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‘Flat interest K1: TO COMPARE & CONTRAST 3 TYPES OF SAVINGS AND THEIR RETURNS ASPECT SAVING ACCOUNT FIXED DEPOSIT ACCOUNT | CURRENT ACCOUNT People who has certain amount of Account holders Most People cach tat they dot need er use Businessman Return = Interest Low High None (Instead the account holder has to pay for service charge) Withdrawal of | Anytime (ATM debit card or online Ate the maturity date Anytime(Banking through Internet or money banking) (3 mnth, 6 mnth, 9 mnth or 1 year) Telephone) ‘Through a referee who is a current Proof/ Method of ‘Account book Certificate of Saving account holder at the same branch Account Opening of bank ‘Cheque None None Yes Yes, Withdrawing money beyond Overdraft None None the balance ofthe account but interest will be charged K2: TO CHOOSE CORRECT FORMULA EITHER SIMPLE INTEREST OR COMPOUND INTEREST TO CALCULATE THE RETURN OF SAVING *if you see the word compound in the question than use compound interest if not use simple interest formula SIMPLE INTEREST COMPOUND INTEREST = MV - Principal MV = P( ttime in year nterest MV = Mature Value ( Total Savings) rincipal (Initial savings) P=Principal (Initial savings) terest Rate ( given in % must be converted to r=Interest Rate ( given in % must be converted to 1/100) 11100) n= number of period interest is compounded per year t=time in year t=tempoh dalam tahun Menukar unit masa lain kepada tahun Number of period interest is compounded per vear t= time in year every 6 mnth => 12+6=2 times per year 6 months once every 3mnth_ => 12 + 3-4 times per year 4 months once every4mnth => 12+ 4=3 times per year 1 week / 52 = 7/365 once a mnth => 12+ 1= 12 times per year 3 days 1365 quarterly => 12+3=4 times per year K3: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SIMPLE INTEREST AND COMPOUND INTEREST Encik Charles deposited RM6 000 in a fixed deposit account at Bank Berjaya for 2 years at a rate of interest of 6% per annum. Calculate the interest received by Encik Charles if he is given compound interest (compounded every 4 months) in comparison to simple interest. Interest, /= Prt = RMG6 000 « 7852 =RM720 = r\t mv =P(1+ 5) 0.08 3 312) = 6000 (1 + =RM6 756.97 Total accumulated interest RM6 756.97 — RM6 000 = RM756.97 1. COMPOUND INTEREST WILL YIELD HIGHER INTEREST OF RM756.97 IN COMPARISON TO SIMPLE INTEREST OF RM720 2. SIMPLE INTEREST FORMULA WILL GIVE THE VALUE OF INTEREST RECEIVED WHEREAS COMPOUNDED INTEREST FORMULA WILL GIVE THE VALUE OF TOTAL SAVINGS o K4: SUBSTITUTING VARIABLE IN FORMULA WITH RELEVANT INFO FROM QUESTION SIMPLE INTEREST Encik Badrul saved ols in bank with interest rate of 3% per annum for a period of 2 years. Calculate the interest that Encik Badrul will receive and the total savings for the period of 2 years. Interest = t= BODO x 3% x Kalkulator 5000 (x J3 [ave }100(x ) 2= Total Savings = RMS5000 + RM300 = RM5300 COMPOUND INTEREST = MV - Principal At the beginning of a year, Mrs Liew saves RIMASIO00 in her saving account with the rate of 8% per annum and compounded every 6 months. What is Mrs Liew total savings at the end of the third year and calculate the amount of interest she received. TOTAL = MV Ea 1s000((_}1+0.003 (abe J2 ()_) (* ) 2) Interest Received = RM16 892.44 - RM15 000 = RM1 892.44 2x8 = RM16 892.44 JOLVING PROBLEMS INVOLVING SIMPLE INTEREST AND COMPOUND INTEREST Question 1 Question 2 Encik Shah wants to save RM10 000 in fixed deposit account for 9 months. Below are the interest rates offered by a bank to Encik Shah Puan Emily saves ina bank. At the end of the Bight {eat her total saving is Ifthe bank pays an annual interest of 9% and compounded every 6 months. Find x, 1 months 3.0% 3 months 3.5% 6 months 3.75% 9 months 4,00% 12 months 4.25% Calculate the amount of interest Encik Shah will receive if he is saving for 9 months term Interest = Prt M10 000 x 0.04 x 9/12 M300 x, *VT.999271 = “IC ee x 1.04424 =1+ 2 “1 “1 2x 0.04424 = x2 x = 0.08848 xin % 0.08848 x 100 = Yo, @ K6:TO COMPARE & CONTRAST 3 TYPES OF INVESTMENT AND THEIR RETURNS ASPECT COMPANY SHARE Defination ‘© the buyer of share becomes ‘among of the company's owner UNIT TRUST ‘© to raise capital for the company |* Unit trusts pool the resources of | « investors into one large fund, which is then divided into share REAL ESTATE PROPERTY Real estate is immovable property i.e land and buildings (land, house, shop lot, office lot) investors themselves 1) Rent- received when the property is. rented 2) Capital Gain - when property is sold & the selling price is higher than the buying price Manage | « investors themselves © professional fund managers | ® by monitor by Securities Commission & Bank Negara Malaysia Retum | 1) Dividend - profits of company divided at the end of financial year to shareholders based on the quantity shares owned by shareholders. 2) Bonus Share - shares given for free to the existing shareholders 3) Capital Gain - when shares are sold & the selling price is higher than the buying price Formula | Dividend = Dividend Percentage x Shares Buying Value Bonus Share = Price per unit share x number of shares Keuntungan Modal = (Selling price per unit Share - Buying price per unit, Shares) x Number of Shares a) Rent b) Capital Gain = Selling Price - Payments (Deposit + total of bank loans + total cost incurred during the property's purchase) K7: CALCULATE THE RETURN ON SHARES AND UNIT TRUST RETURNS GIVEN LUMP SUM VALUE GIVEN PRICE PER UNIT ‘Ahmad bought 3000 unit of shares and | Puan Siti invested in a company 000 unit of shares received a dividend of RM600 after a | worth per unit. After a year the company DIVIDEND year. declared a dividend of |5%, Dividen = RM600 Dividen = 5/100 x RM2 x 81000 = RM300 In the consequent year the company | In the consequent year the company issues a bonus at BONUS __| declared bonus share to the shareholder, Puan Siti will receive SHARE Ahmad received bonus worth of RM1500 | Number of Bonus Share 1500 Bonus Share = RM1500 Syer Bonus = RM2 x 500 . After a year, Puan Siti sold all her shares for RM2I20 capita, Later Ahmad sold all ofhis share and per unit, How much is Puan Sts capital gain? received a capital gain of RM 900 GAIN 8 Capital Gain = (RMD - RIM2I00) x 500 Capital Gain = RM900 = RM900 K8: APPLICATION OF RETURN ON INVESTMENT FORMULA. Portfolio Total Retum Return On Investment Saving Account & Fixed Deposit Account Total of Interest Received (simple interest and/or compound interest) Shares and Unit Trust Capital Gain received Total of Dividen, Bonus Share and Total return = Real Estate Property Total of Rents and Capital Gain Value of ini \vestment Combination Of Savings and Investments Total of all the above Return On Investments (ROI) 1. To calculate the profit or loss of investments. 2. To find the highest return among investments. K9: MENGAPLIKASI NILAI PULANGAN PELABURAN (ROI) Nilai Pulangan Pelaburan (ROI) Hartanah Encik Hussein bought a house on 1 January 2015 in Cheras at EMBOONGTG and cleared 10% down payment of RM30 000. Encik Hussein sold the house at a price of after having owned ‘the house for 20 years. The loan amount amortised to the bank was M475 000. During that period, he managed to earn a rent of RM6O ‘000. Other expenses incurred are as follows: Stamp Duty during sale & purchase RM4000 Agent's commission Legal Cost during sale & purchase RM4000 Solution: Return on investment ent + Capital gain MBO 000 + RM30 000 - RM475 000 - RM4000 fein M145 000 ROI = RM145 000 x 100% = 48.33% Kl SUYING SHARES USING COs BUYING SHARES AT LUMP SUM VS USING COST AVERAGING STRATEGY Miss Lee buys shares of Syarikat Pelta in lump sum at the cost of RM2.00 per unit. Mrs Esther Wong on the other hand also has RM20. buy the shares in common installments within fews months. Ms Lee shares buying Number of Shares = RM20 000 + RM2 = 10 000 unit shares Kos purata seunit saham = RM2 Nilai Pulangan Pelaburan (ROI) Mr Navin deposited RM200 000 into a savings account with an interest rate of 1% per annum. The balance RM200 000 is kept in a fixed deposit account at 4% interest rate per annum, Total Return = Savings Interest + Fixed Deposit Interest = (RM200 000 x 1/100 x 1) + (RM200 00 x 4/100 x 1) = RM2 000 + RM8 000 = RM10 000 ROI = RM10.000 x 100% = 2.5% RM400 000 Use of RO! 1. Both investments are wise investments/proftable 2. Which investment gives a higher return? Encik Hussein investments gives a higher retum in ‘comparison to Mr. Navin at 48.33% ST AVERAGING STRATECIY®#*

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