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[VOLUME 3 I ISSUE 2 I APRIL – JUNE 2016] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138

http://ijrar.com/ IJRAR Impact Factor 3.215

Treatment of Love, Marriage and Family in the Select Novels of

R. K. Narayan: A Brief Analysis
K. Mohan
Ph. D. Scholar
Department of English & Comparative Literature,
Madurai Kamaraj University,
MADURAI-21 (T.N)-India.

Received April 23, 2016 Accepted May 12, 2016

ABSTRACT This paper explores the vast corpus of R.K.Narayan’s writings and his treatment of
love, marriage and family. His novels are characterized by simplicity and gentle humour. His fiction
forms a wide canvas with a multi – faceted projection of marriage as the focal point of life. This article
aims at portraying Narayan’s treatment of love with it’s beauty and sordidness of human nature and
behavior and has delved deep into the psyche of man-woman relationship.

Key words: treatement of love.

R.K.Narayana, popularly known as the novelist of pattern of life, encompassing human relationship
Malgudi, having preserved the identity of his of various shades-romantic, marital, paternal, and
fictional world both in body and spirit, has fraternal and so on-provides the canvas of this
acquired over the years a Universal character in world. “The family is the immediate context in
over half a century of creative writing. The which his sensibility operates, and his novels are
essential quality of Narayan’s portrayal of life is remarkable for the subtlety and conviction with
Indian and he rarely exploits topicality or which family relationships are treated-that of son
contemporaneity as a thematic plank. His vision of and parents and brother in The Bachelor of Arts,
life is essentially comic-ironic, generally free from of husband and wife, father and daughter in The
satirical comment of moral attitude in life. His English Teacher, of father and son in The
contribution to Indian literature is purely Financial Expert and of grandmother and
indigenous. The vast corpus of his writings is grandson in Waiting for the Mahatma” (Walsh
nothing but a testimony to his Indian sensibility 54) To this may be added-of father and son, again,
deeply anchored in age-old traditions and still in The Vendor of Sweets and aunt and nephew in
responsive to current compulsive influences. He is The Painter of Signs. He rarely attempted am
fully aware of the limitations of the range of his ambitious theme on a large canvas. For example,
portrayal of life, but “content like Jane Austen, Waiting for the Mahatma may be described as a
with his little bit of ivory, just so many inches Gandhian novel thematically, but have also
wide” (Iyengar 360). Portrayal of all roots of life Narayan’s focus is on the love-story of Sriram and
and family is considered by him as an essential Bharati, a youthful pair.
condition of good writing. He says, “To be a good
Narayan’s portrayal of life, though circumscribed
writer anywhere, you must have roots-both in
physically, acquires an element of universality
religion and family I have three things, I am
mainly on account of its inherent philosophical
rooted to the right triangle of Madras, Mysore and
profundity of vision. It is all-embracing and
Coimbatore, none of them much more than a
positive with no room for negation or rejection of
couple of hundred miles distant from the
life. “Narayan’s greatest charm lies in making
Malgudi and its people and their values real for
Narayan’s novels are characterized by Chekhovian us…..Narayan is neither a social pathologist nor a
simplicity and gentle humour. He told stories of social reformer. He accepts life in totality”
simple folks trying to live their simple lives in a (Mukherjee 87). The middle class family life is the
changing world. The characters in his novels are focal of his projection. Within this framework, he
very ordinary, down-to-earth Indians trying to further narrows down to concentrate on the
blend tradition with modernism. A variegated themes of love and marriage. From his first ‘adult’
Research Paper IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 43
[ VOLUME 3 I ISSUE 2 I APRIL – JUNE 2016] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138

novel namely The Bachelor of Arts to the latest, Though R.K.Narayan has taken up for treatment a
it has remained the main thematic plank. The diversity of themes, love and marriage are said to
Bachelor of Arts, The Dark Room, The English be undeniably the two most prominent and
Teacher, Mr.Sampath, The Financial Expert, recurrent themes projected in his fiction. The
Waiting for the Mahatma, The Guide, The Man- theme essentially dealt with in The Bachelor of
Eater of Malgudi, The Vendor of Sweets and Arts is nothing but the romantic illusions of youth
The Painter of Signs-all form a panoramic and their persistence in spite of lessons learned
cacalcade of projections of these perennially vital from hard experience of life. The protagonist here
themes on a fictional canvas. is Chandran, a young man “in his last year of
No doubt, Narayan’s treatment of love and college and his first year of freedom” (Bachelor of
marriage has various hues and shades-bright and Arts) Chandran’s whole being is almost consumed
dark, sparkling and somber. It has the ardour of by the youthful frenzy of the passion of love. In
infatuation and the euphoria of the illusion of love, fact, it is not love but the passion of being in love,
the passionate frenzy of a youthful yearning heart its illusion, that overwhelms him. The theme of
and the intensity of married love. Chandran, love acquies some new colouring because of
Krishnan, Ravi, Sriram, Raju and Raman are all Narayan’s treatment of it in its youthful rainbow
lovers in their characteristically individual ways. colours. Chandran’s imagination turns his
Raju’s love for Rosie passes through the entire illusions increasingly colourful. He begings to
gamut of this most primal of instincts and urges. It imagine the mental working of Malathi and seek
begins with a consuming passion for the body, the inner recesses of her mind. “He had every
grows into an overpowering possessiveness, and reason to believe that the girl had told her parents
finally dissolves in disillusionment. Krishnan’s she would marry Chandran and no one else. But
love for his wife Susila is the most lyrical now could she know him or his name? Girls had a
treatment of the ecstasy and agony of love. The knack of learning these things by a sort of sixth
ecstasy of marital love terminates in the tragic sense. How splendid of her to speak out her mind
death of Susila. The cognate theme of marriage like this, brave girl” (79). Chandran’s love for
receives an equally elaborate treatment in Malathi is, in fact, a mad passion of falling in the
Narayan’s novels. From The Bachelor of Arts to delusion of love. Part-II of the novel further
The Painter of Signs, Narayan’s fiction forms a develops and intensifies the aura of infatuation
wide canvas with a multi-faceted projection of and illusion of love. The passion of love knows no
marriage as the focal point of family. Joys and barriers of reason and control. But in the case of
failure of marriage especially in the context of the Chandran, it is not so much the passion of love as
middle class Hindu family, receive apt treatment its illusion that constitutes the thematic
in his novels. While The Bachelor of Arts deals significance of this part of the novel. Love which in
with the romantic infatuation and euphoria of the beginning was an all-consuming passion turns
anticipated marital bliss, The Dark Room lays into a hollow unreality. Recapitulating his
focus on the dark side of marriage in the experience before his friend Mohan, he goes to the
traditional Indian perspective, which is a poignant extreme, “He then explained his new philosophy,
portrayal of gloom, despair and failure of which followed the devastating discovery that
marriage where Savitri, the protagonist, is love and friendship were the veriest illusion. He
projected as a silent suffering wife, almost an explained that people married because their
archetypal victim of male chauvinism. sexual appetite had to be satisfied and there must
be somebody to manage the house. There was
Waiting for the Mahatma is again redolent with nothing deeper than that in any man and woman
the fragrance of youthful romantic love. The relationship” (P 123). The girl Susila is divine with
Guide is a major work of Narayan’s fiction where all the charm, beauty and enchantment of irony in
the themes of love and marriage receive some a sweetly delectable.
unsual treatment. With all its ardour and passion, " For the rest of journy the music of the
the love-relationship of Raju and Rosie is morally word 'Susila' range in his ears. Susila, Susila
flawed as it carries the stigma of adultery and Susila. Her name, music, figure, face and
infidelity on the part of Rosie and that of everything about her was divine. Susila, Susila
seduction and temptation on Raju’s part. The Malathi, not a spot beside susila. it was a
married life of Rosie and Marco is a psychic study tongue twister; he wondered why people like
of incompatibility in marriage. It is R.K.N’s second that name" (The Bachelor of Arts 162)
elaborate and penetrative study of the failure of
marriage after The Dark Room. Chandran retuned "a new man, his mind full of
Susila, the sacred fire, of brilliant lights , music,
44 IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Research Paper
[VOLUME 3 I ISSUE 2 I APRIL – JUNE 2016] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138
http://ijrar.com/ IJRAR Impact Factor 3.215

gaiety adn laughter " (Greene IX). He remains a craving for novelty and excitment makes him
romantic day -dreamer, still lost in a word of make mentally compare his simple devoted wife with
- believe. He is able to imagine all qualities the glamorous Shanta Bai - " How well a simple
accomplishments and graces in Susila as he had voile sari sat on he why couldn't one's wife dress
done earlier in Malathi. Narayan treats the theme so attractively" (DR 72). The sensual charm of
of romantic love in romantic, almost mocking Shanta Bai is made more tempting by her
vain, it is free from any moral attitude. The coquettish mannerisms - "She tossed her head
portrayal is clear and objective . The theme of now and then, slightly pouted her lips, and raised
romantic love is not something new. Chendran in her brows" Narayana presents in Shanta Bai a
his passionate ardour of first love, may well be contrast to Savitri. While Savitri is a home -
taken up as a re- incarnation of an Orlando, a builder, Shanta Bai is a home -wrecker. She
Romeo or a Ferdinand. represents the butterfly type of women character
in his novels. This novel treats a serious moral
From the rainbow colours of romantic love to the
aberration in the marital unfidelity of the husband
somber shades of martial incompatibility is a
. This theme was again taken up by him in The
sorrowfull transition which Narayan's Novel The
Guide . But the situation there is different. Ramani
Dark Room Marks. This novel treats, in the
ha no moral, emotional or physical compulsions to
Indian perspective, the theme of martial
justify his extra - martial affair while Rosie in The
disharmony. From the world of romantic
Guide is almost pushed into it.
infatuation and illusion of youth in The Bachelor
of Arts Narayan delvs deep into the psyche of Savitri's act of leaving her home as a protest and
conjugal conflict and unhappiness." In The Dark rebellion against Ramani's male chauvinism
Room , Narayan tries to tell a serious tale of silent marks the center point of th enovel. However, the
suffering and temporary rebellion ending in typical Indianness of the situation characterizes
subject surrender ...The central theme here is Narayan's treatment of his protagonist . Savitri
evidently the plight of the traditional Hindu locks the fiber of Nora. Savitri ruminates, " One
wife..." (Naik 18). The novelist’s chief thematic definite thing in life is fear . Fear, from the cradle
concern in the novel relates to a realistic and to furneral pyre, and even beyond that, fear of
poignant portrayal of a traditional Hindu wifes torture in the otherworld. Afraid of a husband's
predicament . The discordant note of marital displeasures, and of the discomforts that might be
incompatibility is struck on the very first page of caused to him, morning to night and all night too"
the novel. Ramani, the bullying , domineering and (P116). Her long spell of introspection ends in a
unfeeling husband and father is responsible for sudden toppling into the sarayu. The concluding
vitiating the atmosphere of an otherwise happy, part of the novel begins wioth the rescue of Savitri
understanding and loving family. He is an by Mari, one of Narayanan's countless intresting
inveterate fault - finder and gambler. He finds minor characters. His wife Ponni provides another
fault with everything , including food in the home fact of married life. She has her technique of
- " Ramani was eccentric and lawless in his taste" handling an erring husband
Savitri, the ecentral character, finds herself "Keep the men under the rod, and they will
helplesss and powerless to do anything." There be alright. Show them that you care for them
were girls now a days who took charge of their and they will toe you up the treat you like
husbands the moment they were married; there a dog " (192)
was her own friend Gangu who has absolutely
Bidding her good bye, Ponni gives Savitri her last
tethered up her poorman" (The Dark Room 6).
piece of advice," Remember , men are good
Savitri is miserable as a wife but she finds her joy
creatures but you mist never give way to them. Be
as a mother of three cheerful and loving children -
firm adn they will behave " (P192). Savitri
two daughters Sumati and Kamala and a son Babu.
remains essentially a weak ordinary Indian
Through the character of Janamma, Narayan woman. Teh Characteristic Indianness of Savitri's
sketches the traditional uncomplaining Hindu surrender to her accepted destiny is a touch of
wife who accepts suffering as her destiny. With realism in Narayan's view of life. She finally
chapter five opens a new disquieting chapter in declares," I can't keep away from my children and
Savitri’s married life. The caddish and frivolous my home."
Ramani gets an opportunity for extra -matrial
Narayan regarded The Dark Room as “an early
thrills when a fashionable and coquettish woman
testament of the women's Lib' Movement " (P119)
Shanta Bai joins his office a probationer, His
and it was described as a major work of fiction for
Research Paper IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 45
[ VOLUME 3 I ISSUE 2 I APRIL – JUNE 2016] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138

the portrayal of the dark side of marriage. In the scope for courtship or premartial love in such a
words of C.D.Narasimhaiah, "One may without relationship. The novel does not provide amy
loss skip the interveing Dark Room" (P 143). elabrote or penetrative study of love and marriage
A.N.Kaul goes to the extent of describeing it as a in relation to theprotagonist and other characters.
'weak novel' this simply unfold story of age old Margayya's family life is centerd on his dreams
oppression of woman in the confines of marriage about the future of his son . Most of the interaction
is profound and poigant despite its short between wife and husband, whenever it occurs is
commings" (P64). As for th etheme of love and related to the mudane affairs of house-keeping or
marriae, Narayan's treatment in the novel The ubbringing of Balu , their only child. The novel
English Teacher is rather unmatched by any waiting for the Mahatma , though Gandhian in
other work of fiction. the texture of the novel is theme, has as its two main characters Sriram and
delicate and redolent with the fragrance of love. Bharati, a young pair of lovers. The novel has no
The uniqueness of his treatment of love and scope for treatment of marriage but the love
marriage here in this novel emanates mainly from between Sriram and Bharati makes for an
the delicate fusion of the passion and purity of engaging thematic intrest. Against the vast
weded love. Unlike Chandran, Krishnan is a background of the national struggle for freedom,
married youngman, father of a little girl. To him, with the Mahatma occupying the centerstage. The
love is not a physical appetitle or obsessive love story of Sriram and Bharati provides
passion. It has acquired serenity, beauty and moments of tenderness, romance,
tenderness of wedded love. The first hint of his disappointment, anguish and finally
married life is delicately suggested throough his consummation. The love story of Sriram and
wife's letter, " I knew the pale blue envelope from Bharati is developed in a low key but it has its
my wife , who was in the habit of underlining the moments of passion and sensuous charm. As a
anxious last the letter should go off to some othe story of two young lovers, it has redolence and
town" (The English Teacher 16) fervour," deliciously reminiscent of the jasmie -
filled days of conjugal bliss in Krishnan's life
The marital life of Krishnan and Susila is gradually
before death claimed Susila. Chandran's romantic
unfolded through countless little glimpse and
passion for Malathi the 'optical communion affair -
occurrences. The English Teaher is an unusual
also suggests itself for comparison" (Girla 137)
novel, particularly in its treatment of the theme ,of
without being explicit, the author suggests
love and marriage. It possesses shades of the
sensuality of a young female body. it prevents his
emotion of love. The early part is filled with its
concept of love from becoming abstract or
ecstasy, the middle with its agony and the last
platonic. In The Guide the kind of love developed
with its fulfilment . It is notable for its richness
and projected is adulterous in the conventional
and intensity, Inspite of its obvious note of
sense, yet it is invested with all the ardour and
improbability inthe second half of the novel, the
intensity of emotion . Moving on various planes,
English Teacher is Naryanan's most lyrical
Narayan's treatment of love and marriage in The
portrayal of love. Even the element of
Guide has an uncommon degree of complexity.
improbability is made acceptable by the sheer
intensity of feeling, " Whether Narayan is actually The twin theme of love and marriage is
putting down his personal experience under a thin introduced here. The theme of marital
disguise, or all this is a mere invention, there is an incompatibility is effectively developed through
artistic coherence in all that is written and a sense this pair. They are just not made for each other.
of actuality, which is all that should matter from Narayan has skillfully built up the theme of
the point of view of the novel" (Sundaram 55). marital incompactability. The two characters,.
The English Teacher is indeed more than a work Marco and Rosie , are temperamentally poles
of fiction , it is a deep emotional experience of the apart. Rosie has a Master's degree in Economics
poetry of conjugal love with the tears and smiles. but she belongs to a family traditionally dedicated
As far as the theme of love is concerned, it is to the temples as dancers; " My mother ,
through the character of Ravi that one gets a grandmother, and before her, her mother. Even as
peculier fact of the passion of love. The theme of a young girl, I danced in our village temple" (The
marriage gets an elaborate treatment in the novel Guide 75). On th eother hand, Marco, a man of
Mr.Sampath . The family life of Srinivas provides high social standing her no family at all; he has
the usual middle class married life in which the lived with his books adn papers. He is a total
wife's greatest satisfaction is to feed her husband failure as a husband . the Rosie - Marco story is a
well. The married life of Margayya has its projection of Narayan's treatment of failure in
moments of joy as well as tension. There was not marriage . The theme of love in th econtext of man
46 IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Research Paper
[VOLUME 3 I ISSUE 2 I APRIL – JUNE 2016] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138
http://ijrar.com/ IJRAR Impact Factor 3.215

women relationship finds a chequered and 2. Mehta, Ved. R.K.Narayan, The Illustrated Weekly
complex treatment through the pair of Raju and of India, Jan 23, 1972.
Rosie. The love relationship between Raju and 3. Walsh, William, “Nataraj and the Packet of
Rosie passes through a spectrum of human Saffron”, Reading in the Commonwealth
emotional and deviations. It is passion and Literature
infatuation, reminiscent of similar beginnings in
Oxford: OUP, 1973.
The Bachelor of Arts and Waiting for the
Mahatma. Raju begins as a cunning intriguer in 4. Mukherjee, Nirmal. “Some Aspects of the literary
seducing a married woman. The love relationship Development of R. K. Narayan “The Anasthali
of Raju and Rosie is doomed to fail but it has no Patrika, 13 (1969).
moral sanction. 5. Narayan, R.K. The Bachelor of Arts, Mysore:
Indian Thought Publications, 1987.
To conclude, Narayan's treatment of love and
marriage is a veritable kaleidoscope of human 6. Naik, M.K. The Ironic Vision: A Study of the
relationship. It projects both the beauty and Fiction of R. K. Narayan, New Delhi: Sterling
sordidness of human nature and behaviour. Publishes, 1983.
Narayan's milieu as a writer of fiction is the 7. Narayan, R.K. My Days. London: Chatto & Windus,
family. In his novels , he has delved deep into the 1975.
psyche of man - woman relationship, 8. Narasimhaiah, C.D. The Swan and the Eagle,
encompassing the entire humanity. Simla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 1969.

References 9. Kaul, A.N. “R.K.Narayan and the East West Theme”,

Considerations ed. Meenakshi Mukherjee. New
1. Iyengar, K.R.S. Indian Writing in English, Delhi: Allied Publishers, 1977.
Bombay: Asia Publishing House,1973.
10. Sundaram, P.S. R.K.Narayan, New Delhi: Arnold
Heinemann, 1972.

Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently.

~ Henry Ford

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