GPA Calculation Exemption

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In Compliance with Deans Councils Decision No. 89 (16/4/2020) for Fall 2020 GPA calculation for any
Passed course , I would like to exempt the following Courses from my GPA calculation.

Student Name: Omar Alshbli Program: Technical Degree, Architecture

Student ID: 18220022 Date: 7/3/2021

Student Signature: Cumulative GPA: 3.03

(Student , Fill Correctly the below information, if more than 4 courses fill another form)

Course Name 1 : Functional Physics Course Name 2 : __________________

Course Code 1 : 30303112 Course Code 2 : ___________________

Course Name 3 : __________________ Course Name 4 : __________________

Course Code 3 : ___________________ Course Code 4 : ___________________

Registration Employee on Name: Implementation Date :



Student Declaration

It is to the best of my knowledge that ONLY within One Week, of publishing the grades I can
request the Exemption of a passed course grade from my GPA

Student Signature: Date: 7/3/2021

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