acquired from the Terran Hegemony. The AFFS navy operated eight major fleets. These fleets were built around the Iron Duke Battleships.
The typical fleet had six Iron Dukes. Supporting the Iron Dukes were generally two Furious Destroyer/Carriers, several Rodney cruisers, Emerald Battlecruisers and numerous
destroyers and corvettes. While it was originally intended to provide a single Kirov command cruiser for each fleet only five were completed and they are provided to fleet commanders
as needed. The Congress frigates, New Syrtis Fighter Cruisers and Robinson Transports, generally saw service patrolling the borders of the Federated Suns. These ships would operate
independently or with small groups of Corvettes and Destroyers. The AFFS also maintained a transport force. This group was a throwback to the days when the Navy’s primary purpose
was to carry assault forces and guard convoys. This force was composed of the AFFS’s Musketeer Battlecruisers, St George Transports and the Vigilant Corvettes, Baron Destroyers and
Aegis cruisers which had been acquired from the SLDF. Unlike many other nations, the AFFS did not have a large mothball fleet. As of 2785, the AFFS had 30 Audacious I corvettes and
twenty five Sunburst destroyers in mothballs. The Audacious class was returned to service in 2786 and the Sunburst would return to the fleet in 2791. Logistical support was provided
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Federated Suns Naval Service (FSNS)

Federated Suns Naval Service (FSNS)

by twenty five Catalyst Tankers and twenty Vulcan Tenders. These ships were not assigned to specific fleets
but rather to different operational areas where they would support any vessels in the region.
By 2800, the AFFS fleet was reduced to one hundred and thirty four ships. With the destruction of the CURRENT DEPLOYMENT (as of 2800)
last shipyard capable of building warships in 2796, the navy has little hope of building new ships. If there
is any silver lining for the AFFS Navy it is that the fleet is dominated by newer vessels, such as the Emerald Combat Vessels (120 warships)
Battlecruiser and Crecy Destroyer which were still being built at the time the war started. As a result on a 3 Vigilant class Corvettes
ship by ship basis, the fleet is more capable then it was in 2785, but with so few vessels it is nearly impossible 13 Audacious class Corvettes [5 Block Is, 8 Block IIs]
for the navy to fulfill all the missions required of it. The Navy has been regrouped into two fleets. Each fleet 20 Daring class Corvettes [5 Block IIs, 15 Block IIIs]
possess four Iron Duke Battleships, three Emerald Battlecruisers, five Rodney Cruisers, six Crecy Destroyers, 2 Baron class Destroyers
nine Davion II Destroyers, two Furious Destroyer/Carriers and ten Daring Corvettes. Currently both fleets 3 Sunburst class Destroyers
are assigned to the Combine front, where they are involved in the efforts to reclaim the worlds that have 4 Furious class Destroyer/Carriers
been since the war started. The most of the remaining combat vessels have been organized into a variety of 18 Davion II class Destroyers
squadrons and assigned to the Capellan front. Their main mission is to guard against Capellan raiders and 12 Crecy class Destroyers
conduct limited offensive missions. The AFFS has also formed a special assault transport group. Lead by the 1 Aegis class Heavy Cruiser
Musketeer Battlecruisers, the group also contains the surviving Robinson and St George Transports. This 11 Congress class Frigates [1 Advanced SL salvage]
group is held in reserve and only used during major planetary assaults. The surviving Catalyst Tankers and 11 Rodney class Cruisers [8 Block Is, 3 Block IIs]
Vulcan Tenders are keep in rear areas where they are not likely to be attacked. They only deploy to forward 3 Musketeer class Battlecruisers
areas when they can be adequately escorted as they are now the main source of repairs and resupply for 6 Emerald class Battlecruisers
the fleet. 5 New Syrtis class Fighter Cruisers
8 Iron Duke class Battleships

Auxiliaries (14 warships)

CONSTRUCTION PHILOSOPHY 4 Robinson class Transports
The Federated Suns naval design has long been influenced by the AFFS and FPF Army. With the
4 Catalyst class Tankers
dominance of the ground forces in the Federation’s military high command the Navy has been seen little
4 Vulcan class Tenders
more then a taxi service. As a result, many ships were designed to meet the perceived needs of the Army,
2 St. George class Transports
rather then the actual needs of the Navy. This can best be seen in the large cargo holds and numerous
docking collars of the Federation’s warships. This design philosophy reached it’s height in the 25th and 26th
Centuries with the St George Frigate, Rodney Cruiser, Musketeer Battlecruiser and Iron Duke Battleships. The
situation began to slowly change during the late 27th Century. The introduction of ships like the Kirov Cruiser
and Furious Destroyer/Carrier began to take the navy from a taxi service to an independent, highly capable
force. The years just before the start of the Succession War saw the introduction of a new generation of
AFFS warships, all of which were designed as ship killers, rather then escorts and transports. Unfortunately
production of the new ships was limited and the destruction caused by the war prevented the navy from fully
re-equipping with the new vessels.

007/138 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Introduction

Federated Suns Naval Service

AFFS warships generally have average thrust and armor when compared to the ships of their enemies. This has proven problematic at times, the AFFS found itself out maneuvered
by the smaller and faster vessels of the Taurian Concordat and the Draconis Combine, while the better armored vessels of the Capellan Confederation have been able to withstand the
firepower of the Federation warships and inflict heavy damage in return.
The AFFS navy generally prefers to equip their ships with large Autocannons. Laser and particle beam weapons are rare on AFFS vessels. Anti-fighter defense is based on
Terran and Star League tactics of using large missile systems. Many of the early FPF warships only carried a few fighters for self-defense. Recently, following the Summer Lightning
exercise of 2693, newer designs have carried large fighter contingents for self defense.

The Federated Suns has never been a heavily industrialized nation. Many of its worlds are sparsely populated and very lightly developed. In contrast the core worlds of the
Federated Suns are highly developed and some of the most advanced in the human space. As a result the Federated Suns has very few shipyards compared to other nations, but many
of these facilities tend to be massive operations with significant production capability. While this has proven beneficial from production viewpoint, as it has provided great economy of
scale, it has made the Federated Suns very vulnerable to enemy attacks, as the damage or destruction of a single shipyard can dramatically reduce production capacity.

Delavan - Universal Air

Products (2785): Scout, Invader, Star Lord, Tramp and Leviathan Jumpships Daring Corvette, Crecy Destroyer, Emerald Battlecruiser
Products (2800): Invader and Star Lord Jumpships
Universal Air is an old company that predates the Star League. The company has long been a major supplier of jumpships and warships to the Federated Suns. When war broke out, Universal Air continued
to produce warships for the AFFS until a Combine raid in 2795 destroyed the warship yard and greatly damaged the jumpship yard. Using equipment scavenged from other damaged yards, the company
was able to restore production capability for the Invader and Star Lord jumpships.

Delavan – Dynamico
Products (2785): Avenger, Leopard, Leopard CV, Gazelle, Buccaneer, Achilles, Condor and Triumph Dropships
Products (2800): Avenger, Leopard, Buccaneer and Triumph Dropships
Dynamico has been producing dropships for the Federated Suns since the 25th Century. Interestingly the company has focused on building only Aerodyne type dropships, and during the Star League era,
the company was considered the leader in the design of Aerodyne dropships. The company’s facilities were damaged during the Combine raid in 2795. The company cannibalized four of their damaged
production lines to restore the others to full operation.

Demeter- Krester’s Ship Constructors

Products (2785): Invader, Venture and Monolith Jumpships
Products (2800): None
The Krester’s Ship Constructors facility produced a variety of jumpship designs. Unfortunately for the Federated Suns, the company refused to sell their products to any one but the Terran Republic. On
several occasions Prince John Davion tried to use heavy handed tactics to convince Krester’s to change it’s policy but in every case these failed. These efforts became moot in 2786 when the shipyards were
destroyed in a Capellan raid against Demeter.

Galax - Federated Boeing

Products (2788): Avenger, Leopard, Leopard CV, Confederate, Fury, Gazelle, Intruder, Buccaneer, Union, Danais, Achilles, Condor, Monarch, Triumph, Fortress, Overlord, Cargoking, Cargomaster, Princess,
Model 96 Elephant, Dione, Pentagon, Vengeance, Behemoth and Titan Dropships
Products (2800): Leopard, Leopard CV, Fury, Gazelle, Intruder, Buccaneer, Union, Danais, Condor, Monarch, Triumph, Overlord and Dione.
Federated Boeing is the newest ship manufacturer in the Federated Suns. In 2781 Boeing Interstellar began construction of the Galax Megaplex as part of its recovery plan following the Amaris Coup. The
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Federated Suns Naval Service

company was soon nationalized by the Terran Republic, which feared that Boeing would provide the Federated Suns with access to its advanced technology. Many of the senior corporate officers fled the
Republic for the Federated Suns, where they continued to build the Galax Megaplex. Operating under the new name of Federated Boeing, company began turning out large numbers of dropships for the
AFFS. While the company has not been directly attacked it has seen its production drop off dramatically. The loss of several key suppliers and rare materials has forced the company to halt production of
almost half of its designs.

Kathil - James McKenna Shipyards

Products (2785): Union, Overlord and Triumph Dropships, Invader, Star Lord and Monolith Jumpships. Ascalon Battleship
Products (2800): Union and Overlord Dropship Invader Jumpships
The James McKenna Shipyards were some of the Star League’s finest shipyards. The facility is composed of two separate yards, one located the Zenith point which handles jumpship and dropship repair and
jumpship construction and an orbital facility which builds dropships and warships. When the Federated Suns acquired control of the facility after the fall of the Star League, they quickly put the yards to use.
The James McKenna shipyards began turning out new dropships, jumpships and Ascalon battleships for the Federation Navy. In 2792, the Capellan Confederation managed to damage the yards during a
raid. The Warship yard was completely destroyed while the other yards took heavy damage and are now operating at a reduced capacity.

Kestrel - Krester’s Ship Constructors

Products (2785): Merchant and Invader Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Krester’s Kestrel facility produced jumpships for the commercial market. As with other Krester’s facilities, the company refused to sell their products to any one but the Terran Republic. The shipyard was
destroyed during a Combine attack in 2791.

Layover - Salvatore Incorporated

Products (2785): Leopard, Leopard CV, Fury, Gazelle, Intruder, Buccaneer, Union, Danais Seeker, Condor, Triumph, Monarch., Princess, Triumph, Fortress, Overlord, Vengeance, Mule, Model 96 Elephant,
Excaliber, Behemoth, Mammoth, Dione, Titan and Pentagon dropships
Products (2800): Leopard, Gazelle, Fury, Union, Danais, Seeker, Triumph and Mule dropships.
Salvatore Inc is one of the largest manufacturers of dropships in the Federated Suns and SLDF. Located at the key interstellar crossroads of Layover, the company produced dropships for both commercial
and military uses. During the Combine invasion of the Federated Suns, Layover was captured by the Kuritan forces. During the invasion the company’s plant suffered heavy damage. It suffered more damage
when the planet was recently liberated by the AFFS. As a result of the damage to the plant, the number of
designs produced there has fallen dramatic. The company has been struggling to restore some of its lost capacity, but so far has no been able to find the resources it needs.

Markesan - Markesan Aerospace

Products (2785): Vampire Dropship
Products (2800): None
Markesan Aerospace was a small company that specialized in the production of a single design, the Vampire dropship. Unfortunately for the company they were located in the direct
path of the Combine’s invasion of the Federated Suns. The company was completely wiped out during the fighting.

New Avalon- New Avalon Shipyards

Products (2785): Buccaneer, Mule, Monarch and Mammoth Dropships Scout, Merchant and Tramp Jumpships.
Products (2800): None
The New Avalon Shipyards were focused on ships for the commercial market. While products from Universal Air, Salvatore Inc or Challenge systems might be cheaper, New Avalon
had a reputation for building extremely high quality products. Following the outbreak of war, the company looked into converting their production lines to build combat dropships.
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Federated Suns Naval Service

However the chaos of the war and the rapid onslaught of the Combine prevented that from occurring. The shipyard was destroyed by a Combine recon party sent to scout New Avalon shortly before Minobu
Kurita’s death.

New Syrtis - New Syrtis Shipyards

Products (2785): Gazelle, Union, Lion, Dione, Monarch and Mammoth Dropships. Daring Corvette, Emerald Battlecruiser
Products (2800): Gazelle, Union, Lion, Dione, Monarch and Mammoth Dropships
New Syrtis Shipyards is composed of 2 separate facilities. The smaller of the 2 facilities is the Zenith point Jumpship repair docks. While the company does not manufacture new jumpships, preferring not
to complete with Universal Air or Challenge Systems, the company does handle major repairs and overhauls for commercial and military transports. Fortunately for the AFFS, the facility has not been badly
damaged and continues to support naval operations in the Capellan March. The company’s primary facility is the large L-4 complex. The L-4 complex housed both warship and dropship construction facilities.
The complex was the target of a Capellan raid in 2790. While the defenders were able to protect the main yard complex, the Capellans managed to destroy two key orbital factories, the ones which built
the Compact KF Cores and Main Drives for the warship yard. As a result all warship production has been halted.

Panpour - Challenge Systems

Products (2785): Scout, Explorer, Invader, Star Lord and Monolith Jumpships Daring Corvette, Congress Frigate, Emerald Battlecruiser
Products (2800): Scout, Invader and Monolith Jumpships
Located deep behind the front lines, Challenge Systems was thought to be relatively safe from raids by either the Draconis Combine or the Capellan Confederation. The only potential threat was the Taurian
Concordat, but they were not considered a major risk. For this reason, the shipyard was only light defended by a single squadron of outdated corvettes. In 2796, the Draconis Combine launched a deep
raid against the shipyard in an effort to destroy the Federated Suns last remaining warship yard. Surprisingly the outmatched defenders managed to destroy the entire Combine raiding party but not before
they destroyed the warship yard. The Jumpship docks, located at the Zenith point, only suffered minor damage and have managed to continue producing new vessels for the AFFS.

Pleiades Cluster/Electra - Quinghai Shipbuilding

Products (2785): None- overhaul and repair work only
Products (2800): None
Quinghai Shipbuilding was a company that was closely monitored by the Federated Suns. The original manufacturer of the Emerald class Battlecruiser, the company lost its contracts because of security
concerns following a pirate raid to capture the first three Emerald class battlecruisers. No longer considered trustworthy by the AFFS, the company had no hopes of getting new construction contracts with
the AFFS and was forced to provide repair and overhaul work for civilian ships to remain in business. The company is no longer operating, but the circumstances surrounding its demise are murky. Officially
it is reported that the shipyard was destroyed in a Capellan raid. Unofficially there has been no documentation of a Capellan raid against the Pleiades Cluster and it is rumored that the facility was dismantled
and relocated. Depending on the source of the rumor, the factory has supposedly been relocated to the Terran Republic, Capellan Confederation, Magistracy of Canopus or Taurian Concordat.

Robinson - Challenge Systems - Robinson Shipyard

Products (2785): Merchant, Invader, Tramp and Leviathan Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Challenge Systems’ Robinson Shipyards is and older facility that dates back to the 25th Century. Originally built by Robinson Jumpship Technologies, the yard was sold to Challenge Systems after the failure
of Robinson’s commercial jumpship line. The yard gained fame when it introduced the Vanguard class jumpship. The success of the Vanguard turned the shipyard into a major manufacturer of commercial
jumpships. The shipyard was destroyed in 2789 by the Draconis Combine.

Tancredi IV - Di Tron Industries

Products (2785): Buccaneer and Mule Dropships. Merchant, Vanguard, Venture and Tramp Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Following the end of the Reunification War, the Star League began several programs to encourage the exploration and development of the Periphery and the more remote regions of the Inner Sphere. One
program offered tax breaks to companies that established factories in these areas. Di Tron was quick to advantage of this offer and established a new shipyard at Tancredi IV. While Tancredi IV was a
007/141 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Introduction
Federated Suns Naval Service (FSNS)

Federated Suns Naval Service (FSNS)

fairly well developed world, having formerly served as capital of the Draconis March, it’s location and natural resources made it the ideal location for a shipyard. Located near the periphery of the Draconis
Combine, the Outworlds Alliance and the Outback of the Federated Suns, the yard could provide the ships and repair capabilities that were vital to trade exploration in the area. As such the company tended
to specialize in more rugged and heavily armed vessels that could be safely used in the more wild regions of space. For this reason the company tended to produce older designs like the Vanguard, rather
then newer models. The facility was destroyed during a Combine raid in 2787.
007/142 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Audacious Class Corvette
Audacious Class Corvette

production of the Audacious class under license from Universal Air. The biggest problem was that the cannon had a tendency to jam
One hundred and forty five of these warships would be built before frequently. Eventually the Federated 15 NACs would be replaced with
construction ended. the Federated 20 NAC after its successful deployment on the Sunburst
class destroyer.
This Federated Naval Autocannon was backed up by three
Capabilities: Federated 10 Naval Autocannons. Built by Federated Weapons, these
As the first warship built by the Federated Suns, the Audacious were direct copies of the Vigilant’s Luxor Destroyer. These proved
incorporated several new technologies, including the compact KF Core, to be very reliable and effective weapons and would be used on a
warship scale Interplanetary drives and Naval Autocannons. Much of number of FPF warships.
this technology was acquired when the Federated Suns captured a To provide protection against enemy fighters the Audacious class
Hegemony Armed Forces warship, the Vigilant class corvette THS mounts a number of standard autocannons. These provide protection
Dragonfly, during an attack by the Terran Hegemony on New Rhodes to all the arcs, except the forward arc. This was due to the large size
III in 2338. of the Federated Naval Autocannon which prevented the designers
[Editor’s Note: The attack on New Rhodes III was part of from adding other weapons there.
Director General James McKenna’s 3rd offensive which was launched
in 2335. While the main focus of the offensive was on worlds located
near the Federation of Skye, there were a few attacks launched Deployment:
against planets in other areas of space. The people of New Rhodes The first Audacious class ships were deployed along the border
III knew they could not stand up to the Hegemony by themselves and with the Terran Hegemony to defend against the Hegemony’s large
requested the help of the Federated Suns. The Federation agreed fleet. As more ships entered service, they were also deployed along
Overview: to provide help in return for a hefty payment from New Rhodes III. the border with the Tikonov Union, Sarna Supremacy, Chesterton
When the Federated Suns was first formed in 2317, there was During the first attack by the Hegemony, the FPF Navy managed to Commonality and Capellan Hegemony. With the almost constant
no permanent standing military rather every world of the Federated board and capture the THS Dragonfly. The ship was then brought to fighting along that front, the Audacious class would quickly prove its
Suns would provide troops in times of need. This proved to be the Universal Air shipyards, where it was stripped down and reverse worth and also reveal its weakness. In the mid 2300’s the navies of the
ineffective in the many early border skirmishes and resulted in several engineered. Shortly after the capture of the Dragonfly the Federation states that would one day form the Capellan Confederation consisted
notable defeats, the most famous being the Muskegon conflict forces retreated from New Rhodes III in the face of a vastly superior of little more then jumpships crudely retrofitted with weapons.
with the Chesterton Commonality States. In 2333 Charles Davion Hegemony force, leaving the people of New Rhodes III at the mercy These ships lacked the mobility and armor of the Audacious class
formed the Federated Peacekeeping Forces (FPF) as a permanently of the Hegemony.] and proved to be little more then large targets for the Federation’s
standing military for the Federated Suns. The first few years were With the THS Dragonfly to guide them, the engineers at corvette. It was not until the introduction of the Confederation class
spent organizing the force and the ground troops assigned to it, Universal Air decided to try and build a corvette that could match the Armed Transport in 2372 that the Audacious faced a real threat on
but by 2339 the FPF had turned its attention to the development Vigilant class. The Audacious class was as fast and maneuverable the Confederation border. [Editor’s Note: The Confederation class
of a Navy. The Terran Hegemony had been building up a large Navy as the Vigilant, but massed about 40,000 tons more. The additional Armed Transport was the first warship built by Delhi Ships, later Delhi
(including the Bonaventure and Vigilant class Corvettes, Essex class mass was required to compensate for the use of local equipment, Warships. The Confederation would later serve as the basis for Liao’s
Destroyers and Dart class Cruisers) and the FPF wanted a force that which was bulkier and heavier then the Terran Hegemony produced Ji class Corvette and the Hegemony’s Vincent class Corvette.] While
would be able to counter the Hegemony Navy. With the Hegemony’s versions. Even with the larger size of the Audacious, the Federation most of the battles went in favor of the Audacious class, several
huge lead in warship design, technology and most importantly naval designers were forced to drop the White Shark missile launchers that corvettes were lost when their naval autocannons jammed, allowing
construction facilities, the FPF decided to focus on building a small were carried by the Vigilant. the Capellan ships to close and destroy them. Despite these problems,
corvette that could be produced in large numbers. The hope was The main weapon was the newly developed Federated 15 Naval the Audacious class developed a reputation as a solid and dependable
that a large number of smaller ships would prove effective against the Autocannon. Intended to be a more powerful naval autocannon warship in the Federation fleet. [Editor’s Note: This was especially
Hegemony’s more advanced and larger ships. The design took three then the Luxor Destroyer model used on the Vigilant, the weapon true after the Federated 15 Naval Autocannon was replaced with the
years to complete and production began in 2343 at the Universal instead turned out to be the Achilles heel of the ship. It was very newer Federated 20 model starting in 2372.]
Air facility at Delevan. In 2360 the New Syrtis Shipbuilding began heavy and had a poor range compared to the Luxor Destroyer NAC. The Audacious class did eventually see action against the Terran
007/143 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Audacious Class Corvette
Audacious Class Corvette

Hegemony during the early 25th Century and these actions showed picket ships for the AFFS fleets. The ships have suffered significant Bay 2: Small Craft (2) 2 doors
the weaknesses of the ship. In the early 25th century tension began losses during the fighting. Of the thirty unmodified Audacious class Bay 3: Cargo (10,435 tons)
to increase between the Hegemony and the Federated Suns due to corvettes that were returned to service, twenty five have been lost in
Dropship Capacity: 0
a dispute over their joint ownership of planet Cartago. Eventually combat. The upgraded ships have faired better, with eight remaining
Grav Decks: 0
fighting broke out and the Terran Hegemony took sole control of the operational. Escape Pods: 15
planet. The Federated Suns launched a massive counterattack in an Lifeboats: 10
attempt to retake the planet. They sent several divisions, support Audacious class Corvette
Crew: 92 minimum (15 Officers, 77 Enlisted) [Audacious I], 96 minimum
by a large fleet consisting of Audacious class corvettes, Sunburst Tech: Inner Sphere (16 Officers, 80 Enlisted) [Audacious II]
class destroyers and Triad class cruisers. These ships proved no Introduced: 2343 [Audacious I], 2607 [Audacious II]
match for the Terran Hegemony Navy. This resulted in the loss of In Class: 145 Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
many Audacious class ships. As a result the Federation Navy did not Manufacturer: Various (Federated Suns) Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
deploy the Audacious against the Hegemony forces during the battles Nose (Heat: 60)
for Kentares in the 2430s, opting instead to use it’s larger and more Mass: 180,000 tons 1 NAC/20 (50 Rounds) 20 20 20 - Capital AC
Length: 350 meters FL/FR
modern ships.
Sail Diameter: 745 meters (Heat: 96 [Block I])
Despite its poor performance against the Hegemony, the Audacious Fuel: 2,500 tons (12,500) (Heat: 376 [Block II])
class continued to serve the FPF (and latter AFFS) throughout the Age Tons/Burn Day: 19.75 1 NAC/10 (50 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
of War and only began being retired shortly before the start of the Safe Thrust: 3 [Audacious I], 5 [Audacious II] 5 AC/10 (500 Rounds) 5(50) 5(50) - - Autocannon
Reunification War. Several ships saw action during the Reunification Maximum Thrust: 5 [Audacious I], 8 [Audacious II] 3 AC/5 (300 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) - - Autocannon
War against the Taurian Concordat, where they were outmatched by Sail Integrity: 3 2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
the Concordat’s Pinto, Bulldog and Defiant class Corvettes. Because KF Drive Integrity: 5 AL/AR (Heat: 40)
Heat Sinks: 338 [Audacious I], 510 [Audacious II] 5 AC/10 (500 Rounds) 5(50) 5(50) - - Autocannon
of their poor performance, most of the remaining ships were retired
Structural Integrity: 40 3 AC/5 (500 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) - - Autocannon
after the end of the war and put into mothball. Battle Value: 24,892 [Audacious I], 35,190 [Audacious II] Aft (Heat: 34)
The only exceptions were twelve ships which were modified by 1 NAC/10 (50 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
the Federated Suns Naval Service starting in 2607. These ships were Block I 4 AC/5 (400 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
fitted with new engines that allowed them to reach 4G’s acceleration. Armor: (144 tons, Standard)
The armor was replaced with more modern Ferro Aluminum alloys Fore: 20
providing slightly improved protection, while the weapons array Fore-Sides: 18 Ammunition:
Aft-Sides: 18 50 rounds of Naval Autocannon 20 ammunition
was updated. The ships also mounted 4 medium Naval Lasers 150 rounds of Naval Autocannon 10 ammunition
Aft: 18
which provided additional firepower at long range. The refit ships 2000 rounds of Autocannon 10 ammunition
proved very nimble and effective, but the AFFS Navy decided against Cargo 2000 rounds of Autocannon 5 ammunition
modifying additional ships, as the available funds were desperately Bay 1: Fighters (6) 6 Doors
needed to build new warships to replace those that were lost in the Bay 2: Small Craft (2) 2 Doors
Reunification War. These dozen modified Audacious class ships would Bay 3: Cargo (14,164 tons)
continue in service until the fall of the Star League.
With the fall of the Star League, the FSNS quickly began Block II
Armor: (144 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum)
reactivating the mothballed Audacious class ships to replace other Fore: 24
vessels that were lost in combat. None of these ships were upgraded Fore-Sides: 23
as the Federated Suns lacked the facilities and time needed to perform Aft-Sides: 23
the refits. Aft: 23
During the Succession War the Audacious class has served in a
variety of roles. Some were assigned as patrol ships along the border Cargo
with the Combine and the Confederation, while others were used as Bay 1: Fighters (6) 6 Doors
007/144 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Daring Class Corvette
Daring Class Corvette

the Army pulled off a last minute coup, offering to transfer Capabilities:
part of their own budget to the Daring project on the proviso The first two versions of the Daring class both rely on an
that the design was modified to include features more suitable all-round Naval Autocannon armament, backed up by Blazefire
for ground support operations. DAN authorized the change Mk 45 Naval Lasers, Federated Sphyraena Barracuda missile
and although the FSS Daring and three sister ships were launchers and a respectable anti-fighter array. The Block Is
completed to the original specification, work was halted on the have a pair of dropship collars and a larger cargo capacity
remaining vessels until the new blueprints were finished. To to support ground troops, with their Naval Lasers primarily
the admirals’ dismay, the fifth and sixth vessels were scrapped orientated aft to facilitate orbital bombardment, while the
before completion, and the seventh and subsequent corvettes Block IIs instead mount heavier Naval Autocannon with the
were built to the new standard, many being attached to Army addition of Federated Orcinus Killer Whale anti-shipping
units straight out of the shipyards. The peculiar situation of missiles, plus a stronger armor belt. Originally intended
there being two Daring classes existed for over a decade, with to mount locally produced versions of the SLDF’s LB 10-X
the original four vessels nicknamed the Admirals’ Daring class, advanced autocannon, the AFFS was initially unable to secure
but in 2633 they were officially designated the Daring Block a production license. The class retained the autocannon to
II, while the more common redesign was perversely labeled allow for a future upgrade should the LB 10-X later become
the Block I. available, substituting the less capable Mydron Model B until
After more than a century of peacetime and combat then, while the Block Is also added four Mk.13 quad Johnston
Overview: service, the Daring class found itself in urgent need of major Parti-Cannon PPC mounts, as used on the Davion II, to
The Reunification War fought in the last quarter of the improvement. Agents in the Draconis Combine had discovered compensate for the reduced anti-fighter capability.
26th century was particularly harsh on the Federated Suns that the recently introduced Same and Inoshishi corvettes Mounting a heavier and reorganized armament the
Navy, especially among the lighter vessels whose task was to totally outclassed the existing Daring I as well as posing a Daring III is thirty thousand tons larger, although it retains
scout out enemy forces and stand picket duty on the exposed significant threat to larger warships. These reports, combined the maneuverability and overall appearance of its smaller
perimeter of the fleet. After the war the Navy found itself with the need to replace losses of the Border War of 2760-2762 siblings. Instead of being spread equally around the hull, the
struggling to rebuild, with the Army-dominated Department of against the Capellans, prompted the design and production of eight medium-heavy Mydron Class 30 Naval Autocannons are
the Army and the Navy (DAN) even mothballing the majority the upgraded Block III. Efforts to rearm were redoubled in the mounted in twin turrets on each quarter, giving the design
of the remaining Audacious corvettes to free funding for their wake of the Amaris Coup, resulting in Daring IIIs being rushed almost the same coverage with far more concentrated
own branch of the AFFS. While the economic depression of from the shipyards at such a rate that many suffered from firepower, especially on either broadside. To partially
the early 27th century initially deepened the Navy’s woes, it numerous maintenance faults for months after commissioning. compensate for the loss of the bow and aft NACs both arcs
eventually proved their savior after numerous rebellions forced Together with the ninety-two Block Is remaining in service, now mount a heavier Exostar Firebeam III NL55 Naval Laser,
First Prince Zane Davion to authorize new naval construction, the Federated Suns Navy fielded thirty-three Daring IIIs at the and Killer Whale heavy anti-shipping missiles are reintroduced.
including a desperately needed corvette design to patrol the beginning of the Succession War. Despite the haste with which The latter system also provides a nuclear strike capability in
huge volume of Federated Suns space. they were produced, nearly three-quarters of the surviving response to intelligence reports on the Kuritan’s deployment
Developed by Challenge Systems based on Panpour, the twenty two Darings are the upgraded model, proof of the of their Same class corvettes. Although the dropship capacity
Daring class was initially designed as a traditional corvette, success of the design. has been halved compared to the Block I, the Block III carries
lacking dropship collars to keep costs down and thus allowing double the number of aerospace fighters and the corvette
a greater number of vessels to be built. Unfortunately, the itself has an enhanced anti-fighter array including the long
influence of the generals wasn’t completely exhausted and anticipated Mydron Excel LB 10-X flak batteries.
007/145 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Daring Class Corvette
Daring Class Corvette

The Daring class is capable of six month cruises without class cruiser Ashigara with it to the grave. After the war, the their temporary return to only prestige units in the most
resupply in its basic configuration, although Challenge Systems surviving pair of Daring IIs were finally mothballed for good extreme emergencies. Since the start of the war nine more
came up with a novel and efficient method to enhance this for on economic grounds, stripped of their armament, electronics Daring IIIs have been built but new construction has been
longer duration missions. Every major naval base is equipped and many other vital systems, leaving them little more than limited because of widespread destruction. Things have
with Daring Endurance Packs, modular units that plug straight hulks. Construction of the Block I design continued to replace gotten so bad that the two mothballed Block II Darings were
into pre-designated bays within the cargo hold and provide a losses, with the first vessel post-war named the Daring in reactivated using available equipment and sent into service.
month’s worth of fuel and life support supplies per module. honor of its predecessor’s service. In addition to these vessels five Block Is and fifteen Block IIIs
Further enhancing the design’s long range capabilities, extra Daring class vessels found a greater need for their services continue to serve the Davion fleet.
quarters are fitted for the bay personnel instead of the in the years to come as discontent spread in the Territorial
standard basic quarters commonly assigned, while advanced States due to the raise in taxes ordered by the Star League
recreational facilities in the Block Is and IIs help keep crew Council in 2751. Increases in piracy and small scale rebellions
morale high. Every Daring carries a platoon of marines together kept the little corvettes busy, making Darings a sought after
with a pair of assault shuttles that allows the vessel to perform posting, especially in light of the re-ascendancy of the Army
boarding operations. Useful for anti-piracy patrols, the marines as they rode the coattails of General Kessem’s success in
have also been pressed into service during rescue missions the recent war. Nearly a decade later, in the reign of Prince
and customs duties, as well as occasionally putting boots on John Davion, the Darings were to go to war again, this time
the ground to emphasize the presence of the Federated Suns on the Capellan front. Border incidents between Davion and
government in their more remote and independent minded Liao forces, including a nuclear strike on the Davion world of
systems. Demeter, escalated into all out war. The Border War of 2760-
2762 mostly centered around Tsamma, Wei and Redfield, with
Deployment: the latter being captured by the Federated Suns before the
The Daring class quickly became a familiar sight in the conflict ended due to both leaders being distracted by First
far reaches of Davion space, undertaking border patrols and Lord Cameron’s Executive Order 156.
hunting for pirates. The Block I vessel’s larger cargo bays and During the Succession War, the Daring class provided
dropship capacity became particularly useful in aiding the sterling service and its ability to undertake long cruises with
exploration and colonization efforts of the Federated Suns little or no support allowed vessels to survive when those
during the remainder of Prince Zane’s rule. Much to the Navy’s of other classes struggled under the strain of a shattered
chagrin, their hard won Daring IIs were mothballed in 2650 fleet train. The more robust and powerful Block IIIs proved
after the Cameron Edicts forced the House militaries to cut particularly resilient in battle, with the majority of losses
their forces, but the Army had little cause for satisfaction, since among those vessels assigned to the deep penetration nuclear
many of their own troops were also disarmed. The Daring IIs strikes on major enemy systems. Dozens of Block Is were lost
and other military equipment languished in the bone yards in sacrificial missions to insert troops to support guerrillas and
for seventy five years, until almost unbelievably war broke isolated garrisons as the AFFS desperately fought to halt the
out, shattering the Century of Peace. Hurriedly brought back Kuritan advance, while others suffered in the particularly brutal
into service, two of the Daring IIs were lost during the War environment of the orbital battlefield. Despite Army protests,
of Davion Succession, including the FSS Daring itself during the remaining ships have been withdrawn from permanent
the last major battle, although not without taking the Atago ground support assignments and the High Command limits
007/146 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Sunburst Class Destroyer
Sunburst Class Destroyer

ships would enter service during the first half of the twenty front of the ship, which could only mount a limited number of
fifth century. autocannons due to the large size of the Naval Autocannons
mounted there.
Capabilities: Additional defense for the ships was provided by a single
The Sunburst class destroyers were primarily used squadron of aerospace fighters. Typically the ship would carry
as escorts for the FPF’s ground troop transports. The FPF four fighters and two heavy bombers which could be used to
requirements called for a ship that would be able to fight attack enemy dropships or warships.
their way past any defending warships and fighters and allow The Sunburst class carried four hundred tons of armor.
the troop transports to safely land on the planet they were The armor on the ship proved adequate against the early
attacking. Capellan warships, but by the end of the Age of War was
In order to meet the requirements of the FPF, the designers ineffective against the improved weapons that were being
developed a relatively fast ship with most of its firepower deployed. As with the weapon array, armor placement was
mounted on the front arcs, rather then the ship’s broadsides. designed with heavy forward armor and weaker armor on the
The main guns were two of the newly developed Federated 20 sides and rear. This weakness in the rear areas was a serious
Naval Autocannons. The largest naval autocannons available in worry for many Sunburst captains, although no changes were
the Federated Suns at the time, they were mounted in a fixed ever made to correct these deficiencies.
housing on the front of the ship as Challenge Systems could
Overview: not manufacture a turret capable of supporting the guns. Deployment:
The Sunburst class destroyer was the first warship built To back up these weapons the ship mounted ten of the The Sunburst was the primary warship of the FPF until the
by Challenge Systems. In 2366 the Federated Peacekeeping proven Federated 10 Naval Autocannons which were used on introduction of the Delevan class Cruisers in 2390. After the
Forces issued a request for a new destroyer that could the Audacious class. Most of these were mounted in turrets introduction of the Delevan class (and the later ships that would
support the Audacious class corvettes that were already in that could cover both the forward and side arcs of the ship. form the Triad Class), the Sunbursts were used in the picket or
service. While the Audacious class proved effective in the Only two of these guns were positioned to cover the rear of fleet defense role. The Sunbursts would typically either lead a
attack role, the FPF wanted a larger ship that could serve as the ship. As a result of this design flaw, many enemy ships squadron of corvettes, or provide fighter defense to the Navy’s
an escort for the Federation transports during troop landing would attempt to circle around the Sunburst class and engage Triad Cruisers and Musketeer Class Battlecruisers.
operations. The proposed design from Challenge Systems them from the rear. The Sunbursts served through out the Age of War, fighting
met the requirements of the FPF and they were awarded the Anti-fighter defense was provided by a combination of against the navies of the Capellan Confederation, Draconis
contract. [Editor’s Note: After being awarded the contract, missiles and autocannons. The Sunburst was the first Federated Combine, Terran Hegemony, and Taurian Concordat. The
Challenge System’s announced the ships electronics would Suns design to mount the newly developed White Shark ships saw heavy combat in the many battles fought during this
come from firms on New Avalon, leading some to believe that Missile system which was acquired from the Terran Hegemony period and fifty three were destroyed in combat. In the late
this was a kickback of sorts to the Davions for being awarded in exchange for lucrative trade concessions. [Editor’s Note: 2400’s the AFFS Navy began planning a new class of destroyer
the contract.] The design was completed in 2368 and the first The transfer of this technology to the Federated Suns would to replace the aging Sunbursts. When the Davion destroyer
ship, the FSS Sunburst was commissioned in 2369. Originally later be cited as one of the factors in the development of did enter service, it proved to be such a disappointment that
only thirty two ships were commissioned by the FPF, all of the Hegemony’s Mother Doctrine in 2380, which limited the less then 30 were built before production was halted. As a
which were completed between 2369 and 2395. After the export of sensitive and secret technologies.] Backed up by result the Sunbursts continued to serve as the main destroyer
attack on Nova Zemlya, the FPF ordered an additional 132 an array of forty autocannons, the weapons proved adequate of the Federated Suns military during the Regency and the
destroyers in an effort to rapidly build up their fleet. These against enemy fighters. The only weakness was along the Davion Civil War, where a further eight were lost in combat.
007/147 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Sunburst Class Destroyer
Sunburst Class Destroyer

[Editor’s Note: Of the eight lost ships, one, the FSS Vigilant in the 2500s, the ships were little more then targets for the
is rumored to have escaped Federation territory, rather then larger and more powerful ships of the 2700s. In the nine years
having been destroyed. The Vigilant was believed to have since they were returned to service, twenty two of the ships
escaped to the Capellan Confederation with Cassandra Varney. have been lost in combat. The three remaining ships are in
However, there is no record of the Vigilant having ever been poor condition and are barely operational.
seen in Confederation space, adding some doubt to the truth Sunburst class Destroyer Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
of that rumor.] Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
After the Civil War, the AFFS Navy began a new effort to Tech: Inner Sphere Nose (Heat: 132)
Introduced: 2369 2 NAC/20 (50 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
develop a replacement destroyer for the Sunburst class. This In Class: 164 4 AC/10 (400 Rounds) 4(40) 4(40) - - Autocannon
effort would result in the Davion Block II destroyer in 2552. Manufacturer: Challenge Systems (Panpour /Federated Suns) FL/FR (Heat: 408)
The Sunbursts began to be decommissioned starting in 2565, 4 NAC/10 (400 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Mass: 480,000 tons 4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
as soon as there were a sufficient number of Davion Block
Length: 525 meters 8 AC/10 (800 Rounds) 8(80) 8(80) - - Autocannon
IIs in service. However those decommissioned ships were Sail Diameter: 1100 meters LBS/RBS (Heat: 78)
reactivated in 2578 following the debacle at Tentativa which Fuel: 2000 tons (5,000) 8 AC/10 (800 Rounds) 8(80) 8(80) - - Autocannon
resulted in the destruction of many of the AFFS’ warships. The Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
Safe Thrust: 3 AL/AR (Heat: 60)
Sunbursts were used to strengthen the AFFS navy until more Maximum Thrust: 5 1 NAC/10 (100 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
ships could be constructed. The ships suffered badly during Sail Integrity: 4 Aft (Heat: 12)
the campaign with over forty being lost in combat against the KF Drive Integrity: 12 4 AC/10 (400 Rounds) 4(40) 4(40) - - Autocannon
Heat Sinks: 700
Taurian Navy.
Structural Integrity: 50
Following the end of the Reunification War, the Sunbursts Battle Value: 60,203
were once again decommissioned. Over half the surviving
200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
ships were scrapped, as they had seen such heavy use and Armor: (399 tons, Standard)
1000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
Fore: 45
suffered enough battle damage to make them worthless. Only Fore-Sides: 35
100 White Shark Missiles
twenty five ships were deemed to be in usable condition. 4000 rounds of Autocannon/10 ammunition
Aft-Sides: 25
These ships were placed in mothballs in the Delevan system Aft: 25
Other Equipment:
by 2605. Obsolete Equipment (Antiquated KF Drive & Engine account for 51,600 tons)
The ships remained in the Delevan system for over Bay 1: Fighters (6) 6 Doors
150 years. It was not until 2791 that the ships would be Bay 2: Cargo (63,050 tons)
reactivated. Following the destruction of the main AFFS fleet
Dropship Capacity: 0
over Cholame, the Federation Navy found itself with a limited Grav Decks: 0
number of warships service. With most of their shipyards in Escape Pods: 20
ruins, the AFFS had little hope of building new warships for Lifeboats: 20
Crew: 170 minimum (29 Officers, 141 Enlisted)
their fleet, the AFFS turned to its remaining mothball fleets.
The Sunbursts were quickly reactivated and deployed with the
AFFS Navy. Due to the lack of functioning shipyards, and the
pressing need for the ships, the Sunbursts were not overhauled
or retrofitted before being deployed. Hopelessly outclassed
007/148 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Furious Class Destroyer/Carrier
Furious Class Destroyer/Carrier

(besides, the Federated Suns was in the middle of something also gives the ship a very flexible offensive capability.
of an economic depression anyway). It was not until Zane’s
daughter Sarah took power that the fleet would receive Deployment:
another good look. With fifty Iron Duke class Battleships in Sarah Davion approved the design for production, and all
service with the Federated Suns fleet, and with all of them three partners in its development set to work producing the
woefully under protected against fighter attacks, it was new warship. Each yard would produce six ships over the course
decided that either a new escort ship was needed, or every of the next three years, however the High Command suddenly
Iron Duke in service would have to undergo refit. Surprisingly ordered construction halted after that. The reasons for the
enough, Sarah Davion called for the former. sudden halting of construction have never been adequately
Challenge Systems, Universal Air, and New Syrtis Shipyards explained, but there is some indication that other members of
each agreed to form a joint design team to work on the new the Star League Council were concerned that House Davion
ship, and the end result of their efforts was the Furious class was perhaps taking advantage of the recent freezing of the
Destroyer /Carrier. SLDF budget and developing a blatantly offensive weapon.
This idea certainly wasn’t dispelled during the Summer
Capabilities: Lightning wargames between elements of the Davion and
Despite its stated role as an escort ship intended to SLDF fleets in 2693. The Davion commander, Fleet Admiral
screen other ships from fighter attacks, the designers packed Amy Harris (herself former commander of the FSS Glorious),
Overview: a tremendous armament into the five hundred thousand ton utilized the six Furious class Destroyer /Carriers under her
The Furious class Destroyer /Carrier was originally hull of the Furious. Four huge naval autocannons are mounted command with brutal effectiveness, launching a surprise
conceived as an escort ship for the venerable Iron Duke in the nose of the craft, supported by naval lasers, naval simulated strike (dubbed Operation Niitaka) against the SLDF
class Battleships that were the principle big guns of the particle cannons, naval missile tubes, and a dozen lighter fleet at Malagrotta and nearly winning the wargame in one
Davion fleet. Though the Iron Duke was tremendously armed naval guns. While this armament is impressive, many believe swift strike. To this day it is claimed that Davion pilots were
and heavily armored, it did have one critical design flaw. It that it is at the same time unnecessary, giving the weapons of heard to shout “Tora Tora Tora!” over their communications
lacked an integral fighter complement, instead depending on a destroyer or frigate to a fighter carrier. A few naval officers channels when the moderators for the wargame announced
its dropship complement for protection from enemy fighter have pointed to the ship’s rather weak (for a Davion vessel) that the flagship for the SLDF fleet had been destroyed. By
attack. During the Davion Civil War, this problem resulted in hull and excessive armament and suggested that the designers the end of the battle, five SLDF battleships had been ruled
the loss of a number of Iron Dukes to fighters, and it was soon made a ship that tries to do too many things at once. killed. In the meantime all six Furious class ships, along with
decided that dropship escort was simply insufficient. Even with these critics, the Furious is certainly qualified to the command cruiser Kirov (which had been coordinating the
Unfortunately, the need for reconstruction after the war screen a fleet from enemy fighter attack. Though the original battle) escaped the system, their only losses being a handful
eft little money available to produce new warships, forcing plans for the 2560 version of the Furious had the ship relying of fighters. By the end of the wargame the Davion forces
the cancellation of several naval projects, including the on massed batteries of LRMs to strike at enemy fighters, the had fought the SLDF force to a draw despite being badly
original Furious and an unnamed frigate. The High Command design team of the 2668 version decided that this was too outnumbered.
instead concentrated the majority of the naval budget on the limiting. They wanted a ship with a secondary attack role After Summer Lighting, the image of the Furious as an
construction of Rodney class Cruisers (though work on even in addition to its normal escort role. As a consequence, in escort was forever discarded. Through the rest of their career,
this “favored” ship was somewhat slow). By the time of Zane addition to the heavy weapons, they included space for a these ships would serve as attack vessels. Each Furious
Davion’s reign, peace had settled in over the InnerSphere, and regiment of fighters. This gives the Furious the ability to throw served well during the Davion War of Succession and the Third
the need for an escort for the Iron Dukes was simply not felt up an enormous fighter screen to blunt enemy attacks, and it Hidden War destroying several enemy warships and losing no
007/149 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Furious Class Destroyer/Carrier
Furious Class Destroyer/Carrier

vessels in the process. These ships have again seen action

in the Succession War performing just as well but at a much
higher cost. Near constant total war has reduced the number
to Furious class Destroyer /Carriers to four.
Furious class Destroyer/Carrier Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Tech: Inner Sphere Nose (Heat: 140)
1 NAC/35 (100 Rounds) 35 35 - - Capital AC
Introduced: 2668
1 Killer Whale (10 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
In Class: 18 FL/FR (Heat: 850)
Manufacturer: Various (Federated Suns) 5 NL/55 28 28 28 28 Capital Laser
LBS/RBS (Heat: 220)
Mass: 500,000 tons 3 NAC/10 (300 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Length: 643 meters 1 Killer Whale (10 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Sail Diameter: 1,030 meters AL/AR (Heat: 220)
3 NAC/10 (300 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Fuel: 4000 tons (10,000)
1 Killer Whale (10 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Aft (Heat: 1,350)
Safe Thrust: 3 3 Heavy NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
Maximum Thrust: 5 3 Heavy NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 11
Heat Sinks: 2780
100 rounds of Naval Autocannon/35 ammunition
Structural Integrity: 60 1200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
Battle Value: 79,141 50 Killer Whale Missiles

Armor: (599 tons, Standard)

Fore: 46
Fore-Sides: 46
Aft-Sides: 46
Aft: 46

Bay 1: Fighters (54) 6 Doors
Bay 2: Small Craft (10) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (70,972 tons) 6 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 2
Grav Decks: 1 (100-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 25
Lifeboats: 25
Crew: 179 minimum (30 Officers, 149 Enlisted)
007/150 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Crecy Class Destroyer
Crecy Class Destroyer

Of course there was little real reason to worry, as the mounted on a single ship. Two hundred and forty naval missile
Crossbow wasn’t even being designed for the Capellan fleet, tubes line the sides of the Crecy, which can not only spell
but for the SLDF. Also the Crossbow only had the potential to death for any fighters that decide to close in on the ship,
be refitted in the future to use the Adcap; the initial design but also makes using Adcaps and other such weapons utterly
lacked the fire control computers necessary to control the futile, at least as long as the missiles last. Of course, with
missile. Furthermore, the only production facility for the better than two thousand missiles in the Crecy’s magazine,
Adcap was a pile of debris floating in space. Lastly and most that could be a rather long time.
importantly, the Crossbow was never even produced. All in The missile control system is fully automated. When
all there wasn’t much threat of the Adcap popping up in the hostile inbounds are detected, the missile system automatically
Capellan fleet anytime soon. allocates missiles to the targets as appropriate and, if set to
But House Davion didn’t know that. Though many in the full automatic mode, will open fire starting at a pre-set range.
Admiralty claimed that the Adcap could be easily countered This automated system greatly enhances the Crecy’s ability
simply by adapting the tactics of the existing fleet, many to engage multiple targets. It isn’t uncommon see a Crecy
others claimed that the Federated Suns now faced what they engage anywhere from one to two hundred fighters at once.
called (in an ironic repeat of history) a “missile gap”. Backing up the missiles and providing some extra bite
Though Prince John Davion wasn’t all that concerned against hostile warships are ten naval autocannons. These
about falling behind in weapons technology, the Amaris Coup guns a Davion favorite are only rarely employed in ship to
Overview: and the growing concerns that the Star League would soon ship combat.
The Crecy was developed in a mad rush to counter a cease to be did worry him a great deal, so he authorized two Despite its capabilities, the Crecy also had a number of
perceived weakness in the Davion military. programs to both counter the so called “missile gap” and to problems as a result of the rush to develop the ship. The missile
Shortly before the Amaris Coup, the SLDF deployed the augment the Davion fleet for the increasingly inevitable war magazines aren’t all that well designed, as in many regards
Adcap standoff guided weapon. This massive fusion powered that was brewing. they are simply the cargo bays of the Davion II modified to
cruise missile was capable of tremendous destructive power The first of these two projects was the Crecy class missile serve as ammo storage. As a consequence, the Crecy is more
and, so some pundits liked to claim, would by itself change the destroyer. vulnerable to magazine explosions due to combat damage
very nature of naval warfare. [Editor’s Note: of course what than most ships.
do they know? The Adcap was indeed terrifically destructive; Capabilities: Also, the sophisticated fire control system is at times a
however the high cost of the weapon and its inherent The Crecy (named for a decisive English victory during little too independent. In combat operations it has at times
limitations, in theory, counterbalanced its massive power] the hundred years war) was built to engage multiple small proven to be difficult to reassert manual control of the missile
This did not bother Davion too much at first, as the SLDF craft (such as fighters and standoff guided weapons like the system. [Editor’s Note: This defect resulted in the destruction
was a force for peace and was not likely to mount an aggressive Adcap) as far out as possible, and in this respect the ship is a of the Hastings during the battle of Cholame. The Hastings’
campaign against its neighbors. Therefore, in theory at least, frightening success. missile system was set to automatic fire when the ship was
the Federated Suns had little to fear from the Adcap. Davion engineers produced the design for the Crecy in engaged by the DCS Ayanami. During the engagement the
All this appeared to change towards the end of the Amaris roughly four months, taking the standard Davion II class control computer refused to target the Combine vessel, having
Coup, however, when Davion intelligence learned of the destroyer and extensively modifying it. The new missile been set to engage fighters only, and the crew was unable to
development of a new cruiser by the Capellans, tagged the destroyer was heavier and slower than its predecessor. establish manual control. Sensing her prey’s weakness, the
Crossbow, which, according to some reports, was intended to It carried a downright enormous battery of naval missile Ayanami used her superior maneuverability to keep in the
carry the Adcap. launchers, the largest single mass of naval missiles ever Hasting’s vulnerable broadside arcs, managing to severely
007/151 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Crecy Class Destroyer
Crecy Class Destroyer

damage the ship before she was chased off by a Davion Battle Value: 252,352 Ammunition:
1000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
cruiser. A day later the Ayanami, along with a pair of other 1200 Barracuda Missiles
Kurita ships, finished off the Hastings] Armor: (814 tons, Standard)
1200 Killer Whale Missiles
Fore: 62
Fore-Sides: 60
Deployment: Aft-Sides: 60
Crecy class warships have been assigned as escort vessels Aft: 60
for Davion cruisers and battleships throughout the Succession
War thus far. Though they were never confronted with the Cargo
Bay 1: Small Craft (2) 1 Door
Adcap in combat, they have played an important role in the
Bay 2: Cargo (29,194 tons) 5 Doors
Davion fleet, shielding their charges from massed aerospace
fighter attacks. Interestingly enough, because the Crecy class Dropship Capacity: 0
is only rarely asked to engage in direct ship to ship combat Grav Decks: 1 (80-meter diameter)
few of its members have so far been lost. Universal Air of Escape Pods: 0
Delavan built one of these ships a year until Kurita raiders Lifeboats: 20
ended production in the mid-2790s. Approximately a dozen Crew: 431 minimum (80 Officers, 351 Enlisted)
of these ships continue to serve the Davion Navy today. The
sheer attrition of the Succession War has taken its toll on Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
these Destroyers however as the supply of naval missiles has
Nose (Heat: 800)
gradually diminished over time. Ironically they could now be 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
vulnerable against the very attacks they once discouraged. 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Crecy class Destroyer 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
FL/FR (Heat: 1,200)
Tech: Inner Sphere 20 Barracuda (200 Missiles) 40 40 40 40 Capital Missile
10 Killer Whale 40 40 40 40 Capital Missile
Introduced: 2777
(100 Missiles)
In Class: 17 10 Killer Whale 40 40 40 40 Capital Missile
Manufacturer: Universal Air (Delavan /Federated Suns) (100 Missiles)
LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,220)
Mass: 680,000 tons 20 Barracuda (200 Missiles) 40 40 40 40 Capital Missile
Length: 640 meters 10 Killer Whale 40 40 40 40 Capital Missile
Sail Diameter: 1,000 meters (100 Missiles)
10 Killer Whale 40 40 40 40 Capital Missile
Fuel: 3,000 tons (7,500)
(100 Missiles)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 AL/AR (Heat: 1,200)
Safe Thrust: 3 20 Barracuda (200 Missiles) 40 40 40 40 Capital Missile
Maximum Thrust: 5 10 Killer Whale 40 40 40 40 Capital Missile
Sail Integrity: 6 (100 Missiles)
KF Drive Integrity: 14 10 Killer Whale 40 40 40 40 Capital Missile
Heat Sinks: 4600 (100 Missiles)
Aft (Heat: 200)
Structural Integrity: 60
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
007/152 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS St. George Class Transport
St. George Class Transport

Shipbuilding would license build smaller designs, corvettes, frigates system of the ships. Eventually these problems were fixed in 2483,
and cruisers, from other companies such as Universal Air and Challenge when the early models of the Blazestar Naval PPCs were replaced with
Systems, allowing those companies to focus their production on larger the newer Mk2 model. The MK2 was far more reliable and had greatly
warship designs. Other designs that were license produced by New reduced maintenance requirements. At the same time the Blazestars
Syrtis Shipyards included the Audacious Class Corvette and Triad class were upgraded, improvements were made to the coolant system on the
Cruisers. The company’s shipyards were destroyed during the Davion St George so that the ship could handle the extreme heat generated
Civil War.] A total of 85 Frigates would be produced before production by the Naval PPCs. All new ships were built to this configuration and
ended in 2499. all the early ships were upgraded to this configuration as they came
in for refits.
Fighter defense was provided by mix of the proven White Shark
Capabilities: Missiles and standard autocannons. Combined with the 24 fighters
While the FPF Navy sought a design capable of acting carried onboard the ship, this proved adequate against all but the
independently against the enemy, the FPF High Command was heaviest enemy fighter attacks.
dominated by the Army and saw the Navy’s primarily role as providing The armor on the ship was considered adequate at the time.
transportation for the Army. Before they would approve the acquisition The one thousand tons of armor allowed the ship to stand up to
of the new frigate, the high commanded required the ship to be able to destroyers, frigates and corvettes. The St George class could not,
transport a reinforced combined arms regiment and sufficient supplies however, stand up to enemy battlecruisers or battleships and ship
to support them for extended periods of time. This requirement captains were advised to avoid them if at all possible.
would have a major impact on the final design. The St George class The St George class also had space for two battalions of Marines
mounts four dropship docking collars for troop transports and has and twelve shuttles, which could be used for boarding operations
Overview: over 100,000 tons of cargo capacity dedicated to hauling the logistical against enemy ships. Because of the difficulty and expense of training
In 2450 the Federated Suns Navy saw a need for a frigate which needs of the ground forces. With so much space dedicated to cargo, marines, the ships of the St. George class usually only had one
could patrol the Federated Suns borders. Previously the navy had the designers were forced to replace the original sensor system with battalion of Marines.
relied on cruisers and destroyers to patrol their borders. The ships a smaller one. This reduced the ships detection capability and made it
were inadequate for the task as they lacked the sensors needed to less effective in its original intended role as a patrol vessel.
detect enemy vessels. This was demonstrated during the invasion The large amount of cargo space on the ships also limited the Deployment:
of Cassias in 2448 when a Combine strike force managed to sneak number of weapons the St. George could carry. The primary guns are The St George class was initially deployed along the Federated
past the patrolling cruiser and land on their troops on the planet. the proven Federated 10 and Federated 20 Naval Autocannons. These Suns’ borders with the Capellan Confederation, Draconis Combine and
As a result of this incident, the navy decided it needed a dedicated had been used on many earlier warships designs and had developed Terran Hegemony as independent patrol ships. For almost 100 years
patrol frigate in its fleet. [Editor’s Note: It is believed that the senior a good reputation for reliability. While there was some discussion of these ships, and the troops they carried were the first line of defense
admirals of the Federated Peacekeeping Force Navy wanted to shed using the newly developed Federated 35 Naval Autocannons, which against any invading force. In order to provide the best protection for
the navy’s traditional role of escort and transport for the ground had been used on the Musketeer class Battlecruiser, the designers the Federation’s long borders, the ships typically embarked a rapid
troops and develop into a more autonomous branch capable of felt that the shorter range of the Federated 35 would be a serious deployment defense force. At first this force consisted of 2 armor
independent operations. The Admirals hoped that by building a large disadvantage. battalions, 2 infantry battalions, a combat engineer unit specializing
fleet of frigates, the navy would be able to intercept and destroy Backing up the naval autocannons are 6 Blazestar Naval PPCs. in defensive positions and an artillery unit which. These troops would
enemy forces before they could land, thus making them the first line These weapons were introduced by Exostar of Delavan in 2455 and be deployed to a planet in order to bolster its defense against an
of defense for the Federated Suns.] the St. George was the first ship to carry them. Intended to provide invading force, while the frigate would engage the enemy warships
The new frigate design was developed by the design team the ship with firepower at extreme ranges, beyond those of the Naval and aerospace fighters. Later, one of the armor battalions would be
of Universal Air and built at the both the Universal Air facility at Autocannons, they initially proved to be a major problem. The early replaced with a Battlemech battalion, once they had became available
Delevan and New Syrtis Shipbuilding. [Editor’s Note: The New Syrtis models were very unreliable and tended to breakdown fairly easily if in sufficient quantities. This deployment proved very effective for the
Shipbuilding is unique in that while they built a number of warships they were not properly maintained. The weapons also ran far hotter defense of the Federated Suns, but tied up a large number of troops
for the Federated Suns, they had no warship design team. New Syrtis then the designers had expected and severely over taxed the coolant on the ships and as a result limited the FPF’s ability to launch offensive
007/153 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS St. George Class Transport
St. George Class Transport

operations during the late 25th century. the invaders. The ships suffered heavy losses during these operations Cargo
The St George’s ability to rapidly react to enemy incursions helped and many of them were destroyed. More were lost during Prince Bay 1: Fighters (24) 6 Doors
the Federated Suns secure its borders during the Age of War. The ships John’s failed counter- offensive in 2788. In 2790 the remaining St Bay 2: Small Craft (12) 2 Doors
were heavily used and they saw a significant amount of combat, with George class ships were assigned to Admiral Jones’ fleet. During the Bay 3: Marines (24 Jump Infantry Platoons)
over 25 having been destroyed by the end of the Davion Civil War. Admiral’s offensive against the Combine, the St George class played a Bay 4: Cargo (129,800 tons) 8 Doors
Interestingly, during the Civil War, the majority of the St George class key role in resupplying resistance forces and attacking ground targets
ships remained neutral. They, and their troops, continued to patrol the in each system, while the rest of the fleet dealt with the ships of the Dropship Capacity: 4
Federation’s borders and played a key role in preventing the Draconis DCMS navy. At Cholame, most of the St George class ships were lost Grav Decks: 1 (45-meter diameter)
Combine and Capellan Confederation from taking advantage of the during the six week battle, only four ships managed to escape from Escape Pods: 40
situation in the Federated Suns. Even so the design was beginning to the system, and all of them suffered heavy damage. Since that time Lifeboats: 30
show its age and a new frigate was proposed by Challenge Systems two more ships have been lost. The remaining two ships continue to Crew: 217 minimum (37 Officers, 180 Enlisted)
of Panpour in 2537. Eventually the new Congress class frigate would serve the AFFS and are deployed along the Combine border.
enter service with the Federated Suns in 2542, after a long legal battle
with both the Terran Hegemony and Dekirk Aerospace.
With the availability of the Congress class frigates, the St George St. George class Transport Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
class became excess to the AFFS needs. Rather then retire the ships, Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Tech: Inner Sphere Nose (Heat: 162)
the AFFS decided to use them as armored troop transports. [Editor’s 2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Note: Some would argue that the St George class was used already Introduced: 2425 2 White Shark (20 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
being used in that role and the AFFS was just getting around to In Class: 85 4 AC/10 (200 Rounds) 4(40) 4(40) - - Autocannon
recognizing that fact.] Only a few changes were made to the ships Manufacturer: Various (Federated Suns) FL/FR (Heat: 294)
to enable them to fulfill their new role. The main change was the 2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
addition of a command and control center that would allow ground Mass: 700,000 tons 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
commanders to control troop movements from orbit. However, this Length: 680 meters 4 AC/10 (200 Rounds) 4(40) 4(40) - - Autocannon
Sail Diameter: 980 meters LBS/RBS (Heat: 990)
feature was rarely used as most commanders preferred to be on the 3 NAC/10 (150 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
ground with their troops. Fuel: 4000 tons (10,000) 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
The St George class had a longer life as a troop transport then Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 AL/AR (Heat: 174)
as a Frigate. The ships served the AFFS and SLDF in the Reunification Safe Thrust: 3 1 NAC/20 (50 Rounds) 20 20 20 - Capital AC
War against the Taurian Concordat, where a number were lost to Maximum Thrust: 5 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
attacks by the Taurian Navy. The Taurian Navy designed these ships Sail Integrity: 4 4 AC/10 (200 Rounds) 4(40) 4(40) - - Autocannon
as priority targets due to the troops they carried. KF Drive Integrity: 15 Aft (Heat: 42)
Heat Sinks: 1700 2 White Shark (20 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
The St George class also played a key role in General Kessem’s 4 AC/10 (200 Rounds) 4(40) 4(40) - - Autocannon
advance into the Draconis Combine during the War of Davion Structural Integrity: 85
Succession. The well armored transports were able to break through Battle Value: 90,529
the few Combine warships defending the border against the AFFS and
land their troops in support of General Kessem’s advance to Ludwig. Armor: (1000 tons, Standard) Ammunition:
Later the ships would escort the Federation troops out of Combine Fore: 75 400 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
space, defending the transports against the Cloud and Wave class Fore-Sides: 76 300 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
destroyers sent after them. Aft-Sides: 76 80 White Shark Missiles
At the start of the current conflict all of the available St George Aft: 75 1200 rounds of Autocannon/10 ammunition
class ships were assigned to support Prince John’s offensive against
the Capellan Confederation. When the Combine invaded the Federated Other Equipment:
Suns, the St Georges were used to transport troops in raids against Long Range Sensor Package
007/154 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS New Syrtis Class Fighter Cruiser
New Syrtis Class Fighter Cruiser

Capabilities: proven their worth in nearly every engagement.

Most of the features of the New Syrtis Fighter Cruiser hail
from the initial plans with several notable exceptions. These Deployment:
new alterations all started with a significant reinforcement of The New Syrtis Fighter Cruiser has proven itself especially
the internal bulkheads, providing a full 30% more strength capable at patrolling large areas and accompanying DropShip
then called for in the original design. With the more ridged fleets to their target. While the oversized fighter compliment
hull it also became possible to mount additional armor and in was typically derided by battleship admirals it gave the large
a rare move the Federated Suns decided to splurge on some WarShip an impressive ability to project its power remotely
Improved Ferro-Aluminum composites. and respond quickly to new battlefield developments. This
The second noticeable change was the use of a much has made it easy to intercept hostile forces before they can
larger engine. Originally the plans specified a 1G maximum become a threat to less powerful military assets and with the
burn capability but during the encounters with the Taurian ability to make a 2G burn the maneuverability of the cruiser
Concordat the captains of the Federated Suns WarShips found itself can hardly be called sluggish.
time and again that their craft were easily outmaneuvered by In times of peace the new cruiser was often tapped out
the more nimble Taurian’s. In order to remedy this problem to patrol the area along the border shared with the Draconis
the engines of the new Fighter Cruiser were expanded, in fact Combine. During these patrol missions it was also often used
doubling their initial size. to aid cargo DropShips reach planetary systems with military
Overview: Around this the Federated Suns chose to mount their units in need of resupply. This type of double mission profile
The New Syrtis Fighter Cruiser was in the late stages favorite weapon systems: AutoCannons. Heavy NAC20 bays soon became very common and enabled the AFFS to ensure
of development at the time of the Star League’s formation. were positioned to cover the fore and aft sides while more that every mission was filled while maintaining a somewhat
Conceived during one of the brief periods where the Federated powerful NAC25’s were mounted in broadside turrets. These smaller fleet then might be expected and thereby allowing for
Suns decided it was necessary to upgrade the capabilities of were backed up by an array of Naval Lasers and a modest additional funds to be directed to their ground forces.
their fleet. While the program was temporarily put on hold battery of Barracuda missile tubes. A trio of Medium NPPCs When more extreme military action was required the
until the end of the Reunification War. were included as an afterthought when contracts to import New Syrtis Fighter Cruisers were often attached to an invasion
Once hostilities with the Taurian Concordat were concluded the weapons from the Terran’s were secured. force. Able to single handedly transport enough DropShips for
the design went through a final phase of alterations. Tired of Admittedly this gives the large cruiser only moderate a full scale attack the massive cruiser would also escort its
seeing their ships being mangled by the smaller designs that firepower, however large ammunition bays coupled with the charges all the way to the target planet. It would continue
dominated the Taurian WarShip fleet a host of changes were thick armor belt have blessed the New Syrtis Fighter Cruiser to remain in high orbit for the duration of the battle, using
implemented, most notably the bulkheads were strengthened with a battle endurance most other designs can only dream its fighters to provide close tactical air support and guarding
to support an impressively thick armor belt. about. This single fact has made the design very popular with against the arrival of enemy reinforcements.
Despite the innovations incorporated into the newer the men enlisted to serve upon it. With the collapse of the Star League and the sudden
WarShip it was initially hailed as a lame duck. The Admiralty To finish rounding out their new cruiser a moderately onslaught from the Draconis Combine the New Syrtis Fighter
scoffed at the inclusion of so many fighters on a Cruiser design sized fighter bay was located on both flanks. With each Cruisers have suffered heavy losses. Although thirty were
and balked that it was much too fast to be practical. Time has capable of holding two reinforced squadrons the New Syrtis in service before the First Succession War by the year 2800
vindicated the design, though, and proven it to be a sturdy Fighter Cruiser was able to bring almost as many strike craft only five remained in active service, most of the remainder
combat craft even in the modern era. to a battle as some smaller carriers. Although these additions overwhelmed by the Draconis Combine. Despite these losses
were derided early on general consensus is that they’ve since the New Syrtis Fighter Cruisers often inflicted heavy damage
007/155 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS New Syrtis Class Fighter Carrier
New Syrtis Class Fighter Cruiser

on any force it encountered and giving the Combine forces

a moment’s pause whenever encountering Federated Suns

New Syrtis class Fighter Cruiser Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Tech: Inner Sphere Nose (Heat: 405)
3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
Introduced: 2595
FL/FR (Heat: 960)
In Class: 30 4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
Manufacturer: New Syrtis Shipbuilding (New Syrtis/ Federated Suns) 2 NAC/20 (60 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
2 Barracuda (20 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Mass: 890,000 tons LBS/RBS (Heat: 680)
Length: 743 meters 2 NAC/25 (60 Rounds 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Sail Diameter: 1,105 meters 2 NAC/25 (60 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
AL/AR (Heat: 520)
Fuel: 10,750 tons (26,875)
2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NAC/20 (60 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Safe Thrust: 4 Aft (Heat: 42)
Maximum Thrust: 6 2 NL/35 7 7 7 - Capital Laser
Sail Integrity: 4 1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missle
KF Drive Integrity: 15
Heat Sinks: 1100 Ammunition:
Structural Integrity: 80 240 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
Battle Value: 86,728 240 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
50 Barracuda Missiles
Armor: (1,151 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum)
Fore: 129
Fore-Sides: 125
Aft-Sides: 125
Aft: 110

Bay 1: Cargo (68,476 tons) 1 Door
Bay 2: Fighters (24) 4 Doors
Bay 3: Fighters (24) 4 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 6
Grav Decks: 2 (100-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 27
Lifeboats: 27
Crew: 227 minimum (39 Officers, 188 Enlisted)
007/156 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Kirov Class Cruiser
Kirov Class Cruiser

red tape. By then the always blunt Admiral Harris had burned
Capabilities: off all the good will with the high command that she ever had,
Most of the debate focused on the ship’s hull and weapons and more than a few people were waiting impatiently for her to
load. For far too long, naval doctrine had focused on just prove the value of this expensive new ship. She would get the
naming the biggest, baddest ship in the fleet the flagship. The chance three years later when she managed to arrange for a
Kirov, on the other hand, is relatively lightly armed for its size, naval wargame against the SLDF named Summer Lightning.
with ten heavy guns providing the full amount of its offensive The exercise, involving a total of nearly seventy warships
firepower, and is about two hundred thousand tons lighter than and a thousand aerospace fighters, began at the end of 2693,
the Iron Duke class battleships that were the biggest ships in and cemented the Kirov’s reputation as an excellent command
the fleet. Its value lies in its incredibly resilient hull (one of the ship. The Kirov led the Davion first strike against the SLDF
most stress resistant ever) and its layers of ferro aluminum fleet at Malagrotta, coordinating a massive surprise aerospace
armor. This, combined with its speed, gives the ship an strike from six Furious class Destroyer /Carriers and tearing
excellent talent for survival, something Admiral Harris regarded the heart out of the SLDF battleship force in one dramatic
as vital for a ship that was not meant to fight, but lead. Other blow, rendering the brand new Mckenna class Moshe Dayan
Admirals, however, considered the Kirov to be undergunned, and four other battleships simulated cripples, nearly scoring a
too dependent on armor, and totally unsuited for the battle decisive victory by battering the Potemkin class Hermes, and
line. They advocated removing as much as half of the ship’s escaping under the guns of five other battleships that tried to
Overview: “excess” hull reinforcement to make room for another fifteen intercept it and its escorting carrier squadron.
The idea of the Kirov fleet command ship was developed heavy guns. In the end, however, Admiral Harris won out, Later, when the wargame moved on to the world of June,
towards the end of the 27th century by Fleet Admiral Amy and the Kirov was built almost entirely to the original design the Kirov, serving as Admiral Harris’s flagship, continued to
Harris of the Federated Suns Crucis March command. Admiral specs. The changes that were made were due to international coordinate the badly outnumbered Davion forces brilliantly,
Harris had been frustrated with the general decay she had politics and trade disputes. The ship was originally planned to nearly winning the battle in the end, but settling for a draw.
seen overtaking the AFFS for years, and in 2685 she proposed use Lamellor Ferro Carbide Armor imported from the Terran Naval analysts on both sides agree that it was the ability of
a major upgrade effort for the fleet, emphasizing improved Hegemony (which would give it more resilience than any ship in the Kirov to stay back out of the fighting and direct the Davion
command and control. Though most of her requests were existence at the time), however the Hegemony refused to sell fleet, along with one of the most powerful computer systems
denied, the High Command did approve one of her ideas, the the expensive and rare armor to the Federated Suns. Similarly, ever put on a warship, that allowed the Davion forces to do so
construction of a warship designed specifically to serve as a Admiral Harris originally planned on the ship using rapid fire well against the might of the SLDF.
flagship. ultra autocannons for the secondary armament, however the After such an exceptional performance, the High
Design work on the new cruiser began in January of only producers of the ultra, Kwambata Weapons Industries in Command approved the construction of more Kirov class ships,
2685, however it would get bogged down for years as Admiral the Lyran Commonwealth, refused to sell a license for their making plans for eight of the vessels. Despite this newfound
Harris fought with naval architects and other Admirals over prized autocannon to a Davion company. This necessitated support, work was slow going as the High Command and
the parameters of the design. In what is perhaps one of the the use of PPCs and conventional autocannons in place of the Prince Roger (and later Joseph) Davion’s support waxed and
greatest examples of the raw power of a military bureaucracy, ultras. waned with each passing year. By the time of the Davion War
three years passed before construction could even begin, and of Succession in 2725, only four Kirovs were in service, with
even then there were more than a few senior officers around another under construction at Galax. The Kirovs also did not
Deployment: fare well during the war, with two destroyed in battle because
trying to get the design changed even as the Kirov was being
The Kirov was completed in June of 2690, six months they were misused by commanders that couldn’t grasp that
overdue primarily because of a massive snarl of bureaucratic
007/157 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Kirov Class Cruiser
Kirov Class Cruiser

they weren’t meant to enter heavy combat directly. After the Kirov class Cruiser Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
SLDF stepped in to end the fighting, Prince Richard Davion Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 24)
(who had succeeded Joseph Davion after his death on Royal) Tech: Inner Sphere 2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - Capital PPC
decided to halt all work on the command cruisers, partially Introduced: 2690 2 AC/5 (200 Rounds) 1(10) 1(10) - -
as a way to help pacify the Star League Council and the First In Class: 5 2 AMS (2400 Rounds) 1(6)+ - - - Capital Laser
FL/FR (Heat: 48) Capital AC
Lord. Manufacturer: Challenge Systems (Galax /Federated Suns) 2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - Capital Missile
The remaining three Kirovs would not live all that much 2 AC/5 (200 Rounds) 1(10) 1(10) - -
longer, however, as the Succession War began, and soon Mass: 800,000 tons 2 AMS (2400 Rounds) 1(6)+ - - - Capital AC
engulfed each state in total war. All three Kirov class ships Length: 808 meters LBS/RBS (Heat: 404) Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 -
were assigned to a Davion naval offensive in 2790, and two Sail Diameter: 1,240 meters 2 AMS (2400 Rounds) 1(6)+ - - - Capital Laser
were destroyed during the cataclysmic battle of Cholame. The Fuel: 3000 tons (7,500) AL/AR (Heat: 648) Capital AC
surviving ship, the Kalanin, was nearly crippled during the six Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 1 NAC/30 (150 Rounds) 30 30 30 -
2 NAC/30 (150 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital Laser
week battle, but was able to escape the system. Six months Safe Thrust: 4 2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - Capital Missle
later, however, the Kalanin was caught in the Le Blanc system Maximum Thrust: 6 2 AC/5 (200 Rounds) 1(10) 1(10) - -
by the Combine destroyer Ayanami. Still badly damaged, and Sail Integrity: 4 2 AMS (2400 Rounds) 1(6)+ - - -
desperately short on ammunition, the Kalanin could offer little KF Drive Integrity: 16 Aft (Heat: 2)
2 AMS (2400 Rounds) 1(6)+ - - -
resistance to the Ayanami, who made an effort to seize the Heat Sinks: 1126
cruiser. The crew of the Kalanin scuttled their ship, however, Structural Integrity: 180
detonating the diatomic hydrogen used for reaction mass and Battle Value: 126,027
wrecking the ship before the Combine marines could board. +Only against missiles.
The Ayanami left the system and the wreck behind after Armor: (2700 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum)
that, content that the Kalanin was a total loss. Tragically this Fore: 288 Ammunition:
appears to end a promising new type of vessel in the still Fore-Sides: 288 1000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/35 ammunition
shrinking naval field. Aft-Sides: 288 100 rounds of Autocannon/10 ammo
Aft: 288 19200 rounds of Anti-Missile System ammo

Cargo Other Equipment:

Bay 1: Fighters (36) 4 Doors 500 First Class Passenger Quarters
Bay 2: Cargo (28,951 tons) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Small Craft (20) 4 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 4
Grav Decks: 2 (100-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 50
Lifeboats: 50
Crew: 211 minimum (35 Officers, 176 Enlisted)
007/158 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Rodney Class Cruiser
Rodney Class Cruiser

Capabilities: greatly enhanced.

Universal Air modified the original design extensively, adding
provisions for additional weapons, more armor, and a reinforced hull.
The end result of all of this work was a powerful and fast cruiser which
First Prince Alexander Davion was pleased with the new design,
easily matched many of her contemporaries. Twelve heavy naval deciding to adopt it as the Federated Sun’s principle cruiser class ship
autocannons make up the ship’s principle armament, supported by (gradually replacing three separate older designs, the so-called Triad
eight lighter naval cannons and a battery of naval lasers. Anti fighter Cruisers) despite its high price tag. Universal Air began construction
defenses are supplied by eight large LRM racks, eight autocannons, of the ship in 2560, and constructed one Rodney class cruiser per year
and three naval missile launchers. A wing of eighteen fighters and for the next hundred years. The first fifteen of these ships were turned
docking collars for six assault dropships fill out the ship’s offensive over to the SLDF, along with twenty two Davion class destroyers in the
capabilities, and twelve hundred tons of armor provides adequate year 2575, in accordance with First Lord Ian Cameron’s Directive 22,
protection from enemy attacks. which called for each member state to contribute ships and troops to
Because Davion naval doctrine dictated that each warship the SLDF in preparation for the Reunification War. Ironically enough,
operate along with a force of assault dropships and fighters, and this Davion designed cruiser would see more use during the war by
because the Davion fleet was largely considered to be little more than the SLDF than by the nation that produced it, and neither of the
an escort force for the army, the designers made sure that the Rodney two Davion Rodneys that saw action during the war, the Gordon and
had a massive cargo capacity, allowing it to fulfill a secondary role as Albermarle, survived. Both were destroyed by the Taurian Navy in
a transport for ground forces, and to support smaller ships. The ship 2577 during a disastrous naval campaign.
can carry thousands of tons of war supplies, in addition to its own Despite this inauspicious start, Alexander Davion and his
Overview: normal stores. successors were still quite fond of the ship, and construction continued
The Rodney is a warship that was almost never made. Originally By 2657 there were seventy Rodney class warships in service through much of the Star League’s early years. Following the Edict of
developed by Challenge Systems as a frigate, the as yet unnamed with the Davion fleet, however the design had begun to show its age, 2650 a comprehensive review of the Federated Suns fleet revealed
design was the center of an ugly three year legal battle between the no longer the better ship when compared to its competitors (most that the Rodney was gradually being out performed by rival House
Federated Suns and the shipbuilding firm Dekirk Aerospace. In the unnerving of all for some was that the old Aegis class Cruisers the designs. Construction of the Block I Cruiser was suspended in 2660
suit, the Federated Suns claimed that Dekirk had stolen the designs Star League had refitted during the Reunification War were proving to when efforts to upgrade existing vessels proved impossible. For four
for the frigate from Challenge Systems and copied most of it for their outmatch the Rodneys, which were nearly two centuries younger than years Universal Air worked tirelessly to iron out the problems with the
Congress class warship. Though neither Dekirk nor their Hegemony the Aegis). As a consequence of this, Universal Air set to work on a Rodney resulting in the launch of the Block II in 2655. Despite these
patrons admitted to stealing the design, in the end the matter was modernization scheme for the Rodney, emphasizing improved armor improvements, the new ships did not have the same following among
settled outside of the courtroom. Dekirk agreed to accept Challenge protection and speed. Unfortunately they soon discovered that the the High Command and First Prince that the originals had enjoyed
Systems as a partner in the construction of the Congress, and the existing Rodney class ships simply weren’t suited for modernization. (actually, apathy was starting to sap the life out of the entire Davion
Federated Suns got its frigate. With the Congress in hand the need Power distribution problems plagued all attempts at updating the military establishment, something that would hurt them greatly in the
for the original design schematics that Challenge still possessed were systems, while problems with hull stress foiled attempts to install conflicts to come) and construction was stopped prematurely. As a
thought by many to be inconsequential. Challenge Systems promptly more powerful engines. result only nineteen Block II Cruisers were made.
boxed up these mere historical footnotes and promptly forgot about The end result of their work was the Block II or the so called Several Block Is were lost in the Davion War of Succcesion and
them. A decade later Universal Air of Delevan showed unexpected “Improved Rodney”, of which nineteen were built before the High the Third Hidden War leaving the Federated Suns with a total of sixty
interest in purchasing the initial frigate blueprints. Challenge Systems Command ordered a final halt to production. On the surface the seven Rodney class warships at the close of the Amaris Coup. House
gladly accepted this generous offer for what they had deemed all but newer version is only a minor upgrade of the Rodney, with superior Davion was able to add three more Block Is before the start of the
irrelevant plans. Universal apparently knew better and for a nominal armor protection and speed. However, the designers learned their Succession War by way of the SLDF. These three ships, the Nelson,
investment they bought what would become the basis of the Rodney lesson with the original well, and the improved class was designed Howe, and Cromwell, were originally transferred to the SLDF in 2575.
class Cruiser. using techniques similar to the “smart modularity” of the Vincent class Incredibly these Star League Rodneys survived the Periphery Uprising
corvette. The ships were designed to be easily modified and upgraded and the Amaris Coup relatively untouched. While they had massive
as the situation required, which meant that their service life would be
007/159 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Rodney Class Cruiser
Rodney Class Cruiser

cargo space which would have greatly aided the Exodus Fleet their age Ammunition:
and the difficulty involved in future maintenance led to their resale. Block II 1200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
Kerensky received vital supplies and new transports in the bargain Armor: (1216 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum) 800 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
which helped his departure while bolstering the Davion Navy before
Fore: 133 10 Killer Whale Missiles
the start of hostilities. Currently there are eleven remaining Rodneys
Fore-Sides: 129 20 White Shark Missiles
in the Federated Suns fleet, eight Block Is and three Block IIs.
Aft-Sides: 129 4000 rounds of Autocannon/10 ammunition
Aft: 129 2400 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
Rodney class Cruiser

Tech: Inner Sphere Cargo

Introduced: 2560 [Rodney I], 2665 [Rodney II] Bay 1: Fighters (18) 2 Doors
In Class: 119 Bay 2: Cargo (88,327 tons) 2 Doors
Manufacturer: Universal Air (Delevan /Federated Suns) Bay 3: Small Craft (5) 1 Door

Mass: 760,000 tons Dropship Capacity: 6

Length: 670 meters Grav Decks: 1 (80-meter diameter)
Sail Diameter: 1320 meters Escape Pods: 8 [Rodney I], 24 [Rodney II]
Fuel: 2000 tons (5,000) Lifeboats: 8 [Rodney I], 24 [Rodney II]
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Crew: 228 minimum (39 Officers, 189 Enlisted)
Safe Thrust: 3 [Rodney I], 4 [Rodney II] Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Maximum Thrust: 5 [Rodney I], 6 [Rodney II] Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 570)
Sail Integrity: 4 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
KF Drive Integrity: 16 5 NL/45 23 23 23 23 Capital Laser
Heat Sinks: 1912 1 Killer Whale (10 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Structural Integrity: 80 FL/FR (Heat: 430)
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Battle Value: 133,114 [Rodney I], 151,383 [Rodney II] 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
LBS/RBS (Heat: 356)
Block I 1 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
2 NAC/10 (200 Rounds) 20 20 20 - Capital AC
Armor: (1214 tons, Standard) 2 AC/10 (1000 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
Fore: 95 2 LRM 20 (600 Rounds) 2(24) 2(24) 2(24) - LRM
Fore-Sides: 89 AL/AR (Heat: 356)
Aft-Sides: 89 1 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
2 NAC/10 (200 Rounds) 20 20 20 - Capital AC
Aft: 83 2 AC/10 (1000 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
2 LRM 20 (600 Rounds) 2(24) 2(24) 2(24) - LRM
Cargo Aft (Heat: 200)
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Bay 1: Fighters (18) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (134,073 tons) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Small Craft (5) 1 Door
007/160 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Musketeer Class Battlecruiser
Musketeer Class Battlecruiser

the Musketeer over designs from both Challenge Systems fast or faster then the transports that were then in use by the
and Universal Air and ordered it into immediate production. FPF. [Editor’s Note: The low thrust of the Musketeer would
[Editor’s Note: It appears the Musketeer was chosen, not for later prove a problem with the design. As engine technology
the merits of the design, but rather because the Challenge improved, and transports became faster, the Musketeer lacked
Systems and Universal Air shipyards were very busy building the ability to keep up with the newer vessels. This either
ships for the Federation Navy and the FPF High Command forced the transports to slow down to stay with their escort or
felt that they did not the capacity to build a new ship without proceed to the landing zone without protection.]
reducing the production of their other designs.] The Musketeer The Musketeer was a well armored ship when it was
was launched in 2425 and a total of 30 ships would be built introduced. The designers used a very resilient structural
between 2425 and 2455. [Editor’s Note: After completing frame work for the ship which allowed them to mount sixteen
the production of the Musketeer, Robinson Shipyards entered hundred tons of armor. The armor provided good protection
into the design competition for the FPF’s new frigate and for the ship and the troops it was carrying.
lost out to Universal Air’s St George Class Frigate. This was The weapons array for the ship was based around the
devastating for the company as the FPF did not expect to newly developed Federated 35 Naval Autocannons. These
order any new classes of ships for the next 10 or 20 years. The autocannons were significantly more powerful then the
shipyard tried to enter the commercial Jumpship business, but previous generation of naval autocannons, but also had a
their designs were generally rejected by most merchants as significantly shorter range. To provide long range fire power
Overview: the ships were very costly to operate. With no new military the ship mounts twelve of the proven Federated 20 Naval
The Musketeer was the only warship that was ever built programs planned for several decades and the failure of their autocannons that had been used on previous FPF ships.
by Robinson Shipyards. Robinson Shipyards was a subsidiary commercial jumpships, the company experienced severe Additional firepower is provided by eight White Shark missile
of Robinson Jumpship Technologies, a company that produced financial problems. Robinson Jumpship Technologies eventually launchers which are used in the dual fighter defense/anti-
a variety of Jumpship components for other Federation sold the shipyard to Challenge Systems in 2472, who used capitol ship role.
companies. While the company was very successful, the the yard for the production of commercial jumpships until the To fulfill its role as a flagship the Musketeer carried an
executives felt they could increase profits further by going into facility was destroyed early in the Succession War.] extensive command and control facility. This could be used
the design and manufacturing of warships and commercial to command an entire invasion force and included separate
Jumpships. Robinson Jumpship Technologies began building Capabilities: facilities for controlling the naval and ground combat forces.
it’s new shipyards orbiting Robinson in 2421 and, at the same The Musketeer class was designed to serve as flagships These facilities were some of the most advanced command
time, hired a number of ship designers, including several top for the Federation transportation squadrons. In order to meet centers available to the FPF at that time. While the naval
engineers from both Challenge Systems and Universal Air. the goals laid out by the FPF, the ship designers created a command center was commonly used by the Federation’s
The company was aware that the FPF was looking for a new large vessel that was well armored, with a large cargo capacity Admirals, the ground command facilities were rarely used
warship to compliment the Delevan and Nova Zemlya class and an extensive command and control center. The primary as the FPF Generals preferred to command from the ground
cruisers, which formed the backbone of the FPF fleet. The impact of all of these requirements was that the designers along side their troops.
FPF wanted a new ship that could serve as a flagship for FPF could not use the original engines which were planned for the The Musketeers’ six docking collars allowed the ship to
Task Forces and could defend the troop transports against ship. Those engines would have provided 3Gs of thrust, but transport a significant portion of the ground forces for a FPF
enemy raiders. The design proposed by Robinson Shipyards, the design team was forced to use smaller engines capable of taskforce, while the large cargo capacity allowed the ship to
the Musketeer class Battlecruiser, was presented to the FPF in generating only 2.5Gs thrust. However, this was not considered haul enough supplies to keep them operating for extended
2423. After studying all of the design proposals, the FPF chose a serious limitation on the design, as the Musketeer was as periods of time.
007/161 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Musketeer Class Battlecruiser
Musketeer Class Battlecruiser

The surviving Musketeers under went a major refit in Navy. Cargo

2692. This refit was very similar to the refit performed on The Musketeer class has continued to serve in the AFFS Bay 1: Fighters (12) 6 Doors
the Federation’s Iron Duke class Battleships. All of the naval Navy as a troop transport during the Succession War. Many of Bay 2: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors
autocannons were replaced by the Federated 30 Naval the ships were used in Prince John’s counter offensive of 2788. Bay 3: Cargo (73,942 tons) 2 Doors
Autocannons, which had a longer range then the original The Musketeers suffered heavy losses during the campaign
Federated 35 weapons and only a slightly reduced damage and the loss of so many ships and their troops was one of Dropship Capacity: 6
capacity. The refit also replaced the old armor plating with the reasons for the operation’s failure. Several more were lost Grav Decks: 2 (90-meter diameter)
modern Ferro-Aluminum armor which increased protection by during battle of Cholame. At this time only three Musketeers Escape Pods: 52
50% with no increase in tonnage. The refit did not however remain in service with the AFFS Navy. Lifeboats: 20
fix one of the major problems with the ship, its slow speed Crew: 245 minimum (42 Officers, 203 Enlisted)
compared to the transports that it is escorting. As a result the Musketeer class Battlecruiser Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Musketeer was unable to keep pace with the transports it was Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 30)
assigned to protect. Tech: Inner Sphere 2 White Shark (20 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
Introduced: 2425 FL/FR (Heat: 430)
In Class: 30 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Deployment: 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
The Musketeers were deployed as command ships for Manufacturer: Robinson Shipyards (Robinson /Federated LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,400)
Federation Task Forces throughout the Age of War. The ships Suns) 1 NAC/30 (87 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (88 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
saw heavy fighting during the many battles that were fought 2 NAC/30 (87 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
and 5 of the ships were lost in combat. Mass: 800,000 tons
2 NAC/30 (88 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
The Musketeer continued to serve in the AFFS Navy during Length: 840 meters AL/AR (Heat: 1,430)
the Reunification War. The AFFS organized transport squadrons Sail Diameter: 1500 meters 1 NAC/30 (87 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Fuel: 4000 tons (10,000) 2 NAC/30 (88 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
composed of one Musketeer and six St George class armored 2 NAC/30 (87 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
transports. The AFFS High Command had hoped that these Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NAC/30 (88 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
transport squadrons would prove to be more effective then Safe Thrust: 3 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
conventional transport convoys. While both the Musketeer and Maximum Thrust: 5 Aft (Heat: 30)
Sail Integrity: 4 2 White Shark (20 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
St. George were obsolete as front line warships, they were
considered sufficient to deal with the types of raiders and KF Drive Integrity: 16
assault squadrons which typically threatened troop convoys. Heat Sinks: 3400 Ammunition:
Unfortunately for the AFFS, the Taurians quickly realized that Structural Integrity: 100 1600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
these ships were transporting troops to the front and so the Battle Value: 238,967 80 White Shark Missiles
Musketeers and St George class ships became primary targets
for the Concordat Navy. By the end of the Reunification War Armor: (1600 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum) Other Equipment:
there were only 13 Musketeers still in operational service with Fore: 170 Command & Control Center (1000 tons)
the AFFS. Fore-Sides: 170
These ships were all refitted starting in 2692 and they Aft-Sides: 170
first saw action with General Kessem in the War of Davion Aft: 170
Succession, where they proved effective against the Combine
007/162 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Emerald Class Battleship
Emerald Class Battleship

One of those warships would be the Emerald, developed by the By the time the AFFS placed orders for additional Emeralds,
only recently established Quinghai Shipbuilding Company. Though Qinghai (or King High as it was generally listed in most reports)
wary of the rather fantastic promises made by the small company, had already completed three construction slips large enough to
the price was more than right, and Prince Davion authorized the build their battlecruiser. This was an incredible achievement for the
construction of a prototype. The FSS Emerald entered service just in small company, one that raised a great many questions as to where
time to participate in the border war of 2760 against Liao. By the end they were getting the money for this expansion. The Davion high
of the brief conflict, the Admiralty was clamoring for more. command didn’t particularly mind, though, as long as the company
could deliver on its promises. They placed an order for an additional
thirty nine ships in 2762, all of which of which were to be built at the
Capabilities: Quinghai yards in the Pleiades Cluster. The first three new ships were
The Emerald is a pure ship killer in every regard. Her armament completed within the year, and were very promptly nearly lost when
is composed of thirty massive naval cannons, backed up by an pirates raided the shipyard. This disturbingly well equipped pirate
equal number of white shark missile tubes and six squadrons of force was able to brush past the company’s security forces with no
aerofighters. trouble and made to seize the three battlecruisers, but was ultimately
The ship’s armament is organized rather differently than most thwarted by the unexpected arrival of a Davion navy squadron in the
warships. The designers, by researching the battles of the Reunification system.
War, determined that there were only five basic directions that a Though nobody at the company was ever convicted of conspiring
dedicated attack ship like the Emerald can generally expect to fight with the pirates, the very fact that this pirate band hit the shipyard
from: fore left and fore right (for closing in on the target), each at EXACTLY the right time to seize three brand new battlecruisers,
broadside (when passing the target), and directly aft (when pulling and recent suspicions of secessionist leanings among many of the
Overview: away). As a consequence the ship’s arsenal is designed to provide company’s highest officials (the Pleiades cluster was a Taurian
The Emerald class Battlecruiser was the ship that many in maximum fire to those directions of attack. However, this does create possession before the Reunification War) left the originally confident
the Davion fleet had been wanting ever since the disasters of the gaps in the ship’s arsenal where its weapons cannot fire, but given High Command very nervous. With this in mind, they compelled
Reunification War, a major warship built solely for ship to ship combat. the phenomenal maneuverability of the class (capable of four Gs at the company to agree to subcontract all the remaining construction
Up until this point, warships of the Davion fleet could be broken up maximum thrust) this was considered a minor problem. of the Emerald class to other shipyards, citing “security concerns”.
into two categories: Transports and escorts. Essentially every warship Despite a very light hull, the ship is nevertheless well protected [Editor’s Note: Sometime after, independent investigations indicated
in the Davion fleet was designed to, in some way or another; support with over a thousand tons of ferro-carbide armor. Interestingly enough, that Qinghai received the money needed to expand from investors
the army in its operations. Most of Davion’s largest warships were the ship’s heaviest armor protection is over those areas where the in the Magistracy of Canopus and Rim Worlds Republic. Further
saddled with massive cargo holds in order to transport supplies for ship’s guns cannot fire, indicating that this “minor problem” was still investigations indicated that these investors may have been largely
the ground arm, and docking collars to transport troop ships. As nonetheless on the minds of the designers. acting as middlemen for the Taurian Government. If this is the case,
a consequence they frequently couldn’t match the ships of their The Emerald is not intended for long term independent and given the hideous luck of the timing of the pirate raid... well...
neighbors in combat. operations. Her cargo capacity is sufficient only for roughly four the implication is pretty clear] Despite this setback, construction of
The most vivid example of this was the Reunification War, when months of operations, and her recreational facilities and crew the class continued at various Davion shipyards but not the Electra
the cruisers of House Davion were essentially manhandled by the accommodations are likewise fairly sparse. The Emerald is a ship of facilities. Forty ships were in service by the start of the Succession
destroyers and corvettes of the Taurian Defense Force. However, even war, and the designers considered everything else secondary. War.
after this embarrassment little was done to alleviate the problem. The The one bit of extravagance in the design is the massive two Today six of these Battlecruisers remain in service including the
Davion High Command was simply too dominated by the Army for ton bronze statue on each ship’s recreation deck. Crafted by master well-known FSS Wild Horse. It was one of the few warships stationed
any changes to come about. With the reversal of the Edict of 2650, sculptors in the employ of Qinghai shipbuilding, this statue is a along the Kurita border that managed to survive the Dragon’s great
however, and the resulting doubling of the strength of the house representation of the ship’s namesake. Though considered rather offensive. Many warships including the FSS Emerald had been deployed
militaries, a major change would come about. Everyone was engaged unnecessary, the Davion High Command didn’t complain. along the Capellan border in preparation for an offensive against the
in a military buildup, and Davion needed new warships cheaply and
Confederation. The Wild Horse’s efforts to hold the line and evacuate
Deployment: retreating Davion soldiers while its sister ships redeployed bought the
007/163 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Emerald Class Battleship
Emerald Class Battleship

ship to the public’s attention. It has become something of a national the planetary government. Bay 2: Cargo (21,536 tons) 3 Doors
symbol for hope during these dark times. After a tense standoff, the AFFS High Command was able to Bay 3: Fighters (36) 6 Doors
The Wild Horse, under the command of Captain Kimiko Higarashi settle matters by ordering the Wild Horse back into combat. Prince
(of Japanese descent but born and raised on the Davion world of Davion, himself disgusted with what had transpired on Galax, ordered
Dropship Capacity: 0
Strawn) fought throughout the Kurita invasion, scoring numerous the whole affair swept under the rug. Though many of his advisors
victories against Kurita vessels. Her successes were an inspiration to consider the ship untrustworthy after their mini-rebellion at Galax,
Grav Decks: 0
the Davion military, and a serious boost to public morale. The ship’s Prince Davion is confident that they will continue to serve well, and so Escape Pods: 30
story even inspired a feature film detailing the ship’s three month far he has been right. The Wild Horse continues to fight exceptionally Lifeboats: 0
long running duel against the Atago class cruiser Hibiki (though and loyally all along the Draconis front Crew: 283 minimum (49 Officers, 234 Enlisted)
the film took some liberties. Kimiko Higarashi was changed to Kim
Hiller, a redheaded, clearly not Japanese woman. Also, in the film Emerald class Battlecruiser Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
the Wild Horse ultimately destroys the Hibiki, which never actually Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
happened). FL/FR (Heat: 2,300)
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
After the campaign the Wild Horse and her crew received a brief
Introduced: 2760 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
respite from the fighting. Though this was a pleasant time for most of 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
the crew, Captain Higarashi would later describe it as the darkest time In Class: 40
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
of her life. Just days after the Wild Horse arrived at Galax for repairs, Manufacturer: Various (Federated Suns) 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Higarashi learned that her family had been placed in an internment 10 White Shark 30 30 30 30 Capital Missile
camp on her homeworld and all of their property had been confiscated. Mass: 890,000 tons (100 Missiles)
But this was only the beginning of what would later be known as the Aft (Heat: 1,150)
Length: 950 meters
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Purge, as common citizens across the Federation turned on anyone of Sail Diameter: 1,500 meters 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
oriental descent they could find. Fuel: 8000 tons (20,000) 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Captain Higarashi was no exception. A week after the Wild Horse 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
arrived at Galax; she was assaulted outside of a pub in the capital 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
city. The nature of the assault has never been made public; however, Safe Thrust: 5 10 White Shark 30 30 30 30 Capital Missile
despite numerous witnesses and incontrovertible physical evidence, Maximum Thrust: 8 (100 Missiles)
the local police took no action for a full week. Ultimately it was the Sail Integrity: 5
crew of the Wild Horse themselves (who’s loyalty to the commander KF Drive Integrity: 18
that had taken them through hell and back was unshakable) that Heat Sinks: 3450 Ammunition:
acted. In what the executive officer, Josh Mercer, grimly described as Structural Integrity: 60 3000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
a “counter riot”, the ship’s entire crew complement rampaged through Battle Value: 287,465 300 White Shark Missiles
that section of the capital, destroying homes and businesses of known
supporters of the Purge. Six people were killed during the riot, all of
them identified as responsible for the assault on Captain Higarashi. Armor: (1,067 tons, Ferro Carbide)
They had been beaten to death. Fore: 160
A few days later, when the police requested permission to board Fore-Sides: 146
the Wild Horse to arrest rioters, Mercer (Captain Higarashi was still Aft-Sides: 160
recovering) refused. The situation escalated steadily from there until Aft: 118
an order to accept boarders from the local military commander led to
Mercer threatening to bombard the capital city should anyone attempt Cargo
to board the Wild Horse. Mercer even went so far as to move his ship
Bay 1: Small Craft (2) 1 Door
into position and fire several warning shots into Galax’s sea, terrifying
007/164 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Iron Duke Class Battleship
Iron Duke Class Battleship

anti fighter defenses or adding a fighter complement). New

Capabilities: Ferro Aluminum armor increased the ship’s protection by fifty
Though incredibly impressive on paper, in the battles percent. The old naval autocannons were likewise replaced
of the civil war the ship soon proved to have a number of with newer, longer ranged guns which, though slightly less
design oversights. The most glaring of these were its lack of powerful, made up for it by being able to hit more often.
an integral fighter complement. The designers of the Iron Somehow, the designers were even able to cram an additional
Duke had developed an incredibly compact ship, only eight two heavy guns just under the ship’s nose. These and other
hundred meters long (barely larger than most heavy cruisers less noticeable improvements brought the aging behemoth
of its day), into which has been packed a tremendous arsenal up to par with their neighbors, ably demonstrated during the
of naval weaponry. With naval autocannons, particle beam Summer Lightning War-game of 2693 between the SLDF and
weapons, and missile tubes pointing out of practically every Davion fleet, where six newly refitted Iron Dukes served as the
surface, there was simply no room to include fighter bays. main punch for the Davions, scoring a number of impressive
The two shuttle bay doors nestled just before the engines victories over ships of the SLDF.
were regarded as the absolute maximum that could be built
into the design without a complete redesign, and even these Deployment:
have proven insufficient to be used to launch fighters in any As the need to keep conventional forces fighting the civil
great number. At the time it hadn’t seemed all that much of a war sucked money from the naval budgets of each faction,
Overview: problem, and it was expected that assault dropships could be these problems would not be resolved in the near future.
The Iron Duke class Battleship was first developed at the used to protect the warship from fighter attacks. During the Despite this, each side still made heavy use of the Iron Duke,
dawn of Prince William Davion’s reign as the new ultimate civil war, however, this soon proved to be insufficient. At least which, warts and all, served admirably. When the war finally
weapon of the Davion fleet, as well as the ultimate symbol a half dozen Iron Dukes were destroyed during the civil war came to an end, twenty of the twenty eight original ships were
of Davion prestige, and at the time of its launching was because of fighter attacks. still operational. Prince Alexander was pleased enough with
one of the fastest and most powerful battleships in service. The second design flaw rested with the ship’s main guns. the performance of the class to declare the ships the principle
These capabilities, however, could not be achieved without The twenty heavy naval autocannons, though hideously battleship of House Davion despite ordering two of these ships
an extremely high price tag, and as a result Prince William powerful, did not have much range, and frequently the scrapped. These two infamous vessels shared the same name,
authorized the construction of only four Iron Dukes during his Iron Duke would find itself at a disadvantage facing a more Alexander Davion. During the Civil War two factions named
reign. These behemoths likewise saw little combat, as they maneuverable foe able to attack it from the rear quarters at new Iron Duke class warships in honor of the young Prince
were widely regarded as far too valuable to risk. long range with near impunity. who they thought murdered by the other. Ironically not only
This began to change after Prince William’s death in Though House Davion was very proud of its powerful did Alexander survive the conflict to defeat his rivals but so did
2512. Once the Regents Cassandra and Laura began their battleship, as the decades past, technology began to catch these vessels. The triumphant Prince ordered both of these
squabbles over the throne of the five year old heir Alexander, up with it. New ships in other fleets, like the Free Worlds morbid relics of his Aunts’ treachery and deceit destroyed.
each knew that the battle must ultimately be settled by force League’s Atreus, the Draconis Combine’s Hiei, and the SLDF’s Following the Civil War the Federated Suns would go onto
of arms. Each turned to the Iron Duke for their ultimate naval Texas began to appear that outperformed the venerable construct thirty two new Iron Dukes over the next sixteen
weapon, as did General Nikolai Rostov, another of the Regents Davion dreadnought. In 2688, the Davion high command years. However, in what some naval historians regard as a
that ruled the Federated Suns. Between the three factions, an finally approved a long needed update for the Iron Duke. Two serious blunder, no effort was made to correct the design
astounding twenty four new battleships were launched before years of work yielded numerous minor changes and updates flaws in the new construction, or to refit the existing eighteen
the Civil War began in 2525. to the design (though no success was made in improving its ships. Some blame this on Alexander Davion’s failings as a
007/165 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Iron Duke Class Battleship
Iron Duke Class Battleship

military man (it is said that he wasn’t the sharpest military war, the duty was more ceremonial than anything else). This Dropship Capacity: 6
mind around), while others see it as an excellent move. Such duty was maintained for better than two centuries, until the Grav Decks: 1 (100-meter diameter)
an ambitious building program, even of a somewhat flawed Succession War, when the ship was called up to lead the Naval Escape Pods: 40
ship like the Iron Duke, ably demonstrated that though Counteroffensive of 2790. The Edward Davion was one of the Lifeboats: 40
battered by its Civil War, House Davion was still strong. There first ships destroyed when the Draconis Combine ambushed Crew: 308 minimum (53 Officers, 255 Enlisted)
is evidence to support either side of the theory, but the only the Davion fleet at Cholame.
one who would ever really know which is correct would be
Alexander himself. Iron Duke class Battleship Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
For whatever reason, construction of the new battleships Nose (Heat: 230)
proceeded on schedule, each ship taking two years to build, Tech: Inner Sphere 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
with construction occurring across Davion space. It was one Introduced: 2507 2 White Shark (20 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
In Class: 60 FL/FR (Heat: 2,730)
of the most massive naval building programs ever undertaken
5 Medium NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
by the Federated Suns, and its success is a testament to Manufacturer: Various (Federated Suns) 5 Medium NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
Alexander Davion’s efforts to rebuild his shattered realm. To 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
honor how far the Federated Suns had come in recovering Mass: 1,000,000 tons LBS/RBS (Heat: 2,380)
Length: 800 meters 1 NAC/30 (167 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
from the Civil War, Prince Alexander christened the last Iron 2 NAC/30 (166 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Duke launched in 2557 the Ascendant. Over one hundred years Sail Diameter: 1,200 meters 2 NAC/30 (167 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
later the Federation Navy began a refit of all fifty Iron Dukes. Fuel: 4000 tons (10,000) 5 Medium NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
This update was completed by the start of the Davion War of
AL/AR (Heat: 1,030)
Succession and all of these Battleships performed extremely Safe Thrust: 3 1 NAC/30 (167 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
well despite the dismal performance of the rest of the AFFS. Maximum Thrust: 5 2 NAC/30 (166 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
While some were damaged in this conflict not a single Iron Sail Integrity: 5 2 NAC/30 (167 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
KF Drive Integrity: 20 1 White Shark (10 Missiles) 3 3 3 3 Capital Missile
Duke was lost during this conflict or the Third Hidden War. Aft (Heat: 45)
This added to their renown of the class which entered the Heat Sinks: 6415 3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
Succession War as the pride of the Davion Navy. In the end Structural Integrity: 100
these revered Battleships would fall victim to the destruction Battle Value: 220,955
of these catastrophic hostilities that continue to sweep the
Inner Sphere. Today only eight Iron Duke class Battleships Armor: (2,000 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum) Ammunition:
remain in the service of House Davion. Fore: 210 2200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
The second ship in the class, the Edward Davion (named Fore-Sides: 210 110 White Shark Missiles
for William Davion’s son, who was killed a month before the Aft-Sides: 210
ship was lost) was one of the most well known and honored Aft: 210
vessels in the fleet, serving as Nikolai Rostov’s and later
Alexander Davion’s flagship during much of the Civil War. Cargo
After the Civil War, the Edward Davion was assigned on a Bay 1: Cargo (104,411 tons) 1 Door
semi permanent status to New Avalon as the First Prince’s Bay 2: Small Craft (3) 1 Door
command ship (though with the peace that followed the civil Bay 3: Small Craft (3) 1 Door
007/166 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Ascalon Class Battleship
Ascalon Class Battleship

Capabilities: Davion offensive against the Capellan Confederation. During

The Dragonslayers were assembled using the most the opening phases of the 1st Succession War the Ascalon
advanced Star League technology that was not quite fully performed so well that the High Command left it as the only
understood by many Davion techs. Although the ships were major warship along the Capellan border. For five years it was
constructed at the Star League built James McKenna Shipyards instrumental in garrisoning the border against Liao heavy
in the Kathil star system many techs who worked there had Hunter Killer Squads. In April 2791 using the new CCS Tiger
packed up and left with General Kerensky. Even though (a Dragon class Battleship) as bait the Ascalon was trapped by
these Star League techs were replaced by Davion’s best two Liao heavy naval squadrons at Alcyone. Despite destroying
and brightest there were still gaps in the facility’s advanced four Capellan warships (including a Sun Tzu class Battleship)
technical knowledge. In addition the sheer complexity of the the Ascalon was destroyed by the Liao fleet with the help of
Ascalon’s led to many design errors. nuclear weapons.
The new Battleship featured one of the heaviest The FSS Golden Lion was commissioned in early 2789
armaments centered on eighteen massive Naval Autocannon and was immediately deployed to New Avalon to protect the
40s. Designers did consider using Heavy Naval Gausses but Federated Suns from a looming Kurita invasion. When Prince
decided to go with the Naval Autocannons that Davion sailors John Davion ordered his second counteroffensive against the
favored. Thirty two Heavy Naval Particle Projection Cannons Draconis Combine a year latter the mighty warship became
and twenty four AR-10 Missile Launchers rounded out the the taskforces’ flagship. Led by Admiral Kenneth Jones aboard
Overview: vessel’s capital arsenal. This was not the only weaponry the Golden Lion the taskforce hit ten Kurita occupied systems
During the final days of the Star League the AFFS High included in the Ascalon design, however, as a large array of inflicting heavy causalities. The taskforce even managed
Command faced the terrifying prospect of a two front war standard weapons were also added. Sixty four Gauss Cannons, to resupply the Davion resistance groups on some Kurita
with the Draconis Combine and the Capellan Confederation. forty Long Range Missiles with Artemis IV FCS, forty Extended occupied worlds. Heading for home the taskforce jumped
Although the Admirals of the Navy felt confident in their ship’s Range Large Lasers, and sixty four Ultra Autocannon 5s. into Cholame to rest and recharge before leaving Kurita held
abilities to perform effectively against any threat vessel they The vessel’s advanced armament was supplemented by space. The system was not unguarded as Admiral Jones had
wanted an insurance policy of sorts. Both of these nations the new Lamellor Ferro Carbide armor for good protection. thought and the taskforce was immediately attacked. In
fielded larger more modern Battleships than the Federated Double heat sinks handled the entire warship’s heat dissipation the ensuing conflict the Golden Lion darted back and forth
Suns venerable Iron Duke class. Numbers on the Kurita Hiei needs. For support purposes six docking collars, two wings between the system’s jump points hoping to allow some
class Battleships differed wildly with some Davion naval of aerospace fighters, and eight small craft were included. of the Davion troops an opportunity to withdraw. The ship
analysts insisting that the Combine may have nearly seventy A battalion of Marines were stationed on board for security. was eventually overwhelmed and destroyed along with 100
vessels. House Liao was equally as devious with its quick By far the Ascalon’s biggest technical marvel was the Lithium other Davion warships. The House Kurita paid a heavy price
fleet led by the Sun Tzu class Battleship. Word came in late Fusion Battery that allowed the ship to store enough energy however losing an equal number of ships while destroying the
2781 that the Capellan Confederation was developing a new for an extra jump. The LF battery also proved the source of AFFS taskforce.
Battleship named the Dragon that used advanced Star League many technical problems. The FSS Excalibur was the final Ascalon class warship
technology. To meet these threats in an ever increasing built by the Federated Suns launched in late 2791. Already
dismayed at the war’s losses the ship became the focus of the
hostile environment Prince Davion authorized the creation of Deployment: nation. The Excalibur would finally lead the AFFS to victory
a new Battleship. The class was dubbed the Ascalon after St. The FSS Ascalon was launched just after Minoru Kurita’s
George’s legendary magical dragon slaying sword. over the Dragon and eventually usher in a new era of peace.
declaration of ruler ship over the Inner Sphere. It was
To blunt the Draconis drive towards the capital the vessel
deployed to the Capellan March were it was to spearhead the
007/167 TRO:2800/House Davion/FSNS Ascalon Class Battleship
Ascalon Class Battleship

was dispatched towards to New Avalon to take up station. Ascalon class Battleship Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
To the dismay of the Federated Suns populace the warship Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Tech: Inner Sphere Nose (Heat: 1,074)
disappeared in mid journey. Despite an extensive search Introduced: 2786 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
no trace of the ship was ever uncovered. Two years latter In Class: 3 3 AR10 (20KW, 20WS, 20B) * * * * Capital Missile
the AFFS officially declared that the Excalibur was lost in an Manufacturer: McKenna Shipyards (Kathil /Federated Suns) 8 Gauss Rifle (192 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120) - Autocannon
5 LRM 20 (90 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
apparent misjump due most likely to continuing problems from Mass: 1,280,000 tons 5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
the vessel’s LF Battery. Several expeditions have attempted to Length: 1,175 meters 8 Ultra AC/5 (320 Rounds) 6(56) 6(56) 6(56) - Autocannon
locate the vessel with no success. A small group mainly from Sail Diameter: 1,480 meters FL/FR (Heat: 2,958)
Fuel: 5000 tons (12,500) 1 NAC/40 (40 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
the New Avalon Catholic Church believes that the ship will Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 1 NAC/40 (40 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
return during the Federation’s time of greatest need. They Safe Thrust: 3 1 NAC/40 (40 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
wait the day when a Davion King Arthur will emerge to wield Maximum Thrust: 5 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
the Excalibur and establish a new Golden Age. Sail Integrity: 6 3 AR10 (20KW, 20WS, 20B) * * * * Capital Missile
KF Drive Integrity: 25 8 Gauss Rifle (192 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120) - Autocannon
Heat Sinks: 5,550 (11,100) 5 LRM 20 (90 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
Structural Integrity: 120 5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
Battle Value: 281,661 8 Ultra AC/5 (320 Rounds) 6(56) 6(56) 6(56) - Autocannon
LBS/RBS (Heat: 2,958)
Armor: (3072 tons, Lamellor Ferro-Carbide) 1 NAC/40 (40 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Fore: 524 1 NAC/40 (40 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Fore-Sides: 524 1 NAC/40 (40 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Aft-Sides: 524 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Aft: 524 3 AR10 (20KW, 20WS, 20B) * * * * Capital Missile
8 Gauss Rifle (192 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120) - Autocannon
Cargo 5 LRM 20 (90 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
Bay 1: Fighters (40) 8 Doors 5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
Small Craft (8) 8 Ultra AC/5 (320 Rounds) 6(56) 6(56) 6(56) - Autocannon
Bay 2: Marines (9 platoons) 2 Doors AL/AR (Heat: 2,958)
Bay 3: Cargo (45,874 tons) 5 Doors 1 NAC/40 (40 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
1 NAC/40 (40 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Dropship Capacity: 6 1 NAC/40 (40 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Grav Decks: 2 (90-meter diameter) 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Escape Pods: 60 3 AR10 (20KW, 20WS, 20B) * * * * Capital Missile
Lifeboats: 60 8 Gauss Rifle (192 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120) - Autocannon
Crew: 410 minimum (71 Officers, 339 Enlisted) 5 LRM 20 (90 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
Ammunition: 8 Ultra AC/5 (320 Rounds) 6(56) 6(56) 6(56) - Autocannon
720 rounds of Naval Autocannon/40 ammunition Aft (Heat: 1,074)
160 Killer Whale Missiles 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
160 White Shark Missiles 3 AR10 (20KW, 20WS, 20B) * * * * Capital Missile
160 Barracuda Missiles 8 Gauss Rifle (192 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120) - Autocannon
1536 rounds of Gauss Cannon ammunition 5 LRM 20 (90 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
720 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition 5 ER Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Laser
320 rounds of Ultra Autocannon ammunition 8 Ultra AC/5 (320 Rounds) 6(56) 6(56) 6(56) - Autocannon
008/168 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Introduction
Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

Free Worlds League Naval (FWLN)

As the oldest fleet in continuous service the Free Worlds League Navy carries a proud tradition. This storied heritage is extremely diverse thanks to its pluralistic organization
which has remained largely unchanged. Shortly after the League’s formation in 2271, Parliament allotted significant resources to the creation and development of such a force in
order to safeguard commerce. Maintaining unfettered interstellar trade was of paramount concern to the rulers of the Free Worlds League as it continues to be today. The League also
became the first stellar nation to authorize privateers who would prey on neighboring worlds over the next two decades. Granting Letters of Marque allowed the Free Worlds to grow
incorporating states who were not willing to join initially. In 2293 the Navy would prove to be instrumental in the so-called Stewart War. The League found its expansion blocked by
the tyrannical David Genovese of the Stewart Confederation. Parliament decided to overthrow this despot and appointed Juliano Marik the first Captain-General to do just that. Marik
quickly led a naval taskforce into the Stewart system and removed the dictator in short order. The success of this early campaign, carried out in large part by the Free Worlds League
Navy, would ultimately vault the Marik dynasty to military stewardship of the realm.
This would be cemented by the actions of the second Captain-General, Danak Selaj, whose performance during the Capellan-Supremacy War as war leader paled in comparison
to that of Juliano Marik. The military acumen of the Marik clan which apparently dwarfed any other in the League eventually led Parliament to grant them the right of first refusal over
the post of Captain-General. Over the next one hundred years the League and its Navy would become embroiled in various intrigues and conflicts with the Capellan states always with
an eye on expanding its commercial zone. It was during this time that the first modern warships appeared from the shipyards of the Free Worlds League. However, the old customs
that governed the unique make up of the Navy were reinforced. A majority of these true warships including the largest went into the Federal Fleet while the Provinces were allowed
to retain their own Fleets composed of destroyer sized ships. While tensions grew along the Lyran border near constant involvement with the Capellans eventually led to the First
Andurien War in 2398 heralding the Age of War.
For a century and a half the Free Worlds League Navy would fight a series of wars against all its Inner Sphere neighbors demonstrating its fighting prowess. Perhaps the most
stunning was the successful naval assault on Sian in 2404 which forced an end to the First Andurien War. In 2416 tensions over the world of Dieudonne led to a two year war with the
Lyran Commonwealth that was only the beginning of several conflicts with that great power. While the development of the BattleMech generally led to a diminished role for the Navies
of the Inner Sphere this was somewhat less true within the Free Worlds League. House Marik did direct increased resources to the development of its own ‘Mech force but the fleet
always retained its importance thanks to the mercantile concerns of the nation. Unfortunately the paranoid delusions of Captain-General Carlos Marik led to the greatest debacle of
the Navy during a strike into Terran space. Detected while assembling at Oriente in 2475, the Free Worlds League Navy was dealt a devastating blow by the Hegemony Navy led by
Director Theodore Cameron. The loss of twenty warships halted the ill-conceived offensive and toppled the government of Carlos Marik.
As the Age of War wound to a conclusion it was Terran Hegemony that came to assume the role of interstellar mediator. By the end of the Third Andurien War the stage had
been set for a new concept of cooperation between the Free Worlds League, the Capellan Confederation, and the Terran Hegemony. While many credit Director Ian Cameron with
the creation of the Star League it was perhaps the efforts of Captain-General Albert Marik, whose subtle use of commercial assets again protected by the Navy, that helped establish
this new order throughout the Inner Sphere. The refusal of the self reliant and far flung worlds of the Periphery to join this new League of mutual prosperity meant the fleet would
soon see action again. As the Reunification War began Captain-General Marion Marik lead the conquest of the Magistracy of Canopus triggering a number of naval clashes. While the
Magistracy was able to ambush League forces at Vakarel and disrupt their logistics at Meadowvale they could not stand up to the might of the Inner Sphere. In 2583 the Canopian
Navy was trapped and destroyed in the Thurrock system effectively ending Marik naval participation in the war.
The Golden Age that followed the end of the Reunification War saw the Free Worlds League develop new commercial innovations that would make deep space travel cheap and
safe. This included hull sealant technologies and personal escape units which helped carried on cutting edge aerospace tradition of House Marik. Earlier in the twenty fifth century
League innovators had developed the Conde-Process which lengthened the lifespan of KF drive cores and the Brandt Recoil which helped vessels avoid dreaded miss-jumps. Despite
the creativity and wealth generated during the Star League era all was not peaceful as the Free Worlds was rocked by several violent upheavals including the Scourge of Death. These
native terrorists financed by the Selaj clan nearly succeeded in wiping out House Marik but instead resulted in their own expulsion from the Free Worlds League. While a full scale civil
war was averted for the time being the Provincial Fleets of the Free Worlds League Navy were bolstered by new Federal assets that would now oversee joint operations. This new
policy might have had the unfortunate side affect of intensifying the Marik Civil War which saw the fleet divided between those who supported rival Marik factions.
008/169 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Introduction
Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

The Third Hidden War of the Star League which lasted from 2740 to 2750 was the beginning of the end of that great alliance. Neighboring House Lords including Marik raided each
other with growing impunity despite their League membership. The Free Worlds League Navy already honed by the ample combat experiences of their own internal struggles would
see action in support of covert strikes against House Steiner and House Liao. While this activity tailed off in the run up to the Periphery Uprising and the Amaris Coup the Navy kept
its fighting edge. Actions by General Kerensky of the SLDF almost started another war when his forces seized assets over Oriente. Ultimately Captain-General Kenyon Marik chose to
disband his fleet rather than fight the Star League but many fail to realize how close the two navies came to clashing. The Free Worlds League Navy was ideally placed following the
liberation of Terra and the Exodus to fight the Succession War.
In spite of its apparent readiness the League Navy was caught unaware on the border world of Bolan near Lyran space. The FWLS Merak’s Honor, a Stewart class Destroyer,
became the first combatant of the Succession War when a Steiner assault group jumped into system intent on seizing it for the Commonwealth. Despite a valiant effort to fight off the
invaders the Marik Destroyer was itself destroyed by a much larger Lyran naval escort. Captain-General Kenyon Marik chose to attack the fledgling Terran Republic rather than take
revenge on the Lyrans in the Free Worlds League opening offensive of the war. Operation Avalanche aimed to bury the still recovering Terran state under the weight of the Free Worlds
League Military. The campaign which was buttressed by two Marik Fleets came up short of its ultimate goal, the seizure of Terra, but managed to add more than two dozen systems to
the Free Worlds League. As the attack on the Republic was entering its final phases the League Navy struck with a vengeance all along the Commonwealth border destroying shipyards
and numerous other facilities established during the Star League. The Fleet spurred on by the loss of Bolan successfully executed these lightning raids which were intended to cripple
Lyran industry and bring hostilities to a close.
While operations along the Commonwealth front were widely heralded the Free Worlds League Navy suffered some of its worst reversals on the Terran front. The Fleet was sent
reeling by a Terran ambush in the Castor system which had only to recently fallen into Marik hands with its shipyards intact. Intent on repair and resupply efforts, the League warships
set to anchor never once imagining that the Republic had armed Bug Eye warships hiding in close proximity to the yards waiting for such an opportunity. Striking with nuclear weapons
they annihilated a number of Marik warships and the shipyards before they themselves were destroyed. While the Terrans lost many of their high tech stealth vessels they inflicted
heavy damage on the League fleet and denied them an important staging area. This was followed by the titanic battle of Procyon were a number of previously unknown warships
appeared further reducing Marik superiority and touching off one of the great naval battles of the Succession War. The epic battle raged both in space as well as on planet were Marik
troops led by the Captain-General squared off against Terran forces led by General Ian Sinclair. Their duel on the plains of Valoria would decide the conflict before a clear victor could
be determined in space.
Following the decisive battle of Procyon on the Terran front the League shifted its focus to the Capellan Confederation responding to a series of Liao assaults against the Duchy of
Andurien. Operation Trailblazer would “clear a route ten parsecs wide to Sarna” and it started on the planets of Corey and Wazan which fell quickly. As this drive continued the Navy
under the direction of Thaddeus Marik held back Steiner offensives with raids against key worlds like New Kyoto and Skye. Several firebombing campaigns were carried out by Marik
aerospace forces in 2789 against the Terran Republic which attempted to halt further counterattacks against League holdings in the Republic. These horrific attacks were themselves
ended as a horde of less than glorious information streamed in from that front. Reprisals by the Lyran, Terran, and Capellan raiders all took a massive toll on the Free Worlds League
interior. The largest of these was the massive Capellan Strikeforce Devlin which struck at New Delos with brutal savagery. The Fleet would catch up with the Capellans in the Calloway
system sparking another one of the war’s largest naval engagements. While the Free Worlds League Navy emerged victorious it took massive casualties especially among its aerospace
fighter ranks thanks to Capellan Defender class Cruisers. Constant fighting has continued along all three fronts ever since and has taken a tremendous toll on the nation and its fleet.
Perhaps most devastating the League’s trade routes which were jealously guarded by the Navy have been reduced to a mere fraction of their pre-war status. This alone has led to
increasing war weariness that pervades the entire League.
008/170 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Introduction
Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

Free Worlds League NAvy (FWLN)

The hulls of Free Worlds League ships are encircled by bands of Marik purple but are relatively unadorned otherwise. Vessels also feature the Marik eagle, the ship’s name
and hull number on the exterior.


Since its beginnings the primary duty of the Navy has been to insure the safe conduct of trade within the Free Worlds League. In this escort role the ships of the Marik fleet have
preformed admirably guaranteeing the free flow of commercial traffic throughout the realm. Perhaps it was these responsibilities that led the Free Worlds League Navy to embrace the
carrier concept more so than any other nation. It could also be that the individualistic nature of the Provinces and Peoples of the Free Worlds also contributed to this unique fleet model.
While traditional “big gun” officers who favor massed warship action remain they have been replaced over the years by the carrier base philosophy which grew in favor especially
during the Star League era. Today the focus on deploying massive swarms of aerospace fighters for most naval operations is steadily increasing given the disappearance of dropships
and warships. These large craft frequently supported such massed fighter attacks at the start of the war but their diminished numbers are making such joint actions rarer.

PRE-WAR DEPLOYMENT (as of 2785) Supplemental /Reserve Fleet (183 warships) 6 Aegis class Heavy Cruisers
2 Stewart class Destroyers 2 Hegemony class Battlecruisers
Main Line Vessels (404 warships) 50 Fulbaum class Destroyers 1 Black Lion class Battlecruiser
80 Libertad class Corvettes 14 Alexander class Destroyers
100 Themistocles class Destroyer/Carriers 65 Vester class Destroyers Auxiliaries (125 warships)
94 Dido class Frigates 32 Sian class Battlecruisers 25 Catalyst class Tankers
44 Aeneas class Cruisers 20 Nemesis class Carriers 20 Vulcan class Tenders
32 Varyag class Battlecruiser/Carriers 80 Aristotle class Transports
54 Atreus class Battleships Hegemony Additionals (45 warships)
24 Guardian class Corvettes [modified Vigilant]
12 Baron class Destroyers

The League began the war with a total of seven hundred and fifty seven warships which made it the second largest Navy in the Inner Sphere. These vessels were grouped into
eight separate fleets each commanded by an Admiral. Two fleets were assigned to each of the four military districts of the Free Worlds League; Marik, Oriente, Kanata, and Tamarind.
One of these was a federal formation composed entirely of personnel and equipment drawn from all over the League. The other, known as a provincial formation that consists of ships
with regional allegiances as well as a federal contingent that coordinates fleet wide operations. The big four provinces of the League factor heavily in each of these fleets were they
hold an overwhelming presence. For example the Kanata Provincial Fleet is composed of mainly Andurien vessels while the Tamarind Provincial Fleet is made up of Regulan warships.
There are of course lesser Provinces with warships but their presence is tiny in comparison.
Two formidable Integrated Carrier Battlegroups or ICBs lie at the core of every Free Worlds League fleet. These formations ar centered around a pair of Varyag class Battlecruiser/
Carriers which deploy a total of four aerospace fighter regiments. Supported by two squadrons of lesser warships these groups have demonstrated that they are more than a match
for traditional naval formations. While other Marik formations that compose the rest of the fleet tend to be more traditional then the ICB they do carry more fighters then their Inner
Sphere counterparts. The adaptability and sheer presence of such an aerospace force make it difficult for any opposing warships stave off such a swarming attacks.
008/171 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Introduction
Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

FRee Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

Today only one hundred and fourteen warships remain in service with the Free Worlds League Navy.
Fighting a three front war with the Lyran Commonwealth, Capellan Confederation, and Terran Republic has
CURRENT DEPLOYMENT (as of 2800) reduced the Marik fleet from the second largest to the second smallest in the Inner Sphere. The League
has been forced to reorganize its original eight fleets into four Provisional fleets combining the Federal and
Combat Vessels (96 warships) Provincial Fleets in each military district into one. While their name denotes temporary status many Provincial
9 Guardian class Corvettes crewmen have openly balked decrying this loss of independence. While Federal crewmen now help staff every
12 Libertad class Corvettes [6 Block IIs, 6 Block IIIs] ship in the fleet the League authorities continue to stress this will last only until the crisis has been resolved.
2 Baron class Destroyers The Integrated Carrier Battlegroups have also been negatively effected by the tremendous destruction of the
8 Fulbaum class Destroyers Succession War. With the number of Varyag class warships now limited the League has been forced to rely on
10 Vester class Destroyers other carriers like the Nemesis and Themistocles to equip these core formations. The results of these ad-hoc
12 Themistocles class Destroyer/Carriers ICBs, along with a chronic lack of proper aerospace assets have continued to plague their operations.
1 Stewart class Destroyer
2 Alexander class Destroyers
1 Aegis class Heavy Cruiser
The warships of the Free Worlds League Navy exemplify the carrier based naval doctrine by
14 Dido class Frigates
transporting a great number aerospace fighters and dropships. This trend took years to develop and may
5 Sian class Battlecruisers
have been cemented during the Star League era. Prior to the Reunification War many Free Worlds League
4 Varyag class Battlecruiser/Carriers
Destroyers and Corvettes were regional vessels built and crewed by the Provinces while larger vessels
6 Aeneas class Cruisers
were almost exclusively Federal or national ships. During the Golden Age of Mankind these numerous small
2 Nemesis class Carriers
Provincial warships were replaced by fewer National designs like the Themistocles easing maintenance needs
8 Atreus class Battleships
and lowering costs. While the Provinces still commanded some of these smaller warships they retained their
true individuality by expanding their aerospace forces and saved a lot of money in the process. Other than its
Auxiliaries (18 warships)
massive fighter holds the weight, speed, armor, and arsenal of the ships of the League Navy is remarkable
3 Catalyst class Tankers
average in its make up. These vessels are quite diverse in their capabilities depending on their desired combat
3 Vulcan class Tenders
12 Aristotle class Transports

The Free Worlds League has always been an innovator and leader in Aerospace technology, competing
successfully with the Terran Hegemony for supremacy in the field. While the Hegemony and the Lyran
Commonwealth easily out manufactured the Free Worlds League, the shipyards of the League turned out
some of the most advanced and reliable jumpships and dropships. Even so the Free Worlds League was
heavily dependent on imported jumpships and dropships to meet the needs of its military and civilian fleets.
The current war raging across the Inner Sphere has brought a halt to interstellar trade and the Free Worlds
League Navy has managed to damage or destroy many of the shipyards which had once supplied equipment
to the League. Coupled with the loss of so many of their own shipyards, the League has been unable to
replace the losses it has suffered.
008/172 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Introduction
Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

Free Worlds League NAvy (FWLN)

Andurien - Free Worlds Defense Industries -Andurien Aerotech
Products (2785): Fury, Intruder, Condor and Mammoth Dropships
Products (2800): Intruder and Condor Dropships
The planet Andurien has always been a source of contention between the Free Worlds League and the Capellan Confederation. This strain caused great problems for many of the companies located on
the world. Andurien Aerotech, a division of Free Worlds Defense Industries found itself in a particularly difficult situation. The company was a Free World’s corporation and produced a variety of valuable
military equipment. As a Free Worlds corporation, they refused to supply equipment to the Capellans during the Star League era, even through Andurien was part of the Confederation. Following the fall of
the Star League, the Capellan’s forcibly took control of the company. This only lasted a few years until the League recaptured the world. Unfortunately the Andurien Aerotech facility was badly damaged and
have not been able to resume full production.

Angell II - United Shipwrights

Products (2785): Fury, Union, Danais, Monarch, Intruder, Overlord, Mule and Triumph dropships Explorer, Merchant, Starlord and Tramp Jumpships Nemesis Class Carrier, Vester Class Destroyer,
Themistocles Destroyer, Aristotle CCT
Products (2800): Fury, Union and Triumph Dropships, Merchant and Tramp Jumpships and Aristotle CCT
United Shipwrights was the second largest shipyard in the Free Worlds League, and considered by many to be one of the finest anywhere. The company produced a wide range of products from small
jumpships to large warships for both the federal forces of the FWL and the provincial forces of the Marik Commonwealth. The presence of these shipyards resulted in a number of other aerospace
corporations, such as Jamgo Industries- manufacturers of hull sealants, to open facilities in the system. As a result the company was a key target for the Lyran Commonwealth. Despite several raids, the
company has managed to keep several dropship and jumpship production lines operational and has recently even managed to resume production of the Aristotle CCT. Plans to resume the production of the
Vester and Themistocles class destroyers have failed due to the inability of the League to build the capitol naval weapons needed to outfit the ships.

Atreus - Deller, Bingham & Fouts

Products (2785): Fury, Gazelle, Condor, Triumph, Monarch, Mule, Mammoth and Behemoth
Products (2800): Fury, Mule, Mammoth and Behemoth Dropships
The Deller Bingham & Fouts operations on Atreus consists of two separate facilities. The first is the original DS&F yard which built military dropships for the FWL and the Star League and a separate
commercial dropship facility. The commercial dropship yard was a former Krester’s Ship Constructors plant which was purchased during the coup. In 2798 the Capellan’s launched a deep raid against Atreus.
The League defenders managed to hold off most of Capellan force, but a small detachment did manage to sneak through and badly damaged the DB&F military dropship facility. The company has recently
managed to restore a production line for the Fury class Dropship.

Calloway VI - New Earth Trading Corporation

Products (2785): Bucaneer, Danais and Mule Dropships, Merchant and Invader Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Calloway VI was a major trading center for the the Free Worlds League. It is no surprise that NETC chose to establish a shipyard in the system. The shipyard was destroyed during Barbara Liao’s strike
against the system in 2790.

Clipperton - Irian Technologies

Products (2785): Leopard, Union, Leopard CV, Overlord and Mule Dropships Explorer, Scout and Merchant Jumpships
Products (2800): Leopard, Union, Leopard CV, Overlord and Mule Dropships Explorer, Scout and Merchant Jumpships
Irian Technologies is a major industrial power in the Free Worlds League. The company was diversified into a variety of fields, from Battlemech production to electronics and metal refining. However Irian
had never entered the Aerospace field, preferring to leave that business to other companies in the League. That changed in the 2680s following the Scourge. In response to Selaj’s involvement with the
Scourge, Mazagon Unlimited, a Regulan based company with close ties to the Selaj family, was broken up. Mazagon’s Clipperton facility was offered to Irian Technologies in recognition of their loyal support
of the Marik family. Located deep in the Free Worlds League, the Clipperton shipyard has managed to avoid any major raids or attacks. The Capellan Confederation launched one small raid against the facility
but it was easily defeated.
008/173 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Introduction
Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

Dalton - Nimakachi Fusion Products
Products (2785): Model 96 Elephant and Condor Dropships
Products (2800): Condor Dropship
Nimakachi Fusion Products was a major supplier of dropships to the SLDF. The company was responsible for the design of the Condor and Model 96 Elephant, and concentrated all of their efforts on the
construction of these two designs. Following the fall of the Star League, the company continued producing these designs for the Free Worlds League. The Dalton shipyard was targeted by a Capellan raid
in 2796. This raid destroyed the ability to produce the Model 96 Elephant but Condor line only suffered minor damage.

Gibson - Federal Weaponry Limited

Products (2785): Fury, Condor, Triumph, Overlord, Buccaneer and Monarch Dropships
Products (2800): Fury, Overlord, Buccaneer and Monarch Dropships
The Federal Weaponry Limited shipyard on Gibson was originally a Brigadier Corporation facility. The yard was nationalized following the fall of the Star League and turned over to this new corporation. This
yard was originally a repair facility established by Brigadier to handle warranty repair and maintenance on dropships that they sold to Free Worlds League. In the late 2690s, the company, looking to expand
it’s market share in FWL converted the Gibson plant into a full manufacturing center. The nature of this conversion has made defense of the complex very difficult. This was clearly demonstrated in 2790,
when an unknown pirate force manage to raid the facility, inflicting heavy damage to several of the production lines.

Harmony - Mazagon Unlimited

Products (2785): Bucaneer, Princess and Mule Dropships, Explorer and Merchant Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Mazagon Unlimited’s Harmony shipyard is the last facility belonging to this once great company. Originally the major shipbuilder of the Principality of Regulus, the company was sundered following the
Scourge and the fall of House Selaj. Not only was the company forcibly divested of many of it’s shipyards, the remaining yard at Harmony was forbidden from producing any military vessels. The company
continued to barely survive producing vessels for the commercial market. The Harmony yard was destroyed by a Capellan raid in 2788. The facility was undefended at the time and many in the League
believe that the Captain-General intentionally left the complex open to attack.

Irian - Irian Technologies

Products (2785): Leopard, Union, Overlord, Triumph and Fortress Dropships Invader and Star Lord Jumpships
Products (2800): Leopard, Union, Overlord, Triumph and Fortress Dropships
Irian Technologies is a relative newcomer to the Aerospace industry. The company acquired it’s first shipyard in the 2680s when it was awarded the former Mazagon shipyard at Clipperton. After seeing profits
soar from the Clipperton yard, the company decided to open a second shipyard at their homeworld of Irian. The company built two yards, an orbital dropship factory and jumpship yard at the systems Zenith
point. The Lyran Commonwealth raided the system in 2797. The Lyran raiders managed to destroy the jumpship yard but were driven off before they could damage the orbiting dropship facility.

Kanata - Free Worlds Defense Industries

Products (2785): None - Maintenance only
Products (2800): None- Maintenance Only
Kanata is a small facility that serves mainly as a transfer point for cargo between the Capellan Confederation and the Free Worlds League. Originally established by FWDI following the
formation of the Star League and the Capellan Confederation’s acquisition of Andurien, the complex helped facilitate the movement of materials between the company’s Capellan and
League plants. Over time it was natural that the Kanata operation would expand into jumpship and dropship repair and maintenance. Since the fall of the Star League, there has been
no trade between the League and the Capellans but the yard has continued as a major repair center. So far it has managed to avoid any major attacks.
008/174 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Introduction
Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

Loyalty - Kallon Industries
Products (2785): Dione, Vengeance and Avenger Dropships
Products (2800): Dione and Vengeance Dropships
The Kallon Industries dropship yard was originally established shortly after the founding of the Star League. Sensing that there would be a war with the Periphery nations, Kallon opened a new factory to produce assault
ships and carriers for the SLDF. The Loyalty yard has continued to specialize in this area ever since. In the 2700s the company added the Dione dropship to line, unlike the company’s other products, the Dione was sold
only to the Free Worlds League and not the SLDF. With the fall of the Star League Kallon began supplying all of it’s dropships to the FWLM. Because of the nature of it’s products, the company was a prime target for the
Lyran Commonwealth. The Lyran’s sent a raiding party to system in 2788. The raiders were destroyed but managed to destroy the Avenger assembly area.

Loyalty – Sela-Sys
Products (2785): Star Lord, Tramp and Monolith Jumpships Vester Class Destroyer
Products (2800): Star Lord, Tramp and Monolith Jumpships
Sela-Sys opened its Loyalty shipyard in the early 2500s. Originally founded in the Stewart Confederation, Sela-Sys provided dropships and jumpships to the smaller duchies and independent worlds of the Free Worlds
League. The Duchy of Graham-Marik was a major client of Sela-Sys, purchasing numerous jumpships from the firm. The Graham-Mariks, seeking to reduce the cost of their jumpships, offered Sela-Sys very favorable
terms to open a yard at Loyalty. The yard was expanded to build compact core ships in the early 2600s. Even so it was something of a surprise when the company was award a contract for the Vester class Destroyer. In
2788 the system was targeted by a Lyran raiding force. The Lyrans managed to destroy the orbital warship yard but were destroyed before they could target the Jumpship yard at the system’s nadir point.

MacKenzie - Federal Weaponry Limited

Products (2785): Union, Overlord, Danais, Mule and Behemoth Dropships Olympus Recharge Stations
Products (2800): Union, Overlord, Danais, Mule and Behemoth Dropships Olympus Recharge Stations
The Mackenzie Shipyards have changed owners many times. The yard was originally established by Mazagon Unlimited in the early 2400s. The company retained control of the complex until 2681. Following the Scourge
Mazagon was broken up due to its ties to the Selaj Family. The Mackenzie Shipyard was sold to the Brigadier Corporation which was seeking to establish a presence in the League. Brigadier retained control of the yard
until the fall of the Star League when it was nationalized and turned over to Federal Weaponry Limited. Since that time the company has been building dropships and space stations for the League military and mercantile
interests. Located deep behind the front line, the company has so far managed to avoid being attacked.

Marik - United Shipwrights

Products (2785): Bucaneer, Mule and Monarch Dropships, Merchant Jumpships
Products (2800): None
While United Shipwright’s AngelI II yards were the company’s largest manufacturing center, the company headquarters was based on Marik. The small shipyard at Marik focuses on the production of dropships and
jumpships for the civilian market. These yards were destroyed by a Terran taskforce in 2789.

New Olympia - United Shipwrights

Products (2785): Maintenance Only
Products (2800): Maintenance Only
United Shipwrights maintain a small orbital repair facility in the New Olympia system. The yard is located along side the League Aerospace Academy and helps support the training vessels assigned to the academy and
train maintenance personnel for the Free Worlds League Navy.

Oceana - United Shipwrights - Oceana Drydocks

Products (2785): Dropship Repair
Products (2800): Dropship Repair
Oceana is the home of the largest dropship repair yard in the Free Worlds League. Ideally located to support operations against the Capellan Confederation, Lyran Commonwealth and Terran Republic, the loss of this
facility would be a major blow to League naval operations. For that reason it is heavily defended. The Oceana Drydocks continue to operate despite several raids against the complex, all of which have been driven off
before they can inflict heavy damage.
008/175 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Introduction
Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN)

Oriente – Sela-sys
Products (2785): Merchant, Star Lord, Tramp and Monolith
Products (2800): None
Sela-Sys’ Oriente jumpship yard is a former Krester’s Ship Constructors facility that was purchased during the coup. Sela-Sys was looking to expand its operations in the Spinward region of the Free Worlds League when
Krester’s approach them about their Oriente complex. Krester’s was looking to raise funds so that they could survive the upheaval of the coup and the loss of so many of their Terran Hegemony shipyards. Sela-Sys quickly
agreed to the deal and took over the shipyard. Plans to expand the yard were never completed as the company lacked the funds necessary. These plans became irrelevant after 2787 when the shipyard was destroyed
in a nuclear strike by the Capellan Confederation.

Oriente - Conaves Industries

Products (2785): Leopard, Fury, Condor, Union, Danais, Mule, Mammoth and Princess Dropships Invader, Star Lord and Leviathan Jumpships Nemesis Class Carrier, Vester Class Destroyer, Aristotle CCT
Products (2800): None
Conaves Industries is an older company with long ties to the Federation of Oriente and its former rulers, the Allison family. By every measure the Oriente yard was the largest and finest shipbuilder in the Free Worlds
League. The company manufactured a variety of dropships, jumpships and warships for the Free Worlds League military and civilian markets. It is no surprise that the yard was a key target in the opening waves of the
Succession War. Repeated raids by the Capellan Confederation have wiped out Conaves Industries.

Savannah - Ceres Metals

Products (2785): Mule, Mammoth and Behemoth Dropships
Products (2800): None
Savannah was home to a small dropship yard operated by Ceres Metals. The company manufactured a variety of cargo haulers for the civilian market. With Ceres Metals presence in both the Terran Republic and
the Capellan Confederation it look as if the shipyard would be spared from destruction. However the Lyran Commonwealth launched a raid against the complex in 2797 which resulted in the total destruction of the

Stewart – Sela-Sys
Products (2785): Union, Overlord, Triumph, Danais, Mule and Monarch Dropships, Merchant, Invader and Tramp Jumpships Themistocles Class Destroyer, Aristotle CCT
Products (2800): Union, Overlord, Triumph, Danais, Mule and Monarch Dropships
Sela-Sys is an older company that predates the formation of the Star League. Originally founded in the Stewart Confederation as Stewart Engineering & League Aerospace Systems, the company was heavily supported by
the Stewart family, rulers of the Stewart Commonwealth. With the Free Worlds League politics and economy dominated by the Marik Commonwealth, Principality of Regulus and Federation of Oriente, the minor duchies
and independent worlds found themselves struggling to compete. The founding of Sela-Sys at Stewart would provide the Stewart Commonwealth with access to a shipyard that was not controlled by the major players in
the League. The company originally produced dropships and jumpships for the civilian market, but by the early 2500s, the company, now known as Sela-Sys, was manufacturing a number of military vessels. It was not
until the early 2600s that the company gained the ability to construct compact core KF drives and began manufacturing the Aristotle CCT. It was only natural that the company would then begin building the Themistocles
class destroyer for the navies of the Stewart Commonality and the Duchy of Graham-Marik. By the early 2700s, the company had grown in size and become the third largest shipyard in the FWL. After the FWL invaded
the Terran Republic, the TRAS launched a massive assault against the facility. The Sela-Sys zenith yard was destroyed in a massive nuclear fireball by the TRAS strike force. The Dropship yard, located on the planet, was
spared from any major damage as the Republic taskforce lacked the ground forces need to destroy the facility and refused to orbitally bombard it due to it’s proximity to civilian targets.

Tamarind - Technicron Manufacturing

Products (2785): Merchant, Invader and Leviathan Jumpships, Themistocles Class Destroyer, Aristotle CCT
Products (2800): Merchant, Invader and Leviathan Jumpships
Technicron Manufacturing is the smallest of the League’s major shipyards. Located on the independent world of Tamarind, the company has no ties to any of the major powers in the Free Worlds League. This has proven
problematic on occasion as the company has no major sponsor in the League government and has at times seen contracts go to its competitors through complicated political maneuvering. Even so the company has
managed to survive by supplying ships to the independent worlds and smaller provinces of the Free Worlds League. In fact all of the company’s Themistocles Destroyers have been sold to provincial forces. Tamarind was
targeted by the Lyran Commonwealth in 2790. Not expecting to meet heavy resistance, the Lyrans only sent two Mako Corvettes along with the raiding party. Unfortunately for the Lyrans, Tamarind had just launched a
new Themistocles destroyer. The destroyer managed to defeat the Lyran forces, but not before they could destroy the warship yard at the system’s Nadir point. The jumpship yards at the Zenith point were undamaged
and continue to produce jumpships for the League.
008/176 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Guardian Class Corvette
Guardian Class Corvette

action against the Canopians, but they proved very effective

Capabilities: in combat. The ships also saw action during the Free Worlds
The refit Vigilant was designed to provide the Atreus with League Civil War where six were destroyed in combat.
defense against enemy aerospace fighters. In order to reduce During the Succession War the remaining ships served with
the amount of time required for the refit, the design team did the League Navy along the Capellan border. The ships have
not modify the KF Core, engines or structural framework. proven effective against the massed Capellan fighter attacks,
The design team began by stripping off all of the weapons destroying a large number of fighters. For this reason the ships
carried by the Vigilant. These were replaced with weapons have come under heavy attack by the Capellan’s Chesterton
better suited for combat against fighters and dropships. The Destroyers, in an effort to protect the Capellan aerospace
main guns of the Guardian are ten Medium Naval PPCs. A fighter forces. Currently nine Guardian class Corvettes remain
pair of NPPCs replaced each of the original Luxor Destroyer in service with the Free Worlds League.
Naval Autocannons. These weapons proved to be very potent
against assault dropships and even small warships.
The remaining weaponry was designed for anti-fighter
work. The White Shark missile launchers were replaced with a
pair of Barracuda Missile Launchers. The smaller Barracudas,
with their advanced targeting systems, were far more effective
Overview: against fighters then the White Shark. The Guardian also
The Free Worlds League acquired thirty six Vigilant mounts twenty Large Lasers for use against aerospace fighters.
Corvettes from the Terran Hegemony as part of their To provide defense against the nuclear tipped missiles used by
agreement to join the Star League. These ships would serve the Periphery States the ship carries eighty small lasers which
with the League Navy during the Reunification War, where can be used to target and destroy incoming missiles.
several were lost in combat with the Canopian Navy. In 2582 Using the space freed up by removing the need for large
the FWL Navy began looking for a new escort for is Atreus ammunition bays, the designers were able to add a second
battleships. While the Atreus was a powerful ship, it was squadron of fighters providing additional fighter defense. The
vulnerable to fighter attacks and several were lost to massed armor protection of the ship was improved by using ninety
fighter attacks by the Canopians. The League Navy began a tons of Ferro Aluminum armor. This provided the ship with
program in 2581 to build a new light escort, but the ship was marginally better protection then the original model. The
not expected to be ready for almost decade. [Editor’s Note: biggest problem with the new ship is the heat management
The Free Worlds shipyards were overworked maintaining and system. The design team was unable to increase the heat
repairing the ships of the Free Worlds League and the Star dissipation capability of the ship. As a result the ship is unable
League fleets. As a result there were not enough resources to fire all the NPPCs at the same time, forcing the ship’s Captain
available to develop a completely new ship.] As an interim to carefully choose his targets.
measure the League began to refit the Vigilants to serve as
escorts for the Atreus. The first refitted ship renamed the
Guardian was launched in 2584 and all 30 surviving ships had
The Guardian did not enter service until the closing
been refit by 2602.
stages of the Reunification War. The ships only saw limited
008/177 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Guardian Class Corvette
Guardian Class Corvette

Guardian class Corvette Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 30)
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 Barracuda (60 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Introduced: 2584 10 Small Lasers 3(30) - - - Point Defense
In Class: 30 FL/FR (Heat: 624)
2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Manufacturer: Various (Free Worlds League) 4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
10 Small Lasers 3(30) - - - Point Defense
Mass: 140,000 tons LBS/RBS (Heat: 624)
Length: 266 meters 2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
Sail Diameter: 660 meters 10 Small Lasers 3(30) - - - Point Defense
Fuel: 1,000 tons (5,000) AL/AR (Heat: 60)
Tons/Burn Day: 19.75 2 Barracuda (60 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
10 Small Lasers 3(30) - - - Point Defense
Safe Thrust: 3 Aft (Heat: 312)
Maximum Thrust: 5 2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Sail Integrity: 3 4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
KF Drive Integrity: 5 10 Small Lasers 3(30) - - - Point Defense

Heat Sinks: 800

Structural Integrity: 33
Battle Value: 16,229 Ammunition:
360 Barracuda Missiles
Armor: (90 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum)
Fore: 19
Fore-Sides: 18
Aft-Sides: 18
Aft: 17

Bay 1: Fighters (12) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (16,981 tons) 1 Door
Bay 3: Marines (3 platoons)
Bay 4: Small Craft (4) 1 Door

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1 (30-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 20
Lifeboats: 20
Crew: 106 minimum (18 Officers, 88 Enlisted)
008/178 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Libertad Class Corvette
Libertad Class Corvette

into two dedicated sections, one housing a reinforced fighter-wing

and the other devoted to several shuttles; the latter were usually split
Capabilities: evenly between gunboats and utility shuttles, since the former had
Dubbed the ‘Libertad’ (Liberty) class, the new vessels were
proved a disappointment in wartime situations and the latter were
meant for relatively short deterrence patrols - often going less than
far more useful for the ‘workhorse’ duties which were the Libertads’
ten weeks between port-visits. One of the keys to their power was
peacetime role.
their capacious hangar-allowance for parasite craft such as fighters
A second SLEP upgrade was instituted at the personal direction
and shuttles. With ample room set aside for fuel, components, and
of Kenyon Marik shortly after the Amaris Coup, as the specter
the other supplies needed to keep these parasites operational, each
of widespread warfare once again loomed on the horizon. SAFE
Libertad could deploy a full wing of starfighters - even maintaining
operations within the Hegemony shortly before the Coup and turmoil
room for spare spaceframes to compensate for sometimes lackluster
within its borders thereafter brought the League’s shipyards a windfall
serviceability rates - and several small craft. A Libertad’s parasite
of formerly restricted technologies, a crucial redress of an imbalance
complement - and thus its operational role - could easily be tailored to
which had existed for most of a century. This refit was aimed squarely
a new mission, giving the type exceptional flexibility, allowing it to shift
at countering the danger of the Lyran Commonwealth’s Mako class
from front-line strike-carrier to Marine assault-transport to customs-
Corvettes - a class whose combination of speed and advanced point-
enforcement cutter within a few days. (In practice, the ‘optimal’ mix
defense weapons gave them the ability to bypass (or destroy) a
for a ‘strike wing’ was soon established as three starfighter squadrons,
Block II’s fighters and force a close action, where the Lyran vessel
six ‘spare’ spaceframes, four gunboat-shuttles for self-defense, and
held the advantage in raw firepower. Suppressing most of the parasite
two general-purpose small-craft for customs/boarding operations or
complement, the Libertad Block III used that room for advanced armor-
the usual utility work.)
protection, an overhauled power-management grid and a single (albeit
Overview: However, this same generous allowance of hangar-space required
devastating) massive naval autocannon mount in each broadside,
The peace treaty that ended the Third Andurien War was far from compromises elsewhere. While the Libertad class were stoutly built
offsetting many of the Lyran vessel’s advantages. Half of the class was
universally popular within the Free Worlds League. Many within the and well-armored for their size, their onboard armament fits were less
converted to the new standard in the time between the Coup and the
League resented the terms of the armistice, not least of them a number than impressive. However, given that the type was intended for patrol
start of the Succession War; operational doctrine was that a corvette
of Anduriens who believed that a seat on Ian Cameron’s nascent “Star work rather than standing in the line of battle, a mix of dual-mount
division (soon known as a ‘patrol pair’) would always consist of a Block
League Council” was a poor trade for Capellan annexation of their NPPC turrets and banks of White Shark missiles were considered more
II ‘baby carrier’ partnered with a Block III ‘bodyguard’.
home province. With that in mind, despite the ‘outbreak of peace’ than adequate against the JumpShips, DropShips and fighters they
offered by the Star League and its growing membership, Albert Marik were expected to deal with most frequently. [Editor’s Note: Details
took the precaution of ordering a new round of military modernization, of the Block I which was retired by the mid-twenty seventh century Deployment:
hedging against the chance that Terrence Liao (or any of the Free have been omitted from this report as they didn’t survive to see the The Libertads saw heavy action sooner than anticipated, for
Worlds League’s own myriad secessionist elements) be emboldened outbreak of the Succession War.] they would play a significant role in Marion Marik’s offensive into
by his ‘appeasement’. The ‘Block II’ rolling-refits were intended to redress some of the Magistracy of Canopus during the Reunification War. Indeed, the
Further ‘outbreaks of peace’ in the interim made this move seem the shortcomings of the original Libertads, as revealed by combat fighter-wings and missile-banks of Libertad corvettes did much to
increasingly foolish, but increasing Periphery intransigence in the face experience. A number of the vessels lost during the Reunification War break the screen of the Canopian fleet at Thurrock, clearing a path for
of the Star League’s rise meant that few protests were raised about had been caught ‘flat-footed’ by Canopian strikefighters, with their own the League’s heavier combatants.
the modernization. parasites elsewhere, and their lack of onboard point-defense weaponry Despite the type’s proven utility - both in its design role and
Part of this modernization policy was a contract for a new design had proven an acute weakness. Moreover, the long deployment-times elsewhere - and its remarkable ease of construction, procurement of
of patrol corvette, intended to police the new borders and remind of the Canopian campaign (long in excess of FWLN guidelines for the Libertad class was stopped in 2603. Only one hundred and twenty
the Capellans, the Periphery, and the various dissidents that military the class) had seen a disproportionate number of Libertad crewmen hulls had been commissioned, and thirteen of those were replacements
dominance in the Third Andurien War had firmly rested with the League succumb to low-gravity complaints, some of them permanently for vessels lost against the Canopians or in various skirmishes. Navy
- and had not wavered in the interim. Events subsequent to the Pollux debilitating, and their lack of grav-decks could no longer be tolerated. requests for renewed purchases were rejected in light of the League’s
Proclamation would prove this to be a wise policy, albeit in retrospect. A revision of the authorized strike-groups saw the hangar reallocated rising economic woes, and even when Parliament finally acknowledged
008/179 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Libertad Class Corvette
Libertad Class Corvette

the need for a modernization of the Libertad fleet, the introduction of a number of telling blows on the Lyran ship before being destroyed Armor: (227 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum)
the Star League dollar and the resultant ‘cash crunch’ meant that this with all hands by a full broadside of Intransigent’s remaining NPPC Fore: 36
took the form of an overhaul and life-extension program rather than mounts. Unable to pursue the Marik forces owing to engine damage Fore-Sides: 36
Aft-Sides: 36
new construction. (The fact that several Navy and independent studies sustained during the action, Intransigent instead recovered the few
Aft: 32
declared that new construction would actually have been significantly League survivors and withdrew for repairs.
cheaper was carefully ignored by the politicians, who ‘knew’ that Today of only a dozen Libertads organized into six ‘patrol pairs’ Cargo
renovating old ships was cheaper than making new ones.) remain in service with the Free Worlds League. Bay 1: Small Craft (12) 2 Doors
After the Reunification War, the Libertads went on to undergo Bay 2: Cargo (14,875 tons) / Marines (1 platoon) 6 Doors
a System Life Extension Program (SLEP) which enhanced their self- Libertad class Corvette Ammunition: [Block II]
defense and long-deployment capabilities and continued to serve in Dropship Capacity: 0 120 White Shark Missiles
Tech: Inner Sphere Grav Decks: 2 (78-meter diameter)
the usual ‘workhorse’ tasks of corvettes, mostly as patrol and border- Introduced: 2563 [Libertad I], 2595 [Block II], 2767 [Block III] Escape Pods: 40 Ammunition: [Block III]
enforcement work. Several were lost to border skirmishes, but it was In Class: 120 Lifeboats: 40
the Civil War which saw the worst of the losses; by the nature of 100 rounds of NAC/40
Manufacturer: Various (Free Worlds League) Crew: 121 minimum (21 Officers, 100 Enlisted) 120 White Shark Missiles
their work, Libertads were of only marginal use to either faction in the
battle-line, but several would participate in deep-strike commando raids Mass: 240,000 tons Weapons: [Block II] Capital Attack Values (Standard)
by both Loyalist and rebel forces, and when major fleet actions were Length: 347 meters Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Sail Diameter: 1,200 meters Nose (Heat: 270)
fought their role as screening elements meant losses of Libertads were Fuel: 3,000 tons (15,000) 2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
all but inevitable. Over the years, various accidents and skirmishes (not Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 FL/FR (Heat: 740)
to mention the Civil War) whittled down the numbers of the Libertad Safe Thrust: 4 2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
class, and only eighty remained in FWLM colors by the outbreak of the Maximum Thrust: 6 4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Succession War. Sail Integrity: 3 4 PPC 4(40) 4(40) - - PPC
One of the most notable vessels in this class was the FWLS KF Drive Integrity: 6 LBS/RBS (Heat: 620)
Matador commanded at the start of the conflict by Captain Carlos Heat Sinks: 1700 [Block II], 1400 (2800) [Block III] 2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Structural Integrity: 50 4 PPC 4(40) 4(40) - - PPC
Comacho. A native of Cerillos in the ‘Southwestern Worlds’, Comacho Battle Value: 38,469 [Block II], 60,182 [Block III] Aft (Heat: 370)
lead his Libertad Block III warship during the 2787 offensive against 2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Bolson and its shipyards. Having twice seen his vessel put in a repair- Block II 4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
slip by Lyran Makos, he took a particular satisfaction in the crippling of Armor: (223 tons, Standard) 4 PPC 4(40) 4(40) - - PPC
the yards which had produced those vessels. Fore: 28
Weapons: [Block III] Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Later in that action, a Lyran battlegroup centered on the Tharkad- Fore-Sides: 28
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
class battlecruiser LCS Intransigent jumped into the system and Aft-Sides: 28
Nose (Heat: 300)
Aft: 24
attempted to intercept the League main body as it withdrew. Matador 2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
was part of the only screening squadron (centered on the destroyer Cargo
2 White Shark (20 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
Majestic) which was in a position to intercept the Lyran ‘heavies’ short FL/FR (Heat: 710)
Bay 1: Fighters (30) 6 Doors
of the main fleet of vulnerable assault-transports, and like the rest 2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Bay 2: Small Craft (8) 2 Doors
3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
of Task Force Majestic Captain Comacho did not hesitate to obey Bay 3: Cargo (16,159 tons) / Marines (1 platoon) 6 Doors
4 PPC 4(40) 4(40) - - PPC
Commodore Keegan’s order to attack at once. Choosing Intransigent
LBS/RBS (Heat: 890)
as his target, Comacho boldly closed to the effective range of his Dropship Capacity: 0
2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Grav Decks: 2 (78-meter diameter)
own heavy weapons and proceeded to trade broadsides with the Escape Pods: 40
1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
battlecruiser for more than an hour, buying crucial time for the main Lifeboats: 40
4 PPC 4(40) 4(40) - - PPC
body to withdraw. Despite suffering several brutal direct hits from the Aft (Heat: 370)
Crew: 121 minimum (21 Officers, 100 Enlisted)
Lyrans’ main batteries, and witnessing the loss of all her companion 2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
vessels (including Majestic), Matador continued to fight and landed Block III
4 PPC 4(40) 4(40) - - PPC
008/180 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Fulbaum Class Destroyer
Fulbaum Class Destroyer

the consequence of the League’s growing carrier philosophy in the destruction of the renegade Battlecruiser Stewart and
which required several different escorts.] The Fulbaum was the capture of the Amity. Early in the 28th Century she would
one of these classes, designed and operated by the Marik once again be called upon to face her bretheren in the first
Commonwealth in the years before the founding of the Star Marik Civil War, earning battle honors at Atreus and Ariel.
League. Though not the most numerous destroyer class in The O’Reilly is best perhaps best remembered for her last
service, given the Commonwealth’s ties to the Captain-General, stand during the opening phases of the Succession War. Cut
it was one of the most widely deployed during its term of off from the rest of her fleet, the O’Reilly was forced into a
service, one of the few classes to see service throughout the hit and run battle against three Capellan destroyers. Though
Free Worlds League. she was outclassed in every conceivable way, the plucky little
destroyer still managed to hold out, and even delay the Liao
Capabilities: warships for several hours. Though the O’Reilly was eventually
The Fulbaum was a fairly typical destroyer for her day, destroyed, the Capellans paid a high price for their victory,
though, like much of the Free Worlds League destroyer fleet, including the loss of a Chesterton class Destroyer to an
she was a fairly small vessel, massing less than half a megaton. asteroid collision and severe damage to a second ship caught
Twenty seven light naval autocannons provide the offensive unaware by the O’Reilly.
firepower, while twenty four conventional autocannons and a Fifty of these Destroyers began the Succession War in the
squadron of aerofighters handle anti-fighter defense. Though Marik fleet along with the FWLS O’Reilly. Today only eight of
Overview: this entirely ammunition based armament on the surface limited these vessels survive.
Unlike the majority of the Free Worlds Navy’s larger capital the ship’s endurance, the Fulbaum’s not inconsiderable cargo
ships, provincial politics played a heavy hand in destroyer capacity allowed the ship to carry all the extra ammunition it
design and deployment. In theory under the authority of might need for extended operations.
a unified fleet command, in many respects the League’s
destroyer fleets served essentially as provincial navies: built,
staffed, and operated according to the needs or political
Unlike many of the Free Worlds League’s destroyer
will of their home province. Among other things, this meant
classes, the Fulbaum was fairly evenly deployed throughout
that the Free Worlds League operated a veritable swarm of
the League, primarily operating as a picket ship for the League
sometimes radically different destroyer classes, ranging from
battlefleet. Seventy two of this reliable, if ordinary warships,
heavily armed but notoriously short ranged Regulan vessels
would serve the Free Worlds Navy right up to the Succession
to the tiny “destroyer-escorts” of Gibson to the sophisticated
War despite the introduction in the updated Vester class
heavyweight destroyers (sometimes classified as light frigates)
Destroyer in the 28th century which was originally intended
operated by Oriente. [Editor’s Note: These various warships
to replace them.
were replaced by the ubiquitous Themistocles during the Star
One of the most notable vessels of this class is the FWLS
League era reducing cost and easing maintenance throughout
O’Reilly which was launched in 2537. Despite constant minor
the fleet. However even after this consolidation House Marik
mechanical problems, including a defective grav deck, this
still maintained the greatest number of destroyer classes under
warship served with distinction during the Reunification War
its flag right up until the Succession War began. Some debate
against the ships of the Canopian navy. Roughly a hundred
whether this policy was a holdover of provincial politics or
years later, she participated in the battle at Hellos Minor, aiding
008/181 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Fulbaum Class Destroyer
Fulbaum Class Destroyer

Fulbaum class Destroyer Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 183)
Tech: Inner Sphere 6 NAC/10 (600 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Introduced: 2530 3 AC/5 (400 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) - - Autocannon
In Class: 72 FL/FR (Heat: 366)
6 NAC/10 (600 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Manufacturer: United Shipwrights (Angell II /Free Worlds 3 AC/5 (400 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) - - Autocannon
League) AL/AR (Heat: 186)
3 NAC/10 (300 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Mass: 470,000 tons 3 AC/5 (400 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) - - Autocannon
Aft (Heat: 93)
Length: 534 meters 3 NAC/10 (300 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Sail Diameter: 1,024 meters 3 AC/5 (400 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) - - Autocannon
Fuel: 1,000 tons (2,500)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
Safe Thrust: 4 Ammunition:
Maximum Thrust: 6 2700 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
Sail Integrity: 4 2400 rounds of Autocannon/5 ammunition
KF Drive Integrity: 11
Heat Sinks: 729
Structural Integrity: 60
Battle Value: 82,225

Armor: (564 tons, Standard)

Fore: 45
Fore-Sides: 44
Aft-Sides: 44
Aft: 41

Bay 1: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (55,338 tons) 1 Door
Bay 3: Fighters (6) 3 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1 (60-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 0
Lifeboats: 20
Crew: 169 minimum (29 Officers, 140 Enlisted)
008/182 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Vester Class Destroyer
Vester Class Destroyer

against aerofighters, but reduced its total ammo load.

Unlike many warships, special emphasis was placed
on crew comfort and safety on the Vester. The loss of the
Fulbaum class FWLS Dhue and her entire crew complement to
an accident in 2753 led to a lobby in the Marik Commonwealth
for increased crew safety, eventually leading to changes in
the design of the Vester. In addition to reducing the crew
complement by a full third, designers greatly expanded the
ship’s complement of lifeboats and escape pods, making
the Vester one of the few ships whose escape systems can
completely accommodate her crew.

Though it was eventually decided to retain the Fulbaum
in service, new Vester class destroyers were nevertheless
built for the Free Worlds League Navy in the years leading
up to the fall of the Star League. As with the Fulbaum, Vester
Overview: class destroyers saw service throughout the League. Their
Design work on the Marik Commonwealth’s Vester class performance during the Succession War along with the rest of
destroyer began in 2750 as a replacement for the Fulbaum. In Mark’s diverse destroyer force has been excellent. However,
basic principle an upgrade of the older destroyer, development this intense conflict has taken a large toll on the class as a
was nonetheless delayed repeatedly by a combination of whole leaving only ten vessels in active service.
technological and political considerations. In the end, the new
destroyer wasn’t ready for construction until 2755, just in time
for the repeal of the Edict of 2650 and the massive military
buildups this entailed.

With a similar hull design and speed capabilities to the
Fulbaum, visually at least, the Vester does not seem to offer
much more than her older sister. Nevertheless, though carrying
fewer naval cannons than the Fulbaum, the Vester’s heavier
guns give it a substantially greater bite, though veteran gun
crews generally complained that the class 25 cannons were
too unreliable and maintenance intensive. The anti-fighter
defenses were switched from conventional autocannons to
long range missile racks. This gave the ship more firepower
008/183 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Vester Class Destroyer
Vester Class Destroyer

Vester class Destroyer Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 355)
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Introduced: 2755 2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
In Class: 65 3 LRM 15 (240 Rounds) 3(27) 3(27) 3(27) - LRM
FL/FR (Heat: 710)
Manufacturer: Various (Free Worlds League) 2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Mass: 470,000 tons 3 LRM 15 (240 Rounds) 3(27) 3(27) 3(27) - LRM
Length: 534 meters AL/AR (Heat: 370)
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Sail Diameter: 950 meters 3 LRM 15 (240 Rounds) 3(27) 3(27) 3(27) - LRM
Fuel: 2,000 tons (5,000) Aft (Heat: 185)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
3 LRM 15 (240 Rounds) 3(27) 3(27) 3(27) - LRM
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4 Ammunition:
KF Drive Integrity: 11 1800 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
Heat Sinks: 1629 1440 rounds of LRM 15 ammunition
Structural Integrity: 60
Battle Value: 140,149

Armor: (564 tons, Standard)

Fore: 45
Fore-Sides: 44
Aft-Sides: 44
Aft: 41

Bay 1: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (52,475 tons) 1 Door
Bay 3: Fighters (6) 3 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (150-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 30
Lifeboats: 30
Crew: 160 minimum (27 Officers, 133 Enlisted)
008/184 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Aristotle Class Transport
Aristotle Class Transport

Transport went on to become a ubiquitous design seen notably the Free Worlds League, of course.
throughout the Human Sphere, the CCT concept never
replaced the standard Jumpship. Militaries jealously guarded Deployment:
these “warships” and despite some interest by the private The omnipresent Aristotle class Transport can be found
sector cheaper alternatives such as dropships and standard all over the Human Sphere in one form or another. Many
jumpships were generally preferred. However, the main manufacturers in the Free Worlds League produced the design
reason why the Transport never caught on was the complexity for years. Estimates of the number of CCTs in service during
of its compact jump core and massive interplanetary drives. the height of the Star League are listed as some where around
Maintenance requirements as a result were more demanding four hundred. While the bulk of these ships can still be found
but in the Star League era widely available. Given the horrible in the Free Worlds League many other powers purchased
destruction of the Succession War things might have worked these Marik built ships. Various Periphery powers including
out for the best. the Taurian Concordat, the Rim Worlds Republic and the
Magistracy of Canopus all purchased the Aristotle prior to the
Capabilities: Reunification War. These nations were the first to convert the
Unlike a standard jumpship, the Aristotle was not designed Transport to combatant status by mounting various capital
to transport dropships. Indeed, the very purpose of the CCT weapons. This augmented their navies before the outbreak of
concept was to eliminate the need for docking collars. It is hostilities with the InnerSphere. While these quasi-warships
Overview: after all costly for a jumpship to be fitted with the equipment helped bolster the Periphery Navies they stood little chance
As the Age of War came to an end the Free Worlds League that makes KF transit with dropships possible. Instead, the in a stand up battle with any dedicated InnerSphere combat
Military realized it needed for a dedicated transport vessel to Transport relied on shuttlecraft to transport cargo to its jumpship. Nevertheless a precedent had been set that the
facilitate their interstellar logistics. Central Command took many destination, either planet side or shipboard. This reduced the Free Worlds League and the Draconis Combine would explore
different proposals including various dropships and jumpships price of the Aristotle dramatically. Despite being the size of in the future. The Star League also procured many Aristotles in
but none were as interesting as a Compact Core Transport, some destroyers the CCT cost as little as some light corvettes order to maintain its supply lines during this and other distant
or CCT, named the Aristotle. As technology marched on and or raiders. Furthermore, the Aristotle was capable of system campaigns. The CCTs impressive scope of service during this
the costs of constructing jump drives continued to fall these transit, fitted with a propulsion system that gave it a full one and future conflicts cemented its continued production for
concept vessels became more cost effective. While the price G of acceleration capability. This allows the CCT to sit in near years to come. Production was so prolific that the exact number
of these warships was still considerable when compared to the orbit, giving its shuttles the shortest possible transit distance of these ships made is a subject of some debate. One wild tale
cost of a large standard jumpship, not to mention its attached and greatly speeding up unloading. For self defense, the even had the Rim Worlds Republic making Aristotles at some
dropships, the CCT was actually quite a bargain considering its Transport has a good assortment of light weapons, able to fend secret shipyard. It is more likely that the Republic purchased
greater cargo capacity on average. Ultimately the Free Worlds off most dropships with relative ease. The hull is also lightly many of these craft from shady Marik arms dealers who
League decided to take a chance on the Aristotle and the armored, though against anything but a handful of fighters or looked to quell any allegations of wrong doing by spreading
rest as they say is history. Several manufacturers around the a small dropship, this provides very little protection. The ship’s such improbable fiction. The Usurper would go onto to use
League picked up the design and produced hundreds which most impressive feature is its massive cargo bay which holds these ships to maximum affect during the Coup. Following the
were sold all over the InnerSphere. In fact, as the cost of more than one hundred and eighty two thousand tons. A fairly liberation of Earth, Kerensky took several CCTs with him on
jump drives continued to fall during the golden age of the Star generic design the Aristotle could carry out a number of supply the Exodus. Eighty Aristotles were in service with the FWLM
League, many began to claim that the old fashioned jumpship missions with little difficulty. This range made the Transport a as the Succession War began while many others had been
would eventually fade into oblivion. While the Aristotle class mainstay of several militaries around the InnerSphere most converted into Themistocles class Destroyer/Carriers. The
008/185 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Aristotle Class Transport
Aristotle Class Transport

Draconis Combine was quick to transform its Transports into

the Kujira class prior to the outbreak of hostilities. Various Armor: (240 tons, Standard)
accounts of pirate bands operating armed Aristotles in the Fore: 20
Periphery circulated early on in the Succession War but many Fore-Sides: 20
of these reports remain unconfirmed thanks to the poor state Aft-Sides: 20
of communications with the fringes of the Human Sphere. Aft: 20
It is possible that former rebels or Amaris troops could be
utilizing an unaccounted for Transport but the difficulty of Cargo
maintaining such a ship would be challenging especially in the Bay 1: Small Craft (20) 6 Doors
tech starved Periphery. Indeed even the Free Worlds League Bay 2: Cargo (182,127 tons) 4 Doors
has had trouble keeping its Aristotles around thanks to raiders
seeking out and destroying these vital supply ships. Only a Dropship Capacity: 0
dozen of these unmodified Transports continue to serve today Grav Decks: 1 (65-meter diameter)
and the League is considering arming them as new warship Escape Pods: 10
production seems unlikely. Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 122 minimum (21 Officers, 101 Enlisted)

Aristotle class Transport Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
FL/FR (Heat: 128)
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
Introduced: 2540 2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - PPC
In Class: 400 4 AC/5 (400 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
4 LRM 20 (402 Rounds) 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) - LRM
Manufacturer: Various (Free Worlds League) AL/AR (Heat: 128)
2 Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
Mass: 500,000 tons 2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - PPC
Length: 650 meters 4 AC/5 (400 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
4 LRM 20 (402 Rounds) 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) - LRM
Sail Diameter: 800 meters
Fuel: 4,000 tons (10,000)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
Safe Thrust: 2
Maximum Thrust: 3
Sail Integrity: 4 Ammunition:
KF Drive Integrity: 11 1600 rounds of Autocannon 5 ammunition
Heat Sinks: 391 1608 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
Structural Integrity: 40
Battle Value: 13,340
008/186 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Themistocles Class Destroyer/Carrier
Themistocles Class Destroyer/Carrier

Though no state employed nearly as many carriers as the

Capabilities: Free Worlds League, this deficiency in their carrier force was
A combination of interstellar politics and interservice eventually considered a serious problem, leading to the crash
rivalry would have a radical affect on the final design for the development of the Nemesis class Carrier in 2755.]
Themistocles. Even though a truly multi-role carrier able to The only real bright spot in the design is its massive
transport numerous fighter craft and engage successfully in hangar capacity. Though classified as a Destroyer/Carrier, the
direct combat was not only possible but extremely feasible (the Themistocles can carry just as many fighters as the Varyag
concept was used effectively by the Periphery States during class Battlecruiser/Carrier. However, the typical Themistocles
the Reunification War), many Admirals in the Free Worlds generally did not carry anything close to a full complement.
League fleet considered the idea of such a ship a threat to Furthermore, while a Varyag would usually carry a good
the traditional role of the battleship. As a consequence, they mix of the best fighters available, the humble Themistocles
lobbied successfully for severe restrictions on carrier design, often carried a castoff mix of cheap, lightweight aerofighters
limiting the naval weaponry carried by these vessels and manned by green pilots, meaning that even at full strength
leaving them dependent on escorts to fend off most warship the ship’s aerowing was no match for that of a Varyag.
attacks. On the other hand, the Themistocles, based as it was
While the Themistocles was categorized as a Destroyer on a cargo hauler, had much roomier hangar bays than the
by these traditionalist minded elements of the Navy because Battlecruiser based Varyag. Most flight crews loved the carrier
Overview: of its overall mass it was more akin to a Transport. The design, as a result for the superior work space she provided them.
The naval restrictions of 2650 hit the Free Worlds League based largely on the ubiquitous Aristotle class Transport in
Navy very hard. The ambitious Frost Program, which was order to reduce cost, carries only a minimal armament of Deployment:
supposed to give the League a massive fleet of battleships, sixteen small naval autocannons in four quad turrets, backed The total number of Themistocles class warships produced
battlecruisers, and a new breed of super carriers, soon proved up by a moderately extensive mix of anti-fighter weaponry. by with the Free Worlds League and its various provinces is
impossible under the current naval restrictions, and much This arsenal is barely sufficient to fend off most corvettes, and believed to be one hundred and forty one. Admittedly this
of the program, including the new supercarrier, had to be furthermore does not provide anything even resembling total is only an estimate based on confirmed information. Some
abandoned. coverage. The light armor of the ship further provides poor experts believe other ships of this class remain unaccounted
However, the Captain-General still valued the fighter protection against most attackers, and the civilian spec hull is for. Unfortunately it is hard to tell because exactly Because of
carrier concept, and work continued on a dramatically more simply incapable of standing up to heavy combat. the very nature of this ship’s design. Based as it was on a civilian
humble design, which would become the Varyag. However, [Editor’s Note: Though the Free Worlds League might ship, the vessel was extremely inexpensive for its potential
from the beginning it was realized that the Varyag could be considered to be the most extensive practitioner of carrier punch, meaning that even the minor provinces could field a
never be produced in large enough numbers to fill the needs tactics during the Star League years, this tendency to consider number of carriers. Even more importantly, though, there was
of the Free Worlds League fleet, at least not under current the carrier as little more than a transport for fighters would precious little at first glance to distinguish the Themistocles
naval restrictions. With all future Varyags already slated to actually cause them to fall dramatically behind in carrier from a standard Aristotle class Transport. The only thing that
form independent fleets (which would eventually become design by the mid twenty eighth century. By that time several gives the ship away is its naval autocannon turrets. Some
the Integrated Carrier Battlegroups) it was decided that a powers had multi-role carriers, such as the Hegemony’s Riga, provinces, trying to keep the strength of their private forces a
more quickly and easily produced ship was needed to provide the Lyran Commonwealth’s ill considered Banshee, and the secret, were known to strip the naval guns off of their carriers
fighter support to the main battle fleets. Thus was born the Federated Suns’ venerable Furious, and it was only a matter and claim them to be standard cargo haulers. Though bye and
Themistocles. of time before other powers jumped on the bandwagon. large willing to play along with naval restrictions imposed by
008/187 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Themistocles Class Destroyer/Carrier
Themistocles Class Destroyer/Carrier

the Star League, most Captain-Generals turned a blind eye to Themistocles class Destroyer/Carrier Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
this practice, giving the League extra fighter carriers to call Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
FL/FR (Heat: 368)
upon in emergencies. Tech: Inner Sphere 4 NAC/10 (400 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Roughly half of the “official” Themistocles class was Introduced: 2653 2 Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
assigned to support the main battle fleet, providing additional In Class: 141 2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - PPC
4 AC/5 (160) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
fighter support to the Battleships and Battlecruisers that made Manufacturer: Various (Free Worlds League) 4 LRM 20 (96 Rounds) 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) - LRM
up the fleet. A number were assigned as training carriers, while AL/AR (Heat: 368)
the remainder was assigned patrol and escort duty throughout Mass: 500,000 tons 4 NAC/10 (400 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
the League, where their large fighter complement made them Length: 690 meters 2 Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) - - Laser
2 PPC 2(20) 2(20) - - PPC
a true terror for practically any pirate band. Though numerous Sail Diameter: 800 meters 4 AC/5 (160) 2(20) 2(20) - - Autocannon
Themistocles class vessels were lost during the infighting that Fuel: 14,000 tons (35,000) 4 LRM 20 (96 Rounds) 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) - LRM
plagued the League, the relatively cheap cost of the ships Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
made them extremely easy to replace, and their numbers Safe Thrust: 3
diminished only slowly. Maximum Thrust: 5
As with many things this situation has changed dramatically Sail Integrity: 4 Ammunition:
during the Succession War. At the start of this horrific conflict KF Drive Integrity: 11 800 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
the Free Worlds League Navy fielded one hundred of these Heat Sinks: 736 640 rounds of Autocannon/5 ammo (32 tons)
able vessels. The disasters of this new war have torn the Structural Integrity: 40 384 rounds of LRM /20 ammo (64 tons)
heart out of the Free Worlds League’s military and industry. Battle Value: 93,112
Some of the hardest hit forces in the Free Worlds League fleet
were the Integrated Carrier Battlegroups. Though they scored Armor: (399 tons, Standard Armor)
numerous impressive victories against House Steiner during Fore: 30
the war, they likewise suffered extensive losses. With their Fore-Sides: 31
frontline carrier forces depleted, the League made the decision Aft-Sides: 31
to reinforce the surviving ICBs with Themistocles class ships, Aft: 30
which were never designed for the direct confrontations an
ICB faced. This has allowed the League to keep its carrier Cargo
operations afloat for a while longer, the loss of so many of Bay 1: Small Craft (20) 2 Doors
the fleet’s best fighter units, and the general inferiority of the Bay 2: Fighters (108) 4 Doors
Themistocles to the Varyag and Nemesis class Carriers that it Bay 3: Cargo (93,352 tons) 2 Doors
was replacing, meant that the golden years of the ICB were
finished. Today only a dozen of these craft remain operational Dropship Capacity: 0
with the Marik Navy. Grav Decks: 1 (65-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 10
Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 169 minimum (28 Officers, 141 Enlisted)
008/188 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Stewart Class Destroyer
Stewart Class Destroyer

founding war-like states of the Free Worlds League, highlighted a in turret mounts, giving the weapons maximum fields of fire. Pairs
number of new League advancements as an heir to Simone Marik’s of NL/45s and NL/55s were mounted all along the ship as support to
economic revival program. Benefiting from advancements in metallurgy the larger main guns. The Stewart was also armed with four batteries
and armament development, the new Destroyer Class was to herald a of LRM 20s to provide the Destroyer with some protection against
new age in League warship manufacture. In many ways this was the swift aerospace fighters and small craft. Although the LRM additions
first Free Worlds League Destroyer to be built as prior craft of this type were minimal, they attempted to correct a critical oversight found in
had traditionally been made and staffed by the Provinces rather than warships of the era, though almost without exception, the Stewart
the nation as a whole. followed accepted standard naval doctrine of the time.
Weighing 520,000 tons, and with a length of 530 meters, the Beneath the destroyer’s thick exterior hid the cutting edge of
Stewart class faired favorably with other contemporary Terran League naval ideology of the 2460s, namely advanced targeting and
Destroyer Classes like the Block I Lola. In 2468 when the League tracking gear, the inclusion of a six fighter squadron, and two platoons
began their design work on the new Destroyer class that would of ship marines for boarding actions. Avoiding the pitfall of other
eventually become the Stewart; careful attention was given to the vessels the Stewart’s crew was given the benefit of spacious crew
latest design philosophies of the Terran Hegemony, and by default, quarters and access to other amenities, including a single 80-meter
the Lyran Commonwealth. Considering the importance of the project, Grav Deck. Also unlike older vessels of equal tonnage, the Stewart
Captain-General Simone Marik made it one of SAFE’s highest priorities featured an expensive Docking Collar. The inclusion of the docking
to accurately catalogue and decipher all of the HAF’s existing warships, collar allowed the ship to support a single Dropship while on extended
while to also engage in clandestine espionage for information on future patrol duty. The final notable feature of the destroyer was its single
designs. It was a risky operation that if compromised could possibly 73,836 ton cargo bay. This mammoth bay, large even by modern
incite armed hostilities between the Hegemony and the League. For standards provided an unexpected boon to the Stewart, which could
Overview: the next two years, SAFE operatives infiltrated the HAF navy with the enjoy enough supplies to remain in the field for an extended period, or
After being crushed to death beneath the foot of a Lyran ‘Mech on
express purpose of transmitting design and technical information. be used to supplement a League patrol group.
the world of Loric in 2459 Captain-General Gerald Marik was replaced
When the operation concluded in 2470, the operation had garnered
by his daughter, Simone Marik. Only nineteen when she took office
enough data to be considered a success.
in 2462, Simone Marik - at that time the youngest Captain-General
Unlike the slower Destroyers of the era, the new Stewart featured Deployment:
ever appointed by Parliament - was unlike her vainglorious father When Simone Marik stepped down as Captain-General in
four state-of-the-art Atrean Mk III Pushers as its Interplanetary Fusion
and his predecessors had no desire to be covered in glory. Though a 2475 after a number of negotiations failed between the Capellan
engine. These reliable interplanetary drives could sustain a 2G cruising
competent military commander, Simone is best known for her economic Confederation and the League over a mutual alliance to attack the
speed for extended periods of time and a quick 3Gs of acceleration for
foresight (akin to that of her great-grandfather) and her dedication to Terran Hegemony, she was replaced by her brother, Carlos Marik, as
maneuvers during combat. 3,500 tons of fuel fed the Atrean Pusher
strengthening the entire Free Worlds League though technology and the thirteenth Captain-General. As Simone stepped down, she left
drives, which provided the destroyer with the ability to operate in the
education rather than concentrating on the military. behind a Free Worlds League stronger than it had been in more than
field for over three months before refueling. The Stewart also featured
Though her forthright manner and lack of charisma did not fifty years. A total of ten Stewart class Destroyers were built for the
a heavily reinforced internal structure. Learning from earlier warships,
usually sit well with a League Parliament itching for a renewed war Free Worlds Navy and quickly spread throughout the fleet as patrol
the bulkheads of the Stewart were strengthened considerably, allowing
with the Lyrans, for a short period of time her goals were undeniable; vessels.
the craft to support 389 tons of resilient crystal-embedded armor in
especially when those goals were aimed at the betterment of not However, during her revival of the League, focus had shifted
stark contrast to most destroyers of the same weight class, which
just the entire League but also the Free Worlds Military. Using her from the Lyran Commonwealth to the Terran Hegemony, as the main
often featured an armor sleeve of half the weight.
economic renovations as the backdrop to her naval revival, Captain- enemy of the state, prompting increased paranoia directed towards
For the Stewart’s offensive suite, the best capital weapons the
General Marik’s efforts, though short lived, would produce the long the Terran-state. When the thirteenth Captain-General ascended the
Free Worlds League could provide were utilized on the Destroyer.
serving Stewart class Destroyer. Centerpiece to this impressive armament was a trio of medium NPPC throne in 2475, he wasted no time stewing over the defunct dual
mounted in a nose turret which was capable of vaporizing smaller alliance between the Confederation and the League and how if failed
to come to fruition. Instead, the newly appointed ruler of the Free
Capabilities: vessels with a single salvo. This warship also mounted a collection of
Worlds League, Carlos Marik gathered a large portion, including three-
The Stewart class Destroyer, named in homage to one or the NAC/10s that were mounted prominently along the warship’s sides
008/189 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Stewart Class Destroyer
Stewart Class Destroyer

fourths of all active Stewarts, of the Free Worlds Navy to Oriente. Carlos destroyed. Only the FWLS Ajax, the last ship in a proud line, continues Lifeboats: 8
planned to strike the Terrans quickly and lethally, using his Warships to endure to this day. Crew: 174 minimum (29 Officers, 145 Enlisted)
and stockpiles of atomic weapons to smash the Terran military before
the Hegemony could unleash it on the Marik domain. Stewart class Destroyer Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Ironically, Carlos’ plans triggered the very military action he feared
Nose (Heat: 405)
when a spy passed details of the operation to Hegemony leaders. Tech: Inner Sphere 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
Hegemony forces launched a lightening raid against Oriente to destroy Introduced: 2469 FL/FR (Heat: 364)
the Free Worlds League fleet while it lay at anchor. With over half of In Class: 10 1 NAC/10 (100 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
their respective crew on-planet for R&R, the outcome of the battle was Manufacturer: United Shipwrights (Angel II / Free Worlds
2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
never in doubt, with the Hegemony handily defeating the unprepared 2 LRM 20 (36 Rounds) 2(24) 2(24) 2(24) - LRM
League forces. However, given the circumstances, some of the Free
League) LBS/RBS (Heat: 460)
2 NAC/10 (200 Rounds) 20 20 20 - Capital AC
Worlds League ships presented themselves admirably. One such vessel,
Mass: 520,000 tons 2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
the Stewart class FWLS Fire of Constance, despite sustaining damage, AL/AR (Heat: 224)
managed to limp away from the battle. Spending only enough time Length: 530 meters 1 NAC/10 (100 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
recover casualties, the Fire of Constance boldly charged back into the Sail Diameter: 1,031 meters 1 NL/45 5 5 5 5 Capital Laser
heart of the battle where she was able to destroy a Terran Cruiser by Fuel: 3,500 tons (8,750) 2 LRM 20 (36 Rounds) 2(24) 2(24) 2(24) - LRM
ramming the wounded vessel and detonating her own fusion core. Aft (Heat: 140)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
Only three ships of the Stewart class survived the battle and Safe Thrust: 4
damage sustained to the Marik fleet during the attacked precluded
Maximum Thrust: 6 Ammunition:
any additional vessels being built for years to follow. During this time
the League returned to its Provincial Destroyer force and found further Sail Integrity: 4 800 rounds of Naval Autocannon 10 ammunition
production of the Stewart pointless. The normalization of relations KF Drive Integrity: 11 144 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
between the Free Worlds League and the Terran Hegemony in 2478 Heat Sinks: 1,594
and the military detente that followed until the formation of the Star Structural Integrity: 82
League a century later, ended any hope for renewed production of this Battle Value: 52,411
The remaining vessels of this class, the FWLS Icarus, the FWLS Armor: (389 tons, Standard)
Ajax and the FWLS Merak’s Honor served admirably with the League
military for almost two centuries. Despite their age these vessels were
Fore: 36
widely regarded as House Marik’s finest Destroyers. In 2745 the Icarus Fore-Sides: 34
was lost to a catastrophic misjump over the world of Helm. (Editor’s Aft-Sides: 34
Note: While that is the official story but many continue to claim that Aft: 32
the Icarus was a causality of the Hidden War with the Marik’s “allies”)
That left only two Stewart class Destroyers to start the Succession War Cargo
and one was among the first causalities in this brutal war. Bay 1: Fighters (6) 6 Doors
The FWLS Merak’s Honor, named after a militaristic proto-nation, Bay 2: Small Craft (2) 2 Doors
single handedly defended the world of Bolan from a Lyran strike force.
Faced with the overwhelming odds and firepower of a Lyran naval
Bay 3: Cargo (73,836 tons) 4 Doors
assault group, the Merak’s Honor faced her foes full on, charging
directly into the teeth of the attackers. Using a combination of superior Dropship Capacity: 1
speed and the strength of three NPPCs, the Merak was able to cripple Grav Decks: 1 (80-meter diameter)
one Mako Corvette, and to seriously damage another before being Escape Pods: 12
008/190 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Alexander Class Destroyer
Alexander Class Destroyer

Capabilities: Deployment:
Actually, at first glance the Alexander doesn’t look all that Okay, all complaints aside, the Alexander wasn’t a bad
bad. In fact, it looks down right intimidating with its massive ship for its intended role as the maneuver element of an ICB,
battery of naval PPCs and its fairly high thrust capability. The and though she would be overshadowed by the slightly older
only problem is that that’s only at first glance. Dido class frigates that she fought beside, she nevertheless
The Alexander was built to carry as much firepower as performed admirably for her first few years. Then the Free
possible with as big a propulsion system as possible. All other Worlds League Civil War began in 2729. When the Civil War
concerns were secondary, and it shows. The most immediate began, many of the Alexanders in service pledged loyalty to
flaw is that the ship is an almost pure bow-fighter. Its heaviest Parliament, where they became casualties of war. With the
batteries are mounted in four forward turrets with a very entire fleet thrown into chaos, and with many Alexander
narrow arc of fire. Though this gives the advantage of being class ships caught far from friendly territory without the
able to project the maximum volume of fire in one direction, supplies needed to get to a friendly world, many were seized
it also leaves the ship highly vulnerable to attacks from the or destroyed almost immediately. Roughly a full third of the
side, with only a light battery of naval autocannons and lasers class was lost within the first few months of the war. Even
providing cover. This made a direct “cavalry charge” at the more would be destroyed during the course of the war. During
enemy almost essential if these warships were to expect any the battles of Atreus and Ariel alone a total of twenty six
success. Against a full battle line of warships, this could be Alexander class Destroyers were lost. By the time the Treaty
Overview: down right suicidal, while one on one an Alexander would of Verona was signed, there were a mere fourteen Alexanders
The Alexander has been described as the space going have trouble keeping a bead on his opponent. still in service. This handful of warships was divided among
Charger class BattleMech. A ship built to so specifically Most crews weren’t all that reassured by the aft armament the Integrated Carrier Battlegroups (ICB) and saw a great
emphasize a single specific role that its design is actually either, which happened to be the ship’s second most heavily deal of action during the opening year of the Succession War,
compromised in practically every other way. The design armed arc. All this really meant to most was the ship had where ten were lost early on. However, their inferior cargo
originated in the Free Worlds League as part of the ICB something to cover its retreat. capacity would do the last few in far more completely than
(Integrated Carrier Battlegroup) doctrine. This doctrine was Anti-fighter defenses were fairly sparse. Thirty two rapid the Steiners or Liaos could. With the collapse of much of the
based on a combined force of carriers and fast destroyers fire autocannons, copied from the Lyran developed Ultra logistical system as a result of the brutal fighting of the war,
and frigates. In theory the carriers could operate as the main autocannon first deployed on the Sentinel BattleMech, provide the League was forced to bring its four surviving Alexanders
punch while the fast ships acted as a maneuver element, both a barely adequate defense system, and in fact it was usually home, assigning them to the defense of Irian alongside a
screening the otherwise vulnerable carriers and acting as a the ship’s integral complement of four aerofighter squadrons number of other heavily damaged warships. There they have
mobile hammer to deliver a fast, cavalry style charge where that were usually key to the ship’s anti-fighter defenses. endured numerous attacks by many of the Great Houses.
needed. In theory it looked like a good strategy and it has The biggest flaw in the design, however, was its lack of Today only two Alexanders remain to defend Irian which
worked well during the Succession War. However, when the cargo capacity. With barely more than five thousand tons of remains in League hands.
success of that strategy is talked about, very rarely does the cargo space, the Alexander was utterly incapable of operating
Alexander come up. on its own for more than a week. This meant the ship had a
very narrow role in the Free Worlds Navy. They either operated
as part of a fleet, or they served exclusively as system defense
008/191 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Alexander Class Destroyer
Alexander Class Destroyer

Alexander class Destroyer Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 3,600)
Tech: Inner Sphere 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Introduced: 2700 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
In Class: 60 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Manufacturer: Various (Free Worlds League) FL/FR (Heat: 892)
3 NAC/10 (300 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Mass: 600,000 tons 4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
Length: 638 meters 8 Ultra AC/5 (1600 Rounds) 6(56) 6(56) 6(56) - Autocannon
AL/AR (Heat: 892)
Sail Diameter: 900 meters 3 NAC/10 (300 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Fuel: 4,000 tons (10,000) 4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 8 Ultra AC/5 (1600 Rounds) 6(56) 6(56) 6(56) - Autocannon
Aft (Heat: 140)
Safe Thrust: 4 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Maximum Thrust: 6 3 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 13
Heat Sinks: 3600 (7200) Ammunition:
Structural Integrity: 80 1200 rounds of Autocannon 10 ammunition
Battle Value: 134,158 6400 rounds of Ultra Autocannon/5 ammunition

Armor: (939 tons, Standard Armor)

Fore: 72
Fore-Sides: 71
Aft-Sides: 70
Aft: 70

Bay 1: Small Craft (8) 4 Doors
Bay 2: Fighters (24) 4 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (5,066 tons) 5 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 3 (100-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 0
Lifeboats: 30
Crew: 225 minimum (39 Officers, 184 Enlisted)
008/192 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Dido Class Frigate
Dido Class Frigate

tighter turning radius at high velocity. one hundred and twelve of these Frigates.
The influence of the Kimagure is clearly visible in the The Dido ultimately went onto prove itself in the Marik Civil
ship’s weapons as the Dido’s armament is largely oriented War and the 3rd Hidden War but lost eighteen of its number
towards the front. The aft quarter is under gunned, providing in these conflicts. About one-half of all Didos in service were
a rather narrow but still present gap where the ship can be assigned to Integrated Carrier Battlegroups (ICBs) alongside
attacked with a minimum of return fire. the Varyag class Carriers and the Alexander class Destroyers.
The Dido is also well protected against fighters by twenty In that role they were used as the maneuver element of the
advanced barracuda missile tubes and forty large lasers. task force, screening the carriers and transports from attack
Additionally these weapons are supported by a full wing of and acting as a mobile hammer to back up the carrier’s
aerospace fighters. On top of that four docking collars were fighters. This tactic has proven very successful against the
added to the design, and it wasn’t uncommon for a Dido to Lyrans during the Succession War but was extremely hard on
carry assault dropships to supplement its firepower even the class as a whole. The first brutal battles of the war claimed
further. most of them quickly. On the Liao front, Didos were used as
Between all of the weapons mounted on the Dido and its part of hunter killer battlegroups tasked with searching out
large propulsion system, designers were forced to skimp a fair and destroying elusive Liao warships. As these ships weren’t
amount on the ship’s structure and armor. The hull is lightly subjected to the same sort of punishing ship killing action that
constructed for a frigate (its structural strength is actually only the Didos on the Steiner front faced, they tended to last much
Overview: about half that of the Oriente), and only seven hundred and longer. However, as the war has dragged on it has become
The Dido was conceived as a replacement for the older sixty tons of armor cover that. However, in order to counter increasingly difficult to repair these complex ships and their
Stewart and Oriente class warships that had been in service this problem, designers included expensive Ferro Carbide advanced ferro-carbide armor. Today only fourteen of these
since the early 25th century. Though most of the Oriente class armor, which greatly enhanced the protection of the ship. warships continue to survive in the service of the Free Worlds
was less than a hundred years old at the time of the Dido’s League Navy.
development and was still a match for its most likely opponents, Deployment:
like the Lyran Commonwealth’s Valkyrie class destroyer and Members of Parliament were always skeptical of the Dido
Victory class frigate, Captain General Gerald Marik wanted a from the beginning, if for no other reason than the ship cost
larger, more heavily armed ship that in addition to handling more to build than a Sian class Battlecruiser. However this class
general patrol duty could also act as a fast screening vessel had a powerful political ally in the Marik family who staunchly
to the Varyag class carrier. Drawing some inspiration from supported construction of this warship. The traditional ruling
the Star League’s Kimagure class pursuit cruiser, designers clan of the Free Worlds League, ever politically able, was
unveiled the Dido. able to convince enough skeptics to sign off on the project.
By utilizing a wide variety of maneuvers, which included the
production of this frigate by multiple shipbuilders throughout
Capabilities: the League, the Marik’s were able to garner enough support
The Dido is an agile frigate, capable of three Gs of
for the Dido. So despite the high cost of this vessel it would
acceleration at maximum thrust. Though on its face this is
go onto phase out several other older vessels during the
only a marginal improvement over the Oriente, in practice it
Star League era. Incredibly the Captain-General’s eventually
provides a significant advantage, giving the ship a significantly
succeeded in pushing through the funding needed to build
008/193 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Dido Class Frigate
Dido Class Frigate

Dido class Frigate Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 930)
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Introduced: 2689 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
In Class: 112 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
4 Barracuda (40 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
Manufacturer: Various (Free Worlds League) 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
FL/FR (Heat: 960)
Mass: 760,000 tons 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Length: 702 meters 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
4 Barracuda (40 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
Sail Diameter: 950 meters 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Fuel: 5,000 tons (12,500) LBS/RBS (Heat: 960)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Safe Thrust: 4 4 Barracuda (40 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
Maximum Thrust: 6 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Sail Integrity: 4 AL/AR (Heat: 980)
KF Drive Integrity: 16 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Heat Sinks: 4400 Aft (Heat: 490)
Structural Integrity: 50 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
Battle Value: 210,820 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser

Armor: (747 tons, Ferro Carbide)

Fore: 128 Ammunition:
Fore-Sides: 115 2000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
Aft-Sides: 90 200 Barracuda Missiles
Aft: 90

Bay 1: Small Craft (6) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Fighters (18) 3 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (70,430 tons) 5 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 4
Grav Decks: 2 (90-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 10
Lifeboats: 20
Crew: 252 minimum (43 Officers, 209 Enlisted)
008/194 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Sian Class Battlecruiser
Sian Class Battlecruiser

though big and powerful, had its flaws. With the economy of by 2650 when further shipbuilding was discontinued. Twelve
the League beginning to falter by 2620, Parliament decided of these vessels were placed into reserve status following the
to greatly slow production of the Atreus, seeking instead restriction of House Militaries by Star League law.
to concentrate production on a smaller, simpler, and less In one of the tragic ironies of naval history, the first major
expensive alternative that could effectively supplement its battle the Sian and her sisters would see was against each
flagship. The end result was this formidable Battlecruiser. other. After three members of Regulus’ ruling Selaj family
were implicated in an attempt to slaughter the Marik family,
Capabilities: Captain-General Gerald Marik moved to deal with the traitors,
The Sian is pretty much your garden variety Battlecruiser. leading to a major battle on Hellos Minor at the end of 2679.
Though not as cost effective as Parliament had hoped it would During the campaign, a pair of Sian class Battlecruisers (the
be, the ship is certainly simple, straightforward, and to the Stewart and Amity) which had sided with the traitors attempted
point. to lead a convoy of reinforcements to the world. In the battle
The Sian’s primary armament is thirty six heavy naval that followed, the convoy was routed from the system, the
autocannons. These cannon are arranged in eighteen dual Stewart was destroyed and the Amity was captured. After the
turrets along the sides of the ship, presenting a pure broadside successful conclusion of the campaign, the Captain General
fighter. Though this can limit the tactical options of a lone ordered the Amity renamed the Hellos Minor.
ship, when operating in a massed battlegroup these ships are Unfortunately, this would not be the last time these ships
Overview: more than capable of covering each other’s exposed arcs. would face each other. Much like the rest of the League, the
Despite its name there is no mistaking the fact that the The Sian’s secondary armament is surprising, as the ship fleet split pretty evenly when the League was wracked by civil
Sian class Battlecruiser is a Free Worlds League ship of the carries one of the heaviest batteries of naval missiles ever war in 2729. Both sides in that conflict tended to use their
line. Many, especially those outside Marik space, fail to realize mounted on a ship. This massed battery makes fighter attacks Battlecruisers as shock forces, and as a consequence many
that this vessel was named in honor of the decisive battle of against a Sian very dangerous indeed, and in fact many Sians were lost before the Treaty of Verona was signed, ending the
the 1st Andurien War that began the Age of War. This pivotal served a secondary role as AA ships escorting Atreus class fighting.
naval victory which is still well remembered by the League battleships and Varyag class carriers. The thirty two remaining ships of this class have been
Navy was reason enough to name a Marik warship after the Though relying on standard plate in order to cut costs, called into action again during the Succession War. Much as had
Capellan capital system. No doubt the Confederation’s anger the Sian is reasonably well protected. Sixteen hundred tons of been done during the Civil War, the Sians were used primarily
over the entire issue also played a small part in this decision. armor covers an extremely strong hull making for a ship that as shock troops, leading the way into the Terran Republic,
[Editor’s Note: House Liao issued numerous protests over this can stand a remarkable amount of punishment. the Capellan Confederation, and the Lyran Commonwealth in
openly hostile and disrespectful act to everyone that would Rounding out these exceptional offensive and defensive various League campaigns. This proved disastrous in many
listen and has refused to recognize this warship as the Sian, capabilities is a full wing of aerospace fighters and space for cases, however. During an attack on Hesperus II, Lyran
instead referring to it as the Marik class Battlecruiser] ten small craft. defenders accounted for all twelve surviving Sians on the
The design itself was created as a stopgap to meet Lyran front destroyed, a loss that forced Marik to completely
the needs of the Free Worlds League during the arms race rethink their strategies against House Steiner.
Deployment: Today only five of these Battlecruisers continue to
of the early twenty seventh century. Though the League
As with many Marik warships production of the Sian operate in Marik service. As luck would have it one of the last
initially attempted to match the battleship construction of
was diversified by federal authorities. Several different naval ships of her class to survive is also the first ship. The Sian
their neighbors’ measure for measure with their Atreus class
manufacturers worked on building multiple vessels at once. has been operating along the Capellan frontier since the start
Battleships, it soon became readily apparent that the Atreus,
This allowed for the construction of fifty two Battlecruisers
008/195 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Sian Class Battlecruiser
Sian Class Battlecruiser

of the war, and the Confederation holds a special dislike for

the ship. Barbara Liao herself is reported to have said “If I Dropship Capacity: 4
accomplish nothing else during this damn war I will see that Grav Decks: 2 (70-meter diameter)
ship destroyed!” So far the Sian has managed to frustrate the Escape Pods: 30
Capellans by its continued existence. Lifeboats: 30
Crew: 269 minimum (46 Officers, 223 Enlisted)

Sian class Battlecruiser Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 100)
Tech: Inner Sphere 5 Killer Whale (50 Missiles) 20 20 20 20 Capital Missile
Introduced: 2623 FL/FR (Heat: 600)
In Class: 52 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
5 Killer Whale (50 Missiles) 20 20 20 20 Capital Missile
Manufacturer: Various (Free Worlds League) LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,360)
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Mass: 800,000 tons 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Length: 852 meters 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Sail Diameter: 1,200 meters AL/AR (Heat: 1,720)
Fuel: 3,000 tons (7,500) 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Safe Thrust: 3 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Maximum Thrust: 5 3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Sail Integrity: 4 Aft (Heat: 60)
KF Drive Integrity: 16 3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile

Heat Sinks: 3840

Structural Integrity: 100
Battle Value: 252,275

Armor: (1600 tons, Standard Armor)

Fore: 116 Ammunition:
Fore-Sides: 117 3200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
Aft-Sides: 117 320 Killer Whale Missiles
Aft: 116

Bay 1: Small Craft (10) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (57,411 tons) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Fighters (18) 2 Doors
008/196 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Varyag Class Battlecruiser/Carrier
Varyag Class Battlecruiser/Carrier

kind of guided weapon system similar to the Star League’s

Adcap, which would be launched from a modified lifeboat bay.
Capabilities: However there is no evidence of such a weapon ever being used
The Varyag actually suffers a great deal as a result of military by the League. Another theory espoused by Rear Admiral Phillip
politics. Many naval officers (especially the so called “Battleship Montague of the SLDF was that should a good sized ship get
Admirals”) saw carriers as a serious threat to the status quo. As past the Varyag’s escorts, every man in the crew would almost
a result, the Varyag (as well as the Themistocles class Destroyer/ certainly start looking for lifeboats, so the designers made sure
Carrier) was something of a compromise design. to include as many as possible.]
The main compromise was a rather light armament. Ten
heavy naval cannons make up the sum total of the ship’s naval
weaponry, and this is further hampered by an insufficient cooling Deployment:
system. This armament is adequate to fend off some destroyers The first twelve Varyags were completed in fairly rapid
and smaller ships, however against a larger opponent the Varyag succession starting in 2651. Ironically, the first combat action the
can quickly find itself outmatched. This was justified on the class would see was against the SLDF.
theory (heavily espoused by the battleship admirals) that carriers In 2664, a task force centered around the carrier Moskva in
were meant to serve as launch platforms for fighters, not as the Leyda system received a distress signal from the destroyer
front line combatants. It is worth noting that the Varyag could Alkyon, reporting that it was under attack by an unknown enemy
actually accommodate another ten heavy guns easily without warship. The task force quickly moved in to aid the Alkyon, but
compromising its ability to conduct carrier operations one bit. failed to arrive in time to prevent the crippling of the warship.
Overview: It is clear, however, that such an armament would have been The attacker, identified as an SLDF Naga class destroyer, did not
The Varyag was a product of the restrictions placed on the completely unacceptable to many in the FWL fleet. respond to the hails of the approaching ships, instead executing
house fleets by the Star League in 2650. At the time, the Free The principle weapon of the Varyag is without a doubt its a high G burn directly at the Moskva. The unidentified Naga was
Worlds League was operating on a building plan tagged the Frost fighter complement. Space for two full regiments of fighters able to deliver a punishing barrage of naval gauss and PPC fire
Program, which ultimately called for an enormous fleet of some was included in the design, giving the ship an exceptional strike and slip out of range before the Moskva could launch fighters,
one hundred Sian class Battlecruisers alongside a nearly equal capability. For defense against hostile fighters, a network of LRM inflicting moderate damage to the carrier’s port side.
number of Atreus class battleships operating as the main punch 20 racks was added to the design. The Varyag has the same hull It was only after about another ten minutes of skirmishes
of the fleet. Backing these up would be an ambitious (if as yet as the Sian, and as a consequence is similarly armored, though between the Naga and one of the Moskva’s escorting frigates that
unrealized) carrier design capable of carrying as many as eight for unknown reasons the armor was redistributed somewhat. communications between the ships were established. The Naga
regiments of fighter craft. What the ship does have in abundance is space for supplies. identified herself as the SLS Amelia (Captain Phillip Montague
Then the new restrictions hit, and the League was forced Ten thousand tons of fuel not only amply supplies the ship’s commanding), and reported that the Alkyon had been covertly
to make some difficult choices. With the limits imposed on the needs, but those of its fighter complement as well. Just over conducting acts of piracy against the Magistracy of Canopus and
Marik fleet by the Star League, the Frost Program became simply one hundred and forty thousand tons of cargo space likewise Free Worlds League (a later investigation would reveal that the
impossible. However, unwilling to give up on the underlying leaves plenty of room for stores, not only to meet the Varyag’s commander of the Alkyon was in the pocket of the Selaj family).
principles of the project, the League instead embarked on a needs, but those of her escorts. [Editor’s Note: that was one of With this information in hand, the Amelia had moved in to deal
revised program (which some, with a sense of really bad humor, the justifications for the limited cargo space of the Alexander with the problem. When the Moskva and her escorts had moved
tagged as the Mildly Cold Dew Program). Under this program class destroyer. Since the ship would be operating alongside in to help the Alkyon, the captain of the Amelia had assumed that
the twelve Sian class Battlecruisers currently under construction Varyag class carriers, a large cargo capacity was considered they too were part of the conspiracy and acted accordingly.
would be completed as fighter carriers, though they would be unnecessary] [On an unrelated note, nobody is really sure why Ultimately, both the SLDF and Free Worlds League decided to
much more humble than the originally planned design. the Varyag happens to carry so many lifeboats. One popular quietly let the incident pass, though the colorful Phillip Montague
theory was that the Free Worlds League had perfected some was promoted right off of the Amelia and assigned to the planning
008/197 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Varyag Class Battlecruiser/Carrier
Varyag Class Battlecruiser/Carrier

and strategy division where he couldn’t do any more immediate Varyag class Battlecruiser/Carrier Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
damage. [Editor’s note: The very fact that the SLDF didn’t fire Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 36)
the infamous Captain Phil for that incident speaks volumes. Many Tech: Inner Sphere 6 LRM 20 (180 Rounds) 7(72) 7(72) 7(72) - LRM
believed that Phillip Montague had such a knack for combat tactics Introduced: 2651 FL/FR (Heat: 272)
that he was simply too valuable for the SLDF to loose no matter In Class: 40 1 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
what messes he tended to cause. Recently, however, reports filed Manufacturer: Various (Free Worlds League)
6 LRM 20 (180 Rounds) 7(72) 7(72) 7(72) - LRM
about the incident and quietly shoved aside have indicated that LBS/RBS (Heat: 400)
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
he was probably right about the Moskva. There are indications
Mass: 800,000 tons AL/AR (Heat: 472)
that the Moskva’s captain and most of her crew were in fact in 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Length: 892 meters
league with the Selaj family. If Montague had known about this in 6 LRM 20 (180 Rounds) 7(72) 7(72) 7(72) - LRM
advance, then it casts the whole incident in a completely different
Sail Diameter: 1,200 meters Aft (Heat: 36)
light. Did Captain Phil know? And more importantly, did the Free Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000) 6 LRM 20 (180 Rounds) 7(72) 7(72) 7(72) - LRM
Worlds League? Nobody can really be sure. It is worth noting, Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
however, that in 2695 the Captain-General christened the newest Safe Thrust: 3
Dido class frigate the Phillip Montague, “in honor of the man’s Maximum Thrust: 5 Ammunition:
twenty years of service in protecting the League from pirates and Sail Integrity: 4 1000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
separatist forces.” An interesting decision considering he is best KF Drive Integrity: 16 1080 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition (180 tons)
known in the League for shooting at one of their carriers.] Heat Sinks: 582
Despite a rather poor showing against the Amelia, the League Structural Integrity: 100
was pleased with its new carrier and continued production, Battle Value: 71,030
ultimately producing forty vessels. These craft proved to be a
dangerous advantage for the Captain-General during the Free Armor: (1600 tons, Standard Armor)
Worlds League Civil War when the majority sided with her against Fore: 110
Oliver Marik. It was during this conflict that a new concept, the Fore-Sides: 120
Integrated Carrier Battlegroup (ICB), received its first trial by Aft-Sides: 120
fire. This force was composed of two Varyag class Battlecruiser/
Aft: 110
Carriers, an escort squadron of Dido class Frigates and a squadron
of Destroyers, usually an Alexander class. The ICB proved to be
a powerful and flexible force, scoring several impressive victories
over more traditional Battleship formations. This conflict and Bay 1: Small Craft (12) 2 Doors
later skirmishes during the Hidden Wars cost the League a total Bay 2: Cargo (140,632 tons) 2 Doors
of eight Varyags. The remaining thirty two Battlecruiser/Carriers Bay 3: Fighters (108) 6 Doors
were deployed in sixteen ICBs by the start of the Succession War.
Shifted almost exclusively to the Lyran front after the outbreak of Dropship Capacity: 2
hostilities they proved vital in dealing with House Steiner’s huge Grav Decks: 2 (250-meter diameter)
warships. However, this conflict took a massive toll on the class Escape Pods: 0
reducing it to only four surviving vessels today. Lifeboats: 100
Crew: 221 minimum (37 Officers, 184 Enlisted)
008/198 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Aeneas Class Cruiser
Aeneas Class Cruiser

of proportion to their size. Deployment:

After the Reunification War, as the highest-profile Marik Derided by critics as “a vessel designed to fight the last
with recent combat experience, Marion used her position war” at the time of its launch in 2595, the FWLS Aeneas
to lever the Free Worlds League Admiralty into creating, showed the flag and engaged in anti-piracy patrols early in
essentially, a “Pocket Atreus” with the advantages of much its history. Not too surprisingly the Cruiser stomped flat any
greater maneuverability and combat endurance. With peace pirates unfortunate enough to encounter it earning quite a
breaking out across the Inner Sphere, the Aeneas was given reputation in the process. The Aeneas was the first of seventy
the label of “Cruiser”, so as not to seem overly-aggressive to five planned vessels when it was originally launched with a
the League’s restless neighbors. planned deployment of two per year. However issues with the
Ferro Carbide logistic train meant the next vessel, the FWLS
Capabilities: Hector, wasn’t launched until 2599. Ultimately various budget
While the primary focus of the Aeneas class is the high- cutbacks limited the class to only sixty vessels in total.
powered engine suite, the vessel featured many state-of-the- These warships would go largely unchallenged until the
art systems when it was introduced. onset of the Marik Civil War in 2729. In March of that year Oliver
The weapons systems mostly match and exceed the Marik made his way to Calloway IV in a heavily-armed convoy,
weapons found on the Atreus Battleship. Indeed, the systems of which the FWLS Menelaus, an Aeneas-class Cruiser, was the
are practically identical, with only a few adjustments. The heaviest vessel. On their journey, they were intercepted by a
Overview: Aeneas mounts no dedicated anti-fighter weapons, following loyalist task force centered around the Ivanhoe, an ancient
The Aeneas class Cruiser stems from harsh lessons the trend started by Star League vessels, instead relying on SLDF Monsoon class Battleship that had been sold off to the
learned during Marion Marik’s advance into the Magistracy of its fighter complement to keep the “bugs” off its back. To the League during the class’s retirement in 2668. The lighter craft
Canopus during the War of Reunification. The fleet arm of the heavy gun complement, it adds several capital missile systems paired off as Oliver’s ship ran for it, and the final pairing came
SLDF’s VII Corps was constructed to focus on larger craft, with for range and nuclear-strike capability. Finally, the famously down to the Menelaus and the Ivanoe. Obsolete though the
its backbone being the venerable Monsoon-class Battleships short magazines of the Atreus that led to such problems during Monsoon was, the Menelaus gave away near-on a half-million
and buttressed by the Free World League’s new Atreus class the Canopian campaign are increased by 50%. tons displacement to the vessel, and was in for the fight of
Battleship. Marion believed that sheer weight of fire would As in most League ships, the aerospace fighter its life.
cow the Canopians into submission without an overabundance complement is not an overlooked branch of the black-water Captain Alistair McKeon ordered the Menelaus’s throttles
of bloodshed. This was not to be. navy. A full wing of 18 fighters is included, and each squadron shoved to the stops, and the cruiser bored in on a high-speed
The lighter, faster units of the Magistracy fleet repeatedly has two spare fighters in their own dedicated bays for easy pass that left the Ivanhoe damaged enough that it stopped
engaged in high-speed passes against SLDF forces. They replacement of battle-damaged spaceframes. The pilots also its pursuit of Oliver Marik’s ship and lumbered around to
would build up velocity far out of the heavier ships’ maximum enjoy top-quality crew accommodations, making an Aeneas engage its tormentor. The Menelaus roared back in towards
range, streak in, and let loose only one or two volleys, score Cruiser a sought-after duty station. the massive foe at a barely-controlled velocity (momentarily
what damage they could, and be out of range again before the The Aeneas is also the first League vessel to mount causing the Ivanhoe’s captain to wonder if they were going to
SLDF forces could respond. When Marik’s forces could bring advanced Ferro-Carbide Armor. League scientists studied the ram), spinning madly in an attempt to take the Ivanhoe’s fire
the Canopian fleet assets to fight, they would drive at high compound, which first appeared on the Terran Hegemony’s in as many arcs as it could. Reaching close range, McKeon cut
speed to point-blank ranges and use their superior tactical Farragut class battleships in 2448, for 150 years before being the vessel’s speed sharply and swung in behind the Ivanhoe,
maneuverability to engage the SLDF ships in their damaged able to match and produce it in any real quantity. riding its six o’clock arc much like a massive aerospace fighter.
or more lightly-defended arcs of fire, causing damage all out The lighter vessel used its greater maneuvering capacity to
008/199 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Aeneas Class Cruiser
Aeneas Class Cruiser

dog the Ivanhoe’s tail for several minutes, sleeting fire into the Dropship Capacity: 6
back of the vessel, until critical damage to the engines left the Grav Decks: 2 (90 and 150-meter diameter)
Ivanhoe dead in space. Escape Pods: 22
Lifeboats: 22
Aeneas class Cruiser Crew: 263 minimum (45 Officers, 218 Enlisted)

Tech: Inner Sphere

Introduced: 2595
In Class: 60
Manufacturer: United Shipwrights (Angell II / Free Worlds
League) Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 660)
Mass: 850,000 tons 2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Length: 950 meters 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
Sail Diameter: 1,200 meters 2 Killer Whale (20 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
FL/FR (Heat: 720)
Fuel: 4,000 tons (10,000) 2 NAC/20 (200 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
Safe Thrust: 4 LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,880)
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Maximum Thrust: 6
2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
Sail Integrity: 5 4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
KF Drive Integrity: 17 2 Killer Whale (20 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
Heat Sinks: 2020 (4040) AL/AR (Heat: 340)
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Structural Integrity: 80 Aft (Heat: 60)
Battle Value: 185,695 2 NAC/20 (200 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
4 Barracuda (40 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
Armor: (1,309 tons, Ferro Carbide)
Fore: 200
Fore-Sides: 180
Aft-Sides: 180
Aft: 175

Cargo Ammunition:
Bay 1: Fighters (24) 6 Doors 400 rounds of Naval Autocannon/35 ammunition
Bay 2: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors 1000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
Bay 3: Cargo (74,838 tons) 1 Door 600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
Marines (2 platoons) 60 Killer Whale Missiles
40 Barracuda Missiles
008/200 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Nemesis Class Carrier
Nemesis Class Carrier

for the creation of such a revolutionary new craft. After many buildup, and with the new Nemesis proving to be every bit the
years of consideration Parliament authorized funding for the better of the older Varyag class, the League Central Command
construction of a prototype carrier that forced its fleet to take authorized the construction of a total of twenty Nemesis class
a hard look at this concept. vessels. Today many regard this decision as a costly and
This political decision caused an immediate uproar among foolish mistake.
the Navy. Nobody liked the idea. The carrier commanders The Free Worlds League’s naval aerospace forces had
knew the League’s naval aerospace arm was already stretched been horribly mauled during the recent Civil War (estimates
to the limit with the existing carrier fleet and didn’t want a new place losses at anywhere from 50 to 70 percent among carrier
carrier, especially an untried multi-role design like the Nemesis wings), which had ended barely twenty one years earlier.
which might very well take away some of the funding for their Though the carrier forces were well on their way to recovery
beloved Integrated Carrier Battlegroups. Traditional battleship in the two decades since the war, the League’s aerospace
commanders on the other hand considered the Nemesis an assets were still stretched to the limit supporting the existing
encroachment on their own sacred territory. Despite fierce fleet. When the first new Nemesis class ships began entering
protests League authorities were impressed by its potential service, League Admirals suddenly realized that they had few
and ordered the warship into mass production. or no new fighters to give them, a situation that might take
years or even decades to completely rectify.
Capabilities: In order to properly equip the new carriers, it was decided
Overview: The Nemesis is a solid front line carrier. Her main to strip fighters from other warships in the fleet. Hardest hit by
The Nemesis class Carrier has been the focus of armament, two dozen medium and heavy naval cannon this decision were the Integrated Carrier Battlegroups, each
controversy since its launch on April 19, 2755. Many continue backed by nearly as many lasers, certainly gives the ship of which lost several of their best fighter squadrons to the
to debate if this warship is an expensive boondoggle, an ill much greater firepower than the Varyag class that served as new ships. This, to some degree, blunted the striking power
conceived chimera directly responsible for the collapse of the the mainstay of the carrier forces, and her fighter complement of the battlegroups, a situation that was never really rectified.
Free Worlds League’s Navy during the Succession War. Others is (in theory at least) just as big. In addition superior thrust Ships in the main battlefleet lost fighter squadrons as well,
claim the class is simply poorly utilized and poorly understood capability and armor protection nominally give this ship the increasing the dependence on dedicated carriers like the
by inflexible commanders. The truth may actually be a little bit edge, and her massed batteries of autocannons (including poorly armed and protected Themistocles to provide the main
of both. The Nemesis can be thought of as the right ship built an analogue of the Hegemony’s LB-10X) provide a roughly defensive fighter screen for battleships and other major fleet
at precisely the wrong time for entirely the wrong reasons. comparable anti-fighter defense. All this combined allowed units.
The Nemesis was House Marik’s first true aerospace the Nemesis to operate as a quick striking hammer, able to The biggest tragedy of the Nemesis’ career, however, was
carrier designed from keel up to both transport massive follow up a massed fighter attack with a barrage of heavy that it was almost never really utilized well. Nemesis class
numbers of fighters and engage enemy warships directly. This gunfire. In theory this made the ship a potent weapon but in ships were grouped into their own independent battlegroups,
was a radical deviation from accepted naval design principles, practice the results were far different. supported by a mixed bag of destroyers for escort and
which until this point had maintained a clear delineation screening duty. These battlegroups were something of a cross
between fighter carriers and front line combat vessels. During between a battlecruiser squadron and an integrated carrier
Deployment: battlegroup, and in theory they offered the best of both
the Star League era this well established practice began to
Though the Nemesis’ trials were enough to demonstrate worlds. In practice however, their performance was far below
be questioned in earnest especially within some circles of
the potential of the class, it was the reversal of the Edict what was hoped for. Most Nemesis commanders, especially
the Free Worlds League. Maverick engineers and certain
of 2650 that really spurred a burst in construction. With all those with previous command experience on either Sians
aerospace industries ran with the idea and began to lobby
of the Great Houses engaged in a downright massive naval
008/201 TRO:2800/House Marik/FWLN Nemesis Class Carrier
Nemesis Class Carrier

or Varyags, never really got the hang of the idea that BOTH Nemesis class Carrier Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
the ship’s formidable arsenal and its fighters were offensive Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 412)
weapons. Some captains preferred to keep their ships well Tech: Inner Sphere 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
away from the fighting, relying on their fighters to strike at Introduced: 2755 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
the enemy. Others tended to plunge into battle with cannons In Class: 20 3 LB 10-X (300 Rounds) 2(18) 2(18) - - LB-X
6 AC/5 (600 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) - - Autocannon
blazing, relegating an enormous number of fighters to a rather Manufacturer: Various (Free Worlds League) FL/FR (Heat: 824)
needless defensive screen, or even worse, ignoring their own 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
fighters entirely. Mass: 900,000 tons 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
[Editor’s Note: Inter-service rivalry at work. For a century Length: 1,085 meters 3 LB 10-X (300 Rounds) 2(18) 2(18) - - LB-X
6 AC/5 (600 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) - - Autocannon
League naval tactics had been built on the idea that the Sian Sail Diameter: 1,100 meters LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,400)
class Battlecruiser fight close in and Varyag class Battlecruiser/ Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000) 3 NAC/20 (300 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Carrier stay back and send fighters into the fray. A ship that Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 3 NAC/20 (300 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
was essentially able to fill both roles just didn’t fit into this Safe Thrust: 4 AL/AR (Heat: 1,424)
tactical doctrine. Those who did best commanding Nemesis Maximum Thrust: 6 3 NAC/20 (300 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
class warships were generally mavericks that spent their Sail Integrity: 5 3 NAC/20 (300 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
careers doing things the “wrong way”. It was only a rare few KF Drive Integrity: 18 4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
3 LB 10-X (300 Rounds) 2(18) 2(18) - - LB-X
who could get bye on bucking the system and still rise to Heat Sinks: 2972 6 AC/5 (600 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) - - Autocannon
command of a major front line warship like the Nemesis. Those Structural Integrity: 80 Aft (Heat: 352)
few that did built the framework for whole new naval doctrine Battle Value: 200,148 4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
3 LB 10-X (300 Rounds) 2(18) 2(18) - - LB-X
which likely would have greatly advanced naval tactics in the 6 AC/5 (600 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) - - Autocannon
League and would have turned the Nemesis squadron into a Armor: (1440 tons, Improved Ferro Aluminum)
weapon to be reckoned with. Unfortunately the horrors of the Fore: 152 Ammunition:
Succession War have devastated the League fleet and made Fore-Sides: 152 1200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
such developments pointless.] Aft-Sides: 152 2400 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
Despite their less that hoped for performance, the League Aft: 152 1800 rounds of LB-10X Autocannon ammunition
sent all of its Nemesis Squadrons into the fray right from the 3600 rounds of Autocannon/5 ammunition
start of the Succession War. Today only two of these Carriers Cargo
remain in the service of the Free Worlds League Navy. Bay 1: Small Craft (20) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Fighters (108) 6 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (34,919 tons) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 4
Grav Decks: 1 (250-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 30
Lifeboats: 20
Crew: 290 minimum (50 Officers, 240 Enlisted)
009/200 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Introduction
Lyran Commonwealth Navy (LCN)

Lyran Commonwealth NAvy (LCN)

Following the founding of the Lyran Commonwealth in 2341, the new nation began to organize its military. In 2346 the Nine Archon’s passed the 1st Lyran Naval Law. This law
not only formally organized the new Lyran Navy and it’s organizational structure, but it also authorized the first true warships for the Commonwealth, ships which would replace the
improvised warships that had been inherited from the Protectorate of Donegal, Tamar Pact and the Federation of Skye. It was hoped that these new warships would not only improve
the performance of the Lyran navy but also provide a sense of unity for the new organization. Unfortunately, the development of the Lyran Navy was hindered by the Nine Archons-
each had their own view on how the military should be organized. As a result the Navy only slowly managed to develop its organization, tactics and equipment. It was not until after
Robert Marsden took control of the Lyran Commonwealth that the navy finally got on track. It was also during this time that they developed the bigger is better mentality which has
continued to dominate strategic thinking ever since.
One other important incident from the time was the Fatima disaster. The LCS Fatima was lost to an explosion in its massive fuel tank. Despite many assurances that this was an
isolated event, the senior officers of the Commonwealth Navy insisted that future vessels be equipped with smaller fuel tanks, reducing the chance for a disaster. With only a limited
fuel supply, future Lyran warships became heavily dependent on tankers to keep them fueled and could not conduct long term deployments with out tanker support. As a result the
Lyran Navy was forced to deploy a larger then normal tanker force. The tankers were also commonly required to operate in forward areas, which in part dictated the tactics used by the
Navy. With a few notable exceptions, to this day all Lyran warships have been designed with smaller then normal fuel tanks. With the increasing threat of the Draconis Combine and
the Free Worlds, as well as the ever present Terran Hegemony, the Lyran Navy underwent a period of great growth. This expansion proved very valuable when the Age of War began
in 2398. In 2407 the Combine launched a massive offensive against the Commonwealth. The Lyran forces retreated in the face of this onslaught. In an effort to stem the Combine
offensive, Archon Alaistar Marsden ordered an assault against a suspected staging base on Vega. A naval taskforce equipped with large numbers of Aerospace fighters and VTOLs
arrived in system and destroyed the Combine bases and spaceports, disrupting their invasion plans. The success of the navy lead force resulted in the Lyran Navy receiving increased
funding and support.
Throughout the Age of War the Lyran Navy found itself on the front lines. Combination of the Navy’s large ponderous warships and their limited fuel capacity usually resulted in the
Navy conducting defensive operations. When the Navy did launch offensive operations, they rarely had the chance to fight enemy vessels. Free World League and Draconis Combine
warships would usually retreat rather then needlessly throw themselves at the Lyran warships. The only time the Lyran Navy encountered enemy warships during their offensive
campaigns was when the enemy massively outnumbered them, which usually resulted in heavy losses for the Lyrans.
During the Reunification War, the Lyran Navy supported Operation Mailed Fist. While the Lyran Navy far out classed the navy of the Rim Worlds Republic, the Rim Worlds Republic’s
smaller and faster vessels caused many problems for the Commonwealth. Eventually the Lyrans were forced to call on the SLDF navy for aid in defeating the Rim Worlds, much to the
embarrassment of the Lyran Admirals and sailors.
Following the end of the Reunification War, the Lyran Navy found itself with few responsibilities. With peace settling across the Inner Sphere, it seemed that there was little need
for a navy. Despite several attempts to disband the navy, the Commonwealth continued to operate a large navy and even introduced several new designs. The peace of the Star League
era was disrupted in the 2730s. Pirates, a treat which had all but disappeared, returned with a vengeance. The Navy was tasked with guarding against this new threat. However the
slow and short ranged ships made up the bulk of the Lyran fleet were ill-suited for the task. Eventually with the aid of the SLDF, the Lyrans were able to disrupt most of the pirate
operations, which were traced back to the Draconis Combine.
When Stefan Amaris conquered the Terran Hegemony, several Lyran warships joined General Kerensky. Officially these ships were loaned to the SLDF, but in actually the ships and
their crews had gone AWOL to join the SLDF. At the end of the war, the surviving ships joined General Kerensky on his exodus, rather then return home and face a court marshal.
With the Star League destroyed and war looming, the Navy began a major expansion. Shipyards across the Commonwealth were ordered to increase their production capability
and new ships were raced into service. Many older vessels were upgraded or returned to service from the mothball fleet, greatly expanding the size and capability of the Navy. But
even this would prove insufficient when faced with the challenges of the Succession War.
The opening acts of the war saw the Commonwealth attacked by the Combine. Bandit forces, supplied by the Combine, drew the Lyran’s toward the Periphery border, opening
the way for a strike against the center of the border. In a high embarrassing incident, the Lyran Navy failed to stop an unmarked freighter which had entered the Skondia system and
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Lyran Commonwealth Navy (LCN)

Lyran Commonwealth Navy (LCN)

deployed a Combine ‘Mech regiment against the planet. Shaken out of its complacency, the Lyran Navy stepped up their patrol efforts.
Early in 2787 the Combine launched an all out assault against Skondia. In one of the largest naval battles of the war, a massive Combine Armada engaged the Lyran fleet. Using
their superior mobility, the attackers managed to break through the defenders and land their troops on the planet. Returning to engage the Commonwealth fleet, the attackers
managed to inflict heavy damage, driving off the surviving ships. That the Lyran Navy inflicted almost equal damage was of little comfort. Following this battle, the Combine refocused
it’s efforts on the Federated Suns and Terran Republic, and naval operations along the Combine border were limited to occasional raids and limited offensives. One of the few notable
incidents during this period was the Combine invasion of Nox. Having learned of the planned attack, the Commonwealth stationed a large fleet in the system with five Thor class
Battleships. Despite inflicting massive losses against the Combine fleet, the Thors were destroyed by waves of Combine fighters. While the Commonwealth fleet was forced to retreat,
they had inflicted such heavy damage on the attackers that they soon fled the system fearing a Commonwealth counterattack.
The Free Worlds front saw the navy attempting to defend against numerous raiding missions. With the League involved in its invasion of the Terran Republic they lacked the troops
to fight the Commonwealth. In an effort to keep the Lyran’s off guard and prevent them from invading, the Free Worlds League Navy targeted Lyran naval facilities and shipyards
all along the border. While these operations were effective at crippling the Lyran shipbuilding industry, they came at a high cost. Operating from a defensive position, the limited
acceleration of the Lyran warships was of little consequence. The only way the League raiders could get to the Lyran facilities was by fighting their way past the Lyran defenders. Forced
to fight the larger and better armed and armored vessels, the League raiders suffered horrific losses. Even so many facilities ended up destroyed liked the Bolson Shipyards over New
Kyoto or Ioto Galactic over Summer. One notable exception is the Port Sydney Naval Shipyards at Alarion. When the League raiders arrived in system, they were surprised to find the
LCS Odin, a Thor class battleship which undergoing a refit at the time. The Odin destroyed several Cruisers and numerous smaller vessels and saving the shipyard from destruction.
Other notable defensive operations by the Lyran Navy include the 1st and 3rd battles of Hesperus II. During the 1st Battle of Hesperus II, the Combine attempted to destroy the
large ‘Mech factory in an effort to cripple the Commonwealth’s weapons industry. The Lyran fleet easily prevented the Combine forces from entering orbit and landing their troops, but
proved too slow to prevent the destruction of the orbital shipyards. During the third battle, the League attempted to slip past the defenders. Caught by the LCS Granite and Endeavor,
the League fleet tried to fight their way past to the planet. The destruction of the cruisers FWLS Devastator and Skulker turned the tide in favor of the Lyrans and the remaining League
forces retreated.
The Lyran navy also conducted its share of raiding missions. The most notable was the Tamar Tigers raid against Luthien in 2787. Traveling undetected to Luthien, the Lyran naval
forces destroyed the massive Kure Naval Yards while the Tigers raided the planet. During the return trip the Commonwealth, the raiders hit a number of targets, including the dropship
yards at Avon. The Lyrans also launched a large number of raids against the Free Worlds League in response to the raiding against the Commonwealth shipyards. Numerous small
raiding groups, usually built around an Icarus Frigate or a Dinesen destroyer, hit shipyards all along the border. These raids were very successful but came at a high cost in ships.
Currently the Lyran Navy is one of the strongest in the Inner Sphere. While many other nations have been in near constant fighting since 2786, the Lyran Commonwealth has found
itself in something of a lull since 2791. With the Combine concentrating it’s efforts against the Terran Republic and the Federated Suns, and the Free Worlds League engaged with the
Republic and the Capellan Confederation, the Lyran’s gained some breathing room. Aided by the massive industrial capacity of the Lyran economy, the Lyran Navy has managed to
repair many of its damaged ships, giving the Lyran Navy some of the highest readiness and efficiency ratings of any Navy. Even so the lack of adequate repair facilities has hampered
these efforts and many Lyran ships are still in relatively poor condition. None the less, the men and officers of the Lyran Navy continue to patrol the borders of the Commonwealth
guarding against enemy incursions.

The Commonwealth Navy paints it ships a Dark Gray with Steiner Blue highlights.
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Lyran Commonwealth Navy (LCN)

Lyran commonwealth Navy (LCN)

The Lyran Navy shares many of the hallmarks of the Lyran Army, using heavy units to smash the enemy. The slow ponderous ships that make up the bulk of the Lyran fleet
are better suited to defensive operations then offensive ones. During defensive operations, the Lyran Navy generally allows the enemy to approach them, rather then trying to out
maneuver the enemy. While unimaginative, the tactic is high effective, by forcing the enemy to approach them, the Lyrans are able to concentrate maximum firepower against the
enemy. Many times opposing fleets have chosen to go against other targets, rather then attacking an objective defended by the Lyran Navy.
The Lyrans offensive tactics are equally unimaginative. Many old school Lyran Admirals simply line up their ships and attempt to crush their opponents with superior firepower.
When facing more maneuverable opponents this tactic rarely works as the enemy will scatter and conduct hit and run attacks. The slower Lyran vessels are unable to cope with these
attacks and take a disproportionate amount of damage.
A small group of progressive officers led an effort to change to the thinking of the Lyran Navy. Lead by Eric Holstein and containing many former SLDF officers who had joined
the Lyran Navy, this group was responsible for new designs like the Commonwealth Battlecruiser and Dinesen Destroyer. These ships offered better capabilities then the traditional
designs used by the Navy. These former SLDF officers also brought a new quick strike mentality to the navy. This new thinking was best shown by the 221st Strike Flotilla, the Banshee
Carrier/Raiders and the deep strike against Luthien by the LCS Nightwind. Taking risks that most Lyran officers would shun, these forces were able to conduct mobile raiding campaigns
and gave the navy some it’s greatest victories during the war. Despite the success of these forces, the Lyran Navy is still dominated by traditionalists, and these “radical” ideas are
frowned upon.

PRE-WAR DEPLOYMENT (as of 2785) Supplemental /Reserve Fleet (137 warships) 12 Baron class Destroyers
30 Dinesen class Destroyers 6 Aegis class Heavy Cruisers
Main Line Vessels (390 warships) 36 Icarus class Frigates 2 Hegemony class Battlecruisers
110 Mako class Corvettes 2 Banshee class Carriers 1 Potemkin class Troop Cruiser
120 Valkryie class Destroyers 28 Brandenberg class Heavy Cruisers
60 Balmung class Frigates 20 Arcturus class Battlecruisers Auxiliaries (137 warships)
50 Gauntlet class Heavy Cruisers 6 Commonwealth class Battlecruisers 60 Viking class Transports
25 Tharkad class Battlecruisers 15 Tirpitz class Battleship 4 Sylvester class Transports
25 Thor class Battleships 28 McQuiston class Fleet Replenishment Ships
Hegemony Additionals (45 warships) 25 Catalyst class Tankers
24 Vigilant class Corvettes 20 Vulcan class Tenders

At the beginning of the current hostilities, the Lyran Navy deployed seven hundred and nine warships. While this gave the Lyrans one of the smallest fleets in the Inner Sphere,
they made up for this by operating some of the largest vessels of their type. The Lyran’s main fleet forces were heavily supported by older units in second line service. At the time
war broke out the Lyrans operated one of the oldest fleets in the Inner Sphere, although many of the ships had been refitted and upgraded. The Lyran fleet also operated the largest
tanker fleet of any navy, to help compensate for the short legs of its warships. The main force of the Lyran Navy was its battle fleets. The fleets were formed around the Thor and
Tirpitz class Battleships escorted by Arcturus and Tharkad Battlecruisers, Brandenberg Heavy Cruisers and Gauntlet Cuisers. Balmung Frigates would serve as the fleet’s sentries and
the Valkyrie destroyers would provide protection against smaller enemy vessels. The remaining warships of the Lyran Navy saw duty as patrol vessels and raiders. The Icarus Frigates
were used to patrol outlying areas of the Commonwealth as were many of the Mako Corvettes. Both of those vessels were also used as raiders along with the Dinesen destroyer,
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Lyran commonwealth Navy (LCN)

Vigilant corvettes and the Banshee carriers. While the Banshees operated either alone or with each other,
the Mako and Vigilant corvettes were formed into flotillas which were led by an Icarus or Dinesen. The Lyran
logistical support was provided by Viking and Sylvester Transports, McQuiston Fleet Underway Replenishment CURRENT DEPLOYMENT (as of 2800)
Ships, Catalyst Tankers and Vulcan Tenders. The McQuiston class was most often found operating with the
Lyran battle fleets. The Catalyst and Vulcans were assigned to specific theaters and would support and vessels Combat Vessels (105 warships)
operating in the area. The Vikings were used mainly as transports, carrying supplies from rear areas to the 4 Vigilant class Corvettes
fleet. The faster Sylvesters were used for transporting high priority cargo or VIP passengers. 17 Mako class Corvettes
The Lyran Navy has suffered heavy losses during the fighting only one hundred twenty three ships have 6 Dinesen class Destroyers
survived. Many of Commonwealth’s ships have been destroyed by the forces of the Draconis Combine and the Free 2 Baron class Destroyers
Worlds League. The loss of so many shipyards has made replacing their losses nearly impossible. Only the Port 24 Valkyrie class Destroyers
Sydney Naval Yard at Alarion is capable of building compact core vessels and has only recently resumed production 6 Icarus class Frigates
of the Catalyst Tanker. The Lyran fleet has attempted to hold on to its past glory by maintaining five fleets. Each 1 Aegis class Heavy Cruiser
fleet is built around either a Thor or Tirpitz class battleship escorted by either a Tharkad or Arcturus Battlecruiser. 14 Balmung class Frigates
Each fleet also has three Gauntlet Heavy Cruisers, a Brandenburg Heavy Cruiser, four Valkyrie Destroyers and 5 Brandenburg class Heavy Cruisers
three Balmung Frigates, except for the First Fleet which has two Balmungs and a Commonwealth Battlecruiser. The 15 Gauntlet class Heavy Cruisers [10 Block Is, 5 Block IIs]
Commonwealth Navy also maintains a single defense squadron composed of an Aegis heavy cruiser and two Baron
2 Arcturus class Battlecruisers
Destroyers which is assigned to protect the vital Port Sydney Naval Shipyard. The remaining ships are used as patrol
3 Tharkad class Battlecruisers
vessels and raiders. Each of the four Valkyrie’s assigned to patrol duties is matched with a Vigilant corvette. Each
Dinesen Destroyer is assigned two Mako corvettes, while each Icarus has a single Mako as an escort, except for the
1 Commonwealth class Battlecruiser
LCS Daedalus which recently lost it’s escorts in raid against the Free Worlds League. The Lyran support vessels have 2 Tirpitz class Battleships
suffered heavy losses. The McQuiston class has suffered particularly heavy losses. Originally operating along side 3 Thor class Battleships
the main fleets, these ships were favorite targets for the League and Combine. As a result only two ships remain in
service. One is assigned to support operations along the League border while the other is assigned to the combat Auxiliaries (18 warships)
front. These ships are vital to keeping the Lyran fleet operational and are no longer deployed to the front lines, but 4 Catalyst class Tankers
rather held back where they can be better protected. Like the McQuiston class, the remaining Catalyst Tankers and 3 Vulcan class Tenders
Viking transports have been evenly split between the League and Combine fronts. These ships operate in the rear 1 Sylvester class Transport
areas, moving fuel and supplies from production centers and depots to the fleets. The remaining Vulcan tenders 8 Viking class Transports
have been assigned one per province. In addition to supporting fleet operations in the province, the ships are also 2 McQuiston class Fleet Underway Replenishment Ships
responsible for aiding civilian ships, many of which are in poor shape due to heavy usage and destruction of so many
repair facilities. The Navy’s sole remaining Sylvester is used as a priority transport and operates under the direct
control of the commander of the Lyran Navy. The Lyran Commonwealth has always been a major industrial power.
While the Free Worlds League may have been at the forefront of aerospace innovation among the Great Houses, the
Lyran Commonwealth far outstripped them in sheer manufacturing capacity. In fact the Commonwealth’s jumpship
and dropship construction was second only to the Terran Hegemony. With the outbreak of hostilities, the nation’s
shipyards became key targets for the League and the Draconis Combine. Despite the Lyran’s best efforts to defend
the yards, they were relatively easy targets for the raiders and many were destroyed or badly damaged. This has
dramatically reduced the Lyrans’ Jumpship production and brought warship production to a virtual halt.
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Lyran Commonwealth Navy (LCN)

Lyran commonwealth Navy (LCN)

The Lyran Navy has long followed the policy of “Bigger is Better”. Lyran Warships have typically been larger then comparable ships from their neighbors. Only the Terran Hegemony
and later the SLDF had larger ships then the Lyran Navy. The Lyran vessels featured heavy armor and the largest guns available. All this armor and weaponry came at a cost. The
Lyran warships were some of the slowest ships in the Inner Sphere. This put them at a disadvantage when conducting offensive operations. Lyran warships had two other major
design flaws. The first was their woefully insufficient fighter defenses. While early Lyran warships mounted heavy fighter defenses, later designs would follow the Star League system
of relying on large missile batteries, escorting dropships and fighters. This system proved in effective during the Succession War, as massed fighter formations were able to overwhelm
the defending dropships and fighters leaving the Lyran Warships vulnerable and resulting in the destruction of many ships. The other problem facing Lyran warships is their small fuel
tanks. Ever since the destruction of the Fatima due to minor damage to its fuel tank, the Lyran Navy has been reluctant to equip it’s ships with large fuel tanks. As a result the Lyran
warships tend to have a short range and are heavily dependent on tankers and fueling stations. The Free World’s League and Draconis Combine have taken advantage of this problem
by targeting Lyran tankers, limiting the mobility of the Lyran warships.

Alarion/Dell: Bowie-Commonwealth - Port Sydney Naval Yard
Products (2785)(Dell): Leopard, Union, Leopard CV, Overlord, Danais, Sylvester and Mammoth Dropships
Products (2800)(Alarion): Leopard, Union, Leopard CV, Overlord, Danais, Sylvester and Mammoth Dropships
The Bowie-Commonwealth shipyard at Alarion is the newest shipyard in the Commonwealth and the only one created since fall of the Star League. Originally located on Dell, the factory was relocated to
Alarion, deep in the Commonwealth to protect it from enemy assaults. The effort involved in relocating the factory was limited the company’s production, but despite this they have managed to continue
producing .their entire line of dropships for the Commonwealth.

Alarion: Ioto Galactic Enterprises - Port Sydney Naval Yard

Products (2785): Scout, Invader and Monolith Jumpships, Gauntlet II Refits
Products (2800): Scout, Invader and Monolith Jumpships, Gauntlet II Refits, Catalyst Tanker
Ioto Galactic Enterprises is the Lyran Commonwealth division of the now defunct Di Tron Industries. During the chaos of the Coup, the senior management of the Ioto Galactic division organized the company
as an independent entity in the Lyran Commonwealth. Since then they have continued to run the company and supply vessels to the Lyran Commonwealth. The company has even managed to resume
limited production of the Catalyst Tanker for the Lyran Navy. Located at the massive Port Sydney Naval Yards, the company has managed to avoid major damage. The company did suffer minor damage
during an Free Worlds League raid in 2787, but they have repaired the damage and resumed full production. The Port Sydney Naval Yards are the last remaining shipyard capable of repairing the Lyran’s
Warship fleet.

Alarion: Henderson Jumpships of Alarion

Products (2785): Scout, Merchant and Invader Jumpships
Products (2800): Merchant and Invader Jumpships.
Located at the Zenith point of the Alarion System, Henderson Jumpships is a smaller manufacturer of ships for the commercial markets. Badly damaged in the Marik raid on 2787, the company has only
recently managed to resume production the Merchant and Invader Jumpships.
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Lyran commonwealth Navy (LCN)

Alexandria: Krester’s Ship Constructors
Products (2785): Buccaneer, Mammoth and Behemoth Dropships
Products (2800): None
The Krester’s Ship Constructors facility at Alexandria was an annoyance to the Lyran Commonwealth. Due to the policies of the company, their entire production was sold exclusively to the Terran Republic.
It was for this reason that the Lyran’s refused to provide any defense for the facility. As a consequence it was easily destroyed by Kuritian raiders in 2787.

Donegal: Clippership Yards

Products (2785): Scout, Explorer, Invader and Star Lord Jumpships.
Products (2800): Scout and Invader Jumpships
The Clippership Yards at Donegal were famous for their high quality jumpships. Many of these ships were purchased by the fabulously wealthy for their personal use and were luxuriously outfitted. Since
the outbreak of war, the company has focused on producing simpler and cheaper models for the Lyran Navy. The facility was badly damaged in during a league raid and as result lost the ability to build the
Explorer and Star Lord Classes.

Furillo- Krester’s Ship Constructors

Products (2785): Scout and Star Lord Jumpships
Products (2800): None
As with their facility at Alexandria, the Krester’s jumpship yard at Furillo only supplied the Terran Republic. The yard, located at the systems Zenith point, was destroyed in a Marik raid in early 2787, while
the defending Lyran forces in system remained in orbit of the planet to guard against planetary landings.

Gibbs: Ioto Galactic Enterprises

Products (2785): Merchant Jumpships
Products (2800): Merchant Jumpships
The Ioto Galactic Enterprises shipyard at Gibbs is a massive facility dedicated to the production of a single design, the Merchant Jumpship. This yard was capable of churning out massive numbers of
Merchants to feed the needs of the Lyran economy. The Gibbs yard has been a prime target for the Free Worlds League. To date the League has launched three major raids against the Ioto Galactic facility.
While the Lyran naval squadrons have been able to prevent the League forces from totally destroying the shipyard, the damaged that has been inflicted has severely crippled operations and greatly reduced
the yards output.

Gibbs: Lockheed/CBM
Products (2785): Invader and Star Lord Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Lockheed/CBM’s shipyard at Gibbs is a mere shell of its former self. Once one of the most important shipyards in Commonwealth, the Gibbs facility built many of the LCAF’s Navy’s early warships. However
the company became complacent and soon found itself surpassed by the Shipil Company, as the prefered warship supplier for the Lyran Navy. Having lost out on a string of contracts, the company left the
military market and began building commercial jumpship vessels. It has continued to do so ever since. The yard was destroyed by a League raid in 2787.

Hesperus II: Defiance Industries

Products (2785): Avenger Dropships, Invader, Star Lord and Leviathan Jumpships
Products (2800): Avenger Dropships
While Defiance Industries is best known for it’s assault mech production, the company also operated an aerospace division. Defiance’s Jumpship division, located at the system’s Nadir point, was destroyed
during a Combine raid in 2787. The dropship division, located next to the battlemech factory, has continued to produce Avenger dropships. Originally licensed
from Dynamico and produced exclusively for the SLDF, Defiance has been producing the Avenger for the Lyran Navy since the disbanding of the Star League in 2781.
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Kimball II - Ceres Metals
Products (2785): Invader, Tramp and Monolith Jumpships, Buccaneer, Danais and Mule Dropships
Products (2800): None
Ceres Metals is one of the largest companies in known space. The company is not only a major trading cartel, but the company has extensive manufacturing operations. The company’s aerospace division
originally began as a source of ships for Ceres Metals’ large shipping but has expanded into a major supplier of commercial ships for other shipping firms. The large Kimball II yard was destroyed by a
Combine raiding force in 2788.

New Kyoto: Bolson Shipyards

Products (2785): Sylvester, Princess, Danais and Mule Dropships, Merchant, Invader, Star Lord and Leviathan Jumpships, Mako Corvette
Products (2800): None
Bolson Shipyards was a major jumpship and dropship manufacturer. The company’s primary focus was on non-combat jumpships and dropships for both the LCAF and commercial interests. This business
proved highly lucrative for the company. The shipyards only combat jumpship was the Mako. The yards were completely destroyed during a League raid in 2787.

Skye: Shipil Company

Products (2785): Leopard, Union, Overlord, Gazelle, Intruder, Achilles, Monarch, Triumph and Model 96 Elephant Dropships, Invader Jumpships, Commonwealth Battlecruiser, Dinesen Destroyer
Products (2800): Union, Overlord and Intruder Dropships
The Shipil Company was one of the most important aerospace firms in the Lyran Commonwealth. The company’s yards orbiting Skye produced many of the Lyran Navy’s warships. As such the yard was a
key target of both the FWL and the DC. Attacked numerous times, the Lyran defenders were unable to prevent major damage to the yards. The warship yards were totally destroyed, while the dropship
facility has suffered heavy damaged. The company has managed to restore limited production capability, but as much of the equipment is jury-rigged, production rates are much lower then before.

Sudeten: Commonwealth Shipbuilding

Products (2785): Leopard, Union, Mule and Overlord Dropships Invader and Star Lord Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Commonwealth Shipbuilding is an old company that actually predates the Lyran Commonwealth. Originally known as Tamar Shipbuilding, the company changed it’s name following the formation of the
Commonwealth. The company was a relatively minor manufacturer and was over shadowed by firms like Bolson Shipyards and Di Tron. Even so the company could not avoid the notice of the Draconis
Combine and was destroyed during a raid in 2787.

Summer: Ioto Galactic Enterprises

Products (2785): Buccaneer and Monarch Dropships, Merchant Jumpships
Products (2800): Jumpship parts
Another of Ioto Galactic’s shipyards, the Summer facility produced ships for primarily for local traders and cruise lines in the Federation of Skye. Even with it’s nonmilitary nature, the yard found itself a prime
target for the League raiders. The yard was destroyed in 2788. However some of the company’s planetside facilities survived and continue to produce vital jumpship components.

Tamar: Bolson-Tamar Shipyards

Products (2785): Tharkad Battlecruiser
Products (2800): None
Bolson-Tamar Shipyards was a joint venture between Bolson shipyards and the Kelswas, rulers of the Tamar Pact. The Tamar Pact has always been in many ways the weakest of the 3 member states of the
Lyran Commonwealth. Most notably the Pact lacked any significant shipyards. Partnering with Bolson Shipyards of New Kyoto, the Kelswa’s provided the funding needed for a new shipyard, while Bolson
provided the technology and know-how. The yard scored a major coup when it won the contract to build the Tharkad class battlecruiser. The shipyards were still building the Tharkad class for the LCAF
when it was destroyed in 2787.
009/207 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Introduction
Lyran Commonwealth Navy (LCN)

Lyran commonwealth Navy (LCN)

Tharkad: Tharkad Aerospace Group - Aesiria Orbital Shipyard
Products (2785): Leopard, Leopard CV, Intruder Monarch, Triumph, Overlord, Mule, and Behemoth Dropships
Products (2800): Leopard, Intruder, Triumph, Mule, and Behemoth Dropships
Tharkad Aerospace Group (TAG) is one of the oldest aerospace firms in the Lyran Commonwealth. The company’s sprawling Aesiria Orbital Shipyard turned out hundreds of dropships each year. Recently
production has declined and several designs have even gone out of production. Unlike many factories the company has not suffered damage from enemy forces rather many of the supporting factories which
supply components to the company have been destroyed or badly damaged. The loss of these components suppliers has forced TAG to halt production of several dropship models and slowed production
of the remaining ones.

Tharkad- Semier Data Tron

Products (2785): Buccaneer, Seeker, Condor, Excalibur, Fortress and Vengeance Dropships.
Products (2800): Buccaneer, Seeker, Condor, Excalibur and Fortress Dropships.
Semier Data Tron was a major supplier of the SLDF dropship forces. As a result the company produced many SLDF exclusive designs. With the fall of the Star League, the company has continued to produce
these designs for the Lyran Navy. Recently the company has been forced to halt production of the Vengeance dropship as the remaining stockpiles of the Warrior ATP drives have been used and are not
produced in the Lyran Commonwealth.

Sudeten: Commonwealth Shipbuilding

Products (2785): Leopard, Union, Mule and Overlord Dropships Invader and Star Lord Jumpships
Products (2800): None
Commonwealth Shipbuilding is an old company that actually predates the Lyran Commonwealth. Originally known as Tamar Shipbuilding, the company changed it’s name following the formation of the
Commonwealth. The company was a relatively minor manufacturer and was over shadowed by firms like Bolson Shipyards and Di Tron. Even so the company could not avoid the notice of the Draconis
Combine and was destroyed during a raid in 2787.

Yed Posterior - New Earth Trading Corporation Port Royal Naval Shipyards
Products (2785): Fury, Gazelle, Bucaneer. Princess and Mammoth Dropships - Scout, Merchant and Leviathan Jumpships.
Products (2800): None
The Port Royal Naval Shipyards at Yed Posterior were the Lyran Navy’s primary drydocks along the Combine border. Originally the yard was founded as a small jumpship and dropship manufacturing facility
by NETC. Over the years the shipyard expanded into a major refit and overhaul facility for the Lyran Navy. Among the work done here was the conversion of the Victory class frigate into the Icarus class.
As a result of the yards capabilities, it was a prime target for the Combine. The destruction of the Port Royal Naval Shipyards in 2787 has badly crippled Lyran Naval operations.
009/208 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Dinesen Class Destroyer
Dinesen Class Destroyer

thirty relics. Apparently Hamilton reasoned that the failure of Decks were doubled to four. Finally, new innovations increased
the refitted Missile Destroyer would prove the entire FRAM the vessels cargo space allowing for long term independent
program a failure and the Navy could resume funding new operations.
cutting edge naval designs. As Hamilton expected the Estates
General overwhelming passed the refit of the Marsden. Deployment:
Admiral Frederick Hamilton was actually responsible for
Capabilities: naming the vessel the Dinesen although he claimed that
The extensive refit on the Marsden produced an almost Kommodore William Schwab had actually come up with all the
entirely new warship. The ship’s hull was stripped of its old ideas concerning the new warship. The Admiral had hoped that
armor plating and replaced with new Ferro-Carbide that the name would enrage the Archon and win his support for
almost doubled the ship’s protection. The fusion engine was new designs. However despite all his best attempts Hamilton
completely replaced with a modern version capable of 2.5Gs was thwarted. The Archon actually liked the name (he viewed
at maximum thrust. The Destroyer’s fighter complement it as a way to heal old wounds and put the past behind the
was tripled to eighteen aerospace fighters. Even the ancient Steiner family) and the ship’s performance was excellent.
internal docking collars were modernized with new external Schwab received all the credit of course and an enraged
versions capable of carrying the much larger modern day Hamilton resigned in disgust. Although it was a successful
dropships. design the idea of another missile warship never caught on
Overview: These major changes did not exclude the vessels with Lyran Navy.
The Dinesen class Destroyer was the project of one armament. To make room for the vessel new main weapons, Shipil Company of Skye which built the original Marsden
radical Lyran naval designer, Kommodore William Schwab. Capital Missile Launchers, the Marsden’s eight Naval also did the refit of these vessels lovingly restoring them
He had argued for years that a warship featuring missiles as Autocannon/10s were removed. To the twenty four White to line status. While the name of this destroyer class was
the vessel’s main armament could prove to be a vital part of Shark Missile Launchers mounted on the Marsden another changed most of the ships retained their original names
the Commonwealth fleet. Such a ship could be an excellent twenty four Killer Whale Missile Launchers and twenty four which were given in honor of famous persons from the early
fleet support craft easily dispatching enemy dropships and Barracuda Missile Launchers were added. Thirty two Naval Lyran Commonwealth. Despite an excellent performance the
massed fighter attacks (something the Free Worlds League Laser/45s originally included on the Marsden remained to Dinesen never was embraced by the Lyran Admiralty and as
fleet was becoming more and more adept at). Also Schwab provide unlimited capital fire support for the vessels new a consequence was misused on the strategic level. Certain
insisted that this missile ship could prove to be an effective main arsenal. In keeping with the design’s goals the forty new deployments which had been recommended by “radical
raider. However, virtually the entire Lyran naval establishment Long Range Missile system type 20s on Marsden were also thinkers” prior to the war were ignored in favor of traditional
scoffed at such an idea. Kommodore Schwab was a common kept and added to with forty Short Range Missile system naval tactics. While some naval experts still debate this topic
sailor without noble heritage and no desire to socialize with type 6s. Supporting these missile systems were forty Large fiercely many often wonder aloud, what if the Dinesen had
“a bunch of snobs”. It wasn’t until the Lyran Navy’s Fleet Lasers carried over from the Marsden plus sixty four Particle been attached to a fleet rather than exiled to lone raids.
Renovation and Modernization (FRAM) plan of 2735 that Projection Cannons and sixteen Medium Lasers. The Dinesens performed numerous raids against the
Schwab would actually get a chance to see his idea become Despite the new, more advanced fire control computers Draconis Combine and the Free Worlds League devastating
reality. Admiral Frederick Hamilton submitted Schwab’s plan included in the refit the new ship had an increased number of vital industrial capacity but they could have been far more
to refit the ancient Marsden class Destroyers into a new crew men. This was caused by the large number of weapons useful screening the massive battleships of the Commonwealth
Missile Destroyer. Admiral Hamilton hoped the entire project added to the vessel. To compensate for this more Lifeboats from massed fighter attacks. As the Succession War dragged
would fail and saw no downside in letting Schwab play with and Escape Pods were added. In addition, the number of Grav on it became more and more difficult to supply the hearty
009/209 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Dinesen Class Destroyer
Dinesen Class Destroyer

appetite of capital missiles that these ships needed to operate. Dropship Capacity: 2 2 Medium Lasers
5 LRM 20 (120 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
Especially since their deep raids required long supply runs to Grav Decks: 4 (65-meter diameter) 5 SRM 6 (225 Rounds) 4(40) - - - SRM
facilitate. Today six of these warships remain in service with Escape Pods: 30 8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
the Lyran Commonwealth. Lifeboats: 30 Aft (Heat: 966)
Crew: 267 minimum (49 Officers, 218 Enlisted) 3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
Dinesen class Destroyer 3 Barracuda (30 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
5 Large Lasers 5(50) 4(40) - - Laser
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 Medium Lasers
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Introduced: 2740 Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class 5 LRM 20 (120 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
In Class: 30 Nose (Heat: 966) 5 SRM 6 (225 Rounds) 4(40) - - - SRM
Manufacturer: Shipil Company (Skye/ Lyran Commonwealth) 3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile 8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
3 Barracuda (30 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile Ammunition:
Mass: 420,000 tons 4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser 240 Killer Whale Missiles
Length: 420 meters 5 Large Lasers 5(50) 4(40) - - Laser
2 Medium Lasers 240 White Shark Missiles
Sail Diameter: 1040 meters
5 LRM 20 (120 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM 240 Barracuda Missiles
Fuel: 1,000 tons (2,500) 5 SRM 6 (225 Rounds) 4(40) - - - SRM 960 rounds of LRM ammunition
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
1800 rounds of SRM ammunition
Safe Thrust: 3 FL/FR (Heat: 1,932)
3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Maximum Thrust: 5 3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
Sail Integrity: 4 3 Barracuda (30 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
KF Drive Integrity: 10 4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
Heat Sinks: 2,500 (5,000) 5 Large Lasers 5(50) 4(40) - - Laser
2 Medium Lasers
Structural Integrity: 50 5 LRM 20 (120 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
Battle Value: 114,008 5 SRM 6 (225 Rounds) 4(40) - - - SRM
8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,932)
Armor: (420 tons, Ferro Carbide) 3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Fore: 61 3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
Fore-Sides: 61 3 Barracuda (30 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
Aft-Sides: 61 4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
5 Large Lasers 5(50) 4(40) - - Laser
Aft: 61 2 Medium Lasers
5 LRM 20 (120 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
Cargo 5 SRM 6 (225 Rounds) 4(40) - - - SRM
8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
Bay 1: Fighters (18) 3 Doors AL/AR (Heat: 1,932)
Bay 2: Marines 3 Doors 3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
(3 Platoons of Jump Infantry) 3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
Bay 3: Small Craft (3) 1 Door 3 Barracuda (30 Missiles) 6 6 6 6 Capital Missile
4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
Bay 4: Cargo (49,220 tons) 3 Doors 5 Large Lasers 5(50) 4(40) - - Laser
009/210 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Viking Class Transport
Viking Class Transport

largely successful. At their final meeting the Archons could not and ships operating in the Lyran frontier. Ten docking collars
agree on how to help end the growing crisis on Alarion. Taking also enabled the ship to carry a wide variety of supplies
quick action following his takeover of the Lyran government, abroad numerous dropships. Eight huge grav decks that
Marsden proved to many that he was looking out for his measured two hundred and fifty meters in diameter provided
people.) Even after the ecological disaster had ended Alarion relaxation for the crew and any passengers carried aboard.
continued to develop its growing aerospace industry. So when For protection the Viking mounted almost three hundred and
Archon Katherine Steiner took charge of the Lyran nation, an fifty tons of armor. The armament was largely copied (and
ambitious and ardently loyal Duke Serfass convinced her to doubled) from the Prosperity class Transport consisted of
grant his new ship construction company (Alarion Galactic) sixteen Light Naval Particle Projection Cannons, thirty two
the rights to build this new exploration vessel. (Editor’s Note: Naval Laser-35s, and sixty four Large Lasers. This arsenal was
Alarion Galactic was always considered a secondary shipyard never intended for offensive use but as a deterrent against
until it merged with Di Tron. Despite designing the Long March any threat vessel, mainly pirates. Composed entirely of energy
class Destroyer and other smaller vessels the distance involved weapons the Viking was designed to operate away from base
in bringing materials to planet for ship construction proved for extended periods. Six fighters were also carried aboard
too costly for many in the Lyran Navy. When Alarion Galactic ship for additional defense as well as forty eight small craft to
was bought out by Di Tron Heavy Industries and became that help with ship operations.
company’s eighth shipyards, or Iota facility. This multinational
Overview: business merger became more and more common, as shown Deployment:
When Archon Katherine Steiner created the Commonwealth by the Lyran CBMs union with the Terran Lockheed Company, The Viking class ships were usually named in honor of
Scout Corps in 2413 as part of the Brandenburg Edicts it was until the end of the Star League era. The subsidiary eventually famous explorers; like Leif Erikson or Christopher Columbus.
realized that a specialized type of jumpship would be required became known as Ioto Galactic Enterprises. When the League The Viking was classified as a Transport by the Lyran High
for them to carry out their exploratory missions. At first, disbanded the Alarion facilities actually grew because of Command because of its assigned military value. Eighty of
the Scout Corps used modified jumpships to perform their Archon Jennifer Steiner’s order to move some shipyards to these ships were built above Alarion until new construction
assigned duties. As the mission load increased a dedicated the planet.) The class was named after some of the greatest came to an end in 2500. The Vikings have served with
exploration vessel was needed to expand Corps operations. To explorers of all time, the Viking. distinction as a colony ship, exploration vessel, and military
facilitate quick introduction to the frontier region the design transport for nearly four hundred years. Most of these years
was built at the Commonwealth’s newest shipyard located Capabilities: were spent in the service of the Lyran Scout Corps which
above Alarion. The seemingly promising colony was founded The Viking class was an exceptional ship that filled many continued to operate until the fall of the Star League. Sixty of
in the early 2370s. This promise soon turned into tragedy of the Lyran Commonwealth’s needs, both civilian and military. these craft survived to see the horrors of the Succession War
as settlers and native lifeforms began to die as a result of It was an expensive ship however costing almost as much when during which many Vikings carried an entire regiment of
foreign diseases they were both unable to fend off. The new as a Tirpitz class Battleship. The Viking was equipped with aerospace fighters in lieu of small craft into battle as well as
Lyran government under the sole control of Archon Robert the new fusion engines that enabled the ship to achieve a helping to supply Commonwealth warships on the front lines.
Marsden was eager to help the tragic colonists of Alarion and maximum thrust of 1.5Gs. For planetary surveying missions House Marik and Kurita made a point of targeting these supply
helped construct space habitats above planet as a temporary the Viking was outfitted with an extensive sensor array. To vessels but have not yet destroyed them all. Today eight Viking
solution to the problem. (Editor’s Note: This was no doubt help with colonizing efforts the vessel was capable of hauling class Transports continue to serve House Steiner’s fleet.
part of a public relations ploy by Archon Marsden to save face over one hundred thousand tons for cargo or passengers. It
after crushing his opposition on Skye and Tamar. And it was also carried twenty thousand tons of fuel to resupply colonies
009/211 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Viking Class Transport
Viking Class Transport

Viking class Transport Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 482)
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 Light NPPC 14 14 14 - Capital PPC
Introduced: 2420 4 NL/35 14 14 14 - Capital Laser
In Class: 80 8 Large Lasers 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
FL/FR (Heat: 964)
Manufacturer: Alarion Galactic (Alarion /Lyran Common- 2 Light NPPC 14 14 14 - Capital PPC
wealth) 4 NL/35 14 14 14 - Capital Laser
8 Large Lasers 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
Mass: 500,000 tons LBS/RBS (Heat: 964)
2 Light NPPC 14 14 14 - Capital PPC
Length: 650 meters 4 NL/35 14 14 14 - Capital Laser
Sail Diameter: 800 meters 8 Large Lasers 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
Fuel: 20,000 tons (50,000) AL/AR (Heat: 964)
2 Light NPPC 14 14 14 - Capital PPC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 4 NL/35 14 14 14 - Capital Laser
Safe Thrust: 2 8 Large Lasers 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
Maximum Thrust: 3 Aft (Heat: 482)
Sail Integrity: 4 2 Light NPPC 14 14 14 - Capital PPC
4 NL/35 14 14 14 - Capital Laser
KF Drive Integrity: 11 8 Large Lasers 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
Heat Sinks: 3,934
Structural Integrity: 35
Battle Value: 59,765

Armor: (349 tons, Standard Armor)

Fore: 28
Fore-Sides: 28
Aft-Sides: 27
Aft: 26

Bay 1: Fighters (6) 3 Doors
Bay 2: Small Craft (48) 5 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (102,000 tons) 7 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 10
Grav Decks: 8 (250-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 50
Lifeboats: 50
Crew: 204 minimum (35 Officers, 169 Enlisted)
009/212 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Valkyrie Class Destroyer
Valkyrie Class Destroyer

before the Tharkan Accords. In his honor the first Valkyrie venerable Destroyers. Thirty Valkyries were lost in one fashion
class Destroyer, launched just after the signing of the Accords, or another between the time they were launched and the start
was named the Craig Steiner. of the Succession War. Perhaps the most famous of these ships
was the LCS Tracial Steiner which was commissioned shortly
Capabilities: after the death of the Archon and former first Chief Justice of
An impressive combination of Lyran naval design philosophy the Lyran Supreme Court in 2570. This destroyer completed
and Terran technical skill the Valkyrie class Destroyer featured trails just in time for service in the upcoming Reunification War.
some impressive capabilities. Chief amongst them was Like Tracial, the crew soon displayed an independent streak.
superior armor protection which included, for the first time This first became apparent during Operation Mailed Fist when
on a Commonwealth ship, Improved Ferro Aluminum. The an incompetent Lyran Social General became enraged when
vessels armament was composed of twelve Naval Autocannon Republican forces thwarted several Lyran drives. In reprisal he
20s, sixteen Medium Naval Particle Projection Cannons, forty attempted to take out his frustrations on innocent Rim World
eight Naval Laser 45s, and twenty four White Shark Missile civilians. The crew under the command of Kaptain Albert
Launchers. For fighter support the designers included an Foster arrested the General for his war crimes and successfully
aerospace wing. A company of Marines was also included for stopped what would have surely been a great atrocity. This
vessel security and boarding actions. Three docking collars “mutiny” was not popular with the Lyran Navy who reassigned
enabled the Valkyrie to carry an entire BattleMech regiment the crew and “promoted” the Kaptain for his actions. It soon
Overview: with the help of some Dictator dropships, which became a became apparent that the ship’s spirit had not been broken.
Despite the Lyran Navy’s obsession with large warships frequent site during the Reunification War. The Valkyrie was Assigned garrison duty in orbit of Tharkad the crew received
(in particular Heavy Cruisers and Battleships) the work horse such a capable vessel that the Lyran Navy never saw a need a shocking order from Archon Viola Steiner-Dinesen. Destroy
of the fleet throughout the Reunification War, the Star League, to replace it with another warship design. In fact, when the Duke of Tamar and Skye who had kidnapped her son.
and the Succession Wars was the Valkyrie class Destroyer. the Commonwealth was upgrading its fleet just prior to the Once again the crew refused the order that seemed irrational
The warship was designed in conjunction with the Terran Succession Wars the Navy immediately passed over the idea it did however impose a blockade on the system allowing no
Hegemony as part of the negotiations that eventually led to of a new destroyer. It was considering a refit of the vessel’s ships to leave system. The crew of the Tracial was once again
the Commonwealth’s entry into the Star League. Director- engines enabling the Valkyrie to reach a maximum speed of proven right when the Dukes were both cleared of involvement.
General Ian Cameron knew that Archon Craig Steiner had 3Gs. Plans for this refit were forestalled evermore when the Again and again no matter how much the Navy would try
his doubts about joining the new League. So during the Succession Wars occurred. to break their willful spirit the crew of the Tracial would do
negotiations of what would eventually become the Tharkan whatever it thought was best for the Commonwealth. When
Accords, as a show of good faith, Cameron offered his realm‘s the Amaris Coup occurred and the Archon declared he would
Deployment: not help the SLDF defeat the Usurper. Kommodore Simon
services in helping to construct a new Lyran Destroyer. With no
All Valkyrie class Destroyers were named in honor Taylor, in collaboration with the ship’s captain, boarded the
strings attached the Archon happily accepted the Hegemony’s
for the Commonwealth’s Einherjar, or Lyran heroic dead. Tracial and left to join the SLDF above the planet of Circinus.
generous offer which gradually helped give birth to the Star
Though any Lyran citizen who died in the service of the Since the Tracial was one the largest warships of the Loyalist
League. While this offer had its intended effect within the
Commonwealth was eligible for such a high honor, Archons Fleet it became the flagship serving throughout the Amaris
Commonwealth it also sent a not so subtle message to the
and naval commanders were typically favored. The crew of Coup. Declared destroyed by the SLDF at conflicts end some
Draconis Combine about the strength of any possible new
these ships quite bizarrely and regularly took on some form of still believe that the Tracial survived and departed the Inner
alliance. Sadly Archon Craig Steiner would not live to see the
the personality of the honoree. Various shipyards around the Sphere with General Kerensky. Whatever the case maybe one
Commonwealth’s entry into the League as he died three years
Commonwealth manufactured one hundred and fifty of these
009/213 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Valkyrie Class Destroyer
Valkyrie Class Destroyer

hundred twenty of her sister ships flew the Commonwealth

flag after the Exodus. These destroyers may now be facing Dropship Capacity: 3
their Ragnarok in the form of the Succession War. Only two Grav Decks: 3 (90-meter diameter)
dozen of these vessels survive till this day. Escape Pods: 35
Lifeboats: 35
Valkyrie class Destroyer Crew: 275 minimum (49 Officers, 226 Enlisted)

Tech: Inner Sphere

Introduced: 2558
In Class: 150 Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Manufacturer: Various (Lyran Commonwealth) Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 735)
2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Mass: 650,000 tons 6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
Length: 650 meters 3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
Sail Diameter: 1080 meters FL/FR (Heat: 1,830)
Fuel: 1,000 tons (2,500) 3 NAC/20 (150 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
Safe Thrust: 3 3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
Maximum Thrust: 5 LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,470)
2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Sail Integrity: 4 6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
KF Drive Integrity: 14 3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
Heat Sinks: 6,600 AL/AR (Heat: 1,830)
Structural Integrity: 70 3 NAC/20 (150 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Battle Value: 146,465 6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
Armor: (876 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum) Aft (Heat: 735)
2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Fore: 94 6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
Fore-Sides: 95 3 White Shark (30 Missiles) 9 9 9 9 Capital Missile
Aft-Sides: 95
Aft: 94

Cargo Ammunition:
Bay 1: Fighters (18) 6 Doors 600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
Bay 2: Small Craft (6) 2 Doors 240 White Shark Missiles
Bay 3: Marines 1 Door
(3 Platoons of Jump Infantry)
Bay 4: Cargo (59,370 tons) 1 Door
009/214 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Icarus Class Frigate
Icarus Class Frigate

to fund new ships for several years instead they authorized were moved to provide better fields of fire. The older Hellfire 25
programs to upgrade existing, proven, designs.] Even so the Naval Autocannons on the Victory were replaced by the latest
Lyran Admirals knew they needed a new frigate to ensure Trillium Sledgehammer 30 Naval Autocannons. While there
the Commonwealth Navy could effectively defend the nation’s was some discussion of mounting the massive Disintegrator
ever expanding borders. A group of Lyran Admirals, led by 40 Naval Autocannons used on the Thor Class Battleship, the
Admiral Thomas Kelley and taking a page from the SLDF Navy designers (in an atypical Lyran decision) felt the disadvantages
and it’s refit of the Aegis Cruisers, proposed that the Navy of the reduced range of the larger autocannons outweighed
refit the old Victory class frigates and return them to service. the advantages of the extra damage they inflicted. The old
While their proposal, on the surface, called for a refit of the MaxFire 10 Naval Autocannons, however, were replaced with
Victory class, in reality by the time the overhaul was complete the newer Vanquisher 20 Naval Autocannons weapons used
it was as if the Lyran Navy had commissioned a new class of on the Thor Battleships and Valkyrie Destroyers. The light
ship. The Estates General, not realizing the Navy’s subterfuge, Naval PPCs were replaced with the more powerful Medium
agreed to fund the project, with the refits beginning in 2753. Naval PPCs that had been developed by the Lyran Navy and
The first ship entered service in 2754. In recognition of the moved to turrets mounted on the fore sides of the ship. These
extensive changes, the class was re-designated as the Icarus provide not only a more powerful punch, but also had an
class Frigate. All thirty six mothballed Victories were upgraded extended range when compared to the older weapons.
at the Port Royal Naval Shipyards over Yed Posterior between The anti-fighter weapons underwent similar modifications.
Overview: 2753 and 2764. The laser and long range missile systems were replaced with
The Icarus class Frigates were developed as part of the the latest designs, which were lighter and more compact then
Lyran Navy’s Fleet Renovation and Modernization (FRAM) Capabilities: the original weapons. The Class 5 Autocannons were replaced
plan of 2753. In the mid 2600s the Lyran Navy had began The Icarus class is a complete rebuild of the Victory class with the new UItra class autocannons that were developed by
decommissioning their Victory class Frigates, largely as a result Frigate. The Victory class ships were stripped down to their Kawabata Weapons Inc. These weapons effectively doubled the
of the Edict of 2650. As a precaution against future need, thirty bare structural frame work and then rebuilt. The KF Drives fire power of the Autocannons without adding any additional
six of these warships were mothballed in the Alarion system. were replaced with newer, simpler systems, which eased weapons. The class two Autocannons were replaced by LB-
They remained there, almost forgotten, for over a century. the maintenance requirements of the ships. The main drives 10X autocannons which had been recently provided to the
In 2752 the Star League Council voted to double the limits were also replaced with newer engines which were capable of Lyran Commonwealth by the SLDF. The LB-10X cluster rounds
imposed by the Edict of 2650. Seeking to capitalize on the generating more thrust then the original engines used on the proved to be highly effective against enemy fighters.
situation, the Lyran Navy sought a new frigate which would be Victory. This allowed the Icarus to keep pace with the latest In addition to the changes to the weapon systems, there
used to patrol the borders of the Commonwealth. The Lyran warship designs. In addition to being more powerful, the new were many other changes made to the ship. The older armor
Estates General, however, refused to fund the project, as they engines were also smaller, freeing up space for an updated was removed and replaced by the latest Ferro-Carbide alloys.
were still embarrassed by the LCS Boondoggle. [Editor’s Note: weapons array. This dramatically increased the survivability of the ships.
The LCS Boondoggle was the nickname for the LCS Banshee The weapons array of the Icarus class was based on that The Lyran designers maximized the use of the extra space
Combined Arms Carrier. This ship was constructed in 2750 of the Victory. The designers chose to use the same basic created by the newer, smaller systems. The crew complement
for the Lyran Navy as an aerospace carrier/raider. The design weapons arrangement as the Victory, as battle records had was reduced through the use of automation. This allowed
did not prove to be very effective and was canceled after showed that the weapons array was very effective. The the designers to increase the size of crew quarters and add
the construction of just two ships. As the development cost designers, for the most part, just replaced the older weapons extra recreational facilities. This made the Icarus class popular
of the new ship was very high, the Estates General refused with newer, more powerful ones. A few weapons, however, among naval crews.
009/215 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Icarus Class Frigate
Icarus Class Frigate

In order to provide a stronger fighter cover to the ships, scouts and picket ships by the SLDF Navy. Only the Audacity were very risky, they paid off, as the flotilla lost only 3 corvettes
the fighter bays were enlarged to support 24 fighters. However survived until the liberation of Terra. Unwilling to return to in the course of their raiding. In an attempt to stop the 221st,
due to space limitations, the fighter bays on the class are tight the Lyran Commonwealth [Editor’s Note: and face a court the League pulled back a number of warships to defend their
when compared to those of other ships in the Lyran fleet. As marshal], the ship and her crew joined the Exodus. few remaining shipyards against further attacks.
a result the Icarus is limited to operating fighters massing 65 The Icarus class has played a key role for the Lyran Navy In 2789, the 221st Strike Fleet was assigned to support
tons or less. Fighter maintenance is also made difficult by the during the current conflict. Many of these ships were deployed the Tamar Tigers raids against the Draconis Combine. While a
tight quarters of the fighter bays. to important systems, where they were used to detect number of the Corvettes in the 221st were lost in these raids,
The electronics on the ship were refitted with the latest approaching enemy warships. One notable example was in the LCS Daedalus seemed to be a charmed ship. The Combine
sensor packages from Doering Electronics. The TL431/7489H March 2789, when the Icarus Class LCS Hammer detected the warships were never able to do more then superficial damage
Integrated Sensor array was considered the best sensor Marik fleet approaching Hesperus II. This allowed the LCS to her. [Editor’s Note: There is some speculation that the LCS
package available outside of the Star League. It is able Granite and Endeavor to maneuver into position to engage the Daedalus was outfitted with an advanced Electronic Counter
to detect ships at extreme ranges and is highly resistant Free Worlds League ships, protecting the vital factories. Measure suite that was able to jam the targeting systems of
to jamming. The system is very expensive and prone to The most famous of the Icarus class Frigates is the other ships. While it is known that the SLDF Navy was working
breakdown if it is not properly maintained. [Editor’s Note: It LCS Daedalus: Flagship of the 221st Strike Flotilla and her on such systems, it is not known how the Lyran Navy would
is believed the Lyran Navy wanted to mount an HPG on these commander Admiral Marc Holstein. [Editor’s Note: Admiral have acquired an example of one unless it was provided by
ships, however the SLDF refused to share the technology with Holstein was a graduate of the Nagelring and a twenty year Admiral Holstein. The only possible confirmation that the ship
the Commonwealth] veteran of the SLDF Navy when the Amaris Coup occurred. was fitted with advanced ECM gear comes from the report
Then Commodore Holstein commanded a fast attack squadron of Captain Yori Nakumura who commanded the Cloud class
Deployment: of Destroyers, the 23rd Destroyer Squadron, in the SLDF Destroyer DCS Ikazuchi. The Ikazuchi fought the Daedalus
The first Icarus class Frigates were rushed into service Navy. Promoted to Admiral during the war he resigned his at Styx and according to the report of Captain Nakumura, his
to patrol to patrol the Commonwealth’s borders. Operating commission when General Kerensky issued the call for the ship simply could not get a target lock on the Daedalus, even
independently or in patrols of two ships, the Icarus frigates Exodus, as he refused to abandon the worlds of the Inner though he was able to get a lock on all of the other ships in
defended visited many of the Commonwealth’s remote Sphere. He immediately joined the Lyran Navy as an Admiral the Lyran force.]
systems, dealing with pirate forces and providing aid to planets and was given command of the 221st Strike Flotilla.] In 2800 the 221st was reassigned to support the Stealths
in the event of a natural disaster. The 221st consisted of the LCS Daedalus, four Mako and their raiding operations along the Free Worlds League
During the Amaris Crisis, four of these ships were loaned Class Corvettes and four Vigilant Class Corvettes. When war border. By this time the 221st was reduced to the Daedalus
to the SLDF forces under the command of General Kerensky. broke out, the 221st was stationed on the League border. and the LCS Orca, a Mako class Corvette and the LCS Hornet,
[Editor’s Note: These ships had in fact defected to join the In response to the Free Worlds League attacks against a Vigilant class Corvette. Their first assignment was escorting
SLDF. The Archon and the Lyran Navy made sure to hush Commonwealth shipyards, the Lyran Navy ordered the 221st the Stealths on a raid against Nockatunga. After jumping in
up the truth, by publicly declaring that the four ships were to launch a retaliatory strike against the League’s shipyards. system, they were ambushed by several Dido class Frigates.
being loaned to the SLDF to help patrol the Commonwealth/ Admiral Holstein led the flotilla deep behind Marik lines and The 221st engaged the League warships, buying the Stealths
Hegemony border. The Archon had hoped spin this in an successfully destroyed or damaged a number of shipyards, the time they needed to complete the mission. While the 221st
attempt to convince his people that he was supporting the including the facilities at Tamarind, Loyalty and Stewart. Using managed to hold off the League forces, they did so only at the
Star League, while in reality keeping the Commonwealth out uninhabited systems, the fleet was able to pass through the cost of the Orca and the Hornet. Once the Stealths returned
of the war.] The four ships (Hermes, Audacity, Illustrious and Free Worlds League undetected. To allow his fleet to get a from the planet, they and the Daedalus left the system and
Battler) served along side the SLDF navy during the entire jump on the League defenders, Admiral Holstein would arrive returned to Lyran territory.
campaign against Amaris. The ships were used as advanced in the target system using pirate points. While both tactics
009/216 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Icarus Class Frigate
Icarus Class Frigate

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Armor: (1400 tons, Ferro Carbide) Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 425)
Fore: 196 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Fore-Sides: 197 10 Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) - - Laser
Aft-Sides: 197 10 LRM 20 (240 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120) - LRM
15 Medium Lasers 8(75) - - - Laser
Aft: 196 10 LB 10X AC (200 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) - - LB-X
10 Ultra AC/5 (200 Rounds) 7(70) 7(70) 7(70) - Autocannon
Cargo FL/FR (Heat: 2,002)
Bay 1: Fighters (24) 6 Doors 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Bay 2: Small Craft (6) 2 Doors 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Bay 3: Cargo (21,297 tons) 2 Large Lasers 5(41) 2(16) - - Laser
5 Medium Lasers
5 LRM 20 (120 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
Dropship Capacity: 2 LBS/RBS (Heat: 2,930)
Grav Decks: 2 (75-meter diameter) 2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Escape Pods: 70 2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Lifeboats: 30 10 LB 10-X AC (200 Round) 6(60) 6(60) - - LB-X
15 Ultra AC/5 (300 Rounds) 11(105) 11(105) 11(105) - Autocannon
Crew: 257 minimum (45 Officers, 212 Enlisted) 10 Medium Lasers 5(50) - - - Laser
Icarus class Frigate AL/AR (Heat: 928)
2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Ammunition: 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Tech: Inner Sphere 3 Large Lasers 2(24) 2(24) - - Laser
900 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
Introduced: 2754 5 LRM 20 (120 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
500 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
In Class: 36 5 LB 10-X AC (100 Rounds) 3(30) 3(30) - - LB-X
960 rounds of LRM-20 ammunition Aft (Heat: 195)
Manufacturer: ComAir Shipyards (Furillo/ Lyran
800 rounds of LB-10X Autocannon ammunition 2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Commonwealth) 10 LRM 20 (240 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120) - LRM
1000 rounds of Ultra Autocannon 5 ammunition
5 Medium Lasers 3(25) - - - Laser
Mass: 720,000 tons
Length: 700 meters
Sail Diameter: 1,260 meters
Fuel: 3,000 tons (7,500)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 14
Heat Sinks: 4,400
Structural Integrity: 100
Battle Value: 239,957
009/217 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Icarus Class Frigate
Icarus Class Frigate
009/218 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN McQuiston Class Replenishment Ship
McQuiston Class Replenishment Ship

The hulls that were selected for the conversion program were tank is equipped with special pumps that allow it to directly
brought to the Shipil Yards orbiting Skye, where they were refuel other ships, without the need for shuttles or other
stripped down and rebuilt into the McQuiston Class Fleet equipment.
Underway Replenishment Ships. The first McQuiston entered In addition to operating as a cargo hauler, the McQuiston
service in 2622. A total of twenty eight Victories would also serves as a mobile repair vessel. Part of the ship was
eventually be converted to McQuistons. converted into a massive machine shop. This facility is capable
of repairing all but the most extensive damage to other ships
Capabilities: and can even fabricate parts from raw materials carried on
The McQuiston was designed to support the Lyran fleet in board the McQuiston. The repair capabilities of the McQuiston
forward operating areas. As a result, one of the key features class allow the Lyran fleets to operate away from their bases
of the McQuiston was its ability to keep pace with the warships and Lyran shipyards for long periods of time.
of the Lyran Fleet. As the original engines were obsolete and The crew size of the McQuiston is greatly reduced from
inadequate to the task, the Lyran engineers removed the the Victory’s crew. This reduction in crew size was due in part
Victory’s engines and replaced them with newer models. to a dramatic reduction in the number of gunners on the ship,
While these engines generate the same thrust as the older as well as from the use of advanced automated systems, in
engines, they were of a far more efficient design and freed up place of earlier manual ones. In addition to the crew, the ship
significant amounts of space for cargo and other equipment. can carry six hundred other personnel. These are mainly cargo
Overview: The designers also removed most of the capital weapons handlers and machinists.
The McQuiston class Fleet Underway Replenishment that were carried by the Victory. Since the ship is not expected
Ships (FURS) were converted from the Commonwealth’s to be used in combat, the McQuiston only retains a few of Deployment:
Victory class Frigate. In the early 2600s the Commonwealth the Victory’s Naval Autocannon. However, the McQuiston The McQuistons are deployed in support of the Lyran
began to decommission the Victory class frigates, as the ships does retain most of the ant fighter weapons that were carried Navy’s battle fleets. The ships have served the Lyran Navy
were greatly outmatched by the newer ships operated by the by the Victory. This provides the ship with a strong defense throughout the Star League era and into the current conflict.
Draconis Combine and Free Worlds League. At the same time, against aerospace fighters. During the so called Succession War, the McQuistons have
the Navy began to become disenchanted with the Prosperity The Victories were very heavily armored warships for their proven instrumental in keeping the Lyran fleet operational after
class, which was too slow to keep up with the ships in the Lyran era. But with the advancement of technology, the armor on the loss of so many of Commonwealth’s key shipyards. For
Navy. The Prosperity was also very lightly armored making it the Victory has become inadequate for the modern battlefield. this reason the ships, and their complement of trained naval
an easy target for enemy ships. In an effort to upgrade their The design team replaced the original armor with a newer maintenance personal, have became primary targets for the
fleet’s capabilities the Lyran Navy issued a request for a new alloy which provides twice the armor protection for the same Combine and League fleets and many have been destroyed.
Fleet Underway Replenishment Ship to replace the Prosperity weight. There are only two McQuistons currently still operational. The
class in front line service. The new ship would serve as a With all the space freed up by the smaller engine and LCS Graf Sylvester is currently assigned to the support the
forward area support ship for the Commonwealth Navy, while reduced weapons array, the McQuiston can carry over one Lyran fleet along the Draconis front and the LCS Seth Marsden
the Prosperities would be assigned to operate in rear areas hundred and forty thousand tons of cargo. This allows the is assigned to operate along the League front.
where they would be less likely to encounter enemy warships. ship to support an entire Lyran Battlegroup. To help off load
In an effort to speed production of the new supply ship, the cargo the McQuiston carries eighteen shuttles which are
Commonwealth Navy decided to use the hulls of the recently used to transport supplies to the other ships in the fleet. The
decommissioned Victory class as the basis of the new ship. McQuiston also has a twenty thousand ton fuel tank. This
009/219 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN McQuiston Class Replenishment Ship
McQuiston Class Replenishment Ship

McQuiston class Fleet Underway Replenishment Ship Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 215)
Tech: Inner Sphere 1 NAC/10 (50 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
Introduced: 2622 10 Large Lasers 11(105) 8(80) - - Laser
In Class: 28 5 Medium Lasers
10 LRM 20 (300 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120) - LRM
Manufacturer: Shipil Company (Skye /Lyran Commonwealth) 20 AC/2 (630 Rounds) 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Autocannon
10 AC/5 (300 Rounds) 5(50) 5(50) - - Autocannon
Mass: 720,000 tons FL/FR (Heat: 212)
Length: 720 meters 1 NAC/10 (50 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
2 Large Lasers 7(66) 2(16) - - Laser
Sail Diameter: 1,260 meters 10 Medium Lasers
Fuel: 20,000 tons (50,000) 5 LRM 20 (150 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 LBS/RBS (Heat: 70)
20 AC/2 (630 Rounds) 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) - Autocannon
Safe Thrust: 3 15 AC/5 (450 Rounds) 8(75) 8(75) - - Autocannon
Maximum Thrust: 5 AL/AR (Heat: 188)
Sail Integrity: 4 1 NAC/10 (50 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
KF Drive Integrity: 15 3 Large Lasers 2(24) 2(24) - - Laser
5 LRM 20 (150 Rounds) 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) - LRM
Heat Sinks: 1,000 10 AC/2 (315 Rounds) 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - Autocannon
Structural Integrity: 100 Aft (Heat: 105)
Battle Value: 61,410 1 NAC/10 (50 Rounds) 10 10 10 - Capital AC
10 LRM 20 (300 Rounds) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120) - LRM
5 Medium Lasers 3(25) - - - Laser
Armor: (1,000 tons, Standard Armor)
Fore: 76
Fore-Sides: 77 Ammunition:
Aft-Sides: 77 300 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
Aft: 76 1200 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
1200 rounds of Autocannon/5 ammunition
Cargo 2520 rounds of Autocannon/2 ammunition
Bay 1: Small Craft (18) 6 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (132,292 tons)
Bay 3: Machine Shops (10,000 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 2
Grav Decks: 2 (75-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 30
Lifeboats: 70
Crew: 236 minimum (40 Officers, 196 Enlisted)
009/220 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Balmung Class Frigate
Balmung Class Frigate

innovations was rapidly approved by the Estates General. help supply support hindered the Frigate’s operations. Many
Star League sailors soon grew to resent their slow Lyran allies
Capabilities: showing up with a massive fleet just after the battle (usually
This Lyran Heavy Frigate was a very good warship capable with pirates) was over. In the face of growing bandit raids
of challenging any other large combat vessel of the time. This along the Draconis-Periphery border the Lyran Navy chose
was mainly due to the Balmung’s impressive armament which to reactive the Victory, renamed the Icarus class Frigate as
was composed of twelve Naval Autocannon 30s, twenty four a dedicated patrol vessel. Sixty Balmung class Frigates saw
Medium Naval Particle Projection Cannons, forty eight Naval service in their intended role during the most recent era of
Laser 55s, thirty two Killer Whale Missile Launchers, and sixteen colossal destruction know called the Succession War. While
Barracuda Missile Launchers. Since it was a warship killer they have performed well the staggering level of attrition
the vessel’s weapons payload was arrayed in its broadsides. on other vessels during this post Star League era has taken
Forty eight capital missiles and an integral aerospace wing a tremendous toll on the Balmung. Without the support of
were included to defend against massed fighter assaults. a large fleet many of these Frigates have been lost thanks
Superior armor protection was provided by Improved Ferro to dwindling supplies. Today only fourteen Balmung class
Aluminum warship armor used once before on the Valkyrie warships are known to have survived this growing carnage.
class Destroyer. A full battalion of Marines were included for However rumors of two ships, the LCS Hofud and LCS Gjaller,
boarding actions and to a lesser extent vessel security. Four continue to muddle this count. While the Commonwealth
Overview: docking collars were more than enough to carry sufficient denies that these Frigates ever existed conspiracy theorists
During the final phases of the Age of War the supporting elements into battle. In addition the Balmung insist that these ships (named for Heimdall’s sword and horn)
Commonwealth’s venerable Victory class Frigate was clearly was fast, (well for a Lyran ship anyway) capable of attaining were supposedly gifted to the Heimdall organization by a
outmatched by other threat vessels from enemy nations. A a maximum speed of 2.5 Gs. Despite these advantages the Lyran Archon (which one differs on the story however) to
board of mostly “old school” Lyran Admirals determined that Balmung class did have its drawbacks. The vessels cargo safeguard the Commonwealth. Shortly after the Amaris Coup,
the Victory’s age and outdated mission profile, Independent capacity of only 25,000 tons was woefully inadequate for Archon Robert Steiner II supposedly initiated Project Bifrost
Patrol Ship, were to blame. They favored a new larger vessel long term independent operations. Also the vessel featured with Heimdall’s assistance. Perhaps motivated by the fall of
with massive firepower, a dedicated Warship killer that would relatively small “Steiner” sized fuel tanks for a frigate. the Terran Hegemony and the extinction of the Cameron line
serve as a fleet sentry attached to a specific fleet rather the Archon authorized the construction of Bifrost. A mammoth
than a solo patrol route. The need for such a vessel was space station located near the center of the Lyran nation in
Deployment: void space run by Heimdall was to serve as a secure location
apparent during the massive naval battles during the Age
A total of seventy Balmung class warships were produced in case of such a disaster should befall the Commonwealth.
of War. However, this new design would quickly encounter
by various Lyran shipbuilders over forty years. The ships of Rumors of this near mythical place have spread far similar to
problems during the Reunification War with the smaller scale
this class were named for magical weapons or other items of the ancient American Area 51. The two warships were the
Periphery tactics and pirate attacks during the Star League
legend, mostly from Teutonic or Norse mythology. The Lyran guardians of this facility. Yet of the seventy ships that were
era. Although the Lyran Navy commissioned this new design
Heavy Frigate was an excellent fleet sentry but proved to be produced by the Commonwealth no record exists of these
budgetary constraints delayed the vessels construction. The
a poor patrol vessel. During the Star League this fact was vessels. However, eyewitness accounts and evidence from the
signing of the Tharkan Accords and the creation of the Star
concealed mainly by the excellent performance of the SLDF. It Draconis Combine seem to indicate that there maybe some
League changed all that. The funding for the newly christened
was during this time that the Star League Navy assumed most truth in the rumors. Recently the LCS Hofud was apparently
Balmung (named for the powerful magic sword of Siegfried in
of the Lyran patrol assignments (mainly along the Periphery destroyed by a Draconis battlegroup while raiding the Kurita
Teutonic mythology) class Frigate updated with latest Terran
border). The Balmung’s reliance on other ships in its fleet to
009/221 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Balmung Class Frigate
Balmung Class Frigate

interior. Although by this time the House Kurita has become Cargo Ammunition:
familiar with some of these rumors (conspiracy theories) and Bay 1: Fighters (18) 6 Doors 1200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
the LCAF denied these reports of the Hofud’s destruction. The Bay 2: Small Craft (10) 2 Doors 320 Killer Whale Missiles
Gjaller, which is allegedly equipped with an HPG, apparently Bay 3: Marines 4 Door 160 Barracuda Missiles
has survived and has been linked to several mysterious (10 Platoons of Jump Infantry)
incidents. Some still believe that Bifrost serves as Heimdall’s Bay 4: Cargo (25,015 tons) 3 Doors
main base of operations.
Dropship Capacity: 4
Balmung class Frigate
Grav Decks: 6 (3 125- meter diameter & 3 90-meter diam-
Tech: Inner Sphere
Escape Pods: 30
Introduced: 2560
Lifeboats: 30
In Class: 70
Crew: 327 minimum (58 Officers, 269 Enlisted)
Manufacturer: Various (Lyran Commonwealth)
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Mass: 750,000 tons Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 1,015)
Length: 750 meters 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
Sail Diameter: 1200 meters 6 NL/55 33 33 33 33 Capital Laser
Fuel: 1,000 tons (2,500) 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 Barracuda (20 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
FL/FR (Heat: 2,430)
Safe Thrust: 3 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Maximum Thrust: 5 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
Sail Integrity: 4 6 NL/55 33 33 33 33 Capital Laser
4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
KF Drive Integrity: 16 2 Barracuda (20 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Heat Sinks: 9400 LBS/RBS (Heat: 2,430)
Structural Integrity: 80 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Battle Value: 207,924 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
6 NL/55 33 33 33 33 Capital Laser
4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Armor: (1198 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum) 2 Barracuda (20 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Fore: 124 AL/AR (Heat: 2,430)
2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Fore-Sides: 130 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
Aft-Sides: 130 6 NL/55 33 33 33 33 Capital Laser
Aft: 123 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
2 Barracuda (20 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Aft (Heat: 1,015)
3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
6 NL/55 33 33 33 33 Capital Laser
4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
2 Barracuda (20 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
009/222 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Brandenburg Class Heavy Cruiser
Brandenburg Class Heavy Cruiser

thirty two Medium Naval Particle Projection Cannons and Heavy Cruisers, usually named in their honor, would escort the
sixty four Naval Laser-45s. These capital energy weapons Commonwealth flagship forming a Naval Command Squadron.
could be brought to bear for naval engagements or orbital Assignment to a Brandenburg was a prestigious posting within
bombardments. Added to that were thirty two White Shark the Lyran Navy. Captains of Brandenburg’s were typically
Missile Launchers which served as the vessels fighter defense rising stars in the fleet and most likely were next in line for
and dropship screen. Augmenting the Brandenburg’s firepower high naval commands. This unfortunately led to one of the
were twenty seven aerospace fighters (half an aero-regiment) warships biggest liabilities, her crew. Many “Social Admirals”
and three dropships carried on board. This was the largest were posted aboard hoping to play naval hero. This led to
aero fighter complement carried by a Lyran Heavy Cruiser. a poor crew performance on board many of these warships.
The two Brandenburg escorts together with the Tirpitz could In fact, in many war games (like the Skye Fleet Maneuvers
deploy two full regiments of fighters more than enough to held during the first years of the Star League) smaller vessels
protect the three warship group. The vessel mounted over from the Star League, Capellan, and Lyran Navies regularly
one thousand four hundred tons of heavy armor plating for outperformed the Heavy Cruiser in individual performances.
good protection. Ten platoons of marines provide ship security However, the designs simplicity and reliability generally made
and with the warship’s six small craft can engage in boarding up for the crews shortcomings. While some of these Heavy
actions. Designers added five grav decks for the crew comfort Cruisers were lost to colossal blunders most survived wars and
but instead fed the vessels main problem “Social Admirals”. countless maneuvers only to be scrapped for newer ship. As
Overview: Many regular Lyran sailors dubbed the Brandenburg a luxury a result only twenty eight Brandenburg class warships were in
During the opening stages of the Age of War the need for liner after listening to these social climbers whine about service when the Succession War began. Brutal combat and
a new Lyran Heavy Cruiser became apparent. While the Lyre conditions on board. Rounding out the vessel was over fifty their proximity to the Tirpitz cut their numbers to just five as
class Heavy Cruiser did perform well enough, the design itself one thousand tons of cargo space, ample for any long term of 2800.
was becoming outdated. In addition, the Commonwealth’s operation. The Brandenburg proved to be such a reliable
Tirpitz class Battleship required escort vessels to protect them design that only one major upgrade was ever performed on
from increasing enemy attacks. So in 2420 the Lyran High the vessels. This refit began in 2653 following the Star League
Command authorized construction of a new Heavy Cruiser Arms Control Edict. With the scrapping of the Asgard class
specifically to escort the Tirpitz. What Lyran naval designers Battleship, it was imperative that the Lyran Navy upgrade their
came up with became known as the Brandenburg class Heavy Tirpitz class Battleship and her escorts. Engineers only saw
Cruiser in honor of Archon Katherine Steiner’s famous edict fit to replace the Brandenburg’s armor with advanced Ferro-
that reformed the Lyran military. Carbide improving the Heavy Cruisers survivability. While this
was a major undertaking much of the original Brandenburg
survived for nearly four hundred years.
Commonwealth engineers built the Brandenburg on
a simple principle, reliability. Every component used on the Deployment:
new Heavy Cruiser was time tested and proven on at least Forty of these vessels were constructed throughout the
two other Lyran warships. Twenty four Naval Autocannon/25s Lyran Commonwealth and have gone on to serve their nation
aligned along the warship’s broadsides were the Brandenburg’s well. The Brandenburg class Heavy Cruiser is almost always
main weapons. Supporting these formidable cannons were grouped with the primary Lyran command ship, the Tirpitz. Two
009/223 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Brandenburg Class Heavy Cruiser
Brandenburg Class Heavy Cruiser

Brandenburg class Heavy Cruiser Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 1,160)
Tech: Inner Sphere
4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Introduced: 2424 8 NL/45 36 36 36 36 Capital Laser
In Class: 40 4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Manufacturer: Various (Lyran Commonwealth) FL/FR (Heat: 3,000)
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Mass: 830,000 tons 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Length: 825 meters 8 NL/45 36 36 36 36 Capital Laser
Sail Diameter: 1400 meters 4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Fuel: 800 tons (2,000) LBS/RBS (Heat: 3,000)
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Safe Thrust: 2 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Maximum Thrust: 3 8 NL/45 36 36 36 36 Capital Laser
Sail Integrity: 5 4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
KF Drive Integrity: 17 AL/AR (Heat: 3,000)
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Heat Sinks: 11,491
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Structural Integrity: 85 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Battle Value: 223,579 8 NL/45 36 36 36 36 Capital Laser
4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Armor: (1,411 tons, Ferro Carbide) Aft (Heat: 1,160)
4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Fore: 192 8 NL/45 36 36 36 36 Capital Laser
Fore-Sides: 200 4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Aft-Sides: 200
Aft: 191

Bay 1: Fighters (27) 8 Doors Ammunition:
Small Craft (6) 2400 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
Bay 2: Marines 2 Doors 320 White Shark Missile Launchers
(10 Jump Infantry Platoons)
Bay 3: Cargo (51,625 tons) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 3
Grav Decks: 5 (90-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 50
Lifeboats: 50
Crew: 363 minimum (65 Officers, 298 Enlisted)
009/224 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Gauntlet Class Heavy Cruiser
Gauntlet Class Heavy Cruiser

class Heavy Cruiser would become the standard bearer of crew comfort the Gauntlets three Grav Decks were made larger
the Commonwealth Fleet. (Note: While there is no direct than the Lyres. Perhaps the Gauntlets biggest flaw was its
link it is possible that the Gauntlet project could have been lack of sufficient cargo space making long term independent
ultimately responsible for the Archon’s son kidnapping during missions completely out of the question. While not particularly
the Reunification War. Without a doubt the decision to join advantageous (even during ramming attacks) the vessels
the Star League, the new Commonwealth tax system, and the appearance helped the design win popular support. The front
War against the Periphery all contributed dissatisfaction within of the warship looked like a giant clenched fist just like the
the Lyran state. It was however the Lyran Navy going over the House Steiner symbol.
heads, so to speak, of the Estates General that disenfranchised Ironically during the Star League’s decline the Gauntlet
many within that governing body leading to the abduction of was outdated just as the Lyre had been. Newer technology
the Commonwealth’s heir). made it obsolete as large scale fleet engagements were just
about to reappear. The new Venture class Heavy Cruiser was
Capabilities: quickly proving itself superior to the aging Gauntlet. While the
Forty thousand tons larger than the Lyre class, the Gauntlet older warship still had the edge in overall firepower the new
was supposed to be superior in every regard. Certainly the Venture was almost twice as fast with two times more armor
new warship’s weapons array far surpassed the ancient Lyre. protection. The Lyran Navy would not part with the Gauntlet
With twenty four Naval Autocannon/30s, thirty two Medium seeing them as a symbol of national pride. A refit was ordered
Overview: Naval Particle Projection Cannons, sixty four Naval Laser-55s, after the Star League was formally disbanded by the High
The Gauntlet class Heavy Cruiser clearly shows the Lyran thirty two Killer Whale Missile Launchers, and eight Barracuda Council. This refit, which we refer to as the Block II, includes
obsession with large warships. The Commonwealth’s entry Missile Launchers the new Heavy Cruiser could decimate the highest tech parts available to the Lyrans. The ship’s
into the Star League had earned it access to the advanced nearly any warship of its day. Unfortunately the Gauntlet’s armor was replaced by Ferro-Carbide improving the vessels
technology of the Terran Hegemony. Several of these high day was the Reunification War and the relatively peaceful Star survivability while double heat sinks helped more efficiently
tech innovations were included on the extensive refit of League era. There were few large scale naval engagements dissipate the warships waste heat. Designers had hoped to
the Lyre class Heavy Cruiser. However, the Lyre’s design during this time so the vessels main talent went unused. Both replace the Gauntlets engine with a larger one improving the
limitations frustrated many in the Lyran Navy. These officers the Lyre and the Gauntlet’s engines produced 1.5Gs of thrust vessels speed but that proved totally infeasible. The tonnage
wanted a new Cruiser to maximize the Commonwealth’s at maximum burn. The Lyre refit and the new Gauntlet were saved was dedicated to the ships small cargo bay.
recent technological windfall. The Estates General opposed each equipped with Improved Ferro-Aluminum armor plating.
this move citing the refitted Lyre’s excellent performance and The Gauntlet’s newer structure was further reinforced than Deployment:
cheaper price. Despite Lyran Admirals saying the Lyre refit the ancient Lyre so therefore able to withstand more of a First used during the Reunification War the Gauntlet
was only a stop gap measure the Estates General steadfastly pounding. This was the newer warships biggest advantage as became the standard Lyran Heavy Cruiser during the Star
refused to fund a new warship program. Despite objections it had better armor protection by almost a third. With regards League era. Of all Lyran warship classes the Gauntlets were
from the Estates General the Lyran Navy went ahead with to integral vessel support the engineers played a game of one the most varied with regard to ships’ names. The class as well
the new Heavy Cruiser design anyway. The engineers who ups man ship with the older Lyre. The Gauntlet was equipped as the first ship was named in honor of a Lyre class vessel
performed the Lyre’s refit just ten years prior were brought with five docking collars (one more than the Lyre), twenty that was destroyed in battle. Other ships of the class were
back to design the new warship. Like the Balmung class four aerospace fighters (one more squadron than the Lyre), named after other destroyed warships, famous battles, or
Frigate the new warship was designed more for the Age of six small craft (two more than the Lyre), and a full company other important Lyran events. Fifty of these of Heavy Cruisers
War than the Reunification War. Despite this the new Gauntlet of marines (something the older Lyre completely lacked). For survived to see action in the Succession War where they
009/225 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Gauntlet Class Heavy Cruiser
Gauntlet Class Heavy Cruiser

finally proved their worth by destroying many enemy warships Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
with massive displays of concentrated fire. Opponents usually Block I Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 1,220)
targeted larger or newer vessels first leaving the Gauntlets Armor: (1,530 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum) 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
unscathed early on in the war. In addition the Commonwealth Fore: 162 8 NL/45 36 36 36 36 Capital Laser
was able to refit ten of these Heavy Cruisers until hostilities Fore-Sides: 162 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
4 Barracuda (40 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
forced an end to further renovation. As the conflict progressed Aft-Sides: 162 FL/FR (Heat: 3,160)
these warships were clearly the largest threat posed by the Aft: 162 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Lyran fleet and as such were targeted by massed aerospace 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
fighter attacks. Poorly equipped to handle these new Cargo 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
8 NL/45 36 36 36 36 Capital Laser
developments the Gauntlet suffered tremendous losses. Bay 1: Fighters (24) 6 Doors 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Only fifteen Gauntlets remain functioning today, five of these Bay 2: Small Craft (6) 2 Doors LBS/RBS (Heat: 3,160)
vessels are the upgraded type. Another historical note is that Bay 3: Marines 1 Door 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
the original Heavy Cruiser design was stolen by the Capellan (3 Platoons of Jump Infantry) 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Confederation in 2602. The House Liao slightly redesigned the Bay 4: Cargo (31,876 tons) 1 Door 8 NL/45 36 36 36 36 Capital Laser
vessel, enhancing its speed while subtracting some weapons, 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
and renamed it the Boxer class Heavy Cruiser. This effectively Block II AL/AR (Heat: 3,160)
2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
ended the Lyran-Capellan Naval Alliance which had begun Armor: (1,530 tons, Ferro Carbide) 2 NAC/30 (200 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
following the Edict of 2650. Fore: 213 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Fore-Sides: 213 8 NL/45 36 36 36 36 Capital Laser
Gauntlet class Heavy Cruiser Aft-Sides: 213
4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Aft (Heat: 1,220)
Aft: 213 4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
Tech: Inner Sphere 8 NL/45 36 36 36 36 Capital Laser
Introduced: 2572 [Gauntlet I], 2782 [Gauntlet II] Cargo 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
In Class: 60 Bay 1: Fighters (24) 6 Doors
4 Barracuda (40 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
Manufacturer: Various (Lyran Commonwealth) Bay 2: Small Craft (6) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Marines 1 Door Ammunition:
Mass: 850,000 tons (3 Platoons of Jump Infantry) 2400 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
Length: 850 meters Bay 4: Cargo (31,876 tons) 1 Door 320 Killer Whale Missiles
Sail Diameter: 1420 meters 80 Barracuda Missiles
Fuel: 1,200 tons (3,000) Dropship Capacity: 5
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Grav Decks: 3 (120-meter diameter)
Safe Thrust: 2 Escape Pods: 40
Maximum Thrust: 3 Lifeboats: 40
Sail Integrity: 5 Crew: 375 minimum (67 Officers, 308 Enlisted)
KF Drive Integrity: 17
Heat Sinks: 12,000 [Gauntlet I], 6,000 (12,000) [Gauntlet II]
Structural Integrity: 90
Battle Value: 246,575 [Gauntlet I], 250,033 [Gauntlet II]
009/226 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Arcturus Class Battlecruiser
Arcturus Class Battlecruiser

warship which carried a vast array of weapons would be nearly docking collars enabled the Arcturus to carry assault dropship
unmatched in regards to firepower and armored protection for support or part of a large ground taskforce. Also on board
years to come. Despite a fierce competition with other Lyran were twenty four aerospace fighters (an expanded wing) that
shipbuilders vying for the Battlecruiser design the huge CBM helped supplement the Battleship’s defenses. Four small craft
entry carried the day. The Arcturus not only cemented CBMs were also included for supporting operations. For rest and
corporate position but also established the classic Lyran naval relaxation while on mission the crew could enjoy any of the
mindset for generations to come. ship’s four 90 meter grav decks. With over fifty thousand tons
of cargo the Arcturus was capable of some long operations but
Capabilities: not extended maneuvers like deep raids.
The biggest feature of this Battlecruiser is its still impressive When the Commonwealth joined the Star League it began
armament. The Arcturus mounted the largest guns that the upgrading its fleet including the Arcturus. This already highly
Commonwealth manufactured at the time, twelve Class 25 regarded warship was upgraded with modern interplanetary
Naval Autocannons. Supporting the Naval Autocannons were drives that dramatically increased the vessels cargo space.
twelve Medium Naval Particle Projection Cannons, more than With almost one hundred and forty thousand tons of cargo the
enough firepower to destroy any warship of the day. Thirty scope of this warship’s operational capacity expanded. The
two Naval Laser-55s were also part of the vessel’s main naval ship’s armor was replaced by one thousand two hundred tons
armament that was instrumental in bringing down enemy of Improved Ferro Aluminum enhancing the Battlecruiser’s
Overview: dropships as well as carrying out orbital bombardment. In formidable protection. Also swapped out was the ship’s
The venerable Arcturus class was the first Lyran addition to these massive naval grade weapons the Arcturus computer for superior Terran electronics which improved
Battlecruiser and is one of the oldest warships still operating. also is equipped with sixty four Autocannon 20s, sixty four efficiency and eliminated any weapon control malfunctions.
Named after the first capital world of the Commonwealth Particle Projection Cannons, and sixty four Large Lasers. These
this warship was part of the 2nd Lyran Naval Law which was smaller weapons helped neutralize smaller craft (dropships Deployment:
designed to fill out the young Lyran fleet. This Naval Law was and fighters) as well as augment the naval weaponry against Over fifty years a total of thirty eight Arcturus class warships
drawn up by Archon Robert Marsden and approved by the other warships. With so much weaponry, added to help Day were constructed by Commonwealth Boat Manufacturers of
Estates General in 2390 after the chaotic of “Reign of Nine”. win the initial design contest, Lyran sailors joked that the Gibbs. These Battlecruisers quickly became a favorite of the
Thanks to a significant recovery the Lyran Commonwealth was ship was over gunned. In fact, the Arcturus was too heavily Lyran Navy achieving a level of notoriety almost unheard of
able to add five warship classes to its original four filling many armed for its targeting computers which frequently failed because of their long service. The pride of the Commonwealth
new roles. What would become the Arcturus class Battlecruiser after intense activity (combat). Fortunately, the first volley fleet was dealt a harsh blow during the Age of War when
was the last of these cutting edge designs. The project was from the Arcturus was usually the last needed to finish off eleven (seven to the Draconis Combine and four to the Free
headed up by the brilliant Justin Day of Commonwealth Boat any enemy warship. However, these computer failures were Worlds League) of its number were lost in combat. As part
Manufacturers or CBM. Day’s growing business was still quickly rectified and no ships were ever reported lost due to of the fleet wide modernization that took place after House
basking in the glow of success from their Lyrae class Cruiser these malfunctions. Steiner joined the Star League the remaining Arcturus class
and the Archon class Battleship. Despite these winning bids For protection the Arcturus is fitted with over one thousand vessels were refitted. This upgrade which began in 2565
he was determined to corner the Lyran naval market with two hundred tons of advanced (today standard) armor. This produced discernable results in military exercises as well as
his engineering philosophy “bigger is better”. Their massive armor plating was more than enough to survive almost any the Reunification War. The Arcturus faced sporadic but fierce
proposal was only slightly smaller than the daunting Hegemony attack. The vessel was outfitted with gigantic interplanetary combat in the Rim Worlds Republic and emerged without any
class Battlecruiser field by the Terrans. It was clear that this drives that could propel the ship to a maximum of 2.5Gs. Four losses. The remaining twenty seven ships went on to become
009/227 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Arcturus Class Battlecruiser
Arcturus Class Battlecruiser

some of the most storied vessels in the Lyran Navy. The Cargo
Bay 1: Fighters (24) 6 Doors
Arcturus was so valued by the Commonwealth that only seven Bay 2: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors
of these ships were decommissioned due to the Edict of 2650. Bay 3: Cargo (138,036 tons) 2 Doors
These inactive vessels were reactivated or cannibalized for
parts as needed until the fall of the Star League. Only twenty Dropship Capacity: 4
Grav Decks: 4 (90-meter diameter)
of these veteran Battlecruisers were available for service at Escape Pods: 30
the dawn of the Succession War. The furious combat of this Lifeboats: 30
horrific conflict soon took its toll among these naval legends Crew: 311 minimum (54 Officers, 257 Enlisted)
reducing their number to just two. The LCS Menkent, named Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
after the planet were the last Marsden Archon died, and the Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
LCS Rahne, named for the homeworld of the Rahneshire, are Nose (Heat: 540)
the only Arcturus class Battlecruisers left in this once proud 4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
8 Large Laser 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
class of warship. 8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
8 AC/20 (160 Rounds) 16(160) - - - Autocannon
FL/FR (Heat: 1,960)
Arcturus class Battlecruiser
2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Tech: Inner Sphere
4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
Introduced: 2405
8 Large Lasers 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
In Class: 38
8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
Manufacturer: Commonwealth Boat Manufacturers (Gibbs/ Lyran Common-
8 AC/20 (160 Rounds) 16(160) - - - Autocannon
LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,960)
2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Mass: 890,000 tons
2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
Length: 925 meters
4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
Sail Diameter: 1,450 meters
8 Large Lasers 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
Fuel: 900 tons (2,250)
8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
8 AC/20 (160 Rounds) 16(160) - - - Autocannon
Safe Thrust: 3
AL/AR (Heat: 1,960)
Maximum Thrust: 5
2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Sail Integrity: 5
2 Medium NPPC 18 18 18 18 Capital PPC
KF Drive Integrity: 18
4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
Heat Sinks: 7,000
8 Large Lasers 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
Structural Integrity: 70
8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
Battle Value: 156,563
8 AC/20 (160 Rounds) 16(160) - - - Autocannon
Aft (Heat: 352)
4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
8 Large Laser 6(64) 6(64) - - Laser
Armor: (1,246 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum)
8 PPC 8(80) 8(80) - - PPC
Fore: 138
8 AC/20 (160 Rounds) 16(160) - - - Autocannon
Fore-Sides: 133
Aft-Sides: 133
Aft: 120
600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
1280 rounds of Autocannon/20 ammunition
009/228 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Tharkad Class Battlecruiser
Tharkad Class Battlecruiser

class. This development won over any negative elements by 2685 and This made the ship ideal for deep raids into enemy territory as well as
design work, which used the old Arcturus as its basis, finally began. supplying other Lyran vessels in large fleet operations.
Over the next five years engineers put together the “new pride of the
fleet” which was eventually dubbed the Tharkad class Battlecruiser.
The LCS Tharkad launched in 2690 began a fine new tradition
Capabilities: for this class from the day it took to space under its own power.
The Lyran Commonwealth spared no expense in building what Outperforming the Hegemony, the Arcturus, and allegedly even the
would become their premier battle cruiser. The Tharkad incorporated brand new Cameron in Star League exercises the Tharkad set the bar
cutting edge technology such as Ferro Carbide armor. Almost one high for any Battlecruiser that followed. [Editor’s Note: The highlight
thousand tons of this advanced armor plating combined with this of the Fleet Exercises of 2691 was a simulated battle between the SLS
mammoth vessel’s outstanding structural integrity provided the warship Cameron and the LCS Tharkad. The trial revealed glaring faults with the
with significant protection from enemy fire. Accounts of Tharkad class Cameron which was thoroughly trounced by the far superior Tharkad.
Battlecruisers simply shrugging off damage that would have crippled In order to preserve League wide security the poor performance of the
or destroyed other, larger warships were common place during the Cameron was classified. There was however no hiding the vast amount
vessels service life. Another impressive feature of this warship was of pride the Lyran sailor garnered from this semi-secret encountered.
its interplanetary drives which made the Tharkad fast, especially The Star League for its part sped up work on the SLS Black Lion which
for a Lyran warship. Four Hyperion Starfire Fusion Drives gave the was launched later that year.] Many of the subsequent ships from this
Battlecruiser a maximum sustainable thrust of 2.5Gs enabling it out class such as the Invincible, the Fearless, the Gallant, the Resolve,
maneuver many older warships. The ships main guns were composed the Stalwart, the Dauntless, the Intrepid, the Valiant, the Courageous,
Overview: of a wide variety of Naval Autocannons, twenty four in all, which and the Vanquisher [which was the final Tharkad ever launched in
As the twenty seventh century was winding down the Lyran Navy gave it a tremendous knockout punch. These primary weapons were 2787] went onto play major roles in the naval operations of the Lyran
realized that its warship fleet was getting on in years. In an era of arrayed in the Tharkad’s broadsides for maximum effect. Supporting Commonwealth. These warships were typically deployed in two very
peace ushered in by the creation of the Star League many hardly saw these big guns are twenty three Naval Particle Projection Cannons different roles. Primarily, they served as escorts for the Commonwealth’s
the need for such new vessels of war. After all the Commonwealth and nineteen Naval Lasers which were distributed into a number of massive Thor and Tirpitz class Battleships, while other Tharkads served
had engaged in a massive naval expansion prior to the Reunification different turrets on the ship. This allows the Battlecruiser to effectively as command ships for highly mobile Lyran taskforces known as Strike
War that forcibly bought all of humanity under one banner. Many in direct its firepower simultaneously against multiple targets. As a result Fleets. Twenty five of these Battlecruisers were built by the start of the
the Lyran Admiralty clung to the age old saying “if you want peace, the Tharkad quickly developed a reputation for wading into a mass of Succession War with three more constructed before its shipyards were
prepare for war” and they saw the increasing “rust on their hulls” as smaller threat vessels and rapidly decimating the entire enemy group. destroyed in 2787. Despite its excellent design the Tharkad class has
a way to encourage potential aggression. The Battlecruiser arm of the These capital weapons also provided the ship with excellent long range taken horrific losses during this catastrophic conflict. The Battlecruiser
fleet in particular was growing old fast as the long heralded Arcturus firepower and orbital bombardment capability. Six Killer Whale Missile was so good it caused many Lyran commanders to be over confident
class passed two hundred and fifty years of service. Despite receiving Launchers mounted in the warship’s forward firing arc could also be and combined with their all too common unimaginative tactics led to
an upgrade in the Reunification War build up these ships, which used against dropships as well as hostile small craft. Fifty one non- staggering losses. Often these formidable warships charged head long
were the pride of the Navy, were now clearly past their prime. Also capital Lasers along with thirty six Long Range Missile Systems provide into whole groups of smaller enemy warships and fighters. Whether
Hegemony class Battlecruisers procured from the Terrans were just as the ship’s main fighter defense system. Eight thousand standard heat this was out of boldness or stupidity is debatable but even the mighty
old. However, many within the Commonwealth accurately pointed out sinks allow the Tharkad to fire its entire weapon load without negative Tharkad could not survive against these long odds. Many times this
that these vessels were still quite capable despite their advanced age. consequence. The Battlecruiser also came with an impressive amount tactic resulted in a destroyed battlecruiser, but usually not before the
Some of these critics came from within the Lyran Navy who still had of integral support. Six docking collars along with forty four internal ship had destroyed a significant number of enemy vessels. Today
a special place for the venerable Arcturus in their hearts. In the face fighter and small craft bays gave the warship the ability to launch a only the Fearless, the Intrepid, and the Invincible continue to serve
of such opposition a new Lyran Battlecruiser may never have been massive cap further enhancing its defenses. Finally, large fuel tanks in House Steiner’s vastly diminished warship fleet. All of these vessels
approved if it wasn’t for the Star League’s decision to commission and a humungous cargo hold of nearly sixty seven thousand tons let have seen massive action during the war and are damaged in one way
the Cameron class which would replace its own aging Hegemony the battle cruiser operate away from its home base for long periods. or another.
009/229 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Tharkad Class Battlecruiser
Tharkad Class Battlecruiser

Tharkad class Battlecruiser Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 922)
Tech: Inner Sphere 3 NL/55 17 17 17 17 Capital Laser
Introduced: 2690 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
In Class: 28 2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
6 Killer Whale (60 Missiles) 24 24 24 24 Capital Missile
Manufacturer: Bolson-Tamar Shipyards (Tamar/ Lyran 3 Large Lasers 5(54) 2(24) - - Laser
Commonwealth) 6 Medium Lasers
FL/FR (Heat: 1,550)
Mass: 900,000 tons 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Length: 957 meters 2 NAC/25 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Sail Diameter: 1,490 meters LBS/RBS (Heat: 3,118)
Fuel: 3,952 tons (9,880) 4 NL/55 22 22 22 22 Capital Laser
3 Heavy NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Safe Thrust: 3 2 NAC/35 (100 Rounds) 70 70 70 - Capital AC
Maximum Thrust: 5 4 LRM 20 (60 Rounds) 8(84) 8(84) 8(84) - LRM
Sail Integrity: 5 6 LRM 10 (120 Rounds)
4 Large Lasers 7(72) 3(32) - - Laser
KF Drive Integrity: 18 8 Medium Lasers
Heat Sinks: 8,000 AL/AR (Heat: 1,426)
Structural Integrity: 80 2 NL/35 7 7 7 - Capital Laser
3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
Battle Value: 219,343 2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds 40 40 40 - Capital AC
5 LRM 20 (120 Rounds) 8(78) 8(78) 8(78) - LRM
Armor: (984 tons, Ferro Carbide) 3 LRM 10 (60 Rounds)
Fore: 145 3 Large Lasers 5(54) 2(24) - - Laser
6 Medium Lasers
Fore-Sides: 140 Aft (Heat: 850)
Aft-Sides: 140 4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
Aft: 130 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC

Bay 1: Fighters (36) 6 Doors Ammunition:
Bay 2: Small Craft (8) 2 Doors 200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/35 ammunition
Bay 3: Cargo (66,782 tons) 1 Door 400 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
300 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
Dropship Capacity: 6 300 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
Grav Decks: 2 (95-meter diameter) 60 Killer Whale Missiles
Escape Pods: 30 360 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
Lifeboats: 35 360 rounds of LRM 10 ammunition
Crew: 312 minimum (54 Officers, 258 Enlisted)
009/230 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Banshee Class Carrier
Banshee Class Carrier

immediately insisted on a number of changes. The most drastic was ship’s captain made use of pirate jump points, as the high acceleration
that the ship should be able to serve as a raider in addition to serving allowed the ship to reach the planet before the defending warships
as a fleet carrier. In an effort to meet this goal the engineers were could arrive from the Zenith or Nadir jump points. However the
forced to almost double the size of the ship and add four docking collars massive size of the engines made the ship very cramped and limited
for carrying troop transports. Hammerstein, however, was opposed to the number of weapons, troops and fighters that could be carried.
mounting the docking collars on the ship due to cost concerns and Among the ship’s major weaknesses were the armor and
insisted that the ship carry its ground troops internally and deploy armament that they carried. There armor was considered barely
them via landing craft. [Editor’s Note: Cost concerns may sound like adequate for the design and is very light compared to that of other
a good reason but the real truth of the matter is that Hammerstein contemporary Lyran designs. The armament was also very weak for a
owned Viper Aerospace, the main manufacturer of Mark VII landing ship of this size. The primary weapons are ten NAC/30 autocannons.
craft, in the Commonwealth and he saw this as a way to increase These are backed up by an array of Medium Naval Lasers which were
sales.] The design changes required to allow the ship to carry the primarily intended for use against dropships. To provide naval fire
ground troops and landing craft forced the designers to remove one of support for the ground forces, the ship carries four Medium Naval
the fighter regiments and most of the ships weapons. [Editor’s Note: PPCs mounted on the nose. Lacking the space to mount an extensive
The numerous design changes also resulted in numerous cost over anti-fighter weapons array, like those found on the Mako or Icarus
runs in the development program.] After several years of redesign classes, the Banshee mounts forty Barracuda missile launchers to
work, construction finally started in 2749, with the LCS Banshee being defend against enemy aerospace fighters.
launched in 2750.
Overview: Capabilities: The LCS Banshee entered service in 2750 amid a great amount
The Banshee Class carrier/raider was one of the strangest General Hammerstein envisioned the Banshee class as a ship of criticism from the Lyran media. Dubbed the LCS Boondoggle by the
warships ever deployed by the Lyran Navy. In 2745 one of the Lyran capable of serving as either a fleet carrier or a raider depending on media because of it’s expensive development costs and the fallout of
Social Generals, Merriweather Hammerstein, proposed that the what the situation required. Originally intended to carry an entire the Viper Aerospace Scandal, the ship was never given a chance to
Lyran Navy should develop a new type of warship to counter the ‘Mech regiment and supporting units, the final design could only carry succeed. [Editor’s Notes: While the Banshee was cheap to produce
Free Worlds League’s Varyag class carrier. Placed in charge of the a combined arms regiment due to space limitations on board the because of it’s lack of dropships, the initial design costs were extremely
program, Hammerstein, who had no previous experience in naval vessel. Proposals by the Navy to add docking collars to increase the high, Lyran economists determined that the Banshees development
matters, proceeded to dictate to the Lyran Navy the specifications for number of troops that could be carried were repeatedly vetoed by costs were almost 7 times that of the Thor, after adjusting the Thor’s
the new ship. [Editor’s Note: And in doing so showed his total lack of Hammerstein due to cost [Editor’s Note: read- Viper Aerospace profit] development cost for inflation. Another reason for it’s poor reception
understanding about naval warship design.] The navy’s initial proposal considerations. The Mech Battalion was deployed via an orbital drop was the Viper Aerospace Scandal which came to light in 2749, shortly
was for a basic carrier capable of carrying two fighter wings and and was recovered using the Mark VII Landing Craft. Because of the after construction began on the Banshee. The scandal broke when
with enough weapons to be able to defend itself. [Editor’s Note: The weight limitations of the landing craft cargo bays, no ‘Mechs over 65 a reporter from the Donegal Broadcasting Company managed to
Lyran Navy was never a big fan of the new carrier proposal, the initial tons could be deployed on the ship, as they could not be recovered obtain documents which showed how General Hammerstein abused
design they presented was little more then a Valkyrie class destroyer after the raid. The light armor battalion and jump infantry battalion his position a head of the program. These documents showed that
with some of the weapons removed and two fighter wings added. deployed and recovered via the landing craft. The fighter regiment General Hammerstein forced the Navy to use landing craft, rather then
The Lyran navy preferred to spend it’s new ship construction funds on carried on the ship was used to provide cover for the landing craft dropships to deploy the ground troops. This would require the LCAF
large battleships and battlecruisers which were capable of destroying during landing operations and to provide air support for the ground to purchase large numbers of landing craft from Viper Aerospace,
opposing warships. The Admirals of the Lyran Navy saw fighters as troops. increasing profits and driving up the value of General Hammerstein’s
being of little value against warships and felt that carriers were of To allow the ship to quickly approach it’s target and deploy troops stock holdings in the company. General Hammerstein was quickly
even less value. This would come back to haunt the Lyran Navy when General Hammerstein required that the ship be able to generate 4G’s cashiered, as were several other Lyran naval officers, and charges
many of it’s largest battleships were lost to massed fighter attacks by of acceleration. This would prove to be both a blessing and a curse were brought against Viper Aerospace which ultimately forced the
the Combine and League forces in the Succession War.] Hammerstein for the design. The fast acceleration was especially useful when the company into bankruptcy.] While a second ship, the LCS Wraith, was
009/231 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Banshee Class Carrier
Banshee Class Carrier

completed, the remaining 12 ships were canceled before any assembly Banshee class Carrier Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
work began on them as the Lyran Navy was finally able to convince Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
the Estates General that it did not need or want the Banshee class. Nose (Heat: 540)
Tech: Inner Sphere
4 Medium NPPC 36 36 36 36 Capital PPC
[Editor’s Note: One of the most important impacts of the Banshee Introduced: 2750 FL/FR (Heat: 1,100)
class was the effect it had on the Lyran naval ship construction program. In Class: 2 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Due to the many cost overruns of the Banshee’s development program, Manufacturer: Shipil Company (Skye/ Lyran Commonwealth) 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
the Estates General refused to fund the development of new ships for 2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
the Lyran Navy for a number of years. Rather they put most of the 1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
Mass: 950,000 tons AL/AR (Heat: 700)
money earmarked for new ship design programs into the programs to
Length: 1,020 meters 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
upgrade existing designs. The theory was that the existing designs
were successful and proven, and that with minor upgrades to their Sail Diameter: 1,500 meters 2 NAC/30 (100 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Fuel: 5,000 tons (12,500) 2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
systems they would be able to serve for many more years. In reality 1 Barracuda (10 Missiles) 2 2 2 2 Capital Missile
the Estates General hoped to curb the growth of the naval budget Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
Aft (Heat: 280)
by funding refit programs which had a historical record of staying Safe Thrust: 5 2 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
on budget, rather then new ship programs which rarely stayed in Maximum Thrust: 8
budget. This lead to the FRAM (Fleet Renovation And Modernization) Sail Integrity: 5
Program of 2753 which produced both the Icarus, which was a refit KF Drive Integrity: 19
of the Victory, class Frigate and the Dinesen, which was a refit of the Heat Sinks: 2,700
Marsden, class Destroyer.] Structural Integrity: 100
Saddled with a design it did not really want and which did not Battle Value: 162,723
fit in with Lyran naval doctrine, the Lyran Navy deployed the Banshee
and Wraith as carriers with the small craft bays being used to carry a Armor: (1500 tons, Ferro Carbide) Ammunition:
second aerospace fighter regiment. It was not until just before the Fore: 210 600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
current conflict that the ships began to see service as raiders. The Fore-Sides: 210 40 Barracuda Missiles
Stealths requested that the two ships be assigned to them for use on
Aft-Sides: 210
raiding missions shortly after they joined the Commonwealth. The
Aft: 210
Lyran Navy agreed to assign the ships to the Stealths, if for no other
reason then it removed them from the main Lyran fleets. While serving
with the Stealths, the ships proved to be good raiders where their high Cargo
speed and small jump signature made them difficult targets against Bay 1: Fighters (54) 3 Doors
Combine and League forces. The Wraith was destroyed in 2790 during Bay 2: Small Craft (75) 3 Doors
a raid against the planet Stewart. The Banshee was destroyed several Bay 3: ‘Mechs (36) 2 Doors
years later while the Stealths were defending Dixie against a League Bay 4: Light Vehicles (36) 2 Doors
assault. The ship was deployed along with it’s escorts to engage Bay 5: Jump Infantry (12 Platoons) 2 Doors
the FWL warships. Out numbered and out gunned the Banshee was Bay 6: Cargo (33,680 tons) 2 Doors
overwhelmed and destroyed by the Marik fleet.
Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (115 & 125-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 75
Lifeboats: 50
Crew: 275 minimum (49 Officers, 226 Enlisted)
009/232 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Commonwealth Class Battlecruiser
Commonwealth Class Battlecruiser

a massive new cruiser. Rather than argue with conservative armor protection then the Star League’s venerable Texas
elements Admiral Erik Holstein, leader of the progressive Lyran class Battleship. It is important to note that the Texas still
naval corps, seemingly embraced their philosophy. Holstein had better broadside armor then this Battlecruiser. Designers
reasoned that if they designed this traditionally large vessel were also able to include an impressive arsenal featuring long
with progressive upgrades the improvement would be enough range capital weapons. The vessel’s main armament was
to convince many old school officers that such changes were sixteen Naval Autocannon 30s placed in eight large turrets.
needed. Another enormous cruiser added to the already top Supporting the NACs were twenty four Medium NPPCs and
heavy Lyran Navy hardly seemed to make sense to anyone forty eight NL/45s. These energy based weapons enhanced
outside the Navy at the time. The advanced Tharkad and the Commonwealth’s main armament and were excellent for
venerable Arcturus class warships made up House Steiner’s orbital bombardment if needed. Thirty two White Shark Missile
formidable Battlecruiser arm. Traditional proponents of the Launchers were also included to takeout enemy dropships and
Commonwealth tried to argue that the Arcturus was in need too a lesser extent fighters. Per standard Lyran procedure for
of replacement but their stance was purely tongue and cheek. cruisers only one wing of aerospace fighters was included for
Everyone knew the Lyran Navy had no intention of mothballing defense. This did seem to hamper the operational capability
or scrapping these grand old vessels of the realm. However, of the Commonwealth which seemed vulnerable to massed
the Estates General could do little to stop the design when it fighter attacks. Designers countered that the three docking
was backed by the progressives who shockingly stood with collars on the ship could all accommodate dropship fighter
Overview: traditionalists. United in purpose the new Battlecruiser flew carriers.
The Commonwealth class warship marked the start of the through the bureaucracy and straight into service.
Lyran Navy’s desperate effort to modernize before the fall of Deployment:
the Star League. Construction began in 2777 during the dark Capabilities: While the Commonwealth class Battlecruiser proved to
days of the Amaris Coup when the Great Houses were still in The largest “Cruiser” of the period the Commonwealth be a superb design, the Lyran Naval Progressives who were
the act of doubling their militaries. Built by the Shipil Company was nearly the size of the House Davion’s Iron Duke class instrumental in its construction never got their chance to
of Skye during the decline of the League many debated its true Battleship. To some naval experts the Commonwealth even fully implement their vision for the Lyran fleet. Events like
role. Officially classified as a Battlecruiser some murmured that appeared bigger than the Iron Duke because of the later ship’s the Amaris Coup, the Commonwealth-Republic War, and the
this behemoth was in fact a modern day “pocket Battleship” incredibly compact hull. Despite the ship’s large size it was a Succession War derailed plans for new progressive warships.
designed to skirt even the watered down arms control radical design for the Lyran Navy. It’s huge engine could propel As of 2785 only six of these Battlecruisers had been built.
measures passed by the High Council. The truth however was the vessel to a maximum of 2.5Gs which was average for the Two additional vessels were completed before the destruction
stranger than fiction. In fact many Lyrans returning to service rest of the InnerSphere but faster than the Commonwealth’s of the Succession War halt further construction. This class
in their native navy following tours with the SLDF realized the plodding warships. Likewise, the fuel tanks were the largest quickly developed a reputation for toughness throughout the
need for a considerable upgrade to the fleet. It took these featured on any Lyran Cruiser but were still smaller than Inner Sphere and ultimately drove its enemies to think of
progressive Lyran officers many years to successful navigate average. Perhaps the greatest asset of the Commonwealth radical new ways to damage her. Unfortunately, as many who
the social circles of their national military. In the wake of class was its formidable armor. Ironically, this was do to the crewed the Commonwealth thought, it was not impossible to
the Arms Amendment and the horrors witnessed during the fact that the vessel’s superior speed enabled greater structural destroy the warship. During the Succession War the FWLN and
Amaris Coup these Star League influenced officers made their integrity. This improved structural integrity combined with the DCA came up with several effective methods of disposing
move. Instead of going against the grain, as they had done cutting edge Ferro Carbide armor gave the Commonwealth with their “invincible” Lyran counterparts. Rather than directly
futility many times before, they put forward a proposal for incredible durability. In fact this ship featured more overall taking on Lyran fleets they would attack the Commonwealth’s
009/233 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Commonwealth Class Battlecruiser
Commonwealth Class Battlecruiser

naval infrastructure, particularly fueling stations, which their Armor: (2,352 tons, Ferro Carbide) Ammunition:
navy was to slow to effectively defend. Crippled by fuel Fore: 325 640 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
shortages the Commonwealth’s enemies would move in and Fore-Sides: 326 320 White Shark Missiles
Aft-Sides: 326
then destroy their formidable fleets. This proved tougher than
Aft: 325
expected however as too many ships were lost by both the
FWLN and the DCA. Both resorted to tactical nuclear attacks Cargo
to destroy Commonwealths and Thors. Marik, and to a lesser Bay 1: Fighters (18) 4 Doors
extent Kurita, attackers found that massed fighter attacks did Bay 2: Small Craft (8) 4 Doors
the trick in most cases. Kurita however developed the most Marines (3 platoons)
sinister tactic to destroy Lyran capital ships, Kamikaze Jumps. Bay 3: Cargo (58,038 tons) 4 Doors
In many cases using standard civilian jumpships Kurita pilots
Dropship Capacity: 3
would jump right into a Commonwealth warship twisting both
Grav Decks: 4 (120-meter diameter)
vessels inside out completely destroying both. At the battle Escape Pods: 40
of Skondia alone three Commonwealth class Battlecruisers Lifeboats: 40
and five other Lyran warships were destroyed in this fashion. Crew: 361 minimum (64 Officers, 297 Enlisted)
During that same battle the design’s originator, Fleet Admiral
Holstein, was killed in action. Today only the LCS Triad remains
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
in service with the Commonwealth fleet.
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 885)
Commonwealth class Battlecruiser
3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
Tech: Inner Sphere 4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Introduced: 2778 FL/FR (Heat: 2,570)
In Class: 8 2 NAC/30 (80 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (80 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Manufacturer: Shipil Company (Skye/ Lyran Commonwealth) 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital NPPC
6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
Mass: 980,000 tons 4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Length: 1,020 meters LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,770)
Sail Diameter: 1,300 meters 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital NPPC
6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
Fuel: 1,000 tons (2,000) 4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 AL/AR (Heat: 2,570)
Safe Thrust: 3 2 NAC/30 (80 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Maximum Thrust: 5 2 NAC/30 (80 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital NPPC
Sail Integrity: 5
6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
KF Drive Integrity: 20 4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Heat Sinks: 8,700 Aft (Heat: 885)
Structural Integrity: 120 3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
Battle Value: 225,249 6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
4 White Shark (40 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
009/234 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Tirpitz Class Battleship
Tirpitz Class Battleship

Despite the age of this early Lyran warship design the Deployment:
Tirpitz remained in active service and unmodified for more The Shipil Company eventually built twenty of these
than 350 years, a testament to its effectiveness. The vessel’s mammoth warships using the vast industrial might of the
armament though pretty technologically basic was quite Federation of Skye. Ships of this class were usually named
formidable. The main guns of the ship were the largest in honor of great military commanders of the past. As the
available at the time, sixteen of the new Naval Autocannon Tirpitz was a naval vessel the names were usually great naval
35s. Supporting these massive cannons were sixty four Naval commanders. After the Archon Katherine Steiner assumed the
Laser 55s and twenty four Killer Whale Missile Launchers that throne the names of these warships took on a more Germanic
helped destroy any large craft including dropships. These ancestry reflecting the Commonwealth’s new ruling line. As a
capital weapons were further augmented by forty Large class the Tirpitz performed exceptionally, as a matter of fact it
Lasers which were used against smaller vessels, like assault performed too well. Unfortunately, many incompetent Social
dropships and aerospace fighters. It is important to note that Generals were able to use the ship to micromanage their
this was the last Lyran warship to mount non-capital weapons ground troops during battle from relative safety. One vessel,
until the mid 2700s. Designers considered these standard the LCS Nelson, was lost in battle during the Reunification
weapons a waste of space on capital ships. After all what War when a Social General took command of the vessel itself.
was supporting elements like dropships and fighters for? For After the Lyran Commonwealth joined the Star League the
Overview: protection the Tirpitz mounted more than two thousand tons ships showed what they could do in the hands of capable
In 2398 the Capellan Confederation launched an attack of armor plating on it’s already durable hull. Nine docking commanders. Sadly arms restrictions and some age issues
against the Free Worlds League in order to regain the collars enabled the Tirpitz to deliver a large ground force into required four of these Lyran flagships to be scrapped.
Andurien system. This assault touched off the 1st Andurien any star system and for additional support the vessel carried The LCS Charlemagne was perhaps the most distinguished
War which inaugurated the Age of War. In response to these an entire regiment of aerospace fighters. The most impressive vessel of the Tirpitz class. Archon Katherine Steiner designated
events Archon Alistair Marsden ordered a massive military feature of the Tirpitz was the Strategic Operations Command the Charlemagne the flagship of the Lyran Commonwealth.
buildup that included the expansion of the Lyran Navy. The Center (SOCC). This large room located deep within the The vessel’s SOCC was enlarged to enabling it to become
Commonwealth’s Admirals, in addition to ordering further ship’s heart housed the finest communications and computer a mobile seat of government. First class and second class
construction of pre-existing designs, commissioned two new systems available to the Lyran Commonwealth at anytime. passenger quarters were added to provide room for additional
warships. These new vessels would serve to augment the first The SOCC was regularly updated with the best electronics by government officials. During the Star League a Hyperpulse
five Lyran warships and fill out the fleet before the coming the Strategy and Tactics Division of the LCAF. Fifty 1st class Generator was added with the assistance of the SLDF.
conflict. For one of these new warships designers hit upon passenger quarters accommodated all Lyran flag officers Whenever the Archon went into battle, the Charlemagne as
the idea for a huge flagship that would be able to direct and their command staffs. Naturally ample luxuries, like six his flagship went with him. The ship served in this capacity
entire campaigns. The Lyran Navy couldn’t resist the idea Grav Decks 120 meters in diameter, were included for proper throughout the Age of War, the Reunification War, and the Star
of a massive warship that would serve as a secure mobile relaxation. In 2655 the Lyran Navy undertook an effort to League era. The Commonwealth Council frequently convened
headquarters. In an interesting historical footnote the Archon refit the Tirpitz with modern improvements. The engine was on board with the Archon was in transit. On rare occasions
was apparently inspired by his fiancée, Katherine Steiner, to upgraded with a modern interplanetary drive that gave the the Estates General could meet on the Charlemagne. Together
christen the new class and first ship the Tirpitz. refitted Tirpitz a maximum thrust of 2.5Gs. The ship’s armor with fourteen of its sister ships the Charlemagne went onto
was replaced with the best available, Ferro Carbide. As a result see action in the Succession War. Because of their importance
of the refit the vessels cargo bay expanded greatly. these vessels came under intense enemy assault which
009/235 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Tirpitz Class Battleship
Tirpitz Class Battleship

claimed many including the Charlemagne. Today only two, the Dropship Capacity: 9
Barbarossa and Frederick the Great, remain in service with Grav Decks: 6 (120-meter diameter)
the Lyran Navy. Escape Pods: 65
Lifeboats: 65
Crew: 386 minimum (68 Officers, 318 Enlisted)

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Tirpitz class Battleship Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 1,020)
2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
Tech: Inner Sphere 8 NL/55 44 44 44 44 Capital Laser
Introduced: 2403 3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
In Class: 20 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Manufacturer: Shipil Company (Skye/ Lyran Commonwealth) FL/FR (Heat: 2,040)
2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
8 NL/55 44 44 44 44 Capital Laser
Mass: 1,150,000 tons 3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Length: 1150 meters 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Sail Diameter: 1500 meters LBS/RBS (Heat: 2,040)
Fuel: 1,000 tons (2,500) 2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
8 NL/55 44 44 44 44 Capital Laser
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Safe Thrust: 3 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Maximum Thrust: 5 AL/AR (Heat: 2,040)
Sail Integrity: 5 2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
8 NL/55 44 44 44 44 Capital Laser
KF Drive Integrity: 23
3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Heat Sinks: 8,200 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Structural Integrity: 90 Aft (Heat: 1,020)
Battle Value: 203,878 2 NAC/35 (200 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
8 NL/55 44 44 44 44 Capital Laser
3 Killer Whale (30 Missiles) 12 12 12 12 Capital Missile
Armor: (2,067 tons, Ferro Carbide) 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Fore: 284
Fore-Sides: 285
Aft-Sides: 285
Aft: 284
Cargo 1600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/35 ammunition
Bay 1: Fighters (54) 6 doors 240 White Shark Missile Launchers
Bay 2: Small Craft (6) 2 Doors
Marines (10 Jump Infantry Platoons)
Bay 3: Cargo (130,087 tons) 2 doors
009/236 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Thor Class Battleship
Thor Class Battleship

the destruction of many of these vessels. The Thor class also carries a full fighter regiment to defend
against enemy aerospace fighters. The ships also have the capability
to carry up to six dropships. Typically they carry assault ships such as
Capabilities: the Achilles to deal with enemy fighters and dropships.
The Thor class Battleships were among the largest and most
powerful warships ever constructed when they entered service. While
other larger ships would later see service, few would ever match the Deployment:
sheer firepower of the Thor class. All of this firepower came at a The Thor class Battleships are used as the main fighting
price, the Thors are some of the slowest warships ever designed. This components of the Lyran Naval Fleets. At least one of these ships is
is consistent with Lyran thinking, where firepower and armor were assigned to each fleet. The ships excel at defensive operations and as
emphasized over speed and maneuverability. The low thrust limits a result a number have been assigned to the protection of key worlds
the Thors offensive capabilities, as it is very easy for most other ships during the current conflict.
to out run a Thor. However, when the Thor is assigned to defensive One notable defensive operation involving a Thor, was when
operations there are few ships that are capable of challenge these the LCS Odin defended the Port Sydney Naval yards against a Free
massive battleships. Many smaller fleets instead retreat when they Worlds League attack in 2787. The Odin destroyed two cruisers and
encounter a planet defended by a Thor class Battleship rather then many smaller ships during the battle. More importantly, however, the
risk their own destruction. Odin prevented Marik forces from inflicting significant damage to the
The weapons array of the Thor is designed to provide maximum facility, which is one of the only Lyran shipyards still operational. The
firepower. Consistent with Lyran naval doctrine, the Thor mounts the Odin suffered moderate damage during the battle but was repaired
heaviest weapons possible. The primary guns of the ship are twenty and returned to service. The ship was later destroyed during the
Overview: massive Disintegrator 40 Naval Autocannons. The Thor was the first Commonwealth’s failed attempt to liberate Vega in 2795.
The Thor class battleships were designed by the Lyran Lyran ship to make use of these large cannons. The ship also mounts Another notable defensive operation involving Thor class
Commonwealth during the Reunification war to be the ultimate an array of Heavy Naval PPCs and Heavy Naval Lasers, which are Battleships was during the Draconis Combine’s assault against
warship. The requirements issued by the Lyran Navy in 2582, called primarily intended to provide orbital bombardment capability. Backing Hesperus II in December 2787. The LCS Freya and Balder repeatedly
for the largest warship, mounting the heaviest guns and maximum up this impressive weapons load are a staggering forty Vanquisher 20 prevented the Combine warships from getting into a position from
armor. After several years of review, the naval command accepted the Naval Autocannons, which according to Lyran doctrine are considered which they could bombard the factories. However, the Lyran ships
proposal from the Shipil Company of Skye for what would become the secondary weaponry on the ship. These guns are used to engage could not prevent the destruction of the orbital shipyards, as the faster
Thor class Battleships. While the other design proposals tended to have smaller targets such as destroyers and dropships, while the main Combine warships were able to out race the ponderous Lyran ships to
a better balance of speed and weapons, the Admirals of the Lyran Navy guns engage enemy capital ships. There are also a number of Killer the shipyards and destroy them before the Thors arrived. The Combine
were impressed by the sheer firepower of the Shipil proposal, which Whale Missile Launchers which serve as the primary defense against forces did eventually withdraw from the system but not before crippling
mounted nearly twice the firepower of any other design. Because aerospace fighters. Despite the impressive weapons load carried by the Baldur so badly that the Lyrans could only scavenge the hulk for
of the massive size of the ships (they were larger then any ship in the Thor class the ships have proven to be very vulnerable to attacks usable parts. Only the scrap remains in orbit today.
service at the time other then the SLDF’s Farragut class Battleships), from aerospace fighters. Several of these ships have been destroyed The largest deployment of Thors to date was in the battle of Nox
production was very slow and costly. As a result the Lyran Navy built during the Succession War by massed fighter attacks. where five of these ships defended the planet against the Combine.
only twenty five ships between 2590 and 2650, when production was In addition to mounting an impressive weapons array, the This was one of the largest warship battles ever fought and the Thors
stopped due to the Star League Edict 2650, which limited the size of Thors also mount heavy armor plating. The designers maximized the inflicted heavy casualties on the Combine fleet. Even so the Thors
House militaries. To meet the requirements of Edict 2650, the Lyran strength of the structural framework so that they could add the most were all destroyed when the Combine used massed fighter attacks
Commonwealth was required to place five Thors into mothballs, as armor possible to the ship. The armor is heaviest on the sides, which against the ships. With the loss of the last Thor, the LCS Hrungnir, the
they lacked enough sailors to man the ships. These mothballed ships is consistent with the layout of the weapons array, which is designed Commonwealth fleet lost heart and retreated from the system.
have proven very valuable to the Lyran Commonwealth, having been to provide a very strong broadside attack. The armor is weakest on At the present time only three Thors are still operational with the
returned to active duty after the fall of the Star League. The Thors are the Aft, which combined with the weaker weaponry defending the aft Lyran fleet. All of the ships have seen heavy use and are in need of
the center of the Lyran fleets and have seen heavy combat, resulting section of the ship, has proven to be a major liability to the ships. major repairs.
009/237 TRO:2800/House Steiner/LCN Thor Class Battleship
Thor Class Battleship

Thor class Battleship Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 2,580)
Tech: Inner Sphere 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Introduced: 2590 1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
In Class: 25 1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
3 NAC/20 (150 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Manufacturer: Shipil Company (Skye/ Lyran Commonwealth) 3 NAC/20 (150 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
10 NL/55 55 55 55 55 Capital Laser
Mass: 1,500,000 tons 10 Killer Whale (100) 40 40 40 40 Capital Missile
Length: 1,350 meters FL/FR (Heat: 3,670)
4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
Sail Diameter: 1,600 meters 1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000) 1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
2 NAC/20 (100 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Safe Thrust: 2 3 NL/45 14 14 14 14 Capital Laser
Maximum Thrust: 3 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Sail Integrity: 6 LBS/RBS (Heat: 4,460)
KF Drive Integrity: 29 4 Heavy NPPC 60 60 60 60 Capital PPC
1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Heat Sinks: 14,000 1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Structural Integrity: 90 1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Battle Value: 342,242 2 NAC/20 (125 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
2 NAC/20 (125 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
5 NL/45 28 28 28 28 Capital Laser
Armor: (2,700 tons, Ferro Carbide) 10 Killer Whale 40 40 40 40 Capital Missile
Fore: 309 (100 Missiles)
Fore-Sides: 409 AL/AR (Heat: 2,750)
2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
Aft-Sides: 409 1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Aft: 269 1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
1 NAC/40 (50 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
2 NAC/20 (125 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Cargo 3 NAC/20 (125 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Bay 1: Fighters (54) 6 Doors 2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
Bay 2: Small Craft (6) 2 Doors 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Bay 3: Cargo (105,506 tons) 4 Doors Aft (Heat: 1,140)
3 NAC/20 (150 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
3 NAC/20 (150 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Dropship Capacity: 6 10 NL/45 45 45 45 45 Capital Laser
Grav Decks: 2 (150 and 200-meter diameter) 4 Killer Whale (40 Missiles) 16 16 16 16 Capital Missile
Escape Pods: 75
Lifeboats: 50 Ammunition:
Crew: 519 minimum (92 Officers, 427 Enlisted) 1000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/40 ammunition
2000 rounds of Naval Autocannon/20 ammunition
500 Killer Whale Missiles
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The youngest naval organization in the Inner Sphere today is also its oldest. The Alliance Parliament formally established the Terran Space Navy (TSN) in 2120 and authorized the
construction of six military jumpships. Two years later the first ship, the TAS Charger, slipped from the Alliance shipyards above Earth. Over the next one hundred years the growing TSN
patrolled the flourishing colonies of humanity providing a key link to the Alliance central government. Unfortunately the distances involved and the tremendous colonial boom made effective
communications impossible. This led to significant unrest among distant worlds who chaffed under the tyrannical control of Alliance Governors. Finally in 2235 the Outer Reaches Rebellion
began as several colonies declared their independence. Despite complete Terran naval supremacy the rebels fought a brutal guerilla campaign on their native planets. After two years the
people of Terra realized the colonies would not be subdued and voted to change their government. The new regime not only withdrew from the war but all colonies outside a single jump
from Terra.
Over the next seven decades the Terran Navy would reemerge despite the political turmoil that swept the newly isolationist Alliance. During this time the only thing the government
could agree on was greater military spending. This set the stage for the launch of the first true warship in 2300, the TAS Dreadnought. This vessel and her sisters would be the instruments
that Fleet Admiral James McKenna used to restore order on Terra in 2315. Their orbital bombardment of two small uninhabited islands on Earth ushered in the new Hegemony government
with McKenna as it’s Director-General. The reborn Hegemony Navy would not have to wait long to see its first action under Director McKenna. In March 2316 he left Terra with a large fleet
of ships whose aim was to convince nearby worlds to join the new nation. These so-called Campaigns of Persuasion would last until 2335 and would not only add worlds to the Hegemony
but establish accepted naval procedures still in use today. The initial seizure of enemy jump points by warships was followed by the entry of troopships. Reconnaissance flights of the targeted
planet to gather the latest intelligence named “naughty picture runs” preceded the actual landing and ground attack.
The Cameron dynasty which followed McKenna as the rulers of the Hegemony continued to invest heavily in the Terran Navy. This research and development kept the Hegemony
fleet well ahead of the emerging navies of the Inner Sphere. The rise of these new states would set the stage for the Age of War which began at the close of the twenty fourth century. In
2408 the Draconis Combine attacked the Terran world of Lyons which marked the first large scale action by the Hegemony in these conflicts. Admiral Issac Farragut was able to coordinate
a successful unified defense of the planet from space and the surface. Other naval battles like the Capellan invasion and Terran liberation of Terra Firma in 2409 would follow. These
military actions however would pale in significance to the fleet’s crowning diplomatic achievement. Ten separate flotillas of Hegemony warships, which were quickly painted white for the
occasion, transported the leaders of the Human Sphere to the Ares Conventions. These accords regulated the conduct of war and transformed its practice to acceptable standards. While
the consequences of this new doctrine can be debated till this day no one can deny its impact on humanity.
The Hegemony Navy would face some difficult times following the introduction of the BattleMech. This new Terran innovation revolutionized ground combat and for a time relegated
the fleet to a lesser role. The events of 2475 above the world of Oriente would prove that the day of the warship had not gone however. Word of a growing Marik fleet whose ultimate
target was Terra itself shocked the nation to action. Director Theodore Cameron on board the Hegemony Battlecruiser Kiev personally led a first strike. The operation was a stunning success
leading to the destruction of the League fleet and the dismissal paranoid Captain-General Carlos Marik. As the twenty sixth century began the Terran Hegemony under the shrewd leadership
of Deborah Cameron shifted its focus to diplomacy and the Navy benefited. This strategy of “aggressive peacemaking” called for a large fleet to promote trade and mediation. This policy
sowed the seeds of peace that eventually bought an end to the Age of War and witnessed the birth of the Star League in 2571. The Hegemony Navy would become the core of the new
Star League Navy which would be composed of ships and personnel drawn from around the Inner Sphere.
This third multinational incarnation of five hundred plus warships would have to come together quickly as the new Star League would launch a campaign to reunite all of humanity
under its aegis. The Reunification War proved to be a hard fought campaign against the distant territories of the Periphery. Naval battles highlighted by Malagrotta, Tentativa, Thurrock, and
Robsart would dot the frontiers of the Human Sphere. Despite outnumbering their opponents by far the new Star League Navy had their share of difficulties. The unified fleet of the Inner
Sphere would overcome these challenges and vanquish the indomitable navies of the Periphery.
The fleets of the Inner Sphere reached new heights during the Golden Age of Mankind. New technologies and naval proliferation made interstellar travel safe for the most part. Aside
from the ominous fleet build up that would plague future peace a few odd pirate attacks and start of the Martial Olympiad were the only notable actions of this time. The Navy of the Star
League would see its peacekeeping skills put to the test during the Hidden Wars. These conflicts saw the Member States of the Inner Sphere square off against each other in escalating
covert campaigns. These proxy wars were only the beginning of the Star League’s problems as the Periphery erupted into open rebellion in 2765. While the rebels had few warships their
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suicidal determination took its toll on the League Navy. The destruction of the SLS Nebraska by a cargo ship laden with explosive fuel exemplified the naval combat during the Periphery
Uprising. In order to match the intensity of the rebels the SLDF shifted the bulk of their forces, including much of its fleet, to the League’s frontier. Tragically this action would set the stage
for the Amaris Coup.
For years the Usurper had quietly amassed his forces carefully observing the defenses of the Terran Hegemony. As an ally of the First Lord the military of the Rim Worlds Republic
redeployed to the Hegemony in order to cover the departing SLDF. On December 27, 2766 the name Stefan Amaris was consigned to villainy as his troops brutally seized Terra and
assassinated much of the Cameron family. His infamous Coup not only secured the richest most heavily industrialized regions of space but its impressive high tech automated Space Defense
Systems (SDS).
The Hegemony SDS along with the small but highly effective Rim Worlds Navy made the drive to liberate Terra one of the most costly campaigns ever fought. Piecemeal assaults like
the immediate counter attack of the 568th Armed Transport Flotilla on the Epsilon Indi would prove futile. The Star League Navy as a whole would endure tremendous hardships at the
hands drone ships over the seven year drive against Amaris. The fall of Nirasaki was the break that the fleet finally needed. As the home of the developers of the SDS the planet held some
vital clues to their defenses. From these discoveries the SLDF developed an ECM that would overwhelm the drone warships. The Navy quickly put this device to the test during their invasion
of New Home in March 2775. Thankfully the tactic worked dramatically reducing naval losses and accelerating the general advance. However, the Hegemony Campaign had already taken
a massive toll on the fleet costing the Navy nearly half its strength. Only the Terra remained in the hands of the Usurper and its SDS was too powerful to be disabled by the Star League
Operation Liberation began on January 23, 2777 when SLDF forces on eight worlds boarded their ships and jumped to Terra. One of the largest military operations ever before
undertaken the Battle for Earth would be an unforgiving affair. Of the nine hundred plus ships that made the jump there were only twenty drive failures. As the main fleet began its nine day
journey in system forty Star League warships jumped further in system on a one way mission. These heroic sailors and their vessels destroyed over one hundred Caspar drones before being
completely destroyed. This left one hundred and fifty drone warships for the surviving vessels of the Star League Navy to overcome while they defended the troop carriers of the Regular
Army. The nearly ten hour battle to Earth was an epic struggle between man and machine that will forever be recorded in history. Amaris’ drone warships were completely destroyed thanks
to the heroism of the fleet but at a tremendous cost. Only a tenth of the Star League Navy that deployed to the Periphery in 2765 would survive to embark on the Exodus with General
The fall of the Star League bought about the dawn of the Terran Royal Navy. Since the Star League Navy departed with nearly all its functional warships the new Terran fleet was
apparently left with very little. However, as some greedy House Lords soon found out appearances can be deceiving. Scores of veteran sailors had remained on Earth with the Last Cameron
and thanks to their hard work hundreds of salvageable warships were quickly restored. These patch work derelicts were soon joined by newly launched vessels built by the Republic’s
recovering industrial strength.
The first significant fleet action undertaken by the Royal Navy was the Terran counterattack at Moore. This daring assault carried out by aging relics of the old Hegemony fleet succeeded
in achieving its objectives and proved that the new nation could strike back. The Republic’s ambush of the Free Worlds League Navy at Castor also inflicted heavy causalities on a foreign
invader and ultimately denied them the use of Zaker shipyards. In spite of these successful spoiling actions and some limited troop evacuations the Royal Navy was confined to its bases.
In an effort to cripple the Republic’s revitalized shipbuilding industry the Draconis Combine raided the Terran system in force. However, the Dragon was shocked to find the home
of the Last Cameron defended by large naval force bent on staving off any such attack. Hastily repaired warships, fanatical defenders, and a few high tech surprises cost Kurita its entire
warship force. The raiders were not entirely denied as their efforts did partially succeed in damaging these vital facilities. Later assaults by various House troops on outlying Terran shipyards
like Keid and New Earth were far more effective.
No engagements were more important to the Republic then the decisive battles of Dieron and Procyon. The Royal Navy again played an important part in these Terran victories which
halted the advance of Kurita and Marik troops on the nation’s interior. As the Succession War grew to encompass the entire Inner Sphere the Republic was able to strike back with Operation
Phoenix. This series of counterattacks aimed at reclaiming Combine and League gains was supported by the growing Royal Navy. The fleet’s involvement in the Battles of Asta and Talitha
in particular has done much to restore the nation it continues to faithful serve today.
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The ships of the Royal Navy are painted with a simple white, gold, and gray design that replaces the intricate paint schemes of the old Star League Navy. These new colors are
based on Judith Cameron’s Great White Fleet that once escorted the House Lords to the Ares Conventions. It is hoped that this gesture will eventually help restore the realms former
status as the Inner Sphere’s grand arbiter of peace.


When the Succession War began the fledgling Terran Royal Navy was thrown right into the deep end of the pool and had no choice but to swim. With the smallest fleet of any
InnerSphere nation they have had to overcome many obstacles in the past fifteen years. As a result Terran strategy and tactics have evolved rapidly from the start of this conflict to
present. The one advantage that the Republic had that the other Great Houses didn’t was a working SDS that enabled their small fleet to take refuge in a few interior star systems and
strike out when necessary. Without these static defenses the tiny Navy of Terra surely would have been hunted down and killed by the House Fleets leaving the Republic defenseless.
Using extremely precise Star League cartography together with superior knowledge of nearby stellar terrain the Royal Navy used a highly mobile strategy to keep any invaders at bay.
In order to bring these attackers down to size the Republic’s fleet resorted to desperate actions learned from their old adversaries in the Periphery. Plentiful dropships and fighters
armed with nuclear weapons left over from the Amaris Coup wreaked havoc on any intruder no matter how large their warship advantage was. While a rebuilding Terran industry
produced more and more warships attrition took its toll on the Navies of so-called Successor States. The Republic’s decision avoid entry into a widening war left its Navy that much
stronger. The Royal Navy would overcome their initial numerical disadvantage and embrace a more traditional fleet strategy. Today they remain focused on liberating occupied Terran
space as well as rising security concerns which have seen several House agencies attempt to steal advanced technology.

PRE-WAR DEPLOYMENT (as of 2785) 4 Black Lion class Battlecruisers 2 Newgrange class Yardships 21 Essex class Destroyers
2 Sovremenyy class Battlecruisers 1 Potemkin class Troop Cruiser 41 Lola III class Destroyers
2 Sovetskii Soyuz class Heavy Cruisers 4 Aegis class Heavy Cruisers
Main Line Vessels (56 warships) 19 Volga class Transports
5 Vincent class Corvettes 1 Texas class Battleship Supplemental / Reserve Fleet (280_ 23 Congress class Frigates
4 Genesis class Corvettes 1 Royal Sovereign class Battleship 20 Vigilant class Corvettes 2 Kimagure class Pursuit Cruisers
4 Riga class Escorts 3 McKenna class Battleships 44 Bonaventure class Corvettes 3 Black Lion class Battlecruisers
9 Essex class Destroyers 22 Lola I class Destroyers 18 Sovetskii Soyuz class Heavy Cruisers
22 Naga class Destroyers 4 Luxor class Heavy Cruisers
1 Dewey class Destroyer Auxiliaries (87 warships)
44 Carson class Destroyers 4 Potemkin class Troop Cruisers
2 Bainbridge class Destroyers 16 Bug-Eye class Surveillance Vessels 72 Riga class Frigates 4 Texas class Battleships
6 Lola III class Destroyers 24 Nightwing class Surveillance Vessels 30 Avatar class Heavy Cruisers 3 Farragut class Battleships
2 Defender class Cruisers 24 Tracker class Surveillance Vessels 16 Hegemony class Battlecruisers 8 McKenna class Battleships
3 Aegis class Heavy Cruisers 10 Catalyst class Tankers 10 Monsoon class Battleships
1 Republic class Frigate 7 Vulcan class Tenders
2 Congress class Frigates 1 Volga class Transport Salvageable Star League Vessels (213)
4 Cameron class Battlecruisers 2 Mercy class Hospital Ships 47 Vincent class Corvettes
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As the war began the Terran Republic had only a hodgepodge fleet of hastily repaired Star League
derelicts and Hegemony leftovers. They organized this patchwork force into six under strength fleets whose
small core was composed of line vessels supplemented by the massive Terran naval reserve. While this wasn’t CURRENT DEPLOYMENT (as of 2800)
desirable and contrasted greatly with the fleets of Houses the Republic simply had to make do. In 2785 it Combat Vessels (95 warships)
was simply a matter of survival. The First or Home Fleet that guarded the Terran system from any would be 8 Genesis class Corvettes
aggressor was a deceptively sized formation that could be bolstered by the Prometheus Program. This project 8 Vincent class Corvettes
3 Dewey class Destroyers
undertaken by the Republic had gathered all salvageable Star League warships in the Terran system for repair. 3 Riga class Escorts
By the time Draconis raiders tried to cripple Terran shipyards these derelicts had largely been repaired with 2 Bainbridge class Destroyers
the exception of their KF cores. These ships along with a rebuilding SDS gave the Cradle of Humanity an 5 Essex class Destroyers
impressive defense. The Second or Rimward Fleet based at Carver and the Third or Coreward Fleet based 12 Defender class Cruisers
at Dieron served as the main formations of the Royal Navy. These fleets on the Marik and Draconis Fronts 7 Lola III class Destroyers
6 Republic class Frigates
respectively would be the center piece of Terran naval operations. The Fourth or Spinward Fleet based at 2 Aegis class Heavy Cruisers
Keid and the Fifth or Anti-Spinward Fleet based at New Earth where reserve formations that backed up the 5 Congress class Frigates
main fleets when necessary. Finally the Sixth or the Surveillance Fleet based at Mars filled a vital niche for 3 Black Lion class Battlecruisers
the Royal Navy. These ships kept a watchful eye for any intruders and proved to be surprisingly potent during 3 Sovetskii Soyuz class Heavy Cruisers
the Battle of Castor. 5 Sovremenyy class Battleruisers
2 Cameron class Battlecruisers
As the strength of the House fleets eroded the Royal Navy achieved a numerical parity. Many analysts 2 Luxor class Heavy Cruisers
suggest that the Terran Republic has leapt ahead but that view is not universally accepted. The Terran Admiralty 1 Texas class Battleship
quite correctly points out the fact that many of its ancient vessels have not been able to remain in service. These 5 Royal Sovereign class Battleships
relics have been returned to mothball or reserve status at or near the core of the Republic. The five Terran 3 McKenna class Battleships
combat “fleets” are now cored by a flotilla of fifteen warships each and are supported by various types of assault
dropships. A tiny Surveillance Fleet made up of Bug Eyes also remains along with a Transport Fleet composed of Auxiliaries (26 warships)
auxiliary warships. Perhaps most importantly, Terran interior defenses increased by deployment of new ground 7 Bug-Eye class Surveillance Vessels
3 Vulcan class Tenders
based SDS.
4 Catalyst class Tankers
2 Mercy class Hospital Ships
CONSTRUCTION PHILOSOPHY 2 Newgrange class Yardships
The Royal Navy inherited many of its predecessor’s shipbuilding standards. As the entire warship construction 5 Volga class Transports
industry is in a state of transition the Terran Republic has done little to adjust the Star League’s proven methods. 3 Potemkin class Troop Cruisers
The Quicksilver Program was after all a continuation of next generation SLDF designs that were rushed into
production. One very noticeable remnant of Star League building philosophy is the abundant cargo space found
on most naval vessels. This practice which continues to influence House fleets today could date all the way
back to the lessons of the Outer Reaches Rebellion. Since this first interstellar conflict the Navies of the Inner
Sphere have generally accepted that large cargo holds can be instrumental in supplying distant operations.
Because the Terra’s fleet has always journeyed the farthest to conduct diplomacy, safeguard trade, or engage
in far off campaigns such as the Reunification War or the Periphery Uprising its cargo bays are generally the
largest. Some designers who hate this giant waste of space continue to argue for radical changes. In the near
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In the near future such extreme adjustments to traditional naval protocols appear to be unlikely. As a natural extension of their lengthy travel model Terran craft tend to have
greater crew comforts from quarters, grav-decks, escape pods, and lifeboats then their Spheroid counterparts. Another hallmark of Star League designs is their use of cutting edge
technologies and developments to maximize performance. These innovations include Lamellor Ferro-Carbide armor plating which enhances ship defense, Lithium Fusion Batteries that
allow greater strategic mobility, and Hyper Pulse Generators which permit the fastest possible communication. More significant maybe the ability to field the largest hull designs in the
Inner Sphere together with the finest engines thanks to superior Terran industry and science. With regards to choice of weaponry the Royal Navy uses a wide variety of systems to
achieve tactical superiority in spite of the growing Terran preference for the Particle Projection Cannon.

The situation in the Terran Republic is very different from that of any other nation. While the other Great Houses’ aerospace industries are suffering from the loss of so much of
the knowledge and facilities needed for the construction and maintenance of warships, the Terran Republic suffers from a lack of raw materials and resources. While several Terran
facilities have been destroyed, enough facilities, and more importantly trained engineers and designers, have survived to enable the Terrans to continue warship production if they so
chose. However the lack of materials and resources has forced a halt in production of new warships for the foreseeable future. This lack of raw materials has not affected the Republic’s
new dropship program, which has introduced a new generation of transports and assault ships for the TRAS.

Sol System
The Sol System is the heart of the Terran Republic and the center for the Aerospace industry. Despite the damage suffered in the current fighting, the shipyards of the Sol System continue to play a vital
role in the maintenance of the Republic Fleet

Terra: Krester’s Ship Constructors - O’Neil Shipyards

Products (2785): Union, Overlord, Victory, Colossus, Princess, Danais, Mule, Mammoth, Behemoth Dropships; Invader, Monolith Jumpships; Defender Cruiser, Luxor Cruiser
Products (2800): Cougar, Citadel, Warlord, Victory, Juggernaut, Danais, Mule and Behemoth Dropships, Invader and Monolith Jumpships.
The Krester’s Ship Constructors facility at Terra is one of the most important shipyards in the Republic. The facility was originally jointly operated by both Krester’s and Boeing Intersteller when it was first
rebuilt after the coup. Following the nationalization of Boeing Interstellar, the entire shipyard was turned over to Krester’s. In the early years of the Succession War, the shipyard turned out Defender and
Luxor Cruisers for the Terran Republic Navy. All warship production was halted following a Combine raid against Terra, which managed to inflict significant damage against the yard. That same raid also
destroyed the shipyards ability to build the Colossus and Mammoth Dropships, although recently the company has managed to begin construction of the Juggernaut class assault ship. The O’Neil Shipyard
is also home to Rolls Royce and Karon Naval Armaments. Both companies continue to operate but in a greatly reduce capacity.

Mars: Blue Nose Clipperships - Lowell Shipyards

Products (2785): Titan and Achilles Dropships, Monolith Jumpship, Royal Sovereign Battleship, Sovetskii Soyuz Cruiser, Sovermenyy Battlecruisers and Genesis Corvette
Products (2800): Goliath, Bellephron, Dauntless and Phoenix Dropships, Monolith Jumpship
Blue Nose Clipperships is the largest shipyard in Terran Republic. It was also the main producer of warships for the new Terran Republic Navy, building everything from corvettes to battleships. While the
shipyard was only slightly damaged during the Combine raid against the Sol System, warship production has been halted due to a lack of resources, rather then battle damage. The Lowell Shipyards continue
to serve as the main maintenance facility for the Terran Republic Navy and possess the dry docks capable of housing the Royal Sovereign class battleships. The Lowell shipyards have also expanded their
dropship production as a result of the Quicksilver Program, replacing the Titan and Achilles lines with the Goliath Carrier and Bellephron Assault ship and adding lines for the Dauntless and Phoenix assault
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Titan: Mitchell Vehicles Interstellar
Products (2785): Monarch, Triumph and Pentagon Dropships, Scout and Invader Jumpships, Luxor Cruiser and Republic Frigate
Products (2800): Yeoman, Victory, Juggernaut and Pentagon Dropships, Scout and Invader Jumpships, Republic Frigate
The Titan Shipyards are the most advanced shipyards in the Inner Sphere. Originally under construction during the outbreak of the Coup, all work on the new shipyard was halted until the campaign to
liberate Terra. During the battle to free Earth, Star League engineers completed construction of the shipyards. Following the Exodus, control of the facility was turned over to Mitchell Vehicles. The facility
was badly damaged during the Combine’s raid on the Sol System in 2786. Despite the damage the shipyard has continued to operate at a much reduced capacity. Currently the Titan Shipyards are the only
facility in the Republic that is building new warships. The yard has also seen its dropship production upgraded, with the Triumph being replaced with the newer Victory class and the Monarch liner being
replaced with the Yeoman Troop Carrier. The company has also managed to establish a new assembly facility for the Juggernaut assault, leading some to suspect the shipyard is not as badly damaged as
the Republic claims.

New Earth: Dassault-Shimmon - Nicholas Staryards

Products (2785): Buccaneer, Danais, Mule, Monarch and Mammoth Dropships, Merchant and Star Lord Jumpships, Dewey Destroyer
Products (2800): Buccaneer, Mule, Yeoman and Mammoth Dropships, Merchant and Star Lord Jumpships
New Earth, home of Mankinds first extra solar colony was at one point one the most developed world in known space next to Terra. The Coup inflicted heavy damage on the world, resulting in the complete
destruction of the shipyards belong to Di Tron Heavy Industries and Ceres Metals. The Nicholas Spacecraft (formerly Dassault-Shimmon) shipyards also suffered heavy damage during the fighting. The
Dassault-Shimmon facilities were acquired by New Earth Trading Corp after the Coup and rebuilt. Despite being untouched by the fighting the Dassault-Shimmon Yards have been forced to halt production
of the Dewey Destroyer due to loss of several supporting manufacturers and the components they produced. The company has also been forced to reduce the production rate of its dropships and jumpships
due to a shortage of raw materials. Recently the company converted their Monarch line to the production of the Yeoman Troop Carrier.

Dieron: Mitsui Diversified - Terada Shipyards

Products (2785): Intruder, Union, Achilles and Titan Dropships, Scout and Merchant Jumpships, Sovetskii Soyuz Cruiser
Products (2800): None
The Terada Shipyards have become a victim of the Succession War. Heavily damaged during the Coup, the shipyards were rebuilt by Mitsui after the Star League abandoned the Inner Sphere. Unfortunately
for Mitsui, their shipyards quickly became a target of the Draconis Combine. During the Battle of Dieron the shipyards were attacked and destroyed. The destruction was so devastating that there was little
that could be salvaged.

Keid: Federated Defense Systems - Thompson Shipyards

Products (2785): Leopard and Fortress Dropships, Merchant, Invader and Tramp Jumpships, Black Lion Battlecruiser, Riga Destroyer
Products (2800): None, Maintenance only.
The shipyards on Kied were rebuilt following the coup, and while not as advanced as the pre-war shipyards, the products from the FDS facility were important to the defense of the Republic. Unfortunately
the facility, as well as the nearby Academy of Keid and Terran Republic Naval Headquarters, was targeted by both Combine and League forces. The heavy damage inflict crippled the yards ability to construct
new ships. As a result the shipyards have been converted into the largest dedicated maintenance and overhaul facility for the Republic Navy.

Castor: Zaker Shipbuiding

Products (2785): Bainbridge Destroyer
Products (2800): None
Castor has the distinction of being one of the few Hegemony worlds to avoid being captured by the Usurper. As a result the shipyard did not suffer any damage during the coup and continued to produce
warships for the SLDF and later the Republic. When the Free World’s League launched its invasion of the Terran Republic, Kenyon Marik intended to use Castor, and the Zaker Shipyards as the launching
point for the campaign. Unwilling to see his shipyard used to aid in the destruction of the Republic, Hugo Zaker, the CEO, helped coordinate an ambush against the League fleet, a fight that ultimately
resulted in the total destruction of the shipyards.
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Capolla: Federated Defense Systems - Iona Light Shipyards
Products (2785): Confederate, Intruder, Buccaneer, Union, Danais, Anchorage and Elephant Dropships, Aerospace Fighters, Small Craft
Products (2800): Cheetah, Intruder, Buccaneer, Cougar, Danais, Anchorage, Juggernaut and Mastodon Dropships, Aerospace Fighters, Small Craft
The shipyards at Capolla are a small, but vital facility for the Republic. Largely ignored in favor of other, more tempting targets, the FDS shipyard has only suffered minor damage. A larger problem was been
the destruction of so many of the factories which supply components to the shipyard and the disruption of interstellar commerce. These problems have reduced the output of the shipyard by over 50%.
Despite these problems, the company is now producing several of the new Quicksilver Program dropships for the Republic.

Altair: Mitsui Diversified - Izumi Shipyards

Products (2785): None
Products (2800): None
The Izumi shipyards have been inactive since the time of the Coup. After Altair had been liberated by the SLDF, the forces of the Draconis Combine had occupied the world and continued to do so even after
the Exodus of the SLDF and the creation of the Terran Republic. The Combine planned to use the facility, which had officially been acquired by Mitsui Diversified, as a base to launch attacks deeper into the
Terran Republic. Unwilling to allow this the Terran Republic launched a strike against the planet which inflicted severe damage to the yards. At this point it is unlikely that the resources need to rebuild the
shipyard will become available in the foreseeable future.

Wyatt: Bowie Industries

Products (2785): None
Products (2800): None
The Bowie Industries shipyard at Wyatt is the only shipyard to have been built since the outbreak of hostilities. Work on the new shipyard began in 2785 and was completed by 2788 and began producing
the Sylvester class dropship. The facility was later destroyed by Free Worlds League forces.

Repair Yards
The Terran Republic maintains four major fleet repair yards. These facilities can handle everything from basic maintenance to major overhauls and repairs of vessels. These facilities have proven vital in
keeping the Republic Navy operation. All of these facilities are operated by Krester’s Ship Constructors.

Graham IV/ Formaulhaut

The Graham IV facility was originally a major Krester’s shipyard. Badly damaged in the coup, the yard was no longer to manufacture new vessels due to the loss of so much of the yard. However enough
survived to enable Krester’s to build a small repair facility. In 2785 the Terran Republic request that the facility be relocated to Formaulhaut, where it would be in a better position to support operations against
the Draconis Combine. On several occasions the Combine attempted to destroy the repair yards at Formaulhaut but in each case they were beaten off by the defending forces of the Terran Republic Navy.

Carver V
Another former Krester’s manufacturing site, the surviving elements of the Carver V facility were turned into a repair yard. With the heavy Marine presence on Carver V, the facility has become the primary
center for Marine naval forces.

Luyten 68-28
Luyten 68-28 is one of two secret repair bases constructed in the Terran Hegemony during the campaign to liberate Terra. Established by Krester’s Ship Constructors, the facility is located at a non standard
jump point in the system, making locating the facility very difficult. The base has proven very useful as a staging area against the Combine invasion.

Ross 248
Ross 248 is the second of two secret repair bases constructed in the Terran Hegemony during the campaign to liberate Terra. As with the facility at Luyten 68-28, the facility is located at a non standard
jump point in the system. Located along the League front, it was used to help counter the forces of Kenyon Marik.
010/245 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Introduction
Terran Royal Navy (TRN)

Terran Royal Navy (TRN)

010/246 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Vulcan Class Tender
Vulcan Class Tender

Star League seem to lose all patience. Some attribute this tender is not supposed to stand up to an enemy warship but
to several statements made by the First Lord declaring that rather hold it off till it is reinforced or can escape system.
these events robbed InnerSphere forces of their imitative. However these auxiliary ships have their differences not
Others point to growing press reports that consistently began the least of which is their radically different appearance. Chief
to point out room for improvement at this time. The military among these are the massive towing adaptors which give the
seemingly agreed stating that it was silly to wait for these Tender a truly distinct look. With these large arms the Vulcan
supply problems to become worse possibly even fatal. In can manipulate almost any disabled spacecraft in order to
their words it was the right time to get proactive on the issue make necessary repairs or avoid further damage. The Tender,
despite opposition. which masses only a little less then the Catalyst class Tanker, is
The true reason behind the birth of the Vulcan class a much more compact jumpship design. Internally the Vulcan
Tender might have been the gathering momentum of a law features extensive machine shops that can fabricate parts
suit. Krester had led the way in a legal battle to redress the necessary for nearly any repair. These can be temporary fixes
League’s failure to properly bid out the Tanker design. The or complete repairs in some cases. Three hundred second
company which met all the requirements set down by the Star class passenger quarters house the technicians that perform
League for such a project was understandable upset at the loss all the actual physical labor needed. Engineers also dedicated
of business. Win after win in the courts seemed to assure the over fifteen percent of the vessel’s total mass for cargo.
Ship Constructors a substantial monetary settlement until they These cargo holds are often filled with complex parts and
Overview: mysteriously dropped the suit. Not long after this surprising ammunition to facilitate its repair and resupply goals. Finally
The Vulcan class Tender was designed by Krester’s decision came the SLDF’s announcement that Krester would a seven thousand ton fuel tank can refuel craft in desperate
Ship Construction in much the same fashion as its fellow be building a new Tender. While there is no proof of a deal it need. With six dropships and eighteen small craft the Vulcan
auxiliary ship, the Catalyst class Tanker. The sudden award seems obvious to many today. is a troubled ship’s best friend when far from home.
of such a lucrative no bid contract to Krester so soon after
the Catalyst came as a shock to many. Especially since such Capabilities: Deployment:
repair and resupply duties were being managed so efficiently The Vulcan shares many features with the Catalyst class Whatever the real reason behind its actual creation the
for InnerSphere warships participating in the Reunification Tanker including armor plating, structural reinforcement, Vulcan class Tender went on to become a staple in the fleets
War. The Great Houses were arguable the best equipped to propulsion, armament, gravity decks, and heat dissipation of the InnerSphere. The ships introduction helped the Star
deal with these maintenance issues as their craft each had systems. Two identical fusion engines give the Vulcan a steady League standardize naval technology throughout known
their own quarks requiring specialized techniques which only maximum thrust of 1.5 Gs which allows the ship to transit space. As it was vital for field repairs the Navies of the Human
they possessed and perfected. While this slowed field work on systems and perform all of its supporting roles. As it is not a Sphere adapted to its capabilities. This provided a starting
naval vessels operating in the Periphery the very nature of the true combat jumpship the vessel has only limited defenses. point for generalized parts transition that would sweep every
multi-national Star League fleet demanded such procedures. This includes the exact same array of energy weapons, twenty corner of the universe. The decision proved beneficial to
However in 2590 League officials suddenly demanded four Medium Naval Lasers along with forty Large Lasers, that every power greatly simplifying maintenance needs during the
improvement in this area after several widely publicized is seen on the Catalyst. This firepower which is adequately Golden Age of Mankind. Krester manufactured two hundred
incidents delayed offensives. These minor snags which often cooled by two thousand standard heat sinks has no ammunition of these vessels throughout the Star League era at facilities
saw certain warships wait for proper upkeep were nothing concerns and can hold off threat vessels indefinitely. This time around the InnerSphere. Half of the Tenders went to serve
unusual during this distant conflict. Despite the fact this had could be extremely limited as the Vulcan has only two hundred in the SLDF while the other half was divided equally among
happened before and that no lives were lost as a result the and fifty tons of armor protecting its light inner hull. Again this the five Great Houses. Forty years after its introduction the
010/247 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Vulcan Class Tender
Vulcan Class Tender

Vulcan was overshadowed by the revolutionary Newgrange Sail Integrity: 3

class Yardship. This mobile shipyard could perform a variety KF Drive Integrity: 9
of jobs the Tender could not. However, the workhorse of the Heat Sinks: 2,000
InnerSphere cost less then a sixth of the Newgrange whose Structural Integrity: 35
transportable dock facilities weren’t always necessary. Thus Battle Value: 29, 232
there was room for both ships in the Star League Navy. The
Great Houses lacked the resources and the need for a Yardship Armor: (252 tons, Standard Armor)
and stuck with the Vulcan as their main field repair ship. The Fore: 21
Lyran Commonwealth was the singular House to feel a greater Fore-Sides: 21
need for a support vessel like the Vulcan and based their Aft-Sides: 21
McQuiston class ship on it. Production of the Tender like other Aft: 20
auxiliary ships fell off as time wore on possibly due to the
growth of static facilities throughout the Human Sphere. By Cargo
the start of the Amaris Coup there was no further construction Bay 1: Small Craft (18) 6 Doors
of new Vulcans. About two dozen SLDF Tenders survived the Bay 2: Cargo (54,927 tons)
Periphery Uprising and Operation Liberation. Several had to Bay 3: Machine Shops (5,000 tons)
be cannibalized in order to repair other ships damaged in the
great conflict against the Usurper. Eleven eventually departed Dropship Capacity: 6
with Kerensky on the Exodus but at least seven broken vessels Grav Decks: 2 (90-meter diameter)
had to be left behind. The Succession War has also taken its Escape Pods: 50
toll among the Vulcan class Tenders serving in the fleets of Lifeboats: 50
the Great Houses. Typically only three or four of these vessels Crew: 148 minimum (25 Officers, 123 Enlisted)
remain operational in each of their respective navies.
Vulcan class Tender Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 40)
Tech: Inner Sphere 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Introduced: 2591 FL/FR (Heat: 920)
In Class: 200 6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
5 Large Laser 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Manufacturer: Krester’s Ship Construction (Various) LBS/RBS (Heat: 80)
5 Large Laser 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Mass: 360,000 tons AL/AR (Heat: 920)
6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
Length: 402 meters
5 Large Laser 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Sail Diameter: 630 meters Aft (Heat: 40)
Fuel: 7,000 tons (17,500) 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
Other Equipment:
Safe Thrust: 2 Towing Adapter and 300 Second Class Passenger Quarters
Maximum Thrust: 3
010/248 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Catalyst Class Tanker
Catalyst Class Tanker

success. Di Tron was now a multinational shipbuilder with Core but this thin armor belt combined with its unimpressive
facilities spread throughout the Inner Sphere. This made the firepower proves that it is not a true warship.
House Lords happy as the Di Tron design would create jobs The Catalyst also has two docking collars which frequently
and would be available to their fleets after the conclusion of carried the Model 96 ‘Elephant’ Dropship to help with
the war. operations when necessary. However, fourteen small craft are
So it came as no surprise to many that the High Council the primary workhorses of the Tanker often carrying out hook
unanimously agreed to commission the Catalyst class Tanker ups and deploying the necessary hoses for refueling. Originally
from Di Tron. This didn’t stop detractors from decrying the cost six fighter bays were to be included for dedicated protection
overruns that project incurred that might have been avoided but concerns that such assignments might lead to “morale
if the traditional bidding system was utilized. However, the issues” led this idea to be scrapped. If necessary some of
design proved so successful that these critics along with the the small craft bays can house aerospace fighters for certain
SLDF’s original fuel concerns were soon forgotten. high risk missions. Finally the vessel has a cargo hold of over
sixteen thousand tons or just over five percent of the ship’s
Capabilities: total mass. This space helps carry necessary fueling supplies
The main feature of the Catalyst class Tanker is its such as spare pumps as well as consumables for the crew.
one hundred thousand ton fuel tank which dominates this
relatively small ship. This massive tank was four times larger Deployment:
Overview: than the Potemkin’s and could refuel over thirty Star League Di Tron produced this vessel at its numerous facilities
The Reunification War revealed some of the short warships on average. These operations could facilitate up spread all over the Human Sphere. The company used
comings of the Star League. One of the obstacles the massive to six warships at once and were only limited by the size of proven construction methods and materials to create a highly
expeditionary forces of the Inner Sphere had to overcome the vessels being refueled. Coordinating such maneuvers is reliable ship. Its impact on Star League naval operations was
was their own ravenous fuel needs. At first the Great Houses difficult but well within the Tankers capabilities. felt almost immediately during the Reunification War as fuel
immensely underestimated their frontier adversaries who The Catalyst features two modest interplanetary drives supply problems simply dried up. After the conclusion of that
fought hard and resourcefully to blunt their advances. The that are capable of 1.5Gs of thrust at maximum output. This conflict the Houses were quick to replace their old fuel supply
League’s lack of proper infrastructure for such a campaign doesn’t give the Tanker great in system speed but the vessel ships with the Catalyst. Construction of the class continued
including refilling operations visibly hampered their conquest can get from place to place. The vessel also has a limited throughout the Star League era with production rates
of these far flung systems. Officials soon realized that in order armament that includes two dozen Medium Naval Lasers gradually falling off as the years went on. Surprisingly this
to subjugate the vastness of the Periphery a solution to the and forty Large Lasers. These energy weapons along with trend never reversed itself even when the Houses amended
refueling problem would have to be found. two thousand heat sinks allow the “warship” to defend itself the Edict of 2650 to double the size of their militaries. Navies
After hearing of these fuel problems Di Tron Heavy without worrying about ammunition. This arsenal is meant were at first more concerned with building new warships
Industries quickly stepped forward to fill the need. The SLDF to hold off any opponents until the vessel can escape from then increasing their already ample support infrastructure.
wholeheartedly embraced this proactive maneuver which fast system or reinforcements arrive. Only the Star League investigated the possibility of ordering
tracked their new tanker proposal but short circuited any After all the Tanker is an auxiliary ship meant to support a new supertanker to fill this growing void but that ambitious
possible competition. Several shipbuilding firms protested combat operations not participate in them. The vessels limited project never made it off the drawing board. The Amaris
vehemently arguing that Di Tron was violating the bidding protection of two hundred and sixty four tons of armor along Coup was the end of Catalyst class Tanker as construction
process. The company’s expansion following the creation with its slight internal structure confirms this status. Technically of the ship was suspended after the fall of Earth. The loss of
of the Star League carried an extra benefit that assured its the Catalyst is a combat jumpship built with a Compact KF Di Tron headquarters was nominally the reason for this halt
010/249 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Catalyst Class Tender
Catalyst Class Tender

even though each House could have compensated for the Catalyst class Tanker Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
loss easily. The Council Lords were more concerned with the Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 40)
modernization and construction of their war fleets. A total of Tech: Inner Sphere 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
two hundred and fifty ships were made up till this point with Introduced: 2587 FL/FR (Heat: 920)
about half going to the Star League and half to the Great In Class: 250 6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
5 Large Laser 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Houses who had about twenty five of these vessels a piece. Manufacturer: Di Tron Heavy Industries (Various) LBS/RBS (Heat: 80)
The SLDF deployed two or three Catalysts with each of 5 Large Laser 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
its fifty combat fleets stationed throughout the Inner Sphere. Mass: 380,000 tons AL/AR (Heat: 920)
The Navy often had two or three fleets operating with each Length: 760 meters 6 NL/45 27 27 27 27 Capital Laser
5 Large Laser 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
Star League Army (Editor’s Note: This mega organization was Sail Diameter: 950 meters Aft (Heat: 40)
informally called an Armada which the Terran Royal Navy has Fuel: 100,000 tons (250,000) 5 Large Lasers 4(40) 4(40) - - Laser
officially recognized even though the New Republic lacks the Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
strength to field such a formation) allowing Tankers to work Safe Thrust: 2
across formations maximizing refueling efforts. Most times Maximum Thrust: 3
the SLDF could also make use of House owned Catalyst class Sail Integrity: 3
Tankers or other stationary facilities. These standard operating KF Drive Integrity: 9
procedure made fuel runs shorter for everyone involved and Heat Sinks: 2,000
hid growing demand issues. Few realized as the Star League Structural Integrity: 35
Navy grew to keep pace with the fleets of the Great Houses Battle Value: 109,697
that its needs were outstripping the Tankers capabilities.
When the Periphery Uprising began the Navy was confronted Armor: (264 tons, Standard)
by this ugly reality. Once again the Tankers became targets for Fore: 21
Periphery rebels who found that they made good explosions. Fore-Sides: 22
Ironically combat losses helped alleviate the SLDFs new fuel Aft-Sides: 22
supply problems in the long run but the Tankers paid a hefty Aft: 21
price. Only thirty vessels survived the conflict with Amaris
and ten of those were so badly damaged that they had to be Cargo
left behind during the Exodus. The Succession War saw the Bay 1: Small Craft (14) 7 Doors
Tankers take even more horrific losses as strategists attempted Bay 2: Cargo (16,150 tons) 3 Doors
to undercut their enemies’ naval forces by removing these
critical vessels. Today only three or four of these ships are left Dropship Capacity: 2
per House Fleet and these ships are general in poor condition. Grav Decks: 2 (90-meter diameter)
Recently the Lyran Commonwealth was able to put this design Escape Pods: 15
back into production at its Port Sydney Naval Shipyards above Lifeboats: 15
Alarion to meet the fuel needs of its Navy which is plagued by Crew: 156 minimum (27 Officers, 129 Enlisted)
chronic shortages.
010/250 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Genesis Class Corvette
Genesis Class Corvette

Though SLS Genesis was launched amid great fanfare Star League. Blue Nose had since completed seven new
describing her as the future of naval warfare, many Admirals Genesis class vessels. Six of these, known informally as the
considered the Genesis and her sister ships to be far too Mis fleet (each was named for a character in Victor Hugo’s
radical. One famous complaint, which has recently resurfaced, classic novel Les Miserables), had already been assigned to
had to do with what the ship was supposed to be. The Star the 12th Fleet Destroyer Squadron, while the seventh, the
League classified the vessel as a destroyer even though it was Cosette, was undergoing shakedown trials at Mars. After first
actually the size of a large corvette massing slightly less than helping to cripple the Blue Nose Yards, the Cosette moved in
the venerable Vincent class. Its performance and intended role system along with a pair of Riga class destroyers in order to
further complicated things actually placing it within the frigate support SLDF ground forces fighting in Geneva. Unknown to
classification. Admirals simply didn’t know what to do with the officers of the small fleet, however, Amaris had gained
the Genesis. Caught up heavily in Star League traditions, few control of the SDS system. Both Rigas were lost to ground
used the ship as it was intended. Most just used the Genesis’ fire, while the Cosette found itself in a game of cat and
under their command as simple pickets or AA ships, and as a mouse with the Caspar drones, eventually being caught and
result the class soon earned a reputation as an overpriced but overwhelmed.
adequate warship, which could do its job well, but had far too
many expensive bells and whistles when compared to ships Capabilities:
like the Lola III, Essex, and Dewey. One of the most surprising things about the Genesis was its
Overview: It took four years for the Genesis to break free of this massive weapons load. Despite its four hundred thousand ton
When the SLS Genesis was launched in the year 2756, reputation, and even then it took the direct intervention mass, the Genesis packed an incredible arsenal of weaponry.
press agents working for Blue Nose Clipperships hailed it as the of General Kerensky. In 2760, Kerensky had all six existing Thirty medium naval Particle Projection Cannons in ten turrets
first of a new breed of Star League warship, the culmination Genesis class vessels organized into a single force, designated give the ship firepower comparable to destroyers half again
of centuries of naval experience, incorporating the most the 12th Fleet Destroyer Squadron, under the command of its size. The ship’s secondary firepower is also remarkable.
advanced hardware available in a compact and lethal package Rear Admiral Ross Lamarche. Assigned the task of suppressing Dissatisfied with naval missiles for anti-fighter defense, the
which would set the pattern for all warships that would follow pirate activities in the Taurian Concordat, Lamarche set his designers decided on an at the time unprecedented array of
it. Of course this was not exactly the case. warships on long, independent patrols (which the Genesis eighty improved large lasers. Though these lasers lack the
The Genesis began her existence as Blue Nose Clipperships’ was especially good at and was in fact designed for). The range of naval missiles, they have more than enough range
offering to the competition that would eventually produce the excellent performance of the Genesis and her sisters during to engage fighters. A full wing of eighteen fighters further
Magpie class Corvette. Though rejected by the SLDF in favor this duty, including a string of highly successful strikes into augments the Genesis’ offensive power.
of the substantially less expensive Di Tron design, a number the Pirate’s Haven Star Cluster, finally validated the design. As it was supposed to be a showcase of the future of
of Admirals were none the less intrigued by the Blue Nose (Editor’s Note: While this stellar group is officially known naval architecture, Blue Nose Clipperships spared no expense
design, impressed with the combination of speed, armor as the Badlands Cluster it became home to so many rogue on their warship. Though carrying less than five hundred tons
protection and firepower they were able to accommodate Taurian forces over the years that the SLDF referred to it as a of armor, the advanced Lamellor Ferro Carbide composite
on such a small hull. Seeing the ship as an ideal raider, they Pirate’s Haven, hence the difference on some star charts) Blue provides excellent protection.
succeeded in convincing the remainder of the admiralty to Nose Clipperships, the original designers, were soon called To increase the ship’s flexibility, designers included a
contract the company to construct a handful of examples for upon to resume construction of the Genesis class (suspended lithium fusion battery system, and a pair of docking collars.
evaluation. In the process Blue Nose decided to turn the class in 2759) with an order for twenty more ships. Compared to its contemporaries, the Genesis carried a pitiful
into a showcase of modern technology and advanced design. Three years later however, the Amaris Coup struck the amount of cargo, however a little less than twenty seven
010/251 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Genesis Class Corvette
Genesis Class Corvette

thousand tons of space was more than enough for the ship to Genesis class Corvette Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
operate continuously for a year. Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 930)
Tech: Inner Sphere 6 Medium NPPC 54 54 54 54 Capital PPC
Deployment: Introduced: 2765 10 ER Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser
In Class: 25 FL/FR (Heat: 1,830)
The surviving twelve Genesis class ships, all part of the 6 Medium NPPC 54 54 54 54 Capital PPC
12th Fleet Destroyer Squadron, led the way into the Terran Manufacturer: Blue Nose Clipperships (Mars /Terran 10 ER Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser
Hegemony when Kerensky launched his campaign against Republic) LBS/RBS (Heat: 240)
10 ER Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser
Amaris. Genesis class vessels were often called upon to conduct AL/AR (Heat: 1,050)
highly dangerous scouting operations against occupied worlds, Mass: 400,000 tons
3 Medium NPPC 27 27 27 27 Capital PPC
and more than once they did not come back. By the end of Length: 440 meters 10 ER Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser
the campaign, only one ship, the Marius, was still operational. Sail Diameter: 1,020 meters Aft (Heat: 930)
Fuel: 3,000 tons (7,500) 6 Medium NPPC 54 54 54 54 Capital PPC
Four others, the Eponine, Gavroche, Javert, and the Genesis 10 ER Large Lasers 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser
herself, were crippled but salvageable. Only the Javert and Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
Genesis were repaired prior to the Exodus and together with Safe Thrust: 4
the Marius departed the Inner Sphere with General Kerensky. Maximum Thrust: 6
Despite their poor conditions the Eponine and Gavroche Sail Integrity: 4
were targeted for immediate renovation by the fledgling KF Drive Integrity: 9
Royal Navy do to their high tech advantages. As they were Heat Sinks: 2505 (5010)
re-commissioned the Terran Admiralty made the controversial Structural Integrity: 60
decision to change the Genesis ship classification to that of Battle Value: 76,467
Corvette. Some remain dissatisfied with this designation and
predict it will cause problems within the fleet. Admiral Knight Armor: (480 tons, Lamellar Ferro Carbide)
has voiced her support for the change stating that the Genesis Fore: 96
will be able to serve the new nation best as a Corvette. The Fore-Sides: 86
Republic built a dozen more of these formidable warships as Aft-Sides: 86
part of the Quicksilver Program before halting construction Aft: 76
because of growing expenses.
Bay 1: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Fighters (18) 6 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (26,908 tons) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 2
Grav Decks: 1 (95-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 0
Lifeboats: 20
Crew: 169 minimum (29 Officers, 140 Enlisted)
010/252 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Dewey Class Destroyer
Dewey Class Destroyer

states. Their biggest evidence for this is the fact, admitted larger than a fighter. Originally there was some controversy
by the SLDF, that the Lola III’s service life could be extended about using class twenty five guns. The NAC 25 was not a
for centuries beyond the projected two hundred years “if the particularly widely used weapon, and as a result there were few
need was felt”. To those who opposed the SLDF’s buildup, sources of ammunition for it. In preparation for the Dewey’s
this meant that the SLDF could, and probably would, just eventual status as a front line destroyer, a number of factories
forget about retiring the Lola when the time came, effectively had to be retooled to turn out class 25 naval rounds.
increasing their destroyer fleet by a third, four hundred ships, The ship’s secondary armament is twenty medium naval
and further tightening their hold on their military supremacy. lasers. These guns provide the Dewey’s principle frontal
Another complaint had to do with the company tasked firepower, and much like the Lola III, they are not enough to
with construction of the Dewey. Nicholas Spacecraft was a do more than harass a large opponent. Backing up the lasers
relatively new corporate entity with a shaky past to say the is a large battery of Maelstrom AR-10s. The eighteen missile
least. Previously known as Dassault-Shimmon this private firm tubes are an unusually large battery for a destroyer, but
had perpetrated the infamous Cameron-Battlecruiser debacle. combined with the integral fighter wing, they give the ship an
The company had been nationalized by the Star League excellent anti-fighter capability compared to other escorts. It
government after the affair and renamed in honor of the was not uncommon for fleet commanders to use their Deweys
previous First Lord. This action gave the SLDF unprecedented as AA ships, operating one or two hundred kilometers out
control over the Dewey’s design and proved successful in the ahead of the main fleet and engaging hostile fighters before
Overview: end. Furthermore, government control of this project allowed they could close in to effective attack range.
The Dewey was conceived as a supplement and eventual the SLDF to ensure that they could get the ship for the lowest The Dewey’s biggest weakness, and its most controversial
replacement for the venerable Lola III. Though even the possible price, at least in theory. aspect, is its light armor. Because the SLDF wanted an
oldest Lolas were still less than a hundred years old when the The biggest complaint of all, and the most prophetic, was inexpensive escort ship, the decision was made did not include
first Dewey was launched, plans were made to begin retiring that this plan operated on an enormously long timescale and advanced armor in their design. Though the Dewey carried
the Lola III by 2862, and it was decided that rather than begin made the very dangerous assumption that the Inner Sphere physically heavier armor than similar designs like the Essex,
a crash program to construct a replacement when the Lola III would be the same in a hundred years. In truth, only five years the standard plate did not provide as much protection as
began going out of service, the Star League would instead after the launching of the Dewey, everything changed radically most naval officers would have liked out of a modern warship.
begin a slow process of building replacement ships early on. when seventeen worlds in the Periphery rebelled against the Despite these concerns, the high command approved the
Though the long term cost would be the same, the immediate Star League government. As the bulk of the SLDF moved to Dewey as is, stipulating only that more advanced armor might
impact on the military budget would be greatly lessened. crush this uprising, Stephen Amaris made his move. be fitted later on “should it prove beneficial”.
Though this program was ultimately enacted, it did have
its critics. Because small numbers of Deweys would be built as Capabilities: Deployment:
long as a hundred years in advance, many pointed out that the Because it was meant to eventually replace the Lola III, The Star League built two dozen of these new destroyers
first Dewey class ships would be through half of their projected the smaller Dewey was designed along similar lines, in most before the Amaris Coup cut short further production. The
service life by the time that they actually started replacing the regards matching the older ship’s performance fairly well. In Usurper managed to seize the Nicholas Spacecraft facilities
Lola III, which would just necessitate their early replacement terms of firepower, the Dewey was one of the most heavily along with a total of four Dewey class Destroyers at the outset
as well. Others believed that this “preparedness in advance” armed destroyers of its time. Sixteen class twenty five naval of hostilities. Despite the fears of another Cameron fiasco,
program was actually just a cynical attempt by the SLDF to autocannons make up the core of the ship’s arsenal, providing or perhaps because of them, the Dewey proved to be an
expand its strength in order to keep ahead of the member a volume of fire sufficient to threaten practically anything excellent escort ship. These ships participated with distinction
010/253 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Dewey Class Destroyer
Dewey Class Destroyer

in the Periphery Uprising, the conquest of the Rim Worlds, the KF Drive Integrity: 13 Ammunition:
Hegemony Campaign, and Operation Liberation. These intense Heat Sinks: 3120 1600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/25 ammunition
conflicts took a huge toll on this class leaving only six craft Structural Integrity: 60 180 Killer Whale Missiles
possibly surviving. The Sullivans captured by Amaris remains Battle Value: 162,946 180 White Shark Missiles
unaccounted for to this day. Rumors continue to circulate 180 Barracuda Missiles
that this destroyer was sent by the Usurper to hunt down the Armor: (719 tons, Standard)
cruiser Oktyabrskava Revolutsiva (October Revolution) after Fore: 54 Other Equipment:
Fore-Sides: 54 HyperPulse Generator
that ship deserted Terra. The remaining five Dewey class ships
Aft-Sides: 54
(Kinkaid, Dewey, Worden, Hull, and Macdonough) departed
Aft: 54
with General Kerensky on the Exodus.
New Earth Trading Company bought up the remainder of Cargo:
Nicholas Spacecraft following the war and restored Dassault- Bay 1: Small Craft (4) 2 doors
Shimmon as a private subsidiary. Despite their parent Bay 2: Fighters (18) 6 doors
company’s overriding interest in the Prometheus Program, Bay 3: Cargo (41,155 tons) 2 doors
executives successfully pitched renewed production of the
Dewey to Terran authorities as part of the Quicksilver Program. Dropship Capacity: 0
The company managed to manufacture six destroyers before Grav Decks: 1 (60-meter diameter)
the massive destruction of the Succession War halted new Escape Pods: 10
construction. The quality and performance of these vessels Lifeboats: 10
have all but erased Dassault-Shimmon’s bad reputation earned Crew: 219 minimum (38 Officers, 181 Enlisted)
during the Star League era.

Dewey class Destroyer Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 350)
Tech: Inner Sphere 5 NL/45 23 23 23 23 Capital Laser
Introduced: 2760 FL/FR (Heat: 820)
In Class: 32 5 NL/45 23 23 23 23 Capital Laser
Manufacturer: Dassault-Shimmon Enterprises (New Earth /Terran 3 AR10 (30KW, 30WS, 30B) * * * * Capital Missile
LBS/RBS (Heat: 800)
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Mass: 600,000 tons 3 AR10 (30KW, 30WS, 30B) * * * * Capital Missile
Length: 590 meters AL/AR (Heat: 800)
Sail Diameter: 1,100 meters 2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
2 NAC/25 (200 Rounds) 50 50 50 - Capital AC
Fuel: 4,000 tons (10,000)
3 AR10 (30KW, 30WS, 30B) * * * * Capital Missile
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Aft (Heat: 350)
Safe Thrust: 4 5 NL/45 23 23 23 23 Capital Laser
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4
010/254 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Bainbridge Class Destroyer
Bainbridge Class Destroyer

new. Given his low standing with the Powers-That-Be, Zaker assigned to a fast cruiser and its three (intended) escorting
might still have not landed that contract had it not been for DDA thus providing the fighters with an organic command
his personal friendship with Ryan Richter. Richter’s concerns structure. Last but certainly not least, the naval officers who
about the SLDF’s approach to shipbuilding mirrored Zaker’s designed the Bainbridge gave special attention to keeping her
own, and the two became close allies in pushing through their well maintained. The ships access panels are easy to open and
ideas. As one of the major forces behind whole concept of the her systems were designed with a view to making maintenance
fast cruiser, Richter had a good deal of influence regarding the easy. Coupled with her excellent crew quarters, these features
ships intended to screen said cruisers. He used this influence made a tour of duty on a Bainbridge an assignment to be
to win Zaker the contract to develop and build the Bainbridge coveted.
Capabilities: The ten Bainbridge class Destroyers built for the SLDF
The Bainbridge was built to accompany and screen fast were instrumental in defeating the Usurper. They helped
cruisers. A Lithium Fusion Battery enabled it to scout ahead of defend Castor and its vital shipyards throughout the Coup.
these formations for enemy defenses prior to actual combat. This advanced base from which the Star League Navy staged
It’s 4G maximum thrust gives it the acceleration to keep up many operations also continued to build new ships during the
with the cruisers; normally these fast destroyers were deployed conflict. The war took a terrible toll on the Bainbridge class
Overview: ahead of the cruisers using their weaponry to clear a path for itself nearly wiping it out. All ten warships were effectively
The Bainbridge class Destroyer was designed to meet a the bigger ships. The ship’s armament reflects the fact that destroyed by the time hostilities came to an end. Zaker
need for a faster type of destroyer to screen the Star League the Bainbridge was intended to work with ships carrying long- delivered one more newly built Bainbridge, the Edsall, to the
Navy’s Sovremenyy and Milwaukee class cruisers. Unlike its range firepower. The main guns of the Attack Destroyer are six SLDF in 2780 after the Coup had ended. This ship along with
competitor, the Gorgon class, the Bainbridge was not designed Naval Autocannon/35s mounted in pairs in the nose and in the Commodore Alan Burke, Zaker’s close friend and the man
by a corporate committee; rather, she was designed by a team broadsides. These cannons have immense striking power, but responsible for the defense of Castor, left on the Exodus with
by SLDF naval officers loaned out to newly expanded Warship only limited range. To give the ship some weapons that can General Kerensky.
builder Zaker Aerospace. Based in the Castor system, the hit from a distance, the Bainbridge mounts three light NPPCs Hugo Zaker on the other hand refused to leave his
company had been a Jumpship builder for decades prior to in each side, and also mounts a number of NL-45s for anti- homeland and his family’s company. Instead he resolutely
2756. In that year, Hugo Zaker, replacing his father Bruno, dropship fire. Rounding out the ship’s array are 16 ER PPCs, supported the Last Cameron and the establishment of the New
took the position of CEO. Hugo was a nervous man, always which give a good anti-fighter capacity. Republic. His restored shipyards in the Castor system repaired
seeing threats to himself and his company. His obsession with A desire to keep costs under control lend to the designers many Star League vessels for the Royal Navy including two
defending himself led him to favor a stronger defense for leaving off the Gorgon’s Lamellor ferro-carbide armor in favor Bainbridge class Destroyers, the Peary and the Ruben James.
the Star League, and in 2758 he ordered the construction of of standard ferro-carbide plate. This decision turned out Zaker’s proudest accomplishment might have come as part
two new building docks capable of constructing destroyers. reasonably well; the ship is well armored for a destroyer and of the Quicksilver Program which saw the completion of a
However, Zaker was seen as a nut by most of the SLDF’s unlike its competitor its rear armor is still good (80% as thick twelfth Bainbridge, the Burke, just prior to the Marik assault
Shipbuilding Office, and for a time it seemed that no orders as that in front). Moreover, the Bainbridge carries twice as on Castor.
would be forthcoming. Things changed however, with the DDA many fighters as the Gorgon class. Given the three squadron Apparently Captain-General Kenyon Marik had planned to
competition. Most of the SLDF’s normal contractors were busy fighter complements of the Milwaukee and Sovremenyy use Zaker Dockyards as stepping stone, much as the SLDF did
with other projects, leading the Admirals to search for someone classes, it was intended that a complete fighter regiment be against the Usurper. Convinced that this fate might befall his
010/255 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Bainbridge Class Destroyer
Bainbridge Class Destroyer

beloved factory complex Zaker along with Terran authorities Cargo

designed and helped execute War Plan Amber. This brilliant Bay 1: Fighters (12) 3 Doors
ambush of the Marik warfleet staging at Castor began to stem Bay 2: Small Craft (6) 1 Door
the tide but ultimately cost Zaker his dockyards and his life. In Bay 3: Cargo (40,948 tons) 2 Doors
accordance with his last wishes Zaker’s remaining assets were
merged with Federated Defense Systems. The contribution of Dropship Capacity: 0
this national hero and his Bainbridge class Destroyers cannot Grav Decks: 2 (175 & 150-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 30
be praised enough. Even though the Admiralty was impressed
Lifeboats: 13
with this warship all new construction efforts have proven
Crew: 198 minimum (33 Officers, 165 Enlisted)
fruitless since the destruction of Zaker Dockyards in 2786.

Bainbridge class Destroyer Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 410)
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 NAC/35 (300 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
Introduced: 2765 2 NL/45 9 9 9 9 Capital Laser
In Class: 12 2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
Manufacturer: Zaker Dockyards (Castor /Terran Republic) FL/FR (Heat: 690)
3 Light NPPC 21 21 21 - Capital PPC
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
Mass: 620,000 tons LBS/RBS (Heat: 680)
Length: 640 meters 2 NAC/35 (300 Rounds) 70 70 - - Capital AC
Sail Diameter: 1,150 meters 1 NL/45 5 5 5 5 Capital Laser
Fuel: 3,000 tons (7,500) 2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
AL/AR (Heat: 690)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 3 Light NPPC 21 21 21 - Capital PPC
Safe Thrust: 5 2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
Maximum Thrust: 8 Aft (Heat: 310)
Sail Integrity: 4 4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
KF Drive Integrity: 13
Heat Sinks: 1400 (2800)
Structural Integrity: 75 Ammunition:
Battle Value: 92,774 900 rounds of Naval Autocannon/35 ammunition

Armor: (337 tons, Ferro Carbide) Other Equipment:

Fore: 60 Lithium Fusion Battery & HyperPulse Generator (HPG)
Fore-Sides: 55
Aft-Sides: 50
Aft: 48
010/256 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Defender Class Cruiser
Defender Class Cruiser

was not an altruistic gesture on the part of the Chancellor. Rather, increasing the armor protection, this was rejected as the designers
Chancellor Liao had doubts that the Star League would survive the felt the armor was adequate for a ship that was not intended to
war and this was a way to provide the Confederation with advanced engage other warships.
ship building capability, on par with that of the Terran Hegemony. Intended to cover an entire SLDF fleet if necessary, the Defender
The first defenders entered service in 2768 and were rushed to the mounts larger engines then most SLDF cruisers. These engines
SLDF forces fighting the Usurper. A total of fifteen ships were built provide the ship with enough thrust and maneuverability to enable the
before the end of the Coup, when production was temporary halted. ship to maneuver around the ships which it is defending and rapidly
Following the disbanding of the Star League, production of the approach and engage enemy fighters. While the ship does not carry
Defender resumed for the Capellan Navy in 2782. Construction of the any fighters, the two docking collars are typically used to carry either
Defender class continued until the Delhi facilities were destroyed by Leopard CVs or Titan fighter carriers.
the Free Worlds League in 2789. In 2785 the Terran Republic secretly
resumed production of the Defender at Krester’s Ship Construction in
the Sol System. Since then, the company has produced twenty seven Deployment:
Defenders for the Terran Republic Navy. The first fifteen Defenders were deployed by the SLDF during
the Amaris Crisis. They proved to be valuable ships and were credited
with the destruction of thousands of enemy aerospace fighters. Even
Capabilities: so, the class took heavy losses with only three ships surviving to leave
The Defenders are the most capable anti-aircraft (AA) cruisers on the Exodus.
ever built. Designed for the single purpose of destroying aerospace The Capellan Confederation has deployed a total of ten Defenders
fighters, the ships mount an impressive anti-fighter weapons array. during the current conflict. These models were built to the exact same
Overview: This was done at the expense of the capital class weapons, making specifications as the Star League versions. The ships have primarily
The Defender was a very unusual design for a Star League the ship out matched by all but the smallest corvettes. seen service against the Free Worlds League as a counter to their
Warship, as it was intended to be used against fighters, rather then The Defender mounts a variety of anti-fighter weapos to provide carriers and large aerospace fighter regiments. In several early battles
other Warships. The Defender class was designed in response to the a layered defense for the fleet. The ship carries 8 AR10 launchers of the war, the Defenders managed to destroy numerous Free Worlds
New Vandenberg Uprisings of 2765, where several Star League ships to provide a first strike capability against enemy aerospace fighter League aerospace regiments that attempted to engage the Capellan
were lost to massed fighter attacks. This forced the Star League squadrons. For long range defense the ship carries a number of fleets. In many cases, the Defenders would come racing through the
Naval Command to finally acknowledge that the use of capital advanced lasers, particle cannons, gauss rifles and LRM launchers. Liao fleet to beat off a wave of aerospace fighters that was attacking
missiles to defend the fleet against fighters was ineffective, and that As enemy fighters get closer to the fleet the Defender relies on SRMs, a Capellan Warship. Many times just the sight of a Defender coming
future designs would need to mount improved fighter defenses. As lasers and autocannons to deal with the threat. Particularly deadly is towards a FWL fighter regiment was enough to make League forces
an interim measure, the SLDF began working with Delhi Warships the LB-10x series autocannons, which can provide heavy flak cover for retreat.
to develop a light cruiser capable of defending other SLDF warships the fleet. [Editor’s Note: Free Worlds League fighter pilots who have At the Battle of Calloway VI, the Confederation lost three of
against massed aerospace fighter attacks. The design work was engaged Terran and Capellan Defenders describe the ship’s firepower these ships when the Free Worlds League fleet sent several Sian
almost complete when Amaris conquered the Terran Hegemony. As as a solid sheet of steel surrounding the ship.] class Battlecruisers to engage them. Pushing past the Capellan
all work on the Defender was being done at Delhi’s Facility at Capella, The Defenders mount a limited number of capital class weapons. warship screen, the League battlecruisers quickly destroyed the three
the work continued uninterrupted and the final design was presented These weapons are intended primarily for use against dropships, which Defenders. While all of the Free Worlds League Sian Battlecruisers
to the commander of the SLDF Navy, Admiral Janos Grec, in 2767. may be supporting the enemy fighters, rather then for use against were destroyed in the process, the loss of the Defenders allowed the
The SLDF was hard pressed to get any weapons they could get their Warships. SLDF fleet doctrine called for the other fleet elements to League’s aerospace fighters to overwhelm the Capellan fleet, forcing
hands on, due to the loss of Terra, and immediately accepted the screen the Defenders from enemy warships, while the Defenders them to retreat.
design for production. The funding for the new ships came from dealt with the aerospace fighter threat. Currently only two Defenders remain in service with the Capellan
a very unusual source. Chancellor Barbara Liao agreed to fund The armor on the Defender is relatively light, but the ship does Navy. Since the loss of the Delhi shipyards in 2789, maintenance of
production of the ships for the SLDF until the end of the Amaris Crisis. make use of the latest Lamellor Ferro-Carbide alloys to provide the the ships has become very problematic. The Capellans have recently
From Capellan documents that have been recovered, it appears this best possible protection. While there was some thought given to requested aid from the Terran Republic in refitting the ships, but so
010/257 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Defender Class Cruiser
Defender Class Cruiser

far the Republic has refused to aid the Capellans. Cargo 10 ER Large Lasers 18(180) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser
The Terran Republic currently deploys a dozen Defenders. With Bay 1: Cargo (50,899 tons) 2 Doors 20 Medium Lasers
heavy fighting along both the Combine and League front, Terran 10 ER PPC 10 (100) 10(100) 10(100) - PPC
10 LRM 20 + Artemis IV 15(150) 15(150) 15(150) - LRM
Defenders have seen heavy action. The Defenders have proven to be Dropship Capacity: 2 (198 Rounds)
a great boon to the Republic Navy their anti-fighter capabilities have Grav Decks: 2 (125-meter diameter) 20 Streak 2 SRM 8(80) - - - Streak
significantly reduced losses due to fighter attacks. However, with all Escape Pods: 70 (800 Rounds)
the heavy fighting that has taken place, the Republic has lost fifteen Lifeboats: 0 10 Gauss Rifle (200 Round) 15(150) 15(150) 15(150) - Autocannon
Defenders in action, mainly on the Draconis front, where Combine 10 AC/20 (150 Rounds) 20(200) - - - Autocannon
Crew: 315 minimum (57 Officers, 258 Enlisted) 10 LB-X 10 AC (120 Round) 6(60 6(60) - - LB-X
naval commanders have been willing to sacrifice an entire destroyer
Aft (Heat: 840)
squadron to destroy a single Defender.
4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
10 ER Large Lasers 18(180) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser
20 Medium Lasers
10 ER PPC 10 (100) 10(100) 10(100) - PPC
Bainbridge class Destroyer Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard) 10 LRM 20 + Artemis IV 15(150) 15(150) 15(150) - LRM
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class (198 Rounds)
Tech: Inner Sphere Nose (Heat: 1,100) 20 Streak 2 SRM 8(80) - - - Streak
4 NAC/10 (200 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC (800 Rounds)
Introduced: 2765 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC 10 Gauss Rifle (200 Round) 15(150) 15(150) 15(150) - Autocannon
In Class: 12 10 ER Large Lasers 18(180) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser 10 AC/20 (150 Rounds) 20(200) - - - Autocannon
Manufacturer: Zaker Dockyards (Castor /Terran Republic) 20 Medium Lasers 10 LB-X 10 AC (120 Round) 6(60 6(60) - - LB-X
10 ER PPC 10 (100) 10(100) 10(100) - PPC
10 LRM 20 + Artemis IV 15(150) 15(150) 15(150) - LRM
Mass: 620,000 tons
(198 Rounds) Ammunition:
Length: 640 meters 20 Streak 2 SRM 8(80) - - - Streak 600 rounds of Naval Autocannon/10 ammunition
Sail Diameter: 1,150 meters (800 Rounds)
Fuel: 3,000 tons (7,500) 10 Gauss Rifle (200 Round) 15(150) 15(150) 15(150) - Autocannon 100 White Shark Missiles
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 10 AC/20 (150 Rounds) 20(200) - - - Autocannon 100 Barracuda Missiles
10 LB-X 10 AC (120 Round) 6(60) 6(60) - - LB-X 1188 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
Safe Thrust: 5 FL/FR (Heat: 1,140) 4800 rounds of Streak SRM 2 ammunition
Maximum Thrust: 8 2 AR10 (25WS, 25B) * * * * Capital Missile
1200 rounds of Gauss Rifle ammunition
Sail Integrity: 4 10 ER Large Lasers 18(180) 8(80) 8(80) - Laser
20 Medium Lasers 900 rounds of Autocannon/20 ammunition
KF Drive Integrity: 13
10 ER PPC 10 (100) 10(100) 10(100) - PPC 720 rounds of LB-10X ammunition
Heat Sinks: 1400 (2800)
10 LRM 20 + Artemis IV 15(150) 15(150) 15(150) - LRM
Structural Integrity: 75 (198 Rounds)
Battle Value: 92,774 20 Streak 2 SRM 8(80) - - - Streak
(800 Rounds)
Armor: (337 tons, Ferro Carbide) 10 Gauss Rifle (200 Round) 15(150) 15(150) 15(150) - Autocannon
10 AC/20 (150 Rounds) 20(200) - - - Autocannon
Fore: 60
10 LB-X 10 AC (120 Round) 6(60 6(60) - - LB-X
Fore-Sides: 55 LBS/RBS (Heat: 2,150)
Aft-Sides: 50 4 NAC/10 (200 Rounds) 40 40 40 - Capital AC
Aft: 48 3 Heavy NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
4 NL/45 18 18 18 18 Capital Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 1,140)
2 AR10 (25WS, 25B) * * * * Capital Missile
010/258 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Mercy Class Hospital Ship
Mercy Class Hospital Ship

most advanced medical equipment available, allowing for the and establish forward medical facilities to both triage patients
treatment of any conceivable medical problem. Thompson’s and stabilize the most severely wounded so that they would
Shipyards, working with Quo Medical Systems for the hospital survive until they were evacuated to the Mercy. The Mercy
equipment, presented the design that would become the class also carried 40 Lifesaver Shuttles. These were specially
Mercy class Hospital Ship. After making a few modifications modified shuttles that can be used to evacuate the wounded
that were requested by the Medical Command, the ship was from the planet directly to the orbiting ship. These are typically
accepted and production began in 2603. At total of twenty five used to evacuate small numbers of critically wounded or when
ships were produced for the SLDF between 2603 and 2616. the landing area is not large enough for a dropship.
The Mercy Class does not mount much in the way of
Capabilities: weaponry. There are twenty four Large Lasers mounted
The Mercy class were some of the most advanced and around the ship, but these are intended to serve as a meteor
capable hospitals in the Star League. In fact, except for a few defense system, rather then as an offensive weapon. The
facilities in the Sol system, the Mercy ships were the largest Mercy class relies on the fact that they are a noncombatant
hospitals in existence. The ships are capable of handling up under the Ares Conventions [Editor’s Note: and the weapons
to 10,000 patients at a time and can perform any procedures of their escorts] to ensure their safety. To aid in identification,
from the most basic first aid, up to complete myomer limb all Mercy Class ships are painted white with large Red Cross
replacements and other major operations. markings on them. As an added precaution the ships carry
Overview: When designing the ship, Quo Medical Systems and nine hundred and ten tons of the latest Ferro-Carbide armor
The Mercy class Hospital Ships was the pride of the Star Thompson’s Shipyards spared no expense on the medical for protection.
League Medical Command. Tasked with providing for the health facilities. There are forty operating rooms, a highly advanced
and care of the SLDF soldiers, the Medical Command spared no ICU capable of handling two thousand patients, radiation Deployment:
expense to ensure it had the most advanced facilities available treatment facilities, fully equipped diagnostic facilities, Chemical The Star League Medical Command built twenty five
for the treatment of wounded soldiers. The Mercy class of Warfare treatment facilities, Myomer Limb replacement Mercy class ships. One of these ships was assigned to each
hospital ships was built in response to problems the Medical equipment, and physical therapy rooms. To ensure that the army of the SLDF to provide medical support. Of the remaining
Command experience during the Reunification War. During the medical teams can function effectively, many of these facilities five, three were placed in the ready reserve fleet where they
Taurian Campaign there were many long and bloody battles, are located on the Grav decks of the ship. To ensure that the could be reactivated within one month, if needed. The other
in which the SLDF suffered casualties numbering in the ships would stay on the cutting edge of medical technology, two were used as temporary replacements for the other ships
thousands. The SLDF’s Caregiver class dropships (Specially the ship’s equipment was routinely upgraded as new medical when they were undergoing refits or overhauls.
modified troop transports that served as mobile hospitals) and equipment were developed. In addition the SLDF assigned During the Star League the Mercy class saw heavy service
MASH units were overwhelmed and could not keep up with only the best doctors and nursing staffs to the Mercy class responding to a variety of epidemics and natural disasters.
the number of casualties. Furthermore, given the severity of ships, to ensure that the quality of care could not be matched They proved particularly valuable in many outlying systems
many of the casualties (due to the brutality of the campaign) by any other hospital facility. The capabilities of the trauma where modern medical facilities were scarce or nonexistent.
it was determined that the SLDF needed a mobile hospital teams assigned to the Mercy ships were legendary throughout As a result they were very prominent goodwill ambassadors for
facility that could handle large numbers of wounded, as well as the Star League. the Star League. They also saw service in the War of Davion
being able to treat cases of radiation and chemical poisoning. In addition to its own medical facilities, the ships typically Succession and the Free Worlds League Civil War, providing
The Medical Command issued a request for a new ship that carry four to six Caregiver or Dove (modified Condor Troop humanitarian aid to all sides. During the Periphery Uprisings
could handle several thousand casualties and mount the Transports) class dropships. These would land on the planet the three ready reserve ships were reactivated and sent to
010/259 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Mercy Class Hospital Ship
Mercy Class Hospital Ship

the Taurian Concordat, to provide additional hospital facilities Kerensky left, three of the surviving Mercy ships went with
to the SLDF forces operating there. These ships were used him. The remaining two ships, the Comfort and the Solace Dropship Capacity: 6
to treat the SLDF’s soldiers and return them to the Terran have remained in service with the Terran Republic, providing Grav Decks: 6 (2 175, 2 185, & 2 200-meter diameter)
Hegemony for further care. Interestingly, during the Uprisings, emergency medical services where ever they may be needed Escape Pods: 0
the Concordat forces chose not engage the Mercy ships that in the Republic. Lifeboats: 1000
were supporting the SLDF. It is believed that the reason for Mercy class Hospital Ship Crew: 189 minimum (31 Officers, 158 Enlisted)
this was because of the aid that these ships had provided to
the Concordat in the aftermath of major natural disasters on Tech: Inner Sphere
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
MacLeod’s Land, Mithron and Landmark. Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Introduced: 2602 Nose (Heat: 32)
One of the most tragic stories of the Amaris Coup is In Class: 25 4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
that of the Mercy class SLS Nightingale. She was assigned Manufacturer: Thompson’s Shipyards (Keid /Terran Republic) FL/FR (Heat: 64)
to the SLDF’s 19th Army and was returning to Terra loaded 4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
AL/AR (Heat: 64)
with 10,000 badly wounded soldiers from the Concordat front. Mass: 700,000 tons 4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
Many of these soldiers were victims of Taurian nuclear attacks Length: 790 meters Aft (Heat: 32)
and had severe burns and radiation poisoning. The ship was Sail Diameter: 1,120 meters
4 Large Lasers 3(32) 3(32) - - Laser
approaching Terra when Amaris launched his Coup. The Fuel: 4,000 tons (10,000) Other Equipment:
Nightingale was attacked and destroyed by the Casper drones Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 HyperPulse Generator and Lithium-Fusion Battery
of Terra’s SDS system with the loss of all on board. Safe Thrust: 3
The Mercy class continued to serve the SLDF through Maximum Thrust: 5
the Amaris Crisis. Many of these ships were used to help Sail Integrity: 4
the planets that were devastated by the Coup, providing KF Drive Integrity: 15
emergency medical facilities for the civilian population, to Heat Sinks: 546
replace those destroyed by Amaris’s troops. During the course Structural Integrity: 65
of the war twenty Mercy class ships were lost to attacks by Battle Value: 18,633
Amaris’ troops. Many of the captains and crews of these ships
refused to wait until the Amaris naval forces were destroyed Armor: (910 tons, Ferro Carbide)
before entering a system, insisting that the wounded troops Fore: 129
could not afford to wait for medical care. Unfortunately for Fore-Sides: 128
these brave crews it appears that the Amaris forces took great Aft-Sides: 128
pleasure in destroying the Mercys and would target the ships Aft: 129
in their initial attacks against the invading SLDF fleets.
After the end of the war, the surviving ships continued Cargo
to travel around to the various worlds of the Hegemony to Bay 1: Small Craft (40) 8 Doors
provide what assistance they could to the sick and wounded. Bay 2: Hospital Ward
The SLS Mercy was only exception as she was permanently Bay 3: Operating Rooms
stationed orbiting Terra from 2779 until the Exodus, providing Medical Diagnostic Equipment
medical care for the residents of the Sol System. When Bay 4: Cargo (40,989 tons) 2 Doors
010/260 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Republic Class Frigate
Republic Class Frigate

depleted Terran fleets, the goal of this program was to make the inclusion of a Lithium Fusion Battery system. Difficult
use of existing designs to swiftly rebuild the Terran Republic’s to produce, the Admiralty insisted upon including it in their
naval power. new frigate since it would permit their smaller fleet to
In short order Project Starlight was rediscovered and effectively cover a larger area. Some of the initial difficulty in
offered to the Admiralty for review. Although the basic producing this expensive system was offset in the early days
design was approved there were several alterations that were of the Republic class by salvaging the batteries from derelict
requested before the design would be formally accepted, Warship’s over Terra, however this supply has since been
mostly focusing on making use of more advanced weapons exhausted and there are some groups in the navy that wish to
as the Republic sought to stave off its numerically superior simply remove the LF Batteries from newer Republic Frigate’s
enemies with its more advanced technology. to speed production.
The alterations proved easy to make and in short order Fire control was provided for by a new type of targeting
Project Starlight was formally accepted. Designated the computer, called the Ulsop Firestorm N-Network. The Firestorm
Republic class Frigate in honor of the newly formed nation, the system depends on many smaller targeting computers
new warship secretly went into production at Titan Shipyards distributed throughout the Republic. Each of these systems is
in the Terra System. part of a Neural Network that analyzes battle data when the
Warship is not in combat in order to develop more accurate
Capabilities: firing solutions. By virtue of the Firestorm’s distributed nature
Overview: The Republic class Frigate was outfitted with the best it is extremely difficult to knock out the Fire Control System
The Congress class Frigate had been the reliable workhorse technology the Terran Republic had to offer and carries of a Republic Frigate, although there is a marked decrease in
for both the Terran Hegemony and later the Star League since a price tag to match, with each of the Warships costing a performance as individual nodes are taken off-line.
its creation in 2540. A masterpiece that balanced firepower staggering fifteen billion to produce. Luckily the Republic has The weapons linked into this system are no less
and maneuverability in a package equipped with sophisticated the performance to match its price. advanced. A total of three dual barreled Solar Flare Heavy
electronics, the Congress class was such a solid design that Newly designed O’Neal Impulse IV engines enabled the NPPC turrets cover the nose and aft side firing arcs. Backing
the 200 ships in the class remained in active service for many Warship to travel a 2G burn for extended periods without any up these impressive energy weapons are five turrets each
decades before the Star League ultimately started to think difficulties, and make the frigate capable of producing 3G’s of equipped with three Star Lord NL55’s. More impressive are
about replacing them. thrust for combat maneuvers. Additionally these new engines the massive turrets located on the front sides which mount
In 2743 the decision was finally made to create a new were compatible with Double Heat Sink technology and as Armageddon class Naval Gauss Cannons, providing awe
warship that was to be the ultimate replacement for the old such the Republic has an impressive capacity to dissipate the inspiring devastation as the frigate closes in on its prey and
Congress class. Called Project Starlight, the new warship immense heat its weapons are capable of generating. during broadside exchanges.
seemed to be on track for full production when the Amaris Admittedly the superstructure of the Republic class is not Most of the Republic’s firepower comes from a more
Coup took the Inner Sphere by surprise. The ensuing chaos quite as robust as that of the Congress class it replaces, an traditional means, however. In each of the broadsides the
of the resulting war, and the devastation in its wake, seemed unfortunate side effect of the newer engine, however to offset Republic carries no less than three-Apocalypse NAC/40’s. Just
to be the death sentence for the new design even with the this disadvantage the new frigate carries a thicker armor belt one of these weapons can easily hammer through even the
formation of the new Terran Republic. made of Diamond Weave Ferro-carbide armor produced by thickest armor, and combined they make the Republic capable
For the first few years Project Starlight languished Mitchell Vehicles, giving the smaller ship 68% better protection of simply gutting all but the largest enemy Warships.
unattended until the Republic initiated a crash warship than its predecessor. Ten Maelstrom AR10 launchers (6 in the front sides and
program dubbed Quicksilver. Intended to augment the severely Further improving the Republic’s maneuverability is 4 in the aft sides) were selected to save space and enable the
010/261 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Republic Class Frigate
Republic Class Frigate

Republic to match the type of missile fired to the target. This Republic class Frigate Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
has resulted in an efficient design since unlike older missile Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 450)
systems the AR10 can fire any type of missile at any time, Tech: Inner Sphere
2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
ensuring that the weapon batteries are never silent from a Introduced: 2785 FL/FR (Heat: 766)
lack of ‘proper’ targets for the type of ammunition used by In Class: 7 3 AR10 (10KW, 10WS, 10B) * * * * Capital Missile
the launcher. Manufacturer: Mitchell Vehicles (Titan /Terran Republic) 3 NL/55 17 17 17 17 Capital Laser
2 Hvy NGauss (20 Rounds) 60 60 60 60 Capital Gauss
Unlike many ships of the era, the Republic actually mounts 3 LRM 20 (24 Rounds) 2(24) 2(24) 2(24) - LRM
Mass: 730,000 tons
point defenses, although these are included mostly to aid the 2 Large Pulse Lasers 2(18) 2(18) - - Pulse Laser
Length: 749 meters LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,320)
reinforced squadron carried for anti-fighter defense. Several
Sail Diameter: 1,108 meters 3 NL/55 17 17 17 17 Capital Laser
LRM 20 turrets provide area saturation fire to break up enemy Fuel: 7,114 tons (17,785) 1 NAC/40 (10 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
fighter formations and equally rare Large Pulse Laser turrets Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 1 NAC/40 (10 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
are capable of crippling some enemy fighters. A final pair of 1 NAC/40 (10 Rounds) 40 40 - - Capital AC
Safe Thrust: 4 AL/AR (Heat: 1,044)
ER Large Lasers was mounted in the aft when simulations Maximum Thrust: 6 2 AR10 (5KW, 5WS, 10B) * * * * Capital Missile
showed that the engine cones were vulnerable to attack from Sail Integrity: 4 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
enemy strike craft. KF Drive Integrity: 15 2 LRM 20 (24 Rounds) 2(24) 2(24) 2(24) - LRM
2 Large Pulse Lasers 2(18) 2(18) - - Pulse Laser
Heat Sinks: 1565 (3859)
Aft (Heat: 279)
Deployment: Structural Integrity: 60 3 NL/55 17 17 17 17 Capital Laser
The Republic is quite possibly the last warship designed Battle Value: 126,602 2 ER Large Lasers 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser

and built before the shipbuilding collapse known as the Ammunition:

Armor: (876 tons, Ferro-Carbide)
Succession War. The first ship of the class, the Republic, was 30 Killer Whale Missiles
Fore: 125
nearly destroyed in the Draconis naval raid on the Terran Fore-Sides: 125 30 White Shark Missiles
system in 2786. However the efforts of the TRS Republic Aft-Sides: 125 40 Barracudas Missiles
helped annihilate the Kurita interlopers and save the Titan Aft: 112 40 rounds of Heavy Naval Gauss ammunition
Shipyards. Both the Republic and Terran shipyards were badly 60 rounds of Naval Autocannon 40s
damaged in the raid forcing a slow down or complete halt Cargo 144 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition
of naval production in certain areas. Since this time ships of Bay 1: Cargo (56,184 tons) 1 Door
this class have seen only limited action despite its outstanding Bay 2: Fighters (12) 2 Doors Other Equipment:
initial performance. Thankfully Mitchell Vehicles has been able Bay 3: Small Craft (8) 4 Doors Lithium-Fusion Battery
to manufacture about one Frigate every two years accounting Marines (4 platoons)
for seven Republic class warships currently in service. This
construction has come at great expense and increasing strain Dropship Capacity: 4
for the Terran state which may discontinue further Frigates Grav Decks: 2 (90-meter diameter)
soon. One of the last warships currently in production the Escape Pods: 20
Republic’s Admiralty is currently looking into a version of this Lifeboats: 17
Frigate that lacks the expensive Lithium Fusion Battery system Crew: 235 minimum (40 Officers, 195 Enlisted)
and ease future assembly.
010/262 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Newgrange Class Yardship
Newgrange Class Yardship

James McKenna Shipyards of Kathil. These advanced bases solved Drive parts, electronic systems, docking hardpoints and virtually
much the peace time concerns but the SLDF realized it would not anything else a JumpShip or a Warship might need. This cargo
be sufficient during war time scenarios. hold is constantly re-supplied by transport ships which is one
In response to these concerns engineers began working reason the Newgrange class features five docking collars.
on a radically different warship. This was not just a tender but Furthermore four small craft are stationed onboard to
a fully mobile shipyard capable of performing any repair task facilitate loading and unloading of supplies and personnel.
and theoretically new ship construction. Development of such a A squadron of six aerospace fighters was included for
Yardship was not a simple process and ultimately proved to be a protection even though these yardships were intended to and
costly affair. However, it was a problem the mighty Star League typically were guarded by other warships because of their inherent
could afford to solve thanks to a growing economic strength strategic value. The fighter squadron as well as a moderate array
which was beyond any previously recorded. This combined with of anti-fighter and naval weaponry give the Newgrange a limited
humanity’s finest engineers overcame many of the obstacles and self-defense capacity, intended mainly to deter attacks, but
finally resulted in the launch of the SLS Newgrange in 2630. capable of inflicting a telling blow. If these nominal non-combat
vessels come under attack they are protected by three hundred
tons of Ferro-Carbide Armor. Still standing orders and procedures
Capabilities: established by the Star League call for yardship Captains to avoid
Krester´s Ship Construction based its yardship-design on
engagements if at all possible.
the original Potemkin class Troop Cruiser submitted by Riga
Interstellar Shipyards. This gave engineers a good starting point
Overview: and helped to reduce development as well as maintenance cost. Deployment:
The new Star League Navy faced several logistical problems While it bears some resemblance to its predecessor its enormous The exact number of operational Newgrange class Yardships
it had not fully anticipated during the Reunification War. Fighting length and integral unpressurized yard give this ship a truly unique has always been a closely guarded secret. Today we know that
in remote systems far from suitable shipyards left the League look. In order to service the massive warships of the Star League a little more than two dozen of these massive dock vessels were
fleet at a distinct disadvantage. Necessary upkeep and repairs as well as future vessels that could be even larger still the massive built by Krester´s Ship Construction at Terra. The Star League
forced many ships to journey back towards such facilities in the repair bay of the Newgrange was designed to accommodate a Navy attached most of these to the twenty Military Districts that
Inner Sphere or worse risk critical system failures due to lack vessel that displaced as much as two million tons. covered the entire Human Sphere while the rest were deployed
of such maintenance. Expecting a short conflict against the At the time this was more than enough room to accommodate as needed. Here the Newgrange often served as the command
highly motivated Periphery whom it vastly underrated didn’t help the Star League Navy’s largest warship which was the Farragut ship for a Support Flotilla that consisted of Tankers, Tenders
matters any. As the war dragged on these maintenance needs class Battleship. As time progressed the capacity of the Newgrange and other auxiliary craft. As a prized strategic asset of the Star
became more amplified, dramatically limiting the effectiveness of was indeed challenged by new warships like the Texas and the League the Yardships were generally deployed only in the safest
the League’s Navy. McKenna. However, the yardship proved capable of servicing areas and rarely ventured into hostile space. If circumstances
The fleets of the Periphery Coalition could not take advantage even these colossal giants. Some experts claim that the confines dictated otherwise the Newgrange was heavily escorted into such
of this weakness because they were effectively crippled by of this ship’s repair bay stifled larger warship construction but danger zones by an entire flotilla of warships. These trips were
superior League forces before the situation grew dire. If the proof remains elusive. It does seem likely that the McKenna class usually preceded by a comprehensive security review of the ship’s
nations of the Periphery had the wherewithal they could have Battleships were developed based on design parameters set by stopovers and ultimate destination unless the need was so critical
really taken advantage of the Star League’s overextended Navy. the size of the Newgrange yardships. to prevent such precautions from being taken. These inspections
Even after hostilities came to an end the predicament continued In addition to its huge repair bay the Newgrange also features were said to rival precautions taken by a visiting House Lord or
as the League shifted from combat operations to occupation. To a large bay that can hold nearly two hundred thousands tons of foreign dignitary. Not only was information on their exact location
elevate these nagging troubles the Star League invested heavily cargo. This bay was designed to carry a vast array of spareparts and travels a restricted matter but the very existence of these
in construction of new shipyards closer to the Periphery like the ranging from armor plates, engine parts, structural segments, KF highly specialized and vital craft was kept from the general public.
010/263 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Newgrange Class Yardship
Newgrange Class Yardship

It was only after the fall of the Star League that details on these Safe Thrust: 2 Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
ships became freely available demonstrating what an invaluable Maximum Thrust: 3 Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Sail Integrity: 4 Nose (Heat: 253)
commodity they were to the SLDF.
2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
Unfortunately the operational security of these ships was KF Drive Integrity: 16
2 Barracuda (20 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
one of the many tidbits the Usurper learned of from First Lord Heat Sinks: 1,467 (2,934) 1 Gauss Rifle (40 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) 2(15) - Autocannon
Richard Cameron. By 2765 all of the Yardships had been sent Structural Integrity: 20 2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
to the distant frontier in order to assist with growing SLDF Battle Value: 46,911 2 ER Large Lasers 3(36) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
2 Medium Lasers
operations there. Apparently Amaris used his contacts in the 2 AMS (60 Rounds) 1(6)+ - - - AMS
Armor: (300 tons, Ferro Carbide)
Periphery to rapidly inform rebels of the Newgrange locations FL/FR (Heat: 960)
Fore: 44
prior to the Uprising. When the Rebellion began these ships were Fore-Sides: 42 1 Heavy NPPC 15 15 15 15 Capital PPC
among the primary target of the freedom fighters that used a 2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
Aft-Sides: 42 2 Barracuda (20 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
variety of ruthless methods to destroy them no matter the cost. Aft: 40 1 Gauss Rifle (40 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) 2(15) - Autocannon
Many yardships were annihilated in the initial attacks that puzzled 2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
many in the intelligence community until the Coup eventually Cargo 2 ER Large Lasers 3(36) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
revealed the culprit. Security was tightened around the remaining Bay 1: Unpressurized Repair Facilities 2 Medium Lasers
Newgranges which proved instrumental in Star League operations (2,000,000 ton capacity) 2 Doors 2 AMS (60 Rounds) 1(6)+ - - - AMS
LBS/RBS (Heat: 508)
to conquer the Rim and free Terra. Only two survived this conflict Bay 2: Cargo (198,066 tons) 4 Doors
2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
intact and departed on the Exodus with General Kerensky, the SLS Bay 3: Fighters (6) 2 Doors 2 Barracuda (20 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Hephaestus and the SLS Freeport. As the Succession War began Bay 4: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors 1 Gauss Rifle (40 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) 2(15) - Autocannon
no of these craft were thought to be operational but stories of the 2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
Newgrange’s demise might be exaggerated. There are persistent Dropship Capacity: 5 2 ER Large Lasers 3(36) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
Grav Decks: 3 (125-meter diameter) 2 Medium Lasers
rumors that the Terran Republic maintains two yardships, the TRS 3 AMS (72 Rounds) 1(9)+ - - - AMS
Restoration and the TRS Restitution, somewhere this day but Escape Pods: 30
AL/AR (Heat: 906)
Lifeboats: 30
this cannot be confirmed. It is possible that these are just fiction 1 Heavy NPPC 15 15 15 15 Capital PPC
Crew: 245 minimum (42 Officers, 203 Enlisted) 2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
inspired by the fog of war, simple misinformation, or conspiracy
2 Barracuda (20 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Ammunition: 1 Gauss Rifle (40 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) 2(15) - Autocannon
160 Barracuda Missiles 2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
2 ER Large Lasers 3(36) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
Newgrange class Yardship 320 rounds of Gauss Rifle ammunition (40 tons)
2 Medium Lasers
504 rounds of AMS ammunition (42 tons) 2 AMS (60 Rounds) 1(6)+ - - - AMS
Tech: Inner Sphere Aft (Heat: 253)
Introduced: 2630 Other Equipment: 2 NL/55 11 11 11 11 Capital Laser
In Class: 25 HyperPulse Generator and Lithium-Fusion Battery 2 Barracuda (20 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
1 Gauss Rifle (40 Rounds) 2(15) 2(15) 2(15) - Autocannon
Manufacturer: Krester´s Ship Construction (Terra /Terran Republic)
2 ER PPC 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) - PPC
2 ER Large Lasers 3(36) 2(16) 2(16) - Laser
Mass: 750,000 tons 2 Medium Lasers
Length: 1,875 meters 2 AMS (60 Rounds) 1(6)+ - - - AMS
Sail Diameter: 1,200 meters
Fuel: 1,200 tons (3,000)
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52
010/264 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Sovremenyy Class Battlecruiser
Sovremenyy Class Battlecruiser

two ships are almost indistinguishable. Only the slightly Keresnky’s final assault on Earth two battalions of Rim Worlds
enlarged aft section and the twin forward PPC mounts give troops seized this ship and promptly disappeared. The warship
the Sovremenyy away. and its mutinous crew are rumored to be prowling the Anti-
However these similarities hide a world of differences Spinward arm of the old Rim Republic. These sightings have
in capabilities reflecting the two different design principles yet to be confirmed and even if they could be officials would
that went into the ships. The Sovetskii Soyuz was a stopgap be hard pressed to hunt down the Oktyabrskava Revolutsiva.
measure, a design that compromised practically everything Three of the remaining ships; the Sovremenyy,
in the name of being produced as quickly as possible. The Nesokrushimyy, and Udaloy were destroyed during the
Sovremenyy compromises nothing in the name of expediency. campaign to retake the Terran Hegemony from the forces of the
The designers sought to squeeze every ounce of combat Usurper. The Osmotritelnyy survived the Amaris Conflict intact
potential they could in the modified hull, and they succeeded and departed with General Aleksandr Kerensky on the Exodus.
in a grand style. Though the ship’s main battery of fourteen The Provornyy was damaged during Operation Liberation and
Kreuss XX naval particle cannons and twelve Scarborough repaired after the Star League Defense Force began Operation
autocannons do not give the Sovremenyy the apocalyptic Exodus. In reality her crew elected to remain behind with the
firepower of such heavily armed ships as the Black Lion, they new Terran Republic, so the ship’s repair was prioritized later
still give her a terrifying punch, while the ship’s heavy armor than other ship’s that left with Kerensky. The TRS Provornyy
belt outclassed even some battleships thanks to the use of became one of the first warships to be commissioned by the
Overview: advanced Lamellor Ferro Carbide composites. New Republic for the Royal Navy. Additionally another half
Though General Rebecca Fredasa’s New Arms order is Anything the Sovremenyy can’t outfight, it can almost dozen Sovremenyy were produced as part of the Quicksilver
best known for producing the Sovetskii Soyuz, the intent of certainly outrun thanks to its powerful propulsion system, Program. These ships have served with distinction in several
the program was in fact far more reaching, with virtually allowing the ship to produce a full four Gs of thrust at maximum different battles of the Succession War.
every arm of the Star League Defense Force fleet due for output. About the only thing missing from the design is a
modernization. Though the Periphery Uprising and the Amaris lithium fusion battery, and even this was only out of necessity.
Coup would rip through the League before much of this work With so much else crammed in the hull, designers simply could
could be completed, a series of new ships none the less made not find the room for a LF battery without reducing the ship’s
it into service. already tiny cargo capacity even further.
Among these was a new high speed cruiser intended to
replace the aging and scarce Kimagure, giving the Star League Deployment:
Defense Force a fast attack capability its fleet thus far sorely Pending final approval for large scale deployment,
lacked. The first of this new Sovremenyy class would enter Bluenose Clipperships produced Sovremenyys at a rather
service in 2760. leisurely pace, launching six ships in the years leading up to
the Amaris Coup. The last vessel produced for the Star League
Capabilities: was the now infamous Oktyabrskava Revolutsiva. Completed
When one gets a look at a Sovremenyy, it is not hard to in December 2766 this vessel was seized intact by the minions
imagine why the class earned the nickname Doppleganger. of Stephan Amaris. Unknown to everyone but Amaris’s top
Blue Nose Clipperships used the basic design of their proven officers, the ship remained over Terra as Amaris’s last defense
Sovetskii Soyuz as their template, and at first glance the and possibly his escape craft. However, about a month before
010/265 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Sovremenyy Class Battlecruiser
Sovremenyy Class Battlecruiser

Sovremenyy class Battlecruiser Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 40)
Tech: Inner Sphere 2 Killer Whale (20 Missiles) 8 8 8 8 Capital Missile
Introduced: 2760 FL/FR (Heat: 1,390)
In Class: 12 3 Heavy NPPC 45 45 45 45 Capital PPC
1 Killer Whale (10 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Manufacturer: Bluenose Clipperships (Mars /Terran Republic) LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,500)
1 NAC/30 (150 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Mass: 830,000 tons 2 NAC/30 (150 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Length: 810 meters 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
AL/AR (Heat: 1,540)
Sail Diameter: 1,250 meters 1 NAC/30 (150 Rounds) 30 30 30 - Capital AC
Fuel: 2,500 tons (6,250) 2 NAC/30 (150 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 Heavy NPPC 30 30 30 30 Capital PPC
1 Killer Whale (10 Missiles) 4 4 4 4 Capital Missile
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 17 Ammunition:
Heat Sinks: 2250 (4500) 60 Killer Whale Missiles
Structural Integrity: 80 1200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
Battle Value: 185,141
Other Equipment
Armor: (1,376 tons, Lamellor Ferro Carbide) HyperPulse Generator (HPG)
Fore: 228
Fore-Sides: 224
Aft-Sides: 224
Aft: 224

Bay 1: Fighters (18) 4 Doors
Bay 2: Small Craft (8) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Cargo (32,254 tons) 2 Doors

Dropship Capacity: 4
Grav Decks: 2 (55 & 90-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 20
Lifeboats: 0
Crew: 243 minimum (41 Officers, 202 Enlisted)
010/266 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Royal Sovereign Class Battleship
Royal Sovereign Class Battleship

words) “cranky and temperamental”. The McKenna was a very ground troops without straying outside the legal constraints of
complex war machine, and she acted like it. While a Texas outside the Ares Convention.
of combat might suffer at worst one or two major system failures Backing up its considerable firepower, the Royal Sovereign
a year, a Mckenna endured on average three major failures a has hangar space for a full regiment of aerofighters. In addition
month. This generally meant that the Mckenna Class was limited to augmenting the ship’s offensive capabilities, the large fighter
to a three or four month tour of duty before she had to return complement also allows the Sovereign to better protect itself
home, and frequently required days in a shipyard to return to full against enemy fighter attack. This is important because the ten
operation. AR-10 missile tubes the ship carries, though on par with most
Though neither class was due for retirement anytime soon, of its contemporaries, do not provide adequate defense against
with all of the Great Houses rearming, the decision was made to aerofighters.
develop a new battleship that combined the best qualities of the The Royal Sovereign and Royal Oak were originally meant
Texas and the Mckenna classes, and which would (eventually) to be equipped with lamellor ferro-carbide armor however, with
replace both craft. A fierce almost eight year long design the increases in naval production and with the periphery in open
competition followed between the Hegemony’s most respected rebellion stockpiles of the advanced armor were very low. As a
shipbuilding firms. Every company in the Hegemony knew what consequence the two ships were armored with ferro-aluminum
gaining the contract to build the next generation of battleship armor, with plans to re-armor them after their trials period was
could mean for them, and everyone wanted it. completed. Even with the older armor, the ships could still match
Ultimately, the winners were what some in the corporate the armor protection of the Texas.
Overview: world regarded as a devil’s alliance. Krester’s Ship Construction
and Blue Nose Clipperships, the builders of the current generation
Without a doubt, the SLDF Navy was the most powerful fleet
of battleships and fierce rivals, collaborated to produce a joint
to ever exist, and its battleship arm, close to four hundred ships The Royal Sovereign and the Royal Oak barely escaped the
strong at its height, was certainly the crown jewel. However, there design, which was tagged the Royal Sovereign. This combination
Hegemony during the initial phases of the Amaris Coup. The
were some flaws in that jewel. In 2755, with every House hard of Krester’s technical skill with Blue Nose’s massive construction
ships eventually linked up with the rest of the SLDF during the
at work building up its military as quickly as possible, the SLDF capabilities was simply something no other firm could match, and
conquest of the Rim Worlds Republic. Both vessels were at the
assembled a commission headed by Admiral Nicolas Martine, a the SLDF approved the construction of two ships for evaluation.
forefront of Taskforce Commonwealth during the Hegemony
veteran battleship commander of great repute, to evaluate the SLS Royal Sovereign was launched from Krester’s shipyards in
Campaign helping to push through fierce naval resistance offered
SLDF fleet and its ability to fight a prolonged war against the the Bryant system on April 7, 2766. SLS Royal Oak was launched
by the Usurper. This intense combat took its toll on both ships
fleets of the Great Houses. at Mars eight days later.
ultimately destroying the Royal Oak and badly damaging the Royal
Though the commission concluded that the League fleet Sovereign. Despite her overall poor condition the Royal Sovereign
would ultimately emerge victorious in a simultaneous war against Capabilities: was patched up and joined Kerensky’s Exodus bringing the story
as many as four of the Great Houses, they did cite several The Royal Sovereign combines the firepower of the Mckenna of this battleship class to an apparent end.
“concerns” with the SLDF fleet, specifically its battleship arm. The with the armor protection and proven reliability of the Texas. The A newly reborn Terran nation had other ideas however. Its
SLDF’s principle front line battleships at this time were the Texas ship’s main battery is composed of two-dozen heavy naval gauss fledgling Royal Navy quickly realized as the Exodus got underway
and Mckenna classes, and the commission found fault with both. cannons backed up by sixteen class thirty naval autocannons. This it would need more than just restored vessels and barely
The Texas was a massively armored and extremely reliable ship gives the ship firepower to match the Mckenna. Additionally this functioning derelicts to adequately defend the New Republic. With
well suited to long stretches of continuous duty, however, she design mounts a forward battery of twenty heavy naval lasers that this in mind the Regent initiated the Quicksilver Program on July
lacked firepower. were not intended to directly augment its offensive power. These 22, 2784 (Hegemony Day) to supplement the fleet. This crash
The far more numerous Mckenna vessels, on the other hand, lasers were actually meant for low-level orbital bombardment, naval building program that used existing Star League designs
had firepower to spare. However, she was (in Martine’s own allowing the ship to function as a virtual artillery battery for as its basis for new Terran production jump started these efforts.
010/267 TRO:2800/House Sinclair/TRN Royal Sovereign Class Battleship
Royal Sovereign Class Battleship

This top secret plan for new construction was intentionally passed Royal Sovereign class Battleship Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
off as renewed Dropship production at first to deceive the Great Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (Heat: 1,700)
Houses. If they suspected the sheer scale of this endeavor which Tech: Inner Sphere 10 NL/55 55 55 55 55 Capital Laser
included new warship construction their agents would certainly Introduced: 2766 10 NL/55 55 55 55 55 Capital Laser
try to disrupt it. As secrecy was essential to maintain unfettered In Class: 7 FL/FR (Heat: 912)
production during this time the Republic went to great lengths to Manufacturer: Bluenose Clipperships (Mars /Terran Republic)
2 Hvy NGauss (400 Round) 60 60 60 60 Capital Gauss
suppress or mislead all but a select few. 2 NAC/30 (400 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
2 NAC/30 (400 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
The crowning achievement of this program was the rebirth of
Mass: 1,800,000 tons 1 AR10 (20KW, 10WS, 20B) * * * * Capital Missile
the Royal Sovereign class Battleship. Bluenose Clipperships of Mars LBS/RBS (Heat: 1,024)
Length: 1,307 meters
took the lead in this grand project because its large facilities were 2 Hvy NGauss (400 Round) 60 60 60 60 Capital Gauss
the only ones capable undertaking such an enterprise. Krester’s
Sail Diameter: 1,460 meters 2 Hvy NGauss (400 Round) 60 60 60 60 Capital Gauss
Ship Construction preoccupied with the Prometheus Program Fuel: 6,000 tons (15,000) 2 NAC/30 (400 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 2 NAC/30 (400 Rounds) 60 60 60 - Capital AC
became a junior partner which thanks to its superior technical 2 AR10 (40KW, 20WS, 40B) * * * * Capital Missile
know how was still invaluable. The first Royal Sovereign class Safe Thrust: 3 AL/AR (Heat: 296)
Battleship to be built by the New Republic used many different Maximum Thrust: 5 2 Hvy NGauss (400 Round) 60 60 60 60 Capital Gauss
resources to expedite construction. Materials used in this process Sail Integrity: 7 2 Hvy NGauss (400 Round) 60 60 60 60 Capital Gauss
KF Drive Integrity: 35 2 Hvy NGauss (400 Round) 60 60 60 60 Capital Gauss
included parts from the additional fifteen Royal Sovereigns that
2 AR10 (40KW, 20WS, 40B) * * * * Capital Missile
the SLDF had order prior to the Amaris Coup, the unfinished keel Heat Sinks: 1966 (3932)
of a Royal Sovereign laid down originally by Star League engineers Structural Integrity: 90
and worked on by the Usurper during the occupation, and what Battle Value: 303,676
little salvage could be gathered from the SLS Royal Oak. Ammunition:
The third warship of its class and the second to bear its name, Armor: (3240 tons, Improved Ferro-Aluminum) 4800 rounds of Naval Gauss Cannon ammunition
the TRS Royal Oak was launched just prior to the major Draconis Fore: 313 3200 rounds of Naval Autocannon/30 ammunition
raid on the Terran system in 2786. This vessel helped annihilate Fore-Sides: 343 200 Killer Whale Missiles
the one way DCA and DEST assault that was intent on crippling the Aft-Sides: 343 100 White Shark Missiles
Republic’s shipbuilding industry. The second Royal Oak continues
Aft: 313 200 Barracuda Missiles
to be a powerful naval symbol of the reborn Terran-dynasty. The
fourth ship of this class the TRS Revenge was launched late in Other Equipment:
2788 and incredibly as most new naval production was wiped out
Bay 1: Small Craft (10) 2 Doors HyperPulse Generator and Lithium-Fusion Battery
all around the Inner Sphere by the Succession War was not the
last vessel of its kind. The Republic secure in its Terran stronghold Bay 2: Cargo (172,505 tons) 4 Doors
and determined to match the fleet strength of the Great Houses Bay 3: Fighters (54) 6 Doors
built three more of these mighty warships. The TRS Resistance
commissioned in 2790, the TRS Resolution in 2792, and the TRS Dropship Capacity: 6
Renown in 2795. The increasing depravity of the Succession Grav Decks: 3 (250-meter diameter)
War ended this herculean effort by the high tech industry of Escape Pods: 60
the Republic which could no longer afford its growing expenses Lifeboats: 0
or devote any more of its scarce resources to the project. The Crew: 475 minimum (81 Officers, 394 Enlisted)
surviving ships of this class continue to serve today as the Royal
Navy’s proudest symbols of space going power.

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