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Presented by: Marcos McDonald, 9th Grade

Mars Community - Humanities Perspective
I want my community to be:

● Happy
● Habitable
● Modern

Mars Art Piece

Brainstorm Mars Essay Final Draft
Mars Community - Physics Perspective

Coding arduinos and coding for Designing Mars Community

the future

Planning full mission to Mars

In this photo, we are all coding our This is also a part of the many slides
arduinos and trying to get the where we planned our imaginary
same outcome as a team. This is a part of the many Mars Community
documents where we planned
our imaginary Mars mission
Humanities - Celebration
I am celebrating this because:

● I was very proud of the finished product

● It took a long time for me to finish it
● It was on a very interesting topic, Mars

Mars Community Essay

Humanities - Struggle and Change Idea

● One of my biggest struggles in Humanities this semester was not being able to focus in class.

● To change this, in the future I will try to pay more attention to the teacher as well as the subject on
Physics - Celebration
I am celebrating this because:

● It is a very long project we have been working on

● We will continue to fill it out for the rest of High School Portfolio
● It compiles all of our big physics units and summarizes them (Physics)
Physics - Struggle and Change Idea

● A big struggle of mine in Physics class this semester was not doing a lot of communicating with
classmates when I needed help.

● I will change this next year by communicating with fellow students to be able to receive or give help
to those who need it.
Math - Celebration
I am celebrating this because:

● It taught us how to read credit card

● Helped me understand how credit card
statements work
● This information is very important and
essential for the future

Credit Card Statement Assignment

Math - Struggle and Change Idea

● In Math class this semester, I was struggling a lot with trigonometry

● I will try to change this by trying to learn a bit more about trigonometry using sources like Khan
Academy or YouTube
Team Q & A Self-Reflection
During our Team Q and A:

● I got to know more people

● I was helped and was able to help people
● I had a lot of fun during our Team Q & A
New School Year Resolution

My New School Year Resolution is not just going to be me

getting good grades, but I want to try and start learning more

What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be

good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the
world and learning.

-Chuck Grassley
Questions and Thank You!

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