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Problem: Sexes are alike

Secondary Sex Organs: meant for reproduction

- Penis appears as clitoris on woman

o Science sees a norm of bisexuality here

Masculine and female qualities as mental

- Follows only from anatomy and convention

- Masculine: active and female: passive
o Sperm vs. ovaries
 Male seizes woman and she submits
- Mother, however, active with children

“the repression of their aggressiveness which is imposed upon women by the constitution and by society,
favors the development of masochistic impulses, which have the effect of binding erotically the
destructive tendencies which have been turned inwards. Masochism is truly feminine”.

Naturally, from birth, less aggressive, defiant and self-sufficient

-need for affection  docile dependent

- more intelligent: more ready to meet the world half-way

Phallic Phase: boy and girl both play with penis or clit

Women must learn to make vagina sensitive

Both love mother from birth

Mom and Dad
During a girls attachment to mom, father is rival

Female patients all said had been seduced by father

Fantasies  hysteria

Mother is the first to seduce the girl by giving her what she needs

- “girls don’t like boys girls like cars and money”

Change from mom to dad is hard

- Hatred toward mother tries to find complaints for her

o Mother forbids clitoral
o Girl holds mother responsible for lack for penis

Female Castration
When she sees her first penis

Feels clitoris is at disadvantage

- Goes against passive instincts and rebels  career (Sublimation)

End of Phallic Sexuality

Wounded in self-love vs. male penis

- Represses sexual impulses

- Gradually sees castration in all women
- Devalues herself passive upper hand

“ The wish with which the girl turns to her father, is, no doubt, ultimately the wish for the penis, which
her mother has refused her and which she now expects from her father”.

- Feminine situation fixed when women replaces wish for penis with child

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