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Solid State Phenomena Submitted: 2017-04-03

ISSN: 1662-9779, Vol. 261, pp 259-266 Revised: 2017-04-25

doi:10.4028/ Accepted: 2017-04-25
© 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Online: 2017-08-21

Stress Analysis of the Rotating Circular Saw Blade

BÍLEK Ondřej1,a* and KOVAŘÍK Martin1,b
Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Department of Production Engineering, Czech Republic

Keywords: Circular Saw Blades, Stress Analysis, Numerical Calculation, FEM.

Abstract. The article deals with the determination of parameters of longitudinal wood cutting by
circular saw blade and construction of the cutting tool. A computational model was chosen to
determine stress of the rotating circular saw blade. Stress analysis revealed that maximal stress
caused by the temperature gradient was approximately ten times higher than the maximum stress
extrapolated from centrifugal forces. In this work were determined the critical speed of the circular
saw blade and the power needed to spin. The contribution of this work is the algorithm of the power
required for longitudinal wood cutting wood by a circular saw blade, which allows optimal machine
tool proposal. Moreover, the calculated state of stress is compared to the FEM model.

Wood is one of the oldest human natural materials used for construction. Characteristic of the
wood is its inhomogeneity and anisotropy. Wood anisotropy is manifested when changes in
dimensions due to moisture and a temperature exposure and in particular during the mechanical
stress. For wood in general, elasticity and tensile stress in the fibers direction is several times higher
than in the direction perpendicular to the fibers.
Saw cutting is the most common type of woodworking. It is used to split the workpiece into
smaller parts, or to manufacture to the desired shape. Cutting with circular saw blade is the most
widespread method for machining of all type of woods. Various constructions of saw blade allow
cutting in all directions of the wood fibers. The tooth of the saw blade moves with a constant cutting
speed in a circular path. When cutting the rotation of the blade merges with the linear motion of the
workpiece so that the cutting path in the workpiece forms a cycloid. Cutting speed is, however, in
comparison with the linear motion much higher, thus the cutting path in the workpiece can be
considered an arc without committing an error. [1, 3-6]
The working parts of the tool are chosen based on the ability of the cutting edge to easily enter
the material (low cutting resistance) in order to properly form and easily drain the waste chip,
prolong the durability of the cutting edge and prevent it from warming up. Requirements for
woodworking circular saw blades can be summarized [10, 17] as:
 Workpiece quality (shape, dimension and surface accuracy),
 High productivity,
 Safety at work with cutting tool,
 The dimensional stability of the cutting edge profile (edge durability), chemical durability,
 Simplicity of cutting tool production (elimination of manual labor) and simplicity of design
of the tool suitable for the machining of complex profiles in wood,
 Easy maintenance of the cutting tool, easy removal and installation,
 Tool life,
 Favorable price.
If there are no increased demands the tools can be made out of carbon steel or low alloy steel. For
machining chipboards and pressed wood fiberboards (and other agglomerated materials) are used
tools with cutting edges formed by blade inserts made out of sintered carbide [8, 16].

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260 Precision Machining IX

The saw blade is a body whose one dimension - thickness - is negligible compared to the
remaining two. Therefore, it is possible to neglect compounds of stress along the normal to the
middle plane of the blade and to assume that the state of stress of the saw blade is only biaxial.
When the saw blade rotates radial σr and circumferential σφ tension is generated [15]. Each element
of the blade is in a state of biaxial stress. Such state of stress is indicated as a planar state of stress
(two-axis, membrane). Stresses are caused by centrifugal force and affected by the temperature
gradient as well. Producing of wood chip and friction of the tools and workpiece generate heat, most
of which is removed through the chips, the workpiece and the air; however, the remaining heat
causes the blade to heat up.
During the rotation of the blade the resonance occurs at certain revolutions. Blade oscillates in a
certain dynamic resonant frequency, which is in fact higher than the frequency of revolutions per
unit time. Trembling occurs when the blade is turning along its circumference in two opposite
directions, similarly to static vibration [13, 14]. If the speed of wave running backward equals the
speed of rotation of the blade, the blade becomes unstable and can be deflected even by a minor
force. The cutting is impossible and a risk of disruption of the blade occurs. Therefore, the speed of
back running waves is called critical speed and the revolutions at this moment are labelled as critical
This article is an initial analysis using known mathematical apparatus for the design of safe
rotating circular saw blade, which is also exposed to thermal stress due to the cutting process. The
primary purpose is to compare the results to FEM model [2, 9, 16] and establish the degree of

Determination of Parameters and Design of the Saw Blade

The required parameter for longitudinal cutting is the cutting height of machined material, in this
case, h = 40 mm. A saw blade for cutting medium hard wood with manual feed to the place of
incision is needed. For minimum overlap of p = 10 mm after substituting we obtain the minimum
blade diameter Dmin = 180 mm and it is also the final diameter of the blade. On the base of the outer
diameter the thickness of the blade is calculated s = 1.5 mm. Moreover, diameter of the clamping
flange of Dp = 70 mm is selected. Furthermore, wolf toothing profile is applied, suitable for
longitudinal cutting with the tooth geometry: α = 15°, β = 40°, γ = 35°. Peened teeth are selected.
Taking into account the necessary rigidity of the tooth due to the strain it is exposed to going in
vertical direction towards the plane of the saw blade, the number of teeth z = 30 and the tooth pitch
t = 18.85 mm are selected. These and the other parameters of the tooth are shown in the following
Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Profile and geometry of the saw blade teeth

Solid State Phenomena Vol. 261 261

With increasing cutting speed, the cutting forces are increased, blunting of cutting edge is faster
and level of noise is elevated. By increasing the cutting speed the saw blade reaches the lowest
critical revolutions, note: this fact is particularly important in case of thin saw blades. In case of
circular saws blade with manual feed to the incision the cutting speed of interval (35-45) [m·s-1]
shall be selected. The established medium value of 40 m/s corresponds to the blade revolutions
n = 4200 min-1. When cutting medium hard wood lengthwise the feed to incision of maximum
fz = 0.5 mm is recommended.
In case of transverse cutting of soft wood feed to incision in the range fz = 0.075 – 0.1 mm is
recommended, for medium hard are the values of fz halved. With the increasing feed to incision the
surface roughness and cutting forces are increased. With increasing hardness of the wood smaller
feed to incision is chosen. With regard to the high quality of cutting surface and considering the
inhomogeneity and anisotropy of wood feed to incision fz = 0.05 mm is selected, corresponding to
the feed speed vf = 0.105 m/s. [7, 11]

Fig. 2 The method of chip separation by saw blade

The cutting edge of the saw blade takes the chip already at the beginning of the stroke with a
certain minimum thickness amin. Chip at the end of stroke has maximum thickness amax and the
medium thickness of the chip is then as. With the help of trigonometric relations in Figure 2 it is
possible to determine not only these parameters but also the tooth contact angles φ1, φ2 together with
their medium value. These values equal to: φ1 ≅ 27˚ 15' 58", φ2 ≅ 63˚ 36' 44", φS ≅ 45˚ 26' 21";
amin ≅ 0.023 mm, amax ≅ 0.045 mm, as ≅ 0.036 mm.
The central angle φ (angle of the length of the stroke), which is responsible for the chip length l
is determined by the difference of angles φ2 - φ1.The chip length l = 57.1 mm and the number of
teeth in the stroke is according to recommendation zz = 3. From the nomograms [11] and from
calculation it is possible to obtain, in the case of oak wood, the value of specific cutting resistance
km = 274.79 N/mm2. This value is an important factor to determine the cutting power P [W]
required for cutting. According to equation (1):

P  K m bhv f [W]. (1)

Cutting power P is for the saw blade after rounding P = 3000 W and the cutting force Fc = 76 N.
In the following calculations the full blade of constant thickness without teeth is taken into account.
Critical revolutions of a saw blade are nkrit = 6120 min-1, therefore the chosen solution for
revolutions n = 4200 min-1 is suitable.
262 Precision Machining IX

Determination of State of Stress Caused by Centrifugal Force

To determine the state of stress of the saw blade a computational model of the rotating blade is
selected, where the theory of rotating thin blades is applied. We assume that the state of stress of the
blade is only biaxial. In the calculation we consider a blade of constant thickness without toothing,
with outer diameter Dk = 2Rk [m] and a hole diameter dk = 2rk [m]. We assume that the blade rotates
at a constant angular velocity ω [rad·s-1]. Start time, stop time and revolution changes during the
operation are neglected. Similarly acting cutting forces are neglected. For homogeneous and
isotropic steel blade we consider the density ρ = 7 850 kg·m-3 modulus of elasticity E =
210000 MPa, and Poisson's ratio ν = 0.3 [4].

The saw blade element rotating with constant angular velocity ω [rad·s-1] is affected by elementary
centrifugal force that has after modification the mathematical form:

dFo  r 2d d rs 2 . (2)

The equation of equilibrium of forces affecting the element in the radial direction is:

( r  d r )s(r  dr )d   r srd   r 2d drs 2    sdrd  0 . (3)

Deformations of element are described by Cauchy geometric-deformation equations expressing

the dependence between relative extensions in the radial and circumferential direction and the feed
u = u (r) in the radial direction. Using Hooke's law we get physical equations expressing the
relations between the state of stress and deformation. After substitution were received general
relations for the state of stress:

1 3 
 r  C1  C2 2
  2r 2 ,
r 8

1 1  3
   C1  C2 2
  2r 2 . (4)
r 8

Integration constants C1 a C2 can be determined from the given extreme conditions. In the case of
blade of an outer radius Rk with a circular hole of radius rk in the middle of the blade we obtain the
integration constant from the extreme conditions on the inner and outer radius. If these are not
burdened with any load, we get the extreme conditions (σr)r=rk = 0, (σr)r=Rk = 0 which later lead to
determining the following:

3  3 
C1  2 ( Rk 2  rk 2 ), C2   2 Rk 2rk 2 . (5)
8 8

Maximal radial stress σr is to be found in r = √rkRk. Maximal circumferential stress σφ is in r = rk.

Solid State Phenomena Vol. 261 263

Fig. 3 State of stress of rotating blade caused by centrifugal forces

Determination of the State of Stress Caused by Temperature

The temperature distribution is assumed axisymmetric and T = T (r). Also, we assume constant
(temperature independent) value of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion αT [K-1]. Other
parameters are: Temperature of the blade on the inner circumference trk = 20 °C, temperature of the
blade on the outer circumference tRk = 60 °C the temperature rise of the blade material dT = 40 ℃.
For steel blade we consider linear thermal expansion coefficient αT = 12·10-6 K-1 [4, 11].
Cauchy geometric-deformation [12] equation expands with a member representing the deformation
caused by temperature changes. For the stress we receive general forms of equations:

1 2 1  r 
 rT  C3  C  C 1  2 ln
2 
r 2 4
2 5
rk  rk 

1 2 1  r 
 T  C3 2
 C4 2  C5 2  3  2 ln .
 (6)
r rk rk  rk 

Integration constants C3, C4 and C5 are derived from the given extreme conditions. In the case of
blade of an outer radius Rk with a circular hole of radius rk in the middle of the blade we obtain the
integration constant from the extreme conditions on the inner and outer radius. If these are not
burdened with any load, we get the extreme conditions (σrT)r=rk = 0, (σrT)r=Rk = 0, which lead to the
conclusion that

T ETi rk 2 Rk 2 Rk  ET r 2
 R  2 
C3   , C4   T 2 i k 2 1  2 ln k  Rk  rk 2  ,

2 Rk  rk
2 2
 ln
rk 
8 Rk  rk   rk 
 

 T ETi rk 2
C5   . (7)
Maximal radial stress σrT is in r ≅ 0.029 m, where σrT (0.029) ≅ 28 MPa.
Minimal circumference stress σφT is in r ≅ 0.0434 m, where σφT (0.029) ≅ 0 MPa.
264 Precision Machining IX

Fig. 4 Thermal state of stress of the blade

The Overall State of Stress of the Rotating Blade

The overall state of stress of the rotating blade after warming can be determined by the simple
sum of the thermal state of stress caused by temperature gradient and the state of stress caused by
centrifugal forces.
Maximal stress is in the inner circuit in r = rk. Since only external stress components σφ(rk) and
σφT(rk) are active here, we talk about the uniaxial state of stress. The resultant stress σv(rk) may be
obtained by a simple sum of both circumference stress elements. The saw blade is from steel
1.2003, where we consider the yield strength σKt = 700 MPa.

Fig. 5 The overall state of stress of the rotating blade

Comparative FEM Model of Rotating Blade

To determine the state of stress of the saw blade a computational model of rotating blade was
selected, complemented by a temperature gradient effect. For the calculation solver NX Nastran was
used with the same input parameters as in the calculation part. Using the analysis of the state of
stress we revealed that maximum stress caused by the temperature gradient is approximately ten
times bigger than the maximum stress caused by centrifugal forces. These maximal stresses are
circumferential and they operate on the inner circuit of the blade. Therefore, thermal state of stress
of the saw blade cannot be neglected due to its dominance over the state of stress caused by
centrifugal forces.
From the result presented in Fig. 6 it is possible to observe the high conformity with the
mathematical calculation.
Solid State Phenomena Vol. 261 265

Fig. 6 The overall state of stress through FEM

The purpose of this work was to optimize the design of saw blades and their safe construction.
The parameters of the saw blade necessary for its construction were determined including the power
required for cutting. Moreover, the critical revolutions were determined to avoid disruption of the
blade. Furthermore, the strength of the saw blade was controlled.
It has been revealed that the thermal state of stress of the saw blade cannot be neglected due to its
dominance over the state of stress caused by centrifugal forces.

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