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cuapTER ] (2) The Passive CONTENTS 10-1 Active sentences and passive sentences 10-7 Using past participles as adjectives 10-2. Form of the passi stative passive 10-3 Transitive and intransitive verbs 10-8 Participial adjectives: -ed vs. -ing 10-4 Using the by-phrase 10-9 Get +a 10-5 The passive forms of the present ective; get + past participle 10-10 Using be usediaccustomed to and essive get used accustomed to 10-6 Passive modal auxiliaries 10-11 Used to vs. be used to 10-12. Using be supposed to Dast prog (a) and (b) have the same meaning. (b) Passive: The cheese was eaten by the mouse active PASSIVE > aes RS | ) > was exten BY —> In (c):'The object in an active sentence becomes the | s ° subject in a passive sentence rc) Bob. mailed the package. ol [ihe packag ~ a < PASSIVE pees In (d): The subject in an active sentence is the object s* by +0 of by in the by-phrase in a passive sentence (4) “The package! was mailed by Bot 276 BE + PAST PARTICIPLE Form of all passive verbs: be + past participle (@) Corn is Brown by farmers. | Be can be in any of its forms: am, is, are, toas, were, (b) Sara was surprised by the news. | has been, have been, will be, etc. (©) The report willbe written by Mary. ACTIVE PASSIVE SIMPLE PRESENT | Farmers grow corn. > Corn is grown by farmers. SIMPLE PAST ‘The news surprised Sara. + Sara was surprised by the news. PRESENT PERFECT | Jack has mailed the letter. The letter has been mailed by Jack. L FUTURE Mr. Lee will plan the meeting. + The meeting will be planned by Mr. Lee. Sue is going to write the report. + The report is going to be written by Sue. 11 EXERCISE 1. Active vs. passive. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2) Directions: Change the active verbs 10 passive verbs. Write the subject of the passive sentence. 1, SIMPLE PRESENT (@) The teacher helps me. @® 1 am helped _ by the teacher. (b) The teacher helps Jane. (b) Jane is helpea by the teacher. (©) The teacher helps us. © by the teacher. 2. SIMPLE PAST (a) The teacher helped me. @ by the teacher. (b) The teacher helped them. (e) by the teacher. 3. PRESENT PERFECT (a) The teacher has helped Joe. @ by the teacher. (b) The teacher has helped us. () by the teacher. 4. FUTURE (a) The teacher will help me. @ by the teacher. (b) The teacher is going 10 help Tim. (b) by the teacher. The Passive 277 1 EXERCISE 2. Form of the passive. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2) Directions: Change the verbs to the passive. Do not change the tense. PAST Be + PARTICIPLE 1. Bob mailed the The package __was mailed by Bob. package. 2. That company Many people by that company. employs many people. 3. That company Sue by thar company. has hired Sue. 4. The secretary is ‘The letters by the secretary. going to fax the letters. 5. Acollege student My old car by a college student. bought my old car. 6. Mrs. Adams will ‘The work by Mrs. Adams. do the work. 7. Mr. Fox washed The windows by Mr. Fox. the windows. EXERCISE 3. Active vs. passive. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2) Directions: Change the sentences from active to passive. 1. Ms. Hopkins invited me to dinner. ~+ I was invited to dinner by Ms. Hopkins. 2. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. SS" 3. Water surrounds an island. 4. A plumber is going to fix the leaky faucet. 5. A doctor has examined the sick child. 6. A latge number of people speak Spanish. 7. Helicopters fascinate children. 8. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. 9. This news will amaze you. 278 CHAPTER 10 (© EXERCISE 4. Active vs. passive: question forms. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2) Directions: Change the active sentences to passive sentences that have the same meaning and tense. ACTIVE PASSIVE 1, (a) The news surprised John. John was surprised by the news (b) Did the news surprise you? Were you suvprisea by the news? 2. (a) The news surprises Erin, 9 sty the news. (b) Does the news surprise you? _ by the news? 3. (a) The news will shock Steve. by the news. (b) Will the news shock Pat? by the news? 4. (a) Liz signed the petition. by Liz. (b) Did Ryan sign it? by Ryan? Petirion We, the uncarsaned,baeve thatthe house at 3205 Tre Set Suit food earn at atiocnion, tt eves ee 5. (a) Bob has signed the petition, ty Bob. (b) Has Jim signed it yet? by Jim yer? 6. (a) Sue is going to sign it. by Sue. (b) Is Carol going to sign it? by Carol? CI EXERCISE 5. Active vs. passive. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2) Directions: Change the sentences from active to passive. 1. A thief stole Ann’s purse. + Ann’s purse was stolen by a thief. Did a cat kill the bird? ‘My cat didn’t kill the bird. Do a large number of people speak French? Ts the janitor going to fix the window? . Will a maid clean our hotel room? Does the hotel provide clean towels? ernouseen . Sometimes my inability to understand spoken English frustrates me. The Passive 279 EXERCISE 6. Active vs. passive. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2) Directions: Change the passive sentences to active. Keep the same tense. Some of the sentences are questions. 1. Was the riot stopped by the police? “+ Did the police stop the riot? My suitcase was inspected by a customs officer. Love and understanding are needed by all children. ‘Were you taught to read by your parents? Twas taught to read by my parents. Are we going to be met at the train station by your cousin? ~eueun Have the plans for the new hospital already been drawn by the architect? e 8. The bear was chased up a tree by a dog. AND INTRANSITIV! Bah) (@) TRANSITIVE A cransitive verb is a verb that is followed by an object. s v ° ‘An object is a noun or a pronoun. Bob mailed the letter Mr. Lee signed the check. Acat Filled the bird. (b) EVTRANSITIVE An intransitive verb is a verb that is not followed by an s v object, An accident happened. Kate came ro our house. T slept well last night. COMMON INTRANSITIVE VERBS* ‘agree die happen rise stand ‘appear exis laugh seem stay arrive fall five sit talk become Row occur sleep wait come @ rain smecce walk (© TRANSITIVE VERBS | only transitive verbs can be used in the passive. active: Bob mailed the letter. PASSIVE: The letter was mailed by Bob. (@) INTRANSITIVE VERBS An intransitive verb is NoT used in the passive. ACTIVE: An accident happened. | PASSIVE: (nor possible) | CORRECT: An accident was happened. | © *To find our ifa verb is teansitive or intransitive, look in your dictionary. ‘The usual abbreviations are v.t. (transitive) and wii Gotransitive). Some verbs have both transitive and intransitive uses. For example: transitive: Student study books intransitive: Suudevee xu, 280 CHAPTER 10 © EXERCISE 7. Transitive vs. intransitive verbs. (Chart 10-3) Directions: Underline the verbs and identify them as transitive (v.t.) or intransitive (v.i.). Change the sentences to the passive if possible. vi 1. Jack walked to school yesterday. (no change) vee 2. Susie broke the window. > The window was broken by Susie. 3. We stayed in a hotel. 4, The leaves fell to the ground. 5. Islept at my friend’s house last night. 6. An accident happened at the corner of Third and Main. 7. Many people saw the accident. 8. Dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. 9, Lusually agree with my sister. 10. Many people die during a war. 11. The /th/ sound doesn’t occur in my native language. 12. Research scientists will discover a cure for AIDS* someday. 13. A cloud of migrating butterflies appeared out of nowhere 14. Did the Koreans invent gunpowder? 15. In the fairy tale, a princess kissed a frog. “AIDS ~ a disease (Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome). The Passive 281 C EXERCISE 10. Active vs. passive. (Charts 10-1 » 10-4) Directions: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb (active or passive) in parentheses. 1. Yesterday our teacher (arrive) avrivea five minutes late. 2. Our morning paper (read) by over 200,000 people every day. 3. Last night my favorite TV program (interrupt) by a special news bulletin. 4. That’s not my coat. It (belong) to Louise. 5. Our mail (deliver) before noon every day. 6. The “b” in “comb” (pronounce, nor) + Itis silent. 7. A bad accident (happen) on Highway 95 last night. 8. When I (arrive) _ at the airport yesterday, I (meer) by my cousin and a couple of her friends. 9. Yesterday I (hear) about Margaret's divorce. I (surprise) by the news. Janice (shock) 10. A new house (build) next {0 ours next year. 11, Roberto (write) this composition last week. That one (write) by Abdullah, 12. Radium (discover) by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898, 13. At the soccer game yesterday, the winning goal (kick) by Luigi. Over 100,000 people (aitend) the soccer game. 14. A: Do you understand the explanation in the book? B: No, I don’t. I (confuse) byit. 15. A: Where are you going to go to school next year? B: I (accept) by Shoreline Community College. 16. A: I think football is too violent. B: I (agree) ith you. I (prefer) baseball. 284 CHAPTER 10 20. A: When (your bike, steal) ? B: Two days ago. A: (ou, pay) your electric bill yet? B: No, I haven’t, but I’d better pay it today. If I don’t, my electricity (shut off by the power company. A: Did you hear about the accident? B: No. What (happen) ? A: A bicyclist (hit) by a taxi in front of the dorm. B: (the bicyclist, injure) > A: Yes. Someone (call) an ambulance. The bicyclist (take) to City Hospital and (treat) in the emergency ward for cuts and bruises. B: What (happen) __ to the taxi driver? A: He (arrest) for reckless driving. B: He’s lucky that the bicyclist (Rill, not) The Eiffel Tower (be) in Paris, France. It (visit) by millions of people every year. It (design) by Alexandre Biffel (1832-1923). It (erect) in 1889 for the Paris exposition. Since that time, it (be) the most famous landmark in Paris. Today it (recognize) by people throughout the world. ie a is Feige BL (? The Passive 285 CUEXERCISE 11. Active vs. passive. (Charts 10-1 + 10-4) Directions: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. Almost everyone (enjoy) enjoys _ visiting a zo. Today zoos are common. The first 200 (establish) around 3500 years ago by an Egyptian queen for her personal enjoyment. Five hundred years later, a Chinese emperor (establish) a huge z00 to show his power and wealth. Later zoos (establish) for the purpose of studying animals. 7 Some of the early European zoos were dark holes or dirty cages. At that time, people (disgust) by the bad conditions and the mistreatment of 3 the animals. Later, these early zoos (replace) by scientific 3 institutions where animals (study) __ and (heep) 7 in good condition. These research centers (become) e the first modern zoos. As early as the 1940s, scientists (understand) that 0 many kinds of wild animals faced extinction. Since that time, 200s (try) 7 to save many endangered species, but relying on z00s to save species such as the rhinocero: not enough. In the 1980s, the number of rhinos in the world (reduce) from 10,000 to 400. Many rhinos (kill) by poachers, but many also (die) in 5 7% captivity. Zoo breeding programs for rhinos have not been successful. The best method of conservation (be) to leave them in their natural habitat. By 1999, % (286 CHAPTER 10 there (be) more than 13,000 rhinos again living in the wild. These rhinos (sav from extinction by the strong conservation methods of local communities, government agencies, and private landowners. Wildlife biologists still fear that some subspecies of the rhino in Africa and Indonesia (become) = extinct in the near future. Some scientists (believe) _ that half of all animal species in zoos will also be in danger of 19 extinction by the middle of this century, Because zoos want to treat animals humanely and encourage breeding, today animals (pu) __ in large, natural settings instead of small cages. They (watch) et carefully for any signs of disease and (feed) 2 a balanced diet. Most zoos (have) _ —_ 2 23 specially trained veterinarians and a hospital for animals. ‘They also have specially trained keepers. Food (prepare) __ in the 200 kitchen. The food progeam (design) to satisfy che animals’ particular needs. For example, some snakes (feed) ___—___ only once a week, while some birds (feed) several times a day. Today zoo 7 animals (treat) _ 7 well, and 200 breeding programs are important B in the attempt to save many species of wildlife THE PASSIVE FORMS OF THE PRESENT AN PAST PROGRESSIVE ACTIVE PASSIVE The secretary is copying some (a) Some letters are being _| Passive form of the present progressive: lentes copied by the secretary, am : Someone is building a new (b) A new hospital és being is + being + past participle hospital built. are The secretary aus copying (©) Some letters were being | Passive form of the past progressive: some letters copied by the secretary. wa le being 4 jeing + past participle Someone wo: building anew (d) A new hospital was being store] + being + paw porcine hospital. built The Passive 287 I EXERCISE 12. Passive forms. (Chart 10-5) Directions: Complete the sentences with the correct passive forms of the present and past, progressive 1, Mr. Rice is teaching our class today. >» Our class is being taught by Mr. Rice today. 2. Someone is building a new house on Elm Street. + Anew house on Elm Street. 3. The Smith Construction Company is building that house. > That house by the Smith Construction Company. 4. We couldn't use our classroom yesterday because someone was painting it + We couldn't use our classroom yesterday because it __ 5. Someone is organizing a student trip to the art museum. * A student tip to the art museum 6. Dogs usually wag their tails while people are petting them. ~ Dogs usually wag their tails while they 7. Many of the older people in the neighborhood were growing vegetables to help with the war effort. ~ Vegetables by many of the older people in the neighborhood to help with the war effort. 8. According to one scientific estimate, we are losing 20,000 species of plants and animals each year due to the destruction of rainforests. ~ According to one scientific estimate, 20,000 species of plants and animals each year due to the destruction of rainforests. 10-6 PASSIVE MODAL AUXILIARIES ACTIVE MODAL PASSIVE MODAL AUXILIARIES Modal ausiliaries are often used in the ‘AUXILIARIES (MODAL + BE + PAST PARTICIPLE) | passive. Bob will mail it. It will be mailed by Bob. | FORM: modal + be + past participle Bob can mail it It can be mailed by Bob. | (See Chapter 7 for information about Bob should mali. It should be mailed _by Bob. the meanings and uses of modal Bob ought to mail it. It ought to be mailed _by Bob. | auxiliaries.) Bob must mai? it Ie must be mailed by Bob. | Bob hasomalit. thas tobe mailed — by Bob Bob may mail it. It may be mailed _by Bob. Bob might mail it, ‘Tt_——smaight be mailed —_by Bob. Bob could mail it. It could be mailed by Bob. 288 CHAPTER 10 C1 EXERCISE 13. Passive modals. (Chart 10-6) Directions: Complete the sentences by changing the active modals to passive modals. 1. Someone must send this letter immediately. +> This letter wust be sent immediately. 2. People should plant tomatoes in the spring. + Tomatoes in the spring. 3. People cannot control the weather. > The weather 4, Someone had to fix our car before we left for Chicago. > Our car before we left for Chicago. 5. People can reach me at 555-3815. or at 555-3815. 6. You can find flowers in almost every part of the world. > Flowers in almost every part of the world. 7. Someone ought to wash these dirty dishes soon + These dirty dishes ‘soon. 8, People may cook carrots or eat them raw. + Carrots or raw. 9. If the river floods, water could destroy the village. > The village if the river floods. 10. You must keep medicine out of the reach of children. > Medicine out of the reach of children. 11. You shouldn’t pronounce the “b” in “lamb.” + The “b” in “lamb” 12. People can wear some watches underwater. > Some watches underwater. The Passive 289 CI EXERCISE 14. Active vs. passive. (Charts 10-1 -> 10-6) Directions: Complete the sentences with any appropriate tense, active or passive, of the verbs in parentheses. In prehistoric times, huge herds of horses (tive) livea throughout the 1 Americas. But then, for some unknown reason, they (disappear) 2 completely from North and South America, Even though the early horses (die) out in the Americas, they (survive) in Asia, 3 7 Long ago, horses (domesticate)* by central Asian nomads. At first, horses (use) in war and in hunting, and oxen 3 (use) for farming. Later, horses also (become) farm animals. Horses (reintroduce) into the Americas by a Spaniards early in the fifteenth century. Spanish explorers (come) in 0 ships to the New World with their horses on board. When the explorers (return) = to Spain, they (leave) 7 some of their horses behind. These (develop) 7 into wild herds. Native American, tribes in the western plains (begin) 7 to use horses around 1600. Wild horses (capture) 7 and (tame) - for use in war and in hunting. In the 1800s, there were several million wild horses in North America. By the 1970s, that number had become less than 20,000. The wild horses (hunt) 7 and (kill) 7 principally for use as pet food. Today in the United States, wild horses (owes 7 by law. They (can kill, not) x for sport or profit. What is your opinion? (wild horses, should protect ) by law? 2 “People domesticate (tame) animals, 290 CHAPTER 10

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