Valentina Gonzalez Garcia - Tpol Question Answer Responses 2021

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TPOL Question & Answer Responses 2021

After your presentation slides, we will continue the conversation with specific questions that we have for you
about your work throughout the year.

Directions: Write at least a 1 paragraph response to each prompt using complete sentences and proper
spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

1. What have you learned about yourself as a student this semester? How will you use this
information/knowledge as you approach a new school year?

What I have learned about myself as a student is that I am a fast learner if I put effort into what I am learning. My first
example of this would be Math. Last year I thought I wasn’t good at Math but this semester I started to put effort into
Math class and I have been having good grades and I have been passing my Math quizzes. Another example would be
Physics. This semester we started to code and I have never coded before but I was putting effort into my assignments
and I found out that coding was something that wasn’t hard. How I will use this knowledge for next semester is I will try
my best in all my classes.

2. Describe a stressful (positive and/or negative) situation from this year. How did you handle the
situation and what was the outcome? How have you learned to productively and effectively handle
yourself around others when you are feeling stressed/frustrated/sad/angry or other intense emotions?

A stressful moment for me this semester would probably be my Mars Essay. With my final revisions I ended up
procrastinating and started working on it at around 11:00. I got pretty nervous during this situation because I thought I
was going to turn this assignment in late but I ended up calming down and was able to finish it in time. This has taught
me to be more responsible with my time management on this assignment and on other assignments. After this moment
I started using the notes app on my phone to remind myself to do the homework.

3. How have you challenged yourself to “get out of your comfort zone”? Explain and be specific with

One way I have challenged myself this semester to get out of my comfort zone was communicating with my peers and
teachers. Last year I didn’t ask a lot of questions and wouldn’t be able to communicate well when I worked on a group
project. One example of me being able to get out of my comfort zone is asking questions to my teachers when I am
stuck. Making sure the people in my breakout room or at my table need help. I also started volunteering to answer
questions or to do In lak'ech.

4. What would you tell your 10th grade teacher about the way you learn, the way you interact with
others, and your strengths? What is important for them to know about you, and why?

What I would like my 10th grade teacher to know about the way I learn is that I am able to focus in class and learn
when I put my best effort into it. I am now getting better at talking with others in group work this semester. A strength of
mine is that when I understand a subject well I am able to help others out that don’t know a lot about a particular
subject. Something important my 10th grade teacher would need to know about me is my study habits. I am working
currently on making my studying habits better by not procrastinating, I would want them to know that it is one of my
characteristics when I turn in homework.

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