Child and Adolescent Devt. and Facilitating Learning

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1. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examine ID/ Answer Sheet Set.
2. Write the subject title “PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION” on the box provided.
3. Shade Set Box “A” on your answer sheet if your test booklet is Set A; Box “B” if your test booklet is
Set B.

1. According to Erikson, identity and role confusion occurs during

A. Elementary years C. College years
B. High school years D. Pre school years

2. According to Jerome Bruner, learning is a simultaneous process of acquisition, transformation and

A. Evaluation C. Metacognition
B. Question D. Education

3. Who among the following developed the Social Learning Theory?

A. Bandura C. Bruner
B. Kohlberg D. Skinner

4. When a teacher present a morally ambiguous situation to his students and ask them what to do, the
teacher’s technique is based on the theory of
A. Bandura C. Kohlberg
Child and Adolescent Development/ Facilitating Learning
5. According to Maslow, the highest of the need in the Hierarchy of Needs theory is
A. Psychological need C. Belongingness
B. Self Actualization D. Safety

6. Based on Freud’s theory, which operates when a person is in the height of anger?
A. Ego C. Id and ego
B. Superego D. Id

7. Operant Conditioning can be applied to classroom by

A. Connecting facts and conccepts C. Using reinforcement
B. Fostering conducive learning environment D. Using manipulative devices

8. “Women should not study since they will be marrying soon”. If a father tells his daughter this, can we
consider his premise morally right?
A. Depends on the family’s social status
B. yes, women are mean for the home
C. No, women can perform just like men
D. No, there is a gender equality in education

9. In Piaget’s Concrete Operational Stage, teacher Maritel should provide

A. activities for hypothesis formulation
B. learning activities can involves problems of classification and order
C. activities for evaluation process
D. stimulating environment with ample objects to play with

Balud Municipal College Intensive Review for September 2018 Licensure Examination for Teachers
(Reference: MindGym Review Center)
10. A student is finding it hard to read. When the guidance counselor traced the child’s history, the
counselor was able to find out that the student came from a dysfunctional family, aside from that, the child
was abused and neglected. What could have caused the student’s reading disability.
A. Emotional factors C. Neurological factors
B. Poor teaching D. Immaturity

11. A child was punished for cheating an exam. For sure the child wont cheat again in short span of time,
but this does not guarantee that the child won’t cheat ever again based on Thorndike’s theory on
punishment and learning, this shows that _____.
A. Punishment strengthens a response
B. Punishment removes response
C. Punishment doesn’t remove a response
D. Punishment weakens a response

12. Laughing at a two-year-old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in this
stage of the child’s life, the child is __________.
A. Considering the views of others C. Socializing
B. Distinguishing sex differences D. Distinguishing right from wrong

13. According to Sigmund Freud, the main purpose of Psychoanalytic Theory, the superego is mainly
concerned with.
A. The resolution of conflict within the self
B. The finding of greater satisfaction
C. The idea of right and wrong
D. The development of a healthy psyche
Child and Adolescent Development/ Facilitating Learning
14. Modelling is a teaching activity rooted on __________ learning theory.
A. Bandura C. Thorndike
B. Skinner D. Bruner

15. Teacher Marissa would like to employ Operant Conditioning on her students to increase the
probabilities of greater participation during discussion. It is highly possible that teacher Marissa will
A. Put more emphasis on sharing and consistently guide them to new ideas.
B. Allow them to think about thinking
C. Give a star token to those who will participate
D. Let them exercise metacognitive approaches to better understand the topic.

16. One of the traits of many students is putting more emphasis on “porma” over substance. This is likely
to be shown when
A. A written was submitted by a student with shabby cover but comprehensive content
B. A written report was submitted by a student using “perfume” stationary but poor content
C. A written report was submitted by a student two days ahead of time
D. A written report was submitted by a student two days late.

17. Providing a variety of learning activities to students is a characteristic of a teacher who understand the
principle of
A. Reward as a potential means of increasing the participation
B. Proactive teaching as a modern technique of teaching
C. Facilitating learning with emphasis on individual differences
D. Allowing the student to be exposed to various teaching techniques

Balud Municipal College Intensive Review for September 2018 Licensure Examination for Teachers
(Reference: MindGym Review Center)
18. The best example of Operant Conditioning among the following is
A. Connecting facts and concepts
B. Fostering conducive learning environment
C. Using reinforcement
D. Using manipulative devices

19. A child receives a STAR STAMP after correctly completing his task. The child always tries to complete
all tasks correctly for him to have a stamp once again. What is being shown in the situation?
A. Associative learning C. Operant conditioning
B. Classical conditioning D. Pavlovian conditioning

20. A child submitted a poor written report but packaged with brightly colored paper cover. This
showcases __________.
A. Art over academics C. Art over science
B. Substance over “porma” D. “porma” over substance

21. He is considered as the first special education student.

A. Victor of Aveyron C. The hunchback of Sparta
B. Tarzan of the jungle D. The court jester

22. The father of Modern Psychology

A. Carl Jung C. Sigmund Freud
B. Aristotle D. Alfred BInet

23. He postulated that man’s psche is composed of animus and the anima.
A. Karen Horney Child and Adolescent Development/
C. William James Facilitating Learning
B. Carl Jung D. Cattell

24. He pioneered in NON-DIRECTIVE Counseling.

A. Thomas Gordon C. Carl Rogers
B. Erik Erikson D. Rousseau

25. This educators proposed 3 modes of representation, enactive, iconic and symbolic.
A. Bandura C. Kounin
B. Kohler D. Bruner

26. The premier behaviorist once sais: Give me a dozen of healthy infants, well-formed, and my owned
specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become
any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and yes, even beggar-man and
thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and race of his ancestors.”
A. Bandura C. Rogers
B. Watson D. Erikson

27. His best contribution to the world of education is the 3 laws (law of effect, law of readiness and law of
A. Rousseau C. Thorndike
B. Pavlov D. Bandura

Balud Municipal College Intensive Review for September 2018 Licensure Examination for Teachers
(Reference: MindGym Review Center)
28. The teachers’ widely accepted view of giving rewards to the students is the legacy of.
A. Dewey C. Thorndike
B. Pavlov D. Bandura

29. He believes that learning is based on Adhesive principle.

A. Dewey C. Kohler
B. Pavlov D. Koffka
30. One of main proponent of Gestalt and who believes that the whole is more important than the sum of
all its parts.
A. Bruner C. Wertheimer
B. Thorndike D. Lewin

31. “The child learn from what he sees in the environment” is the main thesis of this famous educational
A. Skinner C. Bandura
B. Locke D. Koffka

32. According to this theorist, our behavior at a particular time is a product of the interaction of two factors,
internal and external forces.
A. Lewin C. Locke
B. Wertheimer D. Jung

33. According to this developmental psychologist, children’s thinking skills move from simplicity to
A. Bandura C. Piaget
B. Thorndike D. Freud
Child and Adolescent Development/ Facilitating Learning
34. The inventor of the first usable intelligence test.
A. Freud C. Skinner
B. Piaget D. BInet

35. This particular theorist believes that the mind is blank at birth.
A. Allport C. Locke
B. Skinner D. Binet

36. He is generally considered as the father of modern education.

A. Collins C. Aristotle
B. Comenius D. Hagel

37. Kindergaten movement is the legacy of this man who is considered “Father of Kindergarten”.
A. Pestalozzi C. Montessori
B. Froebel D. Collins

38. He once said; “ education is not a preparation for life… it is life”.

A. Montesorri C. Havighurst
B. Dewey D. Skinner

39. He proposed that every child is born with a unique potential, his individuality, but that this potential
remained unfulfilled until it was analyzed and transformed by education.

Balud Municipal College Intensive Review for September 2018 Licensure Examination for Teachers
(Reference: MindGym Review Center)
A. Lewin C. Herbart
B. Kohler D. Havighurst

40. He pioneered in coming up with a list of developmental task as individual pass through the
developmental stages.
A. Havighurst C. Anastasia
B. Hurlock D. Herbart

41. This educator is famous for applying classical education to improvised children of Chicago Illonois.
A. Collins C. Froebel
B. Montessori D. Piaget

42. This educator opposes the traditional notion that students are empty vessels. He call this traditional
technique as banking system
A. Herbart C. Freire
B. Locke D. Rousseau

43. He pioneered in the study of language acquisition of children.

A. Rousseau C. Chomsky
B. Freire D. Locke

44. He introduced the notion of zone of proximal development and “scaffolding”.

A. Vygotsky C. Chomsky
B. Tyler D. Rubenstein
45. This condition is also known as trisomy 21.
A. Turner Syndrome
C. Down Syndrome
B. Patau Syndrome Child and Adolescent Development/ Facilitating Learning
D. Autism

46. This condition is characterized by poor spelling and pervasive difficulty in reading.
A. Mental retardation C. Savant
B. Autism D. Dyslexia

47. Certain injury to the language area of the brain can cause the total loss of the ability to produce and
/or understand language, this condition is known as.
A. Mutism C. Aspergers
B. Aphasia D. Dyslexia

48. ____________ is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and
communication and by restricted and repetitive behavior.
A. Mental retardation C. ADHD
B. Autism D. Physical disabilities

49. _______________ refers to quantitative changes in an individual as he progresses in chronological

A. Development C. Cephalocaudal
B. Growth D. Proximodistal

50. _______________ refers to progressive series of changes of an orderly coherent type leading to the
individual’s maturation.
A. Development C. Cephalocaudal
B. Growth D. Proximodistal

Balud Municipal College Intensive Review for September 2018 Licensure Examination for Teachers
(Reference: MindGym Review Center)
Key to Correction

1B 2A 3A 4C 5B 6D 7C 8D 9A 10A 11D 12D 13C 14A 15C 16B 17C 18C 19C 20D

21A 22C 23B 24C 25D 26B 27C 28D 29D 30C 31C 32A 33D 34D 35C 36B 37B 38B 39C 40A

41A 42C 43C 44A 45C 46D 47B 48B 49B 50A

Child and Adolescent Development/ Facilitating Learning

Balud Municipal College Intensive Review for September 2018 Licensure Examination for Teachers
(Reference: MindGym Review Center)

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